Now with hashes to speed up duplicate game detection
[advent-of-code-20.git] / advent17 / src / advent17a.hs
1 -- import Debug.Trace
3 import qualified Data.Set as S
4 import Linear (V3(..), (^+^))
6 type Coord = V3 Int -- x, y, z
7 type Grid = S.Set Coord
9 main :: IO ()
10 main =
11 do grid0 <- readGrid "data/advent17.txt"
12 let finalGrid = head $ drop 6 $ iterate update grid0
13 print $ S.size finalGrid
16 readGrid :: String -> IO Grid
17 readGrid filename =
18 do gs <- readFile filename
19 let grid = lines gs
20 let isActive x y = (grid!!y)!!x == '#'
21 let maxX = length (head grid) - 1
22 let maxY = length grid - 1
23 return $ S.fromList [ V3 x y 0
24 | x <- [0..maxX], y <- [0..maxY], isActive x y]
26 neighbourSpaces :: Coord -> Grid
27 neighbourSpaces here = (here ^+^) nbrs
28 where nbrs = S.fromList [ V3 dx dy dz
29 | dx <- [-1, 0, 1]
30 , dy <- [-1, 0, 1]
31 , dz <- [-1, 0, 1]
32 , (dx, dy, dz) /= (0, 0, 0)]
34 countOccupiedNeighbours :: Coord -> Grid -> Int
35 countOccupiedNeighbours cell grid =
36 S.size $ S.intersection grid $ neighbourSpaces cell
38 cubeSurvives :: Grid -> Coord -> Bool
39 cubeSurvives grid cell = alive && (nNbrs == 2 || nNbrs == 3)
40 where alive = cell `S.member` grid
41 nNbrs = countOccupiedNeighbours cell grid
43 cubeBorn :: Grid -> Coord -> Bool
44 cubeBorn grid cell = dead && (nNbrs == 3)
45 where dead = cell `S.notMember` grid
46 nNbrs = countOccupiedNeighbours cell grid
48 update :: Grid -> Grid
49 update grid = S.union (S.filter (cubeSurvives grid) grid)
50 (S.filter (cubeBorn grid) empties)
51 where empties = (S.foldr mergeEmpties S.empty grid) `S.difference` grid
52 mergeEmpties cell acc = S.union acc $ neighbourSpaces cell