Covid death data summary

Neil Smith

Created on 2020-08-19

Last UK data from 2020-08-19


Deaths reported so far 41381
Total Covid deaths to date (estimated) 65583
Projected total deaths up to 2020-09-13 65981

Total deaths

Time based on days since 10 deaths

Total deaths
Total deaths
Country ID Country name Total deaths
DE Germany 9243
ES Spain 28670
FR France 30451
IE Ireland 1775
IT Italy 35405
UK United_Kingdom 41381

All-causes deaths, UK

All-causes deaths
All-causes deaths

Excess deaths

From week ending 20 March 2020 until week ending 03 July 2020, there were approximately 64734 excess deaths, over the average for the previous five years.

In that period, the UK reported 40532 Covid deaths. In the last three weeks for which excess deaths have been reported, the excess deaths have been 1.000 higher than the Covid-reported deaths.

The UK has reported 41381 deaths so far. Using the scaling factor above (for Covid-19 deaths after the ONS figures), I infer that there have been 65583 total deaths so far.

Deaths per day

Based on a 7-day moving average

Deaths per day
Deaths per day

Projected deaths

The UK’s daily deaths data is very similar to Italy’s. If I use the Italian data for the next 24 days (from 25 May 2020 onwards), the UK will report 41684 deaths on day 183 of the epidemic.

Using the excess deaths scaling from above, that will translate into 65981 Covid deaths total.

Deaths doubling times

Based on a 7-day moving average

Deaths doubling times
Deaths doubling times

Cases per day and lockdown dates

Based on a 7-day moving average

Cases per day
Cases per day
Country ID Country name Most recent daily cases Most recent daily deaths
DE Germany 1199 5
ES Spain 5369 13
FR France 2442 14
IE Ireland 100 0
IT Italy 486 27
UK United_Kingdom 1071 10

(Figures are 7-day averages)

Data sources

Covid data from European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Population data from:

Source code available