--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+while True:
+ if button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ reset(np)
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture() # Add this line
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture() # Add this line
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed(): # Change this line
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ reset(np)
+ last_gesture = gesture # Add this line
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+# Add this function
+def explode(pixels):
+ initial_colour = (255, 128, 128)
+ for i in range(BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + i] = initial_colour
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i] = initial_colour
+ pixels.show()
+ time.sleep(0.5)
+# End of function to add
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ explode(np) # Add this line
+ reset(np)
+ last_gesture = gesture
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+# Add these functions
+def fade_all(pixels, fade_by=0.9):
+ for i in range(NP_COUNT):
+ fade(pixels, i, fade_by=fade_by)
+ pixels.show()
+def fade(pixels, n, fade_by=0.9):
+ r, g, b = pixels[n]
+ pixels[n] = (int(r * fade_by), int(g * fade_by), int(b * fade_by))
+# End of functions to add
+def explode(pixels):
+ initial_colour = (255, 128, 128)
+ for i in range(BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + i] = initial_colour
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i] = initial_colour
+ fade_all(pixels, fade_by=0.95) # Add this line
+ # pixels.show() # Remove this line
+ # time.sleep(0.5) # Remove this line
+ for _ in range(30): # Add this line
+ fade_all(pixels) # Add this line
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ explode(np)
+ reset(np)
+ last_gesture = gesture
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+import random # Add this line
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+# Add this block
+FIREWORK_COLOURS = [ (255, 128, 128), (128, 255, 128), (128, 128, 255)
+ , (255, 255, 128), (255, 128, 255), (128, 255, 255)
+ ]
+def fade_all(pixels, fade_by=0.9):
+ for i in range(NP_COUNT):
+ fade(pixels, i, fade_by=fade_by)
+ pixels.show()
+def fade(pixels, n, fade_by=0.9):
+ r, g, b = pixels[n]
+ pixels[n] = (int(r * fade_by), int(g * fade_by), int(b * fade_by))
+def explode(pixels):
+ initial_colour = random.choice(FIREWORK_COLOURS) # Change this line
+ for i in range(BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + i] = initial_colour
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i] = initial_colour
+ fade_all(pixels, fade_by=0.95) # Add this line
+ for _ in range(30):
+ fade_all(pixels)
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ explode(np)
+ reset(np)
+ last_gesture = gesture
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+import random
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+FIREWORK_COLOURS = [ (255, 128, 128), (128, 255, 128), (128, 128, 255)
+ , (255, 255, 128), (255, 128, 255), (128, 255, 255)
+ ]
+def fade_all(pixels, first=0, last=NP_COUNT, fade_by=0.9): # Change this line
+ for i in range(first, last): # Change this line
+ fade(pixels, i, fade_by=fade_by)
+ pixels.show()
+def fade(pixels, n, fade_by=0.9):
+ r, g, b = pixels[n]
+ pixels[n] = (int(r * fade_by), int(g * fade_by), int(b * fade_by))
+def explode(pixels):
+ initial_colour = random.choice(FIREWORK_COLOURS)
+ for i in range(BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + i] = initial_colour
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i] = initial_colour
+ fade_all( pixels, fade_by=0.95 # Change this line
+ , first=(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i) # Add this line
+ , last= (NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + 1) # Add this line
+ ) # Add this line
+ for _ in range(30):
+ fade_all(pixels, first=(NP_COUNT - 2 * BURST_SIZE)) # Change this line
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ explode(np)
+ reset(np)
+ last_gesture = gesture
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+import random
+NP_COUNT = 60
+DISPLAY_ANIMATION_SPEED = 500 # Add this line
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+FIREWORK_COLOURS = [ (255, 128, 128), (128, 255, 128), (128, 128, 255)
+ , (255, 255, 128), (255, 128, 255), (128, 255, 255)
+ ]
+def fade_all(pixels, first=0, last=NP_COUNT, fade_by=0.9):
+ for i in range(first, last):
+ fade(pixels, i, fade_by=fade_by)
+ pixels.show()
+def fade(pixels, n, fade_by=0.9):
+ r, g, b = pixels[n]
+ pixels[n] = (int(r * fade_by), int(g * fade_by), int(b * fade_by))
+def explode(pixels):
+ initial_colour = random.choice(FIREWORK_COLOURS)
+ for i in range(BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + i] = initial_colour
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i] = initial_colour
+ fade_all( pixels, fade_by=0.95
+ , first=(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i)
+ , last= (NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + 1)
+ )
+ for _ in range(30):
+ fade_all(pixels, first=(NP_COUNT - 2 * BURST_SIZE))
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+ display.show(Image.DIAMOND) # Add this line
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ display.show(Image.ARROW_S) # Add this line
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+display_timer = 0 # Add this line
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ explode(np)
+ reset(np)
+ last_gesture = gesture
+ #########################################
+ # Add these lines
+ else:
+ # animate the waiting
+ display_timer = (display_timer + 1) % DISPLAY_ANIMATION_SPEED
+ if display_timer > (DISPLAY_ANIMATION_SPEED / 2):
+ display.show(Image.DIAMOND_SMALL)
+ else:
+ display.show(Image.DIAMOND)
+ # End of lines to add
+ #########################################
--- /dev/null
+from microbit import *
+import neopixel
+import random
+import radio # Add this line
+NP_COUNT = 60
+np = neopixel.NeoPixel(pin0, NP_COUNT)
+radio.on() # Add this line
+BLUE = (0, 0, 64)
+RED = (64, 0, 0)
+OFF = (0, 0, 0)
+# Add this block
+FIREWORK_COLOURS = [ (255, 128, 128), (128, 255, 128), (128, 128, 255)
+ , (255, 255, 128), (255, 128, 255), (128, 255, 255)
+ ]
+def fade_all(pixels, first=0, last=NP_COUNT, fade_by=0.9):
+ for i in range(first, last):
+ fade(pixels, i, fade_by=fade_by)
+ pixels.show()
+def fade(pixels, n, fade_by=0.9):
+ r, g, b = pixels[n]
+ pixels[n] = (int(r * fade_by), int(g * fade_by), int(b * fade_by))
+def explode(pixels):
+ initial_colour = random.choice(FIREWORK_COLOURS)
+ for i in range(BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + i] = initial_colour
+ pixels[NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i] = initial_colour
+ fade_all( pixels, fade_by=0.95
+ , first=(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE - i)
+ , last= (NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE + 1)
+ )
+ for _ in range(30):
+ fade_all(pixels, first=(NP_COUNT - 2 * BURST_SIZE))
+def reset(pixels):
+ for n in range(NP_COUNT):
+ pixels[n] = OFF
+ pixels[0] = BLUE
+ np.show()
+ display.show(Image.DIAMOND)
+def shoot_firework(pixels):
+ display.show(Image.ARROW_S)
+ for pixel in range(NP_COUNT - BURST_SIZE):
+ pixels[pixel] = RED
+ pixels.show()
+ sleep(20)
+ pixels[pixel] = OFF
+ pixels.show()
+def all_firework():
+ radio.send('fire') # Add this line
+ shoot_firework(np)
+ explode(np)
+ reset(np)
+display_timer = 0
+radio_timer = 0
+last_gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+while True:
+ gesture = accelerometer.current_gesture()
+ if gesture != last_gesture or button_a.is_pressed():
+ # set off a firework
+ all_firework()
+ last_gesture = gesture
+ elif radio_timer > 0 and radio_timer == display_timer:
+ all_firework()
+ radio_timer = 0
+ last_gesture = gesture
+ else:
+ # animate the waiting
+ display_timer = (display_timer + 1) % DISPLAY_ANIMATION_SPEED
+ if display_timer > (DISPLAY_ANIMATION_SPEED / 2):
+ display.show(Image.DIAMOND_SMALL)
+ else:
+ display.show(Image.DIAMOND)
+ received = radio.receive()
+ if received == 'fire' and random.randrange(5) == 0:
+ radio_timer = (display_timer + random.randint(50, 350)) % DISPLAY_ANIMATION_SPEED