+ # Calculates the initial similarity of each vertex in a product graph.
+ # If passed an optional block, that block is used to find the
+ # initial similarity. If no block is given, every vertex is given
+ # an initial similarity of 1.0.
def initial_similarity
self.vertices.each do |v|
if block_given?
- # Performs similarity flooding on a graph
+ # Performs similarity flooding on a graph, as described by
+ # Sergey Melnik, Hector Garcia-Molina, and Erhard Rahm,
+ # "Similarity Flooding: A Versatile Graph Matching Algorithm
+ # and its Application to Schema Matching", Proceedings of
+ # the 18th International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’02)
+ #
# Assumes that the initial similarity has already been calculated
+ # If passed an optional block, it uses that block to update the
+ # similarity on each iteration. If no block is passed, it uses the
+ # default similarity updating method from the paper.
def similarity_flood(opts = {})
max_iterations = opts[:iterations] || 100
max_residual = opts[:max_residual] || 0.001