[advent-of-code-22.git] / advent16 / MainSPar.hs
1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2022/12/17/advent-of-code-2022-day-16/
3 import Debug.Trace
5 import AoC
6 import Data.Text (Text)
7 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
8 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
9 import Control.Applicative
10 import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Max as P
11 import qualified Data.Set as S
12 import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
13 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
14 import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
15 -- import Data.Sequence ((|>), Seq((:|>)), ViewR ((:>)))
16 import Data.Sequence ( (|>), Seq((:|>)) )
17 import Data.List
18 import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
19 import Data.Ord
20 import Control.Monad.Reader
21 import Control.Lens hiding ((<|), (|>), (:>), (:<), indices)
22 import Control.Parallel.Strategies
25 type RoomID = String
27 data Tunnel = Tunnel { _tunnelTo :: RoomID, _tunnelLength :: Int}
28 deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
29 makeLenses ''Tunnel
31 data Room = Room
32 { _flowRate :: Int
33 , _tunnels :: S.Set Tunnel
34 } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
35 makeLenses ''Room
37 type Cave = M.Map RoomID Room
38 data TimedCave = TimedCave { getCave :: Cave, getTimeLimit :: Int , getSortedRooms :: [RoomID]}
40 type CaveContext = Reader TimedCave
42 data SearchState = SearchState
43 { _currentRoom :: RoomID
44 , _currentTime :: Int
45 , _openValves :: S.Set RoomID
46 } deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
47 makeLenses ''SearchState
49 data Agendum =
50 Agendum { _current :: SearchState
51 , _trail :: Q.Seq SearchState
52 , _trailBenefit :: Int
53 , _benefit :: Int
54 } deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
55 makeLenses ''Agendum
57 type Agenda = P.MaxPQueue Int Agendum
59 -- state, total flowed so far
60 type ExploredStates = S.Set (SearchState, Int)
62 type PartSolutions = M.Map (S.Set RoomID) Int
65 main :: IO ()
66 main =
67 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
68 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
69 let expandedCave = successfulParse text
70 -- print cave
71 -- print $ reachableFrom cave [Tunnel "AA" 0] S.empty []
72 -- print $ compress cave
73 -- putStrLn $ dotify expandedCave
74 let cave = compress expandedCave
75 print $ part1 cave
76 print $ part2 cave
78 -- dotify cave = "graph G {\n" ++ (unlines $ concat $ M.elems $ M.mapWithKey showCRoom cave) ++ "\n}\n"
79 -- where showCRoom roomID room = filter (not . null) ((showCRoomShape roomID room) : (showCRoomLinks roomID room))
81 -- showCRoomShape roomID room
82 -- | room ^. flowRate > 0 = roomID ++ " [fillcolor=grey label=\"" ++ roomID ++ ": " ++ (show $ room ^. flowRate) ++ "\"];"
83 -- | otherwise = ""
85 -- showCRoomLinks roomID room = [roomID ++ " -- " ++ (t ^. tunnelTo) ++ ";" | t <- S.toList $ room ^. tunnels, (t ^. tunnelTo) > roomID ]
87 part1, part2 :: Cave -> Int
88 -- part1 :: Cave -> Int
89 part1 cave = runSearch 30 cave
90 part2 cave = maximum (fmap maximum chunkSolns `using` parList rdeepseq)
91 where rawSolutions = runSearchAll 26 cave
92 solutionList = M.toList rawSolutions
93 combinations = [ fp + fe
94 | (p, fp) <- solutionList
95 , (e, fe) <- solutionList
96 , p < e
97 , S.disjoint p e
98 ]
99 chunkSolns = chunksOf 10000 combinations
101 includeAgendum :: PartSolutions -> Agendum -> CaveContext PartSolutions
102 includeAgendum results agendum =
103 do cf <- currentFlow (agendum ^. current)
104 timeLimit <- asks getTimeLimit
105 let timeLeft = timeLimit - timeOf (agendum ^. current)
106 let remainingFlow = cf * timeLeft
107 let totalFlow = remainingFlow + agendum ^. trailBenefit
108 let visitedSet = agendum ^. current . openValves
109 let currentBest = M.findWithDefault 0 visitedSet results
110 if totalFlow > currentBest
111 then return (M.insert visitedSet totalFlow results)
112 else return results
114 runSearch :: Int -> Cave -> Int
115 runSearch timeLimit cave = maybe 0 _benefit result
116 where result = runReader (searchCave "AA") (TimedCave cave timeLimit sortedRooms)
117 sortedRooms = sortOn (\r -> Down $ (cave ! r) ^. flowRate ) $ M.keys $ M.filter (\r -> r ^. flowRate > 0) cave
119 runSearchAll :: Int -> Cave -> PartSolutions
120 runSearchAll timeLimit cave = result
121 where result = runReader (searchCaveAll "AA") (TimedCave cave timeLimit sortedRooms)
122 sortedRooms = sortOn (\r -> Down $ (cave ! r) ^. flowRate ) $ M.keys $ M.filter (\r -> r ^. flowRate > 0) cave
125 searchCave :: String -> CaveContext (Maybe Agendum)
126 searchCave startRoom =
127 do agenda <- initAgenda startRoom
128 aStar agenda S.empty
130 searchCaveAll :: String -> CaveContext PartSolutions
131 searchCaveAll startRoom =
132 do agenda <- initAgenda startRoom
133 allSolutions agenda S.empty M.empty
135 initAgenda :: String -> CaveContext Agenda
136 initAgenda startID =
137 do let startState = emptySearchState startID
138 b <- estimateBenefit startState
139 return $ P.singleton b Agendum { _current = startState, _trail = Q.empty, _trailBenefit = 0, _benefit = b}
141 aStar :: Agenda -> ExploredStates -> CaveContext (Maybe Agendum)
142 aStar agenda closed
143 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show reached) ++ " <- " ++ (show $ toList $ Q.take 1 $ _trail $ currentAgendum) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
144 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ _current $ snd $ P.findMax agenda) ++ " : foundFlow " ++ (show $ _trailBenefit $ snd $ P.findMax agenda)) False = undefined
145 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ _current $ snd $ P.findMax agenda) ++ " : foundFlow " ++ (show $ _trailBenefit $ snd $ P.findMax agenda) ++ " : trail " ++ (show $ _trail $ snd $ P.findMax agenda) ++ " : closed " ++ (show closed)) False = undefined
146 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ P.findMax agenda)) False = undefined
147 | P.null agenda = return Nothing
148 | otherwise =
149 do let (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMax agenda
150 let reached = currentAgendum ^. current
151 nexts <- candidates currentAgendum closed
152 let newAgenda = foldl' (\q a -> P.insert (_benefit a) a q) (P.deleteMax agenda) nexts
153 reachedGoal <- isGoal currentAgendum
154 let cl = (reached, currentAgendum ^. trailBenefit)
155 if reachedGoal
156 then return (Just currentAgendum)
157 else if (cl `S.member` closed)
158 then aStar (P.deleteMax agenda) closed
159 else aStar newAgenda (S.insert cl closed)
161 allSolutions :: Agenda -> ExploredStates -> PartSolutions -> CaveContext PartSolutions
162 allSolutions agenda closed foundSolutions
163 | P.null agenda = return foundSolutions
164 | otherwise =
165 do let (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMax agenda
166 let reached = currentAgendum ^. current
167 nexts <- candidates currentAgendum closed
168 let newAgenda = foldl' (\q a -> P.insert (_benefit a) a q) (P.deleteMax agenda) nexts
169 reachedGoal <- isGoal currentAgendum
170 let cl = (reached, currentAgendum ^. trailBenefit)
171 newFoundSolutions <- includeAgendum foundSolutions currentAgendum
172 if reachedGoal
173 then allSolutions (P.deleteMax agenda) closed newFoundSolutions
174 else if (cl `S.member` closed)
175 then allSolutions (P.deleteMax agenda) closed foundSolutions
176 else allSolutions newAgenda (S.insert cl closed) newFoundSolutions
179 candidates :: Agendum -> ExploredStates -> CaveContext (Q.Seq Agendum)
180 candidates agendum closed =
181 do let candidate = agendum ^. current
182 let previous = agendum ^. trail
183 let prevBenefit = agendum ^. trailBenefit
184 succs <- successors candidate
185 succAgs <- mapM (makeAgendum previous prevBenefit) succs
186 let nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> (s ^. current, s ^. trailBenefit) `S.notMember` closed) succAgs
187 return nonloops
189 emptySearchState :: RoomID -> SearchState
190 emptySearchState startID = SearchState
191 { _currentRoom = startID
192 , _currentTime = 0
193 , _openValves = S.empty
194 }
196 currentFlow :: SearchState -> CaveContext Int
197 currentFlow state =
198 do cave <- asks getCave
199 let valves = state ^. openValves
200 let presentRooms = cave `M.restrictKeys` valves
201 return $ sumOf (folded . flowRate) presentRooms
203 timeOf :: SearchState -> Int
204 timeOf state = state ^. currentTime
206 successors :: SearchState -> CaveContext (Q.Seq SearchState)
207 successors state =
208 do isFF <- isFullFlow state
209 cave <- asks getCave
210 timeLimit <- asks getTimeLimit
211 let here = state ^. currentRoom
212 let opened = state ^. openValves
213 let now = state ^. currentTime
214 let remaining = S.toList $ S.filter (\t -> (t ^. tunnelTo) `S.notMember` opened) ((cave ! here) ^. tunnels)
215 let moves = [ SearchState
216 { _currentRoom = (t ^. tunnelTo)
217 , _currentTime = now + (t ^. tunnelLength)
218 , _openValves = opened
219 }
220 | t <- remaining
221 , now + (t ^. tunnelLength) <= timeLimit
222 ]
223 let opens = if here `S.notMember` opened && (cave ! here) ^. flowRate > 0 && now < timeLimit
224 then [SearchState { _currentRoom = here, _currentTime = now + 1, _openValves = S.insert here opened }]
225 else []
226 let nexts = if null opens then moves else opens
227 let nexts' = if null nexts
228 then [ SearchState
229 { _currentRoom = here
230 , _currentTime = timeLimit
231 , _openValves = opened
232 } ]
233 else nexts
234 let succs = Q.fromList nexts'
235 if isFF || (Q.null succs)
236 then return $ Q.singleton (state & currentTime .~ timeLimit)
237 else return succs
240 estimateBenefit :: SearchState -> CaveContext Int
241 estimateBenefit here =
242 do cave <- asks getCave
243 timeLimit <- asks getTimeLimit
244 let timeRemaining = timeLimit - (timeOf here)
245 cf <- currentFlow here
246 sortedValves <- asks getSortedRooms
247 let opened = here ^. openValves
248 let sortedClosedValves = [(cave ! v) ^. flowRate | v <- sortedValves, v `S.notMember` opened]
249 let otherValveFlows = sum $ zipWith (*) [timeRemaining, (timeRemaining - 2) .. 0] sortedClosedValves
250 return $ (cf * timeRemaining) + otherValveFlows
252 makeAgendum :: Q.Seq SearchState -> Int -> SearchState -> CaveContext Agendum
253 makeAgendum previous prevBenefit newState =
254 do predicted <- estimateBenefit newState -- (Q.length previous)
255 -- cf <- currentFlow newState
256 oldFlow <- lastFlow previous (timeOf newState)
257 let newTrail = previous |> newState
258 let incurred = prevBenefit + oldFlow
259 return Agendum { _current = newState
260 , _trail = newTrail
261 , _trailBenefit = incurred
262 , _benefit = incurred + predicted
263 }
265 lastFlow :: Q.Seq SearchState -> Int -> CaveContext Int
266 lastFlow Q.Empty _ = return 0
267 lastFlow (_ :|> previous) newTime =
268 do cf <- currentFlow previous
269 let dt = newTime - (timeOf previous)
270 return (cf * dt)
272 isGoal :: Agendum -> CaveContext Bool
273 isGoal agendum =
274 do timeLimit <- asks getTimeLimit
275 let s = agendum ^. current
276 return $ (timeOf s) == timeLimit
278 isFullFlow :: SearchState -> CaveContext Bool
279 isFullFlow state =
280 do cave <- asks getCave
281 cf <- currentFlow state
282 let ff = sumOf (folded . flowRate) cave
283 return (cf == ff)
285 compress :: Cave -> Cave
286 compress cave = M.mapWithKey (compressRoom cave) cave
288 compressRoom :: Cave -> RoomID -> Room -> Room
289 compressRoom cave here room = room & tunnels .~ t'
290 where t' = reachableFrom cave [Tunnel here 0] S.empty S.empty
292 reachableFrom :: Cave -> [Tunnel] -> S.Set RoomID -> S.Set Tunnel -> S.Set Tunnel
293 reachableFrom _ [] _ routes = routes
294 reachableFrom cave (tunnel@(Tunnel here len):boundary) found routes
295 | here `S.member` found = reachableFrom cave boundary found routes
296 | otherwise = reachableFrom cave (boundary ++ (S.toList legs)) (S.insert here found) routes'
297 where exits = (cave ! here) ^. tunnels
298 exits' = S.filter (\t -> (t ^. tunnelTo) `S.notMember` found) exits
299 legs = S.map (\t -> t & tunnelLength .~ (len + 1)) exits'
300 routes' = if (len == 0) || ((cave ! here) ^. flowRate) == 0
301 then routes
302 else S.insert tunnel routes
304 -- Parse the input file
306 caveP :: Parser Cave
307 valveP :: Parser (RoomID, Room)
308 roomP :: Parser Room
309 tunnelsP :: Parser (S.Set Tunnel)
310 tunnelTextP :: Parser Text
312 caveP = M.fromList <$> valveP `sepBy` endOfLine
313 valveP = (,) <$> ("Valve " *> (many1 letter)) <*> roomP
314 roomP = Room <$> (" has flow rate=" *> decimal) <*> (tunnelTextP *> tunnelsP)
315 -- where roomify v ts = Room {flowRate = v, tunnels = ts }
316 tunnelsP = (S.fromList . (fmap (flip Tunnel 1))) <$> (many1 letter) `sepBy` ", "
317 tunnelTextP = "; tunnels lead to valves " <|> "; tunnel leads to valve "
319 successfulParse :: Text -> Cave
320 successfulParse input =
321 case parseOnly caveP input of
322 Left _err -> M.empty -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
323 Right cave -> cave