--- /dev/null
+-- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2023/12/02/advent-of-code-2023-day-02/
+import AoC
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (Result)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Semigroup
+import Data.Foldable
+-- import Control.Applicative (Applicative(liftA2))
+data Game = Game {getID :: Int, getRevelations :: [Revelation Int]}
+ deriving (Show)
+data Revelation a = Revelation a a a
+ deriving (Show, Functor, Foldable)
+instance Applicative Revelation where
+ pure n = Revelation n n n
+ (Revelation rf gf bf) <*> (Revelation r g b) =
+ Revelation (rf r) (gf g) (bf b)
+instance (Semigroup a) => Semigroup (Revelation a) where
+ rev1 <> rev2 = liftA2 (<>) rev1 rev2
+instance (Monoid a) => Monoid (Revelation a) where
+ mempty = Revelation mempty mempty mempty
+data ParsedGame = ParsedGame Int [Showings] deriving (Show)
+type Showings = [Cube]
+data Cube = Cube Colour Int deriving (Show)
+data Colour = Red | Green | Blue deriving (Show)
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
+ text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
+ let parsedGames = successfulParse text
+ -- print parsedGames
+ let games = fmap engame parsedGames
+ -- print games
+ print $ part1 games
+ print $ part2 games
+part1, part2 :: [Game] -> Int
+part1 = sum . fmap getID . filter (possible limit)
+ where limit = Revelation 12 13 14
+part2 = sum . fmap (power . required)
+possible :: Revelation Int -> Game -> Bool
+-- possible limit = all id . liftA2 (>=) limit . required
+possible limit = getAll . fold . fmap All . liftA2 (>=) limit . required
+required :: Game -> Revelation Int
+required = fmap getMax . mconcat . fmap (fmap Max) . getRevelations
+power :: Revelation Int -> Int
+power = getProduct . fold . fmap Product
+-- conversion from parsed to real data
+engame :: ParsedGame -> Game
+engame (ParsedGame n showings) = Game n (fmap revealify showings)
+revealify :: Showings -> Revelation Int
+revealify = fmap getSum . mconcat . fmap (fmap Sum) . fmap reveal
+reveal :: Cube -> Revelation Int
+reveal (Cube Red n) = Revelation n 0 0
+reveal (Cube Green n) = Revelation 0 n 0
+reveal (Cube Blue n) = Revelation 0 0 n
+-- Parse the input file
+gamesP :: Parser [ParsedGame]
+gameP :: Parser ParsedGame
+showingsP :: Parser [Showings]
+showingP :: Parser Showings
+cubeP :: Parser Cube
+colourP, redP, greenP, blueP :: Parser Colour
+gamesP = gameP `sepBy` endOfLine
+gameP = ParsedGame <$> (("Game " *> decimal) <* ": ") <*> showingsP
+showingsP = showingP `sepBy` "; "
+showingP = cubeP `sepBy` ", "
+cubeP = (flip Cube) <$> (decimal <* " ") <*> colourP
+colourP = redP <|> greenP <|> blueP
+redP = Red <$ "red"
+greenP = Green <$ "green"
+blueP = Blue <$ "blue"
+successfulParse :: Text -> [ParsedGame]
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly gamesP input of
+ Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right matches -> matches