-import unittest
+import pytest
import string
-from cipher.affine import *
-from support.utilities import *
-class AffineTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def test_encipher_letter(self):
- for p, c in zip(
- string.ascii_letters,
- 'hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE'):
- self.assertEqual(affine_encipher_letter(p, 3, 5, True), c)
- for p, c in zip(
- string.ascii_letters,
- 'filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC'):
- self.assertEqual(affine_encipher_letter(p, 3, 5, False), c)
- def test_decipher_letter(self):
- for p, c in zip(
- string.ascii_letters,
- 'hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE'):
- self.assertEqual(affine_decipher_letter(c, 3, 5, True), p)
- for p, c in zip(
- string.ascii_letters,
- 'filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC'):
- self.assertEqual(affine_decipher_letter(c, 3, 5, False), p)
- def test_encipher_message(self):
- self.assertEqual(affine_encipher(
- 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of',
- 15, 22, True),
- 'lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh')
- def test_decipher_message(self):
- self.assertEqual(affine_decipher('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh',
- 15, 22, True),
- 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of')
- def test_break(self):
- ciphertext = '''lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls
- omytd jlaxe mh jm bfmibj umis hfsul axubafkjamx. ls kffkxwsd jls
- ofgbjmwfkiu olfmxmtmwaokttg jlsx ls kffkxwsd jlsi zg tsxwjl. jlsx
- ls umfjsd jlsi zg hfsqysxog. ls dmmdtsd mx jls bats mh bkbsf. ls
- bfmctsd kfmyxd jls lyj, mztanamyu xmc jm clm cku tmmeaxw kj lai
- kxd clm ckuxj.'''
- expected_key = (15, 22, True)
- expected_score = -340.6011819
- actual_key, actual_score = affine_break(ciphertext)
- self.assertEqual(expected_key, actual_key)
- self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_score, actual_score)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+from szyfrow.affine import *
+from szyfrow.support.utilities import *
+def test_encipher_letter():
+ for p, c in zip(
+ string.ascii_letters,
+ 'hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE'):
+ assert affine_encipher_letter(p, 3, 5, True) == c
+ for p, c in zip(
+ string.ascii_letters,
+ 'filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC'):
+ assert affine_encipher_letter(p, 3, 5, False) == c
+def test_decipher_letter():
+ for p, c in zip(
+ string.ascii_letters,
+ 'hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE'):
+ assert affine_decipher_letter(c, 3, 5, True) == p
+ for p, c in zip(
+ string.ascii_letters,
+ 'filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC'):
+ assert affine_decipher_letter(c, 3, 5, False) == p
+def test_encipher_message():
+ enciphered = affine_encipher(
+ 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of',
+ 15, 22, True)
+ expected = 'lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh'
+ assert enciphered == expected
+def test_decipher_message():
+ deciphered = affine_decipher('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh',
+ 15, 22, True)
+ expected = 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of'
+ assert deciphered == expected
+def test_break():
+ ciphertext = '''lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls
+ omytd jlaxe mh jm bfmibj umis hfsul axubafkjamx. ls kffkxwsd jls
+ ofgbjmwfkiu olfmxmtmwaokttg jlsx ls kffkxwsd jlsi zg tsxwjl. jlsx
+ ls umfjsd jlsi zg hfsqysxog. ls dmmdtsd mx jls bats mh bkbsf. ls
+ bfmctsd kfmyxd jls lyj, mztanamyu xmc jm clm cku tmmeaxw kj lai
+ kxd clm ckuxj.'''
+ expected_key = (15, 22, True)
+ expected_score = -340.6011819
+ actual_key, actual_score = affine_break(ciphertext)
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)
-import unittest
+import pytest
import string
-from cipher.enigma import *
-from cipher.bombe import *
-class ScramblerTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.scrambler = Scrambler(wheel_i_spec, wheel_ii_spec,
- wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
- def test_attributes(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 0))
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions_l, ('a', 'a', 'a'))
- def test_set_positions(self):
- self.scrambler.set_positions(1, 2, 3)
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (1, 2, 3))
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions_l, ('b', 'c', 'd'))
- self.scrambler.set_positions('p', 'q', 'r')
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (15, 16, 17))
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions_l, ('p', 'q', 'r'))
- def test_advance(self):
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 0))
- self.scrambler.advance()
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 1))
- self.scrambler.advance()
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 2))
- self.scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 25))
- self.scrambler.advance()
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 0))
- self.scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
- self.scrambler.advance(wheel3=False)
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 0, 25))
- self.scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
- self.scrambler.advance(wheel2=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (0, 1, 0))
- self.scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
- self.scrambler.advance(wheel1=True, wheel2=True)
- self.assertEqual(self.scrambler.wheel_positions, (1, 1, 0))
- def test_lookups(self):
- self.scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 0)
- self.assertEqual(cat(self.scrambler.lookup(l)
- for l in string.ascii_lowercase),
- 'uejobtpzwcnsrkdgvmlfaqiyxh')
- self.assertEqual(cat(self.scrambler.lookup(l)
- for l in 'uejobtpzwcnsrkdgvmlfaqiyxh'),
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
- self.scrambler.set_positions('p', 'q', 'r')
- self.assertEqual(cat(self.scrambler.lookup(l)
- for l in string.ascii_lowercase),
- 'jgqmnwbtvaurdezxclyhkifpso')
- self.assertEqual(cat(self.scrambler.lookup(l)
- for l in 'jgqmnwbtvaurdezxclyhkifpso'),
- 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz')
-class BombeTest(unittest.TestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- self.bombe = Bombe(wheel_i_spec, wheel_ii_spec,
- wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
- self.plaintext = 'thisisatestmessage'
- self.ciphertext = 'opgndxcrwomnlnecjz'
- self.menu = make_menu(self.plaintext, self.ciphertext)
- self.bombe.read_menu(self.menu)
- def test_menu(self):
- self.assertEqual(len(self.bombe.connections), 18)
- self.assertEqual(':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(c.banks))
- for c in self.bombe.connections)),
- 'ac:ac:di:el:es:ew:ez:gi:gj:hp:mn:mt:ns:ns:os:ot:rt:sx')
- self.assertEqual(':'.join(sorted(cat(c.scrambler.wheel_positions_l)
- for c in self.bombe.connections)),
- 'aaa:aab:aac:aad:aae:aaf:aag:aah:aai:aaj:aak:aal:aam:aan:aao:aap:aaq:aar')
- self.bombe.read_menu(self.menu)
- self.assertEqual(len(self.bombe.connections), 18)
- def test_signal(self):
- self.bombe.test(Signal('t', 't'))
- self.assertEqual(len(self.bombe.banks['t']), 26)
- self.assertTrue(all(self.bombe.banks['t'].values()))
- self.assertEqual(sum(1 for s in self.bombe.banks['u'].values() if s), 18)
- self.bombe.set_positions('a', 'a', 'b')
- self.bombe.test()
- self.assertEqual(sum(1 for b in self.bombe.banks
- for s in self.bombe.banks[b].values() if s),
- 11)
- def test_valid_with_rings(self):
- pt31 = 'someplaintext'
- ct31 = 'dhnpforeeimgg'
- menu31 = make_menu(pt31, ct31)
- b31 = Bombe(wheel_i_spec, wheel_v_spec, wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
- b31.read_menu(menu31)
- b31.set_positions('e', 'l', 'f')
- b31.test(Signal('s', 'o'))
- self.assertEqual(sum(1 for b in b31.banks
- for s in b31.banks[b].values() if s),
- 5)
- self.assertEqual(':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(p))
- for p in b31.possible_plugboards())),
- 'd:hl:os')
- b31.test(Signal('o', 'o'))
- self.assertEqual(sum(1 for b in b31.banks
- for s in b31.banks[b].values() if s),
- 507)
- self.assertEqual(':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(p))
- for p in b31.possible_plugboards())),
- 'bg:ey:fp:in:m:tx')
- def test_invalid_with_rings(self):
- pt31 = 'someplaintext'
- ct31 = 'dhnpforeeimgg'
- menu31 = make_menu(pt31, ct31)
- b31 = Bombe(wheel_i_spec, wheel_v_spec, wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
- b31.read_menu(menu31)
- b31.set_positions('a', 'a', 'a')
- b31.test(Signal('a', 'o'))
- self.assertEqual(sum(1 for b in b31.banks
- for s in b31.banks[b].values() if s),
- 514)
- self.assertEqual(':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(p))
- for p in b31.possible_plugboards())),
- '')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main()
+from szyfrow.enigma import *
+from szyfrow.bombe import *
+def sample_scrambler():
+ return Scrambler(wheel_i_spec, wheel_ii_spec,
+ wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
+def test_attributes(sample_scrambler):
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 0)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions_l == ('a', 'a', 'a')
+def test_set_positions(sample_scrambler):
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions(1, 2, 3)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (1, 2, 3)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions_l == ('b', 'c', 'd')
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions('p', 'q', 'r')
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (15, 16, 17)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions_l == ('p', 'q', 'r')
+def test_advance(sample_scrambler):
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 0)
+ sample_scrambler.advance()
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 1)
+ sample_scrambler.advance()
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 2)
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 25)
+ sample_scrambler.advance()
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 0)
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
+ sample_scrambler.advance(wheel3=False)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 0, 25)
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
+ sample_scrambler.advance(wheel2=True)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (0, 1, 0)
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 25)
+ sample_scrambler.advance(wheel1=True, wheel2=True)
+ assert sample_scrambler.wheel_positions == (1, 1, 0)
+def test_lookups(sample_scrambler):
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions(0, 0, 0)
+ lookups = cat(sample_scrambler.lookup(l) for l in string.ascii_lowercase)
+ assert lookups == 'uejobtpzwcnsrkdgvmlfaqiyxh'
+ lookups = cat(sample_scrambler.lookup(l) for l in 'uejobtpzwcnsrkdgvmlfaqiyxh')
+ assert lookups == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+ sample_scrambler.set_positions('p', 'q', 'r')
+ lookups = cat(sample_scrambler.lookup(l) for l in string.ascii_lowercase)
+ assert lookups == 'jgqmnwbtvaurdezxclyhkifpso'
+ lookups = cat(sample_scrambler.lookup(l) for l in 'jgqmnwbtvaurdezxclyhkifpso')
+ assert lookups == 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
+def sample_bombe():
+ bombe = Bombe(wheel_i_spec, wheel_ii_spec, wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
+ plaintext = 'thisisatestmessage'
+ ciphertext = 'opgndxcrwomnlnecjz'
+ menu = make_menu(plaintext, ciphertext)
+ bombe.read_menu(menu)
+ return bombe
+def test_menu(sample_bombe):
+ assert len(sample_bombe.connections) == 18
+ banks = ':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(c.banks))
+ for c in sample_bombe.connections))
+ assert banks == 'ac:ac:di:el:es:ew:ez:gi:gj:hp:mn:mt:ns:ns:os:ot:rt:sx'
+ wheel_pos = ':'.join(sorted(cat(c.scrambler.wheel_positions_l)
+ for c in sample_bombe.connections))
+ assert wheel_pos == 'aaa:aab:aac:aad:aae:aaf:aag:aah:aai:aaj:aak:aal:aam:aan:aao:aap:aaq:aar'
+ assert len(sample_bombe.connections) == 18
+def test_signal(sample_bombe):
+ sample_bombe.test(Signal('t', 't'))
+ assert len(sample_bombe.banks['t']) == 26
+ assert all(sample_bombe.banks['t'].values()) == True
+ assert sum(1 for s in sample_bombe.banks['u'].values() if s) == 18
+ sample_bombe.set_positions('a', 'a', 'b')
+ sample_bombe.test()
+ n_active_banks = sum(1 for b in sample_bombe.banks
+ for s in sample_bombe.banks[b].values() if s)
+ assert n_active_banks == 11
+def test_valid_with_rings():
+ pt31 = 'someplaintext'
+ ct31 = 'dhnpforeeimgg'
+ menu31 = make_menu(pt31, ct31)
+ b31 = Bombe(wheel_i_spec, wheel_v_spec, wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
+ b31.read_menu(menu31)
+ b31.set_positions('e', 'l', 'f')
+ b31.test(Signal('s', 'o'))
+ n_active_banks = sum(1 for b in b31.banks
+ for s in b31.banks[b].values() if s)
+ plugboards = ':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(p))
+ for p in b31.possible_plugboards()))
+ assert n_active_banks == 5
+ assert plugboards == 'd:hl:os'
+ b31.test(Signal('o', 'o'))
+ n_active_banks = sum(1 for b in b31.banks
+ for s in b31.banks[b].values() if s)
+ plugboards = ':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(p))
+ for p in b31.possible_plugboards()))
+ assert n_active_banks == 507
+ assert plugboards == 'bg:ey:fp:in:m:tx'
+def test_invalid_with_rings():
+ pt31 = 'someplaintext'
+ ct31 = 'dhnpforeeimgg'
+ menu31 = make_menu(pt31, ct31)
+ b31 = Bombe(wheel_i_spec, wheel_v_spec, wheel_iii_spec, reflector_b_spec)
+ b31.read_menu(menu31)
+ b31.set_positions('a', 'a', 'a')
+ b31.test(Signal('a', 'o'))
+ n_active_banks = sum(1 for b in b31.banks
+ for s in b31.banks[b].values() if s)
+ plugboards = ':'.join(sorted(cat(sorted(p))
+ for p in b31.possible_plugboards()))
+ assert n_active_banks == 514
+ assert plugboards == ''
--- /dev/null
+import pytest
+import string
+from szyfrow.vigenere import *
+from szyfrow.support.utilities import *
+def test_vigenere_encipher_message():
+ enciphered = vigenere_encipher('hello', 'abc')
+ expected = 'hfnlp'
+ assert enciphered == expected
+def test_vigenere_decipher_message():
+ deciphered = vigenere_decipher('hfnlp', 'abc')
+ expected = 'hello'
+ assert deciphered == expected
+def test_beaufort_encipher_message():
+ enciphered = beaufort_encipher('inhisjournaldatedtheidesofoctober', 'arcanaimperii')
+ expected = 'sevsvrusyrrxfayyxuteemazudmpjmmwr'
+ assert enciphered == expected
+def test_beaufort_decipher_message():
+ deciphered = beaufort_encipher('sevsvrusyrrxfayyxuteemazudmpjmmwr', 'arcanaimperii')
+ expected = 'inhisjournaldatedtheidesofoctober'
+ assert deciphered == expected
+def test_vigenere_keyword_break():
+ ciphertext = vigenere_encipher(sanitise('this is a test message for the vigenere decipherment'), 'cat')
+ expected_key = 'cat'
+ expected_score = -52.9472712
+ actual_key, actual_score = vigenere_keyword_break(ciphertext, wordlist=['cat', 'elephant', 'kangaroo'])
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)
+def test_vigenere_frequency_break():
+ ciphertext = vigenere_encipher(sanitise("It is time to " \
+ "run. She is ready and so am I. I stole Daniel's pocketbook this " \
+ "afternoon when he left his jacket hanging on the easel in the " \
+ "attic. I jump every time I hear a footstep on the stairs, " \
+ "certain that the theft has been discovered and that I will " \
+ "be caught. The SS officer visits less often now that he is " \
+ "sure"), 'florence')
+ expected_key = 'florence'
+ expected_score = -307.5473096
+ actual_key, actual_score = vigenere_frequency_break(ciphertext)
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)
+def test_beaufort_sub_break():
+ ciphertext = 'samwpplggnnmmyaazgympjapopnwiywwomwspgpjmefwmawx' \
+ 'jafjhxwwwdigxshnlywiamhyshtasxptwueahhytjwsn'
+ expected_key = 0
+ expected_score = -117.4492
+ actual_key, actual_score = beaufort_sub_break(ciphertext)
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)
+ ciphertext = 'eyprzjjzznxymrygryjqmqhznjrjjapenejznawngnnezgza' \
+ 'dgndknaogpdjneadadazlhkhxkryevrronrmdjnndjlo'
+ expected_key = 17
+ expected_score = -114.9598
+ actual_key, actual_score = beaufort_sub_break(ciphertext)
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)
+def test_beaufort_frequency_break():
+ ciphertext = beaufort_encipher(sanitise("It is time to " \
+ "run. She is ready and so am I. I stole Daniel's pocketbook this " \
+ "afternoon when he left his jacket hanging on the easel in the " \
+ "attic. I jump every time I hear a footstep on the stairs, " \
+ "certain that the theft has been discovered and that I will " \
+ "be caught. The SS officer visits less often now that he is " \
+ "sure"), 'florence')
+ expected_key = 'florence'
+ expected_score = -307.5473096
+ actual_key, actual_score = beaufort_frequency_break(ciphertext)
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)
+def test_beaufort_variant_frequency_break():
+ ciphertext = beaufort_variant_encipher(sanitise("It is time to " \
+ "run. She is ready and so am I. I stole Daniel's pocketbook this " \
+ "afternoon when he left his jacket hanging on the easel in the " \
+ "attic. I jump every time I hear a footstep on the stairs, " \
+ "certain that the theft has been discovered and that I will " \
+ "be caught. The SS officer visits less often now that he is " \
+ "sure"), 'florence')
+ expected_key = 'florence'
+ expected_score = -307.5473096
+ actual_key, actual_score = beaufort_variant_frequency_break(ciphertext)
+ assert expected_key == actual_key
+ assert expected_score == pytest.approx(actual_score)