# This YAML file describes your package. Stack will automatically generate a # Cabal file when you run `stack build`. See the hpack website for help with # this file: . name: advent07 synopsis: Advent of Code version: '0.0.1' default-extensions: - AllowAmbiguousTypes - ApplicativeDo - BangPatterns - BlockArguments - DataKinds - DeriveFoldable - DeriveFunctor - DeriveGeneric - DeriveTraversable - EmptyCase - FlexibleContexts - FlexibleInstances - FunctionalDependencies - GADTs - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving - ImplicitParams - KindSignatures - LambdaCase - MonadComprehensions - MonoLocalBinds - MultiParamTypeClasses - MultiWayIf - NamedFieldPuns - NegativeLiterals - NumDecimals # - OverloadedLists - OverloadedStrings - PartialTypeSignatures - PatternGuards - PatternSynonyms - PolyKinds - RankNTypes - RecordWildCards - ScopedTypeVariables - TemplateHaskell - TransformListComp - TupleSections - TypeApplications - TypeFamilies - TypeInType - TypeOperators - ViewPatterns executables: advent07: main: advent07.hs source-dirs: src dependencies: - base >= 2 && < 6 - text - attoparsec - containers advent07graph: main: advent07graph.hs source-dirs: src dependencies: - base >= 2 && < 6 - text - attoparsec - containers - graphite