-# Code Club - Mini Band Project
-Updated project for Code Club, using Arduino and Raspberry Pi
+Code Club - Mini Band Project
+# Updated project for Code Club, using Arduino and Raspberry Pi
<img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8338/8256708023_4a941566e9.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="photo (2)">
## You will need:
* 1 x Raspberry Pi (plus monitor and power supply)
-* USB hub
-* 2 x Arduino Uno boards (with USB cables)
+* 1 x Arduino Uno boards (with USB cables)
* 1 x strip potentiometer
* 2 x tilt sensors
* 4 x piezo buzzers (the type in greetings cards, easy to get from Maplin)
-* 10K resistors
+* 7 × 10K resistors
* Bread boards (1 per instrument)
* Card
* Sugru (or some other modelling material)