Updated README.rdoc again
[feedcatcher.git] / vendor / rails / activerecord / lib / active_record / dirty.rb
1 module ActiveRecord
2 # Track unsaved attribute changes.
3 #
4 # A newly instantiated object is unchanged:
5 # person = Person.find_by_name('uncle bob')
6 # person.changed? # => false
7 #
8 # Change the name:
9 # person.name = 'Bob'
10 # person.changed? # => true
11 # person.name_changed? # => true
12 # person.name_was # => 'uncle bob'
13 # person.name_change # => ['uncle bob', 'Bob']
14 # person.name = 'Bill'
15 # person.name_change # => ['uncle bob', 'Bill']
16 #
17 # Save the changes:
18 # person.save
19 # person.changed? # => false
20 # person.name_changed? # => false
21 #
22 # Assigning the same value leaves the attribute unchanged:
23 # person.name = 'Bill'
24 # person.name_changed? # => false
25 # person.name_change # => nil
26 #
27 # Which attributes have changed?
28 # person.name = 'bob'
29 # person.changed # => ['name']
30 # person.changes # => { 'name' => ['Bill', 'bob'] }
31 #
32 # Before modifying an attribute in-place:
33 # person.name_will_change!
34 # person.name << 'by'
35 # person.name_change # => ['uncle bob', 'uncle bobby']
36 module Dirty
37 DIRTY_SUFFIXES = ['_changed?', '_change', '_will_change!', '_was']
39 def self.included(base)
40 base.attribute_method_suffix *DIRTY_SUFFIXES
41 base.alias_method_chain :write_attribute, :dirty
42 base.alias_method_chain :save, :dirty
43 base.alias_method_chain :save!, :dirty
44 base.alias_method_chain :update, :dirty
45 base.alias_method_chain :reload, :dirty
47 base.superclass_delegating_accessor :partial_updates
48 base.partial_updates = true
50 base.send(:extend, ClassMethods)
51 end
53 # Do any attributes have unsaved changes?
54 # person.changed? # => false
55 # person.name = 'bob'
56 # person.changed? # => true
57 def changed?
58 !changed_attributes.empty?
59 end
61 # List of attributes with unsaved changes.
62 # person.changed # => []
63 # person.name = 'bob'
64 # person.changed # => ['name']
65 def changed
66 changed_attributes.keys
67 end
69 # Map of changed attrs => [original value, new value].
70 # person.changes # => {}
71 # person.name = 'bob'
72 # person.changes # => { 'name' => ['bill', 'bob'] }
73 def changes
74 changed.inject({}) { |h, attr| h[attr] = attribute_change(attr); h }
75 end
77 # Attempts to +save+ the record and clears changed attributes if successful.
78 def save_with_dirty(*args) #:nodoc:
79 if status = save_without_dirty(*args)
80 changed_attributes.clear
81 end
82 status
83 end
85 # Attempts to <tt>save!</tt> the record and clears changed attributes if successful.
86 def save_with_dirty!(*args) #:nodoc:
87 status = save_without_dirty!(*args)
88 changed_attributes.clear
89 status
90 end
92 # <tt>reload</tt> the record and clears changed attributes.
93 def reload_with_dirty(*args) #:nodoc:
94 record = reload_without_dirty(*args)
95 changed_attributes.clear
96 record
97 end
99 private
100 # Map of change <tt>attr => original value</tt>.
101 def changed_attributes
102 @changed_attributes ||= {}
103 end
105 # Handle <tt>*_changed?</tt> for +method_missing+.
106 def attribute_changed?(attr)
107 changed_attributes.include?(attr)
108 end
110 # Handle <tt>*_change</tt> for +method_missing+.
111 def attribute_change(attr)
112 [changed_attributes[attr], __send__(attr)] if attribute_changed?(attr)
113 end
115 # Handle <tt>*_was</tt> for +method_missing+.
116 def attribute_was(attr)
117 attribute_changed?(attr) ? changed_attributes[attr] : __send__(attr)
118 end
120 # Handle <tt>*_will_change!</tt> for +method_missing+.
121 def attribute_will_change!(attr)
122 changed_attributes[attr] = clone_attribute_value(:read_attribute, attr)
123 end
125 # Wrap write_attribute to remember original attribute value.
126 def write_attribute_with_dirty(attr, value)
127 attr = attr.to_s
129 # The attribute already has an unsaved change.
130 if changed_attributes.include?(attr)
131 old = changed_attributes[attr]
132 changed_attributes.delete(attr) unless field_changed?(attr, old, value)
133 else
134 old = clone_attribute_value(:read_attribute, attr)
135 changed_attributes[attr] = old if field_changed?(attr, old, value)
136 end
138 # Carry on.
139 write_attribute_without_dirty(attr, value)
140 end
142 def update_with_dirty
143 if partial_updates?
144 # Serialized attributes should always be written in case they've been
145 # changed in place.
146 update_without_dirty(changed | self.class.serialized_attributes.keys)
147 else
148 update_without_dirty
149 end
150 end
152 def field_changed?(attr, old, value)
153 if column = column_for_attribute(attr)
154 if column.number? && column.null && (old.nil? || old == 0) && value.blank?
155 # For nullable numeric columns, NULL gets stored in database for blank (i.e. '') values.
156 # Hence we don't record it as a change if the value changes from nil to ''.
157 # If an old value of 0 is set to '' we want this to get changed to nil as otherwise it'll
158 # be typecast back to 0 (''.to_i => 0)
159 value = nil
160 else
161 value = column.type_cast(value)
162 end
163 end
165 old != value
166 end
168 module ClassMethods
169 def self.extended(base)
170 base.metaclass.alias_method_chain(:alias_attribute, :dirty)
171 end
173 def alias_attribute_with_dirty(new_name, old_name)
174 alias_attribute_without_dirty(new_name, old_name)
175 DIRTY_SUFFIXES.each do |suffix|
176 module_eval <<-STR, __FILE__, __LINE__+1
177 def #{new_name}#{suffix}; self.#{old_name}#{suffix}; end # def subject_changed?; self.title_changed?; end
178 STR
179 end
180 end
181 end
182 end
183 end