{{!< default}} {{!-- The tag above means - insert everything in this file into the {body} of the default.hbs template --}} {{!-- The big featured header, it uses blog cover image as a BG if available --}} {{#post}}


{{#if feature_image}}
{{#get 'tags' limit='all' include='count.posts' order='count.posts desc'}} {{#foreach tags}} {{!-- The tag below includes the markup for each tag - partials/tag-card.hbs --}} {{> "tag-card"}} {{/foreach}} {{/get}}
{{!-- The main content area --}} {{!--
{{#get 'tags' limit='all' include='count.posts' order='count.posts desc'}} {{#foreach tags}} {{> "tag-card"}} {{/foreach}} {{/get}}
--}} {{/post}}