--- /dev/null
+My first is in upraising but not in reprising
+My second is in inept and also in inapt
+My third is neither in hopping nor in cooping
+My fourth is in goody and also in bloody
+My fifth is neither in gaffing nor in gauging
+My sixth is in rouses but not in kluges
+My seventh is in replies and also in repairs
+My eighth is in slumps but not in blunts
+My ninth is in tiller and also in billed
+My tenth is in tainted but not in gritted
+My eleventh is in waggled and also in fagged
+Target: airdropping
+My first is in bared and also in babied
+My second is in pilling but not in riffing
+My third is in caning and also in weaning
+My fourth is in waking but not in wackier
+My fifth is in ranks and also in rocks
+My sixth is in servos but not in sprays
+My seventh is in clods but not in clang
+My eighth is in fating but not in lining
+Target: blankest
+My first is in corns but not in lorry
+My second is in garaged but not in grudged
+My third is in tunas but not in times
+My fourth is in hoots but not in huffs
+My fifth is in walked but not in wilder
+My sixth is in coeval but not in commas
+My seventh is in recovered but not in reversed
+My eighth is in usually but not in salty
+My ninth is in priest but not in evilest
+My tenth is in abides but not in amigos
+Target: cantaloupe
+My first is in aloes but not in dados
+My second is in censures and also in tenures
+My third is in extricating and also in extrication
+My fourth is in cutlass but not in atlases
+My fifth is in mortgagee but not in montage
+My sixth is neither in dawns nor in darts
+My seventh is in mooching but not in mucking
+My eighth is in routing and also in shouting
+My ninth is in flumes but not in flurry
+Target: luxurious
+My first is in deans but not in slats
+My second is in persona but not in perusing
+My third is neither in veiled nor in seized
+My fourth is in cleat but not in octet
+My last is in curtsied but not in curbed
+Target: earls
+My first is in loaned but not in limned
+My second is in equals and also in quails
+My third is in fitting and also in matting
+My fourth is in creations but not in libations
+My fifth is in goriest but not in iffiest
+My sixth is in rooked and also in goosed
+My last is in blips and also in slaps
+Target: outcrop
+My first is neither in slide nor in slily
+My second is in yocks but not in bricks
+My third is in auras but not in crays
+My fourth is in swing but not in going
+My fifth is in drags but not in dealt
+My sixth is in sexily but not in subtly
+My last is in timeless and also in tireless
+Target: mousses
+My first is in wiper but not in dimmer
+My second is in faces but not in offices
+My third is in climes but not in corms
+My fourth is in razing but not in seeing
+My fifth is in minnow but not in mingle
+My sixth is in glided but not in flawed
+My seventh is in cashed but not in vanned
+My eighth is neither in dwarfs nor in swarms
+Target: pairwise
+My first is in penes but not in linens
+My second is in buried but not in mushed
+My third is in curved and also in carved
+My fourth is in recaps but not in scads
+My fifth is neither in upending nor in unbending
+My sixth is in surgery but not in surgeons
+My seventh is in raves but not in framer
+Target: prepays
+My first is in remit but not in resins
+My second is in mingles but not in gingkos
+My third is in suave and also in state
+My fourth is in caned and also in cored
+My fifth is in saucy but not in spacey
+My sixth is in carps but not in saves
+Target: teacup
+++ /dev/null
- jupytext:
- formats: ipynb,md
- text_representation:
- extension: .md
- format_name: markdown
- format_version: '1.3'
- jupytext_version: 1.14.5
- kernelspec:
- display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
- language: python
- name: python3
-import unicodedata
-import re
-from dataclasses import dataclass
-from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
-from enum import Enum, auto
-dictionary : List[str] = [unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', w.strip()).\
- encode('ascii', 'ignore').\
- decode('utf-8')
- for w in open('/usr/share/dict/british-english').readlines()
- if w.strip().islower()
- if w.strip().isalpha()
- ]
-ordinals : Dict[str, int] = { 'last': -1
- , 'first': 1
- , 'second': 2
- , 'third': 3
- , 'fourth': 4
- , 'fifth': 5
- , 'sixth': 6
- , 'seventh': 7
- , 'eighth': 8
- , 'ninth': 9
- , 'tenth': 10
- , 'eleventh': 11
- , 'twelfth': 12
- }
-# reverse_ordinals : Dict[int, str] = {n: w for w, n in ordinals.items()}
-def from_ordinal(word: str) -> int:
- return ordinals[word]
-# def to_ordinal(number: int) -> str:
-# return reverse_ordinals[number]
-def tokenise(phrase: str) -> List[str]:
- return [w.lower() for w in re.split(r'\W+', phrase) if w]
-tokenise("My first is in apple, but not in fish.")
-class RiddleValence(Enum):
- Include = auto()
- Exclude = auto()
-class RiddleElement:
- valence : RiddleValence
- letters : Set[str]
-Riddle = Dict[int, RiddleElement]
-stop_words = set('my is in within lies and also always you will find always the found'.split())
-negative_words = set('but not never'.split())
-def parse_line(tokens: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, RiddleElement, RiddleElement]:
- stripped_tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in stop_words]
- position_word = [t for t in stripped_tokens if t in ordinals][0]
- pos = from_ordinal(position_word)
- first_index, first_word = [(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens)
- if t not in ordinals
- if t not in negative_words][0]
- second_index, second_word = [(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens)
- if t not in ordinals
- if t not in negative_words][1]
- neg_indices = [i for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens) if t in negative_words]
- first_clue = None
- second_clue = None
- if neg_indices:
- if neg_indices[0] < first_index:
- first_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
- letters = set(first_word))
- if len(neg_indices) > 1:
- second_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
- letters = set(second_word))
- elif neg_indices[0] < second_index:
- second_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
- letters = set(second_word))
- if first_clue is None:
- first_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Include,
- letters = set(first_word))
- if second_clue is None:
- second_clue = RiddleElement(valence = RiddleValence.Include,
- letters = set(second_word))
- return (pos, first_clue, second_clue)
-e1 = parse_line(tokenise("My first is in apple, but not in pad."))
-e2 = parse_line(tokenise("My second is in apple and also in banana."))
-def collapse_riddle_elements(elems : List[Tuple[int, RiddleElement, RiddleElement]]) -> Dict[int, RiddleElement]:
- def combine_elements(a: RiddleElement, b: RiddleElement) -> RiddleElement:
- if a.valence == b.valence:
- return RiddleElement(letters = a.letters | b.letters, valence = a.valence)
- else:
- if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
- p, q = a, b
- else:
- p, q = b, a
- return RiddleElement(letters = p.letters - q.letters, valence = RiddleValence.Include)
- return {i: combine_elements(a, b) for i, a, b in elems}
-collapse_riddle_elements([e1, e2])
-sample_riddle_text = """My first is in shoat but not in oath
-My second is in orate but not in ratter
-My third is in preposition but not in osteoporosis
-My fourth is in astern but not in taster
-My fifth is in conscientiousness but not in suction
-My sixth is in immorality but not in immorally"""
-sample_riddle_lines = [parse_line(tokenise(l)) for l in sample_riddle_text.split('\n')]
-sample_riddle = collapse_riddle_elements(sample_riddle_lines)
-def parse_riddle(riddle_text: str) -> Dict[int, RiddleElement]:
- riddle_lines = [parse_line(tokenise(l)) for l in riddle_text.split('\n')]
- return collapse_riddle_elements(riddle_lines)
-def matches_element(pos: int, elem: RiddleElement, word: str) -> bool:
- if len(word) < pos:
- return False
- if elem.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
- return word[pos-1] in elem.letters
- else:
- return word[pos-1] not in elem.letters
-def matches_all_elements(riddle: Dict[int, RiddleElement], word: str) -> bool:
- if -1 in riddle:
- last_elem = riddle[-1]
- new_riddle = {p: e for p, e in riddle.items() if p != -1}
- new_riddle[len(word)] = last_elem
- else:
- new_riddle = riddle
- return all(matches_element(i, elem, word) for i, elem in new_riddle.items())
-def solve_riddle(riddle: Dict[int, RiddleElement]) -> str:
- return [w for w in dictionary
- if len(w) == len(riddle)
- if matches_all_elements(riddle, w)]
-def parse_and_solve_riddle(riddle_text: str) -> List[str]:
- riddle = parse_riddle(riddle_text)
- return solve_riddle(riddle)
-sample_riddles = open('sample-riddles.txt').read().split('\n\n')
-[parse_and_solve_riddle(r) for r in sample_riddles]
--- /dev/null
+ jupytext:
+ formats: ipynb,md,py:percent
+ text_representation:
+ extension: .md
+ format_name: markdown
+ format_version: '1.3'
+ jupytext_version: 1.14.5
+ kernelspec:
+ display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
+ language: python
+ name: python3
+from riddle_definitions import *
+from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
+from enum import Enum, auto
+import random
+def include_exclude_clue(letter: str, limit: int = 3) -> (RiddleClue, RiddleClue):
+ with_letter = [w for w in dictionary if letter in w]
+ without_letter = [w for w in dictionary if letter not in w]
+ finished = False
+ while not finished:
+ a = random.choice(with_letter)
+ b = random.choice(without_letter)
+ finished = ((edit_distance(a, b) <= limit) and
+ not set(a) <= set(b) and
+ not set(a) >= set(b))
+ return (RiddleClue(word=a, valence=RiddleValence.Include),
+ RiddleClue(word=b, valence=RiddleValence.Exclude))
+a, b = include_exclude_clue('s')
+a, b, set(a.word) - set(b.word), edit_distance(a.word, b.word)
+def include_include_clue(letter: str, limit: int = 3) -> (RiddleClue, RiddleClue):
+ with_letter = [w for w in dictionary if letter in w]
+ finished = False
+ while not finished:
+ a = random.choice(with_letter)
+ b = random.choice(with_letter)
+ finished = ((a != b) and
+ (edit_distance(a, b) <= limit) and
+ not set(a) <= set(b) and
+ not set(a) >= set(b))
+ return (RiddleClue(word=a, valence=RiddleValence.Include),
+ RiddleClue(word=b, valence=RiddleValence.Include))
+a, b = include_include_clue('s')
+a, b, set(a.word) | set(b.word), edit_distance(a.word, b.word)
+def exclude_exclude_clue(letter: str, limit: int = 3) -> (RiddleClue, RiddleClue):
+ without_letter = [w for w in dictionary if letter not in w]
+ finished = False
+ while not finished:
+ a = random.choice(without_letter)
+ b = random.choice(without_letter)
+ finished = ((a != b) and
+ (edit_distance(a, b) <= limit) and
+ not set(a) <= set(b) and
+ not set(a) >= set(b))
+ return (RiddleClue(word=a, valence=RiddleValence.Exclude),
+ RiddleClue(word=b, valence=RiddleValence.Exclude))
+a, b = exclude_exclude_clue('s')
+a, b, set(a.word) | set(b.word), edit_distance(a.word, b.word)
+def random_clue( letter: str
+ , ie_limit: int = 3
+ , ii_limit: int = 2
+ , ee_limit: int = 2) -> (RiddleClue, RiddleClue):
+ r = random.random()
+ if r <= 0.7:
+ return include_exclude_clue(letter, limit=ie_limit)
+ elif r <= 0.9:
+ return include_include_clue(letter, limit=ii_limit)
+ else:
+ return exclude_exclude_clue(letter, limit=ee_limit)
+def random_riddle(word: str, limit: int = 3) -> Riddle:
+ return {i+1 : random_clue(l, ie_limit=limit)
+ for i, l in enumerate(word)}
+sample_riddle = random_riddle('sonnet')
+sample_riddle = random_riddle('sonnet', limit=4)
+def valid_random_riddle(word: str) -> Riddle:
+ finished = False
+ while not finished:
+ riddle = random_riddle(word)
+ solns = solve_riddle(collapse_riddle_clues(riddle))
+ finished = (len(solns) == 1)
+ return riddle
+def write_include_exclude_line(clue_a: RiddleClue, clue_b: RiddleClue) -> str:
+ line = f"is in {clue_a.word} but not in {clue_b.word}"
+ return line
+def write_include_include_line(clue_a: RiddleClue, clue_b: RiddleClue) -> str:
+ line = f"is in {clue_a.word} and also in {clue_b.word}"
+ return line
+def write_exclude_exclude_line(clue_a: RiddleClue, clue_b: RiddleClue) -> str:
+ line = f"is neither in {clue_a.word} nor in {clue_b.word}"
+ return line
+def write_line(a: RiddleClue, b: RiddleClue) -> str:
+ if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include and b.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
+ return write_include_include_line(a, b)
+ elif a.valence == RiddleValence.Include and b.valence == RiddleValence.Exclude:
+ return write_include_exclude_line(a, b)
+ elif a.valence == RiddleValence.Exclude and b.valence == RiddleValence.Exclude:
+ return write_exclude_exclude_line(a, b)
+ else:
+ return "illegal line"
+def write_riddle(riddle: Riddle) -> List[str]:
+ output = []
+ for i, (clue_a, clue_b) in sorted(riddle.items()):
+ pos = reverse_ordinals[i]
+ if i == len(riddle) and random.random() <= 0.3:
+ pos = reverse_ordinals[-1]
+ line = write_line(clue_a, clue_b)
+ full_line = f"My {pos} {line}"
+ output.append(full_line)
+ return output
+sample_riddle = valid_random_riddle("elephant")
+with open("generated-riddles.txt", 'w') as file:
+ between = False
+ for _ in range(10):
+ if between:
+ file.write('\n')
+ between = True
+ target = random.choice(dictionary)
+ riddle = valid_random_riddle(target)
+ lines = write_riddle(riddle)
+ file.writelines(l + '\n' for l in lines)
+ file.write(f'Target: {target}\n')
--- /dev/null
+ jupytext:
+ formats: ipynb,md,py:percent
+ text_representation:
+ extension: .md
+ format_name: markdown
+ format_version: '1.3'
+ jupytext_version: 1.14.5
+ kernelspec:
+ display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
+ language: python
+ name: python3
+# Definitions generally useful for the riddle solver
+import unicodedata
+import re
+from dataclasses import dataclass
+from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
+from enum import Enum, auto
+import functools
+import random
+stop_words = set('my is in within lies and also always you will find the found'.split())
+negative_words = set('but not never neither nor'.split())
+ordinals : Dict[str, int] = { 'last': -1
+ , 'first': 1
+ , 'second': 2
+ , 'third': 3
+ , 'fourth': 4
+ , 'fifth': 5
+ , 'sixth': 6
+ , 'seventh': 7
+ , 'eighth': 8
+ , 'ninth': 9
+ , 'tenth': 10
+ , 'eleventh': 11
+ , 'twelfth': 12
+ }
+reverse_ordinals : Dict[int, str] = {n: w for w, n in ordinals.items()}
+def from_ordinal(word: str) -> int:
+ return ordinals[word]
+def to_ordinal(number: int) -> str:
+ return reverse_ordinals[number]
+These are the words that can be the solution to a riddle, and used as the clue for a riddle.
+dictionary : List[str] = [unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', w.strip()).\
+ encode('ascii', 'ignore').\
+ decode('utf-8')
+ for w in open('/usr/share/dict/british-english').readlines()
+ if w.strip().islower()
+ if w.strip().isalpha()
+ if len(w.strip()) >= 5
+ if w not in stop_words
+ if w not in negative_words
+ if w not in ordinals
+ ]
+Some types that will be used throughout the library
+class RiddleValence(Enum):
+ Include = auto()
+ Exclude = auto()
+class RiddleClue:
+ valence : RiddleValence
+ word : str
+class RiddleElement:
+ valence : RiddleValence
+ letters : Set[str]
+Riddle = Dict[int, Tuple[RiddleClue, RiddleClue]]
+RiddleElems = Dict[int, RiddleElement]
+def edit_distance(s: str, t: str) -> int:
+ if s == "":
+ return len(t)
+ if t == "":
+ return len(s)
+ if s[-1] == t[-1]:
+ cost = 0
+ else:
+ cost = 1
+ res = min(
+ [ edit_distance(s[:-1], t)+1
+ , edit_distance(s, t[:-1])+1
+ , edit_distance(s[:-1], t[:-1]) + cost
+ ])
+ return res
+def collapse_riddle_clues(elems : Dict[int, Tuple[RiddleClue, RiddleClue]]) -> RiddleElems:
+ def combine_clues(a: RiddleClue, b: RiddleClue) -> RiddleElement:
+ if a.valence == b.valence:
+ if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
+ return RiddleElement(letters = set(a.word) & set(b.word),
+ valence = RiddleValence.Include)
+ else:
+ return RiddleElement(letters = set(a.word) | set(b.word),
+ valence = RiddleValence.Exclude)
+ else:
+ if a.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
+ p, q = a, b
+ else:
+ p, q = b, a
+ return RiddleElement(letters = set(p.word) - set(q.word),
+ valence = RiddleValence.Include)
+ return {i: combine_clues(a, b) for i, (a, b) in elems.items()}
+def matches_element(pos: int, elem: RiddleElement, word: str) -> bool:
+ if len(word) < pos:
+ return False
+ if elem.valence == RiddleValence.Include:
+ return word[pos-1] in elem.letters
+ else:
+ return word[pos-1] not in elem.letters
+def matches_all_elements(riddle: RiddleElems, word: str) -> bool:
+ if -1 in riddle:
+ last_elem = riddle[-1]
+ new_riddle = {p: e for p, e in riddle.items() if p != -1}
+ new_riddle[len(word)] = last_elem
+ else:
+ new_riddle = riddle
+ return all(matches_element(i, elem, word) for i, elem in new_riddle.items())
+def solve_riddle(riddle: RiddleElems) -> List[str]:
+ return [w for w in dictionary
+ if len(w) == len(riddle)
+ if matches_all_elements(riddle, w)]
--- /dev/null
+ jupytext:
+ formats: ipynb,md
+ text_representation:
+ extension: .md
+ format_name: markdown
+ format_version: '1.3'
+ jupytext_version: 1.14.5
+ kernelspec:
+ display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
+ language: python
+ name: python3
+from riddle_definitions import *
+import re
+from typing import Dict, Tuple, List, Set
+from enum import Enum, auto
+def tokenise(phrase: str) -> List[str]:
+ return [w.lower() for w in re.split(r'\W+', phrase) if w]
+tokenise("My first is in apple, but not in fish.")
+def parse_line(tokens: List[str]) -> Tuple[int, Tuple[RiddleClue, RiddleClue]]:
+ stripped_tokens = [t for t in tokens if t not in stop_words]
+ position_word = [t for t in stripped_tokens if t in ordinals][0]
+ pos = from_ordinal(position_word)
+ first_index, first_word = [(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens)
+ if t not in ordinals
+ if t not in negative_words][0]
+ second_index, second_word = [(i, t) for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens)
+ if t not in ordinals
+ if t not in negative_words][1]
+ neg_indices = [i for i, t in enumerate(stripped_tokens) if t in negative_words]
+ first_clue = None
+ second_clue = None
+ if neg_indices:
+ if neg_indices[0] < first_index:
+ first_clue = RiddleClue(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
+ word = first_word)
+ if len(neg_indices) > 1:
+ second_clue = RiddleClue(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
+ word = second_word)
+ elif neg_indices[0] < second_index:
+ second_clue = RiddleClue(valence = RiddleValence.Exclude,
+ word = second_word)
+ if first_clue is None:
+ first_clue = RiddleClue(valence = RiddleValence.Include,
+ word = first_word)
+ if second_clue is None:
+ second_clue = RiddleClue(valence = RiddleValence.Include,
+ word = second_word)
+ return (pos, (first_clue, second_clue))
+e1 = parse_line(tokenise("My first is in apple, but not in pad."))
+e2 = parse_line(tokenise("My second is in apple and also in banana."))
+e3 = parse_line(tokenise('My seventh is neither in callus nor in calves'))
+sample_riddle_text = """My first is in shoat but not in oath
+My second is in orate but not in ratter
+My third is in preposition but not in osteoporosis
+My fourth is in astern but not in taster
+My fifth is in conscientiousness but not in suction
+My sixth is in immorality but not in immorally"""
+sample_riddle_lines = {i: elem
+ for i, elem in
+ [parse_line(tokenise(l))
+ for l in sample_riddle_text.split('\n')]}
+sample_riddle = collapse_riddle_clues(sample_riddle_lines)
+def parse_riddle(riddle_text: str) -> Riddle:
+ riddle_lines = {i: elem
+ for i, elem in
+ [parse_line(tokenise(l)) for l in riddle_text.split('\n')]}
+ return collapse_riddle_clues(riddle_lines)
+def parse_and_solve_riddle(riddle_text: str) -> List[str]:
+ riddle = parse_riddle(riddle_text)
+ return solve_riddle(riddle)
+sample_riddles = open('sample-riddles.txt').read().split('\n\n')
+[parse_and_solve_riddle(r) for r in sample_riddles]
+sample_riddles = open('generated-riddles.txt').read().split('\n\n')
+sample_riddles = [riddle.split('\nTarget: ') for riddle in sample_riddles]
+sample_riddles = [(r, s.strip()) for r, s in sample_riddles]
+for r, s in sample_riddles:
+ found_solns = parse_and_solve_riddle(r)
+ correct = len(found_solns) == 1 and found_solns[0] == s
+ print(found_solns, s, correct)
+# [parse_line(tokenise(line)) for line in sample_riddles[4][0]]
+[parse_line(tokenise(line)) for line in sample_riddles[4][0].split('\n')]