⬆️ Update Gulp to v4 and make livereload work
[editorial.git] / package.json
1 {
2 "name": "editorial",
3 "description": "This is Editorial, a news-oriented theme for Ghost.",
4 "demo": "https://editorial.ghost.io",
5 "version": "1.0.0",
6 "engines": {
7 "ghost": ">=2.0.0",
8 "ghost-api": "v2"
9 },
10 "license": "MIT",
11 "screenshots": {
12 "desktop": "assets/screenshot-desktop.jpg"
13 },
14 "scripts": {
15 "dev": "gulp",
16 "zip": "gulp zip",
17 "pretest": "gulp build",
18 "test": "gscan .",
19 "preship": "yarn test",
20 "ship": "STATUS=$(git status --porcelain); echo $STATUS; if [ -z \"$STATUS\" ]; then yarn version && git push --follow-tags; fi"
21 },
22 "author": {
23 "name": "Ghost Foundation",
24 "email": "hello@ghost.org",
25 "url": "https://ghost.org"
26 },
27 "gpm": {
28 "type": "theme",
29 "categories": [
30 "Minimal",
31 "Magazine"
32 ]
33 },
34 "keywords": [
35 "ghost",
36 "theme",
37 "ghost-theme"
38 ],
39 "repository": {
40 "type": "git",
41 "url": "https://github.com/TryGhost/Editorial.git"
42 },
43 "bugs": "https://github.com/TryGhost/Editorial/issues",
44 "contributors": [
45 {
46 "name": "ajlkn",
47 "email": "aj@lkn.io",
48 "url": "https://twitter.com/ajlkn"
49 }
50 ],
51 "devDependencies": {
52 "beeper": "^1.1.1",
53 "gscan": "^2.0.0",
54 "gulp": "4.0.0",
55 "gulp-livereload": "4.0.1",
56 "gulp-sass": "^4.0.2",
57 "gulp-sourcemaps": "^2.6.4",
58 "gulp-watch": "5.0.1",
59 "gulp-zip": "4.2.0",
60 "node-sass": "^4.10.0"
61 },
62 "config": {
63 "posts_per_page": 6
64 }
65 }