* 2 x Arduino Uno boards (with USB cables)
* 1 x strip potentiometer
* 2 x tilt sensors
-* 4 x piezo buzzers
+* 4 x piezo buzzers (the type in greetings cards, easy to get from Maplin)
* 10K resistors
* Bread boards (1 per instrument)
* Card
## Drum Kit
+### 1. Make your drums
+Take your 4 piezo buzzers and attach a ring of Sugru (or other modelling material) as shown in the picture.
+This will increase the flexibility and resonance of the sensors. Let the sugru set.
+### 2. Make the circuit
+Piezo buzzers generate a small charges when you tap them, so they don’t need a power source.
+Connect one lead from your buzzer to one of your analogue inputs, and connect the other lead to ground.
+Repeat for each of your drums.
+## Pull-down Resistors
+You’ll find your analogue inputs receive signal when you don’t expect them to.
+This is because there’s electricty floating around in the system, or something like that.
+To fix this, you need to wire each input to ground, through a 10KΩ resistor.
+A better explanation can be found [here](http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalPins).