import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
-import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
-import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
-import Data.List
import qualified Data.Set as S
--- import Data.Char
+import Data.Char
import Data.List
-type Position = (Integer, Integer) -- x, y
-type Boundary = [Position]
-data Direction = North | East | South | West deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-data ReturnValue = Static | Moved | Goal deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-data Droid = Droid
- { _machine :: Machine
- , _executionState :: ExecutionState
- , _currentInput :: [Integer]
- , _machineOutput :: [Integer]
- } deriving (Eq)
-instance Show Droid where
- show d = "Droid {<m>, _executionState = " ++ show (_executionState d) ++
- ", _currentInput = " ++ show (_currentInput d) ++
- ", _machineOutput = " ++ show (_machineOutput d) ++
- " }"
+import Control.Monad
+type Position = (Integer, Integer) -- r, c
+data Direction = North | East | South | West deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
+data Step = F | ACW | CW deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data Command = FN Int | L | R | A | B | C deriving (Eq)
+instance Show Command where
+ show (FN n) = show n
+ show L = "L"
+ show R = "R"
+ show A = "A"
+ show B = "B"
+ show C = "C"
+ showList [] s = s
+ showList (c:[]) s = (show c) ++ s
+ showList (c:cs) s = (show c) ++ "," ++ (showList cs s)
+type Routine = ([Command], [Command], [Command], [Command])
type Scaffold = S.Set Position
-data ScaffoldBuilder = ScaffoldBuilder { _scaffold :: Scaffold
- , _r :: Integer
- , _c :: Integer
- , _droidPos :: Position
- , _droidDirection :: Direction
- } deriving (Show, Eq)
+data ScaffoldBuilder = ScaffoldBuilder
+ { _scaffold :: Scaffold
+ , _r :: Integer
+ , _c :: Integer
+ , _droidPos :: Position
+ , _droidDirection :: Direction
+ } deriving (Show, Eq)
main :: IO ()
-- print mem
let sb = buildScaffold mem
print $ part1 sb
- -- print $ part2 mem
+ let (scaff, num) = part2 sb mem
+ putStrLn scaff
+ print num
part1 sb = S.foldl (+) 0 $ alignmentParam intersections
intersections = S.filter (isIntersection scaffold) scaffold
+part2 sb mem = (scaff, last output)
+ where compressedCmds = findRoutine sb
+ inputs = encodeRoutine compressedCmds
+ mem' = (2:(tail mem))
+ (_, _, output) = runProgram inputs mem'
+ scaff = map (chr . fromIntegral) $ init output
+buildScaffold :: [Integer] -> ScaffoldBuilder
buildScaffold mem = foldl' addGridChar emptyScaffoldBuilder output
where (_, _, output) = runProgram [] mem
emptyScaffoldBuilder = ScaffoldBuilder {_scaffold = S.empty, _r = 0, _c = 0,
_droidPos = (0, 0), _droidDirection = North }
+addGridChar :: ScaffoldBuilder -> Integer -> ScaffoldBuilder
addGridChar sb 10 = sb { _r = _r sb + 1, _c = 0 }
addGridChar sb 46 = sb { _c = _c sb + 1 }
addGridChar sb 35 = sb { _scaffold = S.insert (_r sb, _c sb) $ _scaffold sb,
alignmentParam (r, c) = r * c
--- runDroid :: Droid -> Direction -> (Droid, ReturnValue)
--- runDroid droid direction = (droid', found)
--- where ci = _currentInput droid
--- droid' = runDroidMachine (droid {_currentInput = ci ++ [commandOf direction]})
--- found = returnValue $ last $ _machineOutput droid'
--- runDroidMachine :: Droid -> Droid
--- runDroidMachine d = d { _machine = machine'
--- , _executionState = halted
--- , _machineOutput = output
--- }
--- where machine = _machine d
--- input = _currentInput d
--- (halted, machine', output) = runMachine input machine
-showHull :: Hull -> String
-showHull screen = unlines rows
- where minX = minimum $ map fst $ M.keys screen
- minY = minimum $ map snd $ M.keys screen
- maxX = maximum $ map fst $ M.keys screen
- maxY = maximum $ map snd $ M.keys screen
- rows = [showHullRow screen minX maxX y | y <- [minY..maxY]]
-showHullRow :: Hull -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> String
-showHullRow screen minX maxX y = [showHullCell screen x y | x <- [minX..maxX]]
-showHullCell :: Hull -> Integer -> Integer -> Char
-showHullCell screen x y =
- case (M.findWithDefault Unknown (x, y) screen) of
- Empty _ _ True -> 'O'
- Empty _ _ _ -> '.'
- Wall -> '\x2588'
- Unknown -> ' '
+findRoutine :: ScaffoldBuilder -> Routine
+findRoutine scaff = head $ compressedCmds
+ where -- scaff = mkVisited sb
+ path = findPath scaff
+ cmds = toCommands path
+ compressedCmds = compress cmds
+encodeRoutine :: ([Command], [Command], [Command], [Command]) -> [Integer]
+encodeRoutine (abc, a, b, c) = map (fromIntegral . ord) $ unlines [show abc, show a, show b, show c, "n", ""]
+findPath :: ScaffoldBuilder -> [Step]
+findPath = unfoldr takeStep
+takeStep :: ScaffoldBuilder -> Maybe (Step, ScaffoldBuilder)
+takeStep visitedScaffold = step
+ where scaff = _scaffold visitedScaffold
+ -- visited = _visited visitedScaffold
+ here = _droidPos visitedScaffold
+ dir = _droidDirection visitedScaffold
+ fPos = ahead here dir
+ cwPos = ahead here $ succW dir
+ acwPos = ahead here $ predW dir
+ step = if canVisit scaff fPos
+ then Just (F, visitedScaffold {_droidPos = fPos})
+ else if canVisit scaff cwPos
+ then Just (CW, visitedScaffold {_droidDirection = succW dir})
+ else if canVisit scaff acwPos
+ then Just (ACW, visitedScaffold {_droidDirection = predW dir})
+ else Nothing
+ahead :: Position -> Direction -> Position
+ahead (r, c) North = (r - 1, c)
+ahead (r, c) South = (r + 1, c)
+ahead (r, c) West = (r, c - 1)
+ahead (r, c) East = (r, c + 1)
+canVisit :: Scaffold -> Position -> Bool
+canVisit scaff here = (S.member here scaff)
+toCommands :: [Step] -> [Command]
+toCommands path = map toCommand segments
+ where segments = group path
+toCommand :: [Step] -> Command
+toCommand segment = case (head $ segment) of
+ F -> FN (length segment)
+ CW -> R
+ ACW -> L
+compress :: [Command] -> [Routine]
+compress commands =
+ do a <- tail $ inits commands
+ guard $ length (show a) <= 20
+ let commandsA = replace a A commands
+ let commandsABase = dropWhile (not . isBase) commandsA
+ b <- tail $ inits commandsABase
+ guard $ onlyBase b
+ guard $ length (show b) <= 20
+ let commandsAB = replace b B commandsA
+ let commandsABBase = dropWhile (not . isBase) commandsAB
+ c <- tail $ inits commandsABBase
+ guard $ onlyBase c
+ guard $ length (show c) <= 20
+ let commandsABC = replace c C commandsAB
+ guard $ length (show commandsABC) <= 20
+ return (commandsABC, a, b, c)
+replace :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> [a] -> [a]
+-- replace moves label commands | trace (show moves ++ " " ++ show label ++ " " ++ show commands) False = undefined
+replace _ _ [] = []
+replace moves label commands =
+ if moves `isPrefixOf` commands
+ then (label:(replace moves label commands'))
+ else (head commands:(replace moves label (tail commands)))
+ where commands' = drop (length moves) commands
+onlyBase :: [Command] -> Bool
+onlyBase moves = all isBase moves
+isBase :: Command -> Bool
+isBase (FN _) = True
+isBase L = True
+isBase R = True
+isBase _ = False
+-- | a `succ` that wraps
+succW :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => a -> a
+succW dir | dir == maxBound = minBound
+ | otherwise = succ dir
+-- | a `pred` that wraps
+predW :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq a) => a -> a
+predW dir | dir == minBound = maxBound
+ | otherwise = pred dir
+-- showScaffold :: VisitedScaffold -> String
+-- showScaffold scaff = unlines rows
+-- where minR = S.findMin $ fst $ _scaffold scaff
+-- minC = S.findMin $ snd $ _scaffold scaff
+-- maxR = S.findMax $ fst $ _scaffold scaff
+-- maxC = S.findMax $ snd $ _scaffold scaff
+-- rows = [showScaffoldRow scaff minC maxC r | r <- [minR..maxR]]
+-- showScaffoldRow :: VisitedScaffold -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> String
+-- showScaffoldRow scaff minC maxC r = [showScaffoldCell scaff r c | c <- [minC..maxC]]
+-- showScaffoldCell :: VisitedScaffold -> Integer -> Integer -> Char
+-- showScaffoldCell scaff r c =
+-- if S.member (r, c) (_scaffold scaff)
+-- then '#'
+-- else ' '