[advent-of-code-18.git] / src / advent17 / advent17.hs
1 {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
3 import Debug.Trace
5 import Data.Text (Text)
6 import qualified Data.Text as T
7 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
9 import Data.Void (Void)
11 import Text.Megaparsec
12 import Text.Megaparsec.Char
13 import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as L
14 import qualified Control.Applicative as CA
16 import Data.List
17 -- import qualified Data.Set as S
19 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
20 import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
21 import Data.Tuple (swap)
23 type SoilSpecLine = ((Text, Integer), (Text, Integer, Integer))
24 type Coord = (Integer, Integer) -- x, y
25 data Soil = Sand | Clay | Still | Flowing deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded, Ord)
26 type Ground = M.Map Coord Soil
28 main :: IO ()
29 main = do
30 text <- TIO.readFile "data/advent17.txt"
31 let soilSpec = successfulParse text
32 -- print soilSpec
33 let ground = makeGround soilSpec
34 -- print ground
35 -- putStrLn $ showGround ground
36 -- putStrLn $ showGround $ handleSource ground (500, 0)
37 -- print $ handleSource ground (500, 0)
38 let ground' = filled ground
39 print $ part1 ground'
40 print $ part2 ground'
41 -- print $ part1 tests
42 -- print $ part2 tests program
45 part1 ground = M.size $ M.union still flowing
46 where (_minX, _maxX, minY, maxY) = bounds ground
47 inBoundGround = M.filterWithKey (\(_x, y) _ -> (y >= minY) && (y <= maxY)) ground
48 still = M.filter (== Still) inBoundGround
49 flowing = M.filter (== Flowing) inBoundGround
51 part2 ground = M.size $ still
52 where (_minX, _maxX, minY, maxY) = bounds ground
53 inBoundGround = M.filterWithKey (\(_x, y) _ -> (y >= minY) && (y <= maxY)) ground
54 still = M.filter (== Still) inBoundGround
56 makeGround :: [SoilSpecLine] -> Ground
57 makeGround soilSpec = foldl' addSpecLine M.empty soilSpec
59 addSpecLine :: Ground -> SoilSpecLine -> Ground
60 addSpecLine ground ((fixed, fixedVal), (ranged, from, to)) =
61 foldr (\c -> M.insert c Clay) ground addedCells
62 where cells = [(fixedVal, i) | i <- [from..to] ]
63 addedCells = if fixed == "x" then cells else map swap cells
65 showGround :: Ground -> String
66 showGround ground = unlines $ map (showGroundLine minX maxX ground) [minY..maxY]
67 where (minX, maxX, minY, maxY) = bounds ground
69 showGroundLine :: Integer -> Integer -> Ground -> Integer -> String
70 showGroundLine minX maxX ground y = [showGroundCell x | x <- [minX..maxX]]
71 where showGroundCell x = if (x, y) `M.member` ground
72 then case ground!(x, y) of
73 Clay -> '#' -- '\x2591'
74 Flowing -> '|'
75 Still -> 'o' -- '\x2593'
76 Sand -> '.'
77 else '.'
79 bounds :: Ground -> (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
80 bounds ground = (minX, maxX, minY, maxY)
81 where keys = M.keys ground -- $ M.filter (== Clay) ground
82 minX = minimum $ map fst keys
83 maxX = maximum $ map fst keys
84 minY = minimum $ map snd keys
85 maxY = maximum $ map snd keys
87 up (x, y) = (x, y-1)
88 down (x, y) = (x, y+1)
89 left (x, y) = (x-1, y)
90 right (x, y) = (x+1, y)
93 filled :: Ground -> Ground
94 filled ground = handleSource ground (500, 0)
97 handleSource :: Ground -> Coord -> Ground
98 -- handleSource ground here | trace ("source " ++ show here ++ "\n" ++ showGround ground) False = undefined
99 handleSource ground here
100 | (snd here) > maxY = ground
101 | otherwise = flood ground' here
102 where (_minX, _maxX, _minY, maxY) = bounds ground
103 under = M.findWithDefault Sand (down here) ground
104 ground' = if under == Sand
105 then handleSource (M.insert here Flowing ground) (down here)
106 else M.insert here Flowing ground
108 -- else if (down here) `M.notMember` ground
109 -- then handleSource ground' (down here)
110 -- else flood ground' here
111 -- where (_minX, _maxX, _minY, maxY) = bounds ground
112 -- ground' = (M.insert here Water ground)
114 flood :: Ground -> Coord -> Ground
115 -- flood ground here | trace ("flood " ++ show here) False = undefined
116 flood ground here = foldl' handleSource groundB sources
117 where (groundL, sourcesL, boundL) = floodLeft ground here
118 (groundR, sourcesR, boundR) = floodRight groundL here
119 sources = sourcesL ++ sourcesR
120 groundB = if boundL && boundR
121 then stillWater groundR here
122 else groundR
125 -- if null sources
126 -- then flood groundLR (up here)
127 -- else foldl' handleSource groundLR sources
128 -- where (groundL, sourcesL) = floodLeft ground here
129 -- (groundLR, sourcesR) = floodRight groundL here
130 -- sources = sourcesL ++ sourcesR
132 -- if the ground under is sand, create a new source
133 -- otherwise,
134 -- if the groudnd to the left is clay, stop
135 -- if the ground to the left isn't clay, flood left
137 floodLeft :: Ground -> Coord -> (Ground, [Coord], Bool)
138 -- floodLeft ground here | trace ("flood <= " ++ show here) False = undefined
139 floodLeft ground here =
140 if leftWards == Clay
141 then (ground, [], True)
142 else case (under, underLeft) of
143 (Clay, Sand) -> (ground', [left here], False)
144 (Clay, Clay) -> floodLeft ground' (left here)
145 (Still, Still) -> floodLeft ground' (left here)
146 (Still, Clay) -> floodLeft ground' (left here)
147 (Clay, Still) -> floodLeft ground' (left here)
148 _ -> (ground, [], False)
149 where ground' = (M.insert (left here) Flowing ground)
150 under = M.findWithDefault Sand (down here) ground
151 leftWards = M.findWithDefault Sand (left here) ground
152 underLeft = M.findWithDefault Sand (left (down here)) ground
155 floodRight :: Ground -> Coord -> (Ground, [Coord], Bool)
156 -- floodRight ground here | trace ("flood => " ++ show here) False = undefined
157 floodRight ground here =
158 if rightWards == Clay
159 then (ground, [], True)
160 else case (under, underRight) of
161 (Clay, Sand) -> (ground', [right here], False)
162 (Clay, Clay) -> floodRight ground' (right here)
163 (Still, Still) -> floodRight ground' (right here)
164 (Still, Clay) -> floodRight ground' (right here)
165 (Clay, Still) -> floodRight ground' (right here)
166 _ -> (ground, [], False)
167 where ground' = (M.insert (right here) Flowing ground)
168 under = M.findWithDefault Sand (down here) ground
169 rightWards = M.findWithDefault Sand (right here) ground
170 underRight = M.findWithDefault Sand (right (down here)) ground
171 -- if under == Sand
172 -- then (ground', [here])
173 -- else if rightWards == Clay
174 -- then (ground', [])
175 -- else if (under == Water) && (rightWards == Sand)
176 -- then (ground', [])
177 -- else floodRight ground' (left here)
178 -- where ground' = (M.insert here Water ground)
179 -- under = M.findWithDefault Sand (down here) ground
180 -- rightWards = M.findWithDefault Sand (right here) ground
181 -- floodRight ground here =
182 -- case under of
183 -- Sand -> (ground', [here])
184 -- Water -> (ground', [])
185 -- otherwise -> if (right here) `M.notMember` ground
186 -- then floodRight ground' (right here)
187 -- else if ground!(right here) == Water
188 -- then floodRight ground' (right here)
189 -- else (ground', [])
190 -- where ground' = (M.insert here Water ground)
191 -- under = M.findWithDefault Sand (down here) ground
193 stillWater :: Ground -> Coord -> Ground
194 -- stillWater ground here | trace ("stilling " ++ show here) False = undefined
195 stillWater ground here = stillWaterR groundL here
196 where groundL = stillWaterL ground here
198 stillWaterL :: Ground -> Coord -> Ground
199 -- stillWaterL ground here | trace ("stilling L" ++ show here) False = undefined
200 stillWaterL ground here =
201 if ground!(left here) == Clay
202 then ground'
203 else stillWaterL ground' (left here)
204 where ground' =(M.insert here Still ground)
206 stillWaterR :: Ground -> Coord -> Ground
207 -- stillWaterR ground here | trace ("stilling R" ++ show here) False = undefined
208 stillWaterR ground here =
209 if ground!(right here) == Clay
210 then ground'
211 else stillWaterR ground' (right here)
212 where ground' = (M.insert here Still ground)
216 -- Parse the input file
218 type Parser = Parsec Void Text
220 sc :: Parser ()
221 sc = L.space (skipSome spaceChar) CA.empty CA.empty
223 lexeme = L.lexeme sc
224 integer = lexeme L.decimal
225 symb = L.symbol sc
227 equalP = symb "="
228 commaP = symb ","
229 ellipsisP = ".."
230 axisP = symb "x" <|> symb "y"
232 fileP = many rowP
234 rowP = (,) <$> fixedP <* commaP <*> rangeP
236 fixedP = (,) <$> axisP <* equalP <*> integer
237 rangeP = (,,) <$> axisP <* equalP <*> integer <* ellipsisP <*> integer
240 successfulParse :: Text -> [SoilSpecLine]
241 successfulParse input =
242 case parse fileP "input" input of
243 Left _error -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
244 Right soilSpec -> soilSpec