--- /dev/null
+-- import Debug.Trace
+import Data.Text (Text)
+-- import qualified Data.Text as T
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
+import Data.Attoparsec.Text
+-- import Data.Attoparsec.Combinator
+import Control.Applicative
+import qualified Data.Graph.DGraph as D
+import qualified Data.Graph.Types as G
+import qualified Data.Graph.Traversal as T
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
+data QuantifiedBag = QuantifiedBag Int String
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+type QBags = S.Set QuantifiedBag
+type BagRules = M.Map String QBags
+type BagGraph = D.DGraph String Int
+main :: IO ()
+main =
+ do text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent07.txt"
+ let bags = successfulParse text
+ let graph = buildGraph bags
+ -- print graph
+ -- dumpBagDot bags
+ print $ part1 graph
+ print $ part2 graph
+part1 graph = length (T.bfsVertices (D.transpose graph) "shiny gold") - 1
+part2 graph = (bfsCount graph "shiny gold") - 1
+bfsCount :: BagGraph -> String -> Int
+bfsCount graph thisBag = 1 + (sum $ map subCount others)
+ where others = D.outboundingArcs graph thisBag
+ subCount a = (G.attribute a) * (bfsCount graph $ G.destinationVertex a)
+buildGraph :: BagRules -> BagGraph
+buildGraph rules = M.foldrWithKey addRule G.empty rules
+addRule :: String -> QBags -> BagGraph -> BagGraph
+addRule source dests graph = S.foldr (addArc source) graph dests
+addArc :: String -> QuantifiedBag -> BagGraph -> BagGraph
+addArc source (QuantifiedBag quantity destination) graph = D.insertArc arc graph
+ where arc = G.Arc source destination quantity
+-- dumpBagDot bags =
+-- do writeFile "a07dump.dot" "digraph {\n"
+-- mapM_ dumpABag (M.assocs bags)
+-- appendFile "a07dump.dot" "shiny_gold [fillcolor = gold1 ]\n"
+-- appendFile "a07dump.dot" "}\n"
+-- dumpABag (bag, contents) =
+-- mapM_ (dumpALink bag) (S.toList contents)
+-- dumpALink bag (QuantifiedBag n name) =
+-- do let name' = squashName name
+-- let bag' = squashName bag
+-- let txt = bag' ++ " -> " ++ name' ++ "\n"
+-- appendFile "a07dump.dot" txt
+-- squashName :: String -> String
+-- squashName name = [if c == ' ' then '_' else c | c <- name]
+-- -- Parse the input file
+bagNameP = manyTill anyChar ((string " bags") <|> (string " bag"))
+quantifiedBagP = QuantifiedBag <$> decimal <* space <*> bagNameP
+emptyBagListP = "no other bags" *> pure S.empty
+bagListP = S.fromList <$> sepBy quantifiedBagP (string ", ")
+bagContentsP = emptyBagListP <|> bagListP
+ruleP = (,) <$> bagNameP <* " contain " <*> bagContentsP <* "."
+rulesP = M.fromList <$> sepBy ruleP endOfLine
+successfulParse :: Text -> BagRules
+successfulParse input =
+ case parseOnly rulesP input of
+ Left _err -> M.empty -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
+ Right bags -> bags