import Data.List
main :: IO ()
main = do
text <- readFile "data/advent02.txt"
addCounts :: (Int, Int) -> [Int] -> (Int, Int)
addCounts (twos, threes) counts = (twos', threes')
- where twos' = if has2 counts then twos + 1 else twos
- threes' = if has3 counts then threes + 1 else threes
-has2 = elem 2
-has3 = elem 3
+ where twos' = if 2 `elem` counts then twos + 1 else twos
+ threes' = if 3 `elem` counts then threes + 1 else threes
-part2 ids = uncurry sameChars closeIds
- where closeIds = head $ filter (\ab -> uncurry differenceCount ab == 1) [(a, b) | a <- ids, b <- ids]
+part2 ids = uncurry intersect closeIds
+ where closeIds = head $ filter (\ab -> uncurry differenceCount ab == 1)
+ [(a, b) | a:rest <- tails ids, b <- rest]
differenceCount :: String -> String -> Int
differenceCount this that = length $ filter (\(a, b) -> a /= b) $ zip this that
-sameChars :: String -> String -> String
-sameChars this that = map fst $ filter (\(a, b) -> a == b) $ zip this that