+++ /dev/null
-import Data.Map.Strict as M
-import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
-import Data.List
-data Coins = Red | Blue | Shiny | Corroded | Concave
- deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
-allCoins = [Red .. Concave]
-main = print solve
-coins :: M.Map Coins Int
-coins = M.fromList $ zip [Red .. Concave] [2, 9, 5, 3, 7]
-solve :: [[Coins]]
-solve = [ [a, b, c, d, e]
- | [a, b, c, d, e] <- permutations allCoins
- , (coins ! a) + (coins ! b) * (coins ! c) ^2 + (coins ! d) ^3 - (coins ! e) == 399
- ]
--- /dev/null
+## First code
+From arch.spec hint section
+> pwiuBbPSgwrt
+## Second code
+After self-test
+## Third code
+After using the tablet
+> PRfkKApjpukS
+## Fourth code
+Lighting the lantern in the cavern
+## Using the teleporter
+> PLqwUDZxwKuh
take tablet
use tablet
take tablet
-# get first code
+# get third code
use tablet
-# get second code
+# get fourth code
use shiny coin
use concave coin
use corroded coin
-# now got coin puzzle code
+# now got fifth code code
take teleporter
use teleporter
take business card
take strange book
-look bookshelf
-look business card
-look strange book
+# issue :poke8 command here
+# this gets the sixth code
+use teleporter
--- /dev/null
+take tablet
+# get third code
+use tablet
+take empty lantern
+take can
+use can
+use lantern
+# get fourth code
+take red coin
+take blue coin
+take shiny coin
+take concave coin
+take corroded coin
+look monument
+look red coin
+look blue coin
+look shiny coin
+look corroded coin
+look concave coin
+use blue coin
+use red coin
+use shiny coin
+use concave coin
+use corroded coin
+# now got fifth code code
+take teleporter
+use teleporter
+take business card
+take strange book
+look business card
+look strange book
+# issue :poke8 command here
+# this gets the sixth code
+use teleporter
+take journal
+take orb
--- /dev/null
+use tablet
+take empty lantern
+take can
+use can
+use lantern
+take red coin
+take blue coin
+take shiny coin
+take concave coin
+take corroded coin
+use blue coin
+use red coin
+use shiny coin
+use concave coin
+use corroded coin
+take teleporter
+use teleporter
+take business card
+take strange book
+look strange book
+use teleporter
+take orb
+look orb
--- /dev/null
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import Data.List
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+-- import Data.Maybe
+import Control.Monad.State.Strict
+-- import Control.Monad.Reader
+-- import Control.Monad.Writer
+-- import Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
+import Control.Parallel.Strategies
+type Memo = M.Map (Int, Int) Int
+type MemoF = State Memo
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do let resultPairs = fmap evalAck [0 .. (2 ^ 15 - 1)] `using` parList rdeepseq
+ let result = filter ((== 6) . snd) resultPairs
+ print result
+r7Gives6 :: Int -> Bool
+r7Gives6 r7 = result == 6
+ where result = evalState (ackermann 4 1 r7) M.empty
+evalAck :: Int -> (Int, Int)
+evalAck r7 = (r7, evalState (ackermann 4 1 r7) M.empty)
+ackermann :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MemoF Int
+ackermann r0 r1 r7 = do
+ memoResult <- memoLookup r0 r1
+ case memoResult of
+ Just r -> return r
+ Nothing ->
+ do if r0 == 0
+ then do let res = ((r1 + 1) `mod` (2 ^ 15))
+ memoStore r0 r1 res
+ return res
+ else if r1 == 0
+ then do res <- ackermann (r0 - 1) r7 r7
+ memoStore r0 r1 res
+ return res
+ else do subResult <- ackermann r0 (r1 - 1) r7
+ res <- ackermann (r0 - 1) subResult r7
+ memoStore r0 r1 res
+ return res
+memoLookup :: Int -> Int -> MemoF (Maybe Int)
+memoLookup r0 r1 =
+ do table <- get
+ return $ M.lookup (r0, r1) table
+memoStore :: Int -> Int -> Int -> MemoF ()
+memoStore r0 r1 result =
+ do table <- get
+ let table' = M.insert (r0, r1) result table
+ put table'
--- /dev/null
+import Data.Map.Strict as M
+import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
+import Data.List
+data Coins = Red | Blue | Shiny | Corroded | Concave
+ deriving (Ord, Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded)
+allCoins = [Red .. Concave]
+main = print solve
+coins :: M.Map Coins Int
+coins = M.fromList $ zip [Red .. Concave] [2, 9, 5, 3, 7]
+solve :: [[Coins]]
+solve = [ [a, b, c, d, e]
+ | [a, b, c, d, e] <- permutations allCoins
+ , (coins ! a) + (coins ! b) * (coins ! c) ^2 + (coins ! d) ^3 - (coins ! e) == 399
+ ]
handleCommand ":poke8" state =
do let machines = state ^. ssMachines
let machine = head machines
- let machine' = machine & registers . ix 7 .~ 1
+ let machine' = machine & registers . ix 7 .~ 25734
+ & memory . ix 5489 .~ 21
+ & memory . ix 5490 .~ 21
+ & memory . ix 5495 .~ 7
+ -- let machine' = machine & memory . ix 5451 .~ 7
return $ state & ssMachines .~ (machine' : (tail machines))
handleCommand command state = return $ runOneInput state command
(exState, machine', output) = runMachine [] (machine & inputIndex .~ 0)
runOneInput :: SynacorState -> String -> SynacorState
+runOneInput state ":poke8" = state & ssMachines .~ ssMAchinesNew
+ where machine0 = head $ state ^. ssMachines
+ machine = machine0 & registers . ix 7 .~ 25734
+ & memory . ix 5489 .~ 21
+ & memory . ix 5490 .~ 21
+ & memory . ix 5495 .~ 7
+ ssMAchinesNew = machine : (tail $ state ^. ssMachines)
runOneInput state input = state & ssMachines %~ (machine' :)
& ssInputs %~ (input :)
& ssOutputs %~ ((showOutput output) :)
-- returns (returnValue, finalMachine, outputs)
runMachine :: [Word16] -> Machine -> (ExecutionState, Machine, [Word16])
-runMachine inputs machine = runRWS runAll inputs machine
+runMachine inputs machine = runRWS (runAll (10 ^ 6)) inputs machine
makeMachine :: Memory -> Machine
-- ) x
-- return x'
-runAll :: ProgrammedMachine ExecutionState
-runAll = do cip <- gets _ip
- opcode <- getLocation cip
- traceMachine
- -- opcode' <- traceMachine opcode
- -- exState <- runStep opcode'
- exState <- runStep opcode
- case exState of
- Terminated -> return Terminated
- Blocked -> return Blocked
- _ -> runAll
+runAll :: Int -> ProgrammedMachine ExecutionState
+runAll executionLimit
+ | executionLimit == 0 = return Terminated
+ | otherwise =
+ do cip <- gets _ip
+ opcode <- getLocation cip
+ traceMachine
+ -- opcode' <- traceMachine opcode
+ -- exState <- runStep opcode'
+ exState <- runStep opcode
+ case exState of
+ Terminated -> return Terminated
+ Blocked -> return Blocked
+ _ -> runAll (executionLimit - 1)
runStep :: Word16 -> ProgrammedMachine ExecutionState
traceMachine = do
isTracing <- gets _tracing
when isTracing
- do cip <- gets _ip
+ do cip <- gets _ip
+ (l, _) <- dissembleInstruction cip
+ registers <- gets _registers
+ let regVals = intercalate "; " $ fmap show $ M.elems registers
+ stack <- gets _stack
+ let stackVals = intercalate "; " $ fmap show $ take 10 stack
+ tell $ fmap (fromIntegral . ord) (">> " ++ l ++ " : r> " ++ regVals ++ " : s> " ++ stackVals ++ "<<")
+runDissemble :: Word16 -> Int -> Machine -> [String]
+runDissemble startAt num machine =fst $ evalRWS (dissemble startAt num) [] machine
+dissemble :: Word16 -> Int -> ProgrammedMachine [String]
+dissemble startAt num = go startAt num []
+ where go _ 0 ls = return $ reverse ls
+ go here n ls =
+ do (line, step) <- dissembleInstruction here
+ go (here + step) (n - 1) (line : ls)
+dissembleInstruction :: Word16 -> ProgrammedMachine (String, Word16)
+dissembleInstruction cip =
+ do -- cip <- gets _ip
opcode <- getLocation cip
- a <- getLocation (cip + 1)
- b <- getLocation (cip + 2)
- c <- getLocation (cip + 3)
+ mem <- gets _memory
+ let a = mem ! (cip + 1)
+ let b = mem ! (cip + 2)
+ let c = mem ! (cip + 3)
let sa = show a
let sb = show b
let sc = show c
18 -> ["ret"]
19 -> ["out", sa, "*", sva]
20 -> ["in", sa, "*", sva]
- 21 -> ["noop", sa, sb, sc, "*", sva, svb, svc]
+ 21 -> ["noop"]
_ -> ["illegal", sa, sb, sc, "*", sva, svb, svc]
- tell $ fmap (fromIntegral . ord) (">> " ++ (show cip) ++ ": " ++ (intercalate " " traceText) ++ "<<")
+ let stepSize =
+ if | opcode `elem` [0, 18, 21] -> 1
+ | opcode `elem` [2, 3, 6, 17, 19, 20] -> 2
+ | opcode `elem` [1, 7, 8, 14, 15, 16] -> 3
+ | opcode `elem` [4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] -> 4
+ | otherwise -> 1
+ return ( ((show cip) ++ ": " ++ (intercalate " " traceText))
+ , stepSize
+ )
getValue :: Word16 -> ProgrammedMachine Word16
getValue loc =
hs-source-dirs: app, src
default-language: Haskell2010
+executable ackermann
+ import: common-extensions
+ main-is: Main.hs
+ main-is: Ackermann.hs
+ build-depends: base >=4.16, containers, mtl, parallel
+ hs-source-dirs: app, src
+ default-language: Haskell2010
+ hs-source-dirs: ., app, src
+ ghc-options: -O2
+ -Wall
+ -threaded
+ -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N"
executable coinsolver
import: common-extensions
main-is: Main.hs
- build-depends: split
main-is: CoinSolver.hs
build-depends: base >=4.16, containers
hs-source-dirs: app, src
-rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N"
import: common-extensions
build-depends: base >=4.16, containers, binary, bytestring, mtl, lens
+++ /dev/null
-take tablet
+++ /dev/null
-take tablet
-go south
-go north
-go doorway