@shortdoc "Day 01 Part 1"
def run(args) do
- input = nil
+ input = AdventOfCode.Input.get!(2020, 1)
if Enum.member?(args, "-b"),
do: Benchee.run(%{part_1: fn -> input |> part1() end}),
+### Optional Automatic Input Retriever
+This starter comes with a module that will automatically get your inputs so you
+don't have to mess with copy/pasting. Don't worry, it automatically caches your
+inputs to your machine so you don't have to worry about slamming the Advent of
+Code server. You will need to configure it with your cookie and make sure to
+enable it. You can do this by creating a `config/secrets.exs` file containing
+the following:
+config :advent_of_code, AdventOfCode.Input,
+ allow_network?: true,
+ session_cookie: "..." # yours will be longer
+After which, you can retrieve your inputs using the module:
+day = 1
+year = 2020
+AdventOfCode.Input.get!(day, year)
+# or just have it auto-detect the current year
+# and if your input somehow gets mangled and you need a fresh one:
+AdventOfCode.Input.delete!(7, 2019)
+# and the next time you `get!` it will download a fresh one -- use this sparingly!
## Installation
--- /dev/null
+defmodule AdventOfCode.Input do
+ @moduledoc """
+ This module can help with automatically managing your Advent of Code input
+ files. It will retrieve them once from the server and cache them to your
+ machine.
+ By default, it is configured to have network requests disabled. You can
+ easily turn it on by editing the configuration.
+ """
+ @doc """
+ Retrieves the specified input for your account. If the input is not in your
+ cache, it will be retrieved from the server if `allow_network?: true` is
+ configured and your cookie is setup.
+ """
+ def get!(day, year \\ nil)
+ def get!(day, nil), do: get!(day, default_year())
+ def get!(day, year) do
+ cond do
+ in_cache?(day, year) ->
+ from_cache!(day, year)
+ allow_network?() ->
+ download!(day, year)
+ true ->
+ raise "Cache miss for day #{day} of year #{year} and `:allow_network?` is not `true`"
+ end
+ end
+ @doc """
+ If, somehow, your input is invalid or mangled and you want to delete it from
+ your cache so you can re-fetch it, this will save your bacon.
+ Please don't use this to retrieve the input from the server repeatedly!
+ """
+ def delete!(day, year \\ nil)
+ def delete!(day, nil), do: delete!(day, default_year())
+ def delete!(day, year), do: File.rm!(cache_path(day, year))
+ defp cache_path(day, year), do: Path.join(cache_dir(), "/#{year}/#{day}.aocinput")
+ defp in_cache?(day, year), do: File.exists?(cache_path(day, year))
+ defp store_in_cache!(day, year, input) do
+ path = cache_path(day, year)
+ :ok = path |> Path.dirname() |> File.mkdir_p()
+ :ok = File.write(path, input)
+ end
+ defp from_cache!(day, year), do: File.read!(cache_path(day, year))
+ defp download!(day, year) do
+ {:ok, {{'HTTP/1.1', 200, 'OK'}, _, input}} =
+ :httpc.request(
+ :get,
+ {'https://adventofcode.com/#{year}/day/#{day}/input', headers()},
+ [],
+ []
+ )
+ store_in_cache!(day, year, input)
+ to_string(input)
+ end
+ defp cache_dir do
+ config()
+ |> Keyword.get(
+ :cache_dir,
+ Path.join([System.get_env("XDG_CACHE_HOME", "~/.cache"), "/advent_of_code_inputs"])
+ )
+ |> Path.expand()
+ end
+ defp default_year do
+ case :calendar.local_time() do
+ {{y, 12, _}, _} -> y
+ {{y, _, _}, _} -> y - 1
+ end
+ end
+ defp config, do: Application.get_env(:advent_of_code, __MODULE__)
+ defp allow_network?, do: Keyword.get(config(), :allow_network?, false)
+ defp headers,
+ do: [{'cookie', String.to_charlist("session=" <> Keyword.get(config(), :session_cookie))}]