raining: rainning, raning writings: writtings disparagingly: disparingly yellow: yello four: forer, fours, fuore, fore*5, for*4 woods: woodes hanging: haing aggression: agression looking: loking, begining, luing, look*2, locking, lucking, louk, looing, lookin, liking eligible: eligble, elegable, eligable electricity: electrisity, electricty*2, electrizity scold: schold, skold adaptable: adabtable caned: canned, cained immature: imature shouldn't: shoudln, shouldnt swivel: swival appropriation: apropriation fur: furr, fer stabbed: stabed Southwold: Suothwode disturb: distrebe, desturb recollections: reclections, recolections prize: prise, prizer wednesday: wensday, wedensday succession: sucession, sucesion, succesion straight: strate, strait, staidght, stright*2 guardsmen: gards_men incremented: increented bacon: backen, baken pulse: pluse elegant: elagent, elligit second: secand, sexeon, secund, seconnd, seond, sekon jamjar: jam_jar sailed: saled, saild blouse: boludes thunder: thounder cooking: coking, chocking, kooking, cocking fossil: fosscil increasing: incased, ingreesh_this, incresing, incriosing, increacing, incressing, increcing, ingeker, incrsin, inceasing, inceing, increase, insest, ingcresing, incuiseing, enchres, intheris, incesing, encreing, increesing, crace, encrising, increaseng, encressing, in_cresing, incrising, incersinges, changing, incesting, encreasing, crissing, incriasing, incsin, incing, increaseing, ingesing, imceasing, incristing, engressing, ingresin, incrase, encash hero: heroe dahl: dael reporter: repoter, rebarter, reportor, reproter, reoporter, repoted, reporet, peportery interrupting: interupting here: hiar, hare, hir, hair, haiw, liet, hreb, hah, her, hes, hiyr, there, three, hay, hea, herre, har, werr, head, heere, hera, heir, herd, heat, hear*11, handr, he, heer, hree, hire, thehe, hon, eate, poit atoms: atom tape-recorded: tape_recorded shriek: shreik substance: substace elaborate: elaberate climbed: climb, climed, cimed reports: reoprts controversy: contervercing, contervercuy, consonerse, counteversy, contravercy, contronversey, contiversey, countirversay, countrovesy, counterversing, comsversiary, controversave, contevesy, controveries, controversey, controvercy*2, contraversally, conteversy, comtevercy, controversaries, countufersey, controvarsey, conqouversing, contriversy, contraversey, controvesey, contraverse, countroversy, contraversy*2, constroversy, contruevency, connesary, contavercy, conversity, contretearsing, controvery, contrevy, controvsary, contiuvisy, controvese, contronersery, controvorsey, contravorsy, countrevercy, controvvesity, conterversy, conterverisy, contriversey, conterversty, contreversey, combtrovesy, conversey, contterversy, conturvesy, contrvercy, controvesy, coutueversy, controsory, contrefercing, counterners, controvercey, contowversie, controversay, conversation, controversary, contraversery, contreversy, controversie, contriverse, controversing, conterversay, contrusy etiology: eitiology snowing: showing military: millitary, milatary, militery cancellation: canselation, cassilation, canncelation, cancalation, consulation, cancelatin, canelation, cansallation, cansellation, cansilation, cancallation, canacellation, cannsulation, cansaltion, cancolateon, cansulation, consalation, canselution, cancilliation, canslation, cancillation, cancolation, cansalation, cancialation, cancatation, cancilation, canclation, cansolitation, cansolation, cancealation, cancilion, cancelation, chancelation, cansclitation criticism: criticisim, critizeation, criticizem, coritisumn, critisicsm, criticisam, critisizem, critisium, critizition, critisisem, crisisem, critiscism, critisisum, critigism, critisum, critizim, certsemus, griticism, critizm, critizesum, cretism, crisizum, critisima, critizam, critisizum, critisiem, criticisiom, critisim, critizizem, critisizm, critisism*2, critisiciam, crictism, critizium, critisicm, crittissisam, criticiz, criticisium, critisyum, critisicem, critissam, criticiam, citisum, critizom, critiszm, criticise, critisisim, criticisum, criticizement, cridictcisim, criticisms, critisizime, criticisem, critisizim, critisision, critizism, crisiam, critisisam, criticsm, critisiam, criticizasm, critizum, criticizin, critizisum, critizen, critizem, critzen, cretacesum, courtesisum, critisym, cretisism, critizisim, criticitisem, crypticism, critizizam, critisesimon, critisem, critcism, criticem, criciticisms, cirtissimum, critici, criticm, critism, critision, crytisym, criticizm, courtisum, critisizen, critizitim, criticum golden: goldin, gloden sines: sinse divide: devide*2, divid subtracts: substracts there_had: therad criticise: critisize sweetest: sweetes explained: explan, epled, exclimed, exeplande, explainded, ecspained, explard, exslanded, explanned, expanel, exesnd, expaned, exlpand, explain, explaind, eixplaned, exsplaned, eplained, exsplain, explaid, explaned, epland, expand, extamed, explant, ekplaned, expaine, exploxen, explairded, explane, expland, expent, exclaimed, exprand, exple, exclamed brought: broght, broug, brough*2, brot, bught, brort, brougth, bought remnant: reminent sizeable: sizable opponents: oppenerts spoke: spoak, spock, spok, spook browse: bbrose music: muic, muice telegraph: telagraph strike: stricke, sricke, strick until: intal, untill*9, uatill, untl holy: wholy, holly, holey relax: relacks successful: sucksesful, sucsselful, seckesful, sacsesful, sussecful, sucsesfult, sususful, seccesful, suxsesful, sucsful, sussfull, sucsesfull, sucssuful, sucsessful, siccesefull, sursenful, suxsusful, suksesfull, succful, successfull*2, sucessful, succesfull, secsecfuly, sucessfull*2, successeful, suxcessful, sesesful, scucfull, succesfel, sexcful, suckessful, succsesfull, secessful, sucfull, successfuly, seceful, suckcesfull, surseful, saseful, sucksfull, susesful, surou, sucefull, succeful, sucsfully, sexself, succesfully, uscsful, sucesful*2, sucseful, succfull, succusfull, secsecful, sucksesfull, suchsefull, sacksesful, scuksefuly, succesful*2, sucsefully, secseful, succeshful, sucsessfull, suchesbull, sucsesfle, suxsefal, sucsesful, suceseful, sukseful, succsessful, succsefull, suskfull, suceful, sucesfull, succsesful, sucesfful, sussefull, secsesful hurt: heart, hert*3, hearte glass: glas, glars reversible: reversable tying: tieing hole: hol, hold, holler hold: hod, holed circumstances: circumstaces locked: lock, lockEd, lockd pursue: persue*3, presue accomplishment: acomplishment apologetics: apolegetics locker: loker example: exemple, exmaple, exsample, exmple household: houshe artillery: artillary organized: oranised, orginized caution: causion, cortion want: wont, wants, what, mant, whant*7, wand, watn, whan't*2, woth, wnat, whon, whont*5, won't*4, wernt, went, wat preferably: preferrably hog: hag hoe: how, ho complaining: complanig travel: travle, travill, travell damage: damaged, damadge, Dameage, damge, Damage, dammage, damuge, damagage, damaze, danage, damnage, damgous machine: mecichly, merchen, meshien, michin, minhen, machane, merchain, mishn, maechen, mosien, moter, masir, matchine, macine, mashen, machiene, merchine, mishing, meirshin, mechine, micshine, mashin, mashine, manchine, mching, mesen, macien, muchien, mrosin, machian, masgen, mshin, machein, macheine how: hou, haw hot: thot, rat, hoot, hala, hote, aht, tert, hat hop: hope cheetah: cheter*3 preferable: preferrable fanaticism: fanatism vaccination: vacinnation beauty: beuty, bueaty outlawed: oulawed wrong: wrang, wronge, ron, rong*3, long, rog, wong, ronge, ro, worng monolithic: monolite short-tempered: short_tempered effective: affective caisson: casion headquarters: headquoters season: seson signatories: signitories baggage: bagage orally: erally snowballs: snow_ball keeps: keep wind: win, wid restriction: restrici dreamed: dremd misdemeanor: misdemenor, misdameanor vary: varie sunshine: sunshin Nazareth: Nazereth fir: fur His: He's, He fit: fite, fanit, fid unforeseen: unforseen heretofore: heretofor secede: seceed survivors: survivers coach-load: coach_load distinguishing: distingishing insubstantial: insubstancial hidden: hidon Him: Im*2 grievous: grievious interrupt: interupt*2 blink: blnk eisenhower: eisenhhower scholar: scholer rumour: rumer, rummer represents: repreents queues: ques shoelace: shoe_lace arrow: arow volcano: volcanoe dumpy: dunpty obdurate: obdirate preceded: preceeded financial: vaysuntte, fiynalle, finachle, finashall, finaancle, finatul, finantual, fintrol, fina, finnance, financhial, finanturel, finasle, finanshel, fineshel, financal, finnanle, finanial, financhel, firanshal, finachial, finashal, finenashsure, finatial, finane, fianation, finantial, finacwell, firnashal, fenecherue, finanshiol, financual, finachel, finasial, finacal, finatoil, finantal, finacial, finesha, fiancial, finashel, finatical, firnanshel, finanction, fineancal, finalshal, financhall snakes: snaks, snake archetypes: archtypes garment: garmet Teddy_boy: Teddoy*3, Tedeboy spider: spiter turnip: turnup precedes: preceeds fortnight: fort_night laboratory: labory, labotorey, laboraty, labritory, labroratory, lavatory, labortory, labertory, labrotory, laboatory, libertory, labatory, laboretory, labratory*2, laberotary, labitory, labaratory, labetory, lavoratory, elatory, lab, laveratory, labartory, labortary, laboritory, labority, laborotory, labarotory, lavortory, laborbtory, laberatory, lavratory ring: rings whip: wip excepting: exepting encourage: incourage, encorage, encourge, encourg engineer: engeneer, engieneer, enginer foundation: foundition, fondation inhabitants: habitants assured: asured threatened: thretened surveys: survays, servays grapes: graps sheet: sheat*2, shet estimate: estamate knit: knitt, niet, nit universally: universaly enormous: enormas, emerous, enourmous, enormus ate: et, aet, eat*3, ete scruff: scruf reprimanded: repremanded dinner-hour: dinner_hour today's: todays sallies: sally wash: wach, wosh instruct: instruck customization: custamisation bitten: biten rhododendron: rhododrendon basketball: baskball, Basketball, basketbale, Basket-Ball, baskt-ball, baskeball, basket-ball, bascketball, basket-Ball, baskitball, bascket-ball, Basket_ball, bastestball service: cirvice, survice, servise, servace similarly: similarily*2 engagement: enagement needed: need, nedded, mided, neaded perturbations: pertubations master: mater architect: archetect listen: lisen, lesson, lisn, leasten, listern*2 geneva: geniva snooty: snoty predictable: predicable crawl: crol, crall positively: positivly sidereal: sedereal, sideral showed: showd, shod approximations: appoximations tree: treee, tre, three, tee omnivorous: omniverous project: progetr, proget, prget, pojert, projer, prung, commet, pgett, projet, projoc, progect, porait, poujent, projent, projexty, poragced, porcet pneumonia: nuemonia, memonia, pnenonia, pnuemonia, phneumonia, ammonia, pnmonia, phemonia, pneumaine, phneomia, phenomia, pnemounia, nomina, phenominia, phneomina, pnenumoia, phewmonia, pneimonia, newmonia, amnonnia, phemonuia, pneunomia, amomea, phenioma, nephonia, pheunomia, phenomenia, phunmonia, phnomeia, peneumia, phomonia, phumonia, pnumonia, pheuphmonia, pnemoninia, pneunonia, phonimonu, phuemonia, ponuime, anumonian, anomina, phnomia, pneaumonia, phenoumonia, Phnumonia, pnomonia, phenoumina, penmonia, phenoumia, newmony, phenumia, pnueounia, phenimonia, numonia, penominia, phnumonia, pounia, puemonia, pnemonia, pnenomionia, phenomu, pneumia, pneumnia, pheomena, pnenonea, phemomina, phenomnia, anonianu, phmoinia, pneurminu, phnemona, pheunomina, Pheumonia, phemonuime, Pneumonia, phnenimonia, pheumonia, phnuemonia, namoia, nephenoma, namouny, pheneumonia, pnumonenia, numonuia, pneumunia, nemonia, pnumonea, phunemonia, peunmonia, pneumphia, neumonia, pnenomia, knemonu, phnemonia, phnemounia, pnumeia, pneomonia, peunomia, phomoniow, Phonia, demondia, phmeuaina, phenemonia, numoia, remote, penumonia, munonia, phenumonia, pneuammia, amonia idle: idel, ide readjusted: reajusted seminary: seminery feeling: feling, felling, fealing acquisition: aquisistion, aquisition a_lot: lot, alote, alot*2 to-day's: two_days, todays, todays', to-days, today's, todaies, to_days runner: runer dozen: doxen, dosen wholesome: wholsome, holesome courier: coururier responsible: resmoserbl, responsable, responcible, reponsible, reposable metallic: metalic asymmetric: assymmetric, asymetric, assymetric Bang: Bankg*4 causing: corsing, coursing absorbed: asorbed, abo amusing: amsing doors: doers, dors responsibly: responsably Jones: Johnes committing: commiting*2, comiting, comitting shall: shale, sall, she, shal object: objet a_little: alitl, alittle mouth: moth letter: letre, teller, leter conceded: conseived professor: professer, profesor, proffessor, proffesor*2 camp: kamp, canp consummate: consumate nineteenth: ninteenth scream: scem, screem, screm incomplete: incompleet, incomplot marvel: marval polypropylene: polypropalene bomb: baumb, bombe, bome, bomm, bown, bonod, book, bom, bambe, boom insects: insexs gauge: gadg, gape, garge, gare, gange, gang, tade, garer, gage, gach, gagde, cauge, gams, gadje, bergage, gradnang, gar, grage, gagech, garind, gag, gaog, cage, gargch, gadeg, rage, gaige, gade, gager, guage, gadge, ghase, guadge, gaoge, gaged, geich lessons: lesson's, lessens, lesons, leasons, lessions, listerse, lesson busy: bise, buisy, bussy, bisy shuffling: shufarling than: then, thna, tahn, that bush: buch*2 touched: tesded, toure, cher, toched, theed, tost, tuched, tusted, toughed, tosh, touch, toached, tache, tucked, tust, tutet, toght, tuses, tush, tougched, tacah, tuchd, toch, toulched, turst, toutched, chuched, trosh, tiups, stuched, tuch, thach, touh, thucht, tashed rich: rick rice: rise lady: lade, ladey, ladiy, ladys plate: blate, plat stammered: stamerd terrors: terrours foremost: formost pocket: poket foundries: foundaries cushion: cusion altogether: alltogether, atlogeher, all_together jaguar: jagaur nicely: nicerly, nicly, micely boarder: border patch: pacth blew: blow*3, blue disaster: diaster fair: fare peripheral: periferal radius: radiuss, radious fail: fale nocturnal: nocternal hammer: hamer best: bets, be, bast, dest, bass, beets, beat, bist, biwes, besh, besd, mest, beast, bettes, bister, bess, bes, bet lots: losts, lotes, lot, lost propagates: propogates score: skore, scor side: sied, se, sid preserve: preseve claws: clors never: neve*2, newer, mever, nere, nof, knver, neaver, nether*2, nef, neiver, nerth, naver, nven, nese, ner, neven, nver extend: exstend, extand nature: nacher, nuture, natior, m rolled: rolld, rold invigorated: envigorated souvenir: souvenier, suvenere, souviner extent: exstent wheelbarrow: wheel_barrow debt: dept, deat tyranny: tyrrany*2, tyrany patented: pattented accident: and, aserdent, exded, asden, sedent, acadent, ataren, axcident, askendent, castan, asdent, anitharent, esadend, a_canet, acedcedt, asde, anteght, aciddent, accicent, andandn, acciendent, aciedent, askedent, agisted, axedet, ascended, accierdent, asident, acsident, asedend, exedelt, harcent, accsident, andexns, acsdent, accend, axseadent, andet, accxident, aciadent, exiedent, axs, axerdent, advainet, exedent, andires, acsedent, andient, asadun, akcdent, acedent, axed, andint, ancident, aken, ased, asabed, acident, afanat, xedet, axedent, acist, acdent, acs, axidint, acats, asterdet, accdient, axedents, acddent, axident, addinent, acdend, accedent chirped: cherped country: ocuntry, carty, cout, contry, county, coontry, countrie teddy_boy: teddoy, tedeboy*4 incense: insense levitating: levetating planned: planed*2 asked: ask*5, askt, arsed*2 unsymmetrical: unsyme vain: vane humming: huming cardboard: cardbord source: sorce, aource, sauce, sourse union: unioun criticised: critisized much: must, mush*5, march, mach stadium: staydium privilege: priviledge*3, privlage, privelege*2, privelige*2, privaledge, pervieledges, prilavage, privoledge, prevelige, privilages, privielage, priviliage, previlege, prlige, privaledged, prilavge, providge, privelage, privelidge, privileged, priviladge, previllage, privieloge, priveelege, privilage*2, preminage, previlage, previlidge, privalogy, privalidge, priviage, privilidged, purlgy, privledge, prividleged, privileelge, privalage, prilviage, prevelage, privialage, privilidge, privilige, prilvege, priveleage, privi fry: fri, frie incompetent: incompetant life: lif, lief, live, lefe spit: spite eastern: eastren wish: wich, wis, whish lift: left toboggan: talogon, tabogan, tabogen, tobbogan, tabogoon, tobagon, tobagan, tobogon, tobugon, tobogan, tobon, taboggan, tobogar, tobbogen, tobogurn, tobogn, taboog, tobaggan, tobboan, tabbogan, torbogen, conboggon, tobag, toboggen, toban, tobgen, tobogen, tabbogon, tobogane, tobacon, talbogan, tobogone, terbogen child: cild worked: work, workt, worted spin: spen skilfully: silfely, scilfle, strillfully, sceiful, fouale, lefle, sifle, scilfl, scillfully, skillfuly, skillverly, slhing, scearfolly, scferly, skillfel, squialy, sillaf, scilfly, sckeleft, skyillferley, saill, scify, skilfuly, silf-fele, skilfuley, silfle, clefler, silag, scillfuly, careing, skiverly, sifrle, sivle, skillforlly, skellfortly, sdillfully, skefferly, skill-fullie, skifly, skcinfulle, scifuly, skillferly, sarefully, soft, skifaly, sciferly, skilfarly, sqilferly, skinfuly, scill_filly, skelfuly, skifle, scillferle, scilfully, skillfully, scifule, cifarte, scillfley, skiffuly, scilferly, skilly, skeaferly, sall, skilfoly, sech, sillfully, skillful, shfally, skifully, scifeley, skilferly, selfer, sciverly, slikely, sclfoly, scilfuly commerce: comerce adaptations: adaptions dissect: disect employ: employe, imploy visit: visite, viste, vist played: paly, play, plays, bagt player: playa anticipating: antisepating, antisapiting, anticipitating, taniseapating, antispating, anticicitating, antizapating, antiscimation, antecipating, anticapate, anticipation, ancisapating, antiecpating, antisapit, anticepating, anticopening, anntisipation, antiapating, antcspating, anticpating, anticipting, anticiputed, antistipating, anntisapating, antisipainting, antiscipating, antisispating, atticpate, antisipating, antisepate, anticapting, anticipate, antasipation, anticapating, anticipateing, antisupate, antisapating, anticap foot-and-mouth: footandmouth, footanmouth violin: voilion, volin, vioiln oxymoron: oximoron damaged: dagmed, damatge, dames, damiged, damge, dameaged, damidge, damidgd, damed, damanged, damised, daned, damgedid, damadge, dadge, damedged, damagd, damage, domg, daeged, depbiced, damigaigd, dammaged, daniged, demges, damged, dam, damagtd, damdend, damadged, bamaged, dmeg, dameged, ecage, danaged, dammage, damges, danmaged, damige, damigid, damedge things: thigns, tings, thinks, thing, fens, thigsn, thnigs, think*2, thigs demands: diemands split: splite, spilt babies: babyies, babis, badies, bayds, bebys, babbes, babes, babyis, babe, badys, babs, baby, bobs, babeyes, baddys, babys*3, baybis, babyes*3, abays, bady, baybes, dady fairly: faily, farly, fairlu Married: Marrid typhoid: tifoid, tyfoid middle-aged: middle_age supper: super someone's: some_ones peremptory: preemptory rescinded: resinded academic: accademic, acedemic subpoena: subpena, sepina form-mistress: formmistress, formistress, formmisstress corporate: corparate*2 plaque: placque capitol: capital distribute: distribut, distrubute sleepy: sleppy, sleepey financially: fianancally, financial, financilly, funiluty, finatially, financely, fincially, finnancially, financialy*2, finically, fininculay, fineanancely, famficay, finatually, finattioncely, finachily, finincially, finnancilly, finantially, financally, fenancialy, fimashly, finnacally, financhally, finiancle, finally, finiancially, finaciancally, finacially, financuly, fnaniancly, financeally, finnacily, finincally, financle, financel, finiancely, financly, finaitially, fananually, fianancially, financhilly, finantionally, finately, finiancally, finantually, finiancialy, finationly, finanialy, fanincally, financily, fiancially, fianicially, finitually, finaling, finacilly, fianiclly, finaily, finncually, fanacialy, financinally, financually, finnanially, finanically, finicially, finially portrayed: protrayed succeeding: suceeding previous: previvous, preveous, previos, previus purchased: perchased sciences: se old-fashioned: old_fashion, old_fashend, oldfashioned had: hut, head, ad, han, hab, hade*2, hed, add, ade, at, have*2, av, has*2, hat, haed, aud thickening: thikning Connecticut: Conneticut obedient: obediant*2, obedent innocent: inoscent, incensent, innoncent, innocense, inocence, insient, inosent, incouncent, inocient, inasence, Innocent, ininsit, inocience, inocent, innosent, innisit, inasent, inconnent, innocents, innonce, imisant, innocence, innacent, innicent, enocent, ennocent, innocnce, innoscent, iniscent, inoncent, inoccent, insent, innoint, innorcent, inocense, Inocent prison: prisin, pisond, preson, prision has: hase*2, as*4, his, hos, have hat: hot every_time: everytime good-humoured: good_humer confidentially: confidentally disagreement: dissagreement possible: possibly, pissible, possable*3, posible unequivocally: unequivocaly possibly: possably, possiply, possible birth: berth Missouri: Misouri shadow: shaddow, shodow unique: uneque occurring: occuring*2 desire: disire psychological: psycological remind: remined, remained, reminded, remond, remied, rembenes, remine, re_mind, remimed, renind, remaind pavement: pathment, pavment steps: staps malnutrition: manutriction prologue: prolague, parlog, prologd, plolog, prolode, proloug, prolad, proloame, prolong, prlog, prologe, prolougle, browlog, prealog, prolarge, prolouge, prollog, prlock, porlong, prolog Ithaca: Ihaca misdemeanors: misdameanors, misdemenors Swedish: sweedish attorney: arteny, erternly, erterey, entereny, entany, atury, ertany, arterny, aterna, ertiney, aterny, eneretel, aterney, erterny, entely, aterning, aturney, atterney, atorney, erterney, eterny, enterny, attaney, interne, atterny, ertenely, aturny, eterany, atternary, aturne, atturney right: write, rite, rigth*3 old: ald, ol, lod*4, olf creek: creak crowd: croud*2 people: pople*2, peaper, peepull, pleople, porle, pepo, pipoll, peiple, poeple, peapl, peps, po, peple, pecial, peopl, pepall, peropel, peopel*2, peopal, pelele, pepal, peolpe, peropl, peaple, peol, pepole crown: croun insistence: insistance*2 harassment: harasment, harrasment creep: creap enemies: emmines, enemeys, enemeies, emimies, enmenies, enameyes, enmoneys, eminies, enemes, enimes, emmies, emeny, eniemies, enimeys, enamys, enamies, enemyies, emenies, enimies, enimeies, enmies, enimeus, enemys, enemy, enanis, enimesies, ememy, emenys, enmeys, enames, enemy's daddy's: dadies for: fror, fur, fre, from, far, of*3, fro*2, fore*4, four*3, foir, in, forr, fon, foow, frou, or, fo*2 bottom: botem, bottem, botome, botton*2, botom fox: foxx polluted: poluted continue: contunie periphery: perifery syphilis: syphyllis pollutes: polutes pinched: picth dinner-hours: dinner_hours losing: loosing*2, loseing, lossing*2 memorable: memerable, memeroal manufacturing: manufactoring, manufaturing dollars: dollers anomalous: anomolous, anomalus recollect: reccollect, recolect despair: dispair*3 slightly: slighlty raised: rased Feb: Fab Motorbike: Motor-bikes facility: facilitie honeymoon: honey_moon, honymoon, hunemoon well-suited: well_suited son: sun respectable: respectible consummated: consumated sow: sew wrap: rap unambiguous: unabiguous hallo: alloe, halloe altitude: ettalared, altutadue, atitude, actitude, altetede, intertourd, altechud, altitube, altituded, elit, outertod, alteytod, altechod, asitude, autityed, attetude, elitead, alletude, outatude, eltitude, altitud, altitub, alltitude, altechoued, outitude, outertude, atlesould, altiude, alterchood, altertude, altidud, outtide, autee, altilude, autachoot, altiertetude, atalrod, altihoched, altetud, alteturen, autridude, aoteod, alterrude, outituge, oiled, altuled, aletute, atain, atasher, outderer, elingtcewed, aboule, otchod, altude, alatetude, attitood, ata, altitued, outechut, altitob, altuide, altetude, atichood, altiuded constantly: constanly, constently tame: tam width: with boy's: boy*3, boys*2 overhead: overhaed happy: happiy, happe, happer, appey, hapr, hope, hapy, happler, happle, happi, hape, hoppe, happert, hepe, apay, h_pping, hap, happie, glad, ape offer: ofer fascination: fasantion cassowary: cassawory, cassowarry talents: tallents understandable: understadable beech: beach safeguard: safegaurd congratulations: congratalation, congragalations, congrulations, congratulation, concradulations, congraulations, congradulation, congreation, comcerracarlants, congratulate, congratalutions, congrutulations, congralulations, congraulation, congratulatons, congralutations, congradulations*2, congretulations, congraduation, congrationlation, conguralitions, congragulations, congratilations, congratualations, congraudulations, congratalations, congradualtions, congreatulations, congralutaions, congratilation, conglutation, congratrilations, congractulations, congraduations, congratuations, congratulions, congraturalations, congralation, congradutation, concrogulation genealogy: geneology else's: elss, elesers inside: insid, in_sis, in_side*2 equalization: equilisation devices: def unanimous: unamenous, youmanles, umamous, anonymous, unammious, unnamious, unamamous, unanumous, umanaress, eunaminus, uniamimus, unnanomous, ununumus, unanious, unninote, unonomious, unaminus, unaninous, unenamous, unoniums, unamusts, unaniae, younamenous, uniomus, unanumas, sallanous, unamuse, unanimoses, unnanimous, unmnus, younamess, unamimus, unammius, amius, unaimous, unumanious, unacious, unananois, unnambus, unanmous, unanomous, unanus, umamilus, unanamious, unaiminous, unaminuous, unaninus, inamimus, eunamous, unanonus, unamous, unamious, unnamous, umionus, unananus, annymus, unnames, unannanus, unanamous, unanously, unanimuss, unanimos, unamus, unnadimus, unanabus, unamatous, unamaious, unannimous, unamanus, unamnious, unamonus, unanimus, eumamious, ununmious, uninamous, unatimas, Unamious, uniom, unannamous, unaimulas, unimas, unnamos, unariowas, munaniuous, uniamones, unanouis, unaminonus, unnanamous, umanmuse, unamanious, unanamus, unamamouse, unanemous, unanamuse, unionous, Unamanius, enaumous, unimous, unanasmons, unminus, uniminus, unitomious, unananucs, unamos, unomanious, unamies, unnous, uniamoes, unamanous, unamomus, unsannamous, unnanumus, unamaless, unaminous, unomise, unanimise, unomust, unanis smashed: spached palm: parm passenger: passanger juvenile: juvinille later: latey, latter*2, lated, letter disgrace: discrase steady: stedy tournament: turmonent, turment, turnoments, touranment, tournment, tournanent, tournement, turament, tornamently, terminent, termament, turnement, touremount, turement, turnament, turnment, turminate, tornement, tourimant, turminent, tourament, tormenment, turmanent, tuarninent, torniment, tounement, atournament, turnmant, ternement, tormentement, tourment, turniment, tourmment, hermit, tourneyment, tourmament, tournmeant, trounment, ternament, tournnament, ternimate, tunement, teramant, terniment, termenont, turnimant, tourmad, termanent, tournamant, tournate, tornment, tornament, tourniment, turimant, tourement, torrment, turnent, touriment, termenent, tournmant proves: prooves exist: exsist dealer: dealor negotiations: nogotiations, degotitions, nogiations, negoccation, naggosiations, negossiations, negctiation, negosheation, negoshiationis, netyotiation, nigonations, egosatem, negostionaion, negogiation, negoshishayns, negoatiations, negocheations, negiotiation, negoshchiations, negotation, negotiolations, negotitations, neggosionion, negotions, negosiation, neguotiations, negoseeasion, agoshion, negiotations, negoshiations, necognitiomtions, negoitation, negoceations, negocations, negoeations, degosiations, ingosheaction, negocation, negotiation, negoation, negotiatetions, negosheations, negociatiances, negociasions, negoshation, Negoseations, negoseciations, necogiations, negotians, negoacations, negotitions, negoatation, nocitin, negotiatins, nicociation, negoations, negociation, nogatuation, negottation, negioation, negorislation, negatiations, nogationes, negotionation, degotuations, negostions, negochictions, negosheaitions, negoiations, negotations, negotition, negoiation, negotianations, negiatations, negota, negeoations, negote, negotion, negoti, negotciations, agociate, negogiations, negogations, negoodations, negociations, negochiations, negatations, negociatione, negosiations floor: flor*2, foor flood: flud, flod superfluous: superfulous roll: rol double-cross: double_cross asterisk: asterick eminent: imanent, emminent, iminent scale: skale rolling: roling quandary: quandry good-natured: good_natured time: tiem*2, timne, tame, tim*2, tine, thim*2, tiome push: puch breadth: breath cincinnati: cincinatti chain: chane, chan, choin whoever: who_ever Indians: Indian's integration: intergration skate: skat chair: chere, char, chiar midst: mist Ukrainian: Ukranian philosopher: philisopher vet: vent, vethn*9, vetin, vethu amplification: amification mache: mashe bicycles: bycicles, bciyle cheap: cheep choice: chose, choise gloomy: glooming, gloomming, glomy break_time: breaktime exact: exsact minute: minuet, minite, miniute, minit tear: tair, tare leave: life*2, ve, levef, live, lefnr, lever, leasve, leav, leve*2 settle: settel team: term, teem, tem loads: loess, loades*2 prevent: pervent spiritual: spherical, speratral, spitural, spirisul, spiritul, speratual, pirtral, spearacher, speiritually, spiritually, spiritural, spiriturel, spitrial, spritural, speritual, spirtful, spirical, spiritiaul, spirurel, spritially, spuritily, spitirial, spritiual, spertial, spirchial, spirt, spirtial, spirtual, spirlial, spulcure, spertiaul, spritule, spirttual, sperical, spirtural, spirititual, speartiual, spirtional, sprirtual, spirituall, spieratually, spritual, spcerial, spirital, sprital, sipural, speratural, spearitial, spiritial occurrence: occurance*2, occurrance, ocurrance, occurence*3, ocurrence two-faced: two_faced attic: atic sign: sighn, eign, sion candlestick: candle_stick essence: essense jeopardy: jeapardy, jepardy celebrated: celebrate melt: malt current: curent extraterrestrial: extraterrestial chrysanthemums: chrisanthimums falling: folling badge: bage jury: jurry honour: honer funeral: funerl*2, funrel understanding: understanting, undestanding, under_standing address: adress*2, adres, addres alone: alown, a_lone*2, alon, aloun along: a_long, all, aling, alog, allong My: By momentous: momentus financiers: fincancers, financers dusty: duste studied: studed, studyed wherever: whereever*2, wereever, where_ever, were_ever commonly: commongly accomplished: aclimplised, acolpleshed, comdash, acomplised, acombished, aconplised, accomplish, accaplished, acoplished, acoumpish, acaulle, acomplisht, acolplished, aconplish, acuplished, acalern, accomhed, aconase, accamplish, aclomplished, aco, acumlished, apcomplished, acompilsh, acomplished*2, acomplshed proclamation: proclomation studies: studys love: lveo, lvoe, loev radish: raddish prefer: perfuer, perfour, preafer, perer, prefor, perfer, pefer, perfure, prefore, prof, proe, profer, prver, peair, perver, prefur, brfere, provere, perful, profferr, prefure, prefere bloody: blody, bludy*2 marvelous: marvellous, marvalous grandpa's: grandpas crammed: cramp working: warking, wroking, work, wokring, woking homesick: homsick positive: positve, possitive angry: angery, angrey dangle: dongle predictions: pe vigour: vigeur wood: wod opposed: apposed wondering: wondring films: firms theoretical: theridically, teridical loving: loveing marbles: marables, marballs afford: affort, efford, aford apparent: appreant, appearent, parent, apprarent, apparant*2, aparot, apperant, aprent, aparaent, aperant, apperent, aparant, apprent, aparent*2, apparient appendix: apendix everywhere: everwhere, eyerwhere, eveywhere, every_were, evry_were virtue: vertue, vurtued, virchu, virtu, verue, verchew, vertieu, vergue, virteau, virture, vurtue, verterue, victure, verters, vertive, virtuals, furtue, ferture, verchue, fertued, verchu, virtues, virtuge, verture, vertie, verchude, verto, virtou, virercut, fertue, vertu, virtrue, virtiou, viricheu originally: origonly, orrigalaly, organial, orrginally, originnally, origienoley, oringinally, arridgely, originial, arridionally, origionally, oridgenally, oridgenouly, originially, oridganaly, arigionaly, orriginally, orignially, originually, originality, orginially, orriganily, origially, oridtionaly, organially, organly, anganally, ariginaly, origianally, orrignally, eriganally, oringle, regularly, ornanly, arridgenally, arigale, orginaly, oreginally, arigionally, origanilly, origedenally, origanily, orridginally, orriganally, oring, origernally, origenally, orrigionally, oridgonally, oridnigly, ordinally, orrigontly, origanally, orridally, origonally, origionaly, orriginaly, orriginially, origenaly, aridgeanoly, ordinarily, originaly*2, oridinally, orginanly, orignoally, orginally, oridgenly, origanially, orignally*2, original pretend: btade, preded, pertaned, petened, pertened, preted, prtened, protented, prutend, pretned, tende, prodederd, beten, pretented, portent, brutend, prenten, prolend, peretend, betend, petn, pretaned, protend, besau, prated, peameter, pretennd, prdend, betent, pretent, pretened, paot, pratent, petand, petane, preteneded, pretant, pretended, bretend, betained, petend, portend, prertend, preten, preatend, pritend, proten, predend, btend, prented, prtend, betendid, phretend, pertend, breatend, prelend, petent, preet, pred, prentend, prend, preterded, preatent, perdend believes: belives, beleives printing: priting, prenting believed: beleived*2 detached: detatched stockroom: stock_room lodestone: loadstone weasels: weazles sacrament: sacrement unequalled: unequaled allowed: aloud, alloud*2, alowed, oloud stole: stol, stowl, stold, stull evidently: evedently, evidentally monitoring: monitering winter: witer, window divided: dived, devided thanking: thinking elephant: elphant extensions: extions parameter: parametic laundry: lordery, loundry, landry spot: shot, sopte, spout, stop, srot, sport, spat elbow-grease: elbowgrease rehabilitate: rehabilatate explored: expord date: dain, bait, dake, deck, dure, dait, dute, deat, baet, daioned, that, doye, bayt, dut, dad, dac, datr, dat, bat, bar, dinte, dade, det, deant, dodu, julye such: suu, sach, shuch, suh data: dat, datter, dater, dsata cockamamie: cocamena natural: natureal, naturual, natrual varieties: varities conscious: connies, consciences, conscius, concieous, consciense, conciess, concienus, consuss, contincious, conciense, conicious, consious, connsious, conscence, concience, consiance, sone, counscious, conchesiouses, counios, conchus, concouis, consciouse, consiec, consencious, concies, concios, cultures, consitions, conceious, concients, conisious, consicouis, conscience, conscients, ginderkarten, contience, counsious, consceious, conciouious, consciencious, countous, conshus, concient, conceniess, consicious, contious, conciouse, conious, conteous, consence, concense, concious*2, conuious, consince, conaious, sconceious, consience, consiouse, conscienous, councious, cortious, concinence, consunce, counisius, conncis, consicantic wheelchair: wheel_chair ordinarily: ordinairily, ordanarily, ardananly, oridinarily, ordunaley, ordianarly, alnalley, ardiorally, ordinarialy, ordanaryily, ordinarlily, ordaniaraly, ordinaryly, ordinarly, ordinarially, ordionarlly, ordinairly, ordinarilly, ordinarrly, ordaniarly, orinarally, ordanaraly, orginoil, ordinarley, ardinarily, ordanaily, ordinarlly, ordianailly, ordinary, ordiniarly, ordinariarly, ordinlary, ordinarely, ordinaraly, arradanaly, orrandly, ordenarlly, ordenary, oridinarly, ordarnarily, ordanillary, ordunarly, ordinally, ordinar, ordinarrouly, ordainarily, ordanarally, ordinarelly, ordinerily, originally, ardinally-, ordonarly, ordoniary, ordinarilily, ordinaroly, ordinonaly, ordinaryily, ordonarily, ordinarally, ordanarly, ordianerly so: slow, soe, san, some, som, sol, said, sane, sow, sor, yahet, soen, saw, sung, sat swollen: swolen definitions: defenitions pulled: pull, pold innocuous: inocuous archeologist: archeaologist Slaughterhouse: Slaughthouse flips: frips years: yeasr, yersa, eyars, yeers, yeras*2, yesars, yars, yares, yeas, year*2, eyasr, yers*2 course: cos, coure, cors, corse, cause, coarse experiments: experments, experiaments quarrelled: quarelled omitting: ommiting, ommitting, omiting deity: diety tendency: tendancy*2 tore: tor solitary: solatary thumb: thum internationally: internationlly hymn-books: hymn_books torn: tourn, tron, turn troubles: trubbles councillor: councellor attraction: atraction suspicion: suspisition, susspicion, suppicion, suspecion, suppession, suspicious, suspition, supicion, supestion, sucipition, supusion, sucption, sucspecon, suspician, suspicison, supision, suspican, supition, suspic, suspiscion, supiosion, suspesious, suspion, susipession, suspusion, supicsion, suspetion, suspesion, susyption, supesion, supiucan, supission, suspicsion, supsicion, suspishion, suspistion, susipion, suspicioned, suspicition, susficient, suspiction, suppemtant, suspision, suscispition, suspecian, sucpescision, supession, susiption, suspission, suspicoun, susici, suspecien constitutes: constitit petition: petetion apron: apon recipients: recepients, recipiants civilian: civillian matches: maches bashful: basful, bashfull records: rocords compelled: compeled subscribers: suscribers twilight: twlight handiwork: handy_work, handywork shouted: shout, shauted establishing: estading, exstapling, establashing, establesen, establisheng, establaision, istablising, establising, atstablishing, estableshing, establesing, establicin, astablesing, estaplishing, establishment, estallising, estabising, esstablishing, astablishing, astablasing, istablishing, exstaplishing, asteblishing, establision, estableishing, establisherg, estsablishing, edstaplishing, clection, enstablition, eastablishing, esabesing, exstablishing, estabishing, estabing phenomenally: phenomenonly splinters: spliters Stanley: Stanlay quarter: quater turtle: turtel square: sqare, squar*2, squair receipt: recite, resete, recicipt, reciseat, reciept*2, recipt, reaicte, reciet, receit, reqsat, reciat, resi, receat, receet, recept, reaseat, riscete, reseat, recet, reaseet, recset, recete, reset, recit, receite, re_seat, re_sit, resite, recot, recipte, resit, reasite, reciapt, reiept, reicept breakthrough: breakthough frames: frame owing: oweing sponsor: sponser neighbourhood: naborhood, neiborhood canvas: canvis interned: intended Michigan: Michagan contained: contasined, containd investigation: investagation chemically: chemicaly, chemcially disintegrated: desintegrated hairdresser: hair_dreser siege: seige*2 million: millon seventh: seven striven: strived possibility: posibility, possibilty*2 quite: quit*2, quiet, qiuet, qutie, queit, qtuie complicated: compicated plea: plie grandma: grandna poems: poins, pomems, poipe, powaims, poame, payms, powimes, powimms, porm, poams, poemas, poem, pooing, poemes, powims, poshr, pene, pontes, poet, pumes, poam, powing, peoms*2, poims, pomes, powim, paew, proms, paems, poames, powems, pome, pomse, poymes, poum, poitree, porms, panss, puyms, porarems remainder: remander seventy: seventee patronage: part training: trianing, traing, traning, taining, train, trainning, charing, tarin, taning, trying, trichting, tranning modest: modist initiate: intitate silhouettes: slih recompense: recompence neglect: neclect, neglet emotion: emition saving: saveing symmetry: symitry, symettry, simatry, cementry, cimetery, simatree, simitry, cimatry, cimatree, semtrey, simitray, cemertire, cemerty, cimertary, semetrie, cemitry, cemitary, syme, cimitry, symmatry, simitery, simutr, semarty, symetry*2, cemetarying, semitary, smited, simetrey, simtary, simetry, simetary, semetry, simitary, symetrey, syermetre, cymitery, sunertrey, symetery, cimetry, symeatry, cemetry, symatry, simertry architecturally: archetecturally clause: claws Royal: Royl*6 one: and, on*6, last, ome, noone, onen, ond, won, oen, woone, wum, wun, ont cloakroom: cloak_room submit: submite, sumit vote: vot, voat, voet open: opin, opne, opp, opean affords: effords exaggerations: exagerations city: sace, cifye, set, citty, ciets, serat, cist, siter, site, siety, sity, conny, setey, sitty, sece, sitee, cite, sied Monday: Munday thirdly: thirdy bite: bit structured: stuctured under_ladder: underladder indicate: indecate teacher: teather, teaher, taeche, techer, tearcher, teachur, teasher, teche, tocher, teatcher, teachure, teahcher, tecter, tcher, teach draft: deaft dissipate: disippate*2 structures: structurs ridiculous: reculious, ridiculeous, ridiculas, rediculose, ridicalicous, redicklelous, redicilous, redeculious, reducules, redicrialous, rediculus, ridiculuois, redicolus, ridiculuss, ridiculois, redicalus, reducition, dredictiest, ridiculosis, redicules, ridicoulas, reticuous, redicealle's, rediculase, rediculius, ridculos, redudels, ridiculos, redicouls, rudiculous, redisous, redickulicious, readicules, redickulus, ridiculious, redioules, ridicilous, rediculess, redictualous, ridiculus, rediculace, redickles, redicklous, redectiouls, redicualous, redicolous, redictious, rediculys, redeciolous, rediculosis, redictilies, ridicules, rediceous, rediluous, redectleus, redikulis, rediciouls, reducilias, redecelous, ridictulas, rideculous, rediclous, redisilus, rediculars, redicious, redeculous, redickilous, rediculous*2, redictulous, rediculious, recidelious, redicular, redicoulous, reduckulies, redecless, rediculives, rediclious, retickilish, redicoulos, redicilious, rediciolus, redicualace, ridiculess, redictoulous, credicus, rediuless, riducouls, rideculas, rediculeous, ridiculase, redicelous Sept: Sep boyfriend: boyfrend, boyfreind, boy_friend impractical: impractia, in depressed: depresed folly: foly, folloy, follie, falaly, foolling, folie, folley, fooly, fie, foley, fally, fouley, five, floly, follies, falley, voley, fallow, fuelly, following, volley, foully coats: coots Athenians: Atheneans unfit: unfitt in_front: infront counselor: councellor janitor: janiter prospect: propect addressing: adresing, addresing, adressing turned: tered, tond, trend, ternd, toda, tian, tode, turened, tured*2, tearnd, tedt, tened, tining, trond, tuned, tit, tet, taned, turrned, tend, tain, teand, ton, take, terened, trind, tund, teaned, tod, teart, tord, trnd, tount, frened, tuneed, teurned, turn, trund, tank, tud, trud, turend, tound, tann, terd, dilay, trued, tand, tande, terer, tonet, tearned, truned, turd, terned, tanr, turnd, tont argument: aurgument, aguement, arguement alley: ally*2 sad: sed, sade prestigious: prestigous, prestigeous say: said*2 rained: rand, raind buried: bered, burial, burying, bairred, buired, buryit, beared, burried, buriel, bairied, varied, varried, bured, bried, baried, vereate, barrier, baired, barried, varyed, buiried, bury, vared, buryed, bearied, beried, berried, buryied, barred, berry, burred, brieried, bearraid get_out: get saw: sew, saur, sorw, look, sore*2, was, soor, see, sor*4, so, sot, sow*4, seer, sing, sa, sown, san sat: set handicraft: handi_craft, hand_craft coliseum: colosium did_not: denot, den_out, didnot aside: addise note: not, noat, onot maintain: mantain take: tacke, tkae, thack, tack*2, teck, thak, taek, talk, tak destroy: stroy, distroy*2 vandals: vandles encouraged: encourage, incouraged teacher's: tearcher, ticher's ironically: ironicly opposite: opposit, apersit, opposil, oposite*2, opottie, oppist, oppistte, opasite, opperset, oppersist, opicit, oppside, opest, opitet, opoist, opishit, opisit, oppsite, ospsteete, opsit, oppecit, opacit, oopersit, oppestide, oposit, operset, osteur, oprt, opossite, opist, opeset, oposet, opersit, oppiec, opissite, opasit, oppcite, oppasit, oposut, oppiste, offoset, opersent, opceit, opesert, opperisit, oppest, by, oppossitte, oppite, oppost, opizit, oppoiste, obosite, oppitsite, upsite, opposte, opiste, opersist, oppeset, opicet, opisite, opposet, oppisite, opertit, poearstar, opisitt, opposited, opset, oppiset, opocet, obersid, near, obersit, bet, opesit, opcit, opaset, ous, pooiste, oppasite, oaset, opsite, oppioite, ospet, oppisit, ofit, oppersite, oppisate, oppossite, opursit, oppesite, opersite syllable: silable, sylable knew: new*2, now*5, nowe molecule: moleul serval: cervial printed: prented crochet: croshay knee: nee personalty: personality pages: pagis adaptability: adaptibility Portuguese: Portugese lawn: larnn, lown average: avarage drive: driv Comment_allez-vous: Comatalevous*2 ways: was, way salt: slat, solt walking: week, woing, alkeig, wallking, wakeing, wolling, woking, working, waulking, wound, wolwing, wank, wolking, warking*2, wakking, wokin, wark, wilking, waking, wacking, wakn, wacing, waild, marcing, wokking, wilk murmurs: murmers surplus: caried, serpluce, cirplist, surpleas, cirpuls, cirplace, curplas, suclurs, surples, serplace, curculace, scurplos, surplerce, serplase, surpuse, sefers, sepales, serplece, cricos, cerplass, curcus, supluors, supless, suplace, sappats, serpless, serplice, splers, serples, serpulse, surrpluse, seplese, sirplause, serplurs, circleis, serplus, rearlers, surfless, surpluce, serplese, surpluse, serpluss, seplis, surders, serpluse, surpluss, surplouse, suppless, serfishe, sirplass, surplie, sepples, serpalce, surplas, surplise, surplis, sirplace, surplut, surplase, seirflace, surplace, surlers, slp, surpless, selpliss, servis, supplase, serplas, serplis, sappless, cerplus, cirplese, sleplus, cirplus, circles, sternt, certhes, sirplus, cerflos, surp, surplos, srrplas, suplus, seples, serplause, circlus, surpliace, suplice pencilled: penciled infuriate: enfuriate merit: merrit peaches: peches bright: brite, brit scarce: scarse aggressive: aggresive, agressive weapons: wepons slow: slo gourd: gaurd cloak: clock going: oging, gonig, goign, gowing, go*2, gying, gomeing, gogin, goning hockey: hocky equipped: aquipt, aquipped, gemant, enquited, ecquipt, equipte, equunte, egamingt, epuided, eqept, equip, eqquipped, eqwipt, equipeted, ecqueped, equict, equipet, quit, equipted, equipite, equiptment, equipt, expeit, acwiped, equiet, equippted, equite, equit, equiped*2, equiept, equate, equipd, equipe, equiated, equippt, epelton, eqiept, eqquped, eguiped, equpet, engist, exquiped, eqipt, equepted, equped, equipete, equited, equivited, iquipped, egwipt, equpted, eqipet, equept, eclipse, exipt, ecwite, equpped, ecquipped, eqiped, equiepent, ingute congressional: congresional dispute: disput assistant: assitant, assisstant freezing: freeing, frezeang, freacing, fircin, freesen, frizing*2, fres, driscing, fanes, frizzing, fiezzing, fezen, frezing, vesing, fresing, creasing, fring, feathing, feezing, freasing, fez, fressing, from, freesing, frzen, freezzing, freasting, fizsing, freeze, fireazeing, fersen, freeding, freze, fezzering, friseing, ferzing, friezeing, frezzing, frezeing infallible: infalib, infalable awaiting: awaitin an_hour: anhour resource: rescae, resorce, resouse, resoure, recouse, resause, resace, resouce, resarce, recuorse, resaise, recorce, recose, resors, recorse, recoce, rersorse, resoce, recource, resorses, recacorse, recauce, recourse, resans, resauece, resorse, resauce, resourse artist: artest parasitic: saresitic borrow: brow, barrow worried: woried, worid, worred*2 cochlea: ch priest: preist bee-keepers: bee_keepers bombs: bomes, boms liable: lieable, lible, lyable worries: worre where: we, wee, wer, wet, wart, there, werre, ther, wher, gaing, wuy, wear, were*10, whrer, ware, with, war, hwere, wir arrival: arival, arrivial surgery: surgere no-one: know_one, now_one, knowone jumped: jump*3, jumb, jumpt, jumth, jumper receivers: recievers representatives: representative's, repersenitives, representiveties, representive, represntatives, Represenatives, repesentatives, Representatives, Represenitives, repersentives, repersentitives, represempative, represinetives, representies, represenitive, represantives, represenatives, represtantives, repsenatives, represenitives, representitives, repistentives, representitatives, repersintives, repersentaves, represenetives, representitive, representatives', represnetatives, repstinues, representative, representivies, represident's, repasenatives, representives*2, respensations, repersentatives, repersenatives, repersentitive, repersentive, represenitatives, repesident dormitory: domortory, dortory, dormentdory, dormoratory, dormiatory, dorinatory, domatarily, dormititory, durmatory, dormotory, dormertory, doormetory, doromatory, dormortory, dormitly, domotory, dormatory, domatory, dornoratory, dormortary, dormatary, doormintory, dormantory, doramatory, dormitary, adormatory, dormitoriy, dormentory, dormotary, doomator, dorimatory, doromortory, doornitory, doromitory, dormintory, dormenatory, dormetory, deormetormy, dorenatory, dormadory, domitory, dorrmatory, daumitary, dommority, doramtory, dornatorie, dooratory, dormortority, dormatoraly, domorotry, dormontory, dorimitory, dormatey, dormitlory, doratory, deomertory, dormitorrary, dormiltory, dorminatory, dorimtory, doromority, dorminty, domutory, dormarty, dominory, domeritria, doritory, domitry, dominatory, domteracy kilometer: lilometer bureau: beauro enjoys: enyays cantaloupe: cantaloube vertical: verticle aberration: aberation screen: seveen suppresses: supresses revealed: revealled gratefully: greatfully concentrate: concetrate, consuntrate, consentrate*2, consantrate spare: shar, spaip, spair, his, ser, spear, sper, share, spere, spu, ster, shaper, score, spar, sgre, sereine in_between: inbetween suppressed: surpressed, supressed concentrated: consentrated mans: masn many: meny*2, meay, meney, memey, may, manny, mony classroom's: class_rooms millionaire: million_air, millionnaire, millionere, million_ear besieging: beseiging personal: personly, personel*2, persnal concentrates: consentrates expression: expresion can't: cann't, carnt*2, cant*4, carn't*2, canth allowance: allowence yearly: yearley twin: twen comeback: comback geese: gees buoyancy: bouyancy considers: conciders boat: boaut, bot caring: careing comb: come unconsciousness: unconciousness stretch: strech, streach west: wast locally: localy vacation: vakation, vacashon, vaction concede: consede breath: breathe, breth, brath almighty: almity practised: practise, practiced wants: wans, wnats, wantes, want enable: unable, anable unsafe: unsf thousand: thousend, thousnand formed: fromed, form, formd observe: obsirve, obi extant: extint calligraphy: caligraphy former: fro, farmer prominence: prominance straighten: straiten easier: eassier, ease, easyer, easy, easery, easer newspaper: newpaper, newspapper, news_paper situation: situration, sitt, situating constituency: consituency all-round: all_round purse: purce, perse vandalism: vanderlism, vandolism, vanderlisium unhygienic: unheigenic barbed: barb*2 sickness: sicknes I: a, and, ld, we, i, is, it, iy, if, are, has, he defy: defie advertisement: advertisment*2 volcanoes: volcanos vacant: vacent tentacle: tenacle so_forth: soforth, so-forth genii: genei grumpy: grumby Botswana: botuania summer: sumer manifold: many_fold being: bieng, be, bi, been*2, bieing, beeing truculent: trucculent exaggerating: exagerating, exagerrating rest: rast schools: school, schol steamer: stemer omissions: ommissions weekly: weakly sixteen: sixtine, sixten generator: generrater silver: siver, sliver instrument: instrement, instrment, insromet, instriment prominently: prominately, prominantly aspects: spects around: rand, arr, rend, a_rand, aradret, ar, a_rade, roned, arouned, ar_rounde, a_rarnd, rond, aroand, aron, aroud, arond, arround, arad, a_round*2, a_rond, arode, urand, aroude, arownd, round decomposed: decomposited knobbly: nobbly dart: tat, art, darrt, doatg, darte, derter, brt, dered, daud, yaht, dorte, dute, drate, dete, durt, daring, darolt, byt, drte, snad, daet, doath, dutr, dard, dut, dunt, tart, dae, dert, burte, dirt, dorter, deent, but, dret, dat, drek, daw, nitty, datre, deatre, date, bit, deart, drat, dater, drit, adar, derdt, drt, dared, snt, drk, dort, duit, durte, dot dark: ding, duc, durk, dake, back, ducr, dia, down, drlak, dick, barck, dining, dork, dagy, drck, drak, darrk, darw, dak, dreh, brek, dare, dard, bar, drow, dog, drk, dank, bnack, darch, darck*2, dir traffic: travic, tacter, drafec, trafice, trafick, traffi, trofek, trafeck, tavit, trfick, traie, tatif, tiornef, tac, roads, tarnftian, peraffic, cafic, treffer, trafit, trafic*2, tafic, tavek, taafic, tiatic, taame, trafack, tatlek, tafeate, traffek, trafik, traffc, trafet, traveck, track, traff, traffig, tairer, traffice, tinict, traik, travick, tracky, traifec, terrec, traffik, trafek, tarffic, taveging, tafter, taraf, craffeck, tale, tate, thaiech, farolc, trare, traph, trafec bandage: bandge vacuum: vaccume, vaccum world: wald, worde, word, would, wholed, wold, wourld postal: postel decomposes: decomposits vague: vaig, vage dare: dear, dair satisfaction: shasan, satichfatshen, satisfacshoin, satisfacshion, wanat, sabfas, istis, satisfacshin, satisfashoin, satisfacsion, satfacso, sachfachn, stisfacho, satlistash, satisfacion, satesfaction, satisfation, satiusfacson, satifacian, satefasion, satisfactoin, satifoin, satishfacen, satisfaften, satfaction, sackaach, satfakess, satifactoin, saciffaction, satfacan, satisfacttion, satamachen, satishfation, silhen_fant, sacfatchen, satesfach_chere, satisfn, satirsh, siterfatur, satisfatch, eat_as_of_ede, satishfaction, satisfakshion, fian, satisfacshon, satifation, setisfate, satifachen, satishfaktion, satifishan, satitfaction, sat_oford, sartfasn, sats_fan, satisvetion, satisfacshun, satfasher, sicifaris, setitfared, sitisfaction, satisfuckshon, satishan, sat_fainand, sachen, sachfaen, statsiefacsed, argring_atoing, satigan, satichfachcen, satisfachan, satiffashon, sacisfacsh, satisfakson, satisfackshen, sackitvansh, satifaction, satifachon, satisfachen, soam, sackifsacshern, sattfashed, satsha, satifason, satispachoin, saticfacon, satisfakshon, satisfacin, call_fall, satisfcshion, satifacion, satistloin, satigaction, satisfackshon, satesfacshen, satisfachshon, satfatre, satisfain unrepentant: unrepentent nutrients: nutritents souvenirs: souveniers discarded: discare stationary: stationery clap: klap, clape auditorium: autorm, autoruim, auditormunen, audiatorum, auditouim, allturman, audatoreum, oratoroum, autitorium, auditorm, additorium, auditorim, autormen, allortomdd, audaterame, adutorium, auditarium, auditory, attorium, audetorium, audotorium, auditourin, auditorial, auditoriam, autorum, auditoruium, autotorium, autatorum, autatorom, adetoreum, aduoteriam, auditorinum, audatorum, auttortism, auditiorm, audortum, ouditorium, auditorum, auditoium, auditoryum, auditoriom, auditorimn, adatorum, auditorym, arudtiorze, auditormeon, auditorumen, authorium, auditoreum, ottatorium, audiotorium, autitorum, audiortium, attoram, audetorn, auditor, audatorium, audortorium, auditoriumn, aduitorum, auditoriun, aditorum, aditorium satisfactory: satsfactory, satifactory, satisfactary superintendent: superintendant, supertendent learning: learnning, learing, lerning, learining supplementary: suplementary divine: devin, devying, divide, deavine, devide, devine, devined, delvine, divene, define thinks: thikns there'll: therell memories: memoirs, mearise, memeroies, momories, memerories, meherey, merrerys, memoaries, memoraries, merries, mermarys, mermories, memory's, remison, memordies, memorries, mearsise, memey, memory, memoiries, memuries, memoreys, merrors, memmories, moniiy, monorious, merories, memeris, merores, moremery, memoreres, marysis, memoryes, memorarys, memouries, memorie's, memorys, memeries, mermiores, memmorys, memerys, mamrioes noon: non endocrine: endochrine refer: refere unsuccessfully: unsucesfuly, unsucessfully accessing: accesing scientific: scientic, scienfic, st power: pwoer, pour intimate: intermit in_spite: inspite playing-field: playfud, playing_field, playfeild stone: ston package: packege, pakage disabilities: dissabiliteys meal: mel, mell neighbor: neighbour, neigbour act: at, akt luck: lock rabbinical: rabinnical burning: buring legged: leged lively: livly, livley parties: partys, party's accumulated: acumulated technically: technecally, techniquely burglar: burgler, buglar her: hir, there, them, here*16, She, har, he*4 series: serious water-rat: waterrat bubble: buble yearned: yerned complete: compleat beginners: begginers elimination: eleimination, elimiation impedance: impedence*2 mice: mise with: whin, wif, wefe, wis*2, in, whit, iwth, wihth, wiy, will, what, wef, wien, when, wthe, whith, wethe, wivr, we, wihe, wh, wite, wiht*3, wive, wirth, went, wtih, withe, wint, weth, wit, yethe, witht, the, wheth buying: buyin, bying handsome: hansem, hansum, hansome they're: their, the, there*2, thier rush: ruch monopoly: monapaloy dirty: dertses, diry, driy, durty dispensing: dispencing agree: agre*2 detailed: detailled*2 gone: gon*2, crome, gome, goon, gonne, gornd, go*3, gor gratuitous: gratuitious exhausted: exausted, exhasted, exa certain: sorton, certian, surntered, sirtain, ceratin, curtain, sertain, cirtain, serton accents: achsends Cinderella: Cinderrella am: ham, an an: a*2, and*2, un, am, on as: ass, a, his, asw, have, was, hase, is, tes, at, aas, has*2, saw, als at: a*3, ast, al, an, as, are*2, att hobbies: hobbys creak: creek cream: crem ideally: idealy graduate: graguate tight: tite Watson: watston unparalleled: umparralled, unparralel, unparalleld, unparallelled, unparlleled, parrealled, apparrelled, unparralleled, unparreled, unparielled, empalerleld, uparrelled, unparalled, unplaled, unparlled, unparallel, anparelle, unparelled, unpall, unparrelede, un-parrallel, unblale, unparale, unperalld, unparalel, unparrowllede, unparolled, unparalelled, unparaled, unpovaly, unparralled, unparraled, unparrallel, unparrled, unpareled, unapparralled, unparraleled, unparelelled, unparrelled, unparelleled, andpiotou, unproloud puppy: pupy contemporaries: contamporaries congress: converce, curgress, Congress, converse, Cnongress, cangress, congres, Comgress, congeres spermatozoa: spermatozoan tiger: tigar partitioned: petitioned mask: mast, masked, marsk having: haveing*2, hvaing, have-ing, hower impossibility: impossibilty mass: mas original: origional, orginal, origanal, original Canada: Canda gingham: gingum, gingam consider: consdider, concider*2, consiter caused: cas, corthed, cased beware: bewere Caesar: Ceasar causes: cases particles: particals walkie-talkie: walky-talky caveats: cravets hunting: hanting to: ro, qu, of, two*17, tow*2, too*4, th, the*4, ot tail: tale, tall scratch: scrach smile: smil*2 case: cace appointment: appoitment, apointment returned: retond, rotard, reyterned debit: defit, deblit, debutante, debbet, dediate, depted, bevit, depiath, Debit, debet, debate, devits, deabite, debett, debute, debts, debat, dippite, devit, debot, divite, dubut, devitt, depit, debted, divied, deped, dabet, dibet, dwibit, deibet, debtet, debt, debetted, dibit, debut, debtit, deppitet, depbit, debite, depett baton: batton puzzles: puzzle manageable: managable condition: condidtion accompanying: accompied, accumpanying, accompaning, acompning, acumaning, accmpaning, acompanning, occompanying, accumptaining, accominating, accompenied, accompaying, accompining, acconpenying, accomponying, accampaninesing, accompyning, accomponing, accompany, accompning, acompamion, accompying, acompaning, accompanining, accommampaning, acompanying, accompy, acommpanying, accopaning, companying, accomping, acconpaning, accompnying, accompagnying, acompanied, accompanied, accompanning, accompening, accompaining marvellous: marvelous, movaless ingratitude: ingratitoode Toby: Tobe dodged: ding, dogele, dojo, dogered, dogged, dont, dogje, dose, lodged, doched, dodjed, dored, dole, dogerd, dogd, doge, doged, douhed, druged, yoy, dodge, degedge, dojed, boft, dogre, dorsed, daged, dodeged, dansh, dogeded, daced, dodege, dode, disch, joged, bos, dooged, dog, dogded, dea, dodger, doct, dodging large: lane, lege, mlarge, larg*2, lare, lardge, lage, lagre dinosaur: dinasour, dinasaur sand: sant adjust: ajust small: smal mammal: mamal sank: sak, cakes, san, sanked, sanged, cank, sack, sad, sianc, sec, sow, duck, sunc, sat, snak, saing, scank, sake, saingce, shang, sant, sacked, scesh, sanct, sunk, sacan, sang, sane, sanc, shoan, sacer, sanck ninetieth: nintieth form-room: formroom past: parst, passed, pass honourable: honerable pass: pas, pars canvass: convas, canvase, canvous, canvaus, cavanas, canvas, canfass, Kansas, canvious, convess, camvas, canves, cavass, canous, canvis, canvos, canvauce, camvic, canvest, canvess, canoose, canvouse, convice, canveous, cannvas, canvice, canvace Sylvia: Sylver, sylver rye: rey trick: trik semi-skilled: sem-sillned, semeskill, semie-skilled, semkild, semmey_skiled, same_s_smesced, semskill, senedene, smimi-skilled, serm-, sem-ski, semecusle, stem-skilled, semesceld, seim-skilled, semeslde, semcen clock: clok poisonous: poisenous scientists: sciente, sient, scientist, scienci, scc nurse: nuse method: methed full: foll, ful*2, fill, fall mad: made, nad strata: strat hours: ours, houres experience: experinence, expeirence, expence, expereance, imsermas, expierence, experiance, exspence, exsperence, expuren, experas, exsprens, exprience, exsprat, exprerance, exskrse, exsperas, exsrented, iskpesers, experent, expurtes, experence, exspreunse, eperiance, exspice, semi-skill, essperns, exectants, iperens, ickspreans, experance prior: prioor, crier, prier, prirer, priorer, pryer, cryer, pryor, priror, priver, briar, priear, filor, pire, poir, briery, prieor, priar, praie, privale, pair, piror, pier, priere, plior, prire, choirs, preyer, pyer, frier, priary, choir, trial, pior, priore, pirier, priour hamster: hapster social: socal murdering: mudering followed: fellowed sherbet: sherbert select: celect archived: achived attendance: attendence*2 britannia: britania good-tempered: good-temper unrecognizable: unrecocniseable gorgeous: gorgess, gorduous, guorgeous, gergious, gourougas, georgeous, gerious, gordius, gorgus, gorgeus, gorguis, georgus, Gorgeous, gorgouse, goyorges, gourous, gorguses, gordious, garechs, courgious, gourgous, geogrous, gordus, gorgius, gorjous, gorgious, corgss, gordias, gourgace, gordous, gorgeious, gorgous, gorious, gordges, goudeous, gourgeous, gordgous, georgious, gorduious, goregous, gorges, goreous, gordigous, georgous, gorjust, gouvges, gorgas, gorguss, gorages, gordeous, gorestrous, gorgioud, gerougous Russian: russina, Russion reminiscing: reminising door: dor*2, down, boor, doar frogspawn: frogsporn signpost: sine_post*3, sing_post company: coperney, compy, compeny emission: emmision, emition, emision housebreaking: house_braking cunning: conning sizing: siezing keeping: kepping pleasing: plasing, pleaseing science: sceince, scient, scci, sience, scieme, scienc, se, scienee sent: sant, send learn: larn, lean, leanr, learne, lern, leran knocked: knock, knoked, nock*2, know*2, knokt, nocked male: na beautiful: biutefell, butefl, buitifull, boetiful, betefull, buathefllue, butufal, buttful, peoterd, bueiteful, bellefull, beaotiful, batfl, beatufel, buretiful, buutivol, baful, dthering, beafter, bufer, befare, beutiful, beiytful, bulful, betafull, beaufiful, duteful, beauiful, dratil, bifull, beabbey, bofl, beuful, beutifully, befull, buttlfule, beaflur, butifel, buteful, beatuful, beufut, butifely, butful, btitfal, derert, buedfall, boots, beatifull, butaful, buitfull, betuful, befertl, breuf, botfoll, bootf, brihifull, bautiful, betufel, dotfal, butefole, breatful, betful, bueiful, beuntfut, beautifull, barler, butarfel, bueful, beuttifull, dufleerth, birfull, buefle, beutifall, beutifiel, betifoll, borol, buttd, bulifut, barend, bretfoll, dartth, beateful, buitiful, beatyfool, potefl, beatefall, buteiful, dotifol, bott, betfol, beiutefull, beutifal, boutfle, deauitful, boterfull, dotirol, petfi, betewel, bautful, beautful, buflle, botfol, butlek, befulaful, betiful, betifull, bultlyfull, dearbul, beautyful, beuefull, bufle, beutifull, doine, betfle, butfull, baeatiful, bauthful, beatyful, butiful, burfteful, brutiful, beauitful, butfll, bueatiful, bef, beuteful, beuitiful, beatful, buterful, betuiful, beiatiful, beutful, putfull, butifull, beauterfull, pont, beautyfull, besthe, ptafil, pirlf, beaty, botifel, beired, butefull, beitiful, bueityful, buetiful, buitef, butfle, butyful, bruteful, beuitful, bueatyful, buitfoll, buitefull, buetifur, birutful, buiteful, burtefull, butifill, beatiful*2, buitful, bufinle, boatyful, betfull, biutiful, belfull, beacful, buttle, hahlhelf, beituful, bfle, buiteeful, botfl, boutyfull, byetifer, puteyful, bieytful, baeutiful, beuitifiel, baufill civilizations: civilations prompt: promt dislikes: deslike accept: axcept, acept, except autumn: autunm, autum, Aount sense: senes, sence*3 gallon: galin disliked: dislike dress: dres bonded: bonding condemn: condem information: imformation, onformation, infomation, infromation, im, informasion imminent: imanent, emminent, iminent shipped: shiped occur: ocurr, occure, occurr relinquished: relingushed pogrom: progrom creature: creture plant: plat intended: inteaded, intened, intene, intented countryside: country_side variant: vairiant mended: meted plane: plain, plaine conveniences: conveniances backyard: back_yard, bakeyord plank: planck refuse: refuce, refues imagery: imaginery resemble: rezemble, ressemble loud: load, ldg, loed, lowd, lond, loat, lewing, aht, loned, lurwd, laod, lod, lold, larhed, lourd, louly, lihd, lol, baed, lould, nora, lord, lot, lard, arth, lader, loued, lorb, lade, lob, lan, led, leent, lad, dan, lound, lab, lode, loard, tlewd, loucd, loon, wat, loged, lawed, lawd, lood, laud, louk, lowed, lour register: regester, registra, rgister, redecher, registur, redishter rowdy: roudy broadcasting: bradcasting RSX: rsx fundamental: fundial, fundmentel, vundamental, fundumental, fundematly, fondemental, fundemital, fundemetal, fundimatle, funtimental, vuntamentl, funtumentu, fundteal, fundelmental, fundamentle, fundimental, funmental, fundmental, fundenmentle, fundemintal, fundamet, vundimental, fundametle, fundimentle, fundemental, fundtmental, fundelmentl, fundertmal, Fundamental, fundanental, fundementle, fundelmentel, fundemanted, fumentatle, foundmental, fundamentel, foundimental, fondimetal, fundimential, funtametal, fundlementle, fundametal*2, fondundmental, fendamentle, fondmental, fundelmentle, fundenmental, fundumentle, fonitmilny, fundementel, fundomental, funamental, fudumetal, fundamntal replied: replyed, replid*2 incessantly: incessently reminded: remined trade: trad, trede stylus: stilus attitude: atitude, attitide naughty: nauty, nartie, norty, naught, nortey, nottar smiling: smilin its: it's*2, is*2, it*2, its' rapidly: rapedly, raperly boomerangs: boomaranges team-games: team_games Triumph: Triumh, trumh bypass: bipass travelling: traveling, travling colleague: colleaque, collegue pickerel: pickeral abandons: abondons severely: severly, severley, serverly, sevearly propose: proppose, perpose prefect: prefact snowball: snow_ball weedy: weedey reticent: retecent hereafter: hearafter kind_manneredly: kind_manerdly coping: copping always: alwasy, alway's, all_way, allway, alway, alwaysed, all_way's, all_ways*3, alwyas, allway's, allways*2, lowas assemblies: semblys, assembelies, assembeleis, assemblys spinning: sinping, spang, spining, skinning, sinning, soling, spineng, sipppe, sining, saing, spinging, spen, spinnig, sun_coming, sin, sereng, spcing, spinny, spinng, seepping, spin, sapping, sping, sindn, spening courses: course, coces, crseren, causes, cours, cese, corece, coused, calse, corsoues, cereer, cources, coursecs, colses, couses, cender, corse, coureses, case, corses, crorse, coses, coures, cousses, corsey, cosey, callste aggrieved: agrieved found: fed, faud, fount, fond*2, foudn, find, feod lantern: lanturn reactions: reactioos, reactioons begged: beged upstairs: up_stairs*4, upstaires catalogues: catalogueds, cotologs, catologes, cotologues, Catalogue, catologues, catalue, catolog, catalouges, calogues, Catalogs, cataluges, cattalogues, catolges, catolgue, catolgues, catalogeds, catalog, catlogue, cotologous, catelouge, catelogs, catalogus, cataloug, catogloges, catalogh, cattallogs, catologs, catloguegu, catalodges, Catalogues, coltaugs, cataloge, catologe, catloges, cataloges, catologue, catalogue's reduce: reduse gaoler's: gaolers peripatetic: peripathetic exorbitant: exhorbitant investigated: investegated operation: opperation penicillin: penecillin really: wreely, reeling, irealy, rily, weer, rages, riel, rely, reant, relly, raly, rerle, realea, raelly, erally, realy*3, riler, reey, rerly, rery, rele, realyl, real, relie, relley, relay, rehen, rell, reley*2, rellea, rayly, reay, reyely, rearly, reel, reliy, rilly, reelver, remely, relete, relaly, arealy, reely, riliu, wely, reallike try: tri, tine shepherdess: sheperdess psychology: sicolodgy, cicoligy, cycoligaty, sicolagiey, scychology, sicolgegy, sicogoly, cipology, pschycology, phsycolidgy, ciclogy, pscshology, scycolgy, phyacogy, scycologie, cilogue, sicolgy, sycollege, sycolighy, psyciology, physcialogy, sicolygy, physology, slycology, phsychology, kicowledge, pshcicology, siklollegde, sicoligy, sycoligie, sycollogee, phsicology, sicoluye, psyology, cycilogue, sycoligy, psiocology, phyciology, schycology, scyclogy, cicolidgy, phscology, sicoleidgy, physoligicoly, sycolledge, pcychology, physicolgy, cicology, syclowegy, sichology, sicolagee, sickoligy, physchology, syciology, physiology, sychgodlgy, scycallage, cyclogy, pcsyology, psycology*2, sicolegy, Phsycology, pschicology, sicholigy, sicollege, sicolage, cycolagy, Psychology, cicollegy, phycology, cycolegy, cicolagy, scicology, sicology, cicollege, Physciology, cycolage, sycoleguy, cicoulge, scycology, sycolage, scyology, sicoledgedy, sycology, phychiology, syamanincollege, cycowigy, sycoloigy, physccology, psycolegy, cicolagie, phyciogy, physicology, sicollegey, cicoliogy, cyscology, cycoledgy, sciology, sicolige, cykolidgy, physcoligy, pysicology, sychology, physcology, psiolochology, schyiolidgy, pschoyolgy, chycology, pyschology, sycollogay, phychology, pschology, Physology, cycoligy, phsyology, cycolodgy, phcycology, cycology, scylogy, phycholigy, sigalegy, sygiligate, psycolledgy, cycollogy, cicyology, soquilidgy, sylogyage, sycaligie, sycilogy, Sicology, psicoligy, scydoligy, sycoledgy, phcycolog, sycolegy, cylogy missel: missle research: reasearch, reser, resarc, researh, resar, reserch, rea, reas darling: darlin, dolling, dalling meteorological: meterological salute: salut, sulute seizures: siezures belief: belve, becirf, belefe, belf, benith, deleres, belefer, blef, buesf, dlif, benfe, bilifaf, belifer, belever, believe, belft, beneafe, beneve, vinfihe, best, dearen, belife, balhot, beleave, beleif*2, bielife, releafl, beneth, beneeth, belive, rellferll, beleive, benef, pelef, derief, beleve, beleaf, blefe, buagh, releaf, beive, bedneth, beilief, beliefe, beuth, belives, belif, belef, belneih Rockefeller: Rockerfeller conditioning: conditining murmur: murmer imagine: imagin*2, immagine rises: re definition: deffinition, defenition, definishion misogyny: mysogyny octahedron: octohedron rack: rake, wrack expedient: exspidient castle: catsal, catal, cartsel, cartill, carsell, cartal*2, carsal, carlsat corrugated: corrigated reversing: revrsing forwards: for_wards belligerent: beligerant number: numbeer, nomber, nober, numbers, numbe, nuber slipper: sliper ironing: irning guess: ges tadpoles: tadpolls guest: gest introduction: incroduction, introdution, infroduction mizzen: missen essays: essay's molecular: molcular, moleclar relationship: reltionship, relatiopnship, relation_ship ethos: ethose immediate: imediate appreciation: apreciation stairs: steres, sters, sairs, stars*2 secretarial: secutereal determines: detrmines getaway: geter_way runners-up: runners_up annihilation: anihilation determined: determuined, dertirmened, Deternmand, denteroned, deterimne, detrement, dertermined, deturmemend, determine, determind, deternaned, detrumend, deturnum, ditermind, detormined, dertmined, dertermided, deturmend, deternined, determoned, deterned, dertermine, deterinined, determinied, deturmanded, determand, determon, determum, determained, detemined, deturmand, determamed, determen, deturned, determed, dertermand, detirmined, deterined, determend, determain, deturmine, dertim, determaind, detinmend, determened, detirmend, determied, determent, determin, determanded, deturmaned marriage: marrige, marrage*2, marraige beneficial: benefician, benefitical, bennificial, benaficial, benificatle, benifecal, beneficicel, beneficent, benificial*2, bennyfishaly, benficial, benifistal, beni, benificcil, benifial, beneificial, benecifial, benifficial, bienfical, benifecial, tempararily, benffical, benifichial, benieficial, benefitual, beneficl, benficarl, benefial, bentifical, benesficl, benefecial, benefactor, benificient, binificial, bemeficial, benifical, feneficial, beinafiencal, beneficient, penafishal, benefictal, benefically, benefical, bencifial, benfishil, penefical, benifisheal constitutional: consitutional, constituional beforehand: before_hand It: I*5 guarding: gaurding, guding, gruding, garding, greeding graffiti: grafitti blond: blonde sell: selle, sall self: selfe, slef, silf jeopardize: jeprodise also: all, alss, alsot, alls, allso*2, olso, aso, als, aslo*2 without: whit_out, whithout, weth_out, withe_out, with-out, with_aot, wethout, finet, wathout, with, with_out*2 vividly: vididly, vivadly, vidally, vivedly commemorated: commmemorated mangels: manggles play: paly, pay, payer retired: returded blackboard: black_board effecting: effectinge unused: unsed plan: blan, lan, ponr, pahe, plun, pane, paln, pano, plean, panl, poen, palen, pamet, pelm, peapl, hant, pam, pan, pint, play, pain, plar, mub, plane, glan, pla, plen, panel, gthteth, plon, rare, plain, cap, namp, bne, pick oyster: oster, oister seize: cease, sieze*3 on_to: onto sometimes: sometmes, sone_theme, sumtimes, somtimes, some_times*5, some_time's, some_thime, sometime*2, some_time*2, sum_time, some-times, somtims cover: cuver researchers: rea administrate: adminstrate barrel: barrle amusements: amusments*2 dragged: draged despise: dispise cruises: crusies accommodations: accomodations*2 aghast: agast session: secion, sesion freight: frieght bookstand: booksand writer: writter sacrilege: sacralige failed: faild, faled cassette: casette factor: facter atheistic: atheistical quizzes: quizes*2 sunny: sunney, suny constituent: constituant adheres: adhere remedy: remidy synchronization: syncorization preparing: prepairing, porpering closely: closly compass: compurs frightening: frighteing delving: delvin enemy: ememey, enimy, enmeny, enemey, enime, enamy, eneny, emeny, enimey, emigin, emoney, ennamie, enemie, Enemy, emny, emmey, emiomy, enymony, emery, ememy, enmey, einniie, enmy, enainey, enamie sleeve: sleave strictest: strictist*2 cry: crie, cri well-off: well_off harassing: harrasing kill: cill, kil river: rever approaching: apouche, arpocking, ap, aphoshing, a_parsing, aprorte, a_partes, a_prashing, appercoeing, aposhing, aphsing, aproching, apeching, poshing, appoching, apporting, approching, aproaching, a_prers, approsching, apsine, a_prhing, a_proching, aprocing, a_pproaching, apoching, apoch, approna, a_procin, approuching, apporch, appoaching, aramstn, apuorstin, aproshing, apecen, apotching, aporching, a-proching, a_proshing, aprosing, approcing, a_praching sew: so, sow set: et, sat sex: ses see: se*3 sea: see*5 shower: shour spirits: sperits guinea: guinie, qunnia, genia, guenea currently: curruntly, currenly compliment: complement knowing: knawing, know, noing sparsely: sparcely ripper's: ripper incident: incedint, incidence renewed: renewded coffee: cofee, coffer, coffe signatory: signitory interface: inerface dividend: divident, divedend legislature: legeslature improved: inproved influential: influencial*2 barely: barly bachelor: batchelor, bachler, bachlor connection: connecton, connextion, conection improves: impo let: lat approve: aprove blaze: blase load: lode, lod*2 loaf: lofe electrician: elecenician pendulum: pendelum drunk: druck, dronk loan: lone northeastern: northereastern allegiance: alegience, allegience community: comutery, cometer, comety, commuty, communtey, comery, commert, commonity, compun, cumitey, communty, commity, comunity, comunite, comittee, commenity, comen, commuaity, cumnete, caere, commuat, comunat, comunty, commetey hollow: holow pronominal: pronomial agents: agenst adaptation: adeptation, adaption church: cherth, chirch, curch, cherch indefinite: indifenent, indefinet, indefiniate, indiffiant, indefanate, indifenate, indefinat, indifinite, indearate, indifinate, indefict, indefinant, indefenet, endefinite, indeffinete, indifinte, indiffinite, indenfient, infidently, indifennate, indefinit, indifenet, indiffent, indefindent, indefynt, endefinate, indeafinate, indefenite, indefinent, indefinete, indeffinate, indefint, indiefinat, indefent, indefinte, indinet, indifinent, indefenent, indeffernt, indefenate, indiffinate, indefinate, indeffinite, indefente, endebinit, indefinately, indevenet, indeafant, indeffent, indeffinent, intefinent, endifnint, endiffinate- belt: bate, bleat, batelt, blat, boad, blit, beted, hld, dolt, bime, blot, pat, darde, bite, boot, betle, bowt, dlt, bellt, bout, pelle, betr, betw, ba, beat, delt, balt, bat, deant, belts, bont, belte, bilt, bet, left devil: devel conveyor: conveyer acceptance: acceptence assassinates: assasinates hitting: hiting initiation: inataingation, iniatiative, anniation, innition, annitiation, enitionation, aneation, enishiation, eneations, inatiation, anintion, iniatation, enesiation, innetiation, ineciation, anishachon, innessheation, inanation, inititation, enculation, intion, inneciation, eniciation, inneation, eneshataion, inneat, eneatation, initution, enneciation, intiniation, emecracion, inasiantion, en, enitation, nushion, inication, iniatiation, enuseation, initative, innitiation, inichation, enichation, intination, inisiation, aniciation, enishation, immitation, innishation, inisciation, iniaation, aniation, enication, annitation, inmeshation, intitiation, intiation, inatation, ineshiation, inigiation, innishaion, inition, initiative, anniution, inniation, initionation, inisheation, enechiasion, enneation, enienation, eniticion, innitation, innituation, eniceation, inishiation, iniciation, initate, iniation, intintation, inisitation, enetiation, inniseation, eneation, inesiation, initation*2, imitation, inniciation, anesination, insuatition, ini, eniseation, eneciation, enitiation, ennicion, enition, innesiation, inistiation, initistion, inishasion, enitioneation, innatation, anishation, enisation, intantion, enniciation, enaneciation, entititive assassinated: assasinated firm: ferm, fern resting: resing champion: campion, champian counselling: councelling fire: fera, fair, fish, four, fires, firer, are, fiur, fuy, fine, fir, firere, rien, fre, fiy, fru, yehest, firve, fare, fige, firh, far, fird, foned, fior, frir, flae, firy, frer, frie, fiyer, fliy, fiar*2, fur, fier, flir, fied what's: what, whats*3 bitchy: bitchey fund: found races: rases awake: awak representative: representitive, representive systematic: systermatic She's: She handling: handeling, handleing judicial: judical reliable: relieable, relible, relable empirical: emperical, empirial admire: addmire technical: tecmical, tecnecale, tecknicle, tactnicle, tecnicol, techinicial, tactnickle, tacknical, tecnickel, textnal, technickal, tecmacke, ticinickle, techinical, tecknectieal, tectonal, tecinal, tectinal, techniquely, techinal, teknicial, techinacal, technicol, tecnecle, technial, techincal, technicale, taqneical, techinel, tentinal, technincal, tecionel, tecnichel, teckticle, techenical, tecnicte, tacal, tacnical, tackneccal, tectional, techical, tecnicle, tecineckle, tenitex, teckniqual, tecknacal, tectincall, tecnickle, techneical, tacnitical, trancale, rablenackle, textnical, textical, texniccal, technechial, nechniqual, teknical, techinial, texinal, technickle, tecknal, techicnal, tectnacle, tenichal, tecknickel, technicle, tecnecial, tencial, technicial, tectnical, tecknickkel, tecnicale, tecknickle, tecknile, techanical, tecknical, textle, ticnicial, teckinicital, tecnical, texnical, tecnicalle, tecticals, tecnichal, ticnecal, tecimical, techenal, techniqucol, tacnicle, technecal, taknickel, atecnicle, tecical, tecinical, ticknickle, texates, tecknichel, ticncal, tectnickle, tecnacle, technecil, tenical, technichal, tecnique, tecinacal, attecnical, tempnical error: errow, erro, eror, errara Miss: mis robin: robbin scheduled: scheludled, schudled, schuedule, schualed, scjedueld, sceuduel, schuald, schuled, sechuade, sceauled, sheleude, scheldued, schedaled, scheudle, Scheduled, scludled, scuddual, scedule, skheduled, skedualed, schedulaled, seduled, scedueled, schedual, scheuduled, schedualed, scheduel, schuelded, secudall, scudual, schuedled, scheul, skeduled, scheuled, schuleded, scheduald, scheduale, schedueled, sceduled, schedule, sculture, sceduel, sceduae, sheuduled, scheudaled, schulded, scuedal, scedualled, schedules, skeulde, scueduleo, scegel, skedule, scedualed, scheluded, skeldual, scodule, sceudual, schelude, scheluled, sedualed, scundale, scheudled, schueduled, schuduled, schedudled, skuled, skerckal, schudel, sceduals, scudule, sckedule, schueled, sceheduled, sketualy, schudle pound: pond hoping: hopeing, hopping calculator: calculater chase: chasr, chace funny: funey, funy, funney*2 virtually: vertually ruler: ro, rooler, roler survey: survay knitting: nitting flooded: flodded comprehensive: comphrehensive, comphehensive deformity: deformaty levels: levals cucumber: cucomber necessity: nessesity, neccessity, neccesity nickname: nick-name stack: stake recent: resent canned: caned residing: reciding person: percon, persen, peason, porson clearance: cleareance leone: lione telegram: telagram layby: la-by*2 admission: addmission*2 interregnum: interrugum advertisements: advertisments recommended: reclomended, recomendid, recommendant, recomemented, recomened, recemended, rectmenton, recommened, reckomend, recomendend, recommed, recomnded, recommendent, recommeded, reccomendent, recomended*2, recommending, recogmended, recumended, recomnend, recmendent, reccomended*2, recommend, reckamend, recomend, reckamendaded, reccommend, recommented, reccommended*2, recamended, recomandant, recemendent, recmonmend, reclomiclent, recummed, recemmendment, reckcomended, recomeded eager: eger, eagar, egar burin: buring parents: parantc, parent, parrents, parants, prarents, perants, prerents location: loction crying: cring relevance: relevence input: inut surprised: suprized, serpisorzd, surprized, suprise, suprised*2 defiantly: defenly shove: shuve emergency: emergancy Oh: Ow*3 couple: cuple, cupel, cupple emanating: eminating high-ranking: highranking suffering: suufering enumerable: inumerable projects: projets, projeccts consensus: concensus*3 individuals: indivuals, indviduals, indivial, inv stylish: styleish pertaining: pertaning irresistibly: iresistibly, irresistably, iresistably senate: senet, senete spring: sping mighty: mitey, mitty, mity sight: sis, siat, sit, seit, sitt, sinth, site, sithes, siet, set, sigt, saet, stint, singh, seet, side, sitit, sat curious: currieows, quearous, querious, cerious, courishes, queours, curryous, quereous, sureness, courious, courieous, qurious, currous, coureous, courous, quorous, courtey, couresus, courrious, curiouse, occurance, cuories, quirous, couries, curose, furious, curous, cureous, quirrous, quirious, curouse, currious, curoius, securities, courage, couious, quoreice, quiest battalion: batallion*2 irresistible: erisistable, iresistable*2, iristable, irrisistble, irrisisstable, inisitable, erysistable, inrestable, irristible, irisitable, irrisistable, irrestible, iristestable, ersistable, inresistible, ereststable, erisitabel, irisable, islueralbe, inresistable, irisistible, irisitble, irresiblable, irisitabe, errisistable, erisisterbull, irristable, iretsible, irrsitbly, irrisiterble, eribble, irrisitable, irisible, anresistible, irresible, irrisitstable, irisistble, ensitable, irresistable*3, ererytel, irrisestible, eristebull, iresistible, erasistoble, irisistable, erosble, irestible, inressitable transactions: trasactions religion: religon, religeon even_though: eventhough temple: tempel be: me, pe, we, b, d, de, been, bee, bei, linge, dy, by*3 performed: performes crooks: croks, cork agreement: aggreement*2 nowhere: no_where by: bihr, buy, biy, bery, be analysing: aalysing anything: anythin, anythink*2, enthing, enything, anyting, any_thing*2, any_think, any-thing, anytying exaggerated: exagerated, exagerrated hatchet: hachet hatches: hachess round_about: roundabout, round-about hatched: hached exaggerates: exagerrates, exagerates repair: repare terrorists: teroists at_all: atall, a_tool, a_tall into: inot, in_two, in_too, in_to, in, the democrat: democrate a-quiver: aquiver appropriate: aprorate, approate, apprpriate, apporpreate, approriate, apporpriate, approppriate, apropenote, appropeate, apprraite, appropiate*2, appropirate, approrait, approgeate, approtate, appropreiate, apropreate, apropriate, approperate, apporate, appropreate, appreiate, oppratorate, apprortiate, approproate, appreate, apriate, approtreate, apropate, arpatate, appration, appropi, apporepate, appriotate, appriote, appromieate, approrate, appropriae, apropoate, appropate, appropriat, aprongate, appiopiate, approiate, appricate, abpropate, appoate, appreciate, apperate, appropriatte, appopriate, approprate, appomenent, appriate controversies: controveries primarily: pimarily contributor: contributer criticisms: critisisms*2 bargaining: baragining specifically: pacifacly, pysifily, specephicly, pecificule, pasificaly, sphificly, speciffically, spicificily, picpisy, specificately, phificall, pacifictly, specifickly, picfically, specifucally, spectfically, specio, specip, spacificly, spcyphicically, physifically, spesifically, specificly, speci, speficict, spacically, specificely, specifacly, spesificale, specific, specificually, paficaly, sphecificly, specfically, spacivicaly, pacifficlly, phacialy, specefically, specificulty, phyfically, pacfically, speficically, specifecly, pacifically, specifcale, specificaly, sipaficaly, spesificaly, spectioly, specificalely, persivacly, spcioicately, specifcally, speciphicly, specifi, sphisisly, specificlly, pecificual, spaciffically, specify, specifecely, specificialy, spacifically, spacificially, picificly, pesifiecally, phacificially, specifuclly, specifiecaly, speecificully, specifecully, spicificly, sepecifically, spacificaly, supacificly, speceficalsee, spacifilly, pacificaly, speciocally, specifacully, pacifical, speclovel, specyically, paciffically, spacilly, pussificulty, spectf, possivically occupy: ocupy, occupie suit: suite, sute Smoking: Smocking considerably: considerable elsewhere: elseware, elswhere inches: inchs relaxed: relax pastor: paster slums: sulmss line: lin considerable: conciderable, considerble peeped: peped resistible: resistable us: a, use*2, ares, as, hus verification: verfication spectroscopy: spectoscopy continuously: continously*2, continuousely medical: medical supervisor: supervisser defined: deffined influence: influance, infulence presided: prisided Outside: Out_side diverse: diversed surveying: servaying graceful: gracefull questionnaire: questioair, questioniare, questionairre, questionier, questionnar, questionary, questionarre, questionner, questionare, questionire, questionior, questionar, questioner, questionry, questionnair, questatiner, qustiar, questionnare, questionerr, questioneer, questionque, questionery, questionniare, questionair, questionere, questionear, questionaire, quesionuse, questioneair, questioneir, questioniar, questionearl, questionnere, quesionnaire, questionaer uranium: uranisium invalid: invilid occasional: ocasional, ocassional, occassional*2, accasional sailor: sailer scrub: skrub, scub rabies: rabbies besiege: beseige oblige: oblidge ago: go, a_go, ogo worsened: worstened land: lat algorithm: algoritm age: ag walked: walk*4, walkt, waked, wllot, walk't, wurtt, wokt, wocer, warkt, whorter, wart, warkd, wake, wark*3, waiked, worked, warked*3, wort, warkte, wucde, workt, walket came: kem, cane, kom, kame, cem, coming, some, kam, knom, kum, can, cam*4, gamne, ceme, come*2, cum, cone enrolled: enroled fresh: freash hello: hallo, helo*2, herlo, hellow essay: essa, esay partial: partel, parsel, parchil, parsal, parsh, parshall, parshial, parshell, parshual, parshel, partiall, parchiol, pachal, parsle, particial, parciall, particile, parcel, parcal, parshal, parcil, parsial, partical, partioe, parcial, parchable, parchel, parchell saying: saiyng, saering, saing, sain, siade, sege, sieding, sidesah, saenig, say_ind, usain, sanee playtimes: play_times results: result enjoyable: enjoyous, enjoyeable renown: renoun, reknown gossip: gosip seemed: seen, seem, semed*2 windowsill: window_sill concerned: concened, conserned young: yem, yong, youg, yorug, yae, yoand, your, lar, yung send: sand, sed, snd citing: cisting rejoined: reg dyeing: dieing dislike: disliked carelessly: carlessly resources: resours, rescources, resorces, recources jurisdiction: juridiction susceptible: suseptible mare: mear continued: contuned wipe: wip categories: catagories, catagoris transmission: ransmission marry: mary, marrie anxious: anchous, angret, ancious, anc, anxois, angce, anxioss, ances, anixous, anguas, ansous, ancouis, ansay, anguis, axsher, anshuse, angious, axious, anchase, ancsosh, ancous, hugers, anious, aksirse, antios, anxous, ageshes, anxios, anscious, anshus, angshirs, ancuse, anxion, ansuiter, ancshous, anxcious, ansxios, anset, ansious, ancherse, andous, enxsuise, angrise, amshouse, axcious, anxouse, anxsious, ashase, anshous, axios, axioce, anso, anshion, anxisus, ecorys, anshers, angers, angsious, exchan, anshoss, ancies, agushed, anceous, atse, etese, andshos, ancios, aas, acse, ancs, anchos, ansosice, anshes, agser race: rase athlete: athlette terrifies: terrify's pledge: pleage, plege cannibals: canniballs licensed: licenced headmistress's: head_mistrises, headmistresses, headmissteress, headmisstresse's, headmisstres' crook: cork temperate: temparate Farmer: Frameman incidentally: incidenially, incindetly, insudentally, incedentaly, insedently, encidently, incidenally, ensedently, inseldently, insedintly, incidentaly, incodently, enccidently, incendentaly, incendentally, inadenatly, incidentially, incedentely, insidently, incidendently, insidentally, insidentley, incidentlly, insundently, indently, insciendently, encamtly, incidintally, insedentaly, incefecient, incedental, ensidently, inncidentally, insidendens, insidentaly, insendently, incedintely, incidenlay, incondentially, incedintally, insteadily, incedentily, insinally, incadently, inccidentally, incidintely, incident, insodently, incendently, incidently, insidenately, inscentily, insententely, infedendently, incildently, insaldentally, incedentally, insendelatly, insetaly, insidentily, incidental, indidently, incediently, insedetely, incedantally, incedently, ensendenally, incidentely, incidentily, incdently, ensidenlaly wheat: weat odd: ard apparatus: aparatist, apresaties, apparatous, aparatas, arparatos, apperatos, experimet, apperatas, aparaturer, appartaus, aparaters, aperats, apperators, apparratus, aperratos, apraues, aperashis, eperats, apraters, aparratus, appataters, apprators, apperatass, apparator, apperaters, appratus, apperataus, apratiese, apearaters, operators, aparats, apporatas, aparatus, apperatus, aperators, apartus, apparattus, abraters, aperatus, aporators, apperratis, appuratus, apraatuss, appartus, aborratus, aperraters, apuratus, apartanes, aparters, aperateus, aperaters, apperats, aparation, appauratus, aringeds, apperatice, aperatous, aparater, aparates, aperatice, aprotus, aporatus, apperatious, aperates indian: indan, indain, inded polluting: poluting proffer: profer firms: ferman guinea-pigs: guinea_pigs bird: brid*3 scenery: senery sub-prefect: subpreyfect led: lade, land, leaded, lead, give, lad, lud, isled, lend, took, lens, lide, leed, wead, lede, ledre, lled, let, iede, lred eminently: emminently leg: lag, lege gathered: gatherd poverty: povety licence: lisense, livent, license, lisence consideration: concideration, consideraiion fifteen: fiften, fithteen untidiness: untideness vinegar: vinigar great: and, gater, thunte, gant, grent, crate, grut, guat, gorold, gerat, gart, crat, grt, frate, geant, grant, get, cret, gatr, fod, gert, gate, garte, gaet, gata, carot, geat, grit, greater, fatd, seing, gat, grete, gote, frat, cater, grate, graet*2, gleent, gret, ggot, coird, gent, grat*2, grait*2, cat, geart, act, gerted engage: engauge, ingage earwigs: eyewigs receive: recieve*3, receave fetch: fech resulting: reulting defeat: defeet opinion: oppinion*2, ap, oppinon, opion, opinon residents: recidents makes: makse, maks, mkaes, mack explain: explane, expalin Pekinese: pikaness innocence: inocence assemble: assemple sugar: suger*2 tools: toles, tooles standing: staning, sanding, stading confidence: confedence certificate: citificate, certifacite chocolates: chocalates druggies: drugies next: enxt, nest*2, metx, nex, nexst eleven: elven duplicate: duplacate, dublicate doubt: doubte, dout, daubt, doub, douc, doupt lodgment: lodgement pencil: pecil, pencle shipwreck: ship_wreck infamy: imfamy occurred: occureed, ocurred, occured*2 carrying: carring*2 labelled: labeled rubbish: rubish baby: baba, babby, babys, babe gladly: glady charity: charaty customer: costumer, costomer pejorative: perjorative animals: anermos, animl, aninals, animal this: thsi, tish, ths*2, thus, tihs, thhis, thes challenge: chalenge, challange, chalange pour: pore thin: foram, fihh, wie, thiden, finn, fine, fing, tint, inen, fen, tine, feh, ther, fib, tin, fin, sin, then, fthi, fomer, flen, lind, than, frene, thehe, fein, thine, rune, the drill: dril, drile choirboy: choir_boy scatter: scater slid: slided Police: Pollce bent: bant process: proccess*2 lock: loack rode: rod pieces: piece, peices high: hye, hiegh, higth, hey, hie bend: band slip: slep Christmas: Cristmus, cristmas, Christ_mas, Chrismas, Christmis weaken: wicken ideology: idealogy hydrophilic: hydropilic rhubarb: ruhbarb delay: deley insistent: insistant, insistenet intelligent: intellegent*2, intealignt, intellgnt, inteligent*3, intelejent, intellagant, intelignt, intelegnent, intejilent, intellegint, intelegent singular: singulaur await: awate tied: tired*2, toded, tide, tieded, tird, tind, tih, tid, tie, taid, tib, tieed, tried, tinet, teyd, tidit, tiad, tided, tad, tiyed, teid, thered, tareed, tyed, fried, thid weighed: wieghed, wade, weighted, waid notebook: note_book preferring: prefering cabbage: cabbge hawk: hark autograph: autgraph varied: vqried tomato: tomto, tmato realized: relized*2, realise undernourished: under_norished counter: conter reminders: remnders redundant: redundent One: Won acquitted: acquited, aquitted allot: alot allow: alow pyramids: pyar volunteers: volounteers, volonteers move: omve doubtful: doubtfull, doutful perfect: perfact chosen: choosen*3, choose, chose mistletoe: mistlitoe dispose: despose lamp: lamps, lanp meantime: mentime thieves: feste, theves, fevers, thifeves, thevies, theives*2, thiefs, theiths, thives, theifs, thies, thesve heart-rending: heartrendering instruments: insrament, instrem, instremens, insermons, insmains, irtast, instumant, intrement, insmes, instrusment, iterment, insturments, instinents, insturements, instrements, instaments, insmetne, instrusments, instoment, istment, instrument, instumes, insturment, instmends, instumants, insternents, insterments, instrumants, instrimants, instrumenst, instoments, instrumints, intruments, insim, inched, intrements, imusents, instroments, intrapes, mese, instre, eatinse, in_strement, inmounts, instrumets, esarmes, instarme, insturuments, instments, instrments, incertmas, intment, interotes, instrems, instment, instuments, instriments, inserments, intemests hobby: hobbie animal: animals, anamal earn: ern, hearn asymmetrical: assymnerical, assymmetrical kiss: kis cage: kage, cag orphaned: orphaed, ophoned presidential: presidental sufficiently: sufficiuntly, suffienc, sufficienily, siffeicently, suffecient, suffrintaly, suffialy, suffantly, suffency, sufisenlty, sufficnnty, sucificently, sufficantely, suficiontly, sofecitently, sufishunly, sufishently, scifiantly, suffissioncy, suffeicently, suficently, suffectinely, suficiently, suffertinal, sufficentally, suffieciently, suffently, suffeciently, su_lfishently, suffiencentally, sufficalny, sufficiency, sufficientally, sufencently, suffucently, sufitiently, suffishly, sufficiantly, safrishtonly, sufficenlly, safishently, suffiency, suffecienly, sufishiently, sufficantly, suffecienty, suffienctly, suficiantly, sufficeintly, suffencely, sufficienlly, susficently, syfishentally, suffeicuntly, suffiently, suffecently, sufficently*2, sufacionaly, savantly, scifently, suffescently, suffiecentlly, sufiently, sufficency delightful: delighful, dilightful expels: expells mum's: mums*2 truth: troth, thruth, tuthe electrically: electricly accompanied: accompanyed, acompanied beneath: beliut, beanth, benethe, beunf, benitthe, deaine, bnef, beminy, bmos, benfer, beneth, besth, binef, benet, beaneth, belang, beinth, benarth, benath, beaneath, benghts, benight, beneat, dnef, barine, beneeth, bened, benef, benith, beneafe, beneave, benife, benithe, mufed glasses: glases, glasser exacerbated: exerbated beginner: begginer doing: donig, dowing*2, doign, daing operator: opratte, oparater, operater, opeale, operter, aponent, poerator, opetret, abarater, opertor, opater, opretor, onbperater, oprator, opratr, oppater, operrater, hoperate, operatar, oberatur, oparator, opreraytor books: book, bookes thirteen: therteen agriculture: agraculture goalkeeper: goal_keeper witness: wittness fundamentally: fundementally allophones: allopones troop: troup shut: shud, shot, shit, shat unwieldy: unwieldly, unweildly sepulcher: sepulcre, sepulchure surely: surl, surley*2, surly embarrass: embarass*3, embarras*2, embaress, embarris steering: stearing, stering log: lag, loge spill: spil transferable: transferrable could: call, coud, cood, sould, coudl, cod*3 put: pull, pot*2, but*2, pht length: lenght*2, lenth, lengh pudding: puding, putting dismantles: dismantals receding: receeding scare: sesis, scar, skey, skare, schere, scur, sear, scear, shother, sker, serer, skair, strer, sceare, scer, scroec, scair, skeri, saum, serae gamekeeper: gamekeeps diagrammatically: diaramatically, diagramatically, diagrammaticaally scene: seen owned: oned straining: strainin occurrences: occurrances, occurances, occurences collages: colloges owner: oner, onwer brimful: brim_full reference: refereence, refernce, refference*2, referance, referrence, rference festival: fesctival, fistival self-opinionated: self-opiniated traveller: travler system: sysem, sistem opossum: opposim sergeant: sargant, sergant decorations: decrotions exhilarating: exhilirating travelled: travald, traveled efficiently: effeciently, efficently painful: pianful, painfull grated: grete interests: interrests enforcement: inforcement accompany: acompany stars: stare*2, sys, starers, stores, sharn, stors, sier, strue, ster, sots, stres, sars, stares, stairs, sart shorts: short grandpa: grandpar cabbage-looking: cabbage_looking steel: steal dead-end: dead_end bother: barther, borther extraordinarily: extrordinarily appealing: appealling negatively: negitively steep: steap, step steer: ster, stear collecting: collecyting false: fales, faulse, full have_to: haveto beggar: begger a_few: afew bad-tempered: bad_tempered, bad_temped tonight: tonigth, to_nigth*2, tongiht, to_night*6, tonit gentle: gentel clearly: cleary, claerly viewed: vod, vold, veyed, vieved, you'd, vewd, moved, reviewed, vard, fuid, feiwed, reveiwed, veided, renewed, fused, veiwed, foued, fued, vieded, new, voghed, vued, veuwed, vurd, viod, veived, ford, veiued, feade, veied, voved, veid, verday_at, vowed, veay, voed, veiwd, revead, vouwed, vould, vewed, voad, thewd, fewed, viwed, revewed afore-mentioned: afformentioned, for-mentioned documents: doctuments, documence, coucquiment, Documents, dordments, doctrienes, doccuments*2, document's, doctumints, docquments, dockuments, dockiments, doctriments, documen, docement, dotuments, doucment, docuements, document, documens, ducuments, docturments, docquements, dolomice, docterments, docoments, doculents, documant, doqunence, dockments, docutments, docements, Doctments, Dockuments, docunents, douctments dishes: diches connived: conived studying: studiing, studing chief: cheif*2 decomposing: decompositing lily: lilly soap: soape, sope*3 persistence: persistance tyrannical: tyranical Samaritan: Samariton Dog's: Dog courtesy: courtessy, courtisce, curtesey, curiosity, courticy, courtious, courtissy, courties, courtsey, curtisey, curtousy, courtisey, courtsy, curtsy, coursity, courtesey, courtesis, couritsy, caurtesy, curtosy, courtesiy, courtescy, curticy, courtesie, courteious, courtesty, courtisy, courtously, curtisy, couricy, cursity, curtsey, courticey, corisy, certisy, courstsey, corsuty, courtusly, courtecey, ceourtisy, courts, courtecies, courtcies, coursety, courteosy, courteousy, curtusese, courtousy, curtesy, curtscy, courtiesy, curtecy, courteous, courtesing, courteaus, courtecy amongst: amonst, amounst, amoungst, anongst device: divice*2 medal: medel, medle so-called: sa-called, sol-called, so-call, so-colled, socalled, so_call, so_called, socale hypocrite: hypocrit Joyce's: Joyce*2 tramps: trmp metaphysical: pataphysical thanksgiving: thankgiving face: fas, focs, fars, fase you'll: you, your*3, you'l unscramble: unscamble mechanical: machanical painting: piating, panting, paitting fact: fackt atmosphere: atmousphere, atmospher, atmosfere assassinations: assasinations monasteries: monestaries dependant: dependent disbanded: disembared vacancy: vacanes, vankies, vacantency, vacantise, vakensy, vacaney, vacanze, vacance, vacancey, vancay, vavancy, vacances, vacantsey, vacansey, vacentscy, vaconcy, vacanies, vacansie, facountcy, vaciency, vaansy, vacantsy, vacantes, vacatcy, vacancie, vancey, vacansy, vackency, vagrancy, vacantcies, vacuntcy, vacanticy, vacatence, vacancity, vacuncy, vacincy, vacency, vacanse, vacantcy, vacentisy, vaccancy, vancancey, vacany, vacancies, vacant, vancancy, vaccance, vanciety, vancy bring: bing, berng infants': enfants greenhouse: green_house, gnenhouen bedroom: bedroon rough: raf, rouch, sufe, rouef, rath, rofe, rougth, refea, raft, roge, roagh, risf, ruf, ruff, rauf, veath, routh, rought, roth, wrove, roughe, reart trivial: triveal principal: pricipal, principle, princible pause: paws Meanwhile: Mean_while jaw: jor jar: jur, gare*3, gar should: shed, sob, sod, sheod, show, hard, site, sad, shoed, shod*3, sould*3, suod, shoud*2, seud, shued, shound, shold, choud, shond, stud, shoudln, surd, stood, sade, shored, sueld, shap, shuord, shode, shud, shoold*2, stod, sing, shoudl, shotd, stoden, could, sald, shood, saub, sand, sohod, sa, shuld, sohd terminal: termial, terminel planted: planed, plarted, plarnted, plated, plansted tape: tipped molecules: moleculs riding: rideig, rideing secretaries: secutaries hope: hop*2 meant: mean't, ment insight: insite handle: handel listened: lisinid, lisend means: meens, maenas, mens familiar: thermior, familly, famillia, fumiler, femilea, formillear, fumilea, familer, fermilur, fameliar, fmely, familea, farmely, famillior, phamilia, furmiller, fimilyar, formilly, thermiller, famitea, f_miler, fermilliar, fermiller, fermilia, furmilier, formelle, formilier, fomilea, femiliar, furemiler, firemiley, formiller, furmilare, fimular, familler, fumillia, formilar, furmileyar, fermily, formila, famelear, furmila, furmiler, femeller, familure, fermiler, firmily, fmelera, family, fumilia, familyer, furmeler, furmilar, fenicer, fmiler, falmilar, femilure, familar, fimiliar, familier, fermenerl, farmiliar, featry, femillye, fimily, familia, fimaler, formela, furly, femila, formiliar, famaler, formelya, flner, famiular, formiler, furmileyer, firmware, firmiler, fermilyer, fimilar, familliar, fermilely, firmillar, fermilier, fumilar lucky: luckey, luky prohibition: prohabition blackcurrants: blackcurrents emissaries: emmisaries, emmisarries Once: Ones*2 committees: committes, commetees, commotties, comettes, coometes, committee, committed, comitties, comintees, committies, commettee, comittees, committeies, conitzes, commitys, committisgs, commenties, commetties, commeties, comimittees, committys, comtties, commties, commieties, comittenets, commities, commit, commitees contemptible: contempible victuals: vituals stuff: stof, stuf strengthened: strenghened, strenghtened temporarily: temparaly, tenpuartly, temoraly, temporaroly, temporeraly, temporialy, temperially, temprorally, temporrally, temoaraly, temporarilly, temperarily, temperrarially, tenarary, temaraly, temporaly, tempore, temperreally, temeraley, temperaly, demporaly, temporayly, temporiarly, temporalary, temporarely, temporayally, temporalily, tempororily, tempariarly, temporially, temeperly, temporarialy, temporairily, temiparly, temporairely, temporary, temporailly, temporarrly, tempororialy, temperorarily, temperarly, temporalry, temperanly, temperatory, temporately, tenpiorly, temporairly, temperally, tempararily, temporarlly, denficaly, temperalily, temporarolly, temporarelly, temporarially, temperairly, temarally, temorarally, temporarally, temporally, temporaily, tenporalely, temporaryly, temoparaly, temporily, temptorary, temperaraly, temparly, temporarly, temorarily, temararlly allusion: alusion frame: farm, fram, fame, fraim edition: adiation, adition, ediition, edeation, ediion, additioned, edison, additional, addition, addistion, edision, idditions, eddetion, editions, addiation, addison, eidition, addision, condition, adiction, adisction, addishation, eddition carboniferous: carbonferous wire: wirer, wier nuclear: nuculear, nucler, nucular, nucleur couturier: coururier megabytes: egabytes derogatory: derogitory interchangeably: interchangably buffalos: buffaloes courtyard: court_yard staring: stearing drum: durm invited: envited Cheerio: Cheere_ho drug: drog etc: ect figures: figurs, figuars puff: puf, poff Christ: Crist Her: Here conclude: conclud, conclued defiance: definance indict: indite allocated: alicated carnivorous: carniverous attainder: attaindre drank: drak Durex: Durxer feather: fether waste: wate, waist recurring: reoccurring, reccuring pity: pitty neighbour: nabour*2, neibour, nabor, neigbour*2, neighboor, neighbor*2, neibor pedantry: pendantry laser: luser, lasher runway: runaway bathtub: bath_tub discoveries: discovers playgrounds: place_grounds, play_grounds, play-grounds ripe: rip site: sitte hardware: hardwear excessively: exessively adultery: adultry tattoo: tatoo terrorist: territorist painstaking: paintaking digging: biging, ding, diding, daning, diggin, diging, bigging, degging outbreak: outdrak covenant: convenant ball: bal, boll drink: drnik, direnk, drik upon: apon*2, opon, apone, apen nationally: nationaly forecasts: forcasts proficiency: proficiensy dust: dost at_least: atleast fielder: fiedler off: of*14, on acknowledgement: acnolegment, exnowledgment, acknowledment, ecknowledgment, accknowledgement, acnoldgement, ackouledge, acknowlegdement, acknowledement, accknowledgment, ackownledgement, aknowlege, acknowedgement, acknowledgment, acknoledgmet, acknowledge, actknowlegment, acquig, acnoledgement, accoldment, aceknowledgement, acknolegment, acknowayment, exconolidiemet, acknowledging, accknoldge, aknowledgement, acknoledgement, accknowlegment, ecknowledgement, aqnowledgment, ackolejement, acknowldment, acknowelgement, acknowlegement, knowledgement, accomnoltion, acnologement, acknoledgment, acnowledgment, acknowlment, agnowlegment, acknoldge, acknowlegment, aknowledgment, acknowedgment, accolegement colour: color, colur, coular, coler, colar patterns: pattans, pattarns command: comand administered: admiistered diphtheria: diptheria drawing: drawin snake: snak less: lest, lase rooms: rome generous: generious realize: relize, rilise arrest: arest combine: comibine crack: crak mannered: manerd practise: practice increased: increase, increases government: commat, govment, goberment, govemeter, guverment, gobernement, govemont, govetment, gobernment, covenment, govermne, cover_ment, grovment, govorment, gomment, govement, guvement, govermont, governemt, goverment*2, govermant, gurmut fairies: fairy's decidable: decideable haul: hall five: fiv desk: dest, dask incessant: incesant descendant: decendant, descendent*2 crisp: cresp onion: onin chairs: chiar's, chirs garage: grage, garech, carage, garge imprison: imprisons become: be_come, becom, bacome, beome, beeome need_not: neednot replacement: replasments amendment: amendmant, ammendment*2, admendment poor: por Macwilliams: macwillaims*2 foreseeable: forseeable thief: theif*2, thefe, thif, theaf immortal: imortal There's: There choosing: ching, chosing asynchronously: asyncronously ballot: ballet recognition: recomdation, reconnition, recignition, recomition, recognize, reckognition, reconnation, recinition, regnition, recgonition, recogition, recintut, reconization, recoknigition, reconitation, reconnistion, recomdition, recednition, reconisation, recognetion, recoddissen, recoaten, recogniction, recuigition, recoginial, recongintion, recegnition, recomentation, recanistion, recudnition, recodnition, recondation, reccodin, reccoenition, recondnition, renition, recommition, reckonition, recegnintion, recocgnition, reconation, recoznition, reconigition, recqunition, reconnissant, recongenions, recomigtion, recknotion, recganiction, recodenition, recogenation, reconigation, recognation, recmition, recogenaginon, recegnitation, reccenient, reconitin, recondintion, reckenision, reconnicion, recodmition, recomission, reconition, recognision, reginition, recognization, recongition, recongnition, recunestion, recegition, recogonition, reogination, recommission, recongnetion, recobmition, recogmition, Recognition, reginosion literally: litteraly, litually, illiteraly, Literally, leterlly, litterly, literaly, liturily, literalily, liesally, literry, lalerallety, literially, liturelly, litrally, literlaly, leteruatlly, literary, laterally, literal, leterally, literarly, littearly, literlaral, littery, literly, litearly, tileiry, literlo, literourly, literial, leteralaly, literaraly, litterially, leturaly, literaley, liberally, literoly, literrally, librally, litterally, literually, literitally, leterly, liturally avoid: avoyde, avot, abord, avound, acoud, a_fied, envored, avoyed, dvod, aboyed, avoud, avd, avordy, avode, advoide, afed, aviid, a_veid, avoij, aviod, a_voyuges, arigode, avoide, afoy, a_veod, aroed, avairt, adwode, avenge, afard, aver, inverd, aboved, afued, avov, invode, a_vard, a_falled, avid, divoid, avod, avoad, a_fory, andfored, aconet, ovord, a_vod, awd, avoued, avoed, avoded, aboe, averna, a_foda, afode, addvud, avord, afoud, awaed, avird, ivoid, a_voge, aveid, avoyd, ofod, arle, avade, avourd shone: shon does: doens, dus*3, dose her_a: hera therapists: threapists forgiven: forgivon biology: biolagy blowing: bloing voluptuous: volumptuous schedule: schulay, skeduel, secure, schedul, scedugal, scedgule, secdual, scheudled, schudule, schedgual, shedule, skedual, scudial, scedule, sheual, schudel, schedual*2, schedute, scheduel, sechedule, skedgreal, scheule, schuelde, scheduled, scandual, scheduald, scheduale, scadualy, scedual, sceduel, schedal, seceduel, scadule, sckedual, schual, sheduel, skedule, scudual, schelude, scedgae, scadual, schudele, sceddial, scheudel, scedgual, schedele, sckedule, scedgel, schudual, schudle pear: pair, pare invertebrates: invertibrates peas: pes pressure: presure targeting: targetting imaginary: imaginery, imagenary loans: lones stage: stag, shag gained: ganed sister: siter*2 drumming: druming recur: reoccur whistled: wisheld self-made: self_made playing-fields: playing_fields Nose: Nos commitment: comittmend, comitmment, comittmen, committment screamed: scremd, screned tiny: tine, tinu, tiney obbligato: obliggato mere: mear*2 larvae: lavae housing: houssing disapproval: disaproval bump: bunp, bumb specimens: specfunens, spesements, sepamns, spuciman, speciemens, spicements, speciamns, specimenence, specimines, specimans, specinens, specimns, specemunt, secpimens, speciements, specimen's, specimends, spesiamen, speicimens, spicemens, sepemends, speciums, specimums, specumens, specamens, speasmens, sipumens, specamins, speciamens, specimims, speciamans, specicims, spisemans, specimen, specusamends, suppictments, spenious, spedicemas, spicimens, sepecife, spicimuns, speciemends, speciemn, specimuns, spesment, speciments, speciemuns, speciems, specimins, spiecman naturally: naturaly*2, naturely*2, natually, naturually function: fuction cosmopolitan: cosmoplyton delivery: delievery washerwoman: washawoman construction: construcktion, constuction apollo: appolo basin: bassin count: cont Bicycle: Bicyle places: plases society: socity, sciety official: orfechol, offical*2 smooth: smoth excitement: excitment, exsitment placed: plased convince: convience problem: polt, promblem, propem, probleum, probe, preblem, ponpln, proplen, porblem, proplom, prodl, pone, proplme, porble, prodlim, propleing, prodlem, propm, probwas, pilpid, proble, probelm*2, polir, probalem, problum, problm, properlon, promleam, problom, prombleme, proplem, probalum, pobble, proply, perblam, prroblem, prople, prombly, pronlem, pobben, probelum, probblem, promble, woret, probme, prombre, provemie, problam, plomeber, problen, plodram, proplum, proberlem profusion: profesion nurses: nurse's recognize: recognises, reconise, recongize, recogize, recognise, reconize, reckernis dissemination: disemination ink: ing, inke effected: aff renowned: reknowned*2 compared: comppared, compased efficacy: efficity variety: varity*2, variatry salesman: sailsman scholarly: scholarstic lately: latley, latly details: detals suppress: supress*2 incorrigible: incorigible illusion: illution, alusion February: feburay, Feburary, Febuary, febuary repeat: reapeat, repet monday: mond footprints: foodprints chance: chac, change, chanch anal: anual coloration: colouration matrix: matriiix ghost: goast rule: rulle mercenary: mercanery searched: souted, serhed, shaused, sab, dowt, sarshed, stert, sad, sirged, say, sheadch, surch, surched, staded, shis, sat, soshger, sheam, shearded, sote, sucter, corced, serted, sittd, sarch, sudse, surshted, seread, soch, sated, searchde, serched, srich, shiste, sart, thertch, seahed, seched, sade, shequd, sorched, sarol, sred, sert, sotck, seached, sacked, seshed, serth, sasht, sheched, searcked, sinc, sherk, saerched, serset, shutched, search, surchd, sucht, sechd, sech, srorch, sherched, sursh, sobt, searhed, serch, sohe rural: rurel, roral consolidated: consolodated personally: persnaly desirable: desire, desireable*2, disiable, desireble nursery: nusey controversial: contravercial, controvercial commandos: comandos, commandoes oldest: olddis stinks: sticks Ranger: Rango neighbours: nabos, neigbours worth: woth, werth, worht, wherth wreath: reath merchantmen: merchantment distort: distart women's: womens disobedient: dissobedient, dissobediant, disobediant lecture: lectur electronics: electrict chapel: chaple, chapal, chapple we'll: will, we'el, well, wel abhorrence: abhorence progression: progresion exaggerate: equrate, exadjurate, excerate, exadurate, excratrate, egxidgurate, extagtrate, exatate, exarrate, agsharate, extashate, exaderate, esadgerate, asduute, exagrate, exgreated, exsadurat, axagerate, exactruate, etzadgerate, exaxerat, exjarit, egsadgert, exsacter, exiesty, exzaderat, egsadurate, exgarate, adzodiat, exsagurate, exxagerate, exzadgorate, ecxadurate, exagorate, exagerate*2, exgerate, egsan, exrage, exgareat, exadgerat, exaduret, egzagerate, exazerate, exaturate, exsazate, exjarate, exatuate, trabnot, exagarate, exsadurate, exgararate, exzagerate, agsagerate, exagerrate, excargarate, exsargerate, eggagerate, cadsed, exagurate, exargerate, exsagrate, exzuate announced: anounced triumph: tryimp, triumphed, triaumph, trynmpt, triumpth, tryunkh, tryamph, triampht, trumph, trymth, triumphet, trimph, trile, triump, tryamth, tinaup, tyront, triam, truimph, trymp, trymunpth, trampht, trijant, tryunphy, tyranpth, tryamp, tryampth, trimuph, trympth, tryenth, triunysh, tryunnt, tryunph, tryanph, triumpt, trymuph, tryumphump, trail, trymupt, tryumph, trianph, trimunph, trumiphum, tryumpth, tryant, triamph, tryumpht, truimped, trymph, tirumph, tyromph, triumphant, triufen, triuphy, tryunfunt, tripamph, trymphant chew: chow galas: gala's midsummer: midsummer's sabbath: sabboth, sabath horn: hon, hone preacher: precher, preature colloquialism: colloquilism rigorous: rigourous levitate: levetate specs: spec's phoned: phone*3 alsatian: alsation established: establise above: a_barth, a_bueve, aovere, dong, urborth, abouve, bealove, obove, aduv, uove, aboer, apuve, a_bother, abaeth, ubove, abouth, abuve, aboat, a_beyied, buft, upbuve, upbudh, abve, abuf, abofe, abahe, abuov, a_buve, a_buth, a, about, a_bof, unbove, adove, alowe, abou, abowe, beneath, abost churches: churchs officially: officaly, offically, officialy consisting: consisiting told: todle, toled, to*2, teld, toll, tolld, tod*2 bookcase: book_case pursuit: persuit*2 ploughed: ploud*2 paraffin: parrafin celebration: celabration obtained: obtain daughter: dauter items: itims Tuesday: Tusday, Teusday, Tuseday tankard: tanker smoke: smock, smok Pyrenean: Pyrannean diameter: diamater, diamiter secure: sicure, surcure, sucure lavatory: lavertory, labatory archaeological: archeological glance: glacnce total: totle sweater: swetter, sweeter world's: world substitutions: substations, subisitions lorry: lord, lory*7 separated: seperated*2 reign: rein, reighn aware: awear separates: seperates indent: ident tariff: tarrif, tarriff handkerchiefs: handiciekes, hankichies word: ward, wood wore: war, wor work: warck, wokr, worke, wh, wrok, wark, wolk, werk, worked, owrk, woke eclipse: ecipse, eclispe worm: worme*2 worn: warn mammalian: mamalian ere: e'er, 'er, 'eer, hair, ar, are, 'e'er, ee'r, e're, arre, ear, aire, eire, area, ae'r, ier, arie, har, er, a'r, ere', aere, aeir, ei'r, error, heir, a'er, aierre, eir, ayre, a're, aer, err, 'ere, e_er, eer', air, 'err, er'e, hier, era, e'r, evr, eair mechanic: macanic elbow: elbo, albow ascetic: asetic pollute: polute tornadoes: tornados recovery: recofey provide: provid, provied bandaging: banjind interview: interveiw, intervew disappoint: dessipoint, dissypoint, desappoint, deinpent, disappiont, disserpoint, disapoint, desapoint, Disappoint, dispot, derepoint, dispont, disapiont, dissippoint, dispoint, dissapiont, disapont, dissappoint, dessapoint, deapoit, diserpoint, disapint, dissopoint, disopoint, dissapoint, dissopite, disepoit, dissipoint, disappointment, desippoint ordinary: ordenrey, ordinery, ordenary beach: beech fever: feaver ladder: latter, lader after: nfre, aftr, aftere, half, afthe, afert, haved bared: barred lay: lae, laid, ladh, la suing: sueing law: lor lap: lape nipped: niped alienate: allienate appreciate: apeseat, apiciat, apririciate, apreysheate, apresiate, aperses, apreseate, apriciot, apecate, apprechate, aprisheat, apreash, apprehiate, appreceate, apresheat, apricat, abesat, apshate, apprisate, epeshe, apprshate, precaet, apreshat, apreacheat, eprisheate, apreshate, presate, epresheate, pearshap, appreciat, appresteate, ipsat, apreachate, aprechly, apeseate, eperseat, epecata, appresiate, apprecher, apesceat, apriashiate, aprishate, apresheate, aprechate, rapresate, abreashed, apareciate, preshat, apresate, appriciate, abresheyat, apreciate, appreiciate, apreciat, appsate, eecheate, epreciate, eprechat, apreashate, appricate, apreaseate, aprechiate, apreioate, apriciate, apprsate, appeceate, appehesate, apprieciate*2, apreshiate, aprchch, apesate, appreshiate, aprecate, piset, apsheate greet: great encompassing: encompasing green: gren scarf: scarfe, skarf ambulance: ambulence, amerless, ambuemce, amberlance, amblance*4, amberless order: od, oder, oredr, orter woollen: woolen office: ofice consent: concent, conscent satisfied: satisfyed plastics: plastis satisfies: satifies mayor: mayer somewhere: somwere, somewere, somewher, some_were, sumwer What's: What*2 recreational: recrational Whoever's: Whos_evers production: productions eventually: evengualy, edentually, eventuraly, eventialy, eviencily, evtually, evidentually, evantually, eventurely, Eventually, eventgaley, advantageous, eventionally, eventiaully, evetually, evenshealy, evencualy, envenutly, enivenutualy, evenually, evintually, eventionaly, elentenially, eventuially, eventially, eventully, evencually, eventally, aventually, evengely, evencial, evanuly, aventially, effecially, eventiually, evedentually, eventuly, evedenitly, eventual, evidentially, eventeualy, enventually, eventiouly, eventurally, evencitlly, evencially, evendully, eventualy, eventuely, evenauly them: then*9, the*3, there, theme, tham contaminate: contaiminate safe: set, saf, sayft, lact, saved, sat, suf, happe, satu, saron, shaf, sate, sick, save, fase, sanef, saff, saft, safr, saus, gaff, sauf break: brock, brack*2, brake, brak, breach, breack, brick band: bend, bande roommate: roomate they: thar, thah, thy, that, thir, thay, there*3, thea, their, tehy, thrar*3, thror, tyhe, the*9, thaire, ther, theire bread: brade, bred, brad oxygen: oxigen, oxi, ovygex reasonably: reasinably, reasonable rocks: roks reasonable: resnable, res, resonable schemes: semese, shemses, sheme, scimze, cense, scheames, seems, schems, cecser, scem, secun, sceme, skmes, sheeme, sceamce, scimes, sceance, sarms, semi, semh, sceam, seme, scems, steam, sceams, scemes, skeim, skems sled: slad flock: flok Presbyterian: presbyterian diesel: disel forty: fourty*2 medicine: medicin, medicen, medecine, medicene, medacine forth: fourth dishwashers: diswh standard: stnadard, standerd, standed, stardnd campaigns: campains*2 unconvinced: unconviced appointments: apointments people's: peols forcibly: force mutilate: mutalate lollipop: lollypop shrubbery: shrubery Cambridge: Cambrige*2 created: creaeted September: Septenber, Septmber creates: creats renew: renue oppose: opose, appose incorporated: incorporatd home-made: homemade organize: orginize, organise*2, organiz Cooper: Copper render: rander Palestinian: Palistian, Palistinian synonymous: synonomous*2 Guatemalan: Guatamalan another: anuver, annother, anothe, u_never, a_nouther, any, aner, anather, anther, anuther, anthoner, a_nother*3, amader antarctic: antartic illustrate: ilustrate confectionery: confectionary approximately: approxiametely, approxamately, aproxamately, appromixaly, aproximately*2, approxmatly, approcimatly, approrilmately, approcxmately, aprocimately, appromaitly, appromixately, approxomately, aproximently, approximentally, acproxapenly, aprocumently, aprocemently, approximity, approximinately, approcimantly, aprocmetly, approcimently, aproxamently, approperatly, approxiametly, approxamentely, apxormanately, appromaxiately, approxamontly, appromentaly, appoximately, approarimatly, approxamently, ococmonty, approsomently, approxitaly, acprocimatly, aprockemly, approxamatly, approxmently, opproxamatly, aproxcintly, aprosomately, approximatingly, approximitly, approxomatly, apromaly, appoxamently, aproximotely, approxinatly, aproxamatly, approxmatily, appoxantly, approxmatally, approimially, aproxmiatilly, appromariley, approxanatly, aproxiatly, approximatly, approcinately, aproxmentally, aprominaxley, aprosommently, approxiamatly, axkprocanlently, aproximonthly, aproxmetly, aprocmently, aprocomently, approsemently, aposimatly, appromexally, approxonately, appromentally, aproximitty, acproximently, appxoromatly, approcimately, approachmently, aproxomated, approxmately, axprocksimadle, approcimate, aprockamently, approxmiately, approxomantly, aproximatly, apoximatly, approximently, opproxsimately, approcoimently, aprosimatly, approximitely*2, approxmetly, appromimly, aproxinantly, approxametly compromise: comprimise horn-rimmed: horn_rimed, horned_rim john: johhn happily: happaly, happly*2, hapily luncheon: lunchon, lunchen corresponded: corrisponded scenes: seens unmistakable: unmistakeable iron: iorn, irn, ione solely: soley self-confident: self_confident rewrite: rewriet manner: maner, amnner stomach: somock, stimer, stomitc, stonec, stomche, snumik, stoamac, stoma, stubuck, slomac, stamach, stomatc, stumeck, stummec, stunk, stomk, stomi, stomo, stumach, stomc, stumace, stome, summok, tumm, stamoc, stomck, stomch, stomot, stumuke, stomick, stume, stuma, stoamc, stomuch, stumo, stumi, stumk, stomouc, seumkote, soser, stummi, stum, stumer, stumuk, sortmach, stamac, sumerk, stumec, slomakc, stumuck, stomache, stomic, stumuc, stomik, stamoch, stoman, sumoch, stomak, stomac, tumer, stoumak, stoumac, stumagh, stumak, stoumi, stomarck, sese, stumok, tumerk, stumoh, stumoc, stumlmick, stormach, stomach, stomack, scemkmen, stomact, stumache, thomeke, bel, stomech, stomake, stomoc, stumerk, stumc, samke, stoamch, stomoak, stumarc, stumic, stoumoc, strom, stumeak, stumac, stumek, somtac, stomer, stomeak, stumck, stom, stomec, somes, stormick, stumack strengthening: strenghtening, strenghening contents: contence, contense forced: forsed strength: strenght*2, strengh, streangth Christian: Christain convenient: convienient*2, convi, convinient, conveinent latter: later subjects: shutgex, subjectes, subjecks, subject pilgrimage: pilgrimmage completed: compleated gravy: gravey acquire: equire, aquire*2, adquire exercised: excerises anatomy: anonomy, anotomy involving: invlving phase: pase, phaze, phace, faies, faiy, fraize, faiths, phrase, fhase, feas, saved, phases, fadies, faise, please, phause, phased, fays, fase, faizes, phasis, fas, phaise, fayze, phyis, faized, fayes, fiaze, fades, faith, faze, faez, face, facer, faces, fales, fazze, phraise, faize grave: crave*2 calculated: calulated*2, caluculated, caluclated alumni: alunie, anumny, allunie, allumini, allunmini, allumine, aluny, ulumnigh, elemni, ilunni, alumuni, aloumey, alumnae, alummne, ilumi, iluminun, ulluni, alumog, almni, alongny, alluniny, alumnigh, umluiny, alimui, alumie, allumney, alumnii, anlumni, alumin, alumnium, allumi, alumi, alumn, allumn, alumuna, alumnis, aluma, allumnie, alamina, alumnee, allumnae, illumna, alumnia, ilumni, alumini, alunina, alumnie, aluminie, illumni, alumbine, alumani, alumna, aluminum, allumni, alumanae, allumna, alumany, allumny, alumny, aluimna, almue inferred: infered swamp: swap mass_media: massmedia aunt: aint, antie, aunte, aante, atan, anut, arnt, arnte, annt, urnt, auine, hrnt, ant, nuet, arte, aunit, ornt, ante, auant, anit accompaniment: accompanimen voting: voteing magnolia: magolia fitted: fifted, fed, feted, fettered, apota, tited, fited, fitten, ftd, finted, fisted, finnted reserve: resurve decidedly: desidetidly, decidedley, deciditly, decideatly, decidily, decidadly, desitedly, decid, decidely, desidelly, decididely, deciededly, dedidely, deceidely, dicidedly, decidly, receibly, descidedly, discidedly, desidedily, descidely, decidently, decididly, desidly, desidily, decidy, decedaly, decidetly, desideadly, desidely, disidely, decidelly, desiddly, decideally, desidedly, deceidly, decidialy, decidially, decidealy, desidaly, desacidy, dicidely, decededly, deciedly, decidilly, dedidedly heuristics: heuritics anniversary: anneversery, anversa, anneversers, anversy, aniversiry, annevarcery, anivarisy, anneversary, annaversary, onniver, anversity, anevers, annaversery, ananversery, anivesery, anverrsy, annivesrey, anniversty, annaversrey, anaversy, anyversary, anifersery, anivessery, anvertery, anivrsary, Anniversary, anerversary, anervery, aniverserary, anifurcaty, anniverseray, annevyercy, aniverusy, anerversery, anerversee, avernity, aniversry, anavorasy, anerviersy, anniverserie, aniversy, aniversay, aniversere, anenany, aniversery, anniverserys, Amanversery, aneversiary, aniversary, anaveje, ananersery, anniversily, annervirsary, anaversity, anaversarie, annerfversy, annervesary, aneversere, anniversiry, Annyver, annaversity, anavirsary, annversary, anniversay, aneversery, annivirsary, anverserice, amryvercary, annversy, aneversitey, annivesry, anniversery, anniversaries, anavuature, aneversary, anniversy, anternesery, anniverisy, aniversity, aneversy, anversicy, Eenarcrsity, anaveres, anirversary, anniversity, anarversieiy, anvesy, annaversiry, anniverscy, aniverseray, anneversies, anverseary, aneversarry, annerverarcy, aniverserry, anniverary, annivercery, anniversiory, annaverserie, annerversery, anmersersy, anerversurey, aneversory, anaversery, anaversie respectfully: respecally, respectfuly nephew: nefue enjoyed: enjoy, enjoed, injoid, enjoured, in_juan, injoyed European: Eurpoean, Europian, Eurpean toast: tost resemblance: resemblence, ressemblence, ressemblance, reseblence just: jstu, gust*5, jsut guidance: guidence*2 deepest: deapest pursuing: persueing, persuing adequate: addequake, adequeat, adquites, etiquette, etiquit, attiquict, adaquit, addiquit, adderquate, addequite, adaquat, adicivat, addaquant, adiqut, adquated, adaquate, arguait, adoqate, adccuet, ediqutte, adaquet, ediquate, adequite, adiqueate, adequit, adigute, adequette, addeqcouate, adequait, accoquict, adicquate, addquit, adequet, attaquit, addiqute, adegate, ediquitt, actiquate, adiquite, addiquate, adecquect, adgat, addict, addifite, adequante, ediquet, adquante, aduquote, adeqake, adiquate, edequait, adquate, adecuate, adictract, adequete, adiquit, atuqut, atiquit, adquit, ediquit, addiequiet rectangle: rectangeles personality: personalert, personalty predecessor: precedessor do: dowe, don, doo, dom, bo, drow, no, bow, to*2, du, dooe, done, dor, boo, go, olethl, doe, bood, dow, dou colleagues: collegues leisure: leshur, leser, leasur, lieshure, lesure*2, lecioa, luser, leshery, leaure, learsure, liesure*2, leshure, legher, lescive, ledser, lesher, leissure, lescher, lesur, lesary, lesiere, leshor, lusher, leasure, lesire, lesiar, leger, leasar, leshire, lecar, lieasure, lenhr, leysher, larcer, lesuire, lecher, lessure, leasher, lezshire, lancar, pleasure, lesiure, leiusure degradation: degredation happiest: happeist suffrage: sufferage*2 bandwidth: bandwith children's: childrens, childrenes gears: girse, gares crucifixion: crucifiction*2 steak: stack*3 steal: steel, still, stel steam: steem, stem secretary: secretery, secutery, secratary*2, secatary, secatery erroneous: errounous Caracas: carcas lemonade: lemenade, lemanade cattle: catle, cattel miserable: misarable, misrable techniques: tequniques, tecniques, techiques away: awar, a_way*3, war, a_wean, wag, awya*2, awerea, aware, ayay, alway, a_with, auay, awaw, wraway, a_ware, awart, aveoy gentleman: gentlemen, gentalman, gentelman swimwear: swim_wear symmetric: symmetral unable: unabel, onable cooperation: coperation, coaperation, cooperqtion, coorperation drawn: drown, dron shields: sheilds co.: comp., com accord: acord rudimentary: rudemtry handful: handfull stealing: stelling kitchen: kiching, kichen*2, kitchin*2, kitching, kitchen received: receved, resemt, recevber, recivd, resived, resevd, recevd, recevs, weseede, resvred, resced, rceed, recived, recavied, recives, resvered, reseved, resved, riveced, recved, recevid, recieved*2, reived, riceved, receaved, reased climate: climet cow: caw, cau coy: cpoy ill: ills, il, ell Britain: Britian receives: recives, recieves*2 receiver: received, resiaver, reciever*2, resever, receover, recievor, receaver, reciver, receivor, Receiver, receever, reciover, recever disappears: dissappears*2, dissapears bran: brain*2 Sistine: Sixtin negotiation: negotation, negociation ingenious: ingeneous tough: taff, tuff spear: spere, speer royal: royle trunk: turnk, tronk seizure: siezure Ireland: Irland speak: speack, speck, spek gratitude: graditude a_look: alook engines: egreers I've: Ive, Iev, I'v slimmest: slimest condemned: condemmed exceeded: excedded chimneys: chimnies flexible: flexable duties: dutys spermatozoon: spermatozoan families: familes, familys*2 easy: easily, ese, eazy, esy plebeian: plebian attacked: atacked concerning: conserning*2, cocerning, cons coherent: coherant surreptitious: surreptious, sureptitous, surrepetitious skinheads: skin_heads applied: applyed, appled, upplied physician: phicician, physison, phician, phiscyn, phisont, phycian, phsician, pysition, phisitian, phycician, physision, physicion, physion, phzestion, phpisian, phyciaion, phinision, physican, pachisions, phsyision, phisyine, phyician, phyican, phisician, pheisition, phicision, phycisian, phycation, pyscian, phyisian, pusician, phisition, phesision, Physician, phycsion, physcian, syisphon, phicishion, phisican, physition, physisan, position, efficition, physin, physicians, phasiceon, phasin, phisions, physiogy, pistion, phision, physation, Phician, physian, pifishan, phisishiun, physisian, physetion, phicyson, phiscian, phasition, phisian, phyision, fanction, Physican, pichesgan east: est publicly: publically*2 air: hair, hare, aer, ar, are aim: ame aid: ade property: propity, propety characterizing: characterissing mistake: misstake cylinder: cilinder, cilender Badcock's: badcock sting: steng audrey: audre*4 brake: brak, break, brakke primitively: primatively comparative: comparitive*2 girls': girl swimming-pool: swiming_pool, swimming_pool patent: patient, pattent punctuation: puntuation descend: decend indictment: inditement wheel: weel*3 independent: independenent, independat, indpendent, indipendent, indepnends, independant*3 fuss: fus swell: swel hang: hung, haing, hand rain: ran, rane hand: hande watercolours: water_colours mountainous: mouterroes, mountoutnes, mouait, mountain-less, maintaines, mountainless, moutain, mountous, mountainses, mountaners, mountainouse, mointinuss, mountinous, mountainest, moniter, mountin, mounternous, mountain, mountinus, mountane, monteineus, mountainst, moutoius, metmes, mountainess, modtimes, mouness, mountas, mountianus, mointinase, mountaness, mountenous, moutionus, mountantinas, mountainers, mountains, mountiess, mounitain's, mountainees, mottas, mountonous, montanous, mountes, mountianous, maentar, mountiannous, montaines, minerts, mointnus, mautaines, montinas, mounties, mountaines, mant, moutinas, mounteless, mountainus, mountinlous, mountanes, mouters, mounteanouse, mounte, maintain, moutainous, mountiness, mountenas, mountanous, mountent blamed: blaimed kept: keept, cept, kep soak: soke hopping: hoping, hope client: cleint humbly: humly the: teh, hte, an, ge, tehe, tu, to, th*2, tie, tjhe, tje, that, I, thee*2, thge, they*6, ther, he, a, thoy, thw*2, tghe, these, t, thi, my pronouncements: pronouncments stringent: stingent athletic: atheletic photo: phto thanks: thank victim: victom swears: swaers electronically: electronicly shout: showt belongs: belong board: bord expelled: exspelled usable: usu, useable well_as: will boxes: boxs cape: kape progresses: progressess rustle: rusall competence: competance night: nint, tonight, niet, nite, nigth, nichgt, nit, nagth invaluable: invaluble, invalueable security: secruitey, seurity accuracy: acuracy Frogmen's: Frgmens eyeing: eying born: bron, borne hassle: hassel critique: ctitique, criqitue bore: boar, boor, board archetype: archtype, archeype confusing: confusin congratulate: congradulate big-head: big_head purple: purle, purpal, purpel, pulper, red, puple, pupple, puir, pepler, pepa, parple, purpul, rher, papal, pupile, pirple, popoll, perple, paule, poupel, purpls, parll, pipul, puplel, puorpe, punlpe, perpul, poarple, puper, hurple, perpel, pupil, pulple phenomenal: phenomenonal, phenominal*2, phenomenonly comments: coments nuzzled: nozled asking: arsking, askeing, askin honoured: honered beating: beting*2 hare: hace marketing: marketting illustration: illustartion binomial: binominal architectural: archetectural post: past coral: corral months: muney, monthes, mouths, month*2, moths, mouth, monsth, muns situated: situtated propagate: propogate octopus: octapus croak: croke dilemma: dilema wasting: wadting prisoners: prsioners float: flote, flot profession: profesion, preffeson, proffeson, proffesion*2 after_a_while: afterawhile usefulness: usefullness balanced: ballanced segment: egment, segemnt sovereign: soverign fight: fute, fuit, fired, fright, flat, fenering, fint, finht, foreat, faig, fitr, flyt, fiht, fraght, frt, firigh, frate, fit, fiter, frit, ftigh, feight, fet, vite, fie, fieght, fighg, fiilt, fingt, fiat, fith, fird, farn, frite, fat, site, figh, firdt, thtlet, fiete, firt, fihet, fort, fhint, freght, fore, fiet, figth*2, feue, firght, fite, frigh, farter, fied, fihte, fact, fiting accordingly: acordingly, o clinical: clincial way: uay, wye, wa was: widd, wan, we*2, his, wase, uas, some, wos*5, ws, way, saw, wass*2, wus war: wor lowest: loest becoming: becomeing, becomming scribbling: scribling peninsula: pennisula, peninsular, penninsular, penninsula mysterious: msyterus, misitarise, mistrerous, mistirious, mysterius, mystereys, mysterios, misterias, misteriouse, missterious, misyterist, masterious, mysterie, mysterias, mysteries, mystirious, misteries, mistereous, misterious*2, miserious, mysteres, myesterious, misteryous, mustrious, myssterious, mipterious, mistreous, maritious, mesterys, mystesistious, misterous, mistrisenous, mysterous*2 elderly: eldely true: trow, troo absent: apsent maximum: maxium crystal: cristal, crystle emotional: emothional Carthaginian: Carthagian abstract: abse religiously: religously evidence: evedence guessed: gussed, gessed promised: promest, promist prayer: pray, prair no_one: know_on, know_one, noone*2, now_one, not_one enlist: Enlish archive: achive physical: phisical dying: dieing*4, ding, deying, diying, dyeing, dieng, diing stake: steak, stack reality: reail, rel interested: interrested, intrested, intertes, intertesd holding: holing test: tesst, ttest heyday: heydey artificially: artifically brothers: brother o'clock: o-clock, clock, o_clock, oclock*11, O_clock, o,_clock welcome: wellcome polite: polight, polit improvisation: improvision let's: lets*6 assiduous: assidious ninetyninth: nintynineth affidavit: afftadave, afaedaviate, afatait, affidevit, afdavit, affiavate, afadiadid, afdiodave, Afi_David, aphidavit, aftedavid, afadavid, afidaviat, athadiet, afadavit, adivide, appidavid, afadaviate, acavated, attipdavid, affadavit, aphadavet, affadavid, affedave, affidafet, affadavat, apadenment, afidabit, afidiated, affedavit, afidaded, afadavide, affedavid, afedative, affidate, alpadavid, afadated, affidavite, afodivid, affadavite, afedaved, affadavate, afidavite, affidaved, afidavit, avidated, affadivid, afidavid, affedated, affidavited, afidated, affidavate, afadavate, affidivit, affidovt, affividative, affidivat, afadiatet, affidavidit, affedaivite, affadvit, affdavit, afteradeated, afadant, affdated, aphedavid, afadivite, affided, affivadat, aphadivode, afadafit, effidavit, affadivit, affividate, affidavent, afardivient, avadavate, affavidate, afidefed, affadivate, affaidivit, avidiate, afefedavid, affedit, aphadated, affi-davit, athadavit, Affi_David, affa_dava, athadavid, afedavit, affadapfed, aphadavid, afidaved, affidated, affidavat, apitated, affedaved, affidatet, affavidit, affevivat, affiadait, affidait, affidavid, affidaphet together: togethers, to-geather, togather, to_gether*2, togehter, to_geather, to_gever, togearthy reception: reseption stick: skite, stik concept: consept impulse: impurs switched: switch dance: danse, dane Cynthia's: Cynthia grateful: grajetfull, greateful, greetful, gratful, rainfall, greatful*2, great_ful, greatfule, gratiful, greatfull, gratefull battle: battel, batle certainly: sertinly, sartuly, cerienly, certaintly, sutle, certainley, sitenly, santel, serteny, sutenly, sertenly, cen, sertanly, sirely, suttanly, shaley, sant, santly, certenly, sartenly, sertarnly, serterenley, sonteller, set, sirtanley, certenliy, satutel, certanlty, sertoly, setnle, cortonle, sertain, soltly, surdly, certertiey, saitly, sutenend, setenly, steply, sten, sentonler, serenly, sortenley, sitiat, certanley, saconle, setinly, sotoon, sotonley, sertenley, saely, sartain, sairlanle, certinly, call, suntle, seartenly, selete, srtaly, sintenle, surtenly, satld, sertainly, sterle, sertonley, sertly, sutnly, sertle, surty, satanly, salte, setenley, seartenlly, serntlny, certionly, sertonly, sertenty, sertenlly, sate, sirtanly, srelkly, certanly, satl, srtnly, setainly, sertally, sertenerly, satery, sutney, sertalee, sald, sale, sutaley, tearling, salt, taing hurry: hury flash: flass electron: electon permanently: permantatty, perimently, fermently, purminity, pernitally, permattley, permental, permanately, permntly, permenant, permenantly, permanenly, permenatly, premently, permonently, permenately, perminently, preeminently, purmently, permentantely, permannetly, permon, permalently, penmenlly, permatanlly, perminately, pernimently, permantely, preamenantely, permentely, permenantely, permintenly, permanetly, permamently, pernmently, peremently, premonitly, permananty, permentantly, permanientaly, perminantally, purmantly, permenently, perminmently, permannently, permentally, permantently, perminantly, permiently, permently, permnently, permanatly, permanentley, permantley, permartely, permanatily, permaiently, Perminately, permanantly, permintly, peremenentaly, permmully, permantly, permennently, permatly, permentaly, permmenant, permanentally, Perminently, permmently rhythm: rythm*2, rhythem, rythim, rhythim, rythem jogged: joged division: divison*2 alumnae: alumni anonymous: anynomous trouble: troble, trubbel, trobel, troefle, truble*2, touble feeble: feable, feble aggressively: agressively perceived: percieved, percepted flammable: flamable free-going: free_going gun: gon*2 gum: gam, gun discrete: discite, discreet sidewalk: sidwalk unequipped: unquped brave: brav detonated: detenated regained: rand, regent, rog, cant, regined, right, regned, regane, regand, riged, regaint, recained, reganded, ergend, regianed, reganed, rigd, regad, regaind, retand, aganed, reged, regain, raid, recan, renked, reguned, becaned, rgaind, rega, gained, reang, regande, recand, regeard, ranin, re_gaind, rgan repetitive: repetative discover: descover, dicover*2 niggardly: nigardly cost: cast scarcity: scarsity initialized: initized, initinized in_fact: infact*2 cargo: cargow appear: apear, apper assistance: assitance, assistence uniform: youeform, iniform, unifore, unform, unaform a_while: awill appeal: apeal satisfy: satisfie, satifly collateral: colatoral, cullateral, callatural, callatteral, caloralerel, collarteral, qualatirol, colatule, calateralal, couladeral, collaterial, colloratial, cradial, collateroul, collatertrat, conral, culateral, collatarel, colarltal, caladeral, calartral, colataral, calerateral, clateral, calatteral, coolaterial, qualateral, aclateral, corradul, colaterole, colarlial, qulateral, coladderal, calateral, co_laterial, coledural, coolatteral, colelatral, co-laborate, collitoral, coradioral, colatteral, calatural, colanderal, colarteroul, coladerall, collatera, later, coallateral, coloratal, colateral*2, cotaturall, collatteral, qualetteral, colaveral, colladeral, coalateral, callateral, colanderual, calaterral, calleteral, colateal, colatural, collatral, co-olateral, colladural, callaterial, caladral, clatreal, calaterial, calletural, coolaterel, caladual, coratualy, Rolateral, coolateral, coateral, challateral, cullatorial, co-lateral, culatural, corrateally, collatoral, coladaro Libya: Lybia muslin: musslin, muzlin English: Enlish, inglish, ingish goldfish: gold_fish teaches: teset appears: appear, appeares change: chang pedals: pedels precursor: precurser bald_eagle: bald-eagle trial: trail usually: ussually, usal, useully, yousel, usally*3, usualy*2, usaly, usauly pillow: pilow regardless: irregardless*2 extra: exter, exta marked: markt, maked bad_one: budra uphill: upwill sincerely: sincerley, sincerly softy: softee controls: controlls pony: poney, pone rarely: reerely, rerely, rareley, rarly prove: proove territories: terriories live: lie, life, liv jam: lam, tram, gune, ham, jame, gome, dam, gawn, mawg, rate, jan, gan, gam, janer, uam, lamr, jua, jene, jem angels: angles matador: materdoor obsolescence: obselescence entrance: interence, entronce, Entrence, intre, intretrence, entrens, entranc, enters, entrances, entrence, intronts, enterences', entranse, intrance, interest, entirence, entrenance, enternce, intrentence, entrese, enterns, enterance, entrece, entrants, entarnance, entrante, enterence club: colbe, clob*3 repentance: repentence envelope: envolope house_points: housepoints commissioned: comissioned, commisioned, comisioned logarithm: logarihm organizations: og, organisatios douche: back coerce: coeece car: cars, cor, Star, care cap: kap, cat nuisance: nusance, nusience, nuisanse, nuisense, nousant can: cane*3, came*2, con metamorphosis: metamorphysis equilibrium: equilibrum, equilibium mouser: mousr heart: hart*2 dedicated: dedciated metallurgical: metalurgical attribute: atribute headmaster's: head_masters, headmastes, head_master, headmaster didn't: dedent, dind, did'nt, dednt, denat, did'ent, dint, dident*3, didden, bidn't, didnt, dont_not heard: hard, hode, heared*2, hond, hod, her*2, had, hrad, hed, hot, haurd, has, hat, hered*2, head, heod, here, herd*4, hadr, hald, haud, hurd, hird, haed chin: chen yard: yerd spa: spar airplane: airplan bankrupt: bankrot evil-looking: evil_looking fortunately: fortunitly, fortunatly, forturnitly discussion: dissucussion, disssicion, discusion starch: startch, starge magazine: magerzine, magizine, magazen write: right, wriet, wire, wrigt, rite*2, rwite criterion: critereon Adam's: Adam product: prodect influenced: influented neat: net dive: div southern: sothern, stubborn, sunthing, suthn, suse, suthern, sam, suffen, souther, suthen, sothurn, sudden, sudderly, southen, saven, southan, savan, sorth, southren, sathot, suden, sunley, suafix, sunden, sourthern, suoth, savon, shunden, samine, suthon, stathn, shuthen, souen, sthon, sutthern, sufact, sourt, southend, citune, sorthern, southorn, southin, earthren, sother, suothen, sathern, sueone, suvel, suven, sutan, sothen, sethenth disgusted: discusted motorway: motor_way produce: produse heroes: heros flourish: fluorish compatibility: compatiblity remember: rememeber, remerbor, remmber, rermember, remeber*2, rememer, remenberd, remder, remmeber, remedr, rmemd, rememember, remdr, remmember, rembemer, min, remer, remebmer, remmeb, rimember, rememmer, remembed, remmder, riverber, remerber, remerd, remermber, remembered, remener, rememmber, render, reamber, rembered, remender, rimeb, remamber, remenber, remened, remanber, reymeber, rembember, reameder, remebeer, rember, rememberd, rembour, remend, reamemer, rememder, rempber, reambeer, remeberd, rememba, rebemer, remebe, rembre, ramb whenever: when_ever explicit: explicite berets: berrets crept: creept, creeped idiosyncratic: ideosyncratic irrigate: irigate, iragate indeed: indored, indead, inded colt: cold brain: bran, bain, brin used_all: uasall statements: stetemets cold: cald still: sill*3 birds: brids trifle: triffle curly: curley, currly acknowledge: acknoledge selves: selfs conquerors: conquerers vicinity: visinity, vacinity forms: formes, form window: wondow, windo spacious: spaceous trilby: trillby correspondence: corespondance, coraspondance, corresondence, correspondense, correspondance, correspondences, corrsondence, corrispondence, corresponsens, corrisspondence, corespondences, corraspondence, correspondenses, corpordance, corasondace, correspond's, corrsopandance, corrospondent, correpondence, corospondance, corespondence, corrospondence, coraspondinc, corrospondents, correspondents, corresponence, corespondents, corresspondents, corspondence, corresponce, corrspondence, corespondes, crospromation, correspontence, correspondent, corruspondenc, coorespondents, coorspondense, corospondence, corospondsence, corrospondance, correspendence, correspondants, corrspendence, corropandace disparate: desparate rake: rack levitates: levetates introduce: inctroduce, interduce half: hief, hof, haff, hafe, harf, haf, helf, hlaf, haft, halfe, harlfe, hailf, hav not: nol, on, non, knot, no*2, onot, mot, nto, hot, nat, ont, out now: own, hero, no, mor, kn, nme, hor, know, noe, nou provision: provission hall: hooem, holl nor: nore*2 wont: wont daub: doub thankful: thankfill, thankfull servant: servent, cirvant intrigued: intregued entirely: entirly, entierly, intirely kerb: curb fired: fiyed hurried: hurred, hurryed challenges: chalenges year: yeer, yea, yera, yery, yeare, yer, eyar erratically: eraticly hymns: hymn's teams: tem, thea monitors: moneters, moniters amusement: ammusement, amusment shown: c, sone, show, showen, shone, hown accomplish: acomplish*2 opened: oper, opned, old, ona, onpend, oped*2, open*6, append, hopud, opend*2, goned, aped, oponod, onaned, opent, opnt, opnr, apen, good, odened, ogeb, orp, opdr, orn, openend, on, opon*2, opod, onpd, operd, opoond, omep space: spase furthermore: furthermoo immigrant: imigrant, inmigrant hastily: hastely increase: increasin, increasi, incress navigating: navagating epistle: eppissle, epecle, appicial, appical, apicial, impicsal, appiscel, episicle, apistle, Epesale, episolle, Epasil, episuple, ephistol, episcle, epistile, apisol, ephisal, epissle, epistol, epistles, episal, evisal, epical, ephocial, episitle, epicate, eppisel, epicle, episel, Epistle, eppissel, epsol, espistol, epaciol, ephsil, episule, epesial, Epissol, espestial, pistol, epicial, epecial, epistel, epessil, episels, epicatle, apisil, apostals, episcicel, immippisal, episcula, ippisel, episile, eppical, episcel, epolte, epitol, espical, episol, eppisial, epicile, Epissel, episcole, apostle, esspesal, epissal, episical, aposil, epissel, epicale, epistole, eppissol, epissile, episale, epecil, depical, episle, episil, episial, epostle, episeole, eppisiol, ipisol, epislte, episille, Epistile, epesal, epicicle, appisaple, epissol, epicil, epolis, epstle, episcal, Ephisile, epistal, episole receiving: recive, recieving*2, reciving inevitably: ineviatbly cars: kars, cors quart: quat rebel: rebell tightening: tighting obligation: oblegation ominous: omenous inevitable: enevitable, inevatible, inevitible*2, inevyitable card: cord, kard care: car, cerer, cear honest: hoenst, onest, anest invitation: invatation promotion: promition, permotion support: serport, suport, suppart, wupport unsurprising: unsuprizing, unsuprising, unsurprizing flying: flewing, fily, frying, flaying, fain, faling, for, flring, fings, flighing, flinging, fling, flieing, fleing, fihing, line, fliing, feing, fly, fleying, flyin, flin, filing, fliying conform: coform omitted: ommitted, omited*2, ommited There: Their*2, Ther, They*4 municipality: muncipality yourself: youself, your_self*2, your_sleve, yourseff directly: direcyly, driectly impossible: imposable, imposible message: mesage tomorrow: tommorow, to_morrow, tomorow*2, tommorrow*4 size: sise, sixze, sieze sheep: sheepe, seep truthfully: truthfall checked: chacked silent: sli caught: cout, colt, couted, crout, coute, court, cut, couth, cargt, coaght, calhat, cougt, caugh*2, caght, cort*3, caugt, cote, cart, coct, cathe, cot, couht, cought*3, could, coart, goot, cauth, caute, coult, kiler households: housholds exerted: extered friend: frther, freiend, fenve, friand, faired, fened, tawt, frened, fenid, farede, faroted, ferd, fend, fed, fiand, feb, ferdn, fined, faran, fared, fond, fieraid, fren, freid, faniht, fiend, armie, firtind, faedi, fuae, freed, fomed, firend, freund, ced, ferand, ferid, frrend, freb, finand, frenied, fred, finme, foadaeg, fedr, freind*2, firad, flend, freden, frid, frenid, fled, frind, feind, freined, frend*3, fimin, frent, feand, feeht, fattgv, frined, freand, fired, fraind, fried, fenird*2, freing mostly: mostley that: and, tat, thgat, anthe, at, hart, tath, tyhat, theat*2, to, net, hat, vat, thta, thay, but, dat, thet, than, haen, theut, taht*2, thatt, the, tandt pittsburgh: pittsburg eliminated: elimiated, eleminated flowers: flower*2, flowrs appreciated: apreciated, appreceiated television: televison accordance: acourdance, acorrdance, acordence, accordense, acordise, acdone, acordenst, accordars, adcordence, acordense, acordounse, accrdanse, acorrdens, condar, accordince, acoradance, acordance, acordens, acoadens, acaurtens, arcordance, acordenin, accordences, acorduse, arroduce, accordence transferred: transfared, dransfered, trantefered, transufere, transfur, transsfherd, transfierd, transford, transfuned, transfer, transifered, tranferred, transfered*2, transefered, trasfered, transferd, tranfered, transferr, tranfer, transfred, transfured, transeferred, transfeared, tranceferred optimism: optomism aerials: aeriels scholastic: scholarstic apples: appls, apple*5 cymbals: cymbols decompose: decomposit troublesome: troblernsom unsubstantiated: unsubstanciated angel: angell, angle breakfast: brecfast, breafast, brekfast, breakfest recover: recuver offering: offoring overcoming: overcomming equipment: aquitment, equippment*2, equipmant, eqiptment hide-out: hidout begin: beggin*2, begine, begen oppressive: opressive price: prise algebraic: algebraical indisputably: indisputibly successive: sucsesive, sucessive*2, succesive forever: foreever, forevere dream: drem*2, deram implications: inplications premiered: premeired tooth: tuth, toth ferrari: ferrary Hallowe'en: hallowen professional: proffesional, proffessinal per_cent: persent filing: filling fifty: fivety, fivty discovered: dicuverd, descaved, discoverd, dicovered resurrecting: resurecting prefects: prefacts, prefect tonnage: tonnauge, talmuge, tunnage, cuniage, toneage, tonege, tunegg, cunnage, tumage, countages, cunage, tuneouge, cunnidge, tunach, punish, tounage, coneage, tunage, tunnadge, tonage, tonige, tonag, tunish, tinage, tomage, toneus excerpts: exerpts fifth: fith ground: grond, grouned, gound, group Chautauqua: Chauetouequa, Chatauwkwa, Chaqua, Chautaqua, Chitoqua, Sheto, Showtalkwa, Chatacque, Chictocua, Chatacqua, Chottago, Chetoquoi, chatacuia, Chalktwa, chitacwa, Schtaka, Chicahwa, Chittiqua, Shitaka, Chatoukouv, Chuatuaton, Chattakqua, Chitacque, Chawtakque, Chatuaca, Cheautauqua, Chawtawque, Shawtapwa, Chutouko, Chochatta, Chataqua, catauqua, Chataque, Chataukowa, shatakwa, Shautalkwa, Chouativa, Chateau, Chtacu, Chitauqua, Quatauqua, Chutaciqwa, Chautqua, Chatwakwa, Showtucwa, sutalkway, chituaquea, chataqua, chataque, Chataukwa, Chatalkwa, Chuatackqua, Shawtachwa, Chicugta, Chata, chacactur, Chactuquoe, Chitalkwa, Chatocqua, Chetdacowa, Chauta, Chuatuaque, Chautauchua, Chautogqwa, sechectaquka, shtalkwa, Shatacua, chautaucua, Shawtowa, Chautakye, chatauqua, chtoawa, chatauchuia, chautauqua, Chitalka, Shataqua, chitiquea, Chatogua, Showtalkaw, Chitaqua, chictique, Shatakiwa, Chautiqua, chetickway, Chistupa, Cuhtawa stair: stare, star title: tittle breadcrumbs: bred_crumes proportion: propotion filipinos: philipinoes only: onle, ony, onyl, oly, olny, onlt, lonly inventions: enventions androgyny: androgeny pumpkin: pumkin*2 oscilloscope: oscilascope cannon: canon truly: trully, truely*2, truley cannot: connot, carnot, cannto, canot, can_not*3 symmetrically: symetrically, symmetricaly July: Jluy, Jaly celebrate: celabrate leather: lether, lather seldom: seldem storeys: stories losers: loosers husband: husbon concert: consert burst: bust whitewash: white-wash elected: ellected namely: namly, mainly actively: activally asleep: a_sleep*2, asleeep, a_seph, aslep angina: agina sport: short, spot, sprot concern: consern*2 tackling: tackeling, takling fascinated: fasinated, facinated*2 colours: calers complexion: complextion, complection between: vetween, betwen, beeteen, beteen, beetween, beeween, bere_twin import: inport justified: justifyed notice: notes, notic, notest connoisseurs: connoiseurs prettiest: prettest*2, pretiest blame: blaim, blam article: artekal, arctical, articel, artical*2 receded: receeded*2 emigrant: imigrant installation: instulation temper: tempar, tenper resided: recided comes: coms, come*4 Death: Dearth madness: maddness usurious: usurous unencompassable: unemcompassable couldn't: count, coundnt, could, couldent, couldnt, cunt proved: prooved charismatic: carismatic informed: imformed linguistic: libguistic exhaustion: exhaustation, exaustion monsieur: missiour homely: homly, homley external: exerternal midwives: midwifes prehistoric: pre-historic, preastoric crumb: crum these: theys, thease, theas, thes, there, theese, theis, this, thoese, thiys, the, tes, thees, thess, theres most_famous: famoust accommodating: accomodating, accomadating handicapped: handicaped, handichapte, handicapt, handi-caped notoriety: noteriety roughing: rufeing omnivorously: omniverously mining: minning zenith: zeenith alcoholic: alchoholic, alcoholical soil: sole, soile commander: comander embrace: emprace commanded: commaunded ship: shop, sipe, shap, sip, hep, sish, sihp, sape, sipt, sph, cip, stip, shep, thehe, shot, shipe, sieg, solt, shit, siip worry: werry, wory, worrie, worye develop: deveoop, develope*2, devellope inquire: inquir media: midia gentlemen: gentelmen, gentleman transcribing: transcripting inquiry: inquirey document: doccument noble: nobel pedantic: pendantic finish: finsh, finch centuries: centruies arctic: artic respected: respectered fruit: fruite, fut, fuirt, fuit, furit, furiht, frute, frit, frait, frut, futr, fruilt, furlt, friut, frot, fiuts, freut despatched: dispatched lots_of: looks swallow: swollow mentally: mentaley theater: theather Jane's: Janes agreeing: agreing severe: severe, sever breeze: brezze, breez*2, breaze alleviate: alliviate charged: change You're: Your knowledgeable: knolageable, knowlegeable, knowledgable, knowlegable, knowledable valuable: valuble*2, valubale, valueable*2 civilized: civalized, civerlized touch: tuch, tourch speed: spead death: deat geographically: goegraphicaly thinking: thinkin, thinging, thikning, tinking improvement: improvment trestle: tresle verse: verce struck: struk real: rela, reel, reall propped: poped Nuremberg: Nuremburg spectacular: spectauclar read: raed, reed, rend, red offence: offense, affence specimen: speciement, specienens, sepecimen, speciumen, specimann, specaman, specmicn, specemin, spiecman, specionm, speamend, speciemen, scecameon, spiciman, speicemen, spieimins, spiecmen, Specimens, Specimen, specimend, specinen, specament, specamin, speecaman, specimun, speciment, sepesaman, specemens, spicemen, specemen, speciman*2, specement, spemans, specmen, sepesion, sepcimen, spacimen, secpamon, spesimen, speicman, sepesiment, specimn, sepesinman, spesiment, soecimaan, specimine, speciments, specman, specium, specismen, spesciment, spessimen, specimene, spesimon usefully: usefuly early: erly, eigly earnest: ernest listening: lsning using: useing*2 execution: excution, excecution recipient: recepient, recipiant, resipient fortune: fourtune heightened: hieghtened pounds: ponds*2, pouds, pound, ponud smell: small, smel, smelt beechwood: beech_wood miracle: miricle benefit: binefit, benifit*2 fully: fuly output: ouput, oputput ceremonial: cerimonial twelve: twelf, twelv apartments: appartments servile: cervial rehearsing: rehersing hemorrhage: hemorrage Mary: Marry*4 backchatting: back_chating conservative: conservatie, consert, conservitive deficit: deficite forks: forker director: directer assembly: assambly, assembley, assembaly, esembly, asemnly, asembly, asemble, assemble, assemly, assemberly business: busness*2, bussiness, busineses, businesss, buisness*2, bisnes sixth: six equivalent: equivelant grown_up: grown-up sixty: sixtey exciting: excieting, exiting, exciteing throw: thow, through, thorght comparison: comparision*2, comparrison central: centrel, cntral, centeral chop: shop, chok, churp, folloch, shoper, japer, chap, mary, trpo, yaop, chopp, top, wop, hop, loinp, kop, chope, gop, cheun, jop, coop, chup, cope, shoop, cork, corp, copt, cape, tope, cop, coppe, lanc, car, gonorp, thop, cat, oopt, cob, hope, trep, cmp journey: journy, jurney greatly: gratly, grately testimony: testomony, testamony assassin: assasin processor: procesor stratagem: strategem dextro: detro variable: varible, varable, vaiable involvement: involvment elementary: alimentary, elementeny, elemantra, ellomontry, elimentary*2, elimentory, eliminatory, eletermentry, alermentary, elemanitary, alamenteria, elemintary, elimenory, elementory, elemantery, elemetry, elamentry, elementrary, elimentery, ellementory, elmanteny, elemanary, alimentry, elamentary, lemontary, elamentarey, elematary, elementry, elomentry, alementory, ellimentary, elimentry, ellimentery, elementery, elimtry, lertry, elamentorey, elemntary, elmentrey, aliementery, elematery, alimentory, allimentary, allementary, alleminally, ellimentuary, illementary, elemantary, elecomarity, elamentrie, alumentry, ellementary, eleminetry, elemtary, elementtorray, elamenatry, ulimentary, eliminatary, elementiary nowadays: nowd, nowdays, now_days your: ure, yer, yore, yowr, yere, youe, youre*2, young, you*4, ore, yor*2 stare: steir, stair forwarded: fowarded prepare: prepair*2 area: airaear, are, eary table-tennis: table_tennis start: stat, strat, stab, starte low: lo, lowe lot: tant, alot, lost Dracula's: draculla's groan: grown pitcher: picture, picther delayed: delaid cottage: cotage trying: traing, triing, trining, try, tring*2, triyng irreversible: irreversable corduroy: corderoy outskirts: outscirts hire: higher circulation: cerculation, curculation bucket: buket beliefs: belives describe: discribe*2, decribe*2 moved: maved, move, movd scanned: scaned trace: trase sheath: sheat credibility: credetability housework: housee_work mathematics: maxanlatic, mathemtics, mathimatic, mathmetic, manticies, mancilous, mathamactics, mathamatics*2, mathamatick, mathermatics, Mathematics, mathamates, methematic, mathematicts, mathematic, mathatich, matmatic, mathicatic, maythmatic, mathmetatic, mathenmatics, math, mathymatices, math-matics, matematics, mathmetics, mathmatic, mathamatices, matametes, mathmathy, mathametics, mathemathics, mathmatecs, mathlematics, matimatics, matathmatics, mathemectics, mathamatic, matamatics, mathmatics, mathmantics, mathimatics you: yoy, yo, yau, na, uoy, yuo, w, yow*11, your*2, yew houseboat: house_boat*2 gaining: ganing drift: dreft, dirft carpenter: carpentar whistling: yesing, whil, whisterling, wistting, whisteing, whisteling, wisln, wisll, whisle, wistling, wissling, whiting, wisting, west, whisthing, whissling, whislling, whising, swiling, wising, shning, wesle, whisling, whistiling, whirling, whitsling, wiserling, whizzing, shisterling, whisting, wisaling, whislting, whistleing, was_fill, wisling, werting, welleings, whislng, welt, warcing, whisherling, whilsty, wing, wind track: trak registry: registery suited: suted torches: toches tendencies: tendancies pool: pole building: belding, billding*2, builing, bilding, bulding, bleing, bumng, biulding, bulidung connotations: cannotations untidy: untiede moonlight: monlight requisition: requesion, recquisem, reposistion, recwisition, rekquisition, recquocition, requsion, recquesition, requizition, recqusision, reccognition, regresition, recruzition, reconshion, recresion, recresentent, recasition, recquision, recreation, recuazition, requesetion, recuisition, recression, requsision, recusition, requsition, recqusistion, reckuizition, recrosquion, exerize, recocition, recretion, recognition, requission, reccresition, requision, recwesision, represision, recqosition, recosisition, recqusisn, recresition, recrisition, recosution, recqussion, recuqusition, requition, recogrecion, recquisition, recozition, reckcresition, requession, recqusition, requiscion, recquizition, recquosition, requcision, recquasition, requicism, requetion, reoczation, repetition, requation, requicition, recquazation, recesetion, requizsition, reckresion, recquistion, recrasistion, requosition, repesition, reckosision, requirsition, rectquistion, recoquisition, recquisision, recrasion, requisision, represition, reperssition, rectquisition, recwizion, recquition, reckqasition, reccosition, recqusion, requistision, reppresision, recposition, requistion, reposition, reqoised, requesition, reckfusition, recresistion cores: corres*3 surrounded: surruded, sarnd, surroded, serded, srand, csranded, surounded*2, surrouned, seronded, sreded, surroned, suroued, serrounded, esrondid, surronded, surrownded, scand, sarouded, suround, surroundend, srelod, serounden, sodded, serounde, srounded, serounded, sarand, surrended, sranded, serended, surouded, soronded, seron, sorned, srround, suronded, siroud, srowened, sounround, surround, sreeounded, sourounded, surredened, surrondered, serouned, surrouded exhibitions: exibitions pointing: pooting gown: grown maypole: may_pole month: moth, munth, munthy ceased: cesed, ceast, ceaset, seiced, sceace, scedes, ceasted, scene, seced, cease, sceased, ceace, sezied, sciesed, seased, seist, seaced, seeesed, scead, siezed, ceaced, sesease, seized, sieze, sceaced, seesed, sieced, seicing, seast, ceiced, scesed, seceaded, seeced, cieced, seceted, ceised, sceesed, ceeced, seigest, seised, scease thoughtful: thought_full customary: cumstonary, custurmary, cussenly, castamery, chustermery, custroy, costamary, custormery, custanemary, costemary, custrmay, customely, custumy, comartey, costermary, coustrmey, custermerry, custeramy, customory, costomary, custemary, cosumerly, custermany, customery, carstomery, custom, coutomery, acotsmery, cumtomary, custamory, costomrey, custarmary, costamury, customer, costomery, cocmany, customore, custamry, custerome, custamery, costomly, custermery, costomry, customere, custumery, comsmery, comtomer, coustamry, custurdmony, costumary, cusonary, canstemre, coutermarry, custamary, corstomery, costomarier, cousamere, costomal, cusemrey, corspany, custumary, custermary, custurmarry, custromeley, custmtele, customen, costamy, custoimary religious: religeous, religous*2 carpet: carpit dreadful: dredful, dreadfull referring: revering, reffring, reffering, erffering, refearing, refferring, refuing, refereing, refuring, remfeminc, reviring, refiring, reafing, refreaing, refing, refurring, reeferign, referred, referrings, refering*2, referinig dinnertime: dinner_time, dinner-time safety: saftey*2, safty clubbed: clubed very: vere, vehr, vrey, fere, veye, vyre, verry, vyer, verey, wint, an, veri, veyr, every, fery, ver, lerey, ferod coloured: colour, colered, colored, colerd I'd: I'ld, I'de, I'ed, Id*2 decide: decid, decided, deside*2, descide I'm: I, I'n, I'me, Im, im heaven: heven mild: miled circuit: ciricuit ogling: oging study: studdy throbbing: throbing cookies: cookes in_case: incase*2 fence: fance colossal: collosal*2 canonical: cannonical conscience: consounces, consceinus, conceincs, concionts, counshes, conceince, consiance, conchence, concouir, counsious, consciouness, consounce, conncince, conciences, consutaions, conciance, conscients, conscionusness, concious, conceive, conscouince, concinance, contions, conciense, contionce, consciou, conceinsious, consicient, consants, concience, conceionce, consicious, consceince, comsions, consencious, concients, consienced, conunishion, conteonce, contance, consicience, consence, concinous, concounious, condients, councious, consicence, conscions, consciounce, consious, counsion, concenious, consuent, conounce, consisions, consciencious, concientous, concsience, consciense, consience, conshur, conscoins, contence, conscientients, conisience, conscienceness, conscence, contents, consinence, concunce, conshants, conciouns, conciece, contientes, conchience, consionce, conchious, concionious, consents, concionse, concus, conscioness, concionce, conscious, contenious, consiouns trial-run: tril, trler_run, trial_in, triol_run, tail_run, trail_run, ril_ron, tirel, trien_run, try_run, tisw_run, triale_run, triall_run, troll_run, trylerun, tile_run, tryel_run, triel_run, triell_run, run, chanran, trile_run, talyron, tril_run, thiyll_rane, chid_run, tried, tihen_van, tral_run, trille_run, trail, turall_ran, coyal_run, trill_ran, tarl_ran, nir, trirelrun, tryle_run, trill_run, tale_run, trid_ran, taill_run, trail_ran emotions: emotion apologized: appologised proselytizing: proseletyzing certificates: cerstificates, seticates, ceriticate's learned: leant, learn, leaned, lean't loose: lows, lose selective: seleactive excess: exsess, exess strong: strog advisable: advisible, adviseable arena: areana creeps: creaps, creps ahead: ahade, aheard losses: lesses exceptionally: expershly, exsesionly, acseptionly, exepely, exsepilay, exepshaly, exceptionty, exceptionaly, exeptianly, acceptionly, explenly, epseptionally, exceptanoly, exsepacionly, exeptually, excepialy, asepchionaly, explane, exepshanly, expetolol, exseptionly, acceptingly, actcepuanlly, excep, exeptionally, excepisionally, ecxutany, excepsionly, exepcially, excepitoen, expsholy, exerochley, expanily, epseptionaly, exseploly, exseoly, excenily, exceptctely, exeptionely, acceptionally, exeplishing, exeptiorly, exserely, espescailey, exsepshionly, exshly, excepcianly, aceppanally, exceptionelly, exceptionlly, exceptionly, exepshinalley, exceptpuly, exple, exepcerially, exonully creepy: crepy soldier: solger amount: amont, amout, oment, ammount, amomt advertising: advertiseing criticises: critisizes Joan: Jone family: famley, familly, famly, famaly, famliy, fammily desiccate: dessicate toys: toy attendant: attendent want_to: wanna conventional: convential*2 takes: thak, tacks, taks, tack, tkaes injure: inger, injur, injore probabilities: probibilities contains: contins, containes, countains unpleasant: unplesant*2, unpleasent taken: tacen, takeing, tacken, takin, taking, takern, token, tarkan, tookony, taked, take, tackon, talken, tecen, theaen, takeon, taeken, tanking injury: inury, injurey up_cast: upcast phials: fiels propellers: propellors surprisingly: suprisingly, surprizingly, suprizingly excuse: exuse So: Show broke: brock, broken, brok factories: factorys producing: prodi sovereignty: sovreignty, soverignity, sovereignity grill: grille pigs': pigs nine: nin spontaneous: spontanous self-conscious: self-concious history: histroy, histry courtesies: courticies, courtesesies, curticies, counticies, curisities, courtio, courteys, curdesies, courteousys, courdicities, curtises, curtusey, courtecies, curacrys, corteouses, courteosys, curteousies, courtesys, courteous, courteoses, coutercies, curtiseys, curticys, couresy, courseties, curtosies, curtiousies, corteous, courtiseses, courtisys, courtesy's, curtesys, courtousies, croutsey's, curtisses, coutesys, courteces, cuourtesyes, curtiscy, curteoucys, couticies, courtezes, courtisies, curtisies, courtious, courties, courteouses, curtasies, courtises, courtizes, courtessys, courtesce, courisey's, countsey's, counties, curioties, courtices, courtisiss, coutioues, courtiseys, coures, curtuse, curteousys, curtices, courtss, courtsey, courtouses, courious, curtouseyes, currtises, courtesees, corutussis, courticios, curtiscis, courteousies, courtsies, courtieous, curtoseys, curtories, courtiesies, curtisues, courtesy, courstey, curtesies, curizes, courtoueses, courtcies, curtousies, courtiesy, curtesy, courtise boycott: boygot phrase: fraze stayed: stayd*2, stade, staed, stay, stad*2, steted foreseen: forseen individualistic: idividualistic unearthly: unerthly tried: trid*2, tryed, tride rude: roud, rood venomous: venemous derived: dirived, deriviated sneak: sneek tries: trys inconceivable: inconcievable Garden: Gardon a: and, I, ah, an*2, as, are, the telephoned: telphoned, telephon, telpron, telephone*2, lhonlaet, teelyphoned, telephed, teliphoned, teleponed, tallvon, telhonde, talfon, telefond, telepondes, tallyfone, hetephonen, tellyphoned, teloned, telaphoned, telephonied, tepohed, tepond, telepound, telponed, telepone, televoined, talford, telpone, telphone, telehponed, telepioned, telpted criticize: criticise, critisise, critisize*2 documentation: documtations negligible: negligable*2, neglible dread: dred egg: agg, eeg help: heellp, held*2, hellp, halp, hlp*2 reservoir: resevoir hierarchy: heiarky, heirarchy, hierchy administration: adminstration*2, addministration soon: sooned, sone*2, son*2 held: hasld, hald noughts: nought committee: comittee*2, committe*2, commity, commitee*3, comitte committed: commeted, comminty, commited*3, commet, camdid, commiety, committied, comit, comittee, comitted*2, commtied, commitive, committeed, comited*2, conmited, committee, commidded, commided, cometad reminiscences: remeniscences environmentally: enviormentally, enviromentally, enviornmentally buffaloes: buffalos solving: soli actually: excually, acctuly, acwtly, ackchely, accle, aterly, attualy, acterly, acerly, acerle, cofelet, aculy, actyeley, asley, atully, actarlly, alashed, acthally, acitler, askly, aksualy, actuley, acoly, acting, acheliy, axeshowle, atul, auctully, achertily, actherly, atwgel, acsha, acturally, acorll, atcsualy, asl, acully, acarly, accotly, acctually, ecturenely, alshel, ats, albee, atally, achly, aktuly, acshorly, asiley, acttully, ache, acuatly, acely, aole, actioally, actully, akhly, axly, aherley, actualy*2, axsherly, ackle, eslin, ackturly, acually, axally, acuely, achauly, acocly, achely, as, at, asluy, accualy, accolliy, aflly, atant, actuly, attually, actally, actuoly, ashly, accutualy, acctaly, atchually, acile, acusley, acherly absence: absents, absense*2 relate: recate haven't: haven's, havein't, havn't*2 fool: foll, faol, full evening: eveing, evning*2, evining motivated: motiviated food: ford, font, fired, fiot, foned, foul, fob, fod, foot, faerd, fiel, fried, fade, lot, fode, gehels, fodr, hood, foor Victorian: vitiorian moaning: moning you've: you permissible: permisable, permissable*3 foot: fot irrationality: irrationallity desperately: desparately, despratly occasions: ocasions, occassions*2, ocassions enlarged: enlargd New_Yorker: Newyorker capability: caperbility stopped: stop*6, stoped*5 fairy: fary, fariy isn't: isten, in'sen't, is'nt, isnt, isen't, isant*2 referred: reffered*2, refered*2, referrred, refferred, refirred, referd, preferred, refured, refired, refeared, refeard, reffored, refer heavy: havey, heavey, hevey Gael: gae End: And*9, Hed, Edh miniaturized: minaturised bickering: bickere beyond: beyons, beond heave: haev, hvea event: avent juniors: juniour presumptuous: presumptous unnatural: unnaturral, unatourral, unaturral since: sicne, senss, sinse, scince, sins temporary: temperay, temporarily, temperance, tempory, temporery, tempary, temprory, tempenary, temperarey, temparary, temprary, tempoary, temperiory, temerary, tenperary, tenporary, temporaily, temporay, temparey, temparory, temperory, temperarly, tempery, temorary, temaparay, tenperay, temporarilly, temperatory, temperairly, temporally, temperair, temporly, temporily, temperary, temperoary, temopary, temperaory jolly: joly fountain: fountian issue: isue gardener: gardner primaeval: primeaval bald: bould dirt: drit, durt ponderous: pondorous houses: houes, hoses, howses reason: reson base: pase, pare, basse, bates, bas, baese, blas, pas, bach, beas, pace, bace, das, best, bass maths: mathes, mathe's, math, mather earliest: earlyest revolutionary: revolutionar unresolved: unresloved persuading: pususading terrible: terriable, teribal, terrable, terdal, teral terribly: terrible liaison: liason*2 expecting: exspecting exponentially: exponentualy daisy: dasy picnicking: picnicing probability: probalibity, prop transcendence: transcendance liquefied: liquified unexpected: unexpted, unexcpeted, unxspected, unespected, unexepted, unepcted, unexsected, unispected*2, anespected, unexpickted, unexpend, unexcpected, unexperted, unexpect, unexspected, inexpected, undredspetied, unesptive, unexpecked, unexpleaded, unexpercted, unexpeted, unexcepted mist: mu, missed miss: mess, mis, mrs maple: mapel meadow: medow*2, meddow, meadoy horse: house, hosres, hors, hoes, haers, hosue, hares, haurs, hos, hrouss, howrse, hose, houre, hase, horues, host, puss, horres, hoarse, hourse*2, hoses, hous, houes, hores, horese, hause, houres perturbation: pertubation blossom: blossm, bloson, blosom, blossem obedience: obediance airborne: airbourne broccoli: brocolli pinned: pined station: stastione, stashon, sashon, stands, starch, staiton, stason, stanshon, satshtions, staion, stachon, steason, stusion, staytion, stanton, stolaon, staon, ststion, staeing, starns mosaic: mosaik hundred: hundreg, hy, hunderd, hundrd banana: bannana, banna, bananna selling: saleing, seling*2 storm: strom behind: de_hind, behnd, bert, dehad, beind, behide, dehowl, be_hind, byhind, bhred, bhid, be_hin, behing, datord, bo_hane, be_hand, be_hive, behined, ied, be_had, beid, be_hide, bih, dan, be_hund, bea_hidn, bhind, behand, bey-hind, be_id, beyhid, be_hane, beher, be_coem, behism, be_i, behed, bihind, bind, behid cartridges: cartriges consonant: consonent, consident grocery: grosery grew: grow kindly: kinly anticipate: antiscipate, antecipate, antiseipe, antysipate, antisipat, antispate, anticcipate, instipated, anticipitate, anticipat, anticapate, antisapt, inticipate, antissapate, anticipiat, antisipate, anticupate, antisopat, anticpate, anticipated, anticabate, anticepate, antisapite, anthisapate, antisepate, anticapting, antispater, antisapate, entesepate, antisapait, ancipipate, antisp squeaks: squeeks tea-maker: tea_maker obfuscate: obsfuscate toward: tord, towrad sentenced: senteced urgently: ungertly Father: Farther*2 juicy: jucy, juicey, juiciy juice: goss, jiuces, just, give, juicy, juses, sos, jice, joose, juse, gues, juis, guic, drinks, jes, goce, juce, tas, jucie, duice, goes, joss, jues, jucee, juic, jucile, juc, jise, gooc, jos, jose, ju, jurce, jus, joosed, goos, chus, juns, juws, juces, juise, quse, joos, juices, dusic, jucice, yus, jase, guss, jusie, gus, chouc, juies, jiuc, guse, dyes, guos, gohase substantial: substatial, substantal ecstatically: exstaticaly lid: led lie: liy, lay cave: kave officers: offercers swallowing: swalloing labour: laber lip: lep useless: usless aggravating: agravating Puccini: Pucini towards: towords quote: quot promiscuous: promiscous sponsored: sponzored, sponsered eaten: eatten comparisons: compariosns salary: salery*2 clear: clera, claer*2 popularity: popularaty part-time: part_time clean: glean, clen, clearn usual: usually, use_all, usueal, usly, usal perseverance: perserverance, perseverence phenomenon: phenonenon, phenomonenon, penomenon cheerio: cheeroh booze: bouse Babies: Babys completion: completition, competion*2, complechion, complance, complection, compleasian, compleshion, completeion, complecion, complte, complsion, complation, compleasion, complexion, compeltion, complusment, complimion, completicon, competetion, complishtion, compleetion, complestion, comphison, complisha, complession, compleation, conptecion, complition, complesion, complision, complecan, commpletion, commplishion, compliction, completetion, compleason, complesun reminiscent: reminescent parameters: paramers, paranets, perametres justice: justise flesh: fleash French: Franch, fench, freach, feirne versatility: versility pretty: pritty, prity, preety*2 criticising: critisizing, critising circle: sircul, circul, circue, cicle reap: reper dominant: dominent, dominiant meanwhile: meanwile trees: tress, tres, tree, threes pilot's: polt, piolts, polets, poults, piotels, pilets, pletets, pitets, pilates, poliets, poits, poite, piolet's, pales, pls, piolets, ploits, palit, poter, piolats, pailots, pilts, poin, palet, plots, polits, pilot, pilet, poltes, piolotes, pilotes, pllet, poilts, poilets famous: famus, famours, famoust While: Will pretending: be_trending competing: compeating combinations: combination during: durring*2, duren, buring, durin imitating: immitating*2 chimney: chimny, chimmy, cimbenr, chimmey adhering: adhearing retaliation: retalitation perfume: purfume gloves: cloves, glovs inefficient: ineffiect, inefficite, innefficient, ineficiant recommendations: recogmentation, recomdation, recommadation, Recommdations, reckamentation, recommenddations, recondations, recommendation, recommadion, recommendtion, recommedctions, reccomadations, reckamendation, recomendation, recommondations, recremendations, recomdations, reccomendations, recommdations, recommendtions, recomendent, reconmendations, recmandation, reccommedations, recomondations, recommaddation, recommenddation, reccommendation, recunendate, recommandations, recomandations, recomedations, recomendations, recomandition, recomnendiation, reccommedation, reccommendations, recommedations, Recommendations, recmondestions, recomenidations, reckomendation, reamdizens, reccomendation, recamendations, twenty, reccommodations, reccommanditions courteous: certuse, curtus, curtias, courtias, courtious, curtace, cuseet, cutious, curtis, curtiouse, cirtis, curteus, curtisios, corteous, curtisus, curtise, curtiuss, certious, curtions, kutiset, curtous, certuis, curties, curtiss, curtius, curteous, cirteus, cortios, curteious, caryese, courtiass, courours, cursusely, coutious, courtiese, curtises, curtios, curtuse, cere_is, cortious, curtious, cutios seventeen: seventen throwing: throws France: Fance culture: cut close: clos probable: probabal, probely horrid: horried, horid pictures: picture*2, pictyres, pichires, picturs, pichors, pitures*2 grocer: grouser won: wone, one*2 mussels: muscels incompatibility: incompatability, incompatiblity probably: b, probanly, proberbly, probaly*2, probaby, probabally, probebly, probley, propably, probolary, probabley, propley, probablly*2, probly, probally*2 conditions: condeson, condesiner, cunditions, condishion, cond, condetions, condishones, conditoins, condishance, condision, condisns, condidierns, gondition, condisions, condition, gones, conetons, condeshion, comderins, coidisions, constion, condishants, cond_lon, condicton, condish, condistions, condidions, contions, condishons, contiditions, condishing, condiptions, condicions, condisings, condictions, conange, condersions, condidtions, conture, kondis, condutions, codetie, condse, condistion, condsiones, condtions, contbins, condison, conetisons, containg, condions, conditones cartographer: carthographer unconscious: unconcious*2, unconsious, uncoshers, unconsors, unconscience flagrancy: falyrance, flaraly, flaly, flayerard, flagrance, falyincy, foy, flagglancy, fagreant, flangunly, flarcnce, fagrancy, flacgarny, flaglacy, falgrncy, formeyn, flangacy, fargrancy, flacn, fiaitkooce, flocrottey, flagrey, flangrancy, flgrcicy, flagrany, flargramey, flalu, flagnity, fragrints, florgncy, flagany, flagerancy, flagray, flagalf, faeyuten, flgnge, flagraphy, flaryser, flanresan, falayrancy, flanrcy, flogence, flaglay, fargladeg, flacracy, flogancy, flagracy, fararan, flage, fagracnce, fiagaeng, fagrany, flag, flagancy, flaygray, fralygrantcy, vadense, flayaracy, forelay, fl, fagranly, flayrancy, gorlge, flagrency, flacnang, falgrancey, flagd, flagruy, flacyraiy, fracksy, flagrancey, flangraney, flaganay, fag, flageny, flargensey, flagcoat, flagis, flagr, flarggeng, fla, fragancy, flagrence, fragrancy, fgayy ranked: rankd invisible: invisable archeologists: archeaologists both: buth, bothe wouldn't: wound'nt, woulden't sensitive: sensative, sensetive buzz: buss experimental: ep hairdressing: hair_dressing liked: lick, like, liekd, licked, likt, likes battery: batery Mr: Mis, Mrs manners: manors, maners whatever: what_ever*2, watever badminton: badmington likes: liks, like*2 vessel: vessal, vessle described: descrived, discribed*2, describd, describe, decribed*2 stamp: stanp, stap damp: damp describes: decribes, discribes coarse: case, cosce, cours, caurse, coruse, corce, cors, corces, couse, curse, course, coorse, corse, cough, cause, crose, coase maintenance: maintainance*2, maintance, maintenence, maintanence, maintainence, mainenance style_guide: styleguide territory: teritory, terriory empty: emty*2, ermptey collectible: collectable lived: livd, live*2, lifd partly: partley wet: weat convalescence: convalence, converlessons, conlesants, converlescins, convolensance, convallesance, convelesans, compowlessens, convolecense, convelesant, comperlis, convalesense, converlescance, convalaces, comverlessons, convalecent, convalesence, convision, convertacents, convalescance, conventeset, converlessions, convalesance, converlesents, converlesson, convertessent, convelesence, convelescence, convertessants, cahllerut, converlesance, conerlessons, converlesence, convalessents, converlesant, convelence, conflanes, convles, convalessence, convalesson, convelasence, convolessance, converlescence, convertensance, convalerssence, convalesnce, converlassence, convelesance, combelesson, confluscence, convellesscince, converlassents, convalensce, convertesents, convalensence, convalessance, couaalesence, convolesense, convelensence modelling: modeling else: els*2, eles, als, esle Mayfield: Mayfeild lives: livs, lif, lifes utmost: upmost*2, uttmost look: loak, lak gale: gae governor: governer, govenor, gouvener rope: rop brilliant: brillant, briliant while: will, wile, wil, wilh, hwile ought: out guide: guid pack: pake instead_of: insteadof embroidered: embroiderd hoax: houx rulers: rules ready: reddy, redy, realy, rede, reader, redey clerical: clearical grant: gant, grand belong: belog, blong grand: graned, gand composition: compostion used: use, usued, yoused, yourst, us, uset, ust*2, uses, unsed, usedf, youst, us't, you, yous, use't classmates: class_mates dime: dim bonus: bonas pomegranate: pomegranite fulfilment: fulfillment censure: censur, sensure cleaning: clening ceremonious: cerimonious brussels: brusls, brus, brusels, brust herewith: hearwith older: oldr flirts: firts grind: grined some_time: sometime beginnings: begginings cedar: ceder appalled: appaled itemized: Itomised, ittimised, itatimized, Itimized, itamized, iccamized, itemised, anamase, ithemized, idemised, itimase, itomised, idmized, itiomized, itomize, itiamized, icomized, intimized, atamize, itamised, ittimize, idomuzed, itemimized, itemsed, ittemized, Itemized, itemtized, intemized, itimised, intemised, itamise, itimize, itemnize, itimied, itenised, eitemized, idemized, annimise, itimise, idamised, idlemised, idimized, idmitized, itomized, itimis, atimized, idomized, idamize, itimized, itaniesm, itemize, atmiste, itemmized morsel: morsal, morcel technicians: techicians quarters: quators useful: usful, usfull*2, usefull*2 retirement: retirment canisters: cannisters cemetery: cemitery, semitury, centy, cemerity, semertry, sancher, cemetray, cematary, cemmetry, cementry, semitery, semitrea, cermatary, centemary, semerytre, semetree, shemtrey, sematary, cemarty, sumertrey, cemtery, sematy, semetry, cemertary, cematery, semertree, smetry, cemerty, cematry, semtyley, cemitry, cemertery, cemitary, cemetry, cemetory, cemetary*3, cametry, cemertre, cemertry, cemety, semetary, cematrea, cemitrey, cesetary, sementry, semotry, cemetarey, cemertrey, cemeatry, cemery, cemetre, sentry, cemontry, cementray, semitra, semitry, semiteral, cemetrey, semertary, cemertray, sematry, cementary, semerty cherries: cherrys, cheres, cherry's questioned: question debatable: debateable remaining: remained sandwiches: sadmages unravelled: unwravelled soliloquy: soliliquy march: mach radiator: radiater, radyator showing: shouing, showin, shauing, shoing, sowing tiring: tiering game: gae, gane optician: opticion, optitian, optition signal: singal popular: populer parade: prade brakes: breaks Guinness: Guiness some: sum, somes, sane, so, same, smoe, soem, shm economic: ecomic, econices, eccomic, econi, economce, echomnic, eckonomick, ecomnomic, econonic, economicies, eccomonic, ecconic, econince, ecomatic, emonic, ecomnics, economise-, econimy, ennconoic, ecomanic, eccomomic, ecommect, econmic, ecanomic, econimic, ecomnic, exauanomic, ecinomic, econmomick, ecomomic, eckonomit, eecominc, econonec, enconomic, ecnomic, ecomonica, ecqunomic, ecconomec, ecomonic, ecenomic, economize, economics, ecomony, ecemetic, exnomic, ecconomic, ecommic, Economic, econnomic, ecomics, ecomoic, ecominic for_the: fort mucous: mucuous lifelike: life-like delivered: dilved, dilvered, dilered, deleverd, dilivered, deled, dlived, diveid, dilverd, deared, dliver, dilived, deired, sent, delevd, delifured, menbed, dlerd, deloot, delivera, ditlivered, deliver, deliverd, dever, blerered, diliverd, delived, delevered, dlered, dilead, deteverd, delerd, deleved, delieverd, delered describing: decribing, discribing dilapidated: delapedated, dilapadated exceeding: exeeding competitions: competions, compations pounding: ponding civilization: civilazation Massachusetts: Massachussets, Massachussetts break-times: breaktimes sympathetic: sympothlect, systimetic, spathety, synethic, sympathitic, simpotry, symathaic, syptatheic, sypathtic, symthetic, sympiance, simpatacit, symaphetic, cympathetic, sympathy, smpasatic, symiphatic, simpithatic, sympethic, sypthmetic, systematic, sinpithetic, simpicet, symophatic, syphmathetics, simpercity, sympafacted, sympatheic, sypathetic, sympethatic, sypathic, simpathidect, smpathic, sympathic, symphtatic, simpathectic, symathectic, symathetice, sympathethic, symphethetic, sympatics, symapothic, symphathic, sympthitic, symathetic, sempathetic, simpethic, smpthatic, simpathic, sympatic, sympathatic, simpathegic, symitishes, sympathicits, simasethe, symphytic, symphathetic, sympathtic, sympothly, symapithet, symphatic, sympthetic, symathic, synepethic, cimtictaty, sympothics, sympthatic, sympathectics, sempathitice, symthic, symaphatic, scinfacious, simpithetic, simpathetic, semphistic, symthy, simithetic, symphetic, sempetic, sympethetic, systematice, symphtic, thimpethetic, thempathtic, semithetic run: ran*2, wand rub: rob booklet: boklet, booklit processing: proccessing, prcessing, procesing rug: rag, rog schooldays: school_days step: stepe, stap nerves: nerve, neaves, nurves, nervs ache: ack, acke, ake subtract: substract, subtrcat abroad: abraod, abrod, a_broad troops: troups shine: shin faith: fath, fathe hinge: hindge, hing allotment: alotmont, allatmont, lotmt, alottment, alockmant, alotmant, lockment, alockment, allottment, arlotment, alot_ment, atlotment, atoment, atolment, alottmant, alockments, alotmit, alotment, alopment experiences: experances block: blak, blok seeing: seein, seing, saeing, ceeing, see*2, seen, seening, sein caretaker: cartaker within: withing*2 nonsense: nonsene, nonsence, nonsens dissatisfaction: disatisfaction Their: There*3, They conscientious: consciousens, consciences, consherne, consencdious, conshents, concientience, consus, concenscious, conciencious, consciousness, conciencies, conscieneous, consyiensious, consceincious, concensious, conchienchis, concentus, conciantous, conscienteously, conscienctious, concienous, conciences, conciantious, conscience, consiencious, conciotious, conscencious, conscienteous, consensious, conceiencis, concious, conceincious, consiancous-, consentious, consiensus, concienanse, conciencence, consecience, consentise, conscienscious, consensibus, conscentious, conscientscious, concience, concienceous, consicious, consconsious, conculention, consencious, conciounetious, concenetious, conscientience, conceanencious, conciouas, consientous, consiences, consheencisince, consciencus, consientious, counciencous, consquences, conciencencious, concuous, conscienious, consciensious, conscionenious, coninuded, concenciously, conscienous, consenshuz, conciencius, consequence, consheanice, consciencous, concentous, conciensicis, concioncious, conceinseous, consicusous, concenents, conciensess, consious, contientous, concenious, concienteous, concientius, conscciencious, consiencous, conceious, conscientous, concientious, consuinces, conshenious, consciousencious, conscionus, conschience, concithis, consciencious, conscietinous, concientous, conchenchis, consenuous, congenious, concenences, consiencess, conceintious, consience, consciencentous, conscionscus, conscenscious, consioce, concensus, concienitous, consquence, consineous, conscientius, conscanous, conshionenus, congieance, conscenceous, contientious, conciensious, conseinches, conscientiouse, conshienchace, conscienscous, concentious, conscietous, conchientious, concientuous, consetious, conscineous, consenience, consieneansious, consienusaly, conseninous, conceineous, contiencious, consinence, consecious, concencious, conseious, consequences, conscious, conscientuous, conscinious, comcientious, concencus, conciencience, consinesious, conscienctous, conques presupposes: presuposes statistics: statatics, statisticks, stastistis, satistics, sasticics, sutices, succticts, stoctitics, sttistics, stilistus, stictics, statitics, staticits, statics, distiticks, sustictes, sitistic, staticies, steriaties, stutics, stacatic, suspetious, stuttish, stituatices, certistices, stiticts, Statistics, cististics, stictsics, statistic, stusicitic, sitisitice, sitistics, tististicts, sististic, stitate, stetistic, statictcs, statithics, sestistics, staticisics, stistictics, stacticts, stisicks, stictuct, statitus, stastitics, stistics, stasticties, sitisticts, stutecticks, staylistic, setistics, stostics, sastictics, stisticts, Statics, sutistics, statesic, stistic, staticts, sastictic, sytistics, systicts, stitistics, statistikes, sutities, statstics, stutistics, stucktiscus, statisticts, statictics, sutistick, stetistics, stactics, stastictics, sitictis, statastics, stastics, sustics, stesticics, statestics, status, statices, sotistic, stitictics, stacticits, stustitices, stectics renewal: renual transcending: trancending, transending besieged: beseiged heritage: inheritage manufacture: manufature, manafacture rummage: rumage himself: himselfe, him_self*2, hinself, his_self, him_sall duly: dulay, duty, dewly, duley, dutly, doly, daully, dueling, doingly, deully, due, douly, dolly, duelet, daleay, dewy, dueley, guley, dooley, dualy, dully, duely, dolay, dolittle, tualy, newly, dudly, doley, duelly, duelwy, dually, dulley, duealy, dewelly collapsed: collasped frost: forst bolsters: boulsters Tommy: Tomy inclose: enclose properly: proply, propaler, properally, propatar, propely alive: aliv, alave, alife*2, allieve fishy: fishey Switzerland: Swizaland crapped: crept dull: dell, doll ceremonies: cerimonies Irish: Iresh skull: scull vacancies: vacanseys, vacantue's, vacunceys, vacantuncies, faconcey, vacancieces, vacantesies, vaccounces, vacancy, vancies, vacaciencies, vanencies, reckness, vacentcy, vacansies, vacancy's, vacances, vaciancies, vancous, vacanies, vancious, vacincys, vaciouney, vacansess, vacanses, vainees, vacancis, vacentces, vaconices, vancencies, vacinsas, vacanties, vacontcies, vankencys, vaccancies, vacintyes, vacantce, vacantinees, vencomies, vacantcys, vacantcies, vaciencys, vacantance, vacpmsy, vacienties, vacantseys, vacakencies, vackancey, vacantises, vaconcies, vacencies, vacantsies, vacincy, vancy, vagancies, vacinices, vacantcy, focam, vaciencies, vacantces, vacaines, vacency, vacincies-, vacancsy, vacansises, vacantcisses, vancancies, vacancys, vacancease, vacanteses, vaciancys, vaconconcys, vacancises, vacanous denigrating: denegrating foresight: forsight politic: politict accustomed: accomused, accutomed, accustomened, acustumed, acustom, accusstomed, acustimend, acomton, acustomed, accustommed, accustinend, acustome, accustom, acescintion, ascustomed, accostemed, acustomend, accostuned, acustemed, acostum, acustommed, accostmed, acusstomed, accostamned, accoustomed, accustiomed, accumotoned, accustome, accostumed, accustomend, accostom, accumstomed, ascumend, accustomned, uccustumed, acostomed, acostom, uscostumed, ocustommed, ascostomend, acostumed, acustem, accustumed, accostomed, accostioum, accustoned heterogeneous: heterogenous similar: simular, simmilar, similiar*2, simlar, simia ordered: orderd big-headed: big_headed, big_head, Big_haded accessibility: accessability metals: metet cotton: cotten objection: abjection prerogative: perogative*2 forerunner: forunner application: applacation, aplication*2 nap: map electrical: electrial, electrcal department: departent, depatment, deportment arithmetic: arithmatics, arithmatic, arithmitic draw: drow, dowr, drew spectators: spectatoes pretended: pertend, brtende drag: drage graphically: graphicaly councillors: councellors dram: deram structure: structrue, stu, strcture, structu, stucture independently: indepedantly, indpendently, indipendently, independantly practically: practicaly*2, pratically, practially, practiclly, practicly required: recqur, reequired, recquired*2 pamphlets: panfelts, pamflets, panflits, panpletion, panfulets, pamphates, pamphlits, pamfelets, phamphets, pamphlet, pafolits, panfults, panphelts, panflex, pamphets, phanplits, panfletts, panfhet, pampl, pantheilets, panplethts, pantholets, pamphelets, phaphlets, panlets, penflats, phaphlet, pantfuls, pamfulots, panfulatiols, pamphleots, pamphlit, pamflats, pamlets, panfalits, panphlets, paphlets, phamlet's, phanplys, patphlets, phamphet, panthelets, phamflets, pamphletts, Panphelets, pamphalets, pampulets, Panftets, pamphats, Pamphlets, paniphlets, panflets, panthlets, phamphlets, Pamplets, panplets, panthleats, phamplets, pamphet, panfelets, phalets, phunplets, apanphlets, phamphelts, panvolits, panleps, phamphlet, phamflet, panphels, pamplets, pamplet, pampflyss, phalelets depth: debth, dept, debt neighbouring: neigbouring unconnect: unconect archeology: archaoelogy, archaology ignorant: ignorent berries: berres, berrys requires: requres kilometre: lilometer cheerful: chearful, cheerfull proposition: propostion salaries: salarys go: do, gu, ona, gril, gowe, od, got*2, gow, come, fo barbecue: barbeque ammonia: amonia illegible: illegable gases: gasses anointed: annointed nose: nocth friendly: frandely, frendly*2, friendy, freindly fond: found, fromed infinite: infant, infinet, infendunt, invinite, infanet, infaniant, infaent, infanent, infinunt, infinfate, infanint, infenate, infiniant, infanted, infinat, invenate, infamnes, inffinite, infidently, efinente, infinete, infient, infenant, invinat, infantent, infantaut, infensemt, invalid, infennate, infinante, infaint, infinant, infinitive, infanate, infannrite, inflnight, infonit, infinit*2, ifinite, infinitely, infanete, infinitate, enfinate, infenitt, infanite, infantly, infunent, effentint, enfinity, infininte, iffanate, infenident, infident, infanant, infinnent, inifinite, infante, infinate, infadent, infinent, infanit, infinance, infite wavy: wavey*2 telling: teling stiff: stif, stife, stive button: buton, botton nourishing: norishing assignments: assighnments, assigmments jump: junp noise: nose*4 picked: pict, picted, piked*2, pick*6 notwithstanding: nothwithstanding waitress: waiteriest plays: playes sepulchre: sepulcre, sepulchure colonel: kernel, connel, cenral, colneol, cornal, koncley, conelnel, cunule, carnal, colonl, conel, kernal, colenel, colnel, gernal, carnail, conail, cernol, conler, caral, curnal, counel, curnail, cornel, curnel, curnale, colonol, cernal, colinal, cernel, colmel, cornale, curni, colnol, cournel, cournal, colonal, curanat, conte, counol, cernall, conelle espresso: expresso exacerbate: exerbate Boys: Boy*3 rotten: rotton, roton imitator: immitator schoolboys: school_boy America: American, Ameraca, Amercia melancholy: menacollie, belloncoly, melocholly, mencholy, mellancoly, melecolly, mincoloy, meloncholly, meloncoly, malaclony, meloncol, melecholy, melenacella, mellencollie, meloncial, melencoly, melanchaly, melloncollie, melencole, mellencholly, meleconize, mencolly, melongoly, melencholly, mellancholy, melonally, melencholy, mellancolly, maloncolly, melencollege, melanchole, melioncolly, meloncolie, mellioncolly, mlencoly, melecohly, mellencholy, melowcoller, meloncly, melancoley, milogoly, miloncohly, melloncoley, meloncollie, melencally, melencloe, meloncholie, melliancoly, melencoloy, meloncolone, melencolly, melchonoly, nelcoly, meloncally, melchomly, melonclaly, melloncholy, mullicaly, melencololy, meleconly, melloncaly, mellonuse, melencolhy, malencholy, melconally, melocholy, melancholly, melloncole, malencolly, menilcoty, melloncolly, melloncoly, melchonly, melincoly, melchonony, millencholy, meloncolly, melanchohy, melencolnez, melancohly, milencoly, melancoly, malloncolly, millincoley, melancolly, meloncholy, menloncholy commercial: comercial, commericial, come, comersial following: folling, flowing conceited: conseated lorries: lorry's northern: nothern, northen*2 stubbornness: stubborness*2 maneuverability: manouverability, manoeuverability repel: repell products: produts weren't: werent, wern't, whernt, were'nt*2 vilify: villify*2 examining: examinin foresee: forsee*2 addresses: adresses danger: dager win: wen, wind manage: mange classrooms: classroom, clos_room, class_rooms, class-rooms, clarooms, class_room, glass-rooms addressed: adressed anomalies: anomolies*2 singing: sining cloud: clowd, coudl, cloued penalty: penatly frogs: rogs, frog camera: camara cheeky: cheaky agreeable: agreable simpler: simplier shut_up: shock popped: poped unilaterally: unilatreally started: serted, straghted, start, sarted, startes becomes: become Wednesday: wendsay, Wensday, Wedensday, wensday, Wdendsdy missile: misile, missle appointed: apointed starter: strater mythical: mithical announcing: anouncing ride: ried, rid averaged: averageed acquaintances: aquantences, acquiantences, acquaintences recession: recetion irreparable: irrepairable meet: me, met, meat, mete Nevada: nevade control: controle, controll*2, contioll sought: sort, saught wonderful: wonderfull, wondeful, wondoful, wondrful skirt: skert, scirt hesitate: hesatate, hesetate boasting: bosting picturesque: pithersque, pictureskae, pitcherus, picturesk, picturesqu, pitchesque, picturious, pecturusk, picturesis, pictureesks, pictqurest, pitersque, picquesque, pickuresque, picturequse, pickuqres, pecturesk, pectuesqe, pictureask, pictureas, pecturists, pictoresque, pictur, pictures, picturise, pitchereske, picturect, pictureosque, picturek, pecturect, pecturesque, picturest, pictureske, picturist, picturees, picturask, picturesct, picturelest, picture, picturesh, pictouress, pituresque, picturesesk, picturique, pitcherious, picturesc, picturerest, pictursque, pictiresqu, picturequest, picturess, picturese, picaresque, picturque, picturaquis, pituresk, pictureques, pictureesque, picteresk, picturesq, picturous, pictureeque, pitcheresk, preturiest, picturiest, picturus, piturest, pictureque, picturques, pictusque poetry: poate, poitry, powurtree, powetrey, poach, porrtery, poettr, poatay, poitye, besften, poeptry, poery, poetory, poitray, potiey, porty, protere, poirtry, poetree, poertry, pomthe, porertrey, portrey, poertre, poetrey, portrer, poatary, poroty, poitree, poeraty, powtrey, peotly, poeter, poety, poatry, poetey, pohete, porat, poray, poetary, posher, poure, peotry*2, peoetry, poateatre, porertry, poechre, poetery, poatre, poratree, poeitre, proatry, poptery, porerty, peoitry, poerly, poyru, pooatree, portty, poatrey, powetry, poter, pome, poemetry, poartey, poutry, poartry, potrey, pourtre, poettry, poaetry, pontes, potery, poemtree, poetrie, poertrea, poeatry, poetray, pothatree, poetre, poytrey, powoter, poltry, portry, poretry, poultry, purtrey, poten, poltory, poutrey, powety, poerty, peortry, poutree, potrre, powure, poamte arrangement: arragment, arrangment, arangement filament: filiament circular: cercular, curcular fare: fair farm: from, form, frm British: Brittish Mrs: Mixss, Mrss, Miss, Mr's fatigue: fategue spelling: sprlling, speling, speeling engineering: engeneering feels: fiels bakery: backary, backery encyclopedia: enclyclopedia, encylopedia, encyclopia, encyclapidia favourites: favorites software: sofware bathing: bawing, batheing basement: basment facilitated: facillated, faciliated offences: offenses including: encluding, enculding, include, incude costume: costome cruise: crouse, cruse mentioned: maintioned, mentiond brittle: bittle broom: brom notebooks: note_books brook: brock banquet: bankquet, banquete imbalance: inbalance sword: sord, soord surrounds: surounds auto: ato, outo, oto Two: Tow church-operated: church_operated subtraction: substraction hands: hans, hand front: frount*2, frunt*2 documented: doccumented impresario: impressario university: unversity, universaty, univeristy, unerversity, univesity, universit adjournment: adjurnment slide: slyed, slid, slied Celsius: Celcius crossing: crosing, corssing globe: glob inverted: invertd aggravated: agravated seesaw: sea_swa turnkey: turnk measure: mesure separating: seperating*2 special: spicial, speaical, speslel, speshell, spechal, spesle, speaicl, speichy, seleo, selel, spesll, spessl, spslie, speil, real, speicl, speshall, spell, spelloll, speishel, speasll, speshal, spiecal, specil, speciall, speacly, specal, spaech, speacle, spersh, speaclil, specitle, seter, spesil, special, speashle, speasial, spesule, sepcil, space, spicechall, wist, splended, speical, sola, speacial, spesl, spesh, specber, spieal, specle, sepical, spealy, spacial, speice, specor, speche, speicil, spicale, stasul, spicterts, spectial, speal, sperclruy, seales, speail, speiple, speicail, speacal, specele, spescil, speacil, specell, specli, specel, specsie, secial, specull, specail, spelse, spic, secheul, speshl, spicl, spie, spicel, spail, speshle, peslall, spasall, spesal, spiecel, speiciall, spelshel, spiect, speshel, speciel, spashel, shechel, spall, suhlue, speshil, spiecil, beshul, sbesll, spechile, speicial, spieica, speial, speceall, speashell, speicel, speally, specill, steshle, specile, spacil, spicil, sech, sp, spesial, spechel, spical, spelich, spaisile, speshull, spohal disappointedly: dissapointedly entertainment: entertament, entertanment needn't: needent, nedent critics: criticists playground: play_grond, payground, plygroud, paygroud, play-ground, play_grownd, play_grend, play_grood, playgrond, play_ground, playgroung, pang_gound, playgroud, play_cround cause: course, couse achievements: acheivements, acheivments, achievments umbrella: umberella, unbrella, umbrela, umberalla trashy: tashie hopscotch: hop_scotch, hopskotch withdrawal: withdrawl interplanetary: interplanetry delegates: Delegates', dellogates, delegats, Delegalis, deliacates, deligate, delagate, delagates, delicate, Delegates, delicates, deltagates, Delagates, Delegate, delgates, deligates, delecates, delegants, delatedes, delegate attending: atending completely: complety, completly corrosion: corosion geometry: gemetry, geomratry, geometrey, Geanarly, geometary, goementic, geametry, geromatory, geumatry, gemontary, gemotery, geomitree, geomotre, geomiorty, Gemoratry, genonary, geometriy, geogamgrey, geomatry, geomentry, geomety, geomeotry, Geomotery, gematree, geomotry, geomoratry, geomatery, gomatray, gemeotry, geomometry, gumitra, geomtery, geomitec, geomatory, geomotree, Geometry, Geometery, gomonerty, geommitry, geomotary, georgry, geamatie, geormerly, geomtry, geomotery, geomitry, geometery, geomeltry, geomertry, geoomentry, jerumantry, geeamontruy, gemerotry determining: determinining route: rout diminished: dminished keep: geep, kept, keap, cep keen: ken, kean knickers: kicknes protagonists: protaganists benediction: bendecition mankind: manknd succeeds: suceeds pitied: pityed possessing: possesing, posessing powerful: powerfull*2 unsupported: unsuported improving: improoving bitch: bich tarmacked: tarmaced ice-cream: icecream, ice_cream quality: quailty you're: yow, your*7 management: manegment, managment*2 practitioners: practicioners dove: dav, dov relations: reylations, relasions attach: attache attack: attach, atack ankle: ankel perfectly: perfactly final: finele, forite, failral, finle, file, foll, finel, befine, finuls, finally, disly, fitre, find_them, finial, finall, fis, finlay, finale, feinats, fitne, finaly, finalt, finol, finealy, fille, fianl, finely, found, fianal, fallen prone: prove disagreeable: disagreable exactly: exsactly, excatly, exactely, excactly lists: lsits manufactories: manufacturies manipulation: maniputaltation overwhelming: overwelming, overwealming herself: herslef, he_slef waist: waste, wast photograph: photagraph Saturdays: Saterdays distinguishes: distingishes beg: back, bath, baic, bgn, dong, degi, bark, brd, pege, baroc, begg, bege, bug, bage, lthoh, bagk, peg, begr, meg, berp, big, dak, berg, pach, magg, becg, ben, pogl, bec, bot, bed, bay, bag, bol, bal, ded, bak, bet, deg bed: bad, birb, dede bee: be claim: clame succinctly: sucinctly dumb: domb, doum, dum referral: referal distinguished: distingrich, distindwish, disincwised, diclt, ainginsed, destigushed, diskwish, distushed, denqure, distiguished, disgrigist, distingused, desteuioas, distinguiste, distingished*2, disguish, distrig, distinguirsht, disquidmesd, disigring, distigushed, desheged, disetshed, dictatisue, distingwished, distingushed, desuares, did_daated, bistingwist, deitgiote, destingurst, disgirched, dishings, dicswash, distinguist, bstinges, disgwished, disqushed, distingwish, distingrish, distingwist, dustr, distingwhished, disigwished, dissu, distingquisted, isqished, discushed, distinguesd, desting, distingusted, desarid, distinguishd, distingrished, distingushid, dswisht, distinguised, distingisted, distere, dishliged, distinquished, distingquised, dissingrished, distingieg, distirshed bet: beat, bat serfdom: surfdom exhibit: exibit enforced: in need: ened, nede, nead, ned, needd interrogating: interogationg border: boarder, bourder tennis_player: tennisplayer pursued: persued, presued able: abel, alb, abule, aball instance: insance, instace, instatance, instants, instead, instence jumble-sale: jumble_sale truck: truk pursues: persues pursuer: persuer sewing: sweing, sowing, soeing vengeance: vengance*2 connected: conected awe: ore future: furture, furcher, furt gallery: gallorry, galerry, gargle, garle, glrey, carley, galarer, galer, garea, galray, gary, galarey, gallry, golery, glary, galrey, garlle, galery, gallon, gares, garay, galiray, garlell, gallerey, gallare, gallaly, gally, gareud, gallore, galley, galriy, galury, jale, gallerie, galle, gallory, garrey, gallary, galary, glarry, gallerry, galorry, galire, gareley, glare, gallury, galyer, gallowry, garlley, galiry, garley, gallerly, galerea, garge, garllry, galre, garrde, glere, gailey, garly, gaeroe, galrwe, garage, galory, calery, galiy, galerey, gallrey, garllery subtracted: substracted upset: up_set art_room: art-room scrambled: skambed, scambeld, cabl, scan, crample, scramled, crobld, sambled, scabled, samber, scrameled, sarum, troud, smadle, scambled, strambl, chack, sramed, sapmbed, scand, skrambled, sranbled, sramled, scrabled, srambled, csrade, ramll, crambled, scrabbled, smambled, scarmed, scambld, scampeld, sepul, tridl, escrabled, rabeb, saniramy, scrampled, scrambeld, screlmled, strangled, sland, scrumdid, strumled, grambled, cable, saln, chrimbl, scmlberd, crumbled, esclable, scrampld, sbled, erble, scramed, scamlled, scrambld, scramble, scrambeled impression: inprestion anyway: enyway soldiers: solgers, solders, soliders shoes: shose, shows partners: parteners envy: envey based: basen unfinished: unfinised tire: tier earned: erned, earnt employer: anpoly, emplorer, inploer, enploye, inpior, inporer, enployer, epoury, inpooer, inpuroer, ely, inpeler, inemployer, empolyer, fire, inmoper, emploer, emplore, inployer, impoly, enploy, enplere, empoler versatile: versitile fuel: fule, fl employed: emploied achieve: acheve, achive, achi, acheive*2 dodge: doge Yard: Ysid seizing: siezing overall: overal unacceptable: unaceptable abundance: abundence legitimate: legitamate sassy: sasy procedures: proceedures endless: end_less gray: grae evident: evedent tobacco: tobaco, tobbaco*2, tobacko shy: shiy quarantine: quarrantine, quarantaine somebody's: somebodies she: the*2, see, he contain: contane Austrian: Austrain grab: grabe preach: prech spotted: spoted prayers: prays, preyers, payes transcendent: transcendant, trancendent shake: shack orphan: ophan freeze: freese, freze reinforce: reinfore computer: comupter powder: power, pouder*2 desperate: desparate*3, desprat maneuverable: manouverable state: stat horrible: horible, horrable neither: neather, niether monitresses: monitrouses kidneys: kidney tent: tant comparable: comporable sole: soul importance: importence, o, importants interfere: interfer, interfear kicking: kiging merry: marry police: polic*4, poicle*3, palees, poilice, ploers, palice, pollice precious: preshois, presious distribution: distibution thank: thak, think interpretations: interper career: carreer, carear, carrer*2 disobeyed: disabayed admit: admite all_sorts: alsorts nest-boxes: nest_boxes conspired: conpired distinguish: distingish, distingwish, distingush poem: peom*2, pome reevaluated: revaluated addition: addtion, addittion, additon cent: sent quiz: quoz, quix immense: immence, imence, imense slowly: sloly, slouly, slolly treat: treet shoulders: sholders, sande controlled: controled*2 league: leagre, leauge, leage, legue well-paid: well_paid guerrillas: guerrilas expenditure: expinditure, expendure, expenature, exspendious, expendidture, expediture, exspenditure, erspendituer, expendidjuer, expeniditure, expenterture, expinture, expendeture, expenditures, expenculaious, expendicular, expendature, expenidure, expenditur, expendijur, exspendesure, exspensure, expendeter, expeniture, exspeniture, expendehure, expendicure, expenisture, expenduture, expendurature, expendy, expindid, expentiture, expenderhur, expendture, expender, expendenture, expendidure, expetiol, acspanditure, expenitture, expenture, ixpinditure, expidenture, expendetature smoking: smokeing, smooking quotation: quotion And: Ane Tom's: Toms*2 chalk: chork owns: ownes resident: resadent, recident, resedent surface: sunafipe, safashes, sfis, sirfis, serthface, surfiece, searface, surfice, surpise, surfars, send, sufise, surfese, survise, sufice, safe, sirfase, cefes, sefic, serves, servecy, sureface, sorfers, scauce, saefe, serfese, sefis, shaved, sefin, serfest, sufes, suface, sivise, sift, suficer, serfies, siface, serface, sifce, sorfess, furfise, scarefis, serce, surfise, sreis, serfece, scues, sersif, serfast, sorfes, sirc, surfis, sefures, surpes, suffis, caves, servise, sirvce, sevace, sirge, service, saeven, serfuss, servics, sitter, surefice, cased, serfice, servese, serfise, serfiss, serfers, sercor, circuss, serfes, seves, cirface, stis, slives, surf, shers, srfeise, sefast, serffes, sarface, serth, severs, seturs, safit, safis, serfis, sfes Catiline: Cataline examined: examend capture: capure began: begain, begun, begane parts: pars speaker: speacker eclectic: electic party: partie, parte, partey*2 partial_eclipse: part-eclipse practitioner: packlisnor, practictioner, practicioner unconventional: unconvential fireman: firemen appearances: appearences forgotten: forgotton, forgottern, forgot effect: efect, effet sarcastic: sorcastic fierce: feirce, ferce frequently: freequently, frequantly, frquently pull: pall poultry: poletree, poltry compendium: conpendium scarcely: skae, scarcilly, searsly, skersley, scercly, scacley, scerserly, scarcelay, scersley, cres, scarecily, scacly, saret, scearsley, scacerl, scassly, scasle, scaresly, serelle, seather, scarecely, seacly, sceslly, scasly, sceasly, ceasely, scarcly, shesely, scearsly, scarcarly, slec, scarelee, sel, secely, scracely, chesly, sasel, scaly, scarcley, scuresly, scersirly, scarsely, skarcl, skeler, scary, scasley, srais, scarely, scarsley, skasly, scarclly, scare, scerly, scaresley, scaley, steirly, sacresiouly, scarecly, secesely, scerle, rely, scersly, scrked, cacly, scarcecly, sese, skesly, scearly, skly, skarsly, sacely, secairsly, secarcely, sorly, scarly, skesy, scarsly, scaseling, scarsle, stauley, scarley, scarcle, sgasly, scareelfy, sele, stake, saiter, cracle, scecly, scaisly, scarce_ley, sadec, scelesly, scesle, scacely, scesly intercede: intersede well: wall, will insurmountable: insum battle-axe: battle_axe dressed: drest stirrups: stirups warlord: warloord glowed: clod, giou, goyd, gimtied, loed, gont, gloded, cloded, cloud, carend, cload, gooder, gerd, gloaded, god, gloud, shone, goild, gloweld, closed, glode, hardly, goald, groled, gload, goaud, gowed, glod, lougd, gloed, glag, glow, clowd, gloued, gilowed, clode, glabed, lowed, guicd, coad, glawd, glued, col spherical: sperical reside: recide enormously: enomosly, enourmously increasingly: increasinly accurate: acurate mistaken: mistaki, misstaken dose: does sources: souces, sorces Sunday: Sanday distant: destint, distance, distand, distent advertised: advotised coordination: coordiantion restaurateur: restauranteur aerial: aeriel aficionados: afficionados warrant: warrent*2, warent cumulative: cumulatative kick: kike sonic: soonec prefabs: pre-fabs burden: birden propeller: propellor*2 immediately: amdl, impeditly, imeadittly, immeadiately, emegently, inmedently, imeadietly, immediantely, imeadely, amedettlee, imdetly, imediedtly, emediantly, imeaditly, emedertly, inmotly, ameagly, almeadly, emecatly, imedetley, enneditly, emeetually, emedatly, a_meckle, imadeatly, immeadeatly, emidiotly, immedely, imediantly, immidiatly, emmedeatly, imeddutily, immediatley*2, ameideitly, enmindeatly, immidertly, emiduly, emmediatly, imidently, ematly, edimetily, imenedly, emedely, imedeatly, immeatly, imebetely, amedle, imedetly, imeadily, immidiately*2, emedetly, imediately*2, at_meedent, imderly, emietly, amedy, imeadiately, imidiantly, emeadeately, emegtl, immeedeatley, inmedtly, immediatily, empotly, emedle, imeditery, immedeatly, ammidtly, inmenly, imaditely, inmediantly, immediatly, emmediately*2, emedly, amedit, enidetly, amedditly, amidealty, immeadily, imidialty, imederalte, immediety, immedatly, immediattly, Sixteen, immidately*2, immeatily, immidiatley, imeddly, aepilule, emediatly, imediaetly, immeadiatly, immeditaly, emendertly, imnediatly, inedle, emedulaty, amitley, emdiatley, imedietly, imdelle, amediatly, immieditly, imideately, immidently, iymicheliy, admedeatly, imediotly, imidietly, emidetly, imengly, emidiately, immedictly, imeaditatly, imergetley, immenditaly, a_metlerl, imediatley, emtaly, amiedeatly, immedately, Immdiately, immedially, admiedatly, imeddiatly, imetialty, amittenly, emiditeatly, semeteatly, imiedily, imiedatly, immedeitly, immedentily, imedeantly, immeditly, emmedatly, imediatly, emeideinty, emeanliatly, a_maitine, immiediately, ammeadiclly, imidatly, imeditly, emeataly prominent: promenent, prominant*2 loss: lose necessary: necesser, neccasary, nesse, neccesary*2, nessery, nessary, necesscay, neccassary, necasery, necesary*2, nessisary, necassery, neccessary*3, nessasary, necassary, nessacary renegade: renagade lost: lest, loast, lones, lorst, lat, loseed, losst, lots, lone, lors, lot, lont, lan, losth, cart, liste, loost, yahte, last, losted, loest, lmad, tate, lase, losd, lose, losed, losh, lossed candy: cand sized: siezed, seized lose: los, loose, loos rota: rote page: pag climbers: glimers shed: ched, shad phenomena: phenonmena library: libruey, libery, libraly, libray, libary*3 tempered: temped connectives: connectivies home: hone, homse, hime, hom*2, homr broad: brod, broard, brode kettle: kettel cradle: cradel, craddle inflammation: inflamation oppression: opression ?: bav, saffrery, nsor, Hurbured, crowsed, sechrus, anetes, Half-hose, unz, wild, Doc_chm, humit, solued, hast, nis, cHmer, ruth, Consulatoin, grow, pelser octogenarian: octagenarian medieval: medeival reaching: reching journal: jurnal, journel monetary: monitary, monestary expansion: expanion paper: papr April: Apirl*3 freedom: feedom persuades: pursuades recognized: reconnised nightclub: night_club tongue: tounge, tung, tun, tund persuaded: persueded, pursuaded*2 equally: aqualy, ewler, eqlle, equley, equitly, eaqually, egley, eqaully, ecqaly, eaqll, egwly, eculy, equerly, euetr, eackily, equalily, ecwiley, eaqely, eaqurl, eclie, ecuely, ecrly, ecwile, equilly, equly, echwelly, ecualey, ewie, equely, equaly, equlk, ekwely, early, eqully, ecqally, eaceray, equell, quuly, ecuily, equale, eqauly, eqwely, eaclly, egull, eqley, ekwelly, equal, egle, epely, equifly, eucuel, egale, equarly, eaclely, equily, eaquly previously: previouly, previos cocoa: coco, coca strategy: stratagy, startegy, stradegy utility: utillty doubtless: doutless, doubb rejoice: rejoce, rejoyce impatience: impatiene museum: nemeome, mowzam, meums, musiem, museam, measure, meusem, musersien, nercore, mueusem, measem, musem, mewseim, muesum, muier, mimus, mueseum, mumcer, murmuse, muszesm, musium, mouceme, nemcore, mesem, meuseum, musiams, muusem, remcore, muff, remcome, meausem noticed: notest cricket: criket, cricit, crickt, cricked, creckit, crickit, crictet north: noth*2 mucked: muked triangular: triangulaur neutral: nutral hierarchical: hierachial gain: gane technician: techician ear: ere, er eat: ert, et, eate, ete he: and, his, her, had, hey, here, him, hi, the*4, ther, if converter: convertor grieve: greave, greive*2 signed: sighned, singed carriage: carrage, carrige converted: coverted, convers limit: limet piece: pice, peice*2, pese display: deslay, desplay, distay universal: unerveral, unerversal penny: penney, peny education: eduacation, elu authority: athority functions: functuions contest: conest star: stare, stau, str stay: staye, stae, sta, sart additionally: additinally jack-knife: jacknife friends: frends*4, freinds*2, frieds, fremds, frieneds, firends*2, frinds, frenser, friend, friden, frendes, frender, frineds, freands, frnbs, firieds, fends, frind, frend*2, fiends, frindes, frenns, frens*2 appoint: apoint persistent: persistant Spanish: spainish, Spanich indirectly: inderctly secondly: secondy pardon: parden similarity: similariy, similiarity, simialirt temperament: temperment*2 dynamic: dynaic, dymatic straws: strawes consists: consisits, const captain: captian*2, catptman, capitan, cpn, captman minuscule: miniscule*2 whose: hows*2, who's, who, hose, whos calculate: caluculate, caluclate, calulate swam: smim segments: segements Honda: Hondor*4 disability: dissability seriously: serously, seariously, sirtey presents: present swap: swop trousers: trousos, trouses, trouse, trowsers teaching: teching sorry: sory downstream: donstream govern: gover, goven affect: effect vast: vaste alpine: alren, alpain, out_pine, alpin, alfpint, aopin, allpine, apying, almpine, outpen, alpan, amplying, alpen, alkine, outpaim, outpain, elpone, alpane, empland, altilen, athes, oupins, alphine, eltide, elpine, apne, elmpine, elespin, plin, umpart baking: bakeing crops: cropes companies: companys*2 frozen: frosen convenience: convienience, convience vector: vectore sexton: sixty_one enhance: enhence clothes: cloths*3, clows, colhes, clous favoured: faverd force: forse, forces quilt: cwilt japanese: japaneze likely: likly*2 colourful: colourfull even: evening, evone, evn, eneve, in, evene, evan, evning, oven, eva, eaven, bishing, eving, event wreck: reck, wreack desirous: desirious, desireous orchestra: ocatree, orcutrer, orcester, orcister, ouck, augenster, orcestra, ocestra, ocrtur, orchastra, afoege, ochestra, orkisty, arcperter, orcresta, orcersher, ortiere, orcestor, orcheaster, orchestre, oreacetra, aucastle, oreagerser, arkester, auwuster, allengter, orgestrer, orchretsure, orchreh, orchetra, ocrces, orcestro, orcrester, ocestrer, orgister, aosbr, ocheter, acistra, orchester, auckoustr, orcristra, uciter, acristra, orcostry, orceter, orchestur, orasteirster, allcrester, archester, orcestrar, axcotry, orchetsa, orchesta, akustra, ochster, orcatstr, arachester lights: leng, tois, ligths, lates, lis, ligh, lamps, lot, light, lite, lise, litse pragmatism: pragmaticism new: tryal, now, knew, mew, naw, noor, neu ever: aver, ef, every coefficient: coeffcient, cofficient, coeficient men: mon, man*2 drew: drue, drow, drewe met: mat nanny: nana active: acttive aren't: arn't, arent interpret: interpretate, interprte, interpet dry: drye, dri economics: ecomices, enomonics, economis, ecconolikes, eckonomics, equanomicks, ecomo, econmace, ecconomics, economects, Ecomomics, economicks, econonics, ecenomics, economicies, economcs, economck, ecommonics, econmo, echomanitic, eccnomics, econmics, emountouc, ecomomics, econonmix, ecomnomices, ecomnies, ecommononices, ecomience, ecomonices, Economics, econnomics, eccomonics, economicts, enomicies, ecomontic, ecomoics, ecominey, ecomomic, ecomnonics, enomic, ecmomes, econics, eeconomemic, equinomics, ecomatics, ecominics, econopics, enomince, ecomonicts, ecomiese, Economic, ecomoicks, enomices, ecomonics, ecomics, equinix piercing: piecing credit: creadit harass: harrass*2, harrassing, harras superstitious: supersticious permit: permite, permet suitable: suitibal, soteble, suteaboule, suiterbly, suteable, sauterble, sutl, suterbule, sutiler, suthall, soots, sooterfull, set_tobal, suitaball, sotabul, suiterble, suterbell, totabull, stewable, daul, stoble, suiable, suterble, suitabul, sutebul, sutball, sitble, sterball, sotrdl, scobel, seuitable, suable, siutable, suirtdl, sotable, sutible, sutbue, sootnel, stlo, swterble, suitibul, surtebull, hartalon, satur, saball, sootable, suetebull, sutable, sotoboll, suitible, sulibale, soebel, sotalb, sooerble, sotdole, suitble, sotaboll, soilal, subildbel, soterpel, soterbly, soutabe handwork: hand_work besides: beside, besids, becides campaign: campagn, campain*2 county: conty ninety: ninty*3 moral: morrow, morall drowned: drownd, dround landscape: lanscape army: hrmehr, armey, aray, hrmehn call: coll, col calm: carm recommend: recomened, reccomnend, rocommend, commend, recommened, recommendation, recommed, recommens, recemend, reccomend*3, recomnend, recomned, recomend*2, recamente, reccommend*2, recomenand, reckamend, recommaned, reccommended, recommand, renimation, recremend, recogmend, recommended type: tap, tibe, tafp, tipe, twip, tiye, tinent, tpep, atoeye, tiep, lait, top, tip, tight, tape, tyre, taep, atiped, tiap, tiurp, traep, tope, typ, timp, tepy, time, trye, tiemp tell: tall, teel, tel calf: caf, calft supporters: suppoters wary: weary loony: lonny warm: worm adult: addult ward: whard pivoting: pivting room: roon*2 Tim: tiem gasoline: gasaline roof: rofe, rof, rhfn bungalow: bungalo, bundgallow, bungolo, bunaglo, bungerlow, bungulo, bonglow, bangalow, bumlow, bumgalow, bunglow, bungallo, bungoloe, bunyol, bugalo, bungelow, bunglowe, bungelo, bungulow, bungallow, Bungalow, bunglelow, bugalow, bongulo, bungalowe, bungolow, Bungalo, bungaloa, boulow, bounglow, bullow, bunglo, bungilow, boungalow exploitative: exploititive squirting: squrting give: giv, gurp, gefe, gerf, gere, gav, gof, haf, gre, geve, cife, giff, gef, gife, going, git, giave, gif, gave laughs: laughes honey: hunny, hony surveyor: surveyer unforgettable: unforgetorfell, unforgatealbe, unforgettle, onforgetable, unforget-able, unforget, unforgetabal, a_forgetha_ball, unforgeteful, ufor_getible, anforgetabul, unforggetable, unforgetably, and_for_pall, uneforars_bele, un_forgeter_bole, unfor, unforgeterble, unforrgettable, under_a_asst, unforgeterply, anforgotable, uforgetle, unforgetine, anuforflit, unforgetedl, unforgetbl, unforgettible, forngetable, unforgetabale, unforgetable, unforgettalbe, un_for_getterbl, unfor_gettoble, unforgetterbull, ufor_get, unforgattable, unforgetteable, unforgeable, unforgetful, undforgetall, uforgettable, unfergetable, exfigetable, unforgetrel, ufor_getble, unforgetterball, ungletevel, on_for_getey, unforgeterbol, nonformgetele, unforgeterld, anfergeterball, uforgetable, unfor_geterble, unforegetably, unforgeterfall elicited: elicided trouble-maker: trouble_maker answer: anewer, aneser, oncer, asow, answear, arenser, aresor, raser, ansow, onel, soned, ansor, awrear, aurses, anuncer, awserw, anir, arnser, wsr, snrer, arwer, areraer, arser, awrer, ansar, awar, awrsen, ansaw, sdaseare, asoare, ahter, asir, ass, asr, asat, arense, amswer, ansir, anuer, anwers, anwenser, answere, dnser, anwres, anseres, asres, arnson, ander, arwser, arwner, ancry, awnser, anerser, awner, anseaw, enar, aseod, rus, sahen, anserw, ansrew, aswer, rher, sare, anwser, usu, arswer, aunser, arnce, asserd, senses, ansewer, anbewer, asnwer, aweser, asure, arared, than, rsr, faan, hanser, ancrer, us, aner, aruntr, aas, ansier, ansoar, amser, iret, aswerd, aswere, ansur, ancer, arsis, ansower, as, yaohtte, aunes, ans, ansure, amecu, arncer, rson, eanwer, awser, also, ansew, ansawer, anser, awer, ansire, anwer, aser, ansr, answrs, arswo, uset, asaser, anse, a, awenser, arsh, unser, arsor aboard: abroard replacing: replaci abuts: abutts summary: sumary run_away: runaway prowls: prouls curiosity: curioosty, curosity, cerousity, cour, customary, curiusoty, curiocity, couriousty, couriousity, curecosity, quriosity, curousisty, curoty, currosity, curiouity, curriousity, courosity, crisious, courisouty, curorcy, coursity, curitosity, curiosities, curiostey, curiouscy, curiostic, curiousite, cureosity, curiousy, curosiety, queosity, curocity, coutsage, curiousity, curyocity, curosisty, curouity, curiosty, courisoty, curiosisity, querisity, couresoty, couriosoty, funny, curiosoty, querosity, curozity, couroyousity, courisoity, couriosity, quoriocity, churisoty, cureosaty, curiocuty, security, curiosy, qurosity, croucastie, quinicity, curisioty, couresty, curousatiy, curioctity, couresasty, cousyosty, courisity, couristory, cureousity, chouresty, courousity, curiousty, curisoty schoolchildren: school_children president: presedent phial: fiel ambivalent: ambivilant purchase: perchase guerilla: guerrila attempt: attemt, atempt substructures: subsructures third: thrid*2, their, therd, thurd, firld idiosyncrasy: idiocyncracy fungi: funguses capitalism: capa fictitious: fictitous, fictious, ficticious frequent: freequent goodbye: good-by, goodby*2, good_bye inhabitant: habitant operate: opperate exhorted: exorted operations: operatins toads: roads ghastly: gastly post_office: postoffice copyright: copywrite before: we_fo, befoer*2, befrou, berfore, bef_for, berofe, prony, befour, befoure, b_for, pefore, befor*5, be_fore, pefor, befro, beefore, bfor, be_for*3, for fun-loving: fun_loving polygamy: poligamy blackened: blackend crew: crow, crue better: beter*2, beththe, metter, bet*2 weeks: week*2 confidently: cond vigorous: vigourous*2 combination: combanation girlfriend's: girl_friend unemployed: uminblyed, unempolyed, uninpiod, unploder, enumployed, unimployed, uninployd, unempoled, unpole, unipiord, uneyed, unyep, unployed, umbempoy, unterpoid, umpoyed, unpalled, unpoulyed, unenployed, unibloyed, annepld, unepyld, uninplord, uploperd, unemployed, auninpeld, unmped, unely, uninbud, amped, uninepould, unemploy, uninplerd, uninploed, un, ininblid, uninployed, unemploeyded caterpillar: catterpilar well-educated: well_educated indulge: indulgue eyas: eyars leaner: leanr grammar: grammer*3 meat: meet arrested: erested roast: rost discipline: disiplin, disciplyn, disipline, disapline, discpline went: whenet, want, whent*3, wend*2, when*2, wen*3, wen't, weth, wit, wetn, wet*6, wot, wnet, wens, sent loneliness: lonelyness*2 bone: bowen, bon bond: bound interruption: interuption principles: princepels, primcoples, principuls, principal's, principaeles, princples, prinicpales, princeples-, priciples, prinsipals, preniple, princibles, principals, principle's, primicples, principales, principls, princaples, principels, princpial, princapals, prinipals, Principles, principle, principl, principiles taught: tuaght, tort, thourght, teached*2, tought, thers forgot: frogot, foregot navy: navey clauses: causes dawn: down, daun velvet: velvit revolting: revoulting content: contant, conitent, containt reader: reder surprise: surprice, surprize, suprize, suprise*2 dress-rehearsals: dress_rehearsals grease: greas, gres rehearsed: rehersed whiff: wift deceived: decieved revenge: reveng proportionality: proportionallity struggle: stra, strugle mistress: misstress swimming: swim, swmmer, swiming*2, swming, smiwing shaggy: sagi, sker, shay, shabby, shucking, shaky, sag, shard, sae, sagy, shgge, shape, shake, shog, sags, schagg, say_ey, shaging, shab, sarpey, carkey, snab, shakky, shagy, saring, shagg, shage, sath, shge, shaged, shag_ed, sahger, shaggey, shgy, shagged, sage, sindaing, shagie, shggy, sack, shager, shiged, shagey, skakay, shuge, shaby, thagy, saggy, sagey, shaggs, sharbder, shedy, sager, sang, sairce, shagge, shagging, taing, shacke starts: start, starst, startes needlework: needle_work, needleen_work, needlwork, neddlework signature: signeture, signure, sinicature, signasure, sicnicher, sirr, signater, sinchare, sinncher, siginture, sinature, signatge, signeter, sichnetur, signucher, seacer, signture, siniture, sigeng, signiger, sighlingh, siknitur, sigerch, signitia, signcher, signicture, sicnitsure, singniture, signatur, signertter, cignature, signita, sighniture, signicher, sigant, scnicyre, singnature, signuste, signiter, signiture, signercher, singture, sengher, signecher, siguture, signinture, sigtuare, sin, signiature, sigher, signener, sigeture, syintur, signer, sigantate, singnucher, signtire, signachor arrived: arrive, arived*2 boarders: borders user: uers playwright: playwrite*3 grade: gread, grad hoop: hop hook: hock, hok disappearing: dissapearing Commentary: Comentary immensely: emmenly, imensley, ameasly, imnensly, emeansly, emensely, emensley, enemly, emensaly, imencly, imincely, emenly, emancely, immesly, eminsly, emesly, enem, emencley, immensaly, emansly, Imencily, emensly, emincely, immense, emmensly, inmencly, emsilly, emensouly, emmecialy, imensily, emmensely, emmicly, immensley, emencally, eminsily, emsinosly, emnencilly, enmacly, emensily, immensly, immencely, emencially, immesely, emently, immenly, emencily, imenscly, emencely, immencly, innensely, imensely, imensly, emencelly, immencily, immennsly, emenscly, emisely, immencially, emencialy, emenselly, imminsely, emencly, iminsly, immensity, enemsily ditch: dich*3, dicth monotonous: monotonouse, monotinous acquaint: aquaint girls: gerls, girles, girl*4, gril, grils Monkeys: Munces wander: wonder fiery: firey*2, firery occasioned: ocasioned, ocassioned, occassioned gym: jin, gymn, jym, gyms push-bicycle: pusbycile somewhat: somwhat peculiar: peculter, pecuiler, puvler, puclour, prlular, pelal, perculior, pecualer, becler, akoler, pesioner, pecuilea, pcaule, pequlear, piculer, beguleya, puculeya, puclaur, purculer, piqurlier, peculure, perculer, bracire, peculear, perculier, picolor, pequalia, biculyer, polaral, beyculer, polie, perqul, percula, pecular, peculiur, becucula, pecol, paculiar, bthe, peciail, perculiar, proculiar, be, pircaular, pecuial, peciular, perculear, piculiar, pecalu, peulet, plant, parcular, peqlal, proge, picular, purcular, peocleor, pequlea, pecale, berquer, piguler, pur, pecallar, peculier, picooler, partcullar, pecquilar, peclier, parculiar, pequlliy, pea, peaularer, plower, peculior, piculiuar, perculyer, piciuliu, pecurleya, pucela, pecuilar agriculturist: agriculturalist begins: begines distance: distants desiccated: dessicated anxiety: aniaty, anxioucy, ang, angisity, anixity, axiety, anxity, ansisity, anxietty, anxiciety, angzitity, anciticty, ansiety, anziaty, angity, anziote, exanity, angisiaty, anicity, anexity, exzity, exitey, anziety, anxiouty, ancioty, anzealy, eangitly, angzity, angsiety, angisiety, anxiously, aniety, angziaty, anziite, ansiaty, agasity, ainiaty, ansitty, angeiety, anxiousity, anxioutly, anxioty, ansir, angienty, anxiaty, axieaty, anaxiety, anzitee, ansight, ansiazaty, anieity, angzietay, axxiety, angziety, anguisity, aniexty, anisaty, anzaitty, anysiaty, angseit, engity, agsity, angaisty, anxiousemy, ansixy, anxieety, angsity, ancity, inisity, anicty, angciaty, ansxeity, anyzity, angzetily, angsyity, anzenty, anzity bureaucracy: buracracy, burracracy, beaurocracy*2, burocracy preparation: prepartion, preperation matter: mater*4, matr, mather persuade: perswade, pursuade*2, persuede silly: sily, siley spoiled: spoled wielded: weilded sees: see palace: palce, place rattle: ratle modern: moden, morden, moderne mind: minde, mined, mide mine: mind, my*2, min seed: sede, sed seen: seeen, see, sean, sen seem: sunthe, smem, somm, sea, sam, seep, samer, shem, som, seane, shim, sean, seam, seen, sem, shoem, san, esses, sama, sep, same, mem, siem, sheem, goohet, smeem, hean, sime, mayt, seame, seme, sema, sor, sim, sm, ceme, sein obviously: obviosly seek: seak tells: tels, telles expeditions: expiditions Albert: Ab divulge: devulge chest: cheast niece: neice*3 shining: shinning*2, shineing*2, shinig monkey-puzzle: monkey_puzzle phonograph: phongraph mashed: mash impurities: impurite translator: translater regular: regluar, reguler iterate: interate Jacques: Jaques observation: observeation alarm: arlarm, alam Philippine: Phillipine dog: doog, dag*2 definitely: definatily, diffinetly, defentenly, deffenatly, diffinently, tephenaton, deffinently, defanetely, definitatly, defeninately, definetley, defenly, definite, deftinately, defently, defitiantley, definatenly, diffinitly, deficiently, diffinally, definate, diffintaly, definatilly, deffenitly, defenetly, defenely, definitlly, difinatly, defiantly, definitly*2, deafadently, deafinaly, definttally, definantly, deffinetely, defitiny, deffinitelly, difanently, definately*3, deffinatelly, definitily, defiently, difanally, defencity, deffinitely, definitaly, defenitely, deafinatly, definely, definitally, defionately, definatly*2, definaly, definetly*2, definently, deffinatly, defennently, diffineatily, defenately, defenlly, definialy, defenatly, deffentaily, difinitely, deffinately, defaully, definatlly, definitlalty, diffinatly, deffinity, definetely principle: priciple, principl, principal parenthesis: parenthasis, paranthesis consumer: consummer, comsumer annoyed: anoyed, enoyed urgency: urgu nice-looking: nice_looking discontent: discontentment selected: celected, salected my_way: may sows: sow visitor: vistor retire: retier cake: cakes, calke, kack, ckea, cakend, clak, cak, perple, kacke, caka, cack, ckan attempts: attemts supplied: suplied sneaking: sneking*3 weekends: weekend, week_ends cripple: criple half_past: upat, harfparst remittance: rementance, remimitens, remitsis, remitane, remuttance, remirtense, rimitence, remitest, remiton, remittence, amitined, remmitance, remitense, remitance, remittonse, remitens, remitence, remintence, remiten, rimitance, rementens, nemintease, remites, remetance, remitested, reminence, remittens, rement, remitinse folks: foks, fokes, follcs, so-folk, folk's, polks, quotes, focks, folkes, phockus, folks', foucks, folk inventor: inventer wearing: whering, wa, weary stop: shop, stpo, stap perceive: perseem, preceased, perciveden, perceved, presive, perseave, preceve, pieced, perserve, percede, perceve, persieved, prcede, perseve, perceeve, proceive, previous, preceed, pecieve, purscieve, percived, persee, preceive, procceed, perceed, percieved, perscieve, perseed, persieve, perceieve, perceived, perceave, perceiv, procede, percive, precieve, perceivieived, perseived, percieve, percced, perseive coast: cost, caost tidied: tiyeded bat: bate, bet fields: fileds, fiels illegitimate: illegitmate, illegitament bad: bed architecture: archetecture, aratictature, aricticure ears: ers decides: descides fascinating: facinate, facinatung, facinateing, vascinating, fasanating, fasating, vasationing, faccinaty, fasionating, facisnating, fasceniating, faucinating, facination, fasignating, fascinanting, vacinating, fascinateingly, fasunating, fasinately, fascicaneting, fascinated, vasinating, fasinate, fasenitaing, vaciating, afasting, fastinating, fasinating, fatnating, fasinatly, vasinaing, fascenating, facinatting, facinating, fascinateing, vascanting, facisinating, facanating, facanationty, fastening, fausinating, fasicinateing, facasenating, festinating, fastened, facl, fastanating, basnating, fasenating, facinatly, vasintiting, fecinating, fastenating, faccinating, falcity, fiascinating, fasinatting, fascisnating imitate: immitate decided: desided*3, decider, dicided, dicide, descided, dicider, disided interruptions: interuptions thermawear: thermawere, thermawhere subject: subjects, subgect, sugest, subjuct voyage: voage said: seiad, sed*3, z, seid*2, sald*3, sad, sede, siad*6, surs, sidn*5, sid*4, sind, sedn, sied, ded, side, sent, sead inappropriate: inappropiate, innapropriate scrap: scarp, skrap sail: sall, sale artificial: artefishel, artifical*2 summaries: sumarys there's: theirs, there, theres*5 embroidery: embrodery simplest: simlest tolerance: tolerence, tollerance lazy: lasy ignorance: ignorence weary: wery beautician: beutician cousin: courson, couson picking: piking suggested: uggested, sugested, sugjested maneuvers: manuevers, manouvers resistant: resistent uncertainty: uncertainity against: again, aginst, aganst, agianst, agenst, againter prefabricated: prefabrecated protection: protecktion, proction, protaction cartilage: cartilege, cartilidge contribution: conibation presumably: presumibly appeared: appeard, appered guaranteed: guarrnteed, gareentied, guartud, gaureintee, guaranteeds, guarrente, guarnenteed, garatined, garateed, garentied, gaurteened, gurented, gaurnteed, gruantee, garenteory, garrantied, grananteed, gauranteed, garnateed, guarantee, garanteed*2, garranted, garuanteed, garentee-ed, gauranted, garantee, garinteed, granatee, gurnetted, guranteed*2, garaintie, garenteeds, gaurtanee, garanteet, guarented, guarentee, garrentee, garrented, garentie, guarantied, guarnteeded, guarrenteed, guarinteed, guarintee, guarenteed*2, garrantee, guarentied, guarnted, guarntee, garaunteed, guareenteed, guarrantee, garintet, garenteed, quarentee, gaurontied, garunteed, gartantie, garentee, carnentied, ganuntee, gaurntee, garantied, garantiee, guaranted, garnteed, gaurantee, guarnteed, guarranteed, guarrentee, gearnt, genanted, gaurenteed, guaraunteed height: hieyth, hit, hite, heigth, highed, heit, hieght, higt, hight, fight, high, hid, higth, hait, heighth*2 hygiene: hygeine*2 springs: spring accustom: acustom*2 proceeded: proceded*2 puts: pos basis: bases three: threee*2, thee*2, there, tree erect: ereck milieu: mileu, mileau commission: commision*2, comission, comision detrimental: detremental interest: insteret, interested, inturest, intrest*2 basic: basects, bisic entered: enteard, entred, enterd*2, enter lovely: loverly, lovyley, lovey, lovley, lovly formalized: formallized threw: through*2, throw, frow, thowed prosperous: prosperes, prosperious quantities: quanties dismiss: dismess afternoons: after_noons, evetunes decrepit: decrepid tapping: tappin Stuart: Sturt aviation: avation regretted: ungreaded, regreeted, regerted, Regreted, regarded, receted, redricted, regretite, regreted, regetted, requeted, regeted, regreated, regated, regrected, unregereted, gregrated, recorrected censored: censorsored exception: exeption, ecception guarantees: guarentees able-bodied: able_bodied spontaneously: spontaneos near: ner, nere*3 suppose: surpose*2, sopose, serpose, supose*2 aeroplane: aroeplane, airaplane, earoplanes, arpa, aroplane, arepain, aeplan, airplane, areplane, eoroplane, areoplane, air_plane, aireplane, airoplan, aenoenplane, aerplana, aeoroplane, aearoplane, airoplane, earoplane, oroplane, plane, ereplun, areaplane, airplan, arinlan, aira_plan, aereoplane, aroplaned, arepalane, arplane, eiroplane, areapanle, arioplan reconnaissance: reconaissance, reconnaissence balance: ballance, blance, balence employees: employt, employs, emploiees, inployee, empolyees, imployese, employese, employee's, emploees, employe's, employes, Employees, imployees, employee, emploes, emploies, employees', employeies, employeis, employers, emplaryes, imployes, employmes, employ, employies spawn: sporn*2 cane: cain*3, kane, can, came metropolitan: metropolitian is: his, as, us, it, si, in it: hit*2, i, is*2, she, et, its, il cant: cant in: i, is, it, im, with, if mouse: moues disappear: disapear, dissapear*2, dissappear*2 if: is, it grown: groon, groun growl: grawl, groul Hong_Kong: Honk_Kong bottles: battels specialization: sececialization parish: poshurst make: amke, made, mkea, mkae, mak, mank, mack*3 waterworks: water_works potentially: potentialy unfortunate: infortiune, unfortnate, unfortuate, unfortunitate, unfortenat, unforetunate, unfortune, unfortunated, umforturant, unfurtunate, unfortionate, enfortunate, unfortunte, infortant, unfornate, anfortunate, unfortent, unfortunat, unfotunae, unformenant, unfournate, unfortanate, unfortunet, unfortumate, uafotunat, unfortument, unforunate, unfortuonate, unfortuneate, unfortunante, unfortiant, unfortinate, unportantion, unfortuant, unfortuanate vegetable: vegitable, vegatable colonies: collonies evolve: evolved delight: delite lonesome: lonsome, lomesome supposing: suposing jealous: jealeaus, jelous opportunity: oppotunity, opertunity, oportunity, opputunity, oppertunity, opperttunity thoughts: thought, thorts, thoughs butter: budter, buder, buter, budr emissary: emmisarry, emmisary programs: progroms practices: prat qualities: quaties diphthong: diphtong, dipthong claims: claimes yours: you, yourns, yors left: life, felt, lost, lifet, lave, laft, leavet, lerft, leaft, lenght, lift*2, let, leat, lite, lfet, levet, leaved, if consciousness: conciousness*2 sentence: sentance serviette: serviet Blitzkrieg: Blitzkreig human: humon, humen facts: fas yes: yess*2, yet, yas yet: yat, yeth candidate: candiate, candadate, canditate, canidate infinitely: infinitly assassination: assasination character: charcter, charickter, charachter, carachter, characte, caracter Boss: Bos wretch: wrech save: safe*2 scatty: scanty paper_boats: paperboats background: back_ground performance: performecs, performence*2 dreams: dreasm shoulder: shouldda, sholder visible: visior, vesiable, visibale, visiable, visable*2, visuable, phisical, vissable, usuable, visuble, visitable, vissible, visibal, visibabe, vesible, vessiable manual: manuel unnecessary: unecessary*2, innecessary, unnecesary, unneccessary, unessessay deal: deel, dael somehow: some_how dead: ded metallurgic: metalurgic dear: daer, der, deer, dead amiable: aimyable, aimmiable, ameably, imapeal, amaiable, amianable, aimible, aniable, aminable, aimiable, amible, amieable, amyable, iamialable, aimealable, ameable, amimable, aimeuball, anyable, amicable, alienable, abaimable, amabull, ammeiable, aimabial, amibiable, ameial, annilable, ammiable, aimable, amioble, aimuble, ammible, aimeualable, amable, aimabable, aimaible, aineable, ammibable, aviable, anniable, amuable, aimiably, amenable, aimuable, bresenaple, emiable, animalable, amim, ammidal, aimnabul, aimeable, alliable, aviaval, ameble, amably, alibable, ameiable, kindly, aimeble, amuabile, amnable, amnible, animable, amyiable, aimably, anemable, aimeible, aninably, ammyable, emeable, amigably tripped: trip separately: seperately*2 dense: dence*2 theatre: theather*2 carts: cartes fountain-pens: fountain_pens prairies: praires, prares burn: brun*2, birn prayer-book: prayerbook sleigh: sliegh, slay protagonist: protaganist Apennines: Appenines, Apenines keeper: kepper bury: beary, berry flourished: florished vaginas: virginas flourishes: fluorishes Maltese: maltesian afternoon: after-noon, after_noon, afternon craftsman: craftman commit: comit marshal: marshall automatically: autoamlly nerve: nurve, her, nearve anointing: annointing formerly: formally intellectual: intelliatenal, intrulectual, intellutual, intalectual, intelegual, intellicual, intellectiole, intulectual, inelectual, intelengle, intectual, interrectular, enticual, intellictal, intolectiuial, intilectual, intoslate, intoletual, intellecurl, inliteectual, intellectoul, interelletual, inteluctial, intullictual, intellectional, inlectical, intelatual, intellectunal, intelictual, innectional, inelectly, entiligual, intellectel, intillectial, inteletial, enolectual, incollectual, intellecaul, interlectible, inerlecsheal, intellegual, intullectule, interlectial, intilactial, intuatuall, intictual, intectical, intellictual, entilectual, intillectual, intelectiaal, intoilectioal, interlatual, intelletwel, intolectual, intellecual, innolectual, intelliectual, interlectual, intelectual*2, intellual, Interlecturcel, intolochal, intellectial, intelluctual, emalaptactural, intillatual, intillectral, intelluctial, interxable, intilectial, entinlectinal, intellectal, intetuction, etellitual, intallexual, intiuctule, enteriall, intrleclual, intilitual, intellcial, incolling, intelltuial, entueactual, intille, intellectuals, interlect down: dont, donw*2, done*2, dewn, dawn, dowe, doun, dun, wen, bown, dus, den, dan, de, dome, dwon, don, town, ben, bonw, dowen, sank lies: lise, lis lieu: liew insult: insolt, inselt frightened: frighted, friened, frighten, firtend, fitund, frigtend, foat, frinend, frieted, fry_tuned, fridend, frighen, frinted, fine, furten, frietend, frightined, afraid, fritin, fadt, frithend, fiton, frightend*2, freighted, friten, fitte, frindened, fiten, filih, farid, frited, frightended, fin, findey, frittend, fritend, firett, fitad, fitn, frighatend, frita, rition, farn, fat, fightend, fandt, fled, fritond, pritened, flont, frighend, hritend, fitter, fritnd, firding, fiteurned, frtrd, frietde, fitend, friteaned, firted, frinden, frittened, fittode, fritened, frighterd, friented, frigtened annoyance: anoines, annoience, anoynas, announs, annoynce, anoyance, annoieance, anioence, annoance, annoyience, anoinois, annoys, anonance, annonience, unoiense, amnoiance, annouance, announence, anonyance, annoence, anounce, annoiance, anoyianse, anlouince, annoyence, annonyance, announce, enoience, anounces, annonce, annoyounce, anyance, anouance, anoiance, annouses, annoinse, annoinance, annouyous, annouence, announance, enoince, ennayance, enoyance, anoianes, annoiences, annoyancy, anoisen, anoyence, annoyon, anvonance, annoince, anailnae, anouyance, announces, anoience, anoints, anoynance stump: stomp initial: intial, inital, intital, enitial jealousy: jelousy approximate: abpricate, aproxmate, apporcimate, aprominate, aprocatmate, approxament, appamate, approxomate, appoximate, approciamate, approimaze, approximately, aproxamate, aprocmate, approckmate, approxcimate, approsamate, apoximate, approcomate, approcremate, opproxomant, appoccimate, appocimate, appromate, aproximent, approxamante, approcksament, approcamate, approckiate, approsumate, aprocsamate, approxemate, opproximate, approxamite, approxiament, aprocamate, approcsiment, approcimate, approxcmate, aproxsimate, aproserate, approxiamte, apporoxinate, approxamate, opproxamate, approxmate, approxinate, aproximate, abrusimate, appromuite, aprocimant, approccmate, prosmate, appromimate, appronaxied, approximant, approvimate, approxiate, approiximate, oppracnate, approximent, apromate let-down: let_down deckchair: deck_chair fork: falk, forke starve: stave undergrowth: undergroth form: fawn, muom, fawm, rom, then, arlheen, fowm, fone, ferm, foht, fown, froem, faner, feme, fame, from, for, fron, torn, forem, vom, faing, fom, frame, foom, forn, farm, foam, fouru, fore, fome, fomerm, foar, froom, mom, fam, fomr*2, ford, fomt, findm, forme, foorm, thorn, thon, frume, fofam January: Januery analyse: analiss failure: falure, failer surrender: surender fort: fought lilies: lillies, lilys pavilion: pavillion attached: atached, attacked bounds: bound whiskey: wiskey*3 horrifying: horrifiring propaganda: properganda, propoganda unenlightened: unenlightend semicolon: semi-colon Franciscan: Fransiscan sale: sail fashioned: fashion awhile: awile authoritative: authorative generally: generaly*2, generly handed: hang, haned mediaeval: medeival model-making: model_making house_point: housepoint felt: falt fell: fill, fall*2 died: dide, diad*3, ded, deid happening: happing, hapening apology: appolizy, apolygy, apologies, appalegye, apologize, abology, apohlyage, opolyye, appologey, opoligoy, aployage, opology, aplogy, apolajoy, apolagie, appology*2, apolegy, opplige, appologize, apologey, apolige, appolige, apolagy, apogizly, apolage, apoligy, appoligy, apoliger, appolegy, opoligy, apoligie, appolyize, apolyge, apoladgy, apobyg, appolagy, appolage, apalogy, apolgy, apologe, apologig, apolgize, apologie potato: potatoe, poatato assume: asume, assoon daily: daly*2 jacket: jaket teeth: teth, theeat, theeth profits: proffits managed: manged ex-policewoman: ex-police_woman woodwork: wood_work skip: scip, skep relieve: releive*2 manager: manger, maneger*3 mile: mill skin: scin mill: mil, nill abundant: abundent targeted: targetted milk: mike, milke retention: retentiaon anticipation: antapacation, atipicatience, antiscipation, anticipating, elligation, ansipration, anticapation, antisipation, antisapation, antissipation, inticipition, antispataion, anticipitation, antisepation, antisapason, antispation, antisphacient, antictapion, antipation, antcipation, atisipation, anticipate, anticption, antecipation, aticipation, antesipation, anticepation technique: tecnique father: farthar, farther*2 micrometers: me answered: ansered, aswered, anwerd, answerd finally: fianlly, finely, finarley, finially, finaly*2 appendicitis: appendicitus analogous: analagous*2, analogeous shoot: shot*2 string: sting permissive: permmasivie contemporary: contamporary, contempory, contemporaneus advised: adviced*2 governments: goverments dim: dime did: do, ded*2 die: di, de, diy*2, dy, dye, diea dig: dige, deg accidentally: accidently*3 item: tiem excellence: excelence round: rond, aroud, arornd, roid, a_rone, rownd, rod, arond, ronud, rund, aroid, roud, a_round, rom, aroad, around talked: taked, talk, tork, talekd dealing: deling pregnancies: pregancies villi: villin threshold: threshhold eating: eting genitalia: genialia favour: faver*2 international: internation*2, niternational filled: filld, fild tunnel_like: tunnellike proclaiming: proclaming guardian: gardening, guadian, garndene, gurriden, gardean, guardin, gaurdian, guardine, gardine, guardend, gargean, gardiun, guardien, gardeian, gaurdane, gardein, gauadian, gardien, gordeam, guarden, gardener, garden, gardenin, gardan, guardeon, gardian, guartien, gardinen, guardeun, gardinan, guirdean, quardian, gardin, gradean, guardean, guarding, guardain, garddein, gaurdain, gardeane, guaradine, guardeen, guadean, gaurdine, gurdian, gaudian clerk: cleark, clerck, clark appetites: appatites criticizing: critisizing, critising decipher: decypher wait: waite, wat, want, weight, wate*2 box: bax boy: buy, bay exemplified: exemplyfied institute: instute odour: oder simultaneous: similtanous, simultanous suggestion: sugestion raccoon: reccona conveniently: conven, conveiniently, conveinently, conventialy, convenously, convenyently, convinalty, convenatly, conveniontly, conventiently, conveniately, connviently, conviently, convienately, convienuntly, convieniently, convenently, convienentely, convienally, conviantly, conveyencly, conveinetly, convienly, convenient, convenlient, convieners, conviniently, convenity, convenetly, convienient, conivenently, convientley, convienently, convenionty, convienetly, convinently, convenecily, conventely, convenialy, conventily, conciently, convienyanly, convienantly, convenietly, convenienty, convently, conveniantly, convenitaly, convienintly, convenuntly, convinenent, convience, conventiely, conventially, connveniently, convenientally, convenientely, convenlty, convenientily, conveintly, convenintly, conveiently, convenily, conveantly, convientally shook: shok, shock, shuk genuinely: genuinly elect: ellect merely: merly, mearly flexibility: felxibility licensing: licencing sandpit: sand_pit, sand_pitt everybody: every_bodies, evry_dody, event_bold, every_body, ever_body, evey_bod, everbody, evey_bady, evey_bodey, everebody wealth: wealh, welth sake: sack uncritical: uncritiacl labyrinth: labrynth acceptable: ackeptable, acetable, exceptible, axeptable, ackseptable, axceptable, actsepterable, actable, ackceptable, Acceptable, ecceptable, acseptable, acceptiable, actceptable, exseptable, excepteable, exactible, actseptable, exsestible, exceptable, acceptible*2, aceptable, acceptably, aceptible, acksecetable, axceptiable, exsaptible, exceptial, accepball, asseptable, exzeptable curriculum: corriculem, curicculum rigid: riged archaeologists: archeaologists effort: affort, efort, efford, effert fly: fli, flay, fie androgynous: androgenous soul: sole soup: suop, sup entrepreneurs: entrepeneurs growing: groing making: amking, makeing, mkaing, macking arrive: arive nearest: nearst*2, nerest crazy: crasy*2 agent: agant sample: sampel drawer: draw council: counsel*2, cousall, countel, counsall beverley: beverly*3 teachers': tcher, teaches stick-insects: stickin-sects necklaces: necklesses pine: pin chemical: chemcial, chemicall till: tile, utill, tell sunday: sunbay, sundays, suntday, sonday pure: pur revolutionized: revolutionised persuasion: persausion pathway: parth_way map: mape staying: staing mat: mate, nat may: many, nay designed: diznd, dessigned, desienged, desin, disigined, desighned, dishighend, diesined, desent, disaned, desthy, desighed, diszined, dizenhan, disignhed, disinged, disigned, decily, desingd, desine, desind, desing, disined, desineded, desinde, disighnd, disend, desead, dizsand, desgined, disniged, deseigned, disighed, desiened, dinsd, desid, disned, distied, desinded, dicind, desinged, disingned, dizined, desigen, dingled, desinden, disinde, desingned, disenged, desinge, desigened, desined, deisdined, design, disignd, desingend, dend destructive: distructive*2 grow: gro, gow, grows, grwo man: may, men, nan, mand, manh*2, mae, main, mann fantasia: phantasia neck: knect, nek, nice, nakie, naker, nack, ned, neak, nec, neke, neks, nuck, nact, nak, nech, neack, mack, nest, kneck maybe: mabe, may_be tale: tail Welsh: Wesh switch: swich jail: jale, jaell, gail deposit: deposite deceive: decive, decieve basket: barscket, basckek, baskek tall: toll talk: torck, tallk, take, tork, toke Mississippi: Missisippi, Missisipi shield: sheld, sheild wishing: wiching pitch: pice, pich*2, picth group: groupe monitor: montor, moniter interesting: interresting, interisting, intresting satyr: sotyr maid: made Guatemala: Guatamala policy: polisy, pilicy, polocy mail: mall, male main: mine, many, mane*2, maine clean-smelling: clean_smelling primitives: primatives adjacent: adjacnt, ajacent sooner: soner, sonner*2 titillate: titalate leopards: lepers killed: kill*4, kild*4, killd*3, kid*2 developments: develepment possess: possis, Progress, posesse, posesses, pssess, posse, poscess, poccess, passess, prossess, poseses, pose, pocss, possibse, prosess, poses, pocess, possesse, posess*2, poscessed, posis, pocesis, posses attorneys: attorney, attournies, attourny, attornnies, atternies, aturneys, attorney's, atterinies, atorneys, atterenys, atturneys, aternies, attornies, attoronies, attorneis, atturnies, atterneys, attorneies, attorny's, atournys, attournys, attornties, attourneys, aturning, attourneis, attornites, attonereys, attornys, attorniies, attornenies, attourney's, aturnyes, atternys, atourneys, attoneys, atturney-, attournyes, attornyes truthful: truthfull enlargements: enlargments peasant: peasent careless: carless rock: roke, rok scheme: sceam, scheem, sceme pernickety: pernicety tobogganing: tobboganing girl: gril, guirl, girll, gell requesting: reqiesting, recesting, reguesting, resqueting, rekesting, regersting, requeting, requsting, requisting, reqesting, intresting, recresting, weute, recqest, rectesting, wequasting, recquseing, regwesting, wering, reacrine, regresding, recwesting, racing, eceoseting, requstuing, reqsting, resting, resceping, reguseing, recgising, rescing, requsteng, resing, recueced, reqasting, equesting, regesting, recreding, reqeuting, reath, regusting living: liveing, ly stitch: stich interference: inteference, intereference stupid: spoped, stupied, stuped correct: correcte, corect registries: regsirties asymptote: asentote earlier: erlyer, earlyer brooks: brookes spies: spys screaming: skreeming light_year: lightyears, lightyear cough: caugh advance: addvance, at underwear: underware language: langwage, languge, langauge, laguage ministry: ministery listings: listsings contented: containte, contei, contenler, contenti, cometente, conten, contente, conti, kutere, contempe, untite, contante, comted, konten, contentded, contended, contened, contene, conntente, contned, contet, conteted, comtente, contenr, contemti, contanted, cotente, containted, kontente, cantente, stepl, cuntente, connented, contentie, continse, nurrishmen, cantenti, conteated, curtente, continente, contentred, contende, kontene, canlente, contempted, conte, cote, contme, contate, contaned, contenten, conteide, contentied, cat, cortened, contete, contendid thing: then, thign, things, ting, thng, thnig, think*2, thin think: tihkn, thank, thingk, thinke, thiunk, thing*4, thikn, thick, tink*2, thinck waited: wated*2, whated first: firts, furst, frest, irst, frist, fast, ferst, fist, firt cheese: chees, chease fast: fas, fat, farst*2 carry: cary sounds: soudns extrovert: extrevert little: lital, tittel, litte*2, lettel, littel*2, littl, litl, lette, littal, littele, litel, lettle, litle anyone: any_on, any_one*2, enyone, any_own, eney_one moisture: mosture rebuttal: rebutal speaking: speking, speacking, speeking, seking we're: where, were*2 eyes: eyey, eye*2, iyes*2 exoskeleton: exoskelaton adjourned: ajourn, adjurend, ajurened, adjoured, adjoined, adjurned, aguran, adjurion, ajumede, ajorn, adjorn, adjorned, adjouirned, ajurin, agerm, ajorned, adyerned, achered, ajourned, adjerned, adjern, agreened, addjurned, ajurend, adgerned, adjurn, adjourn, adjouned, adjorened, acjjoriened, adjurden, adjournaled, ajormed, ajuned loneliest: lonlest continuous: continiouse, continues, continuoes, continueous, continius, continouous, contitionous, contnuas, continuaous, contionus, contenuus, continencious, continueaus, continuious, countious, continnuous, continuess, continos, coninuous, continuas, contineious, continouis, contuous, continual, countinueous, contunious, continuance, continus, continuos, continouise, continious, continous*2, contineous accurately: accruately broadcast: bradcast Luke's: Luks singsong: singsog undoubtedly: undoubtavely, undoubthly, undobtabily, undoubtly, undovt, undolley, undoutadly, undotaley, undouplably, undoubtaly, undoughtedly, undoubtely, undoutedly, unduitable, undoughtably, ontable, undoubttedly, undoubtadley, undoubtiably, undoutively, undoubtetly, undoutbablly, undotedaly, undoughtly, undoubtatly, undoubtalady, undouptaly, undoubttily, undoubtoadly, undoubtal, undoubtadly, undoubtaially, undottedly, undoubatly, indoubladly, undotally, undoublably, undoubtablly, ondoutally, undoubledly, undoutetly, undoutly, adoubtadly, undoubtlly, undoubt, undoubtley, undoutably, undoubtally, undoubtidly, undotaly, udoubtly, undoubty, ontotadly, undoubtealy, undoubtable, undaughtly, undoubaly, undoubtily, undoutaly, undoubtel, undoubtably, undobtedly, undoubted, undoubledy, undoubly infiltrate: infilitrate dukedom: dukeship goddesses: godesses sailing: saling scraping: scarping, srapes, sraping, srapping, scrape, skacking, sqraping, craning, sarper, scrating, sharpeing, cashes, spaing, scruping, caping, shrapping, scappieg, craping, scapping, saping, spraping, meching, sramping, straping, scaping, shaping, scraysing, scaching, scarpping, scrapping, scrapeing, skaing sick-room: sick_room knives: kinfe venture: vanture were: wree, wur, yer, whir, wre, wher*2, wer, wey, whey, was, war, we, wain, waer, here, wear, weer, why, wore, wont, went, werh, where*3 tractor: trator lick: like, lik villein: villin nuisances: nusuces occupied: occuppied, ocupied speakers: spaekers efficient: efficent, efficienct, effecient*2, efficat answering: ansewering, aswering, ansering consortium: consorcium squad: sqird good_humouredly: good-humourdly haste: hast Dr: Doc channel: channal, chanel ultimate: ultimatel, untimate pain: paine, pane pail: pale normal: normall, normel arguing: aurguing, argueing, aurgueing decreasing: decresing paid: payed*3, pade, paide rehearsal: rehersal sheets: sheertes, sheats pair: pear, per coveted: coverted preventive: preventative especially: espectially, a_specally*2, expercelly, espeslly, esspely, espiesaly, espall, epeshuly, aspesshty, aspacelly, espreserly, asade, espicley, aspeially, esspetily, esspeshally, expesily, especailly, expersaly, u_saley, eseserlly, espeiciacally, esporicly, espasilly, aspacelery, epasley, esiciely, espasially, espeicily, asbasaly, espically, espeacily, esspecially, espeailly, aspecly, especally, exsply, especilly, expesherly, aspely, expouly, espeically, specialy, espesally, exspecialy, aspeasly, estbeshely, espeacilly, asspelly, esplee, speserly, appeshly, espeacially, especialiy, espally, aspechaly, espisely, aspechuly, esspecialy, espeslet, aspesherly, espiecly, espeshily, esaly, imstear, espeshly, esplerl, espesily, epphaty, emersily, espacally, espesialy, espical, espiaslally, espeally, espicially, espetially, expeshaly, espesaly, exscled, esplealy, espeasully, expically, espeselly, espaily, aste, espiciely, exspal, exspecaily, a_spast, esspecilly, espesely, espeseiy, espescaly, espechal, hispleshy, espeisally, espeacle, expesly, especer, especaly, espeshele, ecspeclly, espesheally, expeshely, espeasally, asain, espiecalley, espeasily, espercrly, espcially, espeicially, especily, exsperionly, especialaly, epeley, espesh, espesoly, aspeally, echepeshily, escp, espaiesly, ecpecially, expasly, espiecally, espany, espeisely, espessully, is_seply, espescially, adshelaly, us_aselly, especialy, espaicilly, espeshely, espeserly, esperly, especsily, epashery, especial, espeshaly, aspel, espeshelly, experhally, espieally, espoly, espeshaily, especelly, epecially, especaily, etbis, espially, espcialy, espilly, expeshley, espesially surprising: suprizing, surprizing, serpising, supprising, suprising*2 participle: participal stockings: stokings shop: shap*2 rating: raining, rative, reating, rakeing, grading, wrecking, ration, rateing, ratting, raiting, waiting, radicing, raking, weieght, grating, racking, writing, reigning, wrating, ratding, raiding shot: sot, shat show: sohw, sow, sho accession: accension, accesion veranda: meranda Tonner: Toner shoe: shou Stephen: Steffen corner: corer, coner, conner, croner label: lable curled: cerled treasure: thresher, tresure*2 storms: stormes enough: enuf, a_nuff, enufe, enought*2, a_nougth, nuff, a_mufe, eneugh, engouh*2 bossy: bosy analytic: analitic manoeuvre: manuever, manuveur, manouver, manoue black: blak treasury: treasurey enthusiasm: anthosseacteam, enthusiasim, enthusasm, risapatie, enthissiasm, enthustack, enthusiasam, nothyousem, enthuseathsum, entheusiasism, enthustuac, emthasam, enthustastic, infustason, imthosemam, enthusiantic, inthrouseanim, anthouasem, entheshestrem, enthusiasium, inthoughiasm, enthusiazom, inthuoiasm, enthuseasum, afarsam, inthusiasum, inthuseasem, enthousasam, enthuisiasm, enthuestiasm, emthouezam, inthuseadam, entheseusem, entusiansome, enthusiasen, enthouseazem, enthusiasymn, entheuiasm, enthuseasm, enthusizas, enthusiame, ethusiasam, enthausiam, Enthusiasm, in_fisenasen, enthusuasem, enthusiasthusm, enthiusiasion, reverseeasem, enthusam, inthougm, inthusiasm, infuse, enthuans, inthowinsanom, ashisey, recasey, entusiasum, enfusiasen, enfusiasem, inthusasm, emfrusedmy, enthusim, enthuesiasm, enclusim, enthusasim, enthusism, anestm, infedeasam, enthusiazm, in_fush, instusthem, enthusiasome, inthusiarsim, enthusasam, inhustism, inclustion, ranm, enthousizam, entheuseasm, enthuasism, enthoustim, intheseasume, enthusiasem, inthisasam, imthuseasme, infusieasom, enthuasum, enthusem, enthusiasum, enthousiasum, inthuseasium, enfuseasem, inclusiv, enstusieasom, ethusaism, anthusitam, entouse_asam, influsiasim, inthuseaasmn, enezeaum, infusiasum, entheausium, an_feind, enthewseasem, resusion, eocaom, enthusiasimium, inthousem, infusiasam, enthustism, emfeseasem, enthuseasim, enthusiam, enthusian, imphasiasm, enthuastim, enthuseasam, enthusuain, enfewseatrim, enthusiasiam, enthuahim, enthuseazim, imfuseausm, a_acusiasome, enfudasem, entham, enthosaum, in_aforse, inthusiman, enqusiasm, envieseasem, inthosiasem, enfewseasant, ingusiasen, inthusetism, enthusaum, enfircam, ensthusianm, infusyasion, infoseason, enthusiazem, enthsuthamas, eezped, enthustum, imfusiasmom, enthusasamin, anthuasem, imthusitism, emsuiasim, ampthasan, anfisiaim, anthuisum, in_fucsem, iniosasth, inthsiatem, inthousiaum, entheason, an_fiusemen, enthusesiasm, ruinusam, enthusiagem, enfaceesen, enthoseasem, enthuiasm, inthuasium, enthusasium twenty_one: twentone exaggeration: exageration get: geat, gat, geter, ge, cet, go, git, gett sackfuls: sackfulls nearly: nery, neally*2, niely, nerley, nearlly, nerly, nealy*2, kneeling, nely distinctly: distincty, distanctly pharaohs: pharoahs gem: jam, jem secondary: secomdary, secondery, secondry, suntiny nouveau: noveau intuitive: intutive colossus: collosus yield: yeild*2 morning: moring, mornig, morring*2, moning, monig miles: mllyall, mills, mils worrying: worring kernel: kernal caller: cauler fraternally: fraturnilly, fruternally, fretunally, frentley, fruturnally, friturely, preternaly, frternelly, friternally, returnale, fraternlly, fratturnally, ferternaly, frertarnely, threternaly, fruternelly, fraturnely, ptraly, freturny, therturnaly, fraturnially, frewturnaly, frotanally, freturnally, frutenally, firturnaly, freternaly, freternally, furturnlly, fretinely, furterally, fortenlly, freturnerly, frecternally, praternly, frutnely, freturnelly, fieailly, friteny, frutunly, fretanely, fraternerly, fraternaly, fretunaly, fraternaily, freturnially, pintine, fruturnaly, freternely, fraturnally, potornley, freturnaly, fretenery, frturnly, freternelly, fretenaly, friturnally, furternally, fretenlly, treturnly, fraterally, pertumerly, fretanailly, fratenaly, froternly, freturnilly, pruturnly, fretrunly, thertunally, freturnily, proternally, freterly, fratermaly, freatrunally, paturnelly, fratrunaly, fraturnaly, preternally, frlanle, thortunerlly, fraturnale, perturnally, fr, purturely, frutenly, firternily, praternaly, fryturnely, preternly, preturnerly, firturnally seat: sle, set, steat, site, sat relative: relitive eliminating: eleminating seal: seel calendar: calender*2 slimmer: slimer wonder: wond, what, wouda, wonerd, wound, awonder, wunder*2, wounder, waud, weder, wander, aveney, wub, wed, veary, wud, woud, wund*3, worder, think, wore forecast: forcast father's: farther's pump: pomp diamonds: dimands, dimonds, dieunt be_frightened: frignd reading: reding*2, rienind across: acroos, acros, accross*2 august: agust, augest parent: pearent, perent, pairent crucified: crusifed tacit: tasit countenance: countonance, countents, countonanous, countenant, contenence, coutanence, countinant, countenense, conutanance, countless, countainance, countantiance, contonence, contenents, contencs, continent, confence, countance, confidence, accountance, countamence, continence, countuance, countines, couninence, countenounce, countemances, counteous, countinence, countence, countenes, countenuance, coutenance, countiance, contanence, contmun, countounee, countenences, contients, contannce, continents, conntinent, countenents, connects, countences, countriness, continance, continaces, accountenance, contentence, countenients, countieness, countanents, contements, continnets, coutance, countimence, contenance, contennence, countatence, counteance, countiments, countaniance, countanance, countinents, coutinence, contanance, contenious, countnance, countanous, countain, countanience, continenties, countiness, contenience, countience, countuness, contioance, countinance, contanants, countanence, countounce, counted, countenence, countenace tub: tob, tab cervical: cervial according: acording*2 disappointment: dissappointment, disapontment, disatpointment, dissipointment, disappment, disapointment, dissappointed, disippointment, disiapointment, disappointly, disppointment, disapiontment, disshapointment, dissoppointmet, disappoint, dissiapointmente, disappoinment, disponmant, dispointment, disapantment, dissapointment, disappointed, disappointmont, disappiontment, disappointmint, disipointment, deportment, dissippointment, dissapointed among: amoung*2 forecasting: forcasting possessive: possesive stretched: streched cancel: cansel, cancell considering: consderin, consering sensible: sencible, senscebul, senseable, sensable unusual: unusal childbirth: childbird Valletta: Valetta capable: capeable encryption: encryptiion attaching: acttaching, attatching, atacing, attache, atashing, atticating, attacheing, actacting, attactching, attashing, attacting, attachaing, attecting, atouching, atocjoes, apatching, otacting, attachion, attiching, atcatching, attationing, attatsetting, atcating, atatching, attching, attachea, attached, atching, attatchig, ataching, attacking, attracting dependable: dependeble wobbly: wobberly acre: acher, accour, acer constituencies: consituencies sensibly: senseably shopping: shoping offered: offerd, offerred unturned: unterned dramatic: dramtic, drammatic wake: waek declaration: decloration encapsulation: encapsualtion odyssey: oddysey those: ethose, thoes, thsoe, thos, thoese sound: sod, sood, soudn, son, sownd*2, sournd, saher, sel, sund, sone, send, saod, sanded, stead, saend, sowd, noise, sond, sade, song, saund, shale, stay, sonud, sewnd, souned, sad, sounet, soned, soud, sw, sank, sand, sode, sader, suled, sawd ignition: igntion cancelled: caunceled, cancule, cansled, canssold, council, cansswled, cancel, cancled, cancealed, cansel, cancuiled, cancle, counciled, cancell, czar, pencil, cansoled, chanceled, canciled, cansolled, candulatuad, cancaled, conculed, canseled, consiled, cancilled, cansaled, canceel, cansuled, tansseled, counseled, conciled margin: margen, margine, margain bathe: bath then: the*2, them*2, than*2, they, thne characteristics: charistics sincere: sincer Jones's: Joneses Factory: Facttoer sleeping: sleping, slepping sprained: sprianed, sprad middle: midal, midle, middal*2 sudden: suden*2, sudern baths: bath effluence: effulence protein: protem jackdaw: jack_daw everyday: every_day ill-behaved: illbehaved bags: bg, bogs different: differce, diset, diffunt, difrent*2, direrent, difort, tifrent, diferrent, differant, deifrnt, diffrent*3, differed, differt, discet, diferent, diffent, berth, deffrent, deffer, differnt, diffi, divent pat: pate doctor: dcort, docter pay: pae, paid same: sane, smae, sam, soen heartbreak: hertbreake semesters: semisters arguments: arguements, aurgument stepped: steped straitjacket: straightjacket*2 pan: pen oil: oill, oll assist: asist annulled: annuled running: runnig, run*2, runnung, runing climbing: climming, climing, killing nonprofessional: nonproffessional totally: totaly weave: weve, weeve drain: drian largely: largly roughly: rougly, rought amounts: ammounts solve: slove bottle: bottel, botle consisted: consist alfalfa: alphalpha outdoor: out-door of_course: core, of, ofcourse, corse gangs: gang, ganges money: moeny, mooey, munny, mony leeway: leaway aspect: aspeat illegitimacy: illegimacy asthma: athsma pile: pill extensive: exstencive, exsenive careers: currers, carrers grip: gripe admitting: admiting railroad: railrode disappointed: disapointed, dissappointed acquainted: aquainted*2 indisputable: indisputible lightning: lightening, lighting, ligthing, lotnen Troy: Toy London: Londen, Londod laughing: lauging, lafing served: surved robbers: robberys fulfil: fullfill, fulfill, fullfil, furfill, farfull doll: dall commandeer: comander pronounce: pronouce, prononce, prounce dole: dol sneaked: snuck pasture: pastur, paster gramophone: grammophon extinct: extint accomplice: acomplice gross: grose confirm: conferm, comfirm lunar: lunur linoleum: linolium knife: kought, nife, nofer, kiffe, knell, nefe, nef, nath, kire, kinfe, kniffe, nif, knif, nighf, kinf, king, klife, neck, knive, kint, night, kife supplanted: surplanted*2 raincoat: rancar, rancoth, rain_goat, rancot, rern_coat, ancot, tenkt, rign_caot, rian_coat, rine_coat, ran_cott, rain_cout, rain_cont, raincot, rancoat, rian, rin_cold, rinecrt, rain_coch, raincort, rindcoat, raincoad, rean_coat, rankot, cot, rain_cote, ren_cote, rondeant, rinecout, remcoat, rain_caot, rainhat, rain_cockt, rane_keter manufactured: manufatured each: eaxh, ech, eash notable: notably, noteable notably: noteably broken: brokern, brooken, brocken*2 despicable: dispicable Goodbye: Good_by refers: referrs tease: teas, teese roar: raw island: iland violence: vialuse, voilence, violents, violets, vine, villi, vilents, violent, violience, viloence, violince, violin, volince, vilets, vilounce, viliance, vialounce, vilelence, vilence, vilalest, vialance, violonce, villonents, vilance, valience, volience, voilance, viloant, violance generated: generataed practical: practial*2, practiaal, practicle*2, praci, proctical, pa brainier: brianer pockets: bokerden, poace, peans, pocet, pachets, pocketes, hoay, pokects, bocs, purs, puit, pocks, pock's, pikts, pokits, pots, pocs, pocets, pocits, pac, bokets, poceks, poite, panrt, pats, pokes, poket, pokets, poketes, potet, pocikeds, pocket*2, pockists, poss, pocles, puter, pockite, posets, bocket, pockits, page mixed: mix, milxed, mixt, mixpet road: rad, raid, rode, rod*2, rowd, roud, raod imitated: immitated quietly: quitely*2, quily, quitly fertile: fertil, fertal whites: wittes abattoir: abbatoir well_illustrated: well-illustrated references: refernces millipede: millepede dreaming: dreamin, dreming paraphernalia: parephernalia, paraphenalia*2 caterpillars: catterpilars Characters: Chartors hysterical: hystrical mornings: morings, morning's buggy: bugy sophisticated: suphisticated, sophicated downstairs: down_stairs*4, dau_sosys, down_stair flamboyant: flamboueant arranged: arrainged, a_reb, aranged, arrange romantic: romanic, rheumatic, rhomentic, Romatic, romating, romantive, romonac, romact, romentict, romanitic, romatic, romantice, romance, romichic, ronandic, romatics, Romantic, romatict, rehomatic, remantic, romantick, romantec, reomentic, roman, romentic wasn't: wasnt*4, wasen't, whan't, whdn't, wastent strawberry: strawbery conqueror: conquerer embed: imbed affection: afection foundry: foundary deer: dear deep: dep, deap general: genroll, generall, genaral, genale, genral imagination: imagnation, imaganation, imagenation, imaginaiton examine: examin deem: demam, deamn, deme, deeme, deamed, deam, dimed, deame, deemed, deanned, demum, deen, beam, demed, deemn, diem, dem, deym, deim file: fiel, fill girlfriend: girl_friend deed: ded, dead film: flim fill: fell, fil tedious: tediuos, tedeus, tedius again: gond, agian*3, a_gan, agoin, agin, organ, agen, agina, a_gain*2, agan*2, agon, a_gane, agine, agenig, agiin, cran, agane, a_gent, agein, againt, a_gen assessing: accesing personnel: personell, personel*2, personnell*2 drivers: divers field: shied, fiesld, felled, fild*2, fldr, filb, flied, felid, filde, friut, find, feilld, fuelt, fed*3, flride, fierd, feaid, fegtre, fire, filded, fiend, fiel, fide, fede, ferid, fiuld, feirld, fedl, fidy, flired, fred, fanepd, filed, feild*2, fele, feld, feald, feid, fold, firend, firnd, fiab, flid, fied president's: preisadents, Presidants', presidince, presdents, presidents, prisidents, presedence, President's, presadent's, presendents, presidant's, presidentes, presdisent, presents, prisedents, pesident's, presendence, presedent's, predsidents, prisident's, presentence, Presidents', precedent's, presidance, presentance, president, presidence's, presidends, President, presidents', Presidents, presidencs, presdent's, presidente's, precidents, presidence shelter: sheter, selter important: import, impotant, importnat, importent tackle: takle, tackel sneeze: snese resembled: ressembled alright: all, arigth*2, allright*2, orright, aright, al_right, or_rit, orrigh, all_right, arigh nutrient: nutritent starting: startin, staring represent: repesent, repersent forget: foreget, forgat forbidden: forbiden dollar: doller, dollor bravest: bravist sunk: sunck, sonk invariably: invarably children: childres, chridren, childen, childrend, clderen, clraner, chilldren, chiden, cene, chirden, cildren, child, chidren*2, chiandn, childran, childon, chinedew, childrn, chraner, childre, cligren, chensned, cherden, choeden, cheon reluctant: relectant shattered: shaterd, shatterd prefixed: prefixt inexhaustible: inehaustible prefixes: prefices preserved: perserved tranquillity: tranquility pickpocketing: pick_poketin enjoying: injoying premium: premeum, premiun parcel: parsel sitting: siting*3 iconoclastic: iconclastic scout: skout fall: fol, full, fal subterranean: subterianam, subterraean, subtarainion, subterranian*2, subterrean, subterian, subtorum, sudderanium, supturian, spitrainen, subtarranian, subterainein, subterraenean, subtardinen, subtiranean, subterdinean, surteranin, subterrainean, supterraane, subaranain, subtaranian, subtaraniam, subterainian, subterainam, subteraneing, suprutes, subterainin, suberamium, subtrau, subterain, suptranet, subterainer, subtermid, subtarranean, subterresian, subterainem, sub_terrainian, su_tranian, subterainen, subterainio, subterainean, sub-terranean, suparanyan, subteraem, subterannean, subterainium, surnturnany, subteranion, subteranian, suppertan, suteranrepeiomene, subturanean, subbtrain, sub-terranian, saltraron, subterrainern, subtearanean, sudtranean, subteranien, subtrerainiam, suptranon, subtaraneon, supteranion, substeranium, subteranin, subtoraneman, supterrinen, subtrainyorn, subtranen, subturanium, superdining, suptermatian, subbteranain, subteranean, subteranum, supteranium difference: difrans, diffrence, differance washing: waching mothers: mouthers applicable: aplicable ask: ack, aske, arsc preposterous: proposterous titles: tittles lawyer: lawer further: futher, furhter, farther, furuther ribbon: ribben, ribbin dial: dael defence: defense*2 stood: stod illogical: ilogical carcass: carcas public: b, publick, puplic movement: movment tattoos: tattooes, tattos component: componant favourably: favorably favourable: favoerable, faverable disastrous: disasterous*2 operating: opperating lunch-hour: lunchhour affectionately: affectunatly, afeciantly, afictionaelly, afficionately, effectionly, exfexily, effectionately, affectionetly, effectually, affecentally, affecantly, affientially, exfectionaley, affectionsly, afectiontly, afshionely, effectally, affectionatley, effureily, affecentalaly, affectonatly, affectionetely, exfectoboly, efetchaly, affectionantly, effectently, affionetly, affedirtly, affectionlatly, affectionaly, exfecinly, effectinly, exeverly, affectinalety, afficiantly, afexsionly, affinalty, effecinately, affoxintly, affactionately, efectionally, affectionently, affectionatly, afechanty, affectuantly, atec, affectionally, afecsanly, efectuionally, exfishely, affectconley, affeconatly, effecitenly, affectintly, afextenatly, affecianly, affecionatly, affestionatly, exfetetally, effectionally, unfectionatley, afuectionly, affectiontlly, efectiontily, evectially, affectunely, affecionetally, affacionatly, afettusly, afichnly, adviciantly, adfectonly, affecionately, affectionly, affectionely, affectually, efficently, affectsolutely, affectinally, affetchently, efectionatly, afectoinly, exfectionly, efecionly, afectionaly, affictiratly, efectionly, affectianetly, afectiely, afectionly, efe, efexchonetly, arrectsorately, afectionately, efficantily, effectiantly, effectionatly, affectinatly, affecesionly, effextionally commercially: commericially, cpmmercially table: tasble, tabl, tabel search: seach, serch, seaarch eleven-plus: eleven_plus enmity: emnity significantly: significently, signifantly airport: airpot published: puplished narrow: norrow, narno emptied: emptyed seceded: seceeded, secceeded gristly: grisly suits: sete, suites, sotes, shirt, seses, stuten, suit, srat, suir, sose, sucts, soot, suite, sune, salt, swet, sende, suat establish: astablish readily: redily, readly metallurgy: metalurgy eye: iw, are, in, ante, aey, alied, ie, ihe, iey, rey, eyf, ieu, iet, cly, eyy, eny, eai, I, eay, ear, eit, eiy, yur, ery, leye, i, eie distinct: destinct wiped: wippd destination: beseine, desternetion, destisastion, desarnesoning, desternation, drisesh, destinaion, disnertion, deterin, destnation, dsternothon, deternation, desteanaition, destenasion, desentoin, destion, disnation, desisnition, destenaion, destenachon, disternasn, destenition, distension, detnashion, destingnion, destintion, destnashon, destinastion, desterrashing, desetain, desill, desdnason, desinison, dennechern, dedenaton, disenstion, disation, desdlition, desana, deternason, desigen, distentoine, destenaen, destation, delsined, stenstanation, desdernatan, desation, desdinaity, desternasion, deness, dictonces, desdrnashon, destantion, destinaition, desternaish, detnachen, desdenigeon, destenstion, destenetion, destenast, destednetion, distination, resdertion, desteriction, desdnsn, destenation two: twe, wot, teo, tow, to*8, too correspondents: correspondants, corrispondants achieving: acheiving diamond: dine, diemend, dimound, diemined, dems, diamore, dimend, dymond, diamonde, daimond, diemond, demed, diemont, dioman, dimernd, dimounde, domd, dinon, diemand, dimand, diamand, dieunt, dimen, diamon, demound, dirmend, dimon, dimonde, damd, dimet, dimond, dimes engaged: enaged, ingaged*2 sylph: slyph American: Ameracan controlling: controling particular: perticalar, particularly, particuliar, piticular, peruer, plorer, petler, perticule, ptal, petikle, petecu, purelevel, pertikelor, pericluar, pitteu, particula, pertale, particualar, better, particler, pertickular, pteire, parunt, porticler, ptylas, pertalu, petral, particlar, peticul, parituclar, plore, preticula, prtelr, peicler, perine, particular, partical, partciular, peleker, pitelu, paritular, partrucal, partiqular, preticular, perticular, potiarlar, particulaur, perene, prticler, paerticulaur, partqulr nineteen: ninteen town: twon, tower, toun none: non hour: our strain: stran recall: reacll, recoll specializes: specialisises guards: gres, gaurds, grad, gauds, geurds, carders, gard's, garase, quards, gards remain: remane, remaine paragraph: paragraf, paragraphs den: dener superstitions: supperstishons pioneered: pinoneered strategies: stradegies, startegies specialized: speciallized marble: marbel, marable Hitler: Hitlar stubborn: stuborn, shuden, stubbon compare: compair share: shair, shear sphere: spere minimum: minnium, mennimon, mimium, minumium, mimnimum, minan, minimn, minumend, minimun, miniumum, mimimn, memum, minnimium, minuminum, menium, minumn, minumem, minimim, minnimum, monumen, minomom, minninum, mimum, minamume, mimun, minumen, minimium, minniam, minemum, minimom, menimen, mincemom, minmum, minumun, mimimium, minneum, namin, miniumn, mininum, mimmin, minium, minamony, menimum, minuimn, miniment, minemom, minuim, minuman, mimamum, minimuim, minummum, minnimun, minimumn, mumamun, mimmun, minanum, mineum, minum*2, minixam, minimume, minamun, mimmimon, minamum, munamun, minormo, minume, mimimum, mimmium, minnum, minmium, miminun, miminum, mimumum, minumum numbers: numbuers, nubers teddy_boys: teddyboys*2 wished: wich, wisht needs: neads drained: draned receptacle: receptacel acts: acks responsibilities: responsibilitys, responsiblities stir: ster, stur hammarskjold: hammerskjold bleat: blait advice: advise, adviced questioning: question_ing blood: blud, blod faculty: facalty, facilty response: responce*2, reponse entry: netry orchard: orcherd, orched, orcher crowded: carred, crowdid, crade, crouded coat: cote, cot paw: pow, por spiteful: spitefull cemeteries: cemetaries coal: cole, cool responsibility: responsability, responsibality, responcibility, responnsibilty, responsiblity pleasure: pleaseure, pla, plesure playing: plaving, play-ing, play*2, palving, plaing that's: that, thate's, thats*10 infant: enfant industrial: indutrial, industral, industriol dough: doe existence: exsistion, exsintence, egxistence, exsentes, excistance, aegsistance, excetance, existants, existing, exsastiance, aksistance, existionse, exist, exetremties, exsistents, exesistance, existendent, excistence, exsstants, exeistange, existince, asentence, exhistance, exestance, excitiencts, existions, existiance, existense, exizentence, exzistance, existences, exsistence, existances, extent, exisatance, agustance, egsistent, exgistance, exisance, exastance, egsistence*2, existin, existance*3, excitence, existionate, exsistance, escigence, exhistence, exestence, existens suffer: sufer messed: mest arteries: arery late: laght, land, lette, later, dayet, lant, let, lat do_not: donnot, donot*2 microscopic: mircroscopic researches: reas speech: speach*2 good: go, god, gowed, goad noticing: noticeing primary: premary, prim, primal, priamay, primay, primarie, primry, primmary, primairy, primerary, pramiey, primty, prearani, primey, priamy, premiear, primery, mremrany, primarly, pramry, primrary, primeary tinned: tin compound: compond complain: complane association: assocation, asociation, ascociation, accociation mystery: mystry, mysetery, myster, mistory*6, mister, mistury, misterey, mistrey, missual, mystier, mistery*2, mysterious, mistray, myestery, mysterey, mistlery, mystory, mestery, misterry, mestry, mysterie, misteary, mysteria, misteriony, misstory, misterre, mistarie, mistary, mystury, mistry, misery, mistiery easily: easly, eazily, easely, easyly pregnant: pregnet, pregent, pregnent, predgment, pregant pollinator: polinator wrapped: wraped, rapped spy: spiy ashes: ashers, ashis right-hand: right_hand boisterous: boystrust biscuits: buiscuts, bicuits, biuest, bictuts, buscit, biscat, bicuit, biscit, biskets, biskits, plums, biscusti, biscites, bicsets, buicuit, bicsects, bekis, biscists, bickets, bickits, bicut, buisit, becuits, bescet, buicutes, biccuits, biscats, bickit, busciuts, bicutes, bicels, biess, bicust, biscults, bisciuts, bicsnits, beuscutes, biscuit, bisets, buiscit, diskits, bicits, biutes, bicuts, buiscut, bissciuts, bicters, biuscute, bisces, biscute, bicsiuts, bisciut, bisquit, biscaut, bistat, biscutes, buisket, biscuts, bisskets, bisuts, biscits, buiscuit, bictiats, dicuits, bicket, beciskes, bickes, bicuths, bisket, bisunsh, bisckets, bicts, bikugut, bicites, disgis, buscuits, bisint, biscuites, bisuit, dickuts, biscut, bicuites, biscets, balscets, biscui, bisuits exquisite: exqueste, exquiset, exquit, exsquisest, excuit, exquest, equisute, exsquisit, exquisit, exzaiate, exiquisite, exqusite, execusite, exquisate, exqusity, exqusette, exquiste, exqusit, excusit, exqueset, exsquite, exquesite, exquesive, excrisit, exposit, exit, exwiset, excuset, exquted, exquist, exquicit, exquast, excuisit, exusied, excuite, exqus, exquisette, Isqusate, excucisite, excutive, exzuite, ercusite, exquizit, exquitive, Exquisite, excaiyate, exquisete, enquisit, exquivish, exquitz, exqust, exquizet forthright: fortright harm: ham everyone: every_one*2, evreone, everone, evry_on, eevey_one, evry_one, ever_one delicious: delicous house: haws, hous, houes*2, houses, hosre, houe, hose, hoesh, hoses, hones, hosen energy: enrergy, energey hard: hrd, hared, had*3, harde idea: diea, idear, ideas, idae, ide, ida extended: extened, excented, exstended, extentded, ergstand, extented, exedned, exsended, exended, extenand, exdended, extendid, extadent, exstated, extanted connect: conect surly: surley seniority: seneority orient: orientate ides: idesa flower: flour pigeon: pigen, pigin acting: actting they'll: their*2, theile print: prent evaluation: evaualtion disobedience: disobediance*2, dissobediance, dissobedience bully: bulle, bulley, bulleye circumstance: curcumstance pleasant: plesent, plesant*2, pleasent, plessant difficulty: difcoulteye, diffuculty, dificulty*2 senor: senour imperial: empirial members: menbers beginning: bending, ding, being, bginning, beggining*3, begain, begingig, beginig, beginging, binginig, bingining, be_gening, begaining, began, becining, been, bign, becane, bigginging, be, begning, begginning, be_gining, begining*2, deing, begging, binning, bening, beginng, beinging, bigining, biginnig, begening, begeing, beginnig*2, bing, beging*2, binging, begine, benand benefits: benifits*2, bef, benidifs, benefites eventuality: eventuallity omit: omite wither: whither copper: coper valentine: valintine utilized: utalised done: durn, dine, dont, doine, daner, down, thun, dume, dond, dong, darol, durt, nahe, doun, dum, dun*2, doen, dound, does, odne, tod, dro, dan, dome, dune, dund, bun, devet, doon, dons, don*3, waluesa, daing, bon, bone elevator: elavator cups: cup bullied: bulyed divorce: devorce least: lest paint: pant statement: statmeant, statment*2 mama: moma, mamma muscles: musirls, muscels needle: neddle, nedle park: parck excels: excells draped: drapped dentist: dentest part: pard drunkenness: drunkeness*2 doctors: docters believe: beleive*3, belief, belive*2 culminating: culiminating supposes: suposes gotten: gotton mortgaged: mortgauged youth: uth, yuth kapok: kapock contrary: contray, contary supposed: suposed*2, suppose toe: tow treated: treeted, treted declare: declair reparation: repairation download: doenload cistern: sistern aged: ace, age, ages, aechd, adge, agea orders: oders mountain: mountian built: buit, bulsting, buildt, bente, blite, bilte, bluld, bealt, buled, bilt*2, build, bellet, bult, biult dancing: pncing, danceing, dansing majority: majoraly, magoroty, majaerly, marjority, majorty rowed: rowd build: bild, billd, bellar, biuld, billed, buld eggs: egges most: nost, mosted, mous, mast, mate, moast, moset, must significant: significent, sagnificant extremely: extreamly, extremly, extreemly refrigerator: refrigator, refridiator, refridgrator, refuidigator, refridgarator, refridguator, refriguerator, refriduatr, refreigator, refregirator, frigarator, refergior, refrigorator, refrigerators, refridgerater, refrigerater, refrigriator, refrierator, refirgator, refrigarater, refrigitator, refidualetor, refregrator, refregarator, refrigiater, refirarator, refrigrater, refrigtor, refiguater, refergiator, refrigurator, refigorator, refreigiator, refreduator, refridgerator*2, referigerater, reviauorter, refrigirador, refrigeratar, refridgator, refrigiter, refrigarator, refrediator, refreduater, refregeaters, refregurator, refriguator, refrigderator, referigerator, refriderator, refridgetor, refrigedator, refrigiator, refridgirater, refregerator, refridger, refriegerator, refregator, refrigertor, refridgeator, refregritator, refergator, refregitor, refrigeratior, refrighter, refrigerate, refrigirator, refregerators, refredurator, refrigortar, refrigerter, refigerator, refrigrator, refregiator, refrigeater, friquited, reflagerator, refredgator, refigator, refriegator, refrigtator, refrigidator, refigrator, refrigeator, refriguater branching: braching giggling: gigling dimension: dimention cramped: crampt mammoth: mamoth weigh: wiegh organism: organim thomas: thomes particularly: particulary, partiularly, particuraly, perticully, paticulary, particularily*2, pertickly sparrow: sporrow commissions: commisions, comissions, comisions fins: finse businesses: busineses carefully: caresll, carfully, carefuly hopped: hop man's: mans*2, man fine: fin, find*2 networks: netowrks month's: month giant: gaint nervous: nerves*2, nervious, nervis, nerveous ruin: rune, ruen unhappy: onhappy, anhappy, un_happy therefore: therfore, therefor, therefoe, there_for permission: permition, premission, premision express: experss, exspress cheaper: cheeper, cheper courage: curage, currage breast: brest autobiographic: authobiographic silk: silke merchandise: merchandize pogroms: progroms tracksuit: track_soot, fraske_stinte, thiksawet, san_sote, tract_siut, thracant, crast, tracsute, tracsant, trik_sack, tarseet, tour_soter, tak_sar, trac_soot, trach_soot, crake_suit, treksot, tone_setch, thret, crot_sot, tracksoot, trockset, trak-suit, tracksurt, trake_suit, tack_soot, trak_soat, trak_suit, track_saut, tacksot, trak_suait, tack_sote, trock_soot, track_suite, track-sl, tark_suit, trak_shute, trac_suit, taren_deng, tornk_suint, taksot, tack_tot remove: remov, renove common: comman, commem, comon*2, con sclera: clera armature: amature archaeologist: archeaologist woollens: woolens cynical: synical vine: vin individual: indivual, indiuidual, individul, indiviual, indidual, individula, individuu, induvidual surrendered: surrended changeable: changable materially: matrially, metrilery, materialily, matieraly, matiriale, matirial, martirilly, montaley, maritialy, matirialy, merteriely, metrially, material, motuarley, metirially, mutiriaty, mterley, mettreay, meterealy, materilay, matureally, matierially, maturally, materly, mertrely, materily, maturially, muiterily, miterialy, matierally, matiallity, metrealy, materili, matarl, materealery, materialey, maiteraly, mearil, mateiraly, mertilly, mertily, matrial, matirially, meterely, matterally, mterially, meurtially, meterialy, materiary, merteaoly, materally, meteraily, matterially, mertillary, merteirely, materaili, matearilly, materely, merterly, matierial, materialling, maru, materiolty, materley, materaly, meaterley, matenaly, matural, matearealy, materialty, merterially, matiraly, martercle, meterially, materiley, matarially, martially, matirally, meterally, meatirly, matryly, mertley, mateirialy, metirly, metiarialy, matrielly, matieraley, miteraly, metlry, materialy, matterialy, meatiaraly, materielly, matuarry repairs: repair, rporigs, repares, repires, repared, repent, repaid, rebers, reperes, repaided, repered, reparse, repeares, repers, repors, reparis, raal, repaires, repes, repas, repears, repareds expert: expent, exsort visiting: visting*2 superseded: superceded please: pleas*5, pleace halves: halfs interrelated: interelated myriad: myraid burned: burnd, bruned consonants: consonents misdemeanours: misdameanors, misdemenors complementary: complemantary aircraft: aercraft full-time: full_time reverse: reveirse, reverce restaurant: resterent, restrunt, restrurant, restranant, reasturant, resturrant, restruant, restrarent, restawrent, restrarant, restarount, ruasturant, reserant, reustrant, resteant, resturent, restrount, resterunt, restuaurunt, resteruunt, restrant, restaurent, restant, recturant, restureant, resturaunt, restranrant, resten, restrent, restraunt*2, restruarent, restorvant, restarant, restruarant, resteraunt*2, restrarunt, restaraunt*2, restuarant, resturant, restrauent, residerant, restirant, resterant annual: anuaual, anual*2 foreign: forien, forein, foriegn*2 mean: meen point: pont simple: sempal, simpl, simpel cataloguing: cataloguin, catakoguing, catalguing pamphlet: panvelet, panflitt, phamphet, panfalit, pamphete, panfilit, pamflet, pamphelet, panflet, canfit, panflick, panphlet, hamplet, panthlet, phamphlet, pampohlet, panlet, panflit, pamflit, phanflat, pamphlit, maphlet, panfellet, phemplet, camploft, pamphelit, phanlet, panthelet, completd, pampflet, paphlet, pamplit, pamfilit, phaplet, phamph, phampl, phamlet, panfulet, pamphalet, panthilet, pamphet, panthlete, pamplet*2, panplat, panfelet, phamflet, panplit, phanlets, pampleute, phamplet simply: simpliy, simpley, simplye unsuccessful: unsuccessfull, unsucesful, unsucessful, unsucessfull, unsuccesful volunteered: volounteered, volonteered*2 throughout: thruout, throuout, thoughout, throught godforsaken: god_forsaken expensive: expansive, expencive raise: raize, rase trilogy: triology creativity: creatitivity volley: volye faithfully: faiyhfully dropping: droping meeting: meating, meetin, meetting gay: jay*2 gas: gass*2, gase dissension: desention understand: undurstand, under-stand, understain, understood, undisandit, underslad, udderstand, urset, undersand, undersdand, andsadit, andseit, undersland, undastand, understantit, undstad, undesland, undstone, anderstand, undestand, undesand, uderstand, understant, undistand, understanit, unstand, unedstan, undsid, undstand, undratit, downedstaed, udstair, udhirsand, undessand, understend, unberstand unnecessarily: unnecesarily, unneccesarily, unessasarily, unneccessarily pierce: peirce politician: polation, plotetison, politishon, polition, pollertion, polertition, polutition, pollitic, politusum, polatition, poloticion, poletinon, polyetishion, potititoin, politican, polytistion, pollesion, politiorn, paltone, pollitition, politian, polotistion, politation, potition, polotician, polititon, politish, pollython, politicion, potision, politicoun, polytishion, ploytision, politichane, politsion, polititian, poliction, pollation, politision, poletition, polyetism, pollyties, politishan, politicains, potilican, politiction, putetion, polictian, polytechan, pollitishion, politition, politantion, politistoin, polleytishion, polication, pollitsin talking: taking, talkig, touking, tlaking solid: soled bill: bil, bell tape-recorder: tape_recorder presbytery: presberitory rigour: rigeur fun: fon, fan standardizing: stanerdizing impracticable: impractible century: centruy, centuary, centurey, centery cents: cens itself: itsself, its_self, itslef, itsef Prison: Prisern Easter: Ester, ester rheumatism: rehunetiziem, romatism, rheumitism, rhmatism, rhumitism, rheumastism, rheumatisium, roomitisum, rehmetism, rumantisan, rhuemitism, rumitism, remunism, reuathism, reumaitis, rumatizum, rumaticism, rhumetisim, rhemitism, reumitisiam, hrumitisum, rhumatisim, rhomitisum, Rhymatism, rheumtizeum, rummitizem, rheumantism, ryhamatism, rhumetism, rheumitizm, rhuematizm, rhummatism, rhuematism, rumitisim, rheumatisim, rheumetism, reumatism, rheusmatism, reumitism, rumitizium, rumatisim, rheumtism, rumitisumn, rumitisam, rhemutism, rumetisum, rhueamtism, rumitisum, ruhmatism, rehmeutism, Rhumatism, rumatisamun, rhematisum, rhumenatism, rhumitisam, reumatum, rhumatism, rematic, rheumetizim, rheoumatism, reumitisim, rheumaticsm, rheumaticism, rehmitism, rehmnitic, rymathiesetm, rumitisium, rehunatism, rheuatism, rhumatisum, rumatism, rumitizm, reuhmatism, rheumatisum, rheutism, rheumatizm, rhomtism, ruemitisium, rumitizaim, reumetism, rhymatism, rumatisum, rhumism, rhumistism, rhumatisimn, ruinitism, rumatisem, rehematisem, mutisuhn, rhematism, roomasitam, reumheatisim, rhuemtisum, rheunatism, rhuemetism, reuthisimn, rheumaticm, rumithism, rumutesuem, rehumatism misdemeanour: misdemenor, misdameanor butcher: bucher corridor: corrider, coridoor, corridoor, corrador lenient: leniant development: devolopement, developement*2, develpond undecidable: undecideable keys: kees sums: sum, sume desks: dests, desk moment: moent, monent, momment parliamentarian: paliamentarian purpose: perpose, perphas, pe aggregate: agregate timid: timed Zionists: Sionists task: tasked supersede: supercede*3 spent: spend withdraw: withdrawl organization: organazation, oranisation, oragnisation, orginization chemistry: chemicy, chemstrey, cenetry, cemestry, chemictry, chemastry, secematrie, Chemistrey, cumastrey, cenestry, cremistry, chemoctry, cemisty, cremistery, Remistry, cemestrey, cemistery, ehemc, chemistny, chemstry, cemitry, Remestry, Remestray, chemestery, chemistes, cemesteries, cemastraye, cemistry, comistry, Chemistry, cestry, Renestri, chemsitry, cemastry, cenistric, camipul, chemistery, chemishter, chemestry*2, gymestry, chemistre, cemmistry, canistry, chemicols, pemestry, chemestri, chemestary, chemictic, chemestra preference: preferance wig: weg shape: shap, thege, shapp, sape, saple, shame, spahe, shep, sharp, scap, sap, saw, sheap circling: circurting, seculing, circleing, sieing, soil, circleling, crciling, surcing, swercling, cierciling, serking, cercoling, circurling, surculing, serkerly, curling, surcling, sarcling, shilling, stillende, shiting, calin, cercling, cerculing, ranging, cloing, sirling, critying, sergleing, surtuling, circeling, cirue, circuling, cirleing, circulering, sagling, citclear, curcling, sercling, circiling, curing, cirlcing, surrling, socling, secling, sarclying, curculing, cicleing, surkling, satter, carling, sicling, ciruling, sclicking, circarling irritable: iritable, irritible predominantly: predominently injuries: injurys, ins timber: tenber, tember letting: leting superficial: superfical cut: cat cup: aint, cop, cut, cap, crop, kup, kap, yah, cam, cep, cepe hated: hatted, hat, heated Doctor: Docter shouting: shout, shoting deliberately: deliberatly administrative: adminstrative excited: exited hates: hate habeas: habaeus, habeus big: bing, dig, beg, bog bid: bed laughed: larvd, lafed, laught, laughted judgement: jedjement, jugdement, judment, judjment, judgmerit, judgements, judement, jugement, judgment*2, judgmet bit: bite, pit knock: knok, nock*2 cognitive: cogntive follows: followes flux: flukse, fluk moccasins: mocassins foolish: folish often: offt, oftem, oftin, offtan, oftan, odern, oven, ofter, offten, othten, ofdun, offden, hophten, onta, otan, ofent, ofton, oftern, ofen, ofan, ofed, oflen, oftun, offen, oftain, oftent, houten, ofden, orfen, ovten absolutely: absolutly*2, apselutely, absolutley obliged: oblidged magnificent: megneficent, magnificience, magnificiant, magnefist, magnicfent, magnifiecent, magniphsent, mayneset, magnifisant, magsftin, amognifisent, magnifesant, magnifsint, magnifet, mevesesion, maif, maknivison, magnefesed, magnivesent, macfvicent, macedur, magnigicient, magnesficient, magfifnt, magnifisence, magnifisen, magnifecen, mamesfictive, magnivasent, macniffecent, mancificent, mernisegat, masif, magnisfcent, magnificint, madnifisent, magnifous, magnfacant, maginificent, magniffcent, macnifcent, magner, magnificante, micnvet, magneicent, magnificat, magififiance, matrafion, magmificant, magniefecent, magnifsent, mivint, magneisent, mgnificent, magnifesent, magnifecent, magnifisance, mignfsant, menemsned, magnefesant, magnifisunt, magtifance, magenifent, magniffecent, magnifitent, magnificense, magniseft, magifce, macnivisent, macknifisent, lannes, magnaficent, magnisivent, magnifinset, marcenty, missive, magnifesamt, magnifasent, mucknesit, magnifiscent, manivent, magnifacet, magnifecint, magfinent, macnefcent, magnifince, magnifisent, maginifance, mackniffer, magnifatcent, madniest, mamficit, magnifance, magnisifant, macnificent, magnifest, magnifficent, macgnefsent, magnificence, magfise, magnicifient, magnicsend, magnisvisen, magnifsit, manificent, magaficent, macnifecent, magnfigant, magnifas, maginffsent, magnieficent, mignithsent, magnisant, magnificate, magifacent, matifance, magnivisont, magnifasont, magnifit, magenivisened, magnifacent, magnific, magnigifence, magnifiscant, magnificunt, magnifasant, maginfacton, magnisphant, magnificiante, magnificant, maneveit, magnifscent, magnifisend, mangnicet, magnifecite, magnefisent, magnipasint, magniffencete, magnifasint, magnifisante, magnifocent, magnictat, magnifcant, magicent, magnifhent, magnivsorn, magnificient, macenft, magnificen, magnefsant, mangnicfent, magnifcent, madnuvisen, magnifist, manifecunte, magnifercent, magnivisant, maknifisert, magnifersent, miamum, maginficant, magnifacian, magneficent, magificent, magnivicent, magnificeint, mnfs, magniffesunt, magniucent, magnicificent, pmagnicificant, macnifacent, maginificant, masnfisant, magshend, macnivesent, manisient, magnilalid, maginficent, magnifecient, mafnificent, magniffiance, magnifsted, magneficant, magnifactent back: bek, fut, dack, bcak, doc, bakc, bach, dak, dark, brack, daxck, bac, bakh, lact, becol, bake*3, blart, bak, beac impeach: inpeach strongest: stornegst accelerate: acellerate mirror: mirrow candle: candel ourselves: and_selve, our_selves, ourselfs acquaintance: aqucuntance, acquaintiance, acquaince, acquantants, acquaintaince, acquiantance, acquantenc, accquantince, acquatience, aquiantance, acquantience, acquantiance, accquance, ackquaintance, acquance, acquantice, accquiantance, accountance, accquaintence, acquaint, ackquanting, accquatance, aqquantance, accquaintance, aquanitance, accuanteance, aquainted, acquantence, acquainenec, acqauntance, acuquontence, aquaintents, aqquaintance, ackquitence, aquatance, occquance, acqunatince, aquantaince, aquaints, ackwaintance, aquentence, acquanitence, aquaintence, acquantance, accuntence, aquantience, acquiantence, acquainted, aquaintance*2, acquaitance, acquiance, aquantance*2, acquontence, acquaints, atquantes, accuaintance, acquaintence*2, accquantence, accquantience, aquentance jewelry: jewelery, jewlery contacts: contancts pet: pat affects: effects, affets decision: disson, descisions, decission, disition, descision*2, dicision, desision audience: audeince, ordiance, audiance per: pere pen: pan eliminate: illimanate, eleminate, illuminate, illimate, ellimenate, elemanate, illimnate, elimanate, elemintate, elimenate, elimimate, ilimitate, illimenate, elemeate, ellimanate, ilimnate, illiminate, lemate, illimunate, elementry, elinate, imitate, elemiate, iliminate, elimiment, alluminate, elimamate, emaat, illumiate, elimate, elimiate, aliminate, elminlate, elimnat, iluminate, alliminate, elimitate, elimtnate, elemenate, illimitate, eleminated, elumanate, elminate, elliminate, allmate class's: classes either: ether, eather, eigther patient: patiant, pancton, panenton be_coming: became remembered: remen, remebered, rembered, rememberd windowpanes: window_panes continuing: continueing use: useage, yowes, used, yous, uise restrictive: restictive loud-mouth: loud_mouth tripping: triping goods: goodes graduation: graguation, grauation beans: bean guerillas: guerrilas consequently: consiquently, consquently daisies: daises pollution: polution*2 harassed: parised, harised, harrus, harrest, harriest, harrost, halleset, harasted, harristed, hardst, harvest, harrased*2, harrissed, harest, harrasd, harased*2, harresed, harrist, harrish, parest, harris, harrast, harsten, harrisd, harsted, harrised, harrassed, harist, harish, harast, harressed harasses: harases, harrases exercises: excercises, exersises remembrance: remmenbrance, remberiance, remberence, remembunce, rembrence, remmembrance, remeberence, rememberence, remenbence, renemberence, rembrance, remembrence*2, remmbranes, remenberance, remenbrance, renbreance, remmberence, rememerance, remenbences, rememberance*2, remmbranse, remebrence, remmemberaice, remerince, rememberants, remember, remmberance, remberance, remberemance, remmeberance, remembers lesson: lessons, lession, lef, lessen, leson, leason bankruptcy: bankburtcy, bankrupy, bamkrupy, banckrupsey, bankrupticy, bank-ruptsy, bonkrupsy, bunkscrupt, bankrupsy, bankrucy, bancruptcy, banckrepsy, forkrupsy, bankruptes, bankrupercy, bamkrupsy, bankruptercy, bankruptcey, bonkrucpty, bankrupsicy, bankrupty, bancupsy, bankrucpty, bankrucpy, bankruptsay, bank-rupsy, bankruptcie, banzuebrupsy, bankrupes, bankruptscy, bankrupersy, bankruppect, bankruptsey, bankruposy, bankrupcy*2, bankrupt, Bankrupty, bank-rupecy, bankruptic, bankrupscy, bankrauptsy, bankrupicy, bankruptucy, bankrupsay, bankruptsy, Bankrucy, bankrupuy, banktrupancy, bankrupcie, bank_rupsy, bankrupsie tentacles: tenacles errand: errend, erand pronunciation: pronensiation, pronisation, pronounciation*3 handbook: hanbook forward: fowd*2, for_way, forwards, fullwards, worward, forewood, foreward, forwoand, forwart, forwood, foward, forword*2, forwark, forwork, fwood, ford, fordwood, fooew, forw, farwoob, fromwood, forwald, forwd, forwould, fauword, forwored, forowood bored: boled, bord, boured, bawd, post, bode, borded, borred, boored, boared, board, boring, boar, bourd, Bored, boarded, borde opponent: oponent imprisonment: inprisonment invite: invit immigration: imagration, imigration hoped: hopped boys: boy*2, boy's, boyes quiescent: quiscent subsidiary: subsidary, subsiduary I'll: I*2, Ill*5, ile, ill, Ile verruca: varooka TV: tv sort: sorte, sourt, sot, sought, sorted, sout constant: constent, constatn, contast, contastant expedition: expidition pseudonymous: pseudononymous scarlet: scarlit single: singel, singl cure: qure curl: cirl, carl cafe: kiffe denying: denyin brethren: bretheren priory: piorly commonest: commenest Israelis: Israelies assassinate: assasinate*2 explaining: explaning cellar: seelor, celler lend: leand favourite: safil, favatioe, faveret, favorate, favorite, favorit, favirot, favourate, faveriote, faviote, faverite aggregates: agregates papa: papy prepared: prepaired, prepeard, prepard restoration: restauration desert: dessert dimensions: dimentions, dimenions implies: imple vehicles: w, vehicules appalling: appealling, appaulling cooked: cookt ascertained: acsertained Scots: Scotts ready-made: ready_made tube: tub groceries: grocerys disintegration: desintegration Someone: Some_one embellishing: embelishing peanut: penut Lucky: Luckily helps: hell masculine: masculin enlightenment: enligtment inject: injeck rhyme: rhymme putting: puting*2 trouble-causer: trouble_causer guanine: gunanine arrange: arange entire: intire recreation: recriation, reccreation shock: schock, shok crow: croe, cro Lone: Long crop: crope rivers: revers, rivirs uncomfortable: uncomftable, uncomfterble, unconfortable, uncomfortal depression: depreshtion reconciliation: reconcilation giving: giveing worshipping: worshiping squeeze: squeese, squeze access: acess anywhere: any_were, anyhwere, anywere inconvenienced: inconviented, inconvencienced, inconvienenst, inconviencect, inconvenious, inconveinced, inconvionce, inquents, inconvievenced, inconvenence, inconienced, inconvienencet, inconveience, inconvenims, incovenentist, inconveyonced, inconvient, inconveincents, inconvientict, inconfenence, inventicenent, enconented, inconvenst, inconences, inconvienence, inconfience, incovient, inconiunious, inconvenienst, inconvianced, inconveniences, inconveintence, inconvenced, inconeinced, inconvenince, inconviencied, inconvenient, inconvenenced, inconvienge, inconvence, inconvenintence, inconvinience, inconveniensed, inconvenientst, inconfeence, inconvenience, incovenienced, inconveniencent, inconvenants, inconveinience, enconveinced, inconveamonce, inconvenitents, uncoveniencest, enconvenients, inconventant, inconvenienct, inconvenense, inconvenients, inconvigence, inconvienanced, inconvienced, inconveinces, inconveniced, inconvenions, inconventients, inconveince, inconvenuence, inconvenest, inconenvients, inconveinentenst, inconvience, inconventuns, inconvinced, incomnentaed, inconveniented, inconvenianced, inconvenonce, inconvienienced, inconvenance exercise: excercise*2, exersise, exersis, exersize body: bode, bod, p, boddy justification: justifacation exchange: excange nonexistent: non-existant packing: paking objects: ojects, objectsion sink: senk, sinck, sick others: other*3, outhers sing: sings, song preamble: preample irritating: irritaty extreme: extream remark: remarke talent: talant resurrect: resurect existent: existant climb: claim, clam, limer, cilme, cliam, cline, clumb, clim*2, climer, clime*2, climbe composed: compossed named: namd, name blizzard: blizard limp: linp private: privait, privite sacrilegious: sacriligous, sackalliges, sacrelidy, sagedarg, sacriligas, saccorlidgist, sackrolegce, sackuliduss, sac-religeuse, secreligous, scarcohwous, sacroliges, scareligous, sacralijous, ascreligious, sacraligious, sacraligios, sackreligious, sackryligus, sacrireligous, sacreligus, sacraliguist, sacriligious, sacriligace, sackerregion, sarcaligus, sackreleigous, sacugliction, saexaliss, sacreligious*2, saccrilligous, saccreligious, sacreligous, sacreglish, sackraligious, sacriligios, sacreglious, sapleridgles, saccreligous, sackuladus, sackrelejas, sacrellergeous, saxlatigious, sackraligous, sacriligeous, sacraligas, sachreligious, satruligd, sacreshish, sackrulgous, sacrilegous names: nams, neams, manes, name Brazilian: Brasillian limb: lim, lime scandal: schandel, scandel, scandol, skandel, sandal, scand, scantal, skandule, scandall, scandly, schandal, skandle, scanduol, scandle, standle, schandle, scandil, scantle, schundle, scanuly, sandel, scandul sermon: serman, cermon lime: line asteroid: asteriod themselves: theirselves, then_sloses, themselfs*2, themself, them_souve, they_self structuralization: stu emigration: imigration train: traine, trame, tarn, trani, tran, trime, thain, trein, trian, trine, trion, tegne prizes: prises ashamed: ashame, ashed arranging: aranging billed: build harvest: havest subscription: subscribtion account: acount transmissible: transmissable tunnel: tunel exhilaration: exhileration tag: tage obvious: obvios, ab, obviousl praise: prais internecine: intercine closing: closeing industry: induster, inslye, industy, engsty, indersre, indistry, inen, inmtree, industrey, indstre, intarsary, indutrey, industury, indeery, inderstey, indiffer, industrie, indsrey reserved: rerved proportions: proprtions, propotions bestiality: beastiality effectively: effectivly ascension: accension hangar: hanger lamb: lam*2, lame daring: dearing lame: lane dinners: dires, dinner timetables: time_tables fete: fate forest: frost, farest furnace: furnice stock: stark buildings: bildings, building, bul autobiography: authobiography novelists: novellists incompetence: incompetance philosophy: fullosepy, phlosophy, phlosopy, facilities, philosity, phylosiphy, physlophial, falossofy, filousify, phoplosy, phulophy, falosphy, fullusafy, felocify, phylisury, folity, pholpher, folocify, phosiply, phlogily, philosperity, phylosy, phiolosphy, pholesipia, fulasape, phophey, philisophy, pholosaphy, felosipy, phelosophy, physolophy, philosophate, plosiouspy, philosephy, phisolfisy, flosifey, philasafar, phylosophy, felothocy, phylosify, phlosaphy, philosopher, physology, phipiolog, pholisphe, philosaphys, fillosefe, velocity, faloctiy, physiology, fulosophy, phylosphy, falocify, velosafe, phyilosophey, filosify, flyophys, Philosophy, phylosyphy, fallausape, filousosfy, physiolosy, philslopy, phalosophy, phlophecy, philosipy, phylosifry, physiofoly, philosfy, physocisy, phylosofie, phisolay, philosiphy, volicy, philophy, phosiphy, physoliphy, filosipy, philosaph, vilosiphy, filousity, phos, plositey, phlociphy, folosity, philoficy, Phylosiphy, philogy, phyosofy, folosicy, felosope, folusiphy, pholosiphy, flosphey, phaisply, phlophisy, filosiphy, fillousity, folicy, philsophy, philophsophy, falophy, falosave, phalosafy, philocity, filousfy, philosophe, phyl, philosify, phillisophy, philosphe, Flosipe, philosthy, philosaphy, physoype, philociphy, philosphy collection: colection, coletion scalable: scaleable by_by: byby preferred: privered, refered, Prefored, prefure, prevered, prefreed, prefer, peferred, prefured, preffered, prefferred, prephered, prefared, prefered*2, prefurred, referred bluff: bluf multiplication: multiplacation, mutliplucation cuddling: cuddly lines: line, lins correspond: corraspond, corresond, correspond, corrispond linen: linin, linnen cloakrooms: clockrooms, cloak_rooms, clock_rooms, cloackrooms poacher: pocher colonnade: collonade wedding: weding repentant: repentent horns: horn flattering: flatterring nasty: narsty considerate: considered, conciderate winning: wining kindergarten: kindergardon, kindergarton, kindergeton, kindragarten, Kindergarten, kindagarten, gindergarden, kitengarten, kindergaten, cindergarten, kinggarden, kindergardent, kentigarten, cindigarten, kindgarten, kinder_garten, kendigartian, kendigardon, kinergardin, kindergarden*2, kindergarner, kendergarden, kindargarten, kintergarden, kingergarden, kindergertion, kinder-garden, kindegarten, kindigarten, kidinthegarden, kintergarten, kiddergarden, gendergartin, kinderdarden, kinderguardin, kindegarden, knidergourdin, kingergarton, kingergarten, kidgarden, kindgarden, gindergardin, kingdegatern, kindendargerst willing: wiling, welling criminal: crimamel yeoman: yoman dad: bad*2 tickled: tickeled, tickeld greater: gretaer, grater descendants: decendents, descendents, decendants spell: spel, spll cutting: cuting kindness: kind_ness day: duy, days, bay february: febuary airports: airporta warned: wornd radiant: radient identified: indentified phonetic: fonetic, funetik octahedral: octohedral constraints: constaints apologize: apologies, apologise, apoligize pantry: pantrey, pantree cupboard: cobard, carbord, cuboard, canbord programmes: programes*2 sexual: exual, sexul hippopotamus: hippopatams, hippopotamous mats: mates announcer: announser wholly: wholy*2, holy mate: mat messenger: messanger barley: barly rec: rect, wreck postpone: pospone, postphone red: rad Sheba: shebre approached: aproached, aproched fluctuates: fluctuations stenographer: stenografer frank: franck fourteen: four_ten, forteen approaches: approachs matchboxes: match_boxes X-rays: exrays likelihood: likelyhood*2 bleed: blead, bled receipts: receipt, reseets, receevite, reciets, reciept, recieps, recits, receites, reicpts, riecepts, recietes, reciptes, recieptes, receipt's, reciecps, recept, reciepts, receipte, recives, receupt, receiepts, recepts, recipts, receite, recipes, receipes, receipted, receits, recites, recceats, receiptes, recetes, recieves backwards: backwoods, backwords cured: curred recipes: recipies yarn: yorn chicken: chiken mortal: mortle retain: retane retail: retale facilitate: facilatate, faciliate south: sorth, self, sourth, soth finest: finst, finist unfavourites: unfavorites, unfavortes sack: sac, sak, sake strategic: startegic embarrassed: imbarist, embarast, embarressed, embarised, enbrased, embrassed, embarst, embasserest, embaresed, enbarested, anbrassed, embarrised, embaraced, embarsed, embarased, embarrased*2, embarresed, embbarrest, inbrassed, embarest, embarrest, embarssed, embaressed, emprased, embarassed*2, inalellt, embassrest, envarest, embassed, emparast, enbarrased, embratist reached: reach, reched ancient: anceint, acient monkey: monkay, minkay, monky vulgar: volgur, valger, voulager, fulgur, valvar, valguor, bulgar, valgor, vollgar, voulger, vaulgur, valgar, vunger, Volgor, valgue, juglar, bowlder, vulger, vulerunable, valguar, vogular, vulga, vaulgar, valgur, voulgar, valgure, boulder, vullgar, volgor, volager, velgary, volugard, vaulger, volger, vulgare, vulgur, falgar, rologer, bloger, vulgor, volugar, vulgure, volgar, volga, vulguar establishments: establism, estabishments, establisments vagina: agina every_day: everyday acquiescence: acquiesence programmable: programable chaser: chasr nut: not cabin: caben, cabbin gear: gere seeing_as: seeings explanation: explaination nobody: nobudy negro: negrow environmental: invermeantial, envireminakl, enviornmental, enviromental, enviormental blazers: blasers hen: han loved: love, lovd, luved bodyguard: body_gaurd Eastwood: Estwood visited: veseted, visorted, vistored, visitor, vited, thisited, vietied, visitid, visde, vist, vicitet, vistied, visiteted, fisiten, viseted, viste, vistd, vinted, fisited, visit, vizet, vistid, fisated, visterd, visetet, vissited, visteol, weted, vistit, visitored, viteted, visetered, vested, viset, visied, visted, vistiten, vitoin, vised, visitd, vissed, visteted, vesertid, fisitied, vistited, visead, visthed, vistered, wist, vitter, vieset, fied, visitied imaginative: imaginitive comfortable: comferteble, comteble, compertable, coverterly, comfatable, kufed, comfdeble, cofatable, comforlable, cotfull, cabe, coftalb, comforbull, comfortal, covefer, coufedbe, carefully, comvertbly, cofortlbe, coftobl, cofertoble, comfedebull, cudful, comfterbel, cufepl, comterfull, camfortible, comfetable, comfort, coft, comefortable, comftable, comfertable, contidle, cunt, comfertel, comfarable, kufly, comfortbole, comforable, domfordion, comfotable, caufully, comfortoble, comable, cufe, comfterbull, confertable, comforble, comfon, comfentenl, carfubl, comfortly, comvatable, carpeat, cuvtelle, confortable, cumfeterible, cunfitl, competaby, comfortl, comtorble, comflulde, cofter, comfteble, comfartable, conbur, comfortbly, comterble, coveterble, conftble, comfortile, comportable, conghe, couthbel, comfortuble, cafel, comfortble, comferful, carfterb, comfortle, cab, comalbe, caf, comfatble recommends: recomends have: a, hvae, havne, naf, hvea, of*3, after, had, haf, having, haev, ahev, hove, ahve, har, has*2, haven, hav*2, fo countryman: countriman apparently: apparintly, apprantly, apporently, appartenately, appearently, apparentely, apparentaly, apparntly, apparnely, appariately, appareantly, apparitly, aparantly, apparinately, appearentaly, apparrently, apparately, apparntely, appranentaly, apparentally, appearantly, apparintally, apparentlly, apperently, aparentely, aparently, aparanty, apprently, apparanly, apperente, apparantely, apparentley, appertentaly, apparantly, appariently, apparetly sidecar: side_care, side_car incentive: inent, ins precipice: presipice mix: miks, mics Nicholls: Nickals unless: usless, unles procure: proqure eight: ate, eaght preliminary: plemlary, polimernery, plirimary, plimmernary, perlimary, prlimanary, prelimary, primale, primiminary, purlmily, pemly, prelimenary, prelimenry, pelimamny, prelimanary, prelomer, perremeally, plalimanary, perlimenary, plimary, pelimanary, primnally, perlinamary, plimanary, plirimanary, prelimianary, prelimelly, prilimary, prilamany, prilimanary, prlimany, prliminery, primerly, pilinamary, perlimery, perrimerly, plienary, prelimanery, primrily, plarimalary, plaimary, pranmly, plerimaly, palimanry, aprimialy, pimaly, prliminary, prelimanry, plerimalry, prilimiary, perlimarar, prlimery, preliminay, priliminary, prelemary prisoner: prisner payment: pament de_rigueur: de_rigeur enthusiastic: enthushiastic, anthuestic, infusiastic, enthiseatic, enthuisiastic, enthusiasic, emvueastick, inthosyastike, enthustacic, ethuseastic, enthusastick, enthuestiastic, enthaustatic, enthusiast, emfusatien, enfusetice, enfuseastic, afuseastic, enthusastic, enthusisastic, entheastic, enthusiasm, enthusastik, enfusitic, enthouseastik, imthustic, anutacice, enthustic, enthusatic, intherouus, enthsustic, inthusiatic, enarfly, enthyusiastic, enthesatic, inthusistic, amtostes, ethusiastic, enthusesastic, enfusteatec, enthusaism, entheusiasm, inthusiastic, enthuseasic, antheaste, anthusenta, enthuseastic, enfewsiastic, entheustac, entheuzeastic, inthoseastick, inthuseastic, inclostic, eneseastic, enthuseaseck, anthousyastic, entusylatic, anthusiastic, anthuastias, infuseatic, enthouseastick, enthewastic, enthousiastic, unforsheatk, infosastic, anthouslyarskeytic, entureasticty, enthyswastic, enfusiastic, enthosiastic, influenzait, enthinastic, inthusiaics, inforeat, enthousyastike, imfusiastic, enthorseastio, enthuesastic, inthousastic, emehusict, enthoseastic, entherates, enthusiatic, anfuseastick, enthusuastic, anthouseyastic, inthusaastic, enthusistic, foueast, entheusastic, entreatic, emtheuastic, enuthic, entusiastic, enfer, enthsatic, enthniciatic, enthuesiastic, enchusestic, inesaet, enthusiasistic, enfueasit, enthusiastick, anthousiast, enfusiatic, inthesatic, enthusicatic, enthuastic, anthisiastick, enthesyastic, enfustick, enthuestic, entheastics, athelick, inthousatic, infowen, enthuiastic, enforeastic, emthusiastic, inthuastic, entoenaskit, feseastic, anthuseastic, anthosiattic, enthiusuastic, entufaeastic, inthustic, enthusicastic, enthuseastick, enthustiastic, enthousastic, inehusastic, enthirsasthic, entuseastic, intusintic, enthesaket, imsuetastic, eath, inthusestace, imphusiratic, inthusastic, anthurseastit, enthusec, entheusiastic, inthusastec, enthustistic, Ensysastic, anfusiastic, anvease, enthusatick, enethusatic, enthzeatice, inthissiastic gather: garther, gether request: requst disease: desease absurd: abserred, apubed, obsured, abserbd, absurbed, abserved, aburd, absurded, aburve, abserid, adsurbed, absurred, Asurb, absorbed, absured, absorb, abseved, absored, absered, abserded, abscered, absorbd, absord, apserved, abserb, abeserbed, abserd, absred, abserve, abserbed, absurb, absevered, absurbe, obsurd rendezvous: rendevous occasion: ocassion*3, ocasion, occaision, occassion*2 skinny: skiny normally: normaly Saturday: Satuarday, Saterday*2 recess: reses, reces kite: kit text: texed supported: suppore incorruptible: incorruptable wear: mear, weare, were, wair, ware, where, war grabbed: grab, grabed knowledge: knowlege*2, knoledge, knowlede, knowledde, knowage, knolewge hydroelectric: hydrolectric vacillate: vaccilate ambiguity: amibuity fatiguing: fatiging oppressor: oppresser emitting: emiting, emmitting, emmiting inferior: inferier discovers: dicovers regularly: regurarly, reguarly*2, regulary, regularily delirious: dilirious beat: beet, pit, bet photography: photograph bear: bare, bar beam: beame bean: ben, been bead: beed organ: orgen, orgin calling: caling, callin, colling won't: wont*3, wan't, won fixed: fixd, ficked, fixt madam: madame omission: ommision*2, omision exists: exsests, exhisted, exaist, exist's, agsis, exisits, excist, ex, exsis, exhist, exist, exzist, existed, exisists, egisises, exsists, exis, exsitists, exisist, erists, exsits, excists, exsiss, exsist, existes, exictes, exest, exchists, egsests, excest, exsistes, egsist, excess, existists, execesses, exci, axist, exits, Exists, exhists, exisest, exisess, exiist, eists, exqist, exicets, excesses, exzests, esist we: be, wee, wot, when, wen, weed, were, wey, you daffodils: daffodill asks: ask attempting: attemting pattern: patten, patern difficulties: dificulties, diffucties, diffu routine: rouint progress: progess, proggress boundary: boundry*2, bondary filthiness: filthness linguistics: libguistics emitted: emited, emmited, emmitted*2 than_or: thanot climatologists: climatoligists instant: instent, instint joke: jock taking: takeing*2, tkaing, takin, thaing equal: eaq, equel assure: asure insidious: ecidious, incedious swim: swin, smim attributes: atributes passing: pasing guerrilla: guerrila glorious: glourious otherwise: other_wise*3 relevant: revelent, relavent, relevaant, relevent*2 overcoat: overcote, overcot laugh: laurght, laghfe, laugth, laugther, laught, latse, lavar, larghe, taugh, lauth, love, lauge, lorfe, lauga, lugh, la, lough, lave, lavh, lauger, laph, larfe, lagh, larf, luf, lauged, lithe, lath, langht, laphe, lought, larve, laght, luke, laf, laulh, loght, luagfde, lauphe, lault, lap, lanf, lauh, laveg, lagth, laft, lauf, laghe, laff, lafe, liurfule, largh, learf Holiday: Holliday playwrights: playwrites it's: is, it*2, its*11 muddy: mudy copies: copys primordial: primordal curtain: currten, cearton, kerten, cortion, curtin, curtian, certian, cortin, cimne, corint, current, curtan, curtion, cutun, certain, clatene, carten, catian, carton, cleartion, curton absorbent: absorbant anomaly: anomoly define: deffine chauffeurs: chauffers censor: censur essentially: esentially finished: finshed tense: tens bull: bool volunteer: volounteer, volonteer, volenteer divisions: divisons bye: buy nasty-tempered: nasty_tempered planetarium: planatarian, planeterium plain: plane, plan appearance: appearence*2, apperance value: vaule handwriting: hand_righting frustrating: frustartaion pheromone: feromone planets: plant manually: manualy almost: almsot, all_most, alomst, allmost walks: walk helped: helpt, help, hopled arrangements: arangaments, araingments, arangements, arrangement, arrangment, araingements, arrangesments, arramgements, arramgments, arrangemence, arigments, arrangnents, arrangenent, arargements, arrangments, arraingements, arangments, arragements, arangement, arraingments ax: ask, ox partner: partener portray: protray blue-covered: blue_covered progressing: progreing slammed: slander, slamed casualty: casulaty strawberries: strawberrys twelfth: twelth injured: injered, ingerd, ingered practice: practise, practis, pratise selfish: selfesh, slevish spirituous: spiritous bullying: bulling sisters: sister*2 judgment: judgement insure: ensure sweets: sweet, swet nevertheless: never_the_less, neverless, neverthless overshadowed: overshaddowed thought: throght, thoy, throught*2, that, thot*2, though*2, thourght, thort*2, thont, thorught, thougt, thorght, thorugh exceedingly: excedingly vinaigrette: vinagarette position: positon, presion, postition, posistion, postion*2, possition*2, pursecorc latest: lest, laytest, litseds, latested, lastest, lalest, latet, latetest, laitest, lastesd, laterst, lastly, lattles, latist, latelise, lats, luris, leisters, late, latise, latisd, lattest, latis, lateist, latetist, laters, latish, laghtest, latie, lastist, latets, leatest, laitist, latust, latiest, latext, latesit, leats, laster, last, litest, letass, leait, lates, later, lasted, litas, latesd, latestest, lastes, lateest, lastet, latised dinnertimes: dinner_times ratify: radify executive: exectutive domestic: domistic, domestick storey: story nicknamed: nick-named protecting: pretecteng repetitious: repititious absorption: absorbsion, absorbtion*3 Friday: Firday demographic: demographical lake: lack*6, lak recommending: recomming, reckamening, reckmending, recomonding, reccominding, reccommding, reccommending*2, recogmending, recconending, recommended, recommend, recomding, recomending*2, recamending, recomend, reccomending*2, recomminding, recomondening, recomanding, recommeding, reckomending, remmaction, recommerding, recominding, recommanding mathematically: mathematicaly add: ade, ad citizen: citisen, citezen Apprenticeship: Apprentiship match: mach resolved: resoved tests: test, tets thoughtlessly: thorought judiciary: judisuary boyfriend's: boyfrends like: lick, look*2, lekt, liek, took, lik*2, liuke, lichr, lire success: succes, sucess*2 journalism: journaism admitted: admited, admitten, abmitt, addmitid, admitd, amitted, amernt, addmited, admitid, omitted, abmeteb, admied, admetid, addmeted, amit, admerited, addmitted, admetted, addmittid, atmited works: wonrs, work*2, wors soft: saft heel: hel, hell, heal kaleidoscope: kaleidescope, kaliedoscope accessible: accessable*2, accesible propel: propell hail: hale hair: heer, harn, hire*2, hird, her, pear, daire, hiar, hare, hard, heir, horse, here, hand, hear, hier, har, haer, hoy_hoirs infiltrated: infilitrated recommendation: recommentation, recconmendation, reckamendation, recomendation, rechomandation, rexemindiation, reckemandation, recomnendation, recommandation, recomandaion, recommedation, recomendasion, reccommendation, recomendet, recomnadation, reccomendation, recommendicate, recomation, recomnondation, recommendations, recomandation, recogmendation, reccommengation, recomendin, recomondation, recemendation, reckomending, reconemdation, reckomendation, recommandment, recomdmend, reckonmendation, reccomondation, recomenendation, reconmendation proper: propper*2 stuffy: stufy happens: happends hurricane: huricane students: studens discretion: discreshen, digression, discricent, descretion, discrusion, discrestion, discresione, decriasion, disgreation, discregation, desquestion, diseresion, disgrace, discritation, dispression, discration, descrettion, descrestion, disression, disgration, dikcrishun, disseression, disgression, discrition, discret, descrition, discricion, discrushion, discriution, desgretion, discrussion, discretiant, discre, disgistration, descriten, descression, discreationed, discreshtion, descritione, discetion, discreciant, discresion, discression, discrecision, disgretion, descrasion, disquetion, discreation, discritione, discreetion, desgression, dicretion, dicheion, disquition, dissgnression economical: ecamonical, Ecomomical, Ecomonical, economics, ecommonical, enecomicial, excomonical, economcil, equalmoical, econicial, ecomnical, equa, ecomocal, economic, econocomal, Economical, equalnomical, enomical, equalical, ecomercla, eccomical, econmical, ecommical, ecomomical, ecomonical, econimical, econicmal, acknowledge, ecomenical, ecominical, enconble, ectonomaly, economecle, ecomyonecal, eccalnomical, equinomical, ecomomacily, acknomacail, econalical, ecmomical, ecinomical, eccominical, economicial, ecconomical, ecolmety, equalnomackle, econcomial, equomomical, ekanomakale, econamical, enanical, ecomicial, eaconomicl, ecknopal, Econnomical, acknomical, economicle, ecconnomicle, ecanomical, equonomical, ecenomical, ecomical, Economal, economiccal, ecconmical, ecomdomical, ecolmomical, echenimical, ectonunule, enochmical, ecnomical, ecunumical, econnomical, ecomically, eckanomital, economico, econamicl, economycal, economically, econmocial pepper: peper hose: hoes slight: slite lieutenant: lieutenent, leutenant*2 although: allthough, attough, althought, allthow, altough, athough, altho, alough, allthouth worthy: worthey Newfoundland: Foundland noisy: nouis, norisey, noce, nosiey, nosie, noies, sea, nosey, nors, noisae, noiser, noysy, nosing, noisey, nars, noicy, noisee, noie, nousey, noesy, nice, nosely, niose, nosiy, norsil, nossing, nrste, moisey, moths, spome, noine, noise, niss, not, nowni, niosy, noseing, noise'y, noser, noses, nosy, nise, nouse, nose, noten, nore_sier, nos, nosl about: ad, abunt, abouy, aboat, out, adout, a_bout*3, abote, to, aboo, a_pelt, a_Bat, bout, urbote, adeaut, boaut, a_bot, abont, a_but, abound, abuot, adot, abould, baout, abowt, arand, abought, abot, abou, aboit, of, a_belt actual: actuall, actural December: Desember, Decmber certainty: certainity introduced: introducted, inctroduced, interdust tome: tiome rendered: renderd functional: funcional socks: sock, scoks guard: greard, gerd, gred, cuah, gaurd*3, guds, gauerd female: feemale, femail demeanour: damenor, demenor adolescent: adolecent rushed: rusht, rust, ruched vegetables: vegdaballs, vegitables awarded: awedid biggest: biges't, big, bigest*2, biget, biges rococo: rococco ivory: ivery buy: bye, by chatting: chating brand: bran, brend but: bat, byt, buts, p, bun, put, dut, by Dec: des. bug: big bud: bod, but partially: partialy, partically embargo: emp wise: wize dangerous: dangrus, bars, dandos, dangrose, dangeris, danges, danger, danguages, dandres, dand, danerer, dagerse, danchis, born, daneres, dangeous, dangeras, dangrs, dangeos, awgt, dagers, danurous, dards, darus, dams, dageross, dangierious, dagerous, dendres, dangrouse, dangers*2, dangrosse, danras, daye, taden, danerish, dansios, dadase, daggs, dratras, dangourous, doce, dangs, danegerous, dangerouse, dat, dangarse, daynatst, dangearos, dantro, daders, dandrs, dangerus*2, dundre, dangorous, dageros, dredres, dangores, danerous, dangours, dageres, daingeris, dangeus, dagest, dangres, dangous, dainuse, dangerious, dans, daners, daygous, dangarous, derferus, dungres, dangess, dagre, dabras, dangeres, dangcy, daddy, dandes, dads, dangeros variations: verations Gauguin: gogin minutes: minuites, minits, minuts, minetes, mine, minuets, muinets, muinutes, muiuets skating: skateing rabbits: rabbit whisper: wisper circus: curcus, sercus pie: piy pig: pag periods: prei in-between: in_between mysteriously: misteriously unintelligible: unentelegible corporation: coorperation, corperation oak: oke detail: detaile headmistress: head_mistrise, headmister, head_miss_dress, headmistres, headmisstress, headmisteress, head-misstress, head_misstress, head_mistriss, headmisstres, headmistriss, head_mistress, had_mistiss, headmisters ducked: duck dresses: dressers convicts: convicks bundle: bundel, boundle enlargement: enlargment, inlargement weaponry: weaponary astronomy: astonomy prevalent: prevelant*2 a_bit: abit*2 pupil: pupile, puple secretary's: secretary yell: yeal, yel Pleased: Please limited: limitted, limm Lead: Led comparatively: compartly, compatly, compareativ, comparatably, comparutvily, comparativelly, comparativaly, conparatively, comparitivly, compariatvely, comparative, comparatable, compareitivley, comprativly, comparrable, comparetively, comparatly, comparitolvily, comparitavely, comaritialy, conparitivly, comparitively, comparately, compartable, parantively, comparativeley, comparativly, compairatively, comparitivily, comparivily, compareitively, comparratively, compairetly, comparetivily, compairateley, compariatively, comparitly, compartivly, comparitatively, conpeut, comparitivle, conparablily, compairly, comparifly, compartively, comparativily, compareativally, comparitevly, comperative, comparitably, compariley, comparativeally, comparitevely, compartivilty, compariably, comperatively sleet: sleat facilities: vacilities, vicillilies, facilites, viculay, facitities, vacalities, fersilaty's, vicinities, fascilities, vacellities, faccillity, philidities, vacillities, ficcilitys, fasivialys, visitilly, facilitys, fulcilities, facillitives, facatilites, facilite, vercillents, fecilities, facilitaties, phaipilifys, physcilities, fasilities, pacilities, physics, vacilaties, phacilities, phicilities, vecelosities, faciliities, fulsilaties, vicilities, facillate, fillicities, physialities, valicities, physiloties, facitalies, vislitys, versilities, vascilities, ficiltys, facillities, vilictes, vecilities, phcilaties, faciliaties, facitelies, faclisisy, fucilities, physilities, ficillilies, faculilies, facilaties, ficilityes, facillaties, phasillities, faccilities, phsilities, viccivales, picilities, vacilitiys, vaster, vasility, ficilities, faciatities, facelities, phesilaties, vicincities, vasilities, facillitys, vasilate, physilosphy, factulties, facililies, philisities, phisititivies, facilitate, facellities, visility sleep: seph*2, slep, slip appetite: appaite, appetiat, appitlie, appitate, appretate, apepite, apatight, appaiate, appeiate, appeatite, appite, appretite, appitite, apeptite, appatite, apetite, apitite, appatiate, appette, apitate, appetiete, apptitate, appetitale, appeite, apatite, appietite, appititle, appitete, appecite, appitiate, appetitite, appiete, apatiet, apetitate, aptite hate: heat, hat trolley: trolly under: undr, andr stationery: stationary pride: pried, prid suburban: sububan, surburban wondrous: wonderous merchant: merchent conjecture: conjecutre exempt: exampt risk: resk dispense: dispence rise: raise amorphous: amourfous whoever's: who_evers every: evay, evrey, avery, eyery, eveyr, evry*2, evey*2, aver, ever motor-cruiser: motor-cruisr school: scoole, scohool, skool, schooll, schoal, sshcool, sckool, shcoole, scool, schoole, shoole, shool*2, scholl, shcool, schoo, schol reciprocal: reciprocel supports: support conceive: conseave, conceiive, conceade, concevee, conceved, conserve, consive, conseved, convesed, concede, concive, conseive, conceivce, conceeded, conscieve, consived, conceived, conseve, concieve, consieve, concieved, conceal, conceave, concieves, conseed integrated: intergrated admissible: admissable*2 Europeans: Europians enjoy: enjoiy, joying, ealoy, injo, enjol, ingo, ingh, engoy, joy, injury, ingoy, inyoy, injoy, ijony, intoy, nou, engoul, in_you, in_jou, entoy, ingory, in_joy, enut, injons, in_crall, angoy bicycle: bycles, bycycles, bisycal, bycle, bickckle, bycyle, bicyl, biscycle, biclyce, bicecicle, bircyls, bicyle, biycicle, bisck, biycyle, bicycal, bicycel, bycicle, bickly, bickle, bybicle, bicycles, bikesclele, bisycle, bylcial, bicylce, bysical, byc, biccal, biscan, bickcle, bicicly, buycicle, basical, bicecyle, bicicle, bicyely, byci, bycile, biclye, bysycle, byscle, bikecule, bicykle, biycle, biycile, bicyclle, bycicyle, bycycle, bycly, bicechely disciplines: disiplines consistent: conistant, consentance, consident, conscistant, constant, consestion, consitant, consistont, consistient, consitance, conscistent, constistant, consistined, concenience, consizition, consistance, consiston, consistant, consisent, constent, consestane, consistaunt, constient, consistiance, consistence, concitent, concistant, consistion, consinante, concistent, constisant, consitent guidelines: guidlines nail: nale surrounding: sorrounding, surounding, serounding street: seet, sweet, sratt, seat, steest, stret, seets, sater, state, streat, stir, steert, stee, steete, sret, sterret, steat, sreet, st, steet, steew, steer fattening: fating*2 blue: bleu, blow, blew, lao, bleue, bluw, dleu, bwe, bule hide: hid organisms: ar, organism solemn: soloum, solmon, sollem, salem, slaom, sollom, solium, sullen, solemon, Solome, solumun, salemn, soleom, Solomn, solunm, solman, solemum, solemun, solmen, soloun, solmem, soluem, solum, solm, solem, sallom, solim, solmun, solam, soleman, salmon, solomn, soloem, salumne, sollum, suman, solomen, solenn, soleum, solon, slomue, solom, solid, solomon, solume, psalm, solme, solumn, soluom, solmn beaten: beat poison: poisen, posion, poisin mischievous: mischievious*3, mischevious, mischeivous conduct: conduck supplies: supplys, supply jaundice: jaundise orgies: orgi's diagonal: diagonel asymmetry: asyme, assymnetry, assymmetry Ferrari: Farrari in_to: into path: parth, pathe voice: voise, vose leaves: leves, leavs changed: cage, chaned, change museums: mieums settled: settle punishment: punshment, punishement hydrophobic: hydropobic swearing: swearinge straw: strarw, strow*2, storw visibly: visably*2 erected: erested patience: patients too_much: tomuch would: wred, wood, whould, owudl, woudl, wed, were, whort, wond, wouls, wollda, whode, woud, wold, wet, wod, ward, woild, wob hospital: hostpital, horsuplo June: Jun assessment: assesment breathe: beath, brith, bauth, trealh, brif, grive, breath, brivf, bief, breave, breate, threath, beathe, berth, breth, greve, breah, breeth, breve, brethe, beith, berath, brefe, brealth, bereth, treath coffins: cofens naive: nieve dressing: adressing grief: greif*2 phone: phome, fone*2, thone deciduous: ecidious excellent: excellant, exelent, exerlant, exellent all-boys: all_boys casualties: casulaties, causalities must: wont, mas, mush, mats, mus, most, mast, nust, was, mote me: we, may, my, met, mae, mer, knee, mey, onthe hutch: hudge*3 join: joine, jion, goin*2 tremendously: tremendisle entertained: enterteyned deficiencies: defficenciy's install: instal my: me, ma, may*2, mi, ne, miy, ny, yoy, by quarrel: quarall, qurral Poem: Pome unilateral: unilatreal estate: astate bilaterally: bilateraly times: tims, time attract: atract guarantee: gartunee, guarrntee, garantue, garatie, guarenty, garantea, garantee, quarentte, guaranteed, granentee, garrentee, guarrant, garalted, grounte, gaurentee, garrent, guarntee, garuntee, gauratee, garuantee, garuarntee, garranteed, garintee, garruntee, quartee, guartee, qurantee, carrentie, guaranttee, gaurnte, garauntee, granetee, garnete, guaranty, guarnteed, guruantee, farenty, guarante, garrantee, gaurantee, garunicte, gareente, gaintee, guantee, garrete, carinte, garrente, gaurrantee, garaunteed, carronteed, garenteed, quarentee, granautee, guaranly, gavertea, gaurnted, grauntee, garanttee, garanti, gante, garenttee, garante, garnteed, gretent, farantee, guarteed, garanty, garanutee, grarentee, garinty, gurrentee, garantend, garatte, guarneetee, guarnte, guarrenteed, guanantee, granty, guarrty, garteene, garuntie, guurentee, garatee, quarrentee, carente, garrity, arentee, garnuante, garuenty, garentey, garantie, garrante, garranty, garintie, garunate, gaurrentee, garantied, garented, garcentee, garentea, guarrenty, garintry, garent, quarntee, guarrtee, garennte, gaarented, garua, garaty, guaruntee, garenty, gurantte, graueet, guarnantee, granaette, garente, garate, gartee, gaurintee, guarrentee, ganertee, guarrante, grantere, grantee, guranteed, gauneted, garrntee, guarentee*2, guarranty, garutee, granite, guarenteed, guorronte, guarrantee, gerenttee, gardeend, gurranteed, garonty, gurantee, garrntte, gaurntis, garunteed, garentee, guarintee, guarrottee, quarantee, gaurntie, gaurtee, grenty ceremony: cerimony end: and frescos: frescoes grammatically: grammaticaly, gramatically Muslims: Mohammedans enquire: ingurey, incure, inquair, inqerh, inequir, inqoor, ilnerer, enzwar, inqure, inque, enquer, incerse, inqeneire, enquir, equire, inceul, einge, enquier, inqer, enquver, inger aching: acheing Miranda: meranda gate: gater, geit, gert, get, gat, carkt, gait, gatr, gated, ganed, gean, bit, gaet, gart, getea widespread: widesread badly: dadley, badle, badley description: desription, descvription, desacription, discription, descrptn, descrption mess: mes protuberance: protruberance lump: lomp, lunp jumping: junping tidying: tiding parallel: parralel, parrallell, parrallel, parrald, parellel, paralell*2, parallellel, paralel provisionally: provisionaly splendid: remackuble, sandid, spended, sudend, remarkable, sepper, splend, pseded, spelled, spinted, spildend, speldid, sed, splindid, splanded, spelendid, splenid, spendid, spland, sates, spordid, slpended, sedid, sprended, spolened, spnelldid, splenderd, maknivson, spread, spented, spened, spliened, sbleded, spenled, separted, splended*2, spliend, sledid, splende, sleadet, splenden, spledid, slened, spedin, macknifisent, sleded, splened, splender, spleded, slped, splet, spendoded, splendourd, sblled, spellend, splendod, spelended, spleand, spader, splented, pefect, splel, splendide, slendid, sblended, pled, splanted, splendied, slended, stlendid, spleind, spend Japanese: Japannese, Japanes daredevil: dare_devil algorithms: algoritms jungle: jungel*2 enter: anter Dunstan's: Dunstan bingley: bingly archaeology: archaoelogy, archaology executed: executted, excecuted interpretation: interpart, interpritation allophone: allopone over: hover, overe, ower, ofrer, overy, ove*2, aver, ofer expects: spects executes: excecutes talkative: takativ clapped: claped forehead: forhead hypocrisy: hypocricy, hypocrasy, hypocracy theologian: theologist exhibits: exsibites writing: writeing*2, writting*2, wirting destroyed: distrod, distroyed tramp: tranp, trmp*4, tamp, trap trams: trambs strand: strnad Judaism: Juadism, Juadaism semi-permanently: semi_permanantly curly-headed: curly_headed superintendents: superintendants bellringing: bell_ringing potatoes: potattoes, pottage, paotoes, potous, brtatons, potatos, poatayous, prodoro, potateos, portatos, pontots, pattos, ptoeta, potatous, pastos, potaltos, poptioes, poteots, pattoes, ptoss, potato*2, potor, popatoes, pottos, patoes, potates*2, potaos, potatas, pothochs leading: lead, leding choir: quire, cowi, chior toroidal: toriodal author's: others lasting: last consolidate: consolodate forfeit: forfiet cloths: clothes joined: joind, joned practising: practacing, practiceing Kidneys: Kidney clothe: cloth driving: driveing sang: sing, saing, song god: gad psychic: pyscic, psyhic washed: wosh counselors: councellors emphysema: emphysyma laid: lade, laide*2, layed*2, ladh*2 swirling: swaling millennium: milenium, millenium*2, milennium got: go*14, goot, gat, gnt, get*2 independence: independance*2, independece associate: associat, associate lavatories: lavatries rail: rale free: fee, fre masterpiece: masterpice evil: efel wanted: wald, want, woulded, wonded, woinr, pretented, wan, wantend, had, wnated, wat, waunt, wantid, whented, whatted, wouted, whanted, watied, wont, whated*2, wend, wontid, wotis, wonted*2 immigrated: imigrated days: day, das priorities: priority, prioities outfits: out_fits hopeless: hopless onto: on_too some_other: someother recite: resite rang: ring, raing already: all_ready, all, alreayd, allready dunce: dunts a_museum: amusum attractions: attracktions encouraging: encouraged rank: wrank, ranke hearing: hereing, hering lovable: loveable fantasy: fantast, famdasy philosophical: philisophical quicker: qucker adopted: addopted*2 scissors: sisore, sissor's, secors, sissow, sisors, sissor, scisors, sizers, sisorse, cissuce, scors, sliemer, sissors, scirrors, sisers, sicciors, scissocers, sicerse, sices, sicer, sorriors, scicsors, saciarres, scisers, scisous, sessiors, siscors, sisions, sisscors, sicars, sizzors, scisscors, siccors, sissers, scissor, sicorrs, scissers, cezzous top: tap ton: tun too: to*21, two*4, tw inconvenient: inconvierd, enconvience, incoverent, inconvineant, inconveient, inconviniant, iconvinent, inconvention, inconvient, inconverenent, inconvined, inconvianiant, inconveinient, incovient, inconvinant, inconvienient, inkurnet, inconvenant, incoveiant, incovinient, inconvienent, inconveny, inconveneon, inconvent, inconveneated, inconvinient, inconveirient, inconveniont, inconveanent, inconfeniant, inconveniant, inconviniend, inconvenen, incovenient, inconvenet, inconvented, inconveyent, inconfidient, inconveant, inconveneent, inconvieniant, inconvenent, inconvinent, inconvi, encoveiniant, incovinent, inconvinend, inconiven, inconvinate, inconvieriece, inconveniat, inconvintner, enconvenent glucose: gluo curtains: currants, cartons, canens, certens, cutuns, cirents, ills, cartains, courred, chirtins, cartins, certins, kutans, cortens, curtined, curtians, curituns, curtan, curtins, cutins, cutans, carit, curtons, curcer, curtain, curntians, certuns, certans, curtings, crutians, catan, curten, courtens, certains, cotan, curtens, cutens, knts, cartians, curtuins, curtans, cartens, cuaritains, curains, curtanse, curnterns, cutised, cirtains, curtai, curatan, courting ceiling: cieling, celling murder: murber, merder, muder*2 indiscreet: indiscrest tool: tol serve: surve took: look, tuck*3, tok, take, toke, thc, too kindest: kindes, kindlest Thames: Thems western: westen postcards: post_cards abandoning: abondoning unsaid: unsed whereby: wherby, were bulletins: bulletings immigrants: inmigrants genealogies: geneologies classes: classe's, clases, class, glasses, classis flame: flam three_quarters: threequaters beard: beared bridge: dight, brighe, brire, bama, brij, bright, dridge, brg, bry_yre, bre, brig, dirwe, ridge, brige, brigeh, binge, hish, dug, bigh, bus, bige, birdge, big, birge, bainge, brigth, dr, bredge, bring, brigde, beds, bridg, bish, brigd, rbic donkey: donky fashion: fassion, fashon handkerchief: hankerchief ran: run*3 raw: rore, row rat: ret spade: spad relatively: reat, relativly*2, relitivly traditionally: traditionaly*2 thoroughly: thorouly, thorughly, throughy, thoroly, throughly*2, vacancy, thurouly, thourough, thourly, thouraly, thouroughly, throughely, thourghally, thourally, torrially, thoroughily, thoroughally, theroughly, thouroghly, thouroly, throughway, thoroghly, thoughty, thourily, throuly, thourely, thougherly, thourlly, thuroughly, thorally, thoughtly, throughtly, througly, throroughly, thorught, thorly, thourghly, thoughly, theroly, therally snow: sno, snowe, sow thorough: throught, therol, throughal, throwal, thourghl, thoreaugh, through, thoroughl, throurgh, thrugho, therow, thorugh, thoroughal, thourogh, thero, terrol, thurow, thoroughly, thro, therior, throughl, thurough, throughor, threough, thorow, thural, thoura, though, thourl, thourrow, thourough, thoughtu, throw, furrow, thourgh, thoural, thrlow, thourah, throuel, thoro, thourgho, throrough, throroth, thurol, throur, thourghly curly-haired: curly_haired Let's: Lets*2 hatch: hach girl's: girls though: tho, thou, thow, through plenty: pleanty, plentl prostitute: prostut partition: partician metal: metel, metle reputation: repution, repretation, reprotation pineapple: pinnaple, pinapple entertaining: intertaining section: secion contacted: contracked queen: qeen radio: raido queer: quire, quear, quere earth: erthe, eath, eaeth, af, ergh, ethe, endetf, erfe, ere, erf, orthe, eches, eathe, each, erght, eth, out, eaght, erth availability: avaiblity situations: situation refreshment: refreashment, refreschment, riefreshmet, refleshment, refressment, refesment, repemt, rifreshment, aquashment, reefreshrefrenm, rflash, refeshmont, reanfermad, refrestment, refreshemt, reafreshment, refremit, refressmant, freshmean, refreashent, refeshmets, refreeshment, refreshmint, refreshment, resment, eefrsment, reram, refreshement, reafasmeant, reacmer, refreshmernt, refrheshment, rephreshment, refrestmert, refeshment, refremut, refreshmet, refresmen, reffreshment, reyfrsmont, refrshment, refrecment, rethrament, refestment, refrshmint, rethrement, reafestmet, remfehment, refreshments, refreshmen, resafmat, refreshmeant, refreshmat, refresment, refruesment, reafrehment, refemt, refesmut, rirme, rereashment, refrastment, rement, refrickment, refreshmant, reafrment, refesiment, refrement, rerreshment, refressmunt, rethmente, urfreshment, refshment, referchment, refreme, refrechment commence: comence, commense disgust: discust lodge: logde, lalay, loige, lodege, loder, lolud, logen, lode, loeg, looge, loge, loadg, flaged, lobt, lodeg, loged, loges announce: anounce, annuncio scripture: scriture borrowed: borrowd criticizes: critisizes watch: wach*5, woch, wacth*2, wash, wakh, whotch, whatch herd: heard criticized: critisized, critisised borrower: borrowr despite: dispite*2 botanical: tanacal, battanigal countries: countrys, contries, ocuntries excel: excell Mediterranean: Meditterranean, Mediteranean twice: twise, twis automatic: autumatic farther: father fragrant: fragrent penance: pennance Caribbean: Carribean presuming: preuming swept: sweped habit: habet, habbit liquor: licker infectious: infectuous accede: acceed capacity: capaicty, copasserch, compasity, compasite, copopacaty, compalere, copasety, cpasity, copusaty, capcity, copatissy, c_pmasterly, conpasity, cappaserty, cappst, copasatey, coapasty, carpastiy, cepasity, copasite, apassaty, cupasate, capasite, carpasity, capicity, copasit, compassity, compaserty, capaserty, capasity, capacty, carpasel, copasity, cupacity, compasater, capatiye, capasete, capasty, coppasity, compacity, capaset, capasaty, capity, capacote temptation: temtation continually: continualy, contually grandmother: granmother, grandnother mud: mudr, mut, hartel, made, mant, maed, mude, mund, mnud, men, bath, mun, mum, nond, nerd, mad, marrd, mend, mod, mub, mead catalogue: cataloge, catologue finger: fingr, figer approach: appoa, appraoch, approch, aproach discovery: discoverd, dicovery liaise: liase positron: positon weak: week however: howaver, howeverr, howevery, how, howevever, howver*2 boss: bose, bos isn't_it: isinted bad_temper: badtempar improve: improove, inprove goddess: godess all_right: allright, all_wright, al_right, al-right, all-right, all-ready, alwright, alriht, alright*2, alrite fault: falt*3 games: game, gams Franciscans: Fransiscans hypocrites: hypocrits expense: expence rounders: rouders, rounder, roundosy confide: cornfield maudlin: mauldin Bechuanaland: bechuarnia_land comical: commical conference: conferance bathroom: both_rom beef: bf, beaf been: bin, be, din, ben, abe, bine, bein, bent, being, bean*2, bene, bend, dan, beee quickly: quikly, quickley, quicklyu beneficiary: beneficary confident: confedent, conferdent spread: spreaded, spred beet: beat expected: exspected bereavement: bereivement bible: bibble, bibel cream-coloured: creamed_coloured catch: chach, cash, can, cach Cypriot: Cyprian cracker: craker teachers: teahchers, tchers, tinicher, teature, techeter, teahers, techershoy, treacher, techet, techeler, teatures, techers, teatchers, tearchers, tichers, tearch, teaches, teacher*2, tacher stopping: stoping xylophones: zylaphones precede: preceed procedure: procedeior, prosezure, proceedur, proceddure, proceduar, procedsure, procegior, proceduer, proceadure, proseiduare, procedur, proseigure, projecesure, proceetgure, procieder, prosedgor, procedeuere, prosieger, proquier, proceture, procedeur, proceaures, procegure, proseiger, proceedual, precedure, proceeder, proceedgure, procedger*2, procegor, proceedures, procedeor, procecire, porcheder, proscedgor, proceeduare, prosejaur, proceedure*2, prociger, procider, procedner, procedeure, procudure, prosedure, procure, prosegier, precedour, proceager, procedior, prosiegeur, prosiger, Procedure, procejure, proceure, prosegure, prosedger, proceger, proceedger, procceedure, procedier, proseedure, prosiager, proceiger, procudur, procedurez Ellis: eles expenses: expences experts: exsopricks, exsperts, eser, exaiter, exspted, exspes, experience, expet's, expere, expeneds, expern containing: contasining, contining, containg suggest: sugest wound: wond, woned beside: besid, bese several: severeal*2, seferal, sevral, severl satellite: sattelite, satelite*2 catholic: cathlic misery: missery, misary, misoury suburb: suberb characters: character, charachters cycle: cylcl, cyl specialize: special Leicester: Lester paralysed: paralised*2 possessed: posessed, possesed, porsecced ocean: ochen, ocen hearty: hartty greatest: greastest, gratest mother: morther, mouthr, moter, mothers possesses: posesses, posseses Jean's: jeans, Jeans After: Artair unemployment: unee bruise: bruse playtime: play_time, play_times functionally: functionaly cherry: cheery, chery thick: thik explanatory: explanotory relatives: reletivs technological: tecl pitiful: pityful, pitifull humanity: humaniti gave: gav, cave*6 James: Jame*21 breaks: brakes judge: juge sanitary: sanatary advanced: advansed apart: aparet, appart*2 appearing: appearin gift: give hunt: hont dishonest: disonist specific: specifica, specipik, spesifict, specefe, specifich, spiecivic, specefic, pacific, spiciffic, spisific, specifict, speciffic, specipit, spesific, spsific, Specifa, spescivic, spacific, pacquik, spicivic, Paciffic, specifect, spasific, sespecific, pecifick, specifficy, pecific, specfic, Specific, specsiface, spcific, spicific, spiciefic, picipic, specif, speciefic, specifac, passific, Pacific, spefick, spficsic, spyfic offices: offercis officer: oficer arbitrary: arbitary hung: hong, hunge successfully: succesfully*2, sucessfuly, sucesfully, sucessfully, succesfuly, suceessfully, sucesfuly excerpt: exerpt scrabble: scrabdle election: ellection, electon escape: excape, ascape advertise: advitise, advertize Champagne: Champange intellect: intele, interlect proceeding: proceding*2 ice: ise rhino: rhyon, rhyno everything: everthing, every_thing, everying, evething, everythink, every-thing christmas: christman cord: coard, courd khaki: kahki corn: cron, con disappeared: diciped, disapeared, disappeard, disoperd, disaperd, dissapeared fetes: fete, fete's chapter: capture, eafter, chaper, captur, chapture, chaphter, chater, chapder, chaptor, traper, capter, chaptur census: cencus plum: plom, plam hothouses: hot_houses surround: sorround, suround*2 dinner: binnr, dina, dinne, dinnr, dern, denir, denner, dinnu, dear, dener, dirrut, diah, dair, denery, dinninr, biminy, awrost, dinned, diner, diddel, dinney, binr misleading: missleading plus: pluse plasticine: plastacine, plactine, plasticene, plastine rigor: rigeur efforts: effots, effords primitive: primative froze: fros, frose presence: presense*2 civil: cival puzzle: puzzel obtaining: optaning bath: barth accommodate: accommedate, accommondate, aconadate, accodate, acromodate, accomodaty, acomodate, accomadite, accomodiate, acomadate, accomodat, accomodate*3, accomnadate, accomidate, accommdate, accomnodate, acomidate, acommodate, acommadate, accomadate*2, accomode, accommodation, accmodate, accommadate, acommodiate, accomdate, accondate, eccommodate, accommidate, accomondate entrepreneur: entrepeneur accomplishments: acomplishments trafficked: trafficed rounds: rouns fairyland: fairy_land creamery: creamy, creamry indispensable: indispensible*3 why: wy, wiy, way, yoy stuck: stuk, stok fought: faught, fougth, fort purposely: purposedly head: hed*3, haed, had medium: medmen, mediam amateur: amatuer, amature*2 manoeuvrable: manouverable attempted: attemted libel: lible, libell deny: demie, denie, denin, demi, deney, denying, deniy, demy, denigh, denial, itemize, denigy, denied, dein, Deny, denihgh, denight, denine, denye, Deneigh, denined, denny, deni, denify, den heinous: hienous payable: payible, payble heat: heart, heet hear: haer, here*3, her*2 satisfactorily: satisfactory, satisfactorcly, satisfacturely, satisfacorilly, satisfacturaly, satisfactoryially, satisfactorial, satifactorily, satifactorly, satisfactually, satisfactorilly, satisfactoryly, satisfatorly, satisfacturly, satifielty, satasfactorly, staisfactorally, satafactory, satisfilly, sactisfactory, satifactory, satisfacturally, satisfactorlly, satisfactororily, satisfactorally, satifatorally, saficutary, saticfactory, satifacturally, satisfactorially, satisfactonly, satisfactorialy, satisfactarily, satisfactorly, satisfacterly, sadusfatoury, satisfactoryil, sasafactoryly, satysfactory, satifortary, sastisifactory, statistory, satisfactorely, satisfactorlily, satisfactoraly, satafactoraly, saticfacturaly heap: heep*4 manoeuvres: manuevers, manouvers removed: rmoved, rend, re_bor, ram, moved, ruovd, reymoufd, remoofed, rmood, raedmost, rew_moved, reymoved, rende, remoud, remooved, rinae, mofed, romoust, rwit, re, remouv, remufed, yemorthd, roved, wemod, notsod, rey_mod, renoved, ream, remone, remover, riemd, removen, remode, rud, rowd, romey, remer, ravmd, rimed, remoovd, remord, removred, readmouved, remov, reymund, reved_marvd, remove, removd, remeved, remcad, mofd, remd counsel: concuol, concele, counicl, consele, concile, councile, consual, consale, concil, councial, councel, counciles, councell, consul, counsil, concel, cousel, counsul, consil, council, conceal, connsonil, consal, conseal, councele, cunsel, counsal cylinders: silinders bargain: bargin decorate: decerate more: mooe, mor, mort, mroe*2, moor, omre trim: trem furs: fers sometime: somtime annoying: anoying check: chack, cheke, cheak looked: lookt, look*9 radically: radiaclly faithful: faithfull, fathful no: on*3, now, know*4 commercials: commerciasl tip: tep, tope, tiper proceedings: procedings tin: teine, ten setting: seting formalize: formallize depot: depo, depoe Philippines: Phillipines, Philipines, Phillippines pseudonym: pseudonyn, pseudynom picture: picher, pitcher, pictuou toad: toed preceding: preceeding*3 football: foot-ball, footboll, foat_ball, feetball, fooball, foot_ball, footballs miscellaneous: missolainious, misalenious, misatainess, missalaneous, missellenous, misscelanious, misohish, misulanis, misolanius, misellanious, misalainis, misulaninous, miscallionus, mescelaneous, misoanesous, miserlanious, misulanies, misalaneous, miscilanious, misalanious, miccellanous, miserlanies, mischellaneous, misolainious, messelonious, miscullaneous, miscelainous, miscellaious, missallaus, missalneous, misicelleous, micsalaneas, miscallaneous, misalanias, misalleoneus, miscellanious*2, missalainess, missoleanus, messalanious, mecelenious, missalaes, missilaniouss, musolanious, miscalanias, misallanous, misalianious, misillanious, misolanious, messurnation, miserlaneish, misalaneas, miselanious, misellainis, misslinious, mecellcinous, missalainious, misotanious, micellences, misselomons, mescellaneous, misscellaneous, miscellianeous, miseillaus, miscelleonous, misalaniese, missalanious, misselaneous, misheleous, messelianuous, misolaneous, misalaniest, misilan, missalanoss, mesalaneous, miscelleanous, missallanious, misalanus, miscelaous, misslain, missalleonus, miscellaeous, mealanis, missilanus, misealineus, misscelainious, miscellianous, missulanious, missulannous, miscelanius, missalaniars, miselanis, micellaneouse, misallaneous, missilainious, miccelaneous, missallancous, misalanise, misalaneu, missilaneous, misenaanslous, misceleanious, miscelanuos, misalanes, misatous, misalenous, miscalaneous, miscalange, Miscellanous, miscellious, misalaines, esolainious, misalainous, misolanleous, miscellous, miscleaneous, miscelleneous, miscillaneous, miscelanious, missolaneous, misenlanious, mistisans, misilous, miserleaness, misolanus, miscenalanious, mipolainnous, misclanious, micelanious, missalais, missellanious, misalainus, isolonois, miccellaneous, missilanious, micillanious, micelaneous, miscllanious, misalanyas, michellanos, misataneas, miscellainious, misalenus, miscellenious, micellaneous, misseculaneux, mscellaneous, musolonis, misatanion, misalentios, misolanes, missanius, miscolaneous, misullanous, micellaous, misolaineus, miserlaneas, micsulanious, micellanious, miscalans, misilaious, misolotious, misalious, missolanious, miscelenious, missalaneis, missalainus, misseralus, misselanious, misalanius, missalianious, misillaneous, mecelaneous, miscillanious, misernanery, miselaneous, misolaoneous, miceloneaus, mecilain, missolaeons, misilanious, micellanous, misilainous, miscellanous*2, misalanous, missterticnic, meallams, misaleinesh, misserlayus, misealinous, miscelleanious, missilainiage, miscallaneos, miscelanias, missilaneus, miscalanious, missalanis, micsoulanous, misellaneous, missataineous, micealanous, misilainious, miesalanias, missallanous, miscellanias, missirlantion, micilanious, miscelaneous*2, micallaenous, miscellaneos, misalnes, missalleaneous, misaluneous, miscellaneaises, misalanis, misscellous, miscelanous, missatanos, mesoleanious, misalonas, missolainies, misalainious, missulianias, misallanious, miscellianious, mesellaneous, misaleanous, miscellenous rising: riseing, rizing apologizing: apaligizing longer: loger bullet: bulet*3, bulete, bolot corresponding: corrisponding, correponding, correposding yacht: yahct, yaht landed: laded withhold: withold uncovered: an_cafferd voluntarism: volunteerism fasten: fasen backward: ackward neighbors: neigbours coach: coache, choach, couch, coch affair: afair rob: robe, rab rod: rode livelihood: livlihood, livelyhood incorporation: incorperation transportability: transportibility displaying: dispiaying row: ro, roe netball: nut_ball environment: envio, enviorment, invironment, enviroment*3, enviornment melon: mellon stove: stov papier-mache: paper_masche, paper_mashe, paper_masha, paper_mashy, papier_mashay advantage: advanched, avtegen, advantag, advanage, adventagus, efceh, audvantch, ertge, advatige, aratie, enrch, evendis, invege, avigd, advetch, av, addvantage, advrtoged, avanged exalted: exhalted waggish: wagish interbred: interbread cook: kook cyan: cxan cool: coll, col clouds: coulds, cloweds, couldes level: lewel, livure, levele, lad, leuul, leaul, levall, leval, leavel, levle*2, lever philippines: phillipines posts: post brother: borther, brouther cloudy: clody addressable: adresable, adressable, addresable*2 quick: quck, quik, quite waggon: wagon*3, wugom, wagen pork: prok says: seis, ses, sasy, seys, say, sais*5, syas ubiquitous: ubiquitious obsolete: obselete dried: drid bake: back chair-leg: chair_leg substitute: subsitute drinks: drik hymn: hyme, hymm, hym constitution: consitution*2, constituion, constition, costitution debate: debat, debait tarmac: tar_mak goes: go*2, go's, gose, gos reply: replie*2 bearers: bearer water: wather, weter, watter abandon: abondon entertain: intertain witch: wich*4, which, wiche groups: crs, croups, grape, grobs, groupes, goopes, gropes, grops, grupes, gopes, groops, coaps, spous, greops, strops, joins, gornups, group, gonds hoarse: horse, hourse awe-inspiring: awe_inspiring sheriff: sherif noticeable: noticble, noteselb, noteisble, notisbool, notabil, nessbell, noteseabol, noticible, nothpes, notesably, nosisboll, nocithisbord, notcbell, notisabl, noticalbe, notesable, notisuble, notisable, norticabile, noticieable, nosorbory, noticeble, notetisable, nolticable, notisdall, noticable*2, notible, nowtisbull, notiesable, notiesbale, notisbolle, notticable healthy: heathy, helthy, hethy pearls: pirls guilty: gilty, guilte, guilt proud: paret, prowd descended: descend exams: exaim's newcomer: newcommer noticeably: noticably humour: humor, humer problematic: proplematic peep: peope, pep, peap vivid: vived, virde some_day: someday sports: storts prey: pray memory: memery, memmory, monery, meory*2, memorey, mentmory symmetrical: symettrical, symetrical*2 diagrams: dig October: Octber conductor: conducter sessions: sesons altar: alter cashier: casher chocolate: chocalate, choclate, chocolat employee: employe drown: drond, dround dismal: dismell cases: casses states: stats sheds: shed modified: modiefied unruly: unrooly heart-throb: heart_throb laughter: lauger vigor: vigeur camp-bed: camp_bed figure: figuar, figer as_well: aswell dropped: draught, dropted, troped, drop, droppted, drapped, droped, dropt, drought, dropit Cheetah: Cheter counting: countin conversely: converzely, conversly pass_card: pasecart scar: scare inheritance: inheritage secured: sucured innumerable: inumerable Muslim: Muhammadan, Mohammedan fourth: four, forft, fouth, forth endorsement: endorsment ensure: insure Stranded: Stranden huge: hooge, hugh, hyge eighty: eaghty siren: satren birthday: brithday tipped: tipe apprenticeship: apprentiship eighth: eigth*2, eight classroom: glass_room, class-room, class_room, classrome branches: brances, branchs awkward: akward, ackward*2, aukward liquid: liqued, liquide, licquid amuse: ammuse inform: imform refund: refond, refound comfort: confort, comefort constituents: constituants mainly: mianly, manly worship: warship blocked: bloked Castle's: castels he's: is, his*2 platform: platforn, plateform farmer: farm*6, frmh*10, famer, frm*2, framh Phil_Hill: Phillhill swans: swan happened: hapends, happon, happended, hapend, heap, happend*2, happen*2, hapened*2 stewing: stawing lonely: lownly, lonley*2, loernly, lonly*2 bound: bond underneath: under_nethe qualified: qualafied feature: feture fern: firn, furn term: turm, teme, tearm name: named, noun, mane, nam sophomore: sophmore*2 opera: opra corners: cornes possibilities: possiblities, possablities, posiblities realistic: realistice oratorio: orotario mustn't: mustny, muse'n't, mucen't, mustant, mustnt, mus'nt, musen't, mussnt, musn't, musinit, mustent, mus'end, mostont, mus't'n't, mustine, muscent, musen, mus'ent, mustunt, mustin, mussent, mustnot, mussen't, mutten, musunt, moisant, mussene, must'nt, mustont, must, mussant, lousunt, musent, mussn't, musle, musttent, mustn'd, musten't, musnt, musten, musant, mus't, musinante, contratious, musintent individually: undividually, indivdually weighted: wagted torch: tourch sprinkle: sprinkel parent's: parents begun: began, begon, begen unsurprised: unsurprized, unsuprized, unsuprised adequately: adaquately, adequattly anoint: annoint*2 ultimately: ulimately taxonomy: taxanomy intercourse: intercors profit: profet, proffit factory: factr, factoy collate: colate thirty: thrity, thurty maneuver: manuever, manouver virtues: vertue, verchuses, verchews, virtue's, virgues, vertue's, vertuse, virtuious, viotuls, verchoose, verchuse, verteous, vergues, vurage, vertious, verjuous, Virtues, varuse, vetucus, verchues, virturs, virturius, veruse, firtues, vurlus, virtures, virtus, vertures, vertues, vurtues, verusete, verguse, vertrue, vertucherys, virtuies, vertuals, virtue, vitures, vetutuse, vercuded, virtueous, vertutres, virteous, virtuse, vertchuse, verturs, vertuies, viruch, vurtutes, vurtuges attended: attened, atended ascertain: asertain, accertain, assurtain, assertan, assurtained, assatain, ascertaine, assterane, acertained, astertain, assertained, assertaine, assertainal, assertant, assertion, astertained, asentain, asurtaine, ascertan, accertained, ascertoined, asscertain, ascurtain, ascertiau, assrtain, asstained, asstertain, assertain, asertained, asterane, asurtand, asurtane, ascertained, acertain, assortain, assertaining isotope: isotrop accommodation: acommodation, accondutelion, accommadition, accommtation, ecomodation, accommidation, accomdition, acomidation, accomdation, accamadation, accommadation, accomidation, acomadation, accommodiation, comadation, accamation, accomodation*2, acommadition, acomodation, accomadation*2, addcomadiation, accomedation, acomedation motion: moshen turn: tern, trun, turne place: plaice, plas, palce, plase swing: suing widow: widdow, wido origin: origen, orgin fetched: feched revenue: revenu, revinue coming: cming, comeing*3, comieg, goming, cumin, comming*2, cameing, going, comin, cuming, come*3, cumming awfully: awfuly, aufully gala: garler millions: milons earths: earth given: givein, givin, give necessarily: neccarily, necessarilly, neccessaraly, nessaecerely, necessity, necessarially, neccessarly, neccesarally, necessially, necessilarity, nessasairly, nessicarily, necarssyly, nessecarily, necessaryally, necessisarily, necessarly, necessorilly, necessily, necassarly, necissilarly, nessary, neccessarily*2, nesscessary, nessaryly, nesicarelly, necesarily*2, necessarlily, nesscarily, nessesory, nessecarryally, nessaccarlely, necesarilly, necessarialy, neccesarily*2, nessacaryly, necessiarly, nesscary, nessassarly, necesscery, necessarely, nesassaly, necarssarly, neccarsary, nessesaryally, nessarly, nessasarily, necacarily, necessairily, necessesarily, nessacerly, necessary, neccessairly, necissarily, necessarrly, necessarally, necessaraly, necessaryaly, necessarylly, necessaryly, necessaryily, necessairly, necessorily, necessarlly, nessecceraly district: distrect Bernoulli: Bernouilli burying: buirying, buring plastic: platic, plactic acquired: aquired, adquired convention: convension headmasters: head_masters white: withe, wite gives: givs, give caning: canning hut: huct cops: caps*2 alas: alass copy: cpoy, couple, copey, coppy, cope specify: specif population: poputtion, poplation wide: wid, wa unfortunately: unfotunalty, unfortunaly, unfurtunally, unfortunently*2, unfortunate, unfortnally, unforunially, onfortionlly, unfortually, unfutunally, unfortnitely, unfortunetly, unfortanetly, unfortuonly, unforetunately, unfortinatly, unfortantily, unfornatly, unfourtenly, unforunitly, unformanlly, unfortantly, unfortunetally, unfortnatly, unfortally*2, unfortuneilly, unfortanately, onfortinly, unfortuneately, Unfortunately, unfortinately, unfortunantly, unfortionately, unforludally, onfortumatly, unfortunitly, unfortionatly, unfornally, unfortuantley, unfortunily, unfortuneatly, onfortogoinil, unfortunutly, unfortunely, unfortunatly*2, unfortuatly, unfornaaley, unfortintilly, unfortunly, onforthantly, unfortuntly, unforumatly, unfortuantally oats: ots, outs require: requier, requare modelled: malod accused: accussed cards: cars most_likely: mostlikely and: a*5, ane, anf, aud, I, hand, so, are, anbd, aand, an*4, than overfill: overfil mates: mattes pastime: pass_time, passtime, pasttime*2 rent: reant commissioning: comissioning, comisioning, commisioning any: ane, en, ener, enea, urert, an, eneyt, ended, enee, aene, eaing, enen, wor, enei, ene, nei, aren, annt, eeny, erorae, nea, eany, ent, ney, eny, enny, anye, ever, hanee, get, ame, here, enye, annen, ende, eney*2, enefe, enyu, a, nearse, dates, eamy, eneny, aner, anes, enther, oay, eniy, neny, aney conversion: coversion, convertion silhouette: silhuette exploratory: explaratory, el farmer's: frmh, farmers transcription: transcripting sending: senting ideas: idesa, idea, idaes dining: darning, dieing, dine, dianing, danning, doning, dying, dyning, dionig, dinnie, diane, diening, danay, ding, diningroom, banged, dinnings, bineing, dineing, bank, dinning ideal: idel resembling: ressembling, rsembling sorority: scarority, sority, scoritory, suaally, sulroarity, seurorty, sorowety, serority, Soroity, carority, soroarity, sorourity, surroitty, soirerty, sourority, sohreyety, soiority, sorroity, sarity, soriety, soraraty, sarrority, surraty, snoraty, soroartity, sorotory-, scoritty, suraraly, soroarate, sacroity, sorarity, sorrourity, surally, cireualey, suroarity, sororoty, sourity, soriciety, soroarite, shorariety, senority, syrority, sournate, saroity, secority, seroroty, saroaities, suarity, soreity, sourorely, surrowey, sororeity, ciroarity, soroiety, sarorrity, serroraty, soriority, soroity, soretry, souraty, serariety, sororiety, currority, sirroraty, shrority, suralty, soroatly, sirority, surrority, saroaraty, solarity, sorrity, surority, serarity, sorrority, cesarenty, sarority, sorrodily, soririty, seroity, sororitity, scoratity, sorroraty, soritety, saurtly, suracaty, sororety, serroity, ceroraty, surrourity primaries: primarys urge: erge, earge sure: soa, chore, shoes, sam, roo, shoar, shoy, share, shor, isni, soor, sheare, sor, sher, shoe, shsre, sar, saw, shon, shou, shar, shoure, sue, shaw, shau, cesh, srau, show, syort, shore*3, shone, sare, shoower, shouw, shour, sarer, stheing, shede, sham, shure, shur, cart, shere, shorer, sow, sanet, sron, thar, dhour, shoor, sore, someu, hearor, sawr, sofe, soru, chor, sour, gohet, sou, shouy, shorch, stean, staratr clearer: claerer falls: forls visitors: vistors Gandhi: Ghandi clatter: clater cleared: clard, clered wireless: wirless annum: aninum, annium, annima, anm, annuim, annoup, annym, andunaus, anoym, amion, anoum, aunum, anaum, annamum, alum, annema, anoma, anom, anun, antom, anuam, anuan, annomon, peranam, anume, anym, animan, anium, animal, annond, annaum, anum, anatom, antem, anim, annumn, annam, anumn, onim, aman, anmim, aminat, anmon, annem, onnoun, anamn, atom, ammend, anama, annion, andum, aname, anema, anuum, ammond, anmom, anathm, aniom, antym, anaym, animum, anoun, anyim, annama, anem, annome, anima, anon, annom, annon, anan, enema, anam, annuam, annim considered: concidered, considerd*2, consdidered, conscidered, consider adopt: adobt, addopt hungry: hungary, hungrey Audrey: audre uncle: unlce, uncil senior: seinor, sienior quantity: quantitiy, quanity, quantaty detective: detct perch: pirch drastically: drasticly, drasticaly, dratically, gra cheat: sheat, chet, cheet*2 recipe: resipe What: Wh't woolen: wollen prime_minister: priminister nadir: nadar favor: faver written: writen*2 crime: crim explicitly: expleyly, explity, explisitly believing: beleiving wool: woll centrally: centraly allotted: alotted, alloted begging: beggin Athenian: Athenean lighter: lighted hedge: headge, hach, heje, hagch, heght, pedge, hoech, higde, hiela, teser, heg*2, lodge, hedg, caredle, hegde, fedj, hedage, herders, hers, hage, heger, hagi, heage, hege, thehedt, heltege, dredging regarding: regaurding, reguarding pinnacle: pinacall, pincal, pinacore, pinecal, pinakle, pinicule, pinacal, pinnical, pina, pengle, pinichal, pinicky, penical, pinickal, pinacul, pinercul, penkley, pinecall, pinicil, pinicly, pinical, pinicele, pinecole, pinicale, finicale, pinacle, pinicall, pincol, pinerkle, pilticle, pinicle impolite: inpolite fainted: fanded Geoff: Goef penguins: pengiuns through: throught*2, rowit, tho, thruogth, thru, throut, throw*2, threw discussing: discusing anoints: annoints ignored: egnorred picnic: pinic, picknick college: collage, colledge apologies: appologies*2, apolgies collects: colecks cat's: cats fails: failes voluntary: volantary, volontary, volantry mortgage: morgige, Mortgage, moregage, morgedge, morge, morgade, mortguage, morgages, moreg, mortage, murgage, mortuage, morgege, morgh, morgare, mogedeo, morish, morage, morguage, morgis, morgadge, morgue, mortigage, morgous, morgagde, merguge, mongerge, mergisch, morgage*2, morcage, morrgage, marge, mortgague, mortatge, morgach, mogage, morgate, morrage, morger, morgags, morgase, miaged, morgig, morgidge, mortagage, margage, mordgege, morgag generosity: generousity federal: fedral subsequent: subsequant, subsiquent review: revue, revew definite: difinate, definat, defini, defnat, difinent, definit*2, derfenet, dephenet, defifate, definent, defernate, defantnut, diffenent, diffinant, dieffinate, definet, definte, deffinent, defines, dontf, devernit, defenert, definate*3, deafnet, defenite, deffanite, defianate, desfient, defferent, defianent, definut, defanot, defianert, defanit, defity, defant, defunnet, deffinett, defenet, defent, defnent, defanate, defient, defirate, befeen, defenate, diffiant, definnet, diffinate, defenent, defenat, deffinate, defenty, defernant, defienant, denfinty, defente, deafernate, defanent, diffent, deffenet, deffinite, deathit, defunet, deffnet, deverty, defieat, defernat, detinate, deinate, definete, defitan, deffinet, defernet, definant, defently, deafernut, defornete, deffinat commitments: committments spoons: spoon outside: out-side, out_sed, outsid, out_side*7, out_sild corridors: corridoors, corriders controllable: controlable good-looking: good_looking unusually: unreualy, Six, unussaly, usally, usualy, unuaslly, unusaly, unuserally, unusual, useualy, unuasually, unuasully, unuasuly, unsully, onusewally, unusaully, unnusually, unually, unuasualy, unyo, unuaualy, unsually, unusualy, unuasallily, unusally, unuasley, unuasally, unsual, unusly, onusually, usually cities: citys, cites come: coum, comr, com*2, cam, kumh grieved: grived isthmus: ismus acquiring: adquiring, aquiring efficiency: epfacious, efficates, efficientency, eficiency, afishancey, efficiences, efientcey, affeciency, efficinty, effeiciency, eficency, efishocry, afeatiensly, efficientance, effecienty, efficanses, affectioncy, efficence, efficenity, effeceincy, efficeincy, efficient, efectione, efficience, effenciency, efeciency, ecicity, effesee, afficeance, efficientcy, effeciencice, efficenty, exicity, afunish, effecience, effeciently, efficency, eff, effiency, effectence, efficientally, afficincey, affeci, effecincy, eficeincy, ifficiency, efficiancy, effitiancy, effeciance, effecienny, effect, efficienty, effeceny, effienicy, effictioncy, eafishency, efenacice, efincer, efficaincey, efecency, effencey, efficiencely, effeciency, effecinty, efishency, afficiency, efficinity, affaicentaly, eficiciency, efishensy, effecintcy, effenice, effeciancy, effectinal, efficieny, efficientys, effecentce, efficiently, effucency, effecency, aficiency, efficancie, effientcy, avitioncy, effency successes: sucesses region: regrete, reigion, reyegt, reaghen, ruged, rant, regjen, regane, resgen, reigen, regent, regens, reagen, rigion, ren, reachon, regen, regene, regurne, rleay, reg, reagion, rejeion, reigon, regun, reon, reach, regone, regin, regon, resion, redgen, regieon, regur, regan, rigeosternt, regian, regernent, rengin, regoen, righed, riegeon, range, reachn, regein, rengt, reguse, recun quiet: quiert, qutie, qtuie, quite contract: contrack clever: cleaver, cleva senator: senetor railway: ralway, rallyway utterance: utterence afterwards: afterwoods, afterwars, after-wards, afterward bricks: brick pot: pat colony: coloney, collony period: peroid, perend, pero insist: ensist, insest Note: Noet pole: poll colon: coaln approval: arprorell, aprorlal, apolen, aproverl, aprevall, apporal, aproal, aprovely, approvebell, aproved, aproveal, aproveler, aproval, approvel, aprovell, aprovel, aprovale, apuval turkey: turky subscribed: subjecribed troupes: troups helicopter: holkt, helicotot, aacock, helcopter, heleycopter, helecepter, helicockter, helecoptor, hleecoter, ate_copter, helecocker, elecopter, halel, helicoper, helecopter, elicopter, helicoptor, hellecopter, helicopitor, helcoter, heught, helycopter, helicopeter, helcot, helecoper, helcopet, alonalp, hetecoper, aroaretr, herleacoter, helcotor, heacokten, ellcoster, hecoter, elekot, hicocter, helecopeter, hilapter, heolop, healckter, hellecoter, elegtrer, helicoter, hacet, huelecopter, helictor, helecopker, halcorttry, hleopter, fhelleocker, hellicoptor, halke, helepier, helicoctor hardly: hardy, hardely, hardley ruining: ruinning engine: enging, angen, enginne, enegine, engeing, enigne, enigen, engeer, engen, englin, engins, engin, enjin, engein direction: directoin, directio blessing: blessure innkeeper: inn_keeper surreptitiously: surruptitiously, surreptiously, surrepetitiously minister: minester, minster ophthalmic: opthalmic careful: carefull*2, carfull, carful*2 irrelevant: irrelevent, irrevelant, irelevent, irrelavent spirit: spirt pilot: porlet, polt, poilet, polot, pitet, perlet, pilt, planlt, poliet, piltea, poite, palte, pirlot, pliolt, polit, plate, pirlet, pilit, palit, piolt, poil, poin, pliot, pilate, piolot, pilet, polte, pilote, piolat, piolet paying: paing specialised: speciallized myself: my_still, mesilf, my_shelf, muself, mysef, my_self*3, my-self, myselve predominately: prominately amend: ammend admissibility: admissability cash: cach cast: kast slippery: slipery slippers: slipers telephone: telaphone, telphone someone: somo, some_on, some_one*6, saneone, sumone, some-one, somone wintry: wintery author: autor, auther bowl: bole trip: trim, tripe team-mates: teamates shifts: shilts dining-room: diningroom, dining_room confidential: confidental week: wek, weak, weeke nest: nast refusal: refusla drives: drive weed: weede, wead*2, wed driven: divern, diven, drevan, driveren, driver, drivie, driffen, drivern*2, draven, dirven, divernes persons: person canister: cannister delicate: dellitent, delecate statue: statu changing: changeing*2, chnaging cartoon: carton, cartune implements: implemtes magical: majical aggro: agro relief: relif, ralefle, relfe, riylf, relieve, reilef, reler, relife, relefen, relive, atut, eres, rleaf, filth, rielife, rlef, erlefe, reileif, releave, aleave, afefew, relc, relefe, rilfe, reafe, refule, releef, releafe, realeve, reteave, releaf, relef, rles, ralef, rinney, relfy, relf, relver, realeaf, relevere, releif, rlif, felef relied: realied model: modle*2, molad, modal*2 reward: reword whereas: wheras bodies: bodys*2 when: weten, whe, we, whet, wane, wern, wheh, wene, wen*3, will, whene, wehn, want, whern, whan, went*3, wine, where*2, whn, wian guided: guard unconstitutional: unconisitional ninth: nineth*2 violent: filent cease: ceast, ceases, sceace, cize, ceased, seacuse, sec, ceses, sease, ceise, cieze, scis, ceace, ceice, ceese, ciese, cest, seace, size, seice, ciece, sasse, siege, sieze, ceaice, ceas, secce, siece, seast, seat, sciece, sces, seased, sceise, sece, seize, sizes, ceause, cise, scease, ceaze satin: saten captured: captored blow: blo, plow announcement: anouncement, annonsment blot: blat hint: hent rose: roes seems: seams, seemes, seem except: exept, accept, excxept, exep, excpt, exsept embezzled: embezelled thimble: thimbel, thinble scrapbook: scrap_book disrupt: disrupte catarrh: catar loaned: laoned accepted: excepted, acepted, execpted tig: tige towel: towl, towe well-built: well_built shillings: shilling*2 competition: compition, compertison, compitition, competion*2, compertition, compotison perspiration: persperation cowboys: cow_Boys, cowboy's provided: provied, provded slice: slise caribbean: carribean mood: mode, mude prolific: profilic highest: hiest, heightst defenceless: defencless legal: leagel, leagle moon: mon, n freed: fleed calmed: carmd quit: quite*2 communicate: communciate, connumcate, comminicate, conunicate, community, commicate, camunicate, communitate, comoucate, commamuicate, comunacat, conculated, comunitate, commuicate, communcate, communitcate, conmikat, cummunicate, communacate, cummuate, cuminicate, communicat, commuciate, comuniciate, commuacate, conmunate, comunicat, commuicat, cumuncate, comuinicate, communuate, communtete, comunacate, cummiate, comemunicate, commulicate, comunicate, communicated, comuniate, comuniting, commenecate, commacate, comminucate, commucate, cemunicate, cummicate calmer: comer resurrection: ressurection keratin: ceratin on: and, onn, no, hon*3, of*2, an, hn, in, ons, one one_day: oneday oh: ow*4, o zealous: zelous of: on*2, cift, ovoe, off*4, for, af, othe, ovot, ov, afoh, or, ofr, gf, ove, onet, av, from, op, with, oaf, fo paralysis: parallysis discussed: discused, discust stand: sand or: all, ore, of, al, are, our, ot, os, awer ladies: ladys cambridge: cambrige adders: addres communication: comunication, communcation, communicate, communciation That's: Thats accounts: acounts determine: determin, determan theoretically: thredically in_depth: indepth inadvertent: inadvertant there: thier, thare, theyr'e, thise, thear, thre*2, their*16, thrar, thar, thaw, lare, thei, they*3, thene, th, ther*7, he, thire, thir, tere, theyre, thwre, the*4, theres, thie, theire alleged: aleged, alledged strict: srict, stict, stricted, strick, striked, stricked watched: watch, wached cultures: culu alleges: alledges valley: vallaye, valey, vallie, velei, vallay, vallery, vaty, valelle, vale, vlet, villge, valy, vally, fal, vieavel, vleay, vialla, vailey, villy, vary, valliy fish: fsh, fich forbade: forbad municipalities: muncipalities mischief: mischeif fundamentals: fundametals tranquility: tranquillity regard: reguard Porky: Paulkey cabinet: cabinate strenuous: storanious, strenus, strveous, standeile, strengeous, strenueas, streniously, stranuses, strenguous, strenous*2, strainulous, stranuas, strenouous, strendously, strenouos, strenuas, strenoues, strengheous, straines, strenumious, strenuos, strenuless, stendious, stumate, streanous, strenlium, streanious, stremious, stranious, streinous, strinious, strenulus, stranuous, strumious, stenous, strenious, strengenious, strandiss, tranuis, strenuious, strenius, strenrus, strainuss, strenuis, stranuiss, strainous, streguas, strainuous, sprenuious, streneous, strenlous, strenyous, strenueus, treneous, stranuious, strenerous, straneous, strainurous, trenious, strennous, trenuous, stenious, strainuest, strenues promote: promot show-off: show_off applying: applieing wholesale: holesale, wholsale ennui: ennuui grass: gras, gess strongly: stongly contributors: contributers cinema: cinma, cinama*4 taste: tast*3, tayste frighten: friten necessitates: nessisitates britain: britian diverged: diversed politics: polatics, politices bishop: bishope a_long: along onerous: onirous compel: compell insurance: insurence rubber: ruber roses: ross requested: requsted, rquested oneself: ones_self separate: seporate, seperate*3, seprate symbol: synbol includes: incueds serious: serius, seriouse brass: bras missed: mist*3, miss assassins: assasins clinically: clinicaly applause: applaus wife: wief, wilf curve: cerve peninsular: penninsular naphtha: naphta, naptha prolegomena: prologomena all: a, at lace: lase lack: lake parakeets: parrakeets seals: seas executing: excecuting spacecraft: space_racht, saincad, space_cratf, spate_carf, searse_caft, sesp_crad, spac_craft, spase_cruft, space_card, spcruf, spash_cared, spase_caft, space_craght, spacecraf, space_craf, spac_croft, spacecrawf, space_cart, slopk_cleng, space_carft, save_raf, spair_garr, spats_crat, spare_crafed, spish_cart, spacs_crof, space_crafed, space_croved, space_crath, space_caft, spercrift, space_crouft, spast_crath, space_crofed, space_cruft, spea_cofed, space_crift, sher dish: dich follow: folow, flow settlement: settelment decisions: deciscions, descisions*2, decisii, disions apartment: appartment lining: linning, lineing opportunities: opportumes, oppretunities, oppertunies, aportunates, opportunaties, opportumties, oppertoms, opporunity, oppourtunites, opprotunities, oppertunity, opporiuntiy, oppurtules, arpertunities, oppurnities, apportunities, oppurmties, opportunity, opertinities, oppurtuneties, oportumities, oppritunites, oprotunitys, opportunitys, oppurtunies, oportunities, oppenitonaties, opporunities, oppertunities, apertunities, opertonites, opportunties, opportunity's, oppertunaties, opportunites, opertunaties, opertunites, appronites, opportinuty, oppertunties, oppotunities, oppartunities, oppurtunities, opertunities, opertanits program: program, progrom dairy: diary cress: crest defuse: difues activities: activites, activeties, activerties, activitys fax: faxe woman: womon, women*4, wamon worse: wors, worst, wosre far: fare*2, form, for fat: fet psychologist: pscolgst, sicolagest, psicolagest, psycolagest sons: sus, sun, som, soon, son, sands, sones, souns, suns, sunent worst: wart, worse, werst awful: afful, allfulw, awfall, aufall, alwful, aufal, awlful, awefull, alfule, alfull*2, aughfull, orfall, aufull, orthell, alfall, orsowl, aufel, alwy, alwafull, ouful, arfull, awfull, aleal, alfol, aglift, eafall, arfall, arful, allfull, orfal, alful, although, ofull, awfal, althouge, orful, awufl, aufle, auful, olfal, allful, alfool, orfortil, alfal, orfull, aufful, alfaul, alfory, allfall, aweful bubbles: bubbals misspelling: mispelling diphthongs: diphtongs, dipthongs list: lest, lits grandfather: grandfarther supplement: suppliment, suspulment, sublament, supplemt, supulment, supplyment, supplment, supplument, suplament, suppremat, seypliment, supliment, supplinen, supplament, suplimente, supliate, supplent, suplement, such, suplimante, suplimite, suclement, supilement, sumplement, suppelement, superment, suplemen programme: programe flick: fick immanent: immenant, iminent ten: tens, tan louvre: loovar tea: tae, tee rate: rait design: dezine, desine what: whats, woat, whia, whate*2, want*2, waht, wote, woot, whot*2, wot*4, wich, wat*7, weot, whta, wath, wate*2, who, woht, whaaat, with, wait, wha't*6, wete advantageous: advantagous, advantageos sun: san, son*2 sum: some crust: crost brief: brieff, brif, breaf, breif version: verison racing: racying, raceing bossing: bosing ruffle: ruffel Susan: susan supposedly: suposedly, supposidly behaviour: behavor, behaver, behave, behavour, behavior leeds: leedes, lenes, leds, levers, lee, leebs, less, leede, leed, lesing, leey, leads, lese, lales, leades, leeks, lees epitome: epitomy tragedy: tradigdy, tragdedy, tradgity, tragedies, tragedity, tragety, tradedy, trogeyey, tradady, trdgedy, tragually, traity, tradidy, tredigity, tragidy, trajedy, tragadies, tradegdy, tragerdy, tradjudy, tradgiety, traduay, tragedty, tredige, tradagcy, tradjedy, tradety, trodgety, trodigy, trasade, tradgedy, tradgey, tradity, tredigy, tradicle, tragity, tradgidy, tradegy*2, tradjetive, tragaty, tradgady, tragedidy, tradigy, transidy, tradgy, tradgu, tradialy, tragdy, tragidity, trodgity, tragady, tradgety, tryadry, tradige, tradedys geared: gird heifer: effer deities: dieties*2 miniature: minature*2 supplements: suplements horrified: horrieyfide disposition: dispostion suddenly: senddly, suddenel semester: semesta, simester proceed: procede*2, procceed faint: fant wield: weild piggyback: tigyback, pigy-back pervaded: prevaded dissatisfied: disatisfied converters: convertors horses: horeses, hores wretched: wreched, wrecthed knows: konws, knwos, knowes grabbing: grabbin operators: operaters, oprators discovering: dicovering basically: basicly*3, baiscally, basicaly known: none glad: glatt plagiarism: plaigarism equation: equasion policemen: polce_men, policeman, police_men daisy_chains: daisychain's excursion: excurtion tennis: tenne, tenis, ternis embarrassing: embarassing*2, embarrasing*2 Brabham: Barham*3, barham brown: bron, broun redecoration: redecoraton niagara: niagra imitation: immunation, emmetation, imiation, immitination, immtation, imititation, imitatation, immatsion, imattion, imatation, imetation, Immatation, inetation, immitation, inmutation, invitations, immatation, imation, emitation, inotation, limitation, immataion, emmatation, immation, inimation, amation, ematation, invitation, initation, imtation, imitiation, emmtation arise: arrise pond: pod, pand cultivate: cultavate swung: swonge allege: alege, alledge terrestrial: terrestial, terestial extinguisher: extinguser off-centre: off_center court: courst, cort broadly: broady desperation: despiration rather: rarver, rarther, raver breaking: bracking, braking, p occasionally: occtionally, acanelly, accassionally, occanally, occassionally*2, occoasionally, acconnly, ocassionaly, ocasionly, acconlly, Occasionlly, actionally, occoumely, occansily, accationally, accasionally, occusionaly, accagionaly, occanonaly, ocasionaly*2, ockationaly, occasionially, occasonially, occasely, occassionly, occasionlly, occaisionally, accosinly, acconazilyg, occosonoly, ocasionally*2, occasalty, acationaly, occasonaly, okenously, occasionly, occonaly, occaionally, acationly, acctionally, occasional, occonsially, occasionely, occonsionally, accossinally, occasionaly, okaysionaly, occationaly, occaisionly, occaisonally, occaisionaly, occosionally, occanolly, occassionaly*2, occasiole, occasionily, occansaton, occationally, ocastonally, ocassionally*2, accationaly, ocashanally goat: got, gote guttural: guttaral, gutteral*2 acknowledging: anackledge, acknolidge, ecknowledging, ecnuliging, acknodgling, acnolagaling, acknowleging, acknowkling, acknowledgeing, acknowladging, ecknowlging, acknolgeing, acknowledgly, ecomodyley, egnoliging, acknowledgment, acknowledge, acknowedging, acknowleding, ecnowledging, acknowling, alknowgding, aknowledging, accnolegde, acknoledging, acknowing, acknowedge, acknowleckging, acknowlding, acknoldeing, ecknoligging, acknowliging, acknowledeing, ecolinegly, acknowlging, accnoledgin, aclongaly, actknowledge, acknowloding, acknolleging, acknowldging, acknoldge, acknownlegeing, accknowledging, acknologing simplicity: simpfilty, cimplicity sandwich: sandwhich, sandwitch, sanwich okay: okaye algebra: algerbra adventure: aventure proclaimed: proclamed penitentiary: penitentary short: sort, shot departure: departsion, depart, departed, daarc, deypiret, departsure, deparesher, departer, depard, departshire, debarcher, de_paltan, deprut, departsher, dispere, depart_nig, departion, dappech, demarer, dipartiar, dispartcher, departour, dparcar, depature, depar, dipartcer, deparcher, departchers, departcher, difter, disesh, departua, depated, departuar, depenche, diparture, departchal, depercher, defor supervision: supervison shore: shor shade: sade, shad balloon: baloon, ballon, bloon don't: donte, don*2, dont*20, done, want, dount developed: developped disabled: disabelled scientist: scienc reconnect: reconnet avenue: aveune, avenew eluded: alluded inquiries: equiries developer: deyveliper disagreed: dissagreed style: stile slipped: sliped millinery: millinary environmentalist: enviornmentalist, enviromentalist mattress: matress, mattres resort: resourt strange: stange, strang bout: baout, boaut might: my, maiht, mite*2, migth*2, mit somebody: sombody, some_bodiy centre-half: center_half ophthalmologist: opthamologist, opthalmologist unusable: unuseable grippe: Grip, grip, gripping, grep, gape, griep, La_Grippe, greep, crippe, gripe, grief, cripe, la-grippe, la_grippe, gripped, grupe, gripp, quirp, gript, grit communities: comminites customer's: custemmeress, costomer's, coustermer's, customers', customars, custamer's, coustemers, customiers, coustumer, custermer, custermers, costummers, coustomer's, comerters, customar's, custmers, custumors, coustormers, custormers, costoners, custamer, coustomers, customers, custumers, costumers, custimers, custormester, coustomer, costomor's, customer, costemers, costomer, custumer's, costermers, custamor's, costumer's adventurous: adventerous bigger: biger*2 mathematician: mathmatician policeman: policman*2, police_man*6 philology: phlology accommodates: accomadates, accomodates tomatoes: tomatos*2 accommodated: accomodated, accomadated athletics: athetics, atheletics, athaletics hammering: hemmsering friendship: freindship characterized: charaterized malfunction: malfuc weight: wieght, weigth, weght beneficent: beneficient repartition: repatition duchess: dutchess Joseph: Jospeh expect: espect, except, exspect emigrated: emmigrated, imigrated anonymity: anonimity alcohol: alchohol*3, alcohal wondered: wonder hydraulic: hydralic, idralike, highdrowlic, highdrawlic, hidrolis, idrolic, hydorlic, higdrawlick, higdrawik, highdrolick, mighteable, highdraw, hidrolic, highdralic, highttrow, highdrolisck, hidraulic, higdrawic, hidroulic, highdrawlec, high_droic, hilrolike, hydrolic, hidroulik, hidrowlic, highdraunich, highdrawnic, hydrarlick, hidrrawlik, hidretik, highdrawing, highdualic, hydrawlic, hydrolec, holdrawlic, highdratic, hidrawlic, highbroleak, nighdculdy, hydrawlick, highe, highdrauwnic, highdolice, high_drollit, hidralic, hidratect, ladrike, highdrolic, highdralick, hydralick, highdrawrick commemorative: commemerative health: helth hill: hile, hil Teddy_boys: Taddyboys forgive: foregive, forgave teach: tech, tiece thrown: throne, thron thread: thred Flemish: Flemmish healthwise: health_ways bourgeoisie: bourgoisie prejudice: prediguest, predgious, prejudgious, predadice, prejduce, predugtis, predjice, preduadus, preditious, predudous, predices, predudis, perudisse, predujice, predigeous, prejudce, predious, preduiste, predugdice, predicits, predijious, predicious, predgice, predgest, predgadessed, pregidus, prejudices, predidis, prejudiced, precidis, predujust, predjidist, pregdiest, pregides, pregdles, predjeduce, predgedis, predjudis, predigest, pregidec, prejeduce, predjudic, perdids, pregis, credudious, predjudous, prejudise, predigut, predigus, predegese, predgdice, perjudice, predudious, pridejuices, treadgidous, tragedists, pregedious, predudise, preducidues, preduis, predudice, predudiss, predijue, prejnest, predieglious, predudist, predoudest, prediges, predecious, prejidace, pregodis, pregidess, pridgests, pregidise, predjerdice, predigids, predjuce, predgedice, predidus, predication, predgudice, predjudiced, treduous, predigist, pregudists, predijice, predgigeous, predgidict, predjadest, predgidice, prudistust, predidice, predjudice, pregulious, pupedist, pregudus, preduous, predgejust, precidious, pregidis, predigust, perdious, predjudist, Pregidice, predidesh, prejuduce-, predutist, prejidice, predugist, fregidous, predestisastss, predgist, prejduice, predict, pregidious, predujuce, preduse, pregious, predues, prejudis, predgudis, pregudise, preduist, preduges, predust, predutious, predgidous, pregudice, prejedice, predgedious, pregedist, precidust, predjidice, precgidis, redgeisdes, predges, predjudised, pregeous, predijist, prejidous, pregdious, predgists, predjuduce, prededus, predeshious, predgiest, preduicecy, predudus, predgius, predjuice, predigious, predijuce, prejiduce, predgidust threat: thret twenty: tewenty consequence: concequence, consiquence fallen: forlan, fall tennis-ball: tennis_ball bushel: bushell, bushle feed: fed connotation: cannotation dine: dime unhealthy: on_hethy upper: uper feel: fiel, fell, feal*5, fill radical: rap fancy: fance feet: feed, fet*2, fee sympathy: sympthy knick-knacks: knicknacks notify: notife blank: blak totalitarianism: totalitarionism regret: regreat moan: moin, moen story: stare, stopry, shio*2, sotyr, stors, stroy, sotry, sory*2, storey, stort, sorty, storh, stoyr, sorry, stary, store, hio temperature: tempresure, trar, teamerature, temptige, tempriture, tempreches, temprecher, temparter, tempetrue, temputar, tempreture, tepuretire, tmera, tempetchure, theapitor, temprature, temparture, temreter, tempersh, tempreage, temppure, temprecer, temparte, tempratur, temter, temparature, temmper, temptercher, tempeger, temparure, temperture*2, temperiture, terperche, temperjor, tecpel, tempricher, temperute, temperter, temperateure, tempreature, temt, tempritue, temreture, tempir, temputure, temetor, tempem, tempratar, tempurjure, tempater, tempertrag, tempeture, tempurtuse, tempreter, teperar, tempersher, aterau, tempriter, tempature, temproter script: scirpt, scripot automobile: aucomobile, automoble, automible passed: past, pase, pased syrup: syrap store: stor headache: headace attendants: attendents not_in: notin relieved: releaved, releived hotel: hotell, hotle luckily: luckly, luckerly, luckeley gutter: guter*2 fidget: figit, figet syllables: sylables kind: coder, kindly, cid, cind, cider, cied, caman, ciund, cunde, kid, cend, care nagging: naging double: duble, doudle dispensed: dispenced prairie: prairy, prarie stalk: stork inventiveness: int voucher: volchure, vougure, bunchur, foucher, vochure, vouchor, vowchure, vultier, viotuter, votour, vaucher, bockers, vouchar, voughture, vouch-her, voutchers, vultures, vuleure, vouncher, vouture, volture, vouscher, overur, voucur, vouter, filture, voluture, voutere, voacher, volcher, votfure, vochur, voutuer, voture, vouthur, vouchure, vulture, vouchers, Valchure, voughte, valture, votur, foulture, fauture, volfure, volchor, vocur, voucer, voultures, boucher, vogure, voutiers, vowture, vouchered, vocher, votcher, voueture, vouger, valchor, valchar, voutcher, vorue, vosher silence: silents enamored: enamoured strengthen: strenghten, strenghen Zionist: Sionist Beryl: Beryil*3 alike: alick cleaned: clend, cleand*3, clean*2 smallpox: small_pox nights: nigth, night*2 tired: tiered, tried, tiried chairman: chairmen, chariman finding: find irritated: iritated interfered: interfeared, interferred electric: electic, elektric reckon: reckoned, reacon, recoin, reckone, recton, reckand, reconten, reconnd, reconn, rectin, reckons, reconed, reckan, record, recconds, reckgon, reccon, reccons, reconned, rekson, recard, rekon, reccond, recogn, recomend, reconded, rectioned, reconen, reconon, regon, recongr, recken, regcone, reakon, reconece, recone, recond, recomece, rechond, recand, reconize, recon, recconed, regond, brecken inconvenience: inconvienc, inconviency, ininconveniences, inconveinced, inconvinence, inconvenence, inconvince, inconvincence, inconveneince, inconveeneance, inconivnence, inconfenence, inconvenents, inconvisions, inconvious, inconvienence, inconfience, inconvenute, inconvinience, enconveience, inconvienience, inconvienent, inconveanence, inconviencies, inconvenince, inconveinance, inconvenient, inconocince, inconvieniance, inconveniance, inconvence, incevvantes, encaberts, encovience, inconviences, inconvienances, inconvinance, enconfence, incovenience, inconveineince, inconfienence, inconvenients, inconventence, incouvenes, inconvenunce, inconvenice, inconveintencs, inconveinience, inconvieniences, inconvenent, inconience, inconveinence, inconveince, inconviencence, inconvience*2, enconvenience, inconvenance, inconvenonce, inconence reach: rech, rich architects: archetects rarefied: rarified cigarette: cigaret nothing: mutenk, noting seasons: season measured: mesured achievement: acheivment, achei, achievment, acheivement*2 stands: stans, standes equatorial: equitorial quorum: quorem windows: windous traditional: traditonal dissolved: diss, disolved hindrance: hinderence, hinderance institutions: insitutions lying: lieing*2, laying*2 asphalt: asphelt, ashphelt, ashpalt journeys: journies memorandum: memorndum, memmorandum, memordanium, memorandun, memarandum, memoraandum, memoraniam, memandum, memarandony, mendurain, memoradum, menorandum, memorendum, memmorandom, menoradum, memorandumm, memornundem, memberanon, menorandon, memorrandum, memoramdom, memorandium, memradum, menariandum, memoranum, menoramine, menorandom, memorandran, memorardum, memaradan, morandum, memarad, manobrandom, memerandom, memorandim, memmorandem, menoramden, memorandam, momarandom, memorandom, memorrandom, memordamn, memorda, menerandard, mamradan, memanpies, emarrandom, manorandum, memanidal, memorandem, memorandiam, menorrandum incunabula: incunabla aggravate: agravate delinquent: delquent, dilinquent, dilenquite, delincunt, delicent, delinkquint, delinquite, delinquaint, delinkquent, delingquat, delinquence, delinket, delinqwent, delentment, delinkwent, delinquete, delincwant, delimpment, delinquet, delinguenut, dicnmute, definpet, deliquent, delinquant, delinquate, delinkment, delingquant, delincking, delicient, delinquient, delinglint, diligentate, delimpquant, delient, delinkquet, delingwent, delincant, delicuant, diliquent, deliqet, delinquat, delenquent, deliquant, delenquant, delenquet, delinguent, delingquent, delinking, deliciant, diliciant, delentquent, delinkquant, deluncious, delienquent, delinquint, delquient, deleckwod, deliquint, delquit, delinciate, delinqunite, delingute, dequint, deleggment, delinqunate, delinquit, delincuate, denlenkent, dilinquint, delenqvient, delink, delinquenut, delinquink, dlenquit, delequant, divinquent, delequent, deliguent, delinquunt securing: secureing camel: camal technologically: tecln transcendental: transcendentational shepherd: sheperd, shepard his: he's*3, this, is*13, hes, it, its, hed, has, him, he*4 hit: het, hat, it, hiter aficionado: afficionado telltaling: tell_tailing whistle: wishle, wisal, wisel, wiscell, whisle, wishte, wistle hid: hide him: em, his, ham, hon, heme, im, thi, hm, hem, hime, hin, he compiler: comiler, complier factorization: factontion nickelodeon: nickleodeon investigate: investagate, investegate retaliated: retalitated wrote: roten, wrout, rohit, woth, wroght, wrat, wote, rot, rout, write, rawtr, worth, ront, read, wart, wroute, roet, wroet, rouht, route, rount, roat*2, rought, writ, rote, laut consciously: conciously art: ort, arte dump: pump achieved: acieved, accheived, achived, acheived*2 intelligence: intellagence, inteligence*2, intellegence achieves: acheives defense: defence bare: bear*2 are: and, rae, ah, rir, rau, anr, our, er, arre, aree, rer, re, arte, ra, vea, rea, ar, oar, thet, run, ore, aer, ur, r, or arm: arn barn: bran*3 learns: lerans learnt: learn't, lernt, leant, leart, lean't, larnt surmounted: surmountin libraries: libraies various: veryass, varius, vereas, vareous, besthe, vairious, verius, verrest, verst, veres, verreas, vreus, ferehrs, varies, vareious, varisous, verious, vereus, varios, veryius, veis, verus, thereus, vaires, vairous, vereouse, veresly, vearious, veludus, vairi, verreus, verress, veraers, veriusse, veries, varsus, veroes, vairouse, varus orbiting: orbitting numerous: numorous cancelling: camsaling, counceling, counciling, canselling, cancalling, cansonaling, cansulling, cancelate, cancely, cansiling, cansolating, concealing, canciling, pancelly, canseling, cancelling, canssaling, cancaling, cancleing, canculing, cansalling, cancling, cancesling, cancellan, cancelation, canselate, cansoling, cansling, cansaling solo: solow recently: ricanlie, sudon, resonlly, risenly, restentley, recuntly, resentle, reasitly, vesvease, reneay, resonly, recantly, reasantly, reasaintly, raly, renly, restly, reshet, resentley, recendle, recenty, reicely, vesle, rentry, restle, reasonly, reicently, resley, recelty, reasley, resly, resny, recantyly, resent, recensently, resently, rceley, reaenly, reserntly, reasenly, restially, reciently, reansonly, reses, reaty, recetey, reasen, resence, resinly, recenly, reacently initially: intially tuck-shop: tuck_shop sold: sould, soled attention: atention, attentin outfit: outfite, outfet, out_fit succeed: succede, seceed, suceed*2, success, succed opposition: opposion, oposition*2 competent: compinent, compitite, compitent*2, compontum, compent, comcount, compietant, completment, compotent, complied, comentent, compentant, commpitate, compitate, competetent, competunt, compodent, compeltant, confidant, coppentent, compontenty, confident, comepitent, conpetent, compoment, capadent, conpunty, compitant, competitent, compe, competient, complement, compadent, compuntant, comptant, counventens, compitunt, contemptable, compentent, compantant, competant*2, compltent, commpunted, computent, compeinent, completant, copement, completent, copenent, commintent, homponten, cometent, computant, compeptent, commpetent, competed, compatant, compaded, compatent days': day's license: lisense, lisence*2, licence became: bacam, becamae, becam, becaume baseball: baceball, basball arbitrarily: arbitarily flies: fies, flys guts: futs reasons: res, resons, ree sweet: swet sweep: swep harbour: harber key: kee, ke hadn't: hadnt*2, haden't weasel: wasel nettles: nettes village: villiage, villige political: polictical due: dur, dew dug: dig, bug, dog whom: whome apprehensively: aprehensivly sociable: socable make-up: mack_up, macke_up brick: brak, brik woke: wooc, work, rock, worke, weik, wark, wok*2, whok, wock, wake, wick, wonk, woc, wohy affectionate: effection, affectimate, affectened, efficinate, affectionote, affectionnet, affectinate, affectionant, affectanate, affectonate, affecionate, affecilation, afectionate, afectantent, affectioned, affecconiate, effectionate, afectinite, affectionnate, effecinate, affecte, effecionate, affecianate, affecitionate, affectnet, afectanant, afference, avetiont, affectionately, affectunate, afectionet, affactionate, affectutate, affictionately, affectionute, affecient, affctonote, affectinutate, affecant, effictent, affectnent, affectantly, afficinate, affionate, affectionet, affectionatte, affection varnish: vanish flight: fait, fly, fliht, fith, tigh, fliet, flite, flit, fligt, flet, fight, flights, firght, flyet, fout, fhilght, flyt, filght, fliget, flert, flighted buck: bouk transferring: transfering precision: precison, perisen, priction, pricesion, procition, presion, prisition, presesuion, pesesion, peashon, preshen, persined, pressision, pshing, prosigin, posing, peston, dissichoin, prissishon, pesition, pretn, prosistion, preshon, persision, prasision, mischine, position, precition, pescon, pisn, persiging, presishion, precission, persichion, presition, prisision, plisesion, proinden, pristishen, pricision, persion, prosesion, percitoin, prescission, prishon, pashan, prosition, precesion, persee, precly, precios, prison, pereschion, persition, precishine, prissission, prasition, presing, prisesion, precion*2, pression, perstin, pricishant, presision, presisan, procison, pesiution, poson, pisgn, bersesen, presishan, prosishon, pishiction, prosicone, pracission, persslion, presistion, pershion, presisian, persisson, prescichien, prciscon, pricistion, prcision demand: demaned, demarned stolen: stowle, scolend, stolern, solnd, stolon, stollen, stern, stowlen*3, stopen conception: consuption, consepition, consection, consepation, consemption, consaption, comseption, confection, comsecption, consecption, camceptition, conspection, consebsion, conseption, conspition, consempation, comsuption, consepction, consesptions, conspicon miring: morning workmen: work_men indefinitely: indefintely, indifinittly, indifentally, indifinatily, indefitely, indefinently, indefinitaly, indeninitely, indefinatelly, indefinatlly, indifinetly, indefinately*2, indeffinitely, indefnetly, indefintly, indefinite, indeffentaly, endefanilly, indeffinatly, indefalety, indiffinitely, indefinetely, imdefimitely, indefinaly, indefiniately, indeaforly, indeffinitly, indefineately, indeflery, indefinetly, indefitly, indifinetally, endeffently, indefinitly*2, indepentive, indefenitly, indiphialy, indeffently, indefanitly, indefinitally, indefinitily, indefently, indeffinally, indefinetley, indeffinate, indefinatly, indefenitely, indefnitly, indifinently, indefinally, indiffenatly, indifinitely, indeffely, indeffinatelly, indefinate, indifinately, indeffantly, indefenatly, indiffently, indefintily, indefonaly, indifenatly, indificant, indivently, indefnitely, indiffenately, indeffinitately, indeqiately, indefefinitly, indeffermently, indefinenly homework: homeworks, home_work behavior: behaviour, behavour moustache: moustasch, mostache engineers: egnineers, engieneers shortened: shortend*2 Italy: Itlay misfiring: miss_fireing disappointing: dissapoiting ecstasy: exercy, extericy, exertee, extesy, exertea, extisty, exticy, extascy, extessey, estacy, exstacy, extasit, extecy, exticise, exiticy, extersee, extersea, ecxtasy, extasey, extersey, ecatasy, exterry, exstiseiste, extace, extacy, extercy, extersy, extacee, exadyleyseady, exctacy, exculy, exasey, exterce, exteincey, ecstacy*2, extercity, extisy, extasee, extassy, exerprel, extousy, exstasy, extacity, exdercy, extasy, extocy, ectasy, exstecy, exserty, excctessy, ecasty obstacle: obstacal rid: red chauffeur: chauffuer, chauffer ample: ampile, ampull ideologies: idealogies stimulated: simulated kimono: kimona orientated: orentated widely: widly esteemed: esteimed, astemed, asteened, estiemed, esteems, esteen, esteem, esteamd, esteeme, estemened, estemit, estemded, assteemed, Estimen, estemed, asteemed, estened, asteamend, estimmed, estaimee, assteamed, esstemend, estemmed, asteamed, estined, esteened, estemend, esteamed, estamane, esteam, asteam, essteamed, estiened, esestemed, estemined, estamed, astiened, aslaimed, estimed, asthemed, essteemed, extemed advise: advice daughters: doltos higher: hier, hire, higer, hg literature: literture*2, literiture, litature, litriture cartridge: cartrige restraint: restraunt negotiate: negociate cement: cemment, sement moving: oving, move, moveing sagacious: sagatious weird: wierd*3, werd lower: louer equalled: equaled cheek: chek, cheak chickens: chiking, chikens anybody: enybody, any_body analysis: analyzise, annicalys, analisys, annaliscis, annalylisis, anaylsis, annalises, annalisise, analisies, analias, anaylis, anlisles, analisise, analiasus, anaylisis, anlices, enalicis, annalasis, annaylis, anella, anneylesses, anlaysis, anayalis, annlazes, analissis, annylsis, analazyis, analices, analises, anayalsis, annaliss, annylas, anolysis, analyzes, annallasis, annylis, analyses, analisis, analiss, anallysis, anaslis, anyelsis, annalisises, annaylisis, annaloses, analasysis, analsys, analisyics, annalisas, annylasis, analess, annalisis, aniliar, analygus, annalsutes, anilestic, analyse, anayles, analoyas, anallises, analys, analagys, anallisec, anatislus, analizes, annalyasis, annsylis, annalases, analaysis, analasys, annalisous, anaylusis, ananalysis, unalisis, analysys, annalyis, analisous, annalasias, analyisis, analicis, alalasis, analsis, annasislys, analyes, any_aliss, annalysis, anallausus, annalizes, analazy dared: dere cheer: chair, chear edge: erc, eche, edj, enge, ejet, hagee, acge, egde, egler, egaer, edg, eawt, eongh, edill, eges, eger, head, anding, eage, egag, eac, eagh, aghd, eag, eged, egede, hedge, aght, edege, eagde, age, eng, heage, each, ege machinery: machinary stating: stateing endeavour: endever, endevor, endevour presume: presum competitive: competive questions: qustions margarine: magerine continent: coment, countenant, countinet, contininent, contanent, confirmint, contenent, contiment, countenent, continient, content, continet, continect, propnent, Contient, contenient, contenintet, conminity, continant, conientent, coutanint, conteninent, continite, comtenent, contiente, cotenant, contannict, contenant, contennent, conteniet, contienent, contetinement, continuate, conanent, continnent tables: table tablet: tablt, tablit workers: work governmental: govermental*2, govormental exhibition: exerpision, effebishon, exespan, excibtion, exabision, expidian, exebion, exabishon, exebision, exsibition, exibicine, exebistion, exbintions, excibetion, excibeashon, exabion, exebition, exhibation, excbition, exipision, exvishoin, exibision, exipition, exition, esidition, exebesion, exhitition, eserdishon, exhibion, exapishon, ehxibitoin, exebishion, exbloxe, exebrion, exebithion, exabition, expiadion, exibitition, exspidtion, exabishion, exhebition, exebechon, exebishen, exidition, exabitoin, exibishion, exibishtion, exebison, exibition*2, excebition, extibision, expetion, expane, exibhition, exbishion, exebishon, exsbition, exebich, exabison, expsoch, excibition, exevbichon, exepishon, excibation, exdishion, exifion, exerbesine, exseption, exibion, esabition, exbition, exhibtion, exibtion, exibison, exepition complaint: conpont, complant Orignal: orginal systematically: systemetically ignore: egnore collect: colect depleted: depleated translators: translaters acclimatization: acclimitization essential: essencial, essentual, essesital, a_sencholl, esential*2 emanate: eminate understood: undestood, understud clown: cloun selfishness: selfeshness saucer: soole, cizer, sucer, solorns, saura, sorsa, saer, sarcer, sor, sou, sancer, sas, scaucer, susees, caucer, sosr, sauer, sari, saser, sorser, scauer, soser, sarsar, socp, scarser, scocer, sacuer, scouce, surser, surcer, souser, sarry, sores, scace, suacer, cawer, suscer, sucir, scacer, saught, scuccer, saus, suecher, seucer, sorcer, seser, scarcer, suaser, sindr, sauser, sosa, saurcer, suser, sacer, scare stately: statelly gradually: graly, graudually, graudilly, graggerle, graadully, gualley, graduley, shadly, gradoly, gradualley, grandully, graualy, graguly, gradely, gradgle, grajorley, gradully, gally, suddy, cragualy, gralulary, grale, grautually, gradily, guade, gra, graally, gragai, graudully, gratuelly, grachly, craly, easly, gragually, gergle, gradeuely, grach, grage, gradullay, gradjually, gragully, gralle, gragauly, gragally, gradualy*2, grajoly, grauddy, gallerdy, gradruly, gradual, graduy, graddually, graraerly, gerdually, scated, graduly, grauly, graduoly, gallulay Fire: Fiyer crisis: crises adoptive: addoptive inoculate: innoculate*2 monastery: monestary headmaster: head_master, heardmaster, hed_master, head-master, Head-Master, head_marster, hedmaster tourers: turrers perpendicular: perpindicular altimeter: altemeter, antermeter, eltimiter, armar, outameater, altermeter, alpremeter, atlemeter, alterneeter, aelmter, altimiter, out_aneted, alptmtr, altometer, eltermeater, altimeeter, elimeter, atenment, alttemeter, altermetor, atlimeter, ateleimer, outermeter, atimeter, altameter, alti_meter, herthernats, altemtor, outemetter, oulmender, outemeter, outermetre, outtermiter, altimeater, altimetre, outermiter, outermenter, alteymeter, andtamter, eletmeter, alltimeter, outemete, outameter, attemeter, alemetor, outmeter, outamenter, alametr, eltimeter, alilmeter, atemeter, alitorniter, altermetre, atermeter, altimetor, oltermeter, altemiter, actemeter, ettmiter, outometre, outamet, outimeter volunteering: volonteering, volounteering violins: voilins completing: completeing, completting, Completing, compleation, compet, compleating, complaning, complecting, complting Roy: Roys complimentary: complementary tomboy: tom-boy, tom_boy cutoff: cutf Philip's: perllips unnoticed: unnotie vagabond: vaot, valgbond, vargonede, vagol, vanadame, vagabout, von, vargaboard, vagaband, veaneys, vagbonley, vagalal, vaon, stnveah, vagabong, vagenbond, vagbond, aros, vaga_board, vacabong, fagabond, vandand, vag, vad, vargorbrard, vagband, vaganong, vagebond, bagcle, yonabond, vagopond, vagach, vadgne, vagabord, vabong, vanauanad, vabone, vogabond, boafay, vagobond, vaglah, vagacy, bonong, gad, vagetbone, vagletrre, vguobad, vagegaboud, van, vagadone, vagang, vagalond, vaga, vagonbond, vaya, vager, vagand, vagabound, vereneuee extraordinary: extraordary, exterordanry, exterionordy, extraordorinary, extrodenary, exterorary, extroaedinary, extroidnary, extroordeny, extroordinary, extraordry, evteroridinary, extradarinary, extrordonary, extroynary, ex_tra_ordinary, extrodanry, extrordary, extorytanary, extraordnary, extorordinary, ersordanary, exturorary, extraordunary, extra-ordanry, extraordainary, extronary, extraordernery, extraori, exterordenary, extrorindary, extroary, extriordonary, extriordinary, extrodinary, extorandory, extraoridinary, extradionary, extraordinory, axtridanary, extroganary, extroidanary, extorandy, extrory, extrordinary*2, ex_traordinary, extraoratinary, extraordenary, extrodainary, extrordanry, extra-ordinary, extra_ordenery, extradinary, extraordonary, extrodernary, extheordinary, extraordinarilly, extrodary, extoranary, extraorinary, extronialy, extratordary, extrarordy, extaordinary, extraodeny, extroadinary, extreordinary, extordonary, extraordinarily, exterordinary, extradornary, extrordenary, extarordinary, extraordanary, extra_ordinary, extrordanary, exirordinary, exordinory, extroondray, extroardinary, extriodinary, extraordany, extreordenary, exsionnanny, extordinary, extra_ordenary stitches: shichis, stiches tenth: tent acquiesce: aquiese question: qustion, queston long: lang, log Every: Evey prettier: prettyer summertime: summer_time perform: preform analyze: analize, analyse sections: section files: fiels mountains: mowtins girlfriends: girlfriend searching: serching cloth: colth, clath filed: fild Austin: Autin junior: juniour, jounir, jiunor, junoir, junier, junor, juinor, jonoir, joinor, joiner, jounior, juoir raising: rasing Mara_Liasson: liason consist: consisit declarations: declaratrions hasn't: hasen't today: todya, to_day called: call*2, could*2, cholep, cald, calld*2 associated: assosiated, assocaited, asociated, assiciated worthwhile: worth_while, worthwile, whorthwhile commissioner: commisioner*2, comisioner, comissioner interbreed: interbread reservoirs: resoviors ingredients: ingreediants manoeuvrability: manouverability, manoeuverability rainy: rainey lemon: leamon, lemen peach: pech scrutinized: scrutiniesed peace: pice, pease towers: tower polishers: polishes nice: mice, neice, needs, nise peter's: peter*2, peters*7 problems: problem helping: hellping, halping jobcentre: jobcenait, job_centeer, jobsenter, job-ceter, jobcenter, job-senter, jobcente, jodceter, jobcetre, job_center, jobcener, jodcanter, job_centry, job-center pottery: potery happier: happyer vice: vise Malcolm: Malcom liquefy: liquify*3 remit: remitt bulletin: bulltin, bullotin, bulitin, bullitin, bultion, buliton, buellitin, bulletun, bullettin, bulentin, buluton, bullten, bulletien, bultien, bulten, buleton, bullutin, bulliten, bouletin, bullitins, buletions, bulletion, buliten, bullentine, bullitn, bulatin, bullenton, Bullitoin, buletion, voliten, bulleton, bullitian, pullitiem, bullentin, buillton, bulletain, bulliton, bulitons-, Bulletin, bulletins, bullitan, bolloton, bullet, bulitian, bullition, pulited, buletin, builetin, bulleten, bulatine, bullitien, bulltume impatient: impationt weights: weigths narrative: narative scroll: scoll once: own, wons, onice, wuns, one, ones*2, onece issued: isued resistance: resistence dispel: dispell windy: windey, winde gang: ganer prophecy: prophesy, prophacy cupboards: cubards uphold: uphole disposal: desposial, dispolved, ditsastr, disposol, disposable, dissposal, dispolvel, deposal, dispoulsal, disposial, despoulsal, disposaile, dsolal languages: laguages stable: stabel include: includ, inclued dramatically: dramaticly golliwogs: golly-wogs dandy: dand, dande confirmation: confernation, confimation, comfermation, convemation, comfirmation, confremation, confurmation, convermacion, confornmation, confermission, convermation, confermasion, conformation, comfermater, contformation, congremation, confermation, cemfurmation, comfeirmation, conferrmation, confeimation, confumation seized: cesed, siesed, seiced, ceased, sceased, seazed, szeid, ciezed, cesded, seaced, sciezed, siezed*2, seiged, sesded, sieze, sceised, seccdead, sieced, ceeded, seezed, sceeced, seeced, seese, seased, seatized, seize, ceised, sized, ceized, seised, ceazzed bedrooms: bed_room spoon: spon wishes: wiws, wis, withis, wishings, wisus, wichis, wes, whes, weshe, wist, wishies, wissen, wishis, wiches, wishas, whishen, whishes, wisher, wisrnt, wthis, wish, wishs, wiss, whishis, wisches, whishies, weiches any_more: anymore drinking: driking paternity: paternaty notes: nots*2 week's: week, weak's, wig's, weaks, weks, weeks, weeks' dealt: delt noted: notted smaller: smaler, smoler procession: prosession, prossesion fold: foled, fould enamoured: enamored reunion: renunion plimsolls: plimsoles, plimsols folk: fouck, folf, vote, fokl, oak, foak, folke, foaks, falk, folks, fock, folkes, foke, fouk, folck, phock, floke, folh, Folk, fok universities: univeristies, univesities unavailable: unavailble find: finde, fined, fond, fidn, fid, fin waiting: wati, wating*2, watting, waten, waitng, whating capital: capitol ammunition: amunition delighted: delited chose: choose, choice degree: degre pushing: pusing youngest: youngeist desired: disired explore: expore*2, explor separation: seperation*2 ferry: fery, fairy perforation: preforation group_sex: groupsex pickle: pickel larger: lager, large leaving: leaveing, leving colouration: coloration suggests: sugests meths-powered: meths_powered dad's: dad, dads snobby: snoby initials: inationals, inicuales, anishars, enical, innushl, inti, enisals, entince, ennitials, inisals, enitials, initails, enishals, intaial, inicicles, intails, innichets, initial, innishals, arneals, incels, enigsale, initihls, enition, innitial, enneshals, antirrials, inhesles, insteul, enitionals, inysules, inmellall, inicials, inistals, enishal, inatitals, innitals, initals, enicals, eneshals, intials, annitials, inital, enicles, inichols, inetials, inishals, ineshules, intitals, inashles, innisionals, inetals, inisials, intionals, inichals feverishly: fevorishly shovel: shuvel, shovle apple: alipple, apoll, alpper, appy, alpple, ait, appel, appre, abuol, apelle, appple, alploo, alppe, apl, apll, apply, alppel, aplep, apoler, appe, aple deputy: deporty, depudy deciphered: decif, decyphered motor: moter duck: duk apply: aply galloped: galt, gatep, gallot, galp, gallop, galleped, petlet, gared, galped, galet, gald, golp, gallod, g_alep, ginopt, galorped, galept, gavepe, gallep, galyt, calt, gallat, gollent, gallopt, galled, gollot, going, gorend, gallped, gappet, galapt, glpt, galoped, galpd, gat, gagging, gloap, golled, galopet, golped, lat, gallept, gallapped, gollop, gaepd, glulpr, galopte, galope, galmedt, galaped, galepet, gearpt, galord, galpt, gatupet, galopt, galapet, gapt, galeped, callpet, gollaped cordoning: cordonning fed: feed fee: fea from: frome, fou, forma, frrom, fere, for*4, form*2, forom, fro, fram, forme, fraom, foint, frm, fome, torme, fomr, fam, ofomt, fom*2, came stream: streem, strem consumption: consup frog: forg few: fue, faw, fw examination: eximination, examiniation, examiantion, examanation, exmination weeping: weping timing: timeing possession: possesion*2, posession*2 parliament: parliment porch: parch, porth musician: musican cooperate: coaperate, coperate sore: sor, saw*2 rabbit: rabit women: winman, woine, wonnen, weomon, wowman, wiming, wim, wonder, wemen, wemem, yanthr, widin, wemon, wermen, wamam, wemime, weman, wendmen, mimen, wone, wmen, womse, wening, womm, wied, wome, weomen, wiem, wemn, wemm, worning, wes, wimn, wimm, womeod, warmt, wowd, wimmn, winmin, wamen, wime, whoim, wonwin, wumen, woemn, wame, wohe, wiman, uing, wimmin, winm, winin, womow, wimen, warting, wonon, woedon, wathes, wem, womem, wonam, wommen, wemin, woman, womin, wanmen, wowona, wones, weon, wimmen, wimien, womon, yahey, wonen, wona, wimon, wowen, wine, wimme, wimin, werm saddle: sadle, saddel strategically: stratigically lumber: lomber, luber accrued: accrewed, acreued, ackrude, accurred, acrued, acctrade, accruid, accurate, accroud, ackcrude, acurd, accused, acrewed, ackcrewd, accruded, accrood, acrewved, accurde, achrue, ackruid, acrauge, acrrued, accrowved, curude, aturely, acrute, accud, accrode, accrude, akcrewed, acroved, accruell, acrude, acrud, acruied, acreud, acording, acqured, accrud, accrue, accrured, aquse, acroude, acrawed, accrored, approved, accrueded, accured, acude, ackrewed, acrood, accrute, aprove, accruide, accruved, accurve, accroved, acrewd, accude, accroued, accewed, crude, approve proof: proff, prove proprietary: proprietory, propietary tar: tare inaccessible: inaxacible, enacesiable, inaccessable*2, inexcisble, inalaball, inacsesadell, inaxesable, inasesable, inexcessible, inexcesable, macseible, inacessible, inexcessable, inactsesiful, exseabil, inacesible, inacssesible, mexcesseble, inaxcesible, inaxcessable, inacsessable, inexasible, inaccesitble, inactesible, unacsesible, inantind, inacsesible, inacesable, inaxsesable, innacsesible, inaccesible, inaxcersable, inaxesecable, inaccesibly, inacsesable, inaxasable, maxsesable, inaxcesable, anaccessable, inaxesesable, imaxessible, inacseble, inaccesable, inacesesible, inaesible, extaslbe, inaxsecibole, inexsusable, inaxeseable, inactessable, inaseable, inacsesabel, inexsible, inacessable, inaxssecible tax: tacks villain: villin, villian*2 carrot: carret something: sothing, somthing*2, somethig, somethick, some_thing*2, somethink*2, som_thing, sometheing, some-thing tan: tain, tane sir: ser united: unighted sit: set, sater, che, yahlets, site, seat, sot, cta, sist, siet, sent, sat buoyant: bouyant*2 six: sex parlour: palor fortunate: fortuneate dependent: dependant*2 instead: in_stead, insted, instade struggled: strogald sin: sen, sine typewriter: typwriter lesion: liasion attend: atend, atened nobbled: knobled tact: tacked masks: marsks*2, maks, marks perjury: perjery abuse: abouse wrist: rist disproved: disproo unbeliever: unbeleiver light: lit, lite, ight interrupted: interupted, interopted, interrpted accordion: acordian crawling: crowling perishing: perrishine coolly: cooly*2 unjustified: unjustefied strove: strived mathematicians: mathmaticians, matheticians dearest: derest looks: look, lookes interpreter: interpretter badges: bages superior: supperior carols: caroles banner: bannar, baner permanent: permernent, premantet, pemtent, pumament, permanet, purmelur, permoret, permention, perminate, permenant*2, permanat, perminant, permate, parmnot, permatant, brent, permerant, perimete, pernament, pemetent, premit, preerment, permonet, permnant, prement, purmanate, perminante, permonand, permanate, purmont, perminent, pearment, premanant, pemanant, permeant, permenante, permernit, purminent, permenate, perment, permenent, perminet, purmanet, pemaht, perement, perminat, perfo_nt, pemanent, permenmant, permant, permennam, permernet, perament, permanant, permint, permenet, pelut, pemenent, perumot, permnet, perminint choose: chosse, chese, chose, cas, trus, tues, cosi, tulls, chuse, chouse, tuse, choos, test, chews, cueser, cheoos, tose Butlins: butlins orange: ornge, orang covered: coverd*2, coverted holiday: hoilday, holday, holaday, holiday, holliday crowds: crown, crouds crash: crush, ch, crach contention: contension flour: flower material: matariel, matieral, materiel flew: flow negligent: neglegant ambition: ambision, ambishion, ammbision satellites: sattelites, satelites republican: republician fled: fleed, flead successor: succesor articles: articals feast: fest trimmed: trimed trap: crat, trape crikey: crigckey erratic: eratic upheavals: upheavels pro_tem: protem Next: Nexe forenoon: fornoon Which: Wiich our: and, own, hore, owh, owe, horn, ouer, ar, are, aw, ower, ous, haor, out*2, arre, arew, oure, how, hor, oar, auw, owr, hoy, howr, ol, a, ure, aer, hour*2, athe, of, my, or out: of, ouht, hot, aut, ut, owt*2, ou*2, ot category: catagorey, catagory outings: outtings, out performs: performes disaggregate: disaggreagte, disaggreaget attentively: atentively sacrifice: sacrafice*2, sarifice proviso: provisoe dictionary: dictionery, ductioneery, dictonary promptly: promtly additional: addional, additonal kipper: kippur feasible: feasi, feasable*2 conversation: convesation hence: hense exhibitionist: exabisionish restaurants: restaraunts, resteraunts bouquet: boquet bonnet: bonet intuitively: intutively galvanized: galanized, galvinazed, galvantized, gavannize, Calvinize, galvaize, galvilnize, galvenice, galvenized, gavanised, galvinized, gavanize, galunoged, galvanize, gelvanized, galvenize, galavined, galvanzied, calvinized, galvansive, galviz, galvanised, galvinised, galvunize, galvinize, galvinse, galvanise, galvonized, gavlinize, gulvenized, galavinized, galvennized, calvanized, galinised effervescent: effervesent wimp: whimp doesn't: dusnt, does_on, does'nt, dosnt, donsent, doesnt, doesnet, dosent wagging: waggin their: thire, these, there*18, theer, theri, they*7, thier*2, the, ther*2, thrir Wings: Wing shell: shel, shall shelf: shalf shallow: shalow diminish: diminsh institution: insitution, instution Catalina: Cataline succeeded: suceeded*2, seceeded, secceeded, succeded boring: borring, boaring richer: recher patients: patiants arouse: arrouse squealing: skwelling sculpture: sculptor coalesced: coalesed sincerity: sincerety academically: accademically, academicly levelled: leveled unbearable: unbearible afraid: afriad, affraid angle: angles, angel agency: agentcy deadlier: deadil which: whch, whihc*2, whcih, weich, whih, wgich, withe, hwihc, whic*2, wicth, wo, witch*3, wiche, wich*3, wick, with, whitch savagely: savagly centre: senture, center, senter petrol: petal who: hwo, owe, hoow, woth, want, our, ohw, whoy, her, how*3, hon, hoo, wow, whow, hoor, hot, hou, hor, woh, whoe, heo, dae, wo, hu, ho, hole, why, hour, thow, ow, onelhelh, ot, roow class: glass, clas, clars vitamins: vitamines discourage: discourge refreshing: refection neighboring: neigbouring pipe: pip, piper vernacular: veracular movie: movei marge: marg levitated: levetated agreed: aggreed, agred planning: planing taxonomic: taxanomic fear: feare, fere, feer filthy: fithy pleased: ple, plesed subtracting: substracting nearer: nerer babyish: babeish pastoral: pastural daren't: darnt surroundings: suroundings*2, seroundings corridored: corridoored combo: cumba piano: pinao, paino local: locar, loklon, loceh, licele, locke, locol, lockel, loco, lockl, lockol, lackall, loul, lokel counsellor: councellor spun: spund watching: watcheing, waching plaintiff: plantiff midnight: midnigth flirting: flearting ophthalmology: opthalmology ones: wones, one's, one words: word belts: bes, bea married: marride, madrri, marryied, marryid, marreid, marrede, marriad, maried, marid, marred, marrid queries: quies econometric: economtric view: vew, ve, veiw available: avalible, avableue, avilible, avelbol, avalibale, avalaible, avape, aveball, avaliable*2, avable, avalball, laverble, avtable, avauible, advalbal, aviable, avible, avalbal, avbale, avilable, advalable, avbel, availabe, availiable, avalable*2, availible, abaydall, availieble, avaible, avaiable, availble requirement: ret expel: expell Thinking: Thinkng used_to: use_to, you, uses, yousto, yosto violet: voilet, vilet acquires: adquires guildhall: giuldhall, guild-hall, guild_hall braid: brade, brad Galatians: Galations easels: essals cruel: corller, crual genius: genies, giness, geenyous, gemese, jemuisus, genuss, Genius, genios, jeanus, genuse, adjeanious, geenus, geanies, jeyionus, geneus, geneye, jenuious, geneius, geneous, geanios, genous, Jeanues, genues, Genious, gulinuous, chenus, geniues, genuis, jeanes, guenious, guinious, jenius, genis, genious, genity, gneass, venus, genus closed: closd*2, clous stories: storys, storeis, story*3, storise, stores bought: brought, bout, boght weighing: waying ability: abbility, abilitey, abilaty, abillity, ablity, abilty extravagant: extravagent joy: goy agencies: agenceys, agentices, agentses, egeneys, agencesy, agents, adgencyes, agentic, angcies, agencyes, aggencies, angecy, agecies, agences, agenices, agency, agentisies, agencys, agentseys, agensies, angencies, agenies, agentcies, agentcys, agentsey, agencieces, agenties, agentsies, agentsys, agancyes, agency's, acentces, agentece, aggentecies, agencsies, engencies, agensyes, angencys, agencyies, agentcy, angencles, agentecy, agenticies embarrassment: embarassment*3, embarrasment*2 job: jub, juob, job, jod, gob hypothesis: hypotathes, hypotathese spoil: spol memento: momento lifeboat: life_boat tremolo: tremelo willow: wilow grain: grane, gran santa_claus: santa_clus safely: safaly, savely, saftly, safly Rolls: rowles commando: comando rampantly: ramplily wall: molh, woll, wah hyphen: hifin, hiphine, hyfin, hifine environments: enviornments, enviorments, enviroments walk: work, wake, wok respect: respct motorbike: moter_bike*2, motor_bike decent: desent, decant, descent Los_Angeles: Las_Angles semaphore: sepaphore mike: mic nickel: nickle*2 painted: panted*2 sufficient: sersishant, suffitionent, suficient, sirfishant, suffecient, cerfistiont, surficiant, surfishant, surfishate, surficsut, sufient, sefisent, serficint, serfisent, surfishiat, serficiant, shoofishtion, serfisemete, sherfishent, sufishunt, surfend, serficent, servishant, surfeshement, shefint, sirfishint, suffiecent, serfishont, soffoant, surficant, suffisent, servishent, surfistion, surfeshant, surficent, sufeciant, surfieshent, serfisant, suffient, sufficant, sufficent*2, surefish, suffeciant, sefishant, sersfinhet, serficant, surfitiont, suficant, serfercute, saficient, sufishent, serfishent, sufishant, suffichent, sufficiant, sefilshont, sifishant, sufisant, sufficuint, surfficant, survition, surfinent, suffishant, serfichant, surficient, sirfisant, suficent, surfishent, shurfistent, serfishant, sutticant, suficiant ensuring: i last: lars, laste, lass, lost, lats, lates, lnst, list, lorst, late, lorts, lust, lasd, lase, lot, lis, lat, lsat, larst repetition: repatition, repetion, repitition*2 present: prosent, preasent, presant abandoned: abondoned fearful: fearfull choices: choises will: we'll, wull, ill, wil, well, wiil, iwll, wiull, with persevered: perservered depreciation: depeciation, deppreciation wild: wile, weild supply: suply quick-tempered: quick_tempered layer: lloyer ringing: rininging thus: thous encouragement: incouragement, enou rooster: roaster, roster pilgrimages: pilgrimmages kissed: kiss perhaps: perhapse, prahaps, perphas, pehapes, perheaps, prasp, perhapes, perhasp, perhpas privileges: priveledges*2, privelages, privilages, priviledges, priveliges, priveleges cross: cros member: memeber, menber misogynist: mysogynist gets: get*4 privileged: priveleged*2, priveliged*2 grandeur: granduer difficult: difficut, dificult, bifocolt, differcult*2, difi, diffacult, diffucult slave: slav premiere: premeire conceived: concieved disagree: diagree diploma: deploma beast: best overcrowded: overcrowed student: sudent, studend, stutent John's: johns, John collar: collor summerhouse: summerhouse, summer_house correspondent: corrispondant, correspondant*2 dignitary: dignatary whole: hole, wohle, hwole slaughterhouse: slaughthouse*4 fighting: fieghting, fiting, figthing*2 theses: thses camphor: campher, camper, camfer pyjama: pygama inter-schools: interschools firstly: fisrtly, firtly realised: relized bending: bend_in cried: crid, cride, cryed*2 heavily: heavilly room-mate: roomate wealthy: welthy obtain: obai, optain, uptain cries: crys recollection: recolection fishing: fisscing, fiching happiness: hapiness, happynes, happyness, happy_ness toilets: tiolets, toilats, toilects rapid: raped bell: ball sky: skiy capabilities: capabiltes discuss: descuss, discuse, discuess book: boak, books attractive: atractive usage: useage*2 identical: identicial sick: sik provisions: provisons execute: excecute corresponds: corrisponds know: on*2, now*4, noi, kno, kino, mo, no*10, nkow, kwno, knowe, naw, nowe, konw, ha, nkwo, kown, knwo knot: not, note raincoats: rain_coats press: prass redesign: redign helpful: helpfull, helful, helpfll ticket: tiket perpetual: prepetual, perpectual plough: plowe loses: looses counsellors: councellors sloping: slopping exceed: excede*2 because: bease, becaus, becuse, begause, beause, becose, bcouse, becuase, cause, becouse*3, becos, bekus, beaus, be_cause, becus, becu, becasue, becaused, becaues*4, becase, becaise, bacmines, becauses, become, beacuse scared: scarred contemporaneous: contemporaneus reclamation: reclaimation birthmark: birth_mark promontory: promonotory ventilated: ventorlated, venterlated, ventlated, ventolated, vedulated, venturlated, ventillated, vented, ventylated, vimleated, ventilate, ventalated, ventilt, ventenlited, vetlettd, dentilated, ventelated, ventelaind, ventallated, ventialed, vintilated, wellvented, ventulated, ventilented, venterelated, venlatated, venteariated demeanor: damenor, demenor growth: grouth, groth export: exsport employment: imployment, employement, empoymen, empolyment scares: scards leaf: leafe, leave, lief lead: leed, led*2, leeding synchronize: synshronise leak: leack, leek lean: len, leanr bossed: bosed instantaneous: instantanous leap: leep leader: leder trout: trot locate: locat obey: obay analysed: analised murdered: murbur, murderd asinine: assinine fluorescent: florescent paste: past carried: cared*2, carred*2, caried, carrid, carryed extension: extention getting: geting*4, gitting, get*2 column: columne, coloumn, colume, colum biscuit: biscut, bisket dependence: dependance*2 shipping: shippin, shiping dependency: dependancy carries: carrys swear: swaer, sware, swer, swar futurist: furturist sweat: swet owl: oul, olw own: owm, onn, oun, owe, one, our, onw, ont, out, oan, orwn, oone, onu, orn, run, owne, onen, onep, oner, on, o, ound, oune argumentative: argumentitive weather: whether, whetter, wether*2 promise: promis brush: bush, bruch registration: resgustreation, regestration, registeration en_route: on_route yankee: yanky van: vene, vanr, fane, vant, vam, vun, von, farn, vin, vuin, fune, vend, anthe, fan, can, vetfei, vane, veam, vand effeminate: affeminate secret: serect, secert intention: intension dynamite: dinermit, diamit nourish: norish over-protecting: over_protecting volume: valume, volum deuce: duece goose: goos, gose made: mayd, maked, mame, mad, maid whether: whetherr, weather, wheather, wether*2 distract: distarct record: recrod below: blow, belowe infants: infant, enfants stirring: stirrin attained: attaindre gnawing: knawing bombarding: boma goodness: goodnes trotting: galaing, troding, torting, toling, toght, thoting, trothing, totting, toneing, toring, trorting, trotung, tocting, tor, tireing, there, choting, tain, troten, toroing, tatt, trot, trooting, toning, retotig, truting, toting, goting, tording, teing, trouting, trting, truty, tooting, tarning, tate, troting, roting, ttoring happen: ahppen, hapen*2 squirrel: squrrel mutual: muture, nutual, musicalure, mutuall, muteaule, mutuale, multral, mutchal, mutchel, mutule, mutile, mutucal, mutually, moutle, muttuel, meautalle, mutal, meatual, mutunal, mutical, muetual, muticual, neutral, muttual, mutial, muteral, muticial, muchial, muchichal, mutural, meutral, full'd, nuterical, netrual, mumticrial, mutril incredible: increadible, incredable*2 guitarist: guitarest roars: rorse other: othere, othuer, oathe, hiver, over, uther, aler, athor, otehr, have, usfer, otter branch: brach, branck incredibly: incredibally pantomime: pantomine*2, pantemine marshland: marshladn kinds: kins squeak: squek, squick rhapsody: raphsody auxiliary: auxillary, auxilliary insipid: incepid jewel: jewl, jule commencement: commencment suppressing: supressing tonner: toner sash: sach