--- /dev/null
+# This YAML file describes your package. Stack will automatically generate a
+# Cabal file when you run `stack build`. See the hpack website for help with
+# this file: <https://github.com/sol/hpack>.
+name: advent15
+synopsis: Advent of Code
+version: '0.0.1'
+- AllowAmbiguousTypes
+- ApplicativeDo
+- BangPatterns
+- BlockArguments
+- DataKinds
+- DeriveFoldable
+- DeriveFunctor
+- DeriveGeneric
+- DeriveTraversable
+- EmptyCase
+- FlexibleContexts
+- FlexibleInstances
+- FunctionalDependencies
+- GADTs
+- GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+- ImplicitParams
+- KindSignatures
+- LambdaCase
+- MonadComprehensions
+- MonoLocalBinds
+- MultiParamTypeClasses
+- MultiWayIf
+- NamedFieldPuns
+- NegativeLiterals
+- NumDecimals
+# - OverloadedLists
+- OverloadedStrings
+- PartialTypeSignatures
+- PatternGuards
+- PatternSynonyms
+- PolyKinds
+- RankNTypes
+- RecordWildCards
+- ScopedTypeVariables
+- TemplateHaskell
+- TransformListComp
+- TupleSections
+- TypeApplications
+- TypeFamilies
+- TypeInType
+- TypeOperators
+- ViewPatterns
+ advent15:
+ main: advent15.hs
+ source-dirs: src
+ dependencies:
+ - base >= 2 && < 6
+ - text
+ - vector
+ advent15slow:
+ main: advent15slow.hs
+ source-dirs: src
+ dependencies:
+ - base >= 2 && < 6
+ - text
+ - containers
--- /dev/null
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import Prelude hiding (round)
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.ST
+import Data.STRef
+import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as V
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do let seed = [20, 0, 1, 11, 6, 3]
+ -- print seed
+ print $ part1 seed
+ print $ part2 seed
+part1 seed = runGame seed 2020
+part2 seed = runGame seed 30000000
+zeroInt :: Int
+zeroInt = 0
+seedGame seed historySize =
+ do round <- newSTRef $ length seed
+ word <- newSTRef $ last seed
+ history <- V.replicate historySize zeroInt
+ forM_ (zip (init seed) [1..]) $ \(t, s) -> V.write history t s
+ return (round, word, history)
+runGame seed roundsNeeded =
+ runST $
+ do (round, word, history) <- seedGame seed roundsNeeded
+ gameStep roundsNeeded round word history
+ readSTRef word
+gameStep :: Int -> STRef s Int -> STRef s Int -> V.MVector s Int -> ST s ()
+gameStep targetRound round word history =
+ do roundVal <- readSTRef round
+ if roundVal == targetRound
+ then return ()
+ else do
+ wordVal <- readSTRef word
+ wordH <- V.read history wordVal
+ let word' = speakWord wordH roundVal
+ V.write history wordVal roundVal
+ modifySTRef round (+1)
+ writeSTRef word word'
+ gameStep targetRound round word history
+speakWord :: Int -> Int -> Int
+speakWord 0 _ = 0
+speakWord prev now = now - prev
--- /dev/null
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import Prelude hiding (round)
+import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
+data Game = Game { round :: Int
+ , word :: Int
+ , history :: M.IntMap Int
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do let seed = [20, 0, 1, 11, 6, 3]
+ -- print seed
+ print $ part1 seed
+ print $ part2 seed
+part1 = word . (gameRound 2020) . seedGame
+-- part2 = word . (gameRound 30000000) . seedGame
+part2 g0 = (word gf, maximum $ M.keys $ history gf)
+ where gf = (gameRound 30000000) $ seedGame g0
+seedGame seed = Game {..}
+ where round = length seed
+ word = last seed
+ history = M.fromList $ zip (init seed) [1..]
+infiniteGame g = iterate gameStep g
+gameRound r game0 = head $ dropWhile notYet $ infiniteGame game0
+ where notYet game = round game < r
+gameStep Game{..} =
+ Game { round = round + 1
+ , word = word'
+ , history = history'
+ }
+ where
+ word' = speakWord (M.lookup word history) round
+ history' = M.insert word round history
+speakWord Nothing _ = 0
+speakWord (Just prev) now = now - prev
- advent12
- advent13
- advent14
+- advent15
# Dependency packages to be pulled from upstream that are not in the resolver.
# These entries can reference officially published versions as well as