authorNeil Smith <>
Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:10:56 +0000 (11:10 +0100)
committerNeil Smith <>
Wed, 29 Jun 2011 10:10:56 +0000 (11:10 +0100)
25 files changed:
Gemfile [new file with mode: 0644]
Gemfile.lock [new file with mode: 0644]
LICENSE.txt [new file with mode: 0644]
README.rdoc [new file with mode: 0644]
Rakefile [new file with mode: 0644]
VERSION [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/porter2stemmer.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/porter2stemmer/constants.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/classes/Porter2.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/classes/String.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/created.rid [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/files/README_rdoc.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/files/lib/porter2stemmer/constants_rb.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/files/lib/porter2stemmer/implementation_rb.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/files/lib/porter2stemmer_rb.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/fr_class_index.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/fr_file_index.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/fr_method_index.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/index.html [new file with mode: 0644]
rdoc/rdoc-style.css [new file with mode: 0644]
test/helper.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
test/test_porter2stemmer.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
test/test_porter2stemmer_full.rb [new file with mode: 0644]
test/test_porter2stemmer_parts.rb [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Gemfile b/Gemfile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..bdb0a5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gemfile
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+source ""
+# Add dependencies required to use your gem here.
+# Example:
+#   gem "activesupport", ">= 2.3.5"
+# Add dependencies to develop your gem here.
+# Include everything needed to run rake, tests, features, etc.
+group :development do
+  gem "shoulda", ">= 0"
+  gem "bundler", "~> 1.0.0"
+  gem "jeweler", "~> 1.5.2"
+  gem "rcov", ">= 0"
diff --git a/Gemfile.lock b/Gemfile.lock
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..07df601
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+  remote:
+  specs:
+    git (1.2.5)
+    jeweler (1.5.2)
+      bundler (~> 1.0.0)
+      git (>= 1.2.5)
+      rake
+    rake (0.8.7)
+    rcov (0.9.9)
+    shoulda (2.11.3)
+  ruby
+  bundler (~> 1.0.0)
+  jeweler (~> 1.5.2)
+  rcov
+  shoulda
diff --git a/LICENSE.txt b/LICENSE.txt
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..7490d46
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011 Neil Smith
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
+"Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
+without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
+distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
+permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
+the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/README.rdoc b/README.rdoc
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4a991e1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+= porter2stemmer
+Description goes here.
+== Contributing to porter2stemmer
+* Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn't been implemented or the bug hasn't been fixed yet
+* Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn't requested it and/or contributed it
+* Fork the project
+* Start a feature/bugfix branch
+* Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
+* Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
+* Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
+== Copyright
+Copyright (c) 2011 Neil Smith. See LICENSE.txt for
+further details.
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..b13ea93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'bundler'
+  Bundler.setup(:default, :development)
+rescue Bundler::BundlerError => e
+  $stderr.puts e.message
+  $stderr.puts "Run `bundle install` to install missing gems"
+  exit e.status_code
+require 'rake'
+require 'jeweler' do |gem|
+  # gem is a Gem::Specification... see for more options
+ = "porter2stemmer"
+  gem.homepage = ""
+  gem.license = "MIT"
+  gem.summary = %Q{TODO: one-line summary of your gem}
+  gem.description = %Q{TODO: longer description of your gem}
+ = ""
+  gem.authors = ["Neil Smith"]
+  # Include your dependencies below. Runtime dependencies are required when using your gem,
+  # and development dependencies are only needed for development (ie running rake tasks, tests, etc)
+  #  gem.add_runtime_dependency 'jabber4r', '> 0.1'
+  #  gem.add_development_dependency 'rspec', '> 1.2.3'
+require 'rake/testtask' do |test|
+  test.libs << 'lib' << 'test'
+  test.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb'
+  test.verbose = true
+require 'rcov/rcovtask' do |test|
+  test.libs << 'test'
+  test.pattern = 'test/**/test_*.rb'
+  test.verbose = true
+task :default => :test
+require 'rake/rdoctask' do |rdoc|
+  version = File.exist?('VERSION') ?'VERSION') : ""
+  rdoc.rdoc_dir = 'rdoc'
+  rdoc.title = "porter2stemmer #{version}"
+  rdoc.rdoc_files.include('README*')
+  rdoc.rdoc_files.include('lib/**/*.rb')
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..afaf360
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/porter2stemmer.rb b/lib/porter2stemmer.rb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1f248b7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# ==The Porter 2 stemmer
+require 'porter2stemmer/constants'
+require 'porter2stemmer/implementation'
diff --git a/lib/porter2stemmer/constants.rb b/lib/porter2stemmer/constants.rb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f123bc5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# coding: utf-8\r
+# Constants for the Porter 2 stemmer\r
+module Porter2\r
+  # A non-vowel\r
+  C = "[^aeiouy]"\r
+  # A vowel: a e i o u y\r
+  V = "[aeiouy]"\r
+  # A non-vowel other than w, x, or Y\r
+  CW = "[^aeiouywxY]"\r
+  # Doubles created when adding a suffix: these are undoubled when stemmed\r
+  Double = "(bb|dd|ff|gg|mm|nn|pp|rr|tt)"\r
+  # A valid letter that can come before 'li' (or 'ly')\r
+  Valid_LI = "[cdeghkmnrt]"\r
+  # A specification for a short syllable.\r
+  #\r
+  # A short syllable in a word is either: \r
+  # 1. a vowel followed by a non-vowel other than w, x or Y and preceded by a non-vowel, or \r
+  # 2. a vowel at the beginning of the word followed by a non-vowel.\r
+  #\r
+  # (The original document is silent on whether sequences of two or more non-vowels make a\r
+  # syllable long. But as this specification is only used to find sequences of non-vowel -\r
+  # vowel - non-vowel - end-of-word, this ambiguity does not have an effect.)\r
+  SHORT_SYLLABLE = "((#{C}#{V}#{CW})|(^#{V}#{C}))"\r
+  # Suffix transformations used in porter2_step2.\r
+  # (ogi, li endings dealt with in procedure)\r
+  STEP_2_MAPS = {"tional" => "tion",\r
+                "enci" => "ence",\r
+                 "anci" => "ance",\r
+                 "abli" => "able",\r
+                 "entli" => "ent",\r
+                 "ization" => "ize",\r
+                 "izer" => "ize",\r
+                 "ational" => "ate",\r
+                 "ation" => "ate",\r
+                 "ator" => "ate",\r
+                 "alism" => "al",\r
+                 "aliti" => "al",\r
+                 "alli" => "al",\r
+                 "fulness" => "ful",\r
+                 "ousli" => "ous",\r
+                 "ousness" => "ous",\r
+                 "iveness" => "ive",\r
+                 "iviti" => "ive",\r
+                 "biliti" => "ble",\r
+                 "bli" => "ble",\r
+                 "fulli" => "ful",\r
+                 "lessli" => "less" }\r
+  # Suffix transformations used in porter2_step3.\r
+  # (ative ending dealt with in procedure)  \r
+  STEP_3_MAPS = {"tional" => "tion",\r
+                 "ational" => "ate",\r
+                 "alize" => "al",\r
+                 "icate" => "ic",\r
+                 "iciti" => "ic",\r
+                 "ical" => "ic",\r
+                 "ful" => "",\r
+                 "ness" => "" }\r
+  \r
+  # Suffix transformations used in porter2_step4.\r
+  # (ion ending dealt with in procedure)\r
+  STEP_4_MAPS = {"al" => "",\r
+                 "ance" => "",\r
+                 "ence" => "",\r
+                 "er" => "",\r
+                 "ic" => "",\r
+                 "able" => "",\r
+                 "ible" => "",\r
+                 "ant" => "",\r
+                 "ement" => "",\r
+                 "ment" => "",\r
+                 "ent" => "",\r
+                 "ism" => "",\r
+                 "ate" => "",\r
+                 "iti" => "",\r
+                 "ous" => "",\r
+                 "ive" => "",\r
+                 "ize" => "" }\r
+  \r
+  # Special-case stemmings \r
+  SPECIAL_CASES = {"skis" => "ski",\r
+                   "skies" => "sky",\r
+                    \r
+                   "dying" => "die",\r
+                   "lying" => "lie",\r
+                   "tying" => "tie",\r
+                   "idly" =>  "idl",\r
+                   "gently" => "gentl",\r
+                   "ugly" => "ugli",\r
+                   "early" => "earli",\r
+                   "only" => "onli",\r
+                   "singly" =>"singl",\r
+                    \r
+                   "sky" => "sky",\r
+                   "news" => "news",\r
+                   "howe" => "howe",\r
+                   "atlas" => "atlas",\r
+                   "cosmos" => "cosmos",\r
+                   "bias" => "bias",\r
+                   "andes" => "andes" }\r
+   \r
+  # Special case words to stop processing after step 1a.\r
+  STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES = %w[ inning outing canning herring earring proceed exceed succeed ]\r
diff --git a/lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb b/lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..906f5bd
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# Implementation of the Porter 2 stemmer. String#porter2_stem is the main stemming procedure.
+class String
+  # Tidy up the word before we get down to the algorithm
+  def porter2_tidy
+    preword = self.to_s.strip.downcase
+    # map apostrophe-like characters to apostrophes
+    preword.gsub!(/‘/, "'")
+    preword.gsub!(/’/, "'")
+    preword
+  end
+  # Preprocess the word. 
+  # Remove any initial ', if present. Then, set initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y
+  #
+  # (The comment to 'establish the regions R1 and R2' in the original description 
+  # is an implementation optimisation that identifies where the regions start. As
+  # no modifications are made to the word that affect those positions, you may want
+  # to cache them now. This implementation doesn't do that.)
+  def porter2_preprocess    
+    w = self.dup
+    # remove any initial apostrophe
+    w.gsub!(/^'*(.)/, '\1')
+    # set initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y
+    w.gsub!(/^y/, "Y")
+    w.gsub!(/(#{Porter2::V})y/, '\1Y')
+    w
+  end
+  # R1 is the portion of the word after the first non-vowel after the first vowel
+  # (with words beginning 'gener-', 'commun-', and 'arsen-' treated as special cases
+  def porter2_r1
+    if self =~ /^(gener|commun|arsen)(?<r1>.*)/
+      Regexp.last_match(:r1)
+    else
+      self =~ /#{Porter2::V}#{Porter2::C}(?<r1>.*)$/
+      Regexp.last_match(:r1) || ""
+    end
+  end
+  # R2 is the portion of R1 (porter2_r1) after the first non-vowel after the first vowel
+  def porter2_r2
+    self.porter2_r1 =~ /#{Porter2::V}#{Porter2::C}(?<r2>.*)$/
+    Regexp.last_match(:r2) || ""
+  end
+  # Returns true if the word ends with a short syllable
+  def porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    self =~ /#{Porter2::SHORT_SYLLABLE}$/ ? true : false
+  end
+  # A word is short if it ends in a short syllable, and R1 is null
+  def porter2_is_short_word?
+    self.porter2_ends_with_short_syllable? and self.porter2_r1.empty?
+  end
+  # Search for the longest among the suffixes, 
+  # * '
+  # * 's
+  # * 's'
+  # and remove if found.
+  def porter2_step0
+    self.sub!(/(.)('s'|'s|')$/, '\1') || self
+  end
+  # Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action indicated. 
+  # sses:: replace by ss 
+  # ied, ies:: replace by i if preceded by more than one letter, otherwise by ie
+  # s:: delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel not immediately before the s
+  # us, ss:: do nothing
+  def porter2_step1a
+    if self =~ /sses$/
+      self.sub(/sses$/, 'ss')
+    elsif self =~ /..(ied|ies)$/
+      self.sub(/(ied|ies)$/, 'i')
+    elsif self =~ /(ied|ies)$/
+      self.sub(/(ied|ies)$/, 'ie')
+    elsif self =~ /(us|ss)$/
+      self
+    elsif self =~ /s$/
+      if self =~ /(#{Porter2::V}.+)s$/
+        self.sub(/s$/, '') 
+      else
+        self
+      end
+    else
+      self
+    end
+  end
+  # Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action indicated. 
+  # eed, eedly:: replace by ee if the suffix is also in R1 
+  # ed, edly, ing, ingly:: delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel and, 
+  #                        after the deletion:
+  #                        * if the word ends at, bl or iz: add e, or
+  #                        * if the word ends with a double: remove the last letter, or
+  #                        * if the word is short: add e
+  # 
+  # (If gb_english is +true+, treat the 'is' suffix as 'iz' above.)
+  def porter2_step1b(gb_english = false)
+    if self =~ /(eed|eedly)$/
+      if self.porter2_r1 =~ /(eed|eedly)$/
+        self.sub(/(eed|eedly)$/, 'ee')
+      else
+        self
+      end
+    else
+      w = self.dup
+      if w =~ /#{Porter2::V}.*(ed|edly|ing|ingly)$/
+        w.sub!(/(ed|edly|ing|ingly)$/, '')
+        if w =~ /(at|lb|iz)$/
+          w += 'e' 
+        elsif w =~ /is$/ and gb_english
+          w += 'e' 
+        elsif w =~ /#{Porter2::Double}$/
+         w.chop!
+        elsif w.porter2_is_short_word?
+          w += 'e'
+        end
+      end
+      w
+    end
+  end
+  # Replace a suffix of y or Y by i if it is preceded by a non-vowel which is 
+  # not the first letter of the word.
+  def porter2_step1c
+    if self =~ /.+#{Porter2::C}(y|Y)$/
+      self.sub(/(y|Y)$/, 'i')
+    else
+      self
+    end
+  end
+  # Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of Porter2::STEP_2_MAPS. 
+  # If one is found and that suffix occurs in R1, replace it with the value 
+  # found in STEP_2_MAPS.
+  #
+  # (Suffixes 'ogi' and 'li' are treated as special cases in the procedure.)
+  # 
+  # (If gb_english is +true+, replace the 'iser' and 'isation' suffixes with
+  # 'ise', similarly to how 'izer' and 'ization' are treated.)
+  def porter2_step2(gb_english = false)
+    r1 = self.porter2_r1
+    s2m = Porter2::STEP_2_MAPS.dup
+    if gb_english
+      s2m["iser"] = "ise"
+      s2m["isation"] = "ise"
+    end
+    step_2_re = Regexp.union( {|r| + "$")})
+    if self =~ step_2_re
+      if r1 =~ /#{$&}$/
+        self.sub(/#{$&}$/, s2m[$&])
+      else
+        self
+      end
+    elsif r1 =~ /li$/ and self =~ /(#{Porter2::Valid_LI})li$/
+      self.sub(/li$/, '')
+    elsif r1 =~ /ogi$/ and self =~ /logi$/
+      self.sub(/ogi$/, 'og')
+    else
+      self
+    end
+  end
+  # Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of Porter2::STEP_3_MAPS. 
+  # If one is found and that suffix occurs in R1, replace it with the value 
+  # found in STEP_3_MAPS.
+  #
+  # (Suffix 'ative' is treated as a special case in the procedure.)
+  # 
+  # (If gb_english is +true+, replace the 'alise' suffix with
+  # 'al', similarly to how 'alize' is treated.)
+  def porter2_step3(gb_english = false)
+    if self =~ /ative$/ and self.porter2_r2 =~ /ative$/
+      self.sub(/ative$/, '')
+    else
+      s3m = Porter2::STEP_3_MAPS.dup
+      if gb_english
+       s3m["alise"] = "al"
+      end
+      step_3_re = Regexp.union( {|r| + "$")})
+      r1 = self.porter2_r1
+      if self =~ step_3_re and r1 =~ /#{$&}$/ 
+       self.sub(/#{$&}$/, s3m[$&])
+      else
+       self
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of Porter2::STEP_4_MAPS. 
+  # If one is found and that suffix occurs in R2, replace it with the value 
+  # found in STEP_4_MAPS.
+  #
+  # (Suffix 'ion' is treated as a special case in the procedure.)
+  # 
+  # (If gb_english is +true+, delete the 'ise' suffix if found.)
+  def porter2_step4(gb_english = false)
+    if self.porter2_r2 =~ /ion$/ and self =~ /(s|t)ion$/
+      self.sub(/ion$/, '')
+    else
+      s4m = Porter2::STEP_4_MAPS.dup
+      if gb_english
+        s4m["ise"] = ""
+      end
+      step_4_re = Regexp.union( {|r| + "$")})
+      r2 = self.porter2_r2
+      if self =~ step_4_re
+        if r2 =~ /#{$&}/
+          self.sub(/#{$&}$/, s4m[$&])
+        else
+          self
+        end
+      else
+        self
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Search for the the following suffixes, and, if found, perform the action indicated. 
+  # e:: delete if in R2, or in R1 and not preceded by a short syllable
+  # l:: delete if in R2 and preceded by l
+  def porter2_step5
+    if self =~ /ll$/ and self.porter2_r2 =~ /l$/
+      self.sub(/ll$/, 'l') 
+    elsif self =~ /e$/ and self.porter2_r2 =~ /e$/ 
+      self.sub(/e$/, '') 
+    else
+      r1 = self.porter2_r1
+      if self =~ /e$/ and r1 =~ /e$/ and not self =~ /#{Porter2::SHORT_SYLLABLE}e$/
+        self.sub(/e$/, '')
+      else
+        self
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Turn all Y letters into y
+  def porter2_postprocess
+    self.gsub(/Y/, 'y')
+  end
+  public
+  # Perform the stemming procedure. If +gb_english+ is true, treat '-ise' and similar suffixes
+  # as '-ize' in American English.
+  def porter2_stem(gb_english = false)
+    preword = self.porter2_tidy
+    return preword if preword.length <= 2
+    word = preword.porter2_preprocess
+    if Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES.has_key? word
+      Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]
+    else
+      w1a = word.porter2_step0.porter2_step1a
+      if Porter2::STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES.include? w1a 
+       w1a
+      else
+        w1a.porter2_step1b(gb_english).porter2_step1c.porter2_step2(gb_english).porter2_step3(gb_english).porter2_step4(gb_english).porter2_step5.porter2_postprocess
+      end
+    end
+  end  
+  # A verbose version of porter2_stem that prints the output of each stage to STDOUT
+  def porter2_stem_verbose(gb_english = false)
+    preword = self.porter2_tidy
+    puts "Preword: #{preword}"
+    return preword if preword.length <= 2
+    word = preword.porter2_preprocess
+    puts "Preprocessed: #{word}"
+    if Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES.has_key? word
+      puts "Returning #{word} as special case #{Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]}"
+      Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]
+    else
+      r1 = word.porter2_r1
+      r2 = word.porter2_r2
+      puts "R1 = #{r1}, R2 = #{r2}"
+      w0 = word.porter2_step0 ; puts "After step 0:  #{w0} (R1 = #{w0.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w0.porter2_r2})"
+      w1a = w0.porter2_step1a ; puts "After step 1a: #{w1a} (R1 = #{w1a.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1a.porter2_r2})"
+      if Porter2::STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES.include? w1a
+        puts "Returning #{w1a} as 1a special case"
+       w1a
+      else
+        w1b = w1a.porter2_step1b(gb_english) ; puts "After step 1b: #{w1b} (R1 = #{w1b.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1b.porter2_r2})"
+        w1c = w1b.porter2_step1c ; puts "After step 1c: #{w1c} (R1 = #{w1c.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1c.porter2_r2})"
+        w2 = w1c.porter2_step2(gb_english) ; puts "After step 2:  #{w2} (R1 = #{w2.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w2.porter2_r2})"
+        w3 = w2.porter2_step3(gb_english) ; puts "After step 3:  #{w3} (R1 = #{w3.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w3.porter2_r2})"
+        w4 = w3.porter2_step4(gb_english) ; puts "After step 4:  #{w4} (R1 = #{w4.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w4.porter2_r2})"
+        w5 = w4.porter2_step5 ; puts "After step 5:  #{w5}"
+        wpost = w5.porter2_postprocess ; puts "After postprocess: #{wpost}"
+        wpost
+      end
+    end
+  end  
+  alias stem porter2_stem
diff --git a/rdoc/classes/Porter2.html b/rdoc/classes/Porter2.html
new file mode 100644 (file)
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+  <title>Module: Porter2</title>
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+    <div id="classHeader">
+        <table class="header-table">
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+          <td><strong>Module</strong></td>
+          <td class="class-name-in-header">Porter2</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+            <td><strong>In:</strong></td>
+            <td>
+                <a href="../files/lib/porter2stemmer/constants_rb.html">
+                lib/porter2stemmer/constants.rb
+                </a>
+        <br />
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+        </table>
+    </div>
+  <!-- banner header -->
+  <div id="bodyContent">
+  <div id="contextContent">
+    <div id="description">
+      <p>
+Constants for the Porter 2 stemmer
+    </div>
+   </div>
+  </div>
+    <!-- if includes -->
+    <div id="section">
+    <div id="constants-list">
+      <h3 class="section-bar">Constants</h3>
+      <div class="name-list">
+        <table summary="Constants">
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">C</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">&quot;[^aeiouy]&quot;</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+A non-vowel
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">V</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">&quot;[aeiouy]&quot;</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+A vowel: a e i o u y
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">CW</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">&quot;[^aeiouywxY]&quot;</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+A non-vowel other than w, x, or Y
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">Double</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">&quot;(bb|dd|ff|gg|mm|nn|pp|rr|tt)&quot;</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+Doubles created when adding a suffix: these are undoubled when stemmed
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">Valid_LI</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">&quot;[cdeghkmnrt]&quot;</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+A valid letter that can come before &#8216;li&#8217; (or &#8216;ly&#8217;)
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">SHORT_SYLLABLE</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">&quot;((#{C}#{V}#{CW})|(^#{V}#{C}))&quot;</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+A specification for a short syllable.
+A short syllable in a word is either:
+<li>a vowel followed by a non-vowel other than w, x or Y and preceded by a
+non-vowel, or
+<li>a vowel at the beginning of the word followed by a non-vowel.
+(The original document is silent on whether sequences of two or more
+non-vowels make a syllable long. But as this specification is only used to
+find sequences of non-vowel - vowel - non-vowel - end-of-word, this
+ambiguity does not have an effect.)
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">STEP_2_MAPS</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">{&quot;tional&quot; =&gt; &quot;tion&quot;,\r                  &quot;enci&quot; =&gt; &quot;ence&quot;,\r                  &quot;anci&quot; =&gt; &quot;ance&quot;,\r                  &quot;abli&quot; =&gt; &quot;able&quot;,\r                  &quot;entli&quot; =&gt; &quot;ent&quot;,\r                  &quot;ization&quot; =&gt; &quot;ize&quot;,\r                  &quot;izer&quot; =&gt; &quot;ize&quot;,\r                  &quot;ational&quot; =&gt; &quot;ate&quot;,\r                  &quot;ation&quot; =&gt; &quot;ate&quot;,\r                  &quot;ator&quot; =&gt; &quot;ate&quot;,\r                  &quot;alism&quot; =&gt; &quot;al&quot;,\r                  &quot;aliti&quot; =&gt; &quot;al&quot;,\r                  &quot;alli&quot; =&gt; &quot;al&quot;,\r                  &quot;fulness&quot; =&gt; &quot;ful&quot;,\r                  &quot;ousli&quot; =&gt; &quot;ous&quot;,\r                  &quot;ousness&quot; =&gt; &quot;ous&quot;,\r                  &quot;iveness&quot; =&gt; &quot;ive&quot;,\r                  &quot;iviti&quot; =&gt; &quot;ive&quot;,\r                  &quot;biliti&quot; =&gt; &quot;ble&quot;,\r                  &quot;bli&quot; =&gt; &quot;ble&quot;,\r                  &quot;fulli&quot; =&gt; &quot;ful&quot;,\r                  &quot;lessli&quot; =&gt; &quot;less&quot; }</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+Suffix transformations used in porter2_step2. (ogi, li endings dealt with
+in procedure)
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">STEP_3_MAPS</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">{&quot;tional&quot; =&gt; &quot;tion&quot;,\r                  &quot;ational&quot; =&gt; &quot;ate&quot;,\r                  &quot;alize&quot; =&gt; &quot;al&quot;,\r                  &quot;icate&quot; =&gt; &quot;ic&quot;,\r                  &quot;iciti&quot; =&gt; &quot;ic&quot;,\r                  &quot;ical&quot; =&gt; &quot;ic&quot;,\r                  &quot;ful&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ness&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot; }</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+Suffix transformations used in porter2_step3. (ative ending dealt with in
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">STEP_4_MAPS</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">{&quot;al&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ance&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ence&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;er&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ic&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;able&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ible&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ant&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ement&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ment&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ent&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ism&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ate&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;iti&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ous&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ive&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot;,\r                  &quot;ize&quot; =&gt; &quot;&quot; }</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+Suffix transformations used in porter2_step4. (ion ending dealt with in
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">SPECIAL_CASES</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">{&quot;skis&quot; =&gt; &quot;ski&quot;,\r                    &quot;skies&quot; =&gt; &quot;sky&quot;,\r                     \r                    &quot;dying&quot; =&gt; &quot;die&quot;,\r                    &quot;lying&quot; =&gt; &quot;lie&quot;,\r                    &quot;tying&quot; =&gt; &quot;tie&quot;,\r                    &quot;idly&quot; =&gt;  &quot;idl&quot;,\r                    &quot;gently&quot; =&gt; &quot;gentl&quot;,\r                    &quot;ugly&quot; =&gt; &quot;ugli&quot;,\r                    &quot;early&quot; =&gt; &quot;earli&quot;,\r                    &quot;only&quot; =&gt; &quot;onli&quot;,\r                    &quot;singly&quot; =&gt;&quot;singl&quot;,\r                     \r                    &quot;sky&quot; =&gt; &quot;sky&quot;,\r                    &quot;news&quot; =&gt; &quot;news&quot;,\r                    &quot;howe&quot; =&gt; &quot;howe&quot;,\r                    &quot;atlas&quot; =&gt; &quot;atlas&quot;,\r                    &quot;cosmos&quot; =&gt; &quot;cosmos&quot;,\r                    &quot;bias&quot; =&gt; &quot;bias&quot;,\r                    &quot;andes&quot; =&gt; &quot;andes&quot; }</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+Special-case stemmings
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
+          <td class="context-item-name">STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES</td>
+          <td>=</td>
+          <td class="context-item-value">%w[ inning outing canning herring earring proceed exceed succeed ]</td>
+          <td width="3em">&nbsp;</td>
+          <td class="context-item-desc">
+Special case words to stop processing after step 1a.
+        </tr>
+        </table>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+    <!-- if method_list -->
+  </div>
+<div id="validator-badges">
+  <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
\ No newline at end of file
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+  <title>Class: String</title>
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+          <td><strong>Class</strong></td>
+          <td class="class-name-in-header">String</td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+            <td><strong>In:</strong></td>
+            <td>
+                <a href="../files/lib/porter2stemmer/implementation_rb.html">
+                lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb
+                </a>
+        <br />
+            </td>
+        </tr>
+        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+            <td><strong>Parent:</strong></td>
+            <td>
+                Object
+            </td>
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+    </div>
+  <!-- banner header -->
+  <div id="bodyContent">
+  <div id="contextContent">
+    <div id="description">
+      <p>
+Implementation of the Porter 2 stemmer. <a
+href="String.html#M000016">String#porter2_stem</a> is the main stemming
+    </div>
+   </div>
+    <div id="method-list">
+      <h3 class="section-bar">Methods</h3>
+      <div class="name-list">
+      <a href="#M000005">porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000006">porter2_is_short_word?</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000015">porter2_postprocess</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000002">porter2_preprocess</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000003">porter2_r1</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000004">porter2_r2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000016">porter2_stem</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000017">porter2_stem_verbose</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000007">porter2_step0</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000008">porter2_step1a</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000009">porter2_step1b</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000010">porter2_step1c</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000011">porter2_step2</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000012">porter2_step3</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000013">porter2_step4</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000014">porter2_step5</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000001">porter2_tidy</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      <a href="#M000018">stem</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+    <!-- if includes -->
+    <div id="section">
+    <!-- if method_list -->
+    <div id="methods">
+      <h3 class="section-bar">Public Instance methods</h3>
+      <div id="method-M000005" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000005"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000005" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Returns true if the word ends with a short syllable
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000005-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000005-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 59</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{Porter2::SHORT_SYLLABLE}$/</span> <span class="ruby-operator">?</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">true</span> <span class="ruby-operator">:</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000006" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000006"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000006" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_is_short_word?</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+A word is short if it ends in a short syllable, and R1 is null
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000006-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000006-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 65</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_is_short_word?</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">empty?</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000015" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000015"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000015" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_postprocess</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Turn all Y letters into y
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000015-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000015-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 261</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_postprocess</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">gsub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/Y/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'y'</span>)
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000002" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000002"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000002" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_preprocess</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Preprocess the word. Remove any initial &#8217;, if present. Then, set
+initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y
+(The comment to &#8216;establish the regions R1 and R2&#8217; in the
+original description is an implementation optimisation that identifies
+where the regions start. As no modifications are made to the word that
+affect those positions, you may want to cache them now. This implementation
+doesn&#8216;t do that.)
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000002-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000002-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 25</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_preprocess</span>    
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">dup</span>
+    <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># remove any initial apostrophe</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">gsub!</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/^'*(.)/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'\1'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># set initial y, or y after a vowel, to Y</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">gsub!</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/^y/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;Y&quot;</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">gsub!</span>(<span class="ruby-node">/(#{Porter2::V})y/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'\1Y'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000003" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000003"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000003" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_r1</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+R1 is the portion of the word after the first non-vowel after the first
+vowel (with words beginning &#8216;gener-&#8217;, &#8216;commun-&#8217;,
+and &#8216;arsen-&#8217; treated as special cases
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000003-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000003-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 41</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/^(gener|commun|arsen)(?&lt;r1&gt;.*)/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">last_match</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">:r1</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{Porter2::V}#{Porter2::C}(?&lt;r1&gt;.*)$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">last_match</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">:r1</span>) <span class="ruby-operator">||</span> <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;&quot;</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000004" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000004"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000004" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_r2</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+R2 is the portion of R1 (<a href="String.html#M000003">porter2_r1</a>)
+after the first non-vowel after the first vowel
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000004-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000004-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 52</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{Porter2::V}#{Porter2::C}(?&lt;r2&gt;.*)$/</span>
+    <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">last_match</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">:r2</span>) <span class="ruby-operator">||</span> <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;&quot;</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000016" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000016"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000016" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_stem</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Perform the stemming procedure. If <tt>gb_english</tt> is true, treat
+&#8217;-ise&#8217; and similar suffixes as &#8217;-ize&#8217; in American
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000016-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000016-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 269</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_stem</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_tidy</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">return</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">length</span> <span class="ruby-operator">&lt;=</span> <span class="ruby-value">2</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_preprocess</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">SPECIAL_CASES</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">has_key?</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>
+      <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">SPECIAL_CASES</span>[<span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>]
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step0</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1a</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">include?</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span> 
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1b</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>).<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1c</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step2</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>).<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step3</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>).<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step4</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>).<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step5</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_postprocess</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000017" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000017"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000017" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_stem_verbose</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+A verbose version of <a href="String.html#M000016">porter2_stem</a> that
+prints the output of each stage to STDOUT
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000017-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000017-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 288</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_stem_verbose</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_tidy</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;Preword: #{preword}&quot;</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">return</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">length</span> <span class="ruby-operator">&lt;=</span> <span class="ruby-value">2</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_preprocess</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;Preprocessed: #{word}&quot;</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">SPECIAL_CASES</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">has_key?</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;Returning #{word} as special case #{Porter2::SPECIAL_CASES[word]}&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">SPECIAL_CASES</span>[<span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>]
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">r2</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;R1 = #{r1}, R2 = #{r2}&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">w0</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">word</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step0</span> ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 0:  #{w0} (R1 = #{w0.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w0.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w0</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1a</span> ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 1a: #{w1a} (R1 = #{w1a.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1a.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">STEP_1A_SPECIAL_CASES</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">include?</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;Returning #{w1a} as 1a special case&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w1b</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w1a</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1b</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>) ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 1b: #{w1b} (R1 = #{w1b.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1b.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w1c</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w1b</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1c</span> ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 1c: #{w1c} (R1 = #{w1c.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w1c.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w2</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w1c</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step2</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>) ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 2:  #{w2} (R1 = #{w2.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w2.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w3</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w2</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step3</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>) ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 3:  #{w3} (R1 = #{w3.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w3.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w4</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w3</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step4</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>) ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 4:  #{w4} (R1 = #{w4.porter2_r1}, R2 = #{w4.porter2_r2})&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w5</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w4</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step5</span> ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After step 5:  #{w5}&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">wpost</span> = <span class="ruby-identifier">w5</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_postprocess</span> ; <span class="ruby-identifier">puts</span> <span class="ruby-node">&quot;After postprocess: #{wpost}&quot;</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">wpost</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000007" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000007"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000007" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step0</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the longest among the suffixes,
+and remove if found.
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000007-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000007-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 75</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step0</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub!</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/(.)('s'|'s|')$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'\1'</span>) <span class="ruby-operator">||</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000008" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000008"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000008" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step1a</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action
+<tr><td valign="top">sses:</td><td>replace by ss
+<tr><td valign="top">ied, ies:</td><td>replace by i if preceded by more than one letter, otherwise by ie
+<tr><td valign="top">s:</td><td>delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel not immediately before
+the s
+<tr><td valign="top">us, ss:</td><td>do nothing
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000008-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000008-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 85</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1a</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/sses$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/sses$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'ss'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/..(ied|ies)$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/(ied|ies)$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'i'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/(ied|ies)$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/(ied|ies)$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'ie'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/(us|ss)$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/s$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/(#{Porter2::V}.+)s$/</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/s$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>) 
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000009" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000009"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000009" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step1b</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the longest among the following suffixes, and perform the action
+<tr><td valign="top">eed, eedly:</td><td>replace by ee if the suffix is also in R1
+<tr><td valign="top">ed, edly, ing, ingly:</td><td>delete if the preceding word part contains a vowel and, after the deletion:
+<li>if the word ends at, bl or iz: add e, or
+<li>if the word ends with a double: remove the last letter, or
+<li>if the word is short: add e
+(If gb_english is <tt>true</tt>, treat the &#8216;is&#8217; suffix as
+&#8216;iz&#8217; above.)
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000009-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000009-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 115</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1b</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/(eed|eedly)$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/(eed|eedly)$/</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/(eed|eedly)$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'ee'</span>)
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">dup</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{Porter2::V}.*(ed|edly|ing|ingly)$/</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub!</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/(ed|edly|ing|ingly)$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>)
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/(at|lb|iz)$/</span>
+          <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">+=</span> <span class="ruby-value str">'e'</span> 
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/is$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>
+          <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">+=</span> <span class="ruby-value str">'e'</span> 
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{Porter2::Double}$/</span>
+          <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">chop!</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_is_short_word?</span>
+          <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span> <span class="ruby-operator">+=</span> <span class="ruby-value str">'e'</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">w</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000010" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000010"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000010" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step1c</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Replace a suffix of y or Y by i if it is preceded by a non-vowel which is
+not the first letter of the word.
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000010-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000010-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 143</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step1c</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/.+#{Porter2::C}(y|Y)$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/(y|Y)$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'i'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000011" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000011"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000011" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step2</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of
+Porter2::STEP_2_MAPS. If one is found and that suffix occurs in R1, replace
+it with the value found in STEP_2_MAPS.
+(Suffixes &#8216;ogi&#8217; and &#8216;li&#8217; are treated as special
+cases in the procedure.)
+(If gb_english is <tt>true</tt>, replace the &#8216;iser&#8217; and
+&#8216;isation&#8217; suffixes with &#8216;ise&#8217;, similarly to how
+&#8216;izer&#8217; and &#8216;ization&#8217; are treated.)
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000011-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000011-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 160</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step2</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">s2m</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">STEP_2_MAPS</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">dup</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">s2m</span>[<span class="ruby-value str">&quot;iser&quot;</span>] = <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;ise&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">s2m</span>[<span class="ruby-value str">&quot;isation&quot;</span>] = <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;ise&quot;</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">step_2_re</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">union</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">s2m</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">keys</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">map</span> {<span class="ruby-operator">|</span><span class="ruby-identifier">r</span><span class="ruby-operator">|</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">new</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">r</span> <span class="ruby-operator">+</span> <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;$&quot;</span>)})
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">step_2_re</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{$&amp;}$/</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-node">/#{$&amp;}$/</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">s2m</span>[<span class="ruby-identifier">$&amp;</span>])
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/li$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/(#{Porter2::Valid_LI})li$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/li$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/ogi$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/logi$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/ogi$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'og'</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000012" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000012"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000012" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step3</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of
+Porter2::STEP_3_MAPS. If one is found and that suffix occurs in R1, replace
+it with the value found in STEP_3_MAPS.
+(Suffix &#8216;ative&#8217; is treated as a special case in the procedure.)
+(If gb_english is <tt>true</tt>, replace the &#8216;alise&#8217; suffix
+with &#8216;al&#8217;, similarly to how &#8216;alize&#8217; is treated.)
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000012-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000012-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 192</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step3</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/ative$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/ative$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/ative$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">s3m</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">STEP_3_MAPS</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">dup</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">s3m</span>[<span class="ruby-value str">&quot;alise&quot;</span>] = <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;al&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">step_3_re</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">union</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">s3m</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">keys</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">map</span> {<span class="ruby-operator">|</span><span class="ruby-identifier">r</span><span class="ruby-operator">|</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">new</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">r</span> <span class="ruby-operator">+</span> <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;$&quot;</span>)})
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">step_3_re</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{$&amp;}$/</span> 
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-node">/#{$&amp;}$/</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">s3m</span>[<span class="ruby-identifier">$&amp;</span>])
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000013" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000013"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000013" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step4</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the longest among the suffixes listed in the keys of
+Porter2::STEP_4_MAPS. If one is found and that suffix occurs in R2, replace
+it with the value found in STEP_4_MAPS.
+(Suffix &#8216;ion&#8217; is treated as a special case in the procedure.)
+(If gb_english is <tt>true</tt>, delete the &#8216;ise&#8217; suffix if
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000013-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000013-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 218</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step4</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">false</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/ion$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/(s|t)ion$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/ion$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">s4m</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Porter2</span><span class="ruby-operator">::</span><span class="ruby-constant">STEP_4_MAPS</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">dup</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">gb_english</span>
+        <span class="ruby-identifier">s4m</span>[<span class="ruby-value str">&quot;ise&quot;</span>] = <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;&quot;</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">step_4_re</span> = <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">union</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">s4m</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">keys</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">map</span> {<span class="ruby-operator">|</span><span class="ruby-identifier">r</span><span class="ruby-operator">|</span> <span class="ruby-constant">Regexp</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">new</span>(<span class="ruby-identifier">r</span> <span class="ruby-operator">+</span> <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;$&quot;</span>)})
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">r2</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">step_4_re</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">r2</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{$&amp;}/</span>
+          <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-node">/#{$&amp;}$/</span>, <span class="ruby-identifier">s4m</span>[<span class="ruby-identifier">$&amp;</span>])
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+          <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000014" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000014"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000014" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_step5</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Search for the the following suffixes, and, if found, perform the action
+<tr><td valign="top">e:</td><td>delete if in R2, or in R1 and not preceded by a short syllable
+<tr><td valign="top">l:</td><td>delete if in R2 and preceded by l
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000014-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000014-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 244</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_step5</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/ll$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/l$/</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/ll$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">'l'</span>) 
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">elsif</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/e$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r2</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/e$/</span> 
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/e$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>) 
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+      <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_r1</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">if</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/e$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">r1</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-regexp re">/e$/</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">and</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">not</span> <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span> <span class="ruby-operator">=~</span> <span class="ruby-node">/#{Porter2::SHORT_SYLLABLE}e$/</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">sub</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/e$/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">''</span>)
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">else</span>
+        <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>
+      <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+    <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000001" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000001"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <a href="#M000001" class="method-signature">
+          <span class="method-name">porter2_tidy</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
+          </a>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Tidy up the word before we get down to the algorithm
+          <p><a class="source-toggle" href="#"
+            onclick="toggleCode('M000001-source');return false;">[Source]</a></p>
+          <div class="method-source-code" id="M000001-source">
+<span class="ruby-comment cmt"># File lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb, line 7</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">def</span> <span class="ruby-identifier">porter2_tidy</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span> = <span class="ruby-keyword kw">self</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">to_s</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">strip</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">downcase</span>
+    <span class="ruby-comment cmt"># map apostrophe-like characters to apostrophes</span>
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">gsub!</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/‘/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;'&quot;</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>.<span class="ruby-identifier">gsub!</span>(<span class="ruby-regexp re">/’/</span>, <span class="ruby-value str">&quot;'&quot;</span>)
+    <span class="ruby-identifier">preword</span>
+  <span class="ruby-keyword kw">end</span>
+          </div>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div id="method-M000018" class="method-detail">
+        <a name="M000018"></a>
+        <div class="method-heading">
+          <span class="method-name">stem</span><span class="method-args">(gb_english = false)</span>
+        </div>
+        <div class="method-description">
+          <p>
+Alias for <a href="String.html#M000016">porter2_stem</a>
+        </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+<div id="validator-badges">
+  <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
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+<li>Check out the latest master to make sure the feature hasn&#8216;t been
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+<li>Check out the issue tracker to make sure someone already hasn&#8216;t
+requested it and/or contributed it
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+<li>Commit and push until you are happy with your contribution
+<li>Make sure to add tests for it. This is important so I don&#8216;t break it
+in a future version unintentionally.
+<li>Please try not to mess with the Rakefile, version, or history. If you want
+to have your own version, or is otherwise necessary, that is fine, but
+please isolate to its own commit so I can cherry-pick around it.
+Copyright (c) 2011 Neil Smith. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
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+    <h1>porter2stemmer.rb</h1>
+    <table class="header-table">
+    <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+      <td><strong>Path:</strong></td>
+      <td>lib/porter2stemmer.rb
+      </td>
+    </tr>
+    <tr class="top-aligned-row">
+      <td><strong>Last Update:</strong></td>
+      <td>Fri Mar 18 14:12:11 +0000 2011</td>
+    </tr>
+    </table>
+  </div>
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+coding: utf-8
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+    <div id="requires-list">
+      <h3 class="section-bar">Required files</h3>
+      <div class="name-list">
+      porter2stemmer/constants&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      porter2stemmer/implementation&nbsp;&nbsp;
+      </div>
+    </div>
+   </div>
+  </div>
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+    <div id="section">
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+  </div>
+<div id="validator-badges">
+  <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
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+  <h1 class="section-bar">Classes</h1>
+  <div id="index-entries">
+    <a href="classes/Porter2.html">Porter2</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html">String</a><br />
+  </div>
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+    <a href="files/README_rdoc.html">README.rdoc</a><br />
+    <a href="files/lib/porter2stemmer_rb.html">lib/porter2stemmer.rb</a><br />
+    <a href="files/lib/porter2stemmer/constants_rb.html">lib/porter2stemmer/constants.rb</a><br />
+    <a href="files/lib/porter2stemmer/implementation_rb.html">lib/porter2stemmer/implementation.rb</a><br />
+  </div>
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+    Methods
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+<div id="index">
+  <h1 class="section-bar">Methods</h1>
+  <div id="index-entries">
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000005">porter2_ends_with_short_syllable? (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000006">porter2_is_short_word? (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000015">porter2_postprocess (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000002">porter2_preprocess (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000003">porter2_r1 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000004">porter2_r2 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000016">porter2_stem (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000017">porter2_stem_verbose (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000007">porter2_step0 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000008">porter2_step1a (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000009">porter2_step1b (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000010">porter2_step1c (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000011">porter2_step2 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000012">porter2_step3 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000013">porter2_step4 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000014">porter2_step5 (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000001">porter2_tidy (String)</a><br />
+    <a href="classes/String.html#M000018">stem (String)</a><br />
+  </div>
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--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'test/unit'
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
+require 'porter2stemmer'
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+require 'rubygems'
+require 'test/unit'
+$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
+require 'porter2stemmer'
+require 'test_porter2stemmer_parts'
+require 'test_porter2stemmer_full'
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@@ -0,0 +1,29533 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# Porter 2 stemmer test file
+# This file tests the whole stemmer.
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'porter2stemmer'
+class TestPorter2 < Test::Unit::TestCase
+# The full set of test words from 
+TEST_WORDS = {"'" => "'",
+              "''" => "''",
+              "'a" => "'a",
+              "'s" => "'s",
+              "'aa" => "aa",
+              "'as" => "as",
+              "'''" => "'",
+              "'a'" => "a",
+              "'s'" => "s",
+              "'aa'" => "aa",
+              "'as'" => "as",
+              "a" => "a",
+              "a'" => "a'",
+              "a''" => "a'",
+              "aa'" => "aa",
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+              "abandon" => "abandon",
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+              "agitate" => "agit",
+              "agitated" => "agit",
+              "agitating" => "agit",
+              "agitation" => "agit",
+              "agitators" => "agit",
+              "aglow" => "aglow",
+              "agnes" => "agn",
+              "ago" => "ago",
+              "agonies" => "agoni",
+              "agonised" => "agonis",
+              "agonising" => "agonis",
+              "agonisingly" => "agonis",
+              "agonizing" => "agon",
+              "agony" => "agoni",
+              "agouti" => "agouti",
+              "agoutis" => "agouti",
+              "agrarian" => "agrarian",
+              "agree" => "agre",
+              "agreeable" => "agreeabl",
+              "agreeably" => "agreeabl",
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+              "agreeing" => "agre",
+              "agreement" => "agreement",
+              "agrees" => "agre",
+              "agricult" => "agricult",
+              "agricultural" => "agricultur",
+              "agriculture" => "agricultur",
+              "agriculturists" => "agriculturist",
+              "aground" => "aground",
+              "agua" => "agua",
+              "ague" => "agu",
+              "agueros" => "aguero",
+              "ah" => "ah",
+              "aha" => "aha",
+              "ahead" => "ahead",
+              "ai" => "ai",
+              "aid" => "aid",
+              "aided" => "aid",
+              "aider" => "aider",
+              "aiding" => "aid",
+              "aids" => "aid",
+              "aie" => "aie",
+              "ailing" => "ail",
+              "ailment" => "ailment",
+              "ailments" => "ailment",
+              "ails" => "ail",
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+              "aimed" => "aim",
+              "aiming" => "aim",
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+              "aimlessly" => "aimless",
+              "aims" => "aim",
+              "ain" => "ain",
+              "air" => "air",
+              "aired" => "air",
+              "airily" => "airili",
+              "airing" => "air",
+              "airlessness" => "airless",
+              "airnest" => "airnest",
+              "airs" => "air",
+              "airy" => "airi",
+              "aisle" => "aisl",
+              "aits" => "ait",
+              "ajar" => "ajar",
+              "ajax" => "ajax",
+              "akad" => "akad",
+              "ake" => "ake",
+              "akeady" => "akeadi",
+              "akimbo" => "akimbo",
+              "akin" => "akin",
+              "al" => "al",
+              "alabaster" => "alabast",
+              "alacrity" => "alacr",
+              "alameda" => "alameda",
+              "alarm" => "alarm",
+              "alarmed" => "alarm",
+              "alarming" => "alarm",
+              "alarmingly" => "alarm",
+              "alarms" => "alarm",
+              "alas" => "ala",
+              "alba" => "alba",
+              "albania" => "albania",
+              "albanians" => "albanian",
+              "albans" => "alban",
+              "albatross" => "albatross",
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+              "albemarle" => "albemarl",
+              "albert" => "albert",
+              "albertine" => "albertin",
+              "albiceps" => "albicep",
+              "albicollis" => "albicolli",
+              "albicores" => "albicor",
+              "albino" => "albino",
+              "albion" => "albion",
+              "album" => "album",
+              "albuminous" => "albumin",
+              "albury" => "alburi",
+              "alcicornis" => "alcicorni",
+              "alcide" => "alcid",
+              "alcohol" => "alcohol",
+              "alder" => "alder",
+              "alderman" => "alderman",
+              "aldershot" => "aldershot",
+              "aldgate" => "aldgat",
+              "ale" => "ale",
+              "alehouse" => "alehous",
+              "alehouses" => "alehous",
+              "aleide" => "aleid",
+              "alerce" => "alerc",
+              "alert" => "alert",
+              "alexander" => "alexand",
+              "alexandr" => "alexandr",
+              "alexandrovna" => "alexandrovna",
+              "alexey" => "alexey",
+              "alfalfa" => "alfalfa",
+              "alfonso" => "alfonso",
+              "alford" => "alford",
+              "alfred" => "alfr",
+              "algarroba" => "algarroba",
+              "algebra" => "algebra",
+              "alice" => "alic",
+              "alienated" => "alien",
+              "alight" => "alight",
+              "alighted" => "alight",
+              "alighting" => "alight",
+              "alights" => "alight",
+              "alike" => "alik",
+              "alive" => "aliv",
+              "all" => "all",
+              "allah" => "allah",
+              "allan" => "allan",
+              "allay" => "allay",
+              "allayed" => "allay",
+              "allays" => "allay",
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+              "allegations" => "alleg",
+              "alleged" => "alleg",
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+              "alleging" => "alleg",
+              "allegorical" => "allegor",
+              "allegories" => "allegori",
+              "allegory" => "allegori",
+              "allenby" => "allenbi",
+              "aller" => "aller",
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+              "alleviated" => "allevi",
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+              "alliances" => "allianc",
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+              "allies" => "alli",
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+              "allotting" => "allot",
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+              "allowable" => "allow",
+              "allowance" => "allow",
+              "allowances" => "allow",
+              "allowed" => "allow",
+              "allowing" => "allow",
+              "allows" => "allow",
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+              "alluded" => "allud",
+              "alludes" => "allud",
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+              "alluring" => "allur",
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+              "alma" => "alma",
+              "almac" => "almac",
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+              "almanacs" => "almanac",
+              "almighty" => "almighti",
+              "almos" => "almo",
+              "almost" => "almost",
+              "alms" => "alm",
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+              "aloof" => "aloof",
+              "aloud" => "aloud",
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+              "alphabets" => "alphabet",
+              "alphonse" => "alphons",
+              "alpine" => "alpin",
+              "alps" => "alp",
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+              "alteration" => "alter",
+              "alterations" => "alter",
+              "altercation" => "alterc",
+              "altered" => "alter",
+              "altering" => "alter",
+              "alternate" => "altern",
+              "alternately" => "altern",
+              "alternating" => "altern",
+              "alternation" => "altern",
+              "alternations" => "altern",
+              "alternative" => "altern",
+              "alternatives" => "altern",
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+              "always" => "alway",
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+              "alyoshka" => "alyoshka",
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+              "amazingly" => "amaz",
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+              "ambient" => "ambient",
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+              "americas" => "america",
+              "amerique" => "ameriqu",
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+              "amiably" => "amiabl",
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+              "amicable" => "amic",
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+              "amidst" => "amidst",
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+              "amn" => "amn",
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+              "amounted" => "amount",
+              "amounting" => "amount",
+              "amounts" => "amount",
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+              "amphitheatrical" => "amphitheatr",
+              "ample" => "ampl",
+              "amply" => "ampli",
+              "ampullariae" => "ampullaria",
+              "amputated" => "amput",
+              "amputation" => "amput",
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+              "amusements" => "amus",
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+              "amusing" => "amus",
+              "an" => "an",
+              "ana" => "ana",
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+              "analogue" => "analogu",
+              "analogy" => "analog",
+              "analyse" => "analys",
+              "analysed" => "analys",
+              "analysing" => "analys",
+              "analysis" => "analysi",
+              "analyze" => "analyz",
+              "analyzed" => "analyz",
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+              "anas" => "ana",
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+              "anat" => "anat",
+              "anathematising" => "anathematis",
+              "anathematizing" => "anathemat",
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+              "anatomy" => "anatomi",
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+              "anchorage" => "anchorag",
+              "anchored" => "anchor",
+              "anchoring" => "anchor",
+              "anchors" => "anchor",
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+              "anciently" => "ancient",
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+              "anecdotes" => "anecdot",
+              "anemone" => "anemon",
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+              "angela" => "angela",
+              "angelic" => "angel",
+              "angelica" => "angelica",
+              "angels" => "angel",
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+              "angles" => "angl",
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+              "anguish" => "anguish",
+              "angula" => "angula",
+              "angular" => "angular",
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+              "animated" => "anim",
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+              "animating" => "anim",
+              "animation" => "anim",
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+              "answers" => "answer",
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+              "antechambers" => "antechamb",
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+              "anthus" => "anthus",
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+              "anticipated" => "anticip",
+              "anticipates" => "anticip",
+              "anticipating" => "anticip",
+              "anticipation" => "anticip",
+              "anticipations" => "anticip",
+              "anticipative" => "anticip",
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+              "apertures" => "apertur",
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+              "apollo" => "apollo",
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+              "apply" => "appli",
+              "applying" => "appli",
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+              "askew" => "askew",
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+              "askmg" => "askmg",
+              "asks" => "ask",
+              "aslant" => "aslant",
+              "asleep" => "asleep",
+              "asparagus" => "asparagus",
+              "aspect" => "aspect",
+              "aspects" => "aspect",
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+              "asperity" => "asper",
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+              "aspirants" => "aspir",
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+              "aspirated" => "aspir",
+              "aspiration" => "aspir",
+              "aspirations" => "aspir",
+              "aspire" => "aspir",
+              "aspired" => "aspir",
+              "aspires" => "aspir",
+              "aspiring" => "aspir",
+              "ass" => "ass",
+              "assailant" => "assail",
+              "assassin" => "assassin",
+              "assassinating" => "assassin",
+              "assault" => "assault",
+              "assaulted" => "assault",
+              "assaults" => "assault",
+              "assay" => "assay",
+              "assayer" => "assay",
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+              "assemblies" => "assembl",
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+              "assembly" => "assembl",
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+              "assented" => "assent",
+              "assenting" => "assent",
+              "assents" => "assent",
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+              "assertion" => "assert",
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+              "asserts" => "assert",
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+              "assessor" => "assessor",
+              "asset" => "asset",
+              "assets" => "asset",
+              "asseverations" => "assever",
+              "assez" => "assez",
+              "assiduity" => "assidu",
+              "assiduous" => "assidu",
+              "assiduously" => "assidu",
+              "assign" => "assign",
+              "assignable" => "assign",
+              "assigned" => "assign",
+              "assignment" => "assign",
+              "assigns" => "assign",
+              "assimilation" => "assimil",
+              "assist" => "assist",
+              "assistance" => "assist",
+              "assistant" => "assist",
+              "assistants" => "assist",
+              "assisted" => "assist",
+              "assisting" => "assist",
+              "assists" => "assist",
+              "assize" => "assiz",
+              "assizes" => "assiz",
+              "assoc" => "assoc",
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+              "associates" => "associ",
+              "associating" => "associ",
+              "association" => "associ",
+              "associations" => "associ",
+              "assoiled" => "assoil",
+              "assort" => "assort",
+              "assorted" => "assort",
+              "assortment" => "assort",
+              "assume" => "assum",
+              "assumed" => "assum",
+              "assumes" => "assum",
+              "assuming" => "assum",
+              "assumption" => "assumpt",
+              "assumptions" => "assumpt",
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+              "assuredly" => "assur",
+              "assures" => "assur",
+              "assuring" => "assur",
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+              "astern" => "astern",
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+              "astronomy" => "astronomi",
+              "astute" => "astut",
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+              "asylums" => "asylum",
+              "at" => "at",
+              "atacama" => "atacama",
+              "ate" => "ate",
+              "ated" => "ate",
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+              "athene" => "athen",
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+              "athos" => "atho",
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+              "atmospheric" => "atmospher",
+              "atoll" => "atol",
+              "atollons" => "atollon",
+              "atolls" => "atol",
+              "atom" => "atom",
+              "atoms" => "atom",
+              "atone" => "aton",
+              "atonement" => "aton",
+              "atra" => "atra",
+              "atratus" => "atratus",
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+              "attaching" => "attach",
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+              "attacked" => "attack",
+              "attacking" => "attack",
+              "attacks" => "attack",
+              "attagis" => "attagi",
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+              "attainments" => "attain",
+              "attains" => "attain",
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+              "attempting" => "attempt",
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+              "attested" => "attest",
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+              "attitudes" => "attitud",
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+              "attrition" => "attrit",
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+              "au" => "au",
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+              "auction" => "auction",
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+              "audience" => "audienc",
+              "audiences" => "audienc",
+              "auditor" => "auditor",
+              "auditors" => "auditor",
+              "audubon" => "audubon",
+              "aug" => "aug",
+              "augean" => "augean",
+              "augen" => "augen",
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+              "auks" => "auk",
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+              "aunt" => "aunt",
+              "aunts" => "aunt",
+              "aura" => "aura",
+              "aureole" => "aureol",
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+              "aus" => "aus",
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+              "autumnal" => "autumn",
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+              "aux" => "aux",
+              "auxiliaries" => "auxiliari",
+              "auxiliary" => "auxiliari",
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+              "avails" => "avail",
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+              "avatars" => "avatar",
+              "avaunt" => "avaunt",
+              "avdotya" => "avdotya",
+              "ave" => "ave",
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+              "avenger" => "aveng",
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+              "avenues" => "avenu",
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+              "averaging" => "averag",
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+              "averring" => "aver",
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+              "avicularia" => "avicularia",
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+              "avoiding" => "avoid",
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+              "avoient" => "avoient",
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+              "awaking" => "awak",
+              "aware" => "awar",
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+              "awoke" => "awok",
+              "awry" => "awri",
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+              "aye" => "aye",
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+              "azarae" => "azara",
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+              "azure" => "azur",
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+              "ba" => "ba",
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+              "babylon" => "babylon",
+              "bac" => "bac",
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+              "bachelor" => "bachelor",
+              "bachelorship" => "bachelorship",
+              "bachman" => "bachman",
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+              "backbone" => "backbon",
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+              "backer" => "backer",
+              "backers" => "backer",
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+              "background" => "background",
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+              "bait" => "bait",
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+              "bakers" => "baker",
+              "baking" => "bake",
+              "balalaika" => "balalaika",
+              "balance" => "balanc",
+              "balanced" => "balanc",
+              "balancing" => "balanc",
+              "balandra" => "balandra",
+              "balbi" => "balbi",
+              "balcarce" => "balcarc",
+              "balci" => "balci",
+              "balconies" => "balconi",
+              "balcony" => "balconi",
+              "bald" => "bald",
+              "bale" => "bale",
+              "baleful" => "bale",
+              "bales" => "bale",
+              "balked" => "balk",
+              "balking" => "balk",
+              "balks" => "balk",
+              "ball" => "ball",
+              "ballad" => "ballad",
+              "ballast" => "ballast",
+              "balled" => "ball",
+              "ballenagh" => "ballenagh",
+              "ballenar" => "ballenar",
+              "ballet" => "ballet",
+              "balloon" => "balloon",
+              "balloons" => "balloon",
+              "ballot" => "ballot",
+              "balls" => "ball",
+              "balm" => "balm",
+              "balmy" => "balmi",
+              "balsam" => "balsam",
+              "balusters" => "balust",
+              "balustrade" => "balustrad",
+              "balustrades" => "balustrad",
+              "bamboo" => "bamboo",
+              "bamboos" => "bamboo",
+              "bamford" => "bamford",
+              "banana" => "banana",
+              "bananas" => "banana",
+              "banc" => "banc",
+              "band" => "band",
+              "banda" => "banda",
+              "bandage" => "bandag",
+              "bandages" => "bandag",
+              "bandbox" => "bandbox",
+              "bandboxes" => "bandbox",
+              "bandied" => "bandi",
+              "bandit" => "bandit",
+              "banditti" => "banditti",
+              "bandmaster" => "bandmast",
+              "bands" => "band",
+              "bandy" => "bandi",
+              "bandying" => "bandi",
+              "bane" => "bane",
+              "baneful" => "bane",
+              "bang" => "bang",
+              "banged" => "bang",
+              "banging" => "bang",
+              "banish" => "banish",
+              "banishe" => "banish",
+              "banished" => "banish",
+              "banishes" => "banish",
+              "banishing" => "banish",
+              "banishment" => "banish",
+              "banisters" => "banist",
+              "bank" => "bank",
+              "banked" => "bank",
+              "banker" => "banker",
+              "bankers" => "banker",
+              "banking" => "bank",
+              "banknotes" => "banknot",
+              "bankrupt" => "bankrupt",
+              "bankruptcies" => "bankruptci",
+              "bankruptcy" => "bankruptci",
+              "bankrupts" => "bankrupt",
+              "banks" => "bank",
+              "banner" => "banner",
+              "banners" => "banner",
+              "banns" => "bann",
+              "banquet" => "banquet",
+              "banqueting" => "banquet",
+              "banquetings" => "banquet",
+              "banquets" => "banquet",
+              "banshee" => "banshe",
+              "bantam" => "bantam",
+              "banter" => "banter",
+              "bantering" => "banter",
+              "banters" => "banter",
+              "baptism" => "baptism",
+              "baptismal" => "baptism",
+              "baptistery" => "baptisteri",
+              "baptized" => "baptiz",
+              "baptizing" => "baptiz",
+              "bar" => "bar",
+              "barbare" => "barbar",
+              "barbarian" => "barbarian",
+              "barbarians" => "barbarian",
+              "barbarism" => "barbar",
+              "barbarous" => "barbar",
+              "barbary" => "barbari",
+              "barbauld" => "barbauld",
+              "barbecued" => "barbecu",
+              "barber" => "barber",
+              "barbs" => "barb",
+              "barbuda" => "barbuda",
+              "barcaroles" => "barcarol",
+              "bard" => "bard",
+              "bare" => "bare",
+              "bared" => "bare",
+              "barefaced" => "barefac",
+              "barefoot" => "barefoot",
+              "barefooted" => "barefoot",
+              "bareheaded" => "barehead",
+              "barely" => "bare",
+              "barest" => "barest",
+              "bargain" => "bargain",
+              "bargained" => "bargain",
+              "bargaining" => "bargain",
+              "bargains" => "bargain",
+              "barge" => "barg",
+              "barges" => "barg",
+              "baring" => "bare",
+              "bark" => "bark",
+              "barker" => "barker",
+              "barking" => "bark",
+              "barks" => "bark",
+              "barley" => "barley",
+              "barmaid" => "barmaid",
+              "barmherzige" => "barmherzig",
+              "barn" => "barn",
+              "barnacles" => "barnacl",
+              "barnard" => "barnard",
+              "barnet" => "barnet",
+              "barnevelts" => "barnevelt",
+              "barnton" => "barnton",
+              "barometer" => "baromet",
+              "baron" => "baron",
+              "baroness" => "baro",
+              "baronesses" => "baro",
+              "baronet" => "baronet",
+              "baronetcy" => "baronetci",
+              "baronets" => "baronet",
+              "baronial" => "baroni",
+              "barons" => "baron",
+              "barouche" => "barouch",
+              "barrack" => "barrack",
+              "barracks" => "barrack",
+              "barre" => "barr",
+              "barred" => "bar",
+              "barrel" => "barrel",
+              "barrels" => "barrel",
+              "barren" => "barren",
+              "barrenness" => "barren",
+              "barrett" => "barrett",
+              "barricade" => "barricad",
+              "barricaded" => "barricad",
+              "barrier" => "barrier",
+              "barriers" => "barrier",
+              "barrington" => "barrington",
+              "barrister" => "barrist",
+              "barristers" => "barrist",
+              "barrows" => "barrow",
+              "bars" => "bar",
+              "bart" => "bart",
+              "barter" => "barter",
+              "bartholomew" => "bartholomew",
+              "barton" => "barton",
+              "bas" => "bas",
+              "basa" => "basa",
+              "basal" => "basal",
+              "basalt" => "basalt",
+              "basalti" => "basalti",
+              "basaltic" => "basalt",
+              "base" => "base",
+              "based" => "base",
+              "basely" => "base",
+              "basement" => "basement",
+              "basements" => "basement",
+              "baseness" => "base",
+              "baser" => "baser",
+              "bases" => "base",
+              "basest" => "basest",
+              "bashful" => "bash",
+              "bashfully" => "bash",
+              "bashfulness" => "bash",
+              "basilisk" => "basilisk",
+              "basin" => "basin",
+              "basins" => "basin",
+              "basis" => "basi",
+              "bask" => "bask",
+              "basked" => "bask",
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+              "baskets" => "basket",
+              "basking" => "bask",
+              "basks" => "bask",
+              "basque" => "basqu",
+              "bass" => "bass",
+              "bassoon" => "bassoon",
+              "bastard" => "bastard",
+              "bat" => "bat",
+              "batch" => "batch",
+              "bate" => "bate",
+              "bath" => "bath",
+              "bathe" => "bath",
+              "bathed" => "bath",
+              "bathers" => "bather",
+              "bathes" => "bath",
+              "bathing" => "bath",
+              "baths" => "bath",
+              "bathurst" => "bathurst",
+              "batrachian" => "batrachian",
+              "bats" => "bat",
+              "battalion" => "battalion",
+              "batter" => "batter",
+              "battered" => "batter",
+              "battering" => "batter",
+              "battery" => "batteri",
+              "battle" => "battl",
+              "battled" => "battl",
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+              "battlements" => "battlement",
+              "battles" => "battl",
+              "bauble" => "baubl",
+              "baubles" => "baubl",
+              "baudi" => "baudi",
+              "bawl" => "bawl",
+              "bawled" => "bawl",
+              "bawling" => "bawl",
+              "bawls" => "bawl",
+              "bay" => "bay",
+              "bayard" => "bayard",
+              "bayham" => "bayham",
+              "baying" => "bay",
+              "baynoe" => "bayno",
+              "bayonet" => "bayonet",
+              "bays" => "bay",
+              "bazaar" => "bazaar",
+              "be" => "be",
+              "bea" => "bea",
+              "beach" => "beach",
+              "beaches" => "beach",
+              "beachheads" => "beachhead",
+              "beacon" => "beacon",
+              "beacons" => "beacon",
+              "bead" => "bead",
+              "beaded" => "bead",
+              "beadle" => "beadl",
+              "beadles" => "beadl",
+              "beads" => "bead",
+              "beagle" => "beagl",
+              "beak" => "beak",
+              "beaks" => "beak",
+              "beam" => "beam",
+              "beamed" => "beam",
+              "beaming" => "beam",
+              "beamingly" => "beam",
+              "beams" => "beam",
+              "bean" => "bean",
+              "beans" => "bean",
+              "bear" => "bear",
+              "beard" => "beard",
+              "bearded" => "beard",
+              "beardless" => "beardless",
+              "beards" => "beard",
+              "bearer" => "bearer",
+              "bearers" => "bearer",
+              "bearing" => "bear",
+              "bearings" => "bear",
+              "bearish" => "bearish",
+              "bears" => "bear",
+              "beast" => "beast",
+              "beastliness" => "beastli",
+              "beastly" => "beast",
+              "beasts" => "beast",
+              "beat" => "beat",
+              "beaten" => "beaten",
+              "beaters" => "beater",
+              "beating" => "beat",
+              "beatings" => "beat",
+              "beats" => "beat",
+              "beatson" => "beatson",
+              "beatten" => "beatten",
+              "beau" => "beau",
+              "beauchamp" => "beauchamp",
+              "beaufort" => "beaufort",
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+              "beautifullest" => "beautifullest",
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+              "beauty" => "beauti",
+              "beaux" => "beaux",
+              "beaver" => "beaver",
+              "becalmed" => "becalm",
+              "became" => "becam",
+              "because" => "becaus",
+              "beck" => "beck",
+              "beckon" => "beckon",
+              "beckoned" => "beckon",
+              "beckoning" => "beckon",
+              "beckons" => "beckon",
+              "become" => "becom",
+              "becomes" => "becom",
+              "becoming" => "becom",
+              "bed" => "bed",
+              "bedabbled" => "bedabbl",
+              "bedaubed" => "bedaub",
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+              "bedchambers" => "bedchamb",
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+              "bedding" => "bed",
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+              "bedlam" => "bedlam",
+              "bedridden" => "bedridden",
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+              "bedrooms" => "bedroom",
+              "beds" => "bed",
+              "bedside" => "bedsid",
+              "bedstead" => "bedstead",
+              "bedsteads" => "bedstead",
+              "bedtime" => "bedtim",
+              "bee" => "bee",
+              "beech" => "beech",
+              "beechey" => "beechey",
+              "beef" => "beef",
+              "beefsteak" => "beefsteak",
+              "beehive" => "beehiv",
+              "been" => "been",
+              "beer" => "beer",
+              "bees" => "bee",
+              "beeswax" => "beeswax",
+              "beeswaxes" => "beeswax",
+              "beetle" => "beetl",
+              "beetles" => "beetl",
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+              "befallen" => "befallen",
+              "befell" => "befel",
+              "befillaire" => "befillair",
+              "befit" => "befit",
+              "befits" => "befit",
+              "befitting" => "befit",
+              "befogged" => "befog",
+              "before" => "befor",
+              "beforehand" => "beforehand",
+              "befriend" => "befriend",
+              "befriended" => "befriend",
+              "befriending" => "befriend",
+              "beg" => "beg",
+              "bega" => "bega",
+              "began" => "began",
+              "begat" => "begat",
+              "beget" => "beget",
+              "beggar" => "beggar",
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+              "beggarly" => "beggar",
+              "beggars" => "beggar",
+              "beggary" => "beggari",
+              "begged" => "beg",
+              "begging" => "beg",
+              "begin" => "begin",
+              "beginning" => "begin",
+              "beginnings" => "begin",
+              "begins" => "begin",
+              "begludship" => "begludship",
+              "begone" => "begon",
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+              "begrimes" => "begrim",
+              "begrudge" => "begrudg",
+              "begrudged" => "begrudg",
+              "begs" => "beg",
+              "beguile" => "beguil",
+              "beguiled" => "beguil",
+              "begun" => "begun",
+              "behalf" => "behalf",
+              "behave" => "behav",
+              "behaved" => "behav",
+              "behaves" => "behav",
+              "behaving" => "behav",
+              "behavior" => "behavior",
+              "behaviour" => "behaviour",
+              "beheaded" => "behead",
+              "beheld" => "beheld",
+              "behest" => "behest",
+              "behests" => "behest",
+              "behind" => "behind",
+              "behindhand" => "behindhand",
+              "behold" => "behold",
+              "beholden" => "beholden",
+              "beholder" => "behold",
+              "beholders" => "behold",
+              "beholding" => "behold",
+              "beholds" => "behold",
+              "behoof" => "behoof",
+              "behoved" => "behov",
+              "behoves" => "behov",
+              "behring" => "behr",
+              "being" => "be",
+              "beings" => "be",
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+              "beldame" => "beldam",
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+              "belgravia" => "belgravia",
+              "belgravian" => "belgravian",
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+              "belied" => "beli",
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+              "believed" => "believ",
+              "believer" => "believ",
+              "believers" => "believ",
+              "believes" => "believ",
+              "believest" => "believest",
+              "believeth" => "believeth",
+              "believing" => "believ",
+              "bell" => "bell",
+              "bellavista" => "bellavista",
+              "belle" => "bell",
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+              "bells" => "bell",
+              "belly" => "belli",
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+              "belonging" => "belong",
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+              "belongs" => "belong",
+              "beloved" => "belov",
+              "below" => "below",
+              "belt" => "belt",
+              "belts" => "belt",
+              "belvawney" => "belvawney",
+              "belvedere" => "belveder",
+              "bemoaned" => "bemoan",
+              "ben" => "ben",
+              "bench" => "bench",
+              "bencher" => "bencher",
+              "benchers" => "bencher",
+              "benches" => "bench",
+              "benchuca" => "benchuca",
+              "bend" => "bend",
+              "bended" => "bend",
+              "bending" => "bend",
+              "bends" => "bend",
+              "beneath" => "beneath",
+              "benedict" => "benedict",
+              "benediction" => "benedict",
+              "benefactor" => "benefactor",
+              "benefactors" => "benefactor",
+              "beneficent" => "benefic",
+              "beneficently" => "benefic",
+              "beneficial" => "benefici",
+              "benefit" => "benefit",
+              "benefited" => "benefit",
+              "benefiting" => "benefit",
+              "benefits" => "benefit",
+              "benet" => "benet",
+              "benevolence" => "benevol",
+              "benevolent" => "benevol",
+              "bengal" => "bengal",
+              "benguela" => "benguela",
+              "benighted" => "benight",
+              "benign" => "benign",
+              "benignant" => "benign",
+              "benignantly" => "benign",
+              "benignity" => "benign",
+              "benignly" => "benign",
+              "benito" => "benito",
+              "bennet" => "bennet",
+              "bennett" => "bennett",
+              "benson" => "benson",
+              "bent" => "bent",
+              "benumbed" => "benumb",
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+              "bequeathed" => "bequeath",
+              "bequeathing" => "bequeath",
+              "bequest" => "bequest",
+              "berardi" => "berardi",
+              "bereaved" => "bereav",
+              "bereft" => "bereft",
+              "berg" => "berg",
+              "berkele" => "berkel",
+              "berkeley" => "berkeley",
+              "berlin" => "berlin",
+              "bermudas" => "bermuda",
+              "bernantio" => "bernantio",
+              "beroe" => "bero",
+              "berquelo" => "berquelo",
+              "berrid" => "berrid",
+              "berried" => "berri",
+              "berries" => "berri",
+              "berrin" => "berrin",
+              "berry" => "berri",
+              "berryin" => "berryin",
+              "berteroii" => "berteroii",
+              "berth" => "berth",
+              "berthelot" => "berthelot",
+              "bertram" => "bertram",
+              "beryl" => "beryl",
+              "berzelius" => "berzelius",
+              "beseech" => "beseech",
+              "beseeches" => "beseech",
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+              "beseechingly" => "beseech",
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+              "beseems" => "beseem",
+              "beset" => "beset",
+              "besetting" => "beset",
+              "beside" => "besid",
+              "besides" => "besid",
+              "besieged" => "besieg",
+              "besmeared" => "besmear",
+              "besought" => "besought",
+              "bespattered" => "bespatt",
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+              "bespeaking" => "bespeak",
+              "bespeaks" => "bespeak",
+              "bespeckled" => "bespeckl",
+              "bespoke" => "bespok",
+              "besprinkled" => "besprinkl",
+              "best" => "best",
+              "bestest" => "bestest",
+              "bestir" => "bestir",
+              "bestow" => "bestow",
+              "bestowal" => "bestow",
+              "bestowed" => "bestow",
+              "bestowing" => "bestow",
+              "bestows" => "bestow",
+              "bet" => "bet",
+              "betake" => "betak",
+              "betaken" => "betaken",
+              "bethany" => "bethani",
+              "bethel" => "bethel",
+              "bethlehem" => "bethlehem",
+              "bethought" => "bethought",
+              "betimes" => "betim",
+              "betokened" => "betoken",
+              "betokening" => "betoken",
+              "betook" => "betook",
+              "betray" => "betray",
+              "betrayal" => "betray",
+              "betrayed" => "betray",
+              "betraying" => "betray",
+              "betrays" => "betray",
+              "betrothed" => "betroth",
+              "bets" => "bet",
+              "better" => "better",
+              "betters" => "better",
+              "betther" => "betther",
+              "betting" => "bet",
+              "betty" => "betti",
+              "betuloides" => "betuloid",
+              "betwee" => "betwe",
+              "between" => "between",
+              "betwixt" => "betwixt",
+              "beudant" => "beudant",
+              "bevan" => "bevan",
+              "beverage" => "beverag",
+              "beverley" => "beverley",
+              "bewail" => "bewail",
+              "bewailed" => "bewail",
+              "bewailing" => "bewail",
+              "beware" => "bewar",
+              "bewilder" => "bewild",
+              "bewildered" => "bewild",
+              "bewildering" => "bewild",
+              "bewilderment" => "bewilder",
+              "bewitched" => "bewitch",
+              "bewitching" => "bewitch",
+              "beyond" => "beyond",
+              "bezants" => "bezant",
+              "bezzemelny" => "bezzemelni",
+              "bianchini" => "bianchini",
+              "bias" => "bias",
+              "bible" => "bibl",
+              "bibo" => "bibo",
+              "bibron" => "bibron",
+              "bid" => "bid",
+              "biddable" => "biddabl",
+              "bidden" => "bidden",
+              "bidder" => "bidder",
+              "bidding" => "bid",
+              "biddy" => "biddi",
+              "bide" => "bide",
+              "biding" => "bide",
+              "bids" => "bid",
+              "bien" => "bien",
+              "biffin" => "biffin",
+              "bifurcating" => "bifurc",
+              "bifurcation" => "bifurc",
+              "big" => "big",
+              "bigamy" => "bigami",
+              "bigger" => "bigger",
+              "biggest" => "biggest",
+              "bigness" => "big",
+              "bigoted" => "bigot",
+              "bigotry" => "bigotri",
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+              "bileing" => "bile",
+              "bilious" => "bilious",
+              "bill" => "bill",
+              "billed" => "bill",
+              "billet" => "billet",
+              "billeted" => "billet",
+              "billiard" => "billiard",
+              "billiards" => "billiard",
+              "billing" => "bill",
+              "billows" => "billow",
+              "bills" => "bill",
+              "bin" => "bin",
+              "bind" => "bind",
+              "binding" => "bind",
+              "bindings" => "bind",
+              "bindloes" => "bindlo",
+              "binds" => "bind",
+              "bingley" => "bingley",
+              "binn" => "binn",
+              "biographical" => "biograph",
+              "biography" => "biographi",
+              "bios" => "bio",
+              "biped" => "bipe",
+              "birch" => "birch",
+              "bird" => "bird",
+              "birdcage" => "birdcag",
+              "birds" => "bird",
+              "birgos" => "birgo",
+              "birmingham" => "birmingham",
+              "birth" => "birth",
+              "birthday" => "birthday",
+              "birthdays" => "birthday",
+              "birthplace" => "birthplac",
+              "birthright" => "birthright",
+              "births" => "birth",
+              "biscuit" => "biscuit",
+              "biscuits" => "biscuit",
+              "bisecting" => "bisect",
+              "bisection" => "bisect",
+              "bishop" => "bishop",
+              "bishopgate" => "bishopg",
+              "bishopric" => "bishopr",
+              "bishops" => "bishop",
+              "bishopsgate" => "bishopsg",
+              "bismarcks" => "bismarck",
+              "bisness" => "bis",
+              "bit" => "bit",
+              "bitch" => "bitch",
+              "bite" => "bite",
+              "bites" => "bite",
+              "biting" => "bite",
+              "bits" => "bit",
+              "bitted" => "bit",
+              "bitten" => "bitten",
+              "bitter" => "bitter",
+              "bitterer" => "bitter",
+              "bitterest" => "bitterest",
+              "bitterly" => "bitter",
+              "bitterness" => "bitter",
+              "bivalves" => "bivalv",
+              "bivouac" => "bivouac",
+              "bivouacked" => "bivouack",
+              "bivouacking" => "bivouack",
+              "bizcacha" => "bizcacha",
+              "bizcachas" => "bizcacha",
+              "blab" => "blab",
+              "black" => "black",
+              "blackamoor" => "blackamoor",
+              "blackberries" => "blackberri",
+              "blackberry" => "blackberri",
+              "blackbird" => "blackbird",
+              "blacken" => "blacken",
+              "blackened" => "blacken",
+              "blackens" => "blacken",
+              "blacker" => "blacker",
+              "blackest" => "blackest",
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+              "blackguard" => "blackguard",
+              "blackguardly" => "blackguard",
+              "blackguards" => "blackguard",
+              "blackhaired" => "blackhair",
+              "blackheath" => "blackheath",
+              "blacking" => "black",
+              "blackish" => "blackish",
+              "blacklead" => "blacklead",
+              "blackleg" => "blackleg",
+              "blacks" => "black",
+              "blacksmith" => "blacksmith",
+              "blacksmiths" => "blacksmith",
+              "blackstone" => "blackston",
+              "blackwall" => "blackwal",
+              "bladder" => "bladder",
+              "bladders" => "bladder",
+              "blade" => "blade",
+              "bladed" => "blade",
+              "blades" => "blade",
+              "blain" => "blain",
+              "blamable" => "blamabl",
+              "blame" => "blame",
+              "blameable" => "blameabl",
+              "blamed" => "blame",
+              "blameless" => "blameless",
+              "blamelessness" => "blameless",
+              "blames" => "blame",
+              "blaming" => "blame",
+              "blanc" => "blanc",
+              "blanca" => "blanca",
+              "blanche" => "blanch",
+              "blanched" => "blanch",
+              "blanco" => "blanco",
+              "bland" => "bland",
+              "blandest" => "blandest",
+              "blandishments" => "blandish",
+              "blandly" => "bland",
+              "blank" => "blank",
+              "blanket" => "blanket",
+              "blankets" => "blanket",
+              "blankly" => "blank",
+              "blankness" => "blank",
+              "blanks" => "blank",
+              "blas" => "blas",
+              "blasphemer" => "blasphem",
+              "blasphemy" => "blasphemi",
+              "blast" => "blast",
+              "blasted" => "blast",
+              "blasts" => "blast",
+              "blatta" => "blatta",
+              "blaze" => "blaze",
+              "blazing" => "blaze",
+              "blazoned" => "blazon",
+              "bleached" => "bleach",
+              "bleak" => "bleak",
+              "bleakness" => "bleak",
+              "blear" => "blear",
+              "bleared" => "blear",
+              "bled" => "bled",
+              "bleed" => "bleed",
+              "bleeding" => "bleed",
+              "blemish" => "blemish",
+              "blemishes" => "blemish",
+              "blench" => "blench",
+              "blended" => "blend",
+              "blending" => "blend",
+              "blends" => "blend",
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+              "blessed" => "bless",
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+              "blesses" => "bless",
+              "blessing" => "bless",
+              "blessings" => "bless",
+              "blest" => "blest",
+              "blew" => "blew",
+              "blight" => "blight",
+              "blighted" => "blight",
+              "blighting" => "blight",
+              "blights" => "blight",
+              "blind" => "blind",
+              "blinded" => "blind",
+              "blinder" => "blinder",
+              "blindfolding" => "blindfold",
+              "blinding" => "blind",
+              "blindly" => "blind",
+              "blindness" => "blind",
+              "blindnesses" => "blind",
+              "blinds" => "blind",
+              "blink" => "blink",
+              "blinkers" => "blinker",
+              "blinking" => "blink",
+              "blinks" => "blink",
+              "bliss" => "bliss",
+              "blissful" => "bliss",
+              "blister" => "blister",
+              "blistered" => "blister",
+              "blistering" => "blister",
+              "blithe" => "blith",
+              "blitheness" => "blith",
+              "blo" => "blo",
+              "bloated" => "bloat",
+              "block" => "block",
+              "blockade" => "blockad",
+              "blockaded" => "blockad",
+              "blocked" => "block",
+              "blockhead" => "blockhead",
+              "blockheads" => "blockhead",
+              "blocking" => "block",
+              "blocks" => "block",
+              "blockson" => "blockson",
+              "blood" => "blood",
+              "blooded" => "blood",
+              "bloodhound" => "bloodhound",
+              "bloodless" => "bloodless",
+              "bloodlessness" => "bloodless",
+              "bloods" => "blood",
+              "bloodshed" => "bloodsh",
+              "bloodshot" => "bloodshot",
+              "bloodthirsty" => "bloodthirsti",
+              "bloody" => "bloodi",
+              "bloom" => "bloom",
+              "bloometh" => "bloometh",
+              "blooming" => "bloom",
+              "bloomsbury" => "bloomsburi",
+              "blossom" => "blossom",
+              "blossomed" => "blossom",
+              "blossoming" => "blossom",
+              "blossoms" => "blossom",
+              "blot" => "blot",
+              "blotches" => "blotch",
+              "blotchy" => "blotchi",
+              "blots" => "blot",
+              "blotted" => "blot",
+              "blotting" => "blot",
+              "blow" => "blow",
+              "blowed" => "blow",
+              "blower" => "blower",
+              "blowers" => "blower",
+              "blowing" => "blow",
+              "blown" => "blown",
+              "blowpipe" => "blowpip",
+              "blows" => "blow",
+              "blubber" => "blubber",
+              "blubbered" => "blubber",
+              "bludgeon" => "bludgeon",
+              "bludgeons" => "bludgeon",
+              "blue" => "blue",
+              "bluebells" => "bluebel",
+              "blues" => "blue",
+              "bluff" => "bluff",
+              "bluffy" => "bluffi",
+              "bluid" => "bluid",
+              "bluish" => "bluish",
+              "blulfy" => "blulfi",
+              "blunder" => "blunder",
+              "blunderbore" => "blunderbor",
+              "blunderbus" => "blunderbus",
+              "blunderbuss" => "blunderbuss",
+              "blundered" => "blunder",
+              "blundering" => "blunder",
+              "blunders" => "blunder",
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+              "blunted" => "blunt",
+              "bluntly" => "blunt",
+              "bluntness" => "blunt",
+              "blur" => "blur",
+              "blurs" => "blur",
+              "blurt" => "blurt",
+              "blurted" => "blurt",
+              "blurting" => "blurt",
+              "blurts" => "blurt",
+              "blush" => "blush",
+              "blushed" => "blush",
+              "blushes" => "blush",
+              "blushing" => "blush",
+              "blushingly" => "blush",
+              "bluster" => "bluster",
+              "blusterers" => "bluster",
+              "blustering" => "bluster",
+              "bo" => "bo",
+              "boa" => "boa",
+              "boan" => "boan",
+              "boans" => "boan",
+              "boar" => "boar",
+              "board" => "board",
+              "boarded" => "board",
+              "boarder" => "boarder",
+              "boarders" => "boarder",
+              "boarding" => "board",
+              "boards" => "board",
+              "boars" => "boar",
+              "boas" => "boa",
+              "boast" => "boast",
+              "boasted" => "boast",
+              "boastful" => "boast",
+              "boastfully" => "boast",
+              "boastfulness" => "boast",
+              "boasting" => "boast",
+              "boasts" => "boast",
+              "boat" => "boat",
+              "boating" => "boat",
+              "boats" => "boat",
+              "bob" => "bob",
+              "bobbed" => "bob",
+              "bobbing" => "bob",
+              "bobbish" => "bobbish",
+              "bobs" => "bob",
+              "bobster" => "bobster",
+              "bod" => "bod",
+              "boddy" => "boddi",
+              "bodice" => "bodic",
+              "bodied" => "bodi",
+              "bodies" => "bodi",
+              "bodilessness" => "bodiless",
+              "bodily" => "bodili",
+              "boding" => "bode",
+              "bodkins" => "bodkin",
+              "body" => "bodi",
+              "boer" => "boer",
+              "boffin" => "boffin",
+              "boffinites" => "boffinit",
+              "bog" => "bog",
+              "bogg" => "bogg",
+              "bogsby" => "bogsbi",
+              "boguey" => "boguey",
+              "bohemianism" => "bohemian",
+              "bohemond" => "bohemond",
+              "boil" => "boil",
+              "boiled" => "boil",
+              "boiler" => "boiler",
+              "boilers" => "boiler",
+              "boiling" => "boil",
+              "boils" => "boil",
+              "bois" => "boi",
+              "boisterous" => "boister",
+              "boisterously" => "boister",
+              "bolabola" => "bolabola",
+              "bolas" => "bola",
+              "bold" => "bold",
+              "bolder" => "bolder",
+              "boldest" => "boldest",
+              "boldly" => "bold",
+              "boldness" => "bold",
+              "bole" => "bole",
+              "boles" => "bole",
+              "bolivia" => "bolivia",
+              "bolivian" => "bolivian",
+              "bolster" => "bolster",
+              "bolt" => "bolt",
+              "bolted" => "bolt",
+              "bolter" => "bolter",
+              "bolting" => "bolt",
+              "bolts" => "bolt",
+              "bomb" => "bomb",
+              "bombarding" => "bombard",
+              "bombs" => "bomb",
+              "bon" => "bon",
+              "bona" => "bona",
+              "bond" => "bond",
+              "bondage" => "bondag",
+              "bonds" => "bond",
+              "bone" => "bone",
+              "boned" => "bone",
+              "bones" => "bone",
+              "bonfires" => "bonfir",
+              "bonitos" => "bonito",
+              "bonjour" => "bonjour",
+              "bonn" => "bonn",
+              "bonne" => "bonn",
+              "bonnet" => "bonnet",
+              "bonnets" => "bonnet",
+              "bonney" => "bonney",
+              "bonny" => "bonni",
+              "bonpland" => "bonpland",
+              "bons" => "bon",
+              "bony" => "boni",
+              "booby" => "boobi",
+              "boodle" => "boodl",
+              "boody" => "boodi",
+              "book" => "book",
+              "bookcase" => "bookcas",
+              "booked" => "book",
+              "booker" => "booker",
+              "booking" => "book",
+              "bookish" => "bookish",
+              "books" => "book",
+              "bookseller" => "booksel",
+              "booksellers" => "booksel",
+              "bookstall" => "bookstal",
+              "bookworms" => "bookworm",
+              "boom" => "boom",
+              "boomerang" => "boomerang",
+              "boon" => "boon",
+              "boorioboola" => "boorioboola",
+              "boorly" => "boor",
+              "boost" => "boost",
+              "boot" => "boot",
+              "booth" => "booth",
+              "booths" => "booth",
+              "boots" => "boot",
+              "bootuns" => "bootun",
+              "booty" => "booti",
+              "boozed" => "booz",
+              "boozums" => "boozum",
+              "bor" => "bor",
+              "bord" => "bord",
+              "border" => "border",
+              "bordered" => "border",
+              "bordering" => "border",
+              "borders" => "border",
+              "bore" => "bore",
+              "boreali" => "boreali",
+              "boreas" => "borea",
+              "bored" => "bore",
+              "boredom" => "boredom",
+              "bores" => "bore",
+              "boring" => "bore",
+              "born" => "born",
+              "borne" => "born",
+              "borneo" => "borneo",
+              "borough" => "borough",
+              "boroughbridge" => "boroughbridg",
+              "boroughmongering" => "boroughmong",
+              "boroughs" => "borough",
+              "borreria" => "borreria",
+              "borrioboola" => "borrioboola",
+              "borrioboolan" => "borrioboolan",
+              "borriohoola" => "borriohoola",
+              "borrow" => "borrow",
+              "borrowed" => "borrow",
+              "borrower" => "borrow",
+              "borrowers" => "borrow",
+              "borrowing" => "borrow",
+              "borrows" => "borrow",
+              "borum" => "borum",
+              "bory" => "bori",
+              "bos" => "bos",
+              "bosh" => "bosh",
+              "bosom" => "bosom",
+              "bosomer" => "bosom",
+              "bosoms" => "bosom",
+              "bosses" => "boss",
+              "boston" => "boston",
+              "bot" => "bot",
+              "botanic" => "botan",
+              "botanical" => "botan",
+              "botanist" => "botanist",
+              "botanists" => "botanist",
+              "botanizing" => "botan",
+              "botany" => "botani",
+              "both" => "both",
+              "bother" => "bother",
+              "botheration" => "bother",
+              "bothered" => "bother",
+              "bothering" => "bother",
+              "botofogo" => "botofogo",
+              "bott" => "bott",
+              "bottin" => "bottin",
+              "bottinney" => "bottinney",
+              "bottle" => "bottl",
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+              "bottles" => "bottl",
+              "bottom" => "bottom",
+              "bottomed" => "bottom",
+              "bottomless" => "bottomless",
+              "bottoms" => "bottom",
+              "boudoir" => "boudoir",
+              "bougainville" => "bougainvill",
+              "boughs" => "bough",
+              "bought" => "bought",
+              "boulder" => "boulder",
+              "boulders" => "boulder",
+              "boulevard" => "boulevard",
+              "bouleversees" => "bouleverse",
+              "boulogne" => "boulogn",
+              "boulong" => "boulong",
+              "bounced" => "bounc",
+              "bouncing" => "bounc",
+              "bound" => "bound",
+              "boundaries" => "boundari",
+              "boundary" => "boundari",
+              "bounde" => "bound",
+              "bounded" => "bound",
+              "bounden" => "bounden",
+              "bounding" => "bound",
+              "boundless" => "boundless",
+              "bounds" => "bound",
+              "boung" => "boung",
+              "boungites" => "boungit",
+              "bountiful" => "bounti",
+              "bounty" => "bounti",
+              "bouquet" => "bouquet",
+              "bouquets" => "bouquet",
+              "bourbon" => "bourbon",
+              "bourgeois" => "bourgeoi",
+              "bourne" => "bourn",
+              "bout" => "bout",
+              "bow" => "bow",
+              "bowed" => "bow",
+              "bowels" => "bowel",
+              "bower" => "bower",
+              "bowered" => "bower",
+              "bowers" => "bower",
+              "bowery" => "boweri",
+              "bowing" => "bow",
+              "bowl" => "bowl",
+              "bowled" => "bowl",
+              "bowling" => "bowl",
+              "bowls" => "bowl",
+              "bows" => "bow",
+              "box" => "box",
+              "boxed" => "box",
+              "boxes" => "box",
+              "boxing" => "box",
+              "boy" => "boy",
+              "boyhood" => "boyhood",
+              "boyish" => "boyish",
+              "boys" => "boy",
+              "boytborn" => "boytborn",
+              "boythorn" => "boythorn",
+              "brabantio" => "brabantio",
+              "brace" => "brace",
+              "braced" => "brace",
+              "bracelet" => "bracelet",
+              "bracelets" => "bracelet",
+              "braces" => "brace",
+              "brachelytra" => "brachelytra",
+              "brachiotis" => "brachioti",
+              "brachyptera" => "brachyptera",
+              "bracing" => "brace",
+              "brackish" => "brackish",
+              "bradshaw" => "bradshaw",
+              "brag" => "brag",
+              "braggadocio" => "braggadocio",
+              "braggart" => "braggart",
+              "bragging" => "brag",
+              "braid" => "braid",
+              "braided" => "braid",
+              "braids" => "braid",
+              "brain" => "brain",
+              "brained" => "brain",
+              "brainless" => "brainless",
+              "brains" => "brain",
+              "brak" => "brak",
+              "brake" => "brake",
+              "brakes" => "brake",
+              "bramador" => "bramador",
+              "brambles" => "brambl",
+              "bran" => "bran",
+              "branc" => "branc",
+              "branch" => "branch",
+              "branched" => "branch",
+              "branches" => "branch",
+              "branchiae" => "branchia",
+              "branchial" => "branchial",
+              "branching" => "branch",
+              "brand" => "brand",
+              "branded" => "brand",
+              "branding" => "brand",
+              "brandished" => "brandish",
+              "brandishing" => "brandish",
+              "brandon" => "brandon",
+              "brandons" => "brandon",
+              "brandy" => "brandi",
+              "brash" => "brash",
+              "brasiliensis" => "brasiliensi",
+              "brass" => "brass",
+              "brasses" => "brass",
+              "brat" => "brat",
+              "brats" => "brat",
+              "bravado" => "bravado",
+              "bravard" => "bravard",
+              "bravassa" => "bravassa",
+              "brave" => "brave",
+              "braved" => "brave",
+              "bravely" => "brave",
+              "bravery" => "braveri",
+              "bravest" => "bravest",
+              "braving" => "brave",
+              "bravo" => "bravo",
+              "brawl" => "brawl",
+              "brawler" => "brawler",
+              "brawling" => "brawl",
+              "brawny" => "brawni",
+              "braxon" => "braxon",
+              "bray" => "bray",
+              "braying" => "bray",
+              "brazen" => "brazen",
+              "brazened" => "brazen",
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+              "brazilian" => "brazilian",
+              "brazilians" => "brazilian",
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+              "breach" => "breach",
+              "breached" => "breach",
+              "breaches" => "breach",
+              "bread" => "bread",
+              "breads" => "bread",
+              "breadth" => "breadth",
+              "break" => "break",
+              "breaker" => "breaker",
+              "breakers" => "breaker",
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+              "breakfasting" => "breakfast",
+              "breakfasts" => "breakfast",
+              "breakin" => "breakin",
+              "breaking" => "break",
+              "breaks" => "break",
+              "breakwater" => "breakwat",
+              "breakwaters" => "breakwat",
+              "breast" => "breast",
+              "breasted" => "breast",
+              "breasts" => "breast",
+              "breastwork" => "breastwork",
+              "breath" => "breath",
+              "breathe" => "breath",
+              "breathed" => "breath",
+              "breathes" => "breath",
+              "breathing" => "breath",
+              "breathings" => "breath",
+              "breathless" => "breathless",
+              "breathlessly" => "breathless",
+              "breathlessness" => "breathless",
+              "breaths" => "breath",
+              "breccia" => "breccia",
+              "bred" => "bred",
+              "bree" => "bree",
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+              "breed" => "breed",
+              "breeder" => "breeder",
+              "breeding" => "breed",
+              "breeds" => "breed",
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+              "breezes" => "breez",
+              "breezy" => "breezi",
+              "brethren" => "brethren",
+              "brevity" => "breviti",
+              "brew" => "brew",
+              "brewed" => "brew",
+              "brewer" => "brewer",
+              "brewers" => "brewer",
+              "brewery" => "breweri",
+              "brewing" => "brew",
+              "brewster" => "brewster",
+              "bribe" => "bribe",
+              "bribed" => "bribe",
+              "bribery" => "briberi",
+              "bribes" => "bribe",
+              "bribing" => "bribe",
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+              "bricked" => "brick",
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+              "brickmaker" => "brickmak",
+              "brickmakers" => "brickmak",
+              "bricks" => "brick",
+              "brickwork" => "brickwork",
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+              "bride" => "bride",
+              "bridegroom" => "bridegroom",
+              "bridesmaid" => "bridesmaid",
+              "bridesmaids" => "bridesmaid",
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+              "bridged" => "bridg",
+              "bridges" => "bridg",
+              "bridle" => "bridl",
+              "bridling" => "bridl",
+              "brief" => "brief",
+              "briefly" => "briefli",
+              "briefs" => "brief",
+              "brier" => "brier",
+              "briers" => "brier",
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+              "brigade" => "brigad",
+              "brigand" => "brigand",
+              "brigands" => "brigand",
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+              "brighten" => "brighten",
+              "brightened" => "brighten",
+              "brightening" => "brighten",
+              "brightens" => "brighten",
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+              "brightest" => "brightest",
+              "brightly" => "bright",
+              "brightness" => "bright",
+              "brighton" => "brighton",
+              "brigs" => "brig",
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+              "brilliancy" => "brillianc",
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+              "brimful" => "brim",
+              "brimless" => "brimless",
+              "brimmed" => "brim",
+              "brimming" => "brim",
+              "brimmy" => "brimmi",
+              "brims" => "brim",
+              "brimstone" => "brimston",
+              "brindle" => "brindl",
+              "brine" => "brine",
+              "bring" => "bring",
+              "bringing" => "bring",
+              "brings" => "bring",
+              "brink" => "brink",
+              "briny" => "brini",
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+              "bristly" => "brist",
+              "bristol" => "bristol",
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+              "britain" => "britain",
+              "britannia" => "britannia",
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+              "briton" => "briton",
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+              "brittle" => "brittl",
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+              "broached" => "broach",
+              "broad" => "broad",
+              "broadcast" => "broadcast",
+              "broadened" => "broaden",
+              "broader" => "broader",
+              "broadly" => "broad",
+              "broadside" => "broadsid",
+              "broadsides" => "broadsid",
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+              "broide" => "broid",
+              "broiled" => "broil",
+              "broiling" => "broil",
+              "broke" => "broke",
+              "broken" => "broken",
+              "brokenly" => "broken",
+              "broker" => "broker",
+              "brokers" => "broker",
+              "brokken" => "brokken",
+              "bromelia" => "bromelia",
+              "bromley" => "bromley",
+              "brompton" => "brompton",
+              "bronchial" => "bronchial",
+              "bronchitis" => "bronchiti",
+              "bronze" => "bronz",
+              "bronzed" => "bronz",
+              "broo" => "broo",
+              "brooch" => "brooch",
+              "brood" => "brood",
+              "brooded" => "brood",
+              "brooding" => "brood",
+              "broodingly" => "brood",
+              "brook" => "brook",
+              "brooker" => "brooker",
+              "brooks" => "brook",
+              "broom" => "broom",
+              "brooms" => "broom",
+              "broomstick" => "broomstick",
+              "brooses" => "broos",
+              "broth" => "broth",
+              "brother" => "brother",
+              "brotherhood" => "brotherhood",
+              "brotherly" => "brother",
+              "brothers" => "brother",
+              "brougham" => "brougham",
+              "brought" => "brought",
+              "broune" => "broun",
+              "brout" => "brout",
+              "brow" => "brow",
+              "browdie" => "browdi",
+              "browdies" => "browdi",
+              "brown" => "brown",
+              "browndock" => "browndock",
+              "browne" => "brown",
+              "browner" => "browner",
+              "browning" => "brown",
+              "brownish" => "brownish",
+              "browns" => "brown",
+              "brows" => "brow",
+              "browsed" => "brows",
+              "browsing" => "brows",
+              "bruce" => "bruce",
+              "bruise" => "bruis",
+              "bruised" => "bruis",
+              "bruises" => "bruis",
+              "bruising" => "bruis",
+              "brun" => "brun",
+              "brunswick" => "brunswick",
+              "brunt" => "brunt",
+              "brush" => "brush",
+              "brushed" => "brush",
+              "brushes" => "brush",
+              "brushing" => "brush",
+              "brushwood" => "brushwood",
+              "brusque" => "brusqu",
+              "brussels" => "brussel",
+              "brutal" => "brutal",
+              "brutality" => "brutal",
+              "brutally" => "brutal",
+              "brute" => "brute",
+              "brutes" => "brute",
+              "brutish" => "brutish",
+              "bryanstone" => "bryanston",
+              "bu" => "bu",
+              "bubble" => "bubbl",
+              "bubbles" => "bubbl",
+              "bubblin" => "bubblin",
+              "bubbling" => "bubbl",
+              "bucaniers" => "bucani",
+              "buccaneering" => "buccan",
+              "buccaneers" => "buccan",
+              "buch" => "buch",
+              "buck" => "buck",
+              "bucket" => "bucket",
+              "bucketful" => "bucket",
+              "buckets" => "bucket",
+              "buckingham" => "buckingham",
+              "buckland" => "buckland",
+              "buckle" => "buckl",
+              "buckler" => "buckler",
+              "buckles" => "buckl",
+              "buckram" => "buckram",
+              "buckskins" => "buckskin",
+              "bud" => "bud",
+              "budded" => "bud",
+              "budding" => "bud",
+              "budge" => "budg",
+              "budget" => "budget",
+              "budgets" => "budget",
+              "buds" => "bud",
+              "buena" => "buena",
+              "buenos" => "bueno",
+              "buey" => "buey",
+              "buff" => "buff",
+              "buffer" => "buffer",
+              "buffet" => "buffet",
+              "buffeting" => "buffet",
+              "buffetings" => "buffet",
+              "buffets" => "buffet",
+              "buffon" => "buffon",
+              "buffoon" => "buffoon",
+              "buffoonery" => "buffooneri",
+              "buffoons" => "buffoon",
+              "buffy" => "buffi",
+              "bug" => "bug",
+              "bugged" => "bug",
+              "bugle" => "bugl",
+              "bugs" => "bug",
+              "buil" => "buil",
+              "build" => "build",
+              "builder" => "builder",
+              "buildin" => "buildin",
+              "building" => "build",
+              "buildings" => "build",
+              "builds" => "build",
+              "built" => "built",
+              "bulbous" => "bulbous",
+              "bulgaria" => "bulgaria",
+              "bulged" => "bulg",
+              "bulimus" => "bulimus",
+              "bulk" => "bulk",
+              "bulkeley" => "bulkeley",
+              "bulky" => "bulki",
+              "bull" => "bull",
+              "bulldog" => "bulldog",
+              "bullen" => "bullen",
+              "bullet" => "bullet",
+              "bulletin" => "bulletin",
+              "bulletins" => "bulletin",
+              "bullets" => "bullet",
+              "bullfinch" => "bullfinch",
+              "bullied" => "bulli",
+              "bullies" => "bulli",
+              "bullion" => "bullion",
+              "bullock" => "bullock",
+              "bullocks" => "bullock",
+              "bulls" => "bull",
+              "bully" => "bulli",
+              "bullying" => "bulli",
+              "bulph" => "bulph",
+              "bulwarks" => "bulwark",
+              "bump" => "bump",
+              "bumped" => "bump",
+              "bumper" => "bumper",
+              "bumpers" => "bumper",
+              "bumping" => "bump",
+              "bun" => "bun",
+              "bunch" => "bunch",
+              "bunches" => "bunch",
+              "buncombe" => "buncomb",
+              "bundle" => "bundl",
+              "bundled" => "bundl",
+              "bundles" => "bundl",
+              "bung" => "bung",
+              "bungay" => "bungay",
+              "bungays" => "bungay",
+              "bungle" => "bungl",
+              "bungling" => "bungl",
+              "buns" => "bun",
+              "bunting" => "bunt",
+              "buoy" => "buoy",
+              "buoyancy" => "buoyanc",
+              "buoyant" => "buoyant",
+              "buoyantly" => "buoyant",
+              "buoyed" => "buoy",
+              "burchell" => "burchel",
+              "burchess" => "burchess",
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+              "burdened" => "burden",
+              "burdening" => "burden",
+              "burdens" => "burden",
+              "burdensome" => "burdensom",
+              "bureau" => "bureau",
+              "burglars" => "burglar",
+              "burgomaster" => "burgomast",
+              "burgomeister" => "burgomeist",
+              "burial" => "burial",
+              "buried" => "buri",
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+              "burlinghammer" => "burlinghamm",
+              "burly" => "bur",
+              "burn" => "burn",
+              "burned" => "burn",
+              "burnet" => "burnet",
+              "burning" => "burn",
+              "burnings" => "burn",
+              "burnished" => "burnish",
+              "burnous" => "burnous",
+              "burns" => "burn",
+              "burnt" => "burnt",
+              "burrow" => "burrow",
+              "burrowed" => "burrow",
+              "burrowing" => "burrow",
+              "burrowings" => "burrow",
+              "burrows" => "burrow",
+              "burst" => "burst",
+              "bursting" => "burst",
+              "bursts" => "burst",
+              "burthen" => "burthen",
+              "burton" => "burton",
+              "bury" => "buri",
+              "burying" => "buri",
+              "bus" => "bus",
+              "bush" => "bush",
+              "bushby" => "bushbi",
+              "bushe" => "bush",
+              "bushel" => "bushel",
+              "bushels" => "bushel",
+              "bushes" => "bush",
+              "bushy" => "bushi",
+              "busied" => "busi",
+              "busier" => "busier",
+              "busies" => "busi",
+              "busily" => "busili",
+              "business" => "busi",
+              "businesslike" => "businesslik",
+              "buskin" => "buskin",
+              "bust" => "bust",
+              "busted" => "bust",
+              "bustle" => "bustl",
+              "bustled" => "bustl",
+              "bustling" => "bustl",
+              "busts" => "bust",
+              "busy" => "busi",
+              "busybody" => "busybodi",
+              "busying" => "busi",
+              "but" => "but",
+              "butcher" => "butcher",
+              "butchered" => "butcher",
+              "butchers" => "butcher",
+              "butler" => "butler",
+              "buts" => "but",
+              "butt" => "butt",
+              "butter" => "butter",
+              "buttered" => "butter",
+              "butterflies" => "butterfli",
+              "butterfly" => "butterfli",
+              "butterman" => "butterman",
+              "butther" => "butther",
+              "butting" => "but",
+              "button" => "button",
+              "buttoned" => "button",
+              "buttonhole" => "buttonhol",
+              "buttoning" => "button",
+              "buttons" => "button",
+              "buttresses" => "buttress",
+              "butts" => "butt",
+              "buxom" => "buxom",
+              "buy" => "buy",
+              "buyers" => "buyer",
+              "buying" => "buy",
+              "buyings" => "buy",
+              "buys" => "buy",
+              "buzz" => "buzz",
+              "buzzard" => "buzzard",
+              "buzzed" => "buzz",
+              "buzzing" => "buzz",
+              "bwoken" => "bwoken",
+              "by" => "by",
+              "bye" => "bye",
+              "byelinsky" => "byelinski",
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+              "bygones" => "bygon",
+              "bynoe" => "byno",
+              "byron" => "byron",
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+              "byways" => "byway",
+              "byzantine" => "byzantin",
+              "c" => "c",
+              "ca" => "ca",
+              "cab" => "cab",
+              "cabalistic" => "cabalist",
+              "caballed" => "cabal",
+              "cabals" => "cabal",
+              "cabbage" => "cabbag",
+              "cabbages" => "cabbag",
+              "cabbery" => "cabberi",
+              "cabeza" => "cabeza",
+              "cabin" => "cabin",
+              "cabinet" => "cabinet",
+              "cabinets" => "cabinet",
+              "cabins" => "cabin",
+              "cable" => "cabl",
+              "cables" => "cabl",
+              "cabman" => "cabman",
+              "cabooses" => "caboos",
+              "cabriolet" => "cabriolet",
+              "cabriolets" => "cabriolet",
+              "cabs" => "cab",
+              "cachapual" => "cachapu",
+              "cacique" => "caciqu",
+              "caciques" => "caciqu",
+              "cackle" => "cackl",
+              "cackled" => "cackl",
+              "cacti" => "cacti",
+              "cactornis" => "cactorni",
+              "cactus" => "cactus",
+              "cactuses" => "cactus",
+              "cad" => "cad",
+              "cadaverous" => "cadaver",
+              "caddy" => "caddi",
+              "cadesses" => "cadess",
+              "cadet" => "cadet",
+              "cadets" => "cadet",
+              "cadogan" => "cadogan",
+              "cads" => "cad",
+              "caesar" => "caesar",
+              "cafe" => "cafe",
+              "caffer" => "caffer",
+              "caffre" => "caffr",
+              "caffres" => "caffr",
+              "cage" => "cage",
+              "caged" => "cage",
+              "cages" => "cage",
+              "cajoled" => "cajol",
+              "cajoling" => "cajol",
+              "cake" => "cake",
+              "cakes" => "cake",
+              "calabria" => "calabria",
+              "calais" => "calai",
+              "calamities" => "calam",
+              "calamitous" => "calamit",
+              "calamity" => "calam",
+              "calandria" => "calandria",
+              "calcareo" => "calcareo",
+              "calcareous" => "calcar",
+              "calculate" => "calcul",
+              "calculated" => "calcul",
+              "calculates" => "calcul",
+              "calculating" => "calcul",
+              "calculation" => "calcul",
+              "calculations" => "calcul",
+              "calculus" => "calculus",
+              "caldcleugh" => "caldcleugh",
+              "caldeleugh" => "caldeleugh",
+              "caldrons" => "caldron",
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+              "caledonian" => "caledonian",
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+              "calendars" => "calendar",
+              "calf" => "calf",
+              "calibre" => "calibr",
+              "calico" => "calico",
+              "california" => "california",
+              "call" => "call",
+              "callao" => "callao",
+              "calle" => "call",
+              "called" => "call",
+              "callems" => "callem",
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+              "callings" => "call",
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+              "callousness" => "callous",
+              "calls" => "call",
+              "calm" => "calm",
+              "calmed" => "calm",
+              "calmer" => "calmer",
+              "calmest" => "calmest",
+              "calming" => "calm",
+              "calmly" => "calm",
+              "calmness" => "calm",
+              "calms" => "calm",
+              "caln" => "caln",
+              "calodera" => "calodera",
+              "calomel" => "calomel",
+              "calosoma" => "calosoma",
+              "calumniated" => "calumni",
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+              "calumniously" => "calumni",
+              "calumny" => "calumni",
+              "calve" => "calv",
+              "calves" => "calv",
+              "camarhynchus" => "camarhynchus",
+              "camberwell" => "camberwel",
+              "cambric" => "cambric",
+              "cambridge" => "cambridg",
+              "cambridgeshire" => "cambridgeshir",
+              "came" => "came",
+              "camel" => "camel",
+              "camels" => "camel",
+              "camlet" => "camlet",
+              "camp" => "camp",
+              "campaign" => "campaign",
+              "campana" => "campana",
+              "campany" => "campani",
+              "campestris" => "campestri",
+              "camphor" => "camphor",
+              "campo" => "campo",
+              "campos" => "campo",
+              "can" => "can",
+              "canada" => "canada",
+              "canal" => "canal",
+              "canals" => "canal",
+              "canaries" => "canari",
+              "canary" => "canari",
+              "cancan" => "cancan",
+              "cancellaria" => "cancellaria",
+              "cancelled" => "cancel",
+              "cancelling" => "cancel",
+              "cancer" => "cancer",
+              "candid" => "candid",
+              "candidate" => "candid",
+              "candidates" => "candid",
+              "candidateship" => "candidateship",
+              "candidature" => "candidatur",
+              "candidly" => "candid",
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+              "candlesticks" => "candlestick",
+              "candour" => "candour",
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+              "canis" => "cani",
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+              "canno" => "canno",
+              "cannon" => "cannon",
+              "cannons" => "cannon",
+              "cannot" => "cannot",
+              "canoe" => "cano",
+              "canoes" => "cano",
+              "canons" => "canon",
+              "canopy" => "canopi",
+              "cant" => "cant",
+              "cantal" => "cantal",
+              "canter" => "canter",
+              "canterbury" => "canterburi",
+              "cantered" => "canter",
+              "canting" => "cant",
+              "cantrip" => "cantrip",
+              "cantrips" => "cantrip",
+              "canvas" => "canva",
+              "canvass" => "canvass",
+              "canvassed" => "canvass",
+              "canvassing" => "canvass",
+              "cap" => "cap",
+              "capabilities" => "capabl",
+              "capability" => "capabl",
+              "capable" => "capabl",
+              "capacious" => "capaci",
+              "capacities" => "capac",
+              "capacity" => "capac",
+              "cape" => "cape",
+              "capella" => "capella",
+              "capers" => "caper",
+              "capita" => "capita",
+              "capital" => "capit",
+              "capitalist" => "capitalist",
+              "capitalists" => "capitalist",
+              "capitally" => "capit",
+              "capitals" => "capit",
+              "capitol" => "capitol",
+              "capitulate" => "capitul",
+              "capped" => "cap",
+              "capping" => "cap",
+              "caprice" => "capric",
+              "caprices" => "capric",
+              "capricious" => "caprici",
+              "capriciously" => "caprici",
+              "capricorn" => "capricorn",
+              "caps" => "cap",
+              "capsicum" => "capsicum",
+              "capstans" => "capstan",
+              "capsule" => "capsul",
+              "capt" => "capt",
+              "captain" => "captain",
+              "captains" => "captain",
+              "captious" => "captious",
+              "captivate" => "captiv",
+              "captivated" => "captiv",
+              "captivater" => "captivat",
+              "captivating" => "captiv",
+              "captivator" => "captiv",
+              "captive" => "captiv",
+              "captives" => "captiv",
+              "captivity" => "captiv",
+              "capture" => "captur",
+              "captured" => "captur",
+              "capybara" => "capybara",
+              "capybaras" => "capybara",
+              "carabidae" => "carabida",
+              "caracara" => "caracara",
+              "caracaras" => "caracara",
+              "caracter" => "caract",
+              "caravan" => "caravan",
+              "caravansary" => "caravansari",
+              "caravanserai" => "caravanserai",
+              "caravels" => "caravel",
+              "carbine" => "carbin",
+              "carbonaceous" => "carbonac",
+              "carbonate" => "carbon",
+              "carboniferous" => "carbonifer",
+              "carboy" => "carboy",
+              "carbury" => "carburi",
+              "carcase" => "carcas",
+              "carcass" => "carcass",
+              "carcasses" => "carcass",
+              "card" => "card",
+              "cardinal" => "cardin",
+              "cardoon" => "cardoon",
+              "cards" => "card",
+              "cardui" => "cardui",
+              "cardunculus" => "cardunculus",
+              "care" => "care",
+              "cared" => "care",
+              "career" => "career",
+              "careers" => "career",
+              "careful" => "care",
+              "carefully" => "care",
+              "carefulness" => "care",
+              "careless" => "careless",
+              "carelessly" => "careless",
+              "carelessness" => "careless",
+              "cares" => "care",
+              "caress" => "caress",
+              "caressed" => "caress",
+              "caresses" => "caress",
+              "caressing" => "caress",
+              "caressingly" => "caress",
+              "careworn" => "careworn",
+              "cargo" => "cargo",
+              "cargoes" => "cargo",
+              "caricature" => "caricatur",
+              "caricatures" => "caricatur",
+              "caring" => "care",
+              "carizal" => "cariz",
+              "carking" => "cark",
+              "carlos" => "carlo",
+              "carlton" => "carlton",
+              "carmen" => "carmen",
+              "carmichael" => "carmichael",
+              "carmine" => "carmin",
+              "carnage" => "carnag",
+              "carnation" => "carnat",
+              "carne" => "carn",
+              "carnegie" => "carnegi",
+              "carnivorous" => "carnivor",
+              "caroline" => "carolin",
+              "carolling" => "carol",
+              "carp" => "carp",
+              "carpacho" => "carpacho",
+              "carpenter" => "carpent",
+              "carpenters" => "carpent",
+              "carpet" => "carpet",
+              "carpeted" => "carpet",
+              "carpeting" => "carpet",
+              "carpetless" => "carpetless",
+              "carpets" => "carpet",
+              "carping" => "carp",
+              "carrancha" => "carrancha",
+              "carranchas" => "carrancha",
+              "carriage" => "carriag",
+              "carriages" => "carriag",
+              "carrie" => "carri",
+              "carried" => "carri",
+              "carrier" => "carrier",
+              "carries" => "carri",
+              "carrion" => "carrion",
+              "carrot" => "carrot",
+              "carrots" => "carrot",
+              "carry" => "carri",
+              "carrying" => "carri",
+              "carse" => "cars",
+              "carstone" => "carston",
+              "cart" => "cart",
+              "carte" => "cart",
+              "cartel" => "cartel",
+              "carthagena" => "carthagena",
+              "cartload" => "cartload",
+              "cartloads" => "cartload",
+              "cartridge" => "cartridg",
+              "cartridges" => "cartridg",
+              "carts" => "cart",
+              "carve" => "carv",
+              "carved" => "carv",
+              "carving" => "carv",
+              "carvings" => "carv",
+              "casara" => "casara",
+              "casarita" => "casarita",
+              "cascade" => "cascad",
+              "cascades" => "cascad",
+              "case" => "case",
+              "casement" => "casement",
+              "casements" => "casement",
+              "cases" => "case",
+              "cash" => "cash",
+              "cashmere" => "cashmer",
+              "cashup" => "cashup",
+              "cask" => "cask",
+              "casket" => "casket",
+              "caskets" => "casket",
+              "casks" => "cask",
+              "casma" => "casma",
+              "caspian" => "caspian",
+              "cassada" => "cassada",
+              "cassio" => "cassio",
+              "cast" => "cast",
+              "castanet" => "castanet",
+              "castaway" => "castaway",
+              "caste" => "cast",
+              "castigate" => "castig",
+              "castigation" => "castig",
+              "casting" => "cast",
+              "castle" => "castl",
+              "castles" => "castl",
+              "castor" => "castor",
+              "castrated" => "castrat",
+              "castro" => "castro",
+              "casts" => "cast",
+              "casual" => "casual",
+              "casually" => "casual",
+              "casualties" => "casualti",
+              "casuarina" => "casuarina",
+              "casucha" => "casucha",
+              "casuchas" => "casucha",
+              "casuistry" => "casuistri",
+              "casuists" => "casuist",
+              "cat" => "cat",
+              "catacomb" => "catacomb",
+              "cataleptic" => "catalept",
+              "catalogue" => "catalogu",
+              "catalogued" => "catalogu",
+              "catalonian" => "catalonian",
+              "catamaran" => "catamaran",
+              "cataract" => "cataract",
+              "cataracts" => "cataract",
+              "catastrophe" => "catastroph",
+              "catastrophes" => "catastroph",
+              "catch" => "catch",
+              "catched" => "catch",
+              "catchers" => "catcher",
+              "catches" => "catch",
+              "catching" => "catch",
+              "catchings" => "catch",
+              "catechism" => "catech",
+              "categories" => "categori",
+              "category" => "categori",
+              "caterpillar" => "caterpillar",
+              "caterpillars" => "caterpillar",
+              "catgut" => "catgut",
+              "cathartes" => "cathart",
+              "cathedral" => "cathedr",
+              "cathedrals" => "cathedr",
+              "catherine" => "catherin",
+              "catholic" => "cathol",
+              "catholics" => "cathol",
+              "cats" => "cat",
+              "cattle" => "cattl",
+              "caucahue" => "caucahu",
+              "caught" => "caught",
+              "cauldron" => "cauldron",
+              "cauliflowers" => "cauliflow",
+              "cauquenes" => "cauquen",
+              "caus" => "caus",
+              "cause" => "caus",
+              "caused" => "caus",
+              "causeless" => "causeless",
+              "causes" => "caus",
+              "causing" => "caus",
+              "caustic" => "caustic",
+              "caution" => "caution",
+              "cautioned" => "caution",
+              "cautioning" => "caution",
+              "cautions" => "caution",
+              "cautious" => "cautious",
+              "cautiously" => "cautious",
+              "cavalry" => "cavalri",
+              "cave" => "cave",
+              "caveat" => "caveat",
+              "cavendish" => "cavendish",
+              "cavern" => "cavern",
+              "cavernous" => "cavern",
+              "caverns" => "cavern",
+              "caves" => "cave",
+              "cavia" => "cavia",
+              "cavies" => "cavi",
+              "cavil" => "cavil",
+              "cavillers" => "cavil",
+              "cavities" => "caviti",
+              "cavity" => "caviti",
+              "cavy" => "cavi",
+              "caw" => "caw",
+              "cawa" => "cawa",
+              "cawing" => "caw",
+              "cayanus" => "cayanus",
+              "cayenne" => "cayenn",
+              "caylen" => "caylen",
+              "cease" => "ceas",
+              "ceased" => "ceas",
+              "ceaseless" => "ceaseless",
+              "ceaselessly" => "ceaseless",
+              "ceases" => "ceas",
+              "ceasing" => "ceas",
+              "cebrionidae" => "cebrionida",
+              "cecilia" => "cecilia",
+              "cedar" => "cedar",
+              "cedars" => "cedar",
+              "ceedingly" => "ceed",
+              "ceiling" => "ceil",
+              "ceilings" => "ceil",
+              "ceillhg" => "ceillhg",
+              "cel" => "cel",
+              "celebes" => "celeb",
+              "celebrate" => "celebr",
+              "celebrated" => "celebr",
+              "celebration" => "celebr",
+              "celebrity" => "celebr",
+              "celery" => "celeri",
+              "celestial" => "celesti",
+              "cell" => "cell",
+              "cellar" => "cellar",
+              "cellarage" => "cellarag",
+              "cellaria" => "cellaria",
+              "cellars" => "cellar",
+              "cells" => "cell",
+              "cellular" => "cellular",
+              "cement" => "cement",
+              "cemented" => "cement",
+              "cementing" => "cement",
+              "cemetery" => "cemeteri",
+              "cenotherae" => "cenothera",
+              "censorious" => "censori",
+              "censorship" => "censorship",
+              "censure" => "censur",
+              "censured" => "censur",
+              "censures" => "censur",
+              "censuring" => "censur",
+              "census" => "census",
+              "cent" => "cent",
+              "centaurs" => "centaur",
+              "centered" => "center",
+              "centra" => "centra",
+              "central" => "central",
+              "centre" => "centr",
+              "centred" => "centr",
+              "centres" => "centr",
+              "centrifugal" => "centrifug",
+              "centring" => "centr",
+              "cents" => "cent",
+              "centuries" => "centuri",
+              "century" => "centuri",
+              "cependent" => "cepend",
+              "cephalopoda" => "cephalopoda",
+              "cereal" => "cereal",
+              "ceremonial" => "ceremoni",
+              "ceremonies" => "ceremoni",
+              "ceremonious" => "ceremoni",
+              "ceremoniously" => "ceremoni",
+              "ceremony" => "ceremoni",
+              "cerro" => "cerro",
+              "certain" => "certain",
+              "certainl" => "certainl",
+              "certainly" => "certain",
+              "certainties" => "certainti",
+              "certainty" => "certainti",
+              "certhia" => "certhia",
+              "certhidea" => "certhidea",
+              "certificate" => "certif",
+              "certificates" => "certif",
+              "certified" => "certifi",
+              "certifiket" => "certifiket",
+              "certify" => "certifi",
+              "certifying" => "certifi",
+              "cervicem" => "cervicem",
+              "cervus" => "cervus",
+              "ceryle" => "ceryl",
+              "ces" => "ces",
+              "cesenate" => "cesen",
+              "cessation" => "cessat",
+              "cesspool" => "cesspool",
+              "cesspools" => "cesspool",
+              "cetaceous" => "cetac",
+              "cetera" => "cetera",
+              "ceteras" => "cetera",
+              "cetrer" => "cetrer",
+              "chacao" => "chacao",
+              "chacun" => "chacun",
+              "chadband" => "chadband",
+              "chadbands" => "chadband",
+              "chafe" => "chafe",
+              "chafed" => "chafe",
+              "chafes" => "chafe",
+              "chaff" => "chaff",
+              "chaffers" => "chaffer",
+              "chaffinch" => "chaffinch",
+              "chafing" => "chafe",
+              "chagos" => "chago",
+              "chagrin" => "chagrin",
+              "chai" => "chai",
+              "chain" => "chain",
+              "chained" => "chain",
+              "chains" => "chain",
+              "chair" => "chair",
+              "chairing" => "chair",
+              "chairman" => "chairman",
+              "chairs" => "chair",
+              "chaise" => "chais",
+              "chalk" => "chalk",
+              "chalked" => "chalk",
+              "chalking" => "chalk",
+              "challenge" => "challeng",
+              "challenged" => "challeng",
+              "challenger" => "challeng",
+              "challenging" => "challeng",
+              "chalr" => "chalr",
+              "chama" => "chama",
+              "chamber" => "chamber",
+              "chamberlain" => "chamberlain",
+              "chambers" => "chamber",
+              "chambre" => "chambr",
+              "chameleon" => "chameleon",
+              "chamisso" => "chamisso",
+              "chamois" => "chamoi",
+              "champagne" => "champagn",
+              "champion" => "champion",
+              "champions" => "champion",
+              "chance" => "chanc",
+              "chanced" => "chanc",
+              "chancellor" => "chancellor",
+              "chancellors" => "chancellor",
+              "chancelor" => "chancelor",
+              "chancery" => "chanceri",
+              "chances" => "chanc",
+              "chancing" => "chanc",
+              "chandelier" => "chandeli",
+              "chandeliers" => "chandeli",
+              "chandler" => "chandler",
+              "chaneral" => "chaner",
+              "change" => "chang",
+              "changeable" => "changeabl",
+              "changed" => "chang",
+              "changeling" => "changel",
+              "changes" => "chang",
+              "changing" => "chang",
+              "channel" => "channel",
+              "channels" => "channel",
+              "chantant" => "chantant",
+              "chanted" => "chant",
+              "chanting" => "chant",
+              "chants" => "chant",
+              "chanuncillo" => "chanuncillo",
+              "chaos" => "chao",
+              "chaotic" => "chaotic",
+              "chap" => "chap",
+              "chapel" => "chapel",
+              "chapels" => "chapel",
+              "chaperon" => "chaperon",
+              "chaperone" => "chaperon",
+              "chaperons" => "chaperon",
+              "chaplain" => "chaplain",
+              "chaps" => "chap",
+              "chapter" => "chapter",
+              "chapters" => "chapter",
+              "chaquaio" => "chaquaio",
+              "character" => "charact",
+              "characteristic" => "characterist",
+              "characteristically" => "characterist",
+              "characteristics" => "characterist",
+              "characterize" => "character",
+              "characterized" => "character",
+              "characterizes" => "character",
+              "characterizing" => "character",
+              "characters" => "charact",
+              "charade" => "charad",
+              "charcoal" => "charcoal",
+              "charcoaled" => "charcoal",
+              "charge" => "charg",
+              "chargeable" => "chargeabl",
+              "charged" => "charg",
+              "chargers" => "charger",
+              "charges" => "charg",
+              "charging" => "charg",
+              "chariey" => "chariey",
+              "charing" => "chare",
+              "chariot" => "chariot",
+              "chariots" => "chariot",
+              "charitable" => "charit",
+              "charitably" => "charit",
+              "charities" => "chariti",
+              "charity" => "chariti",
+              "charlatanism" => "charlatan",
+              "charles" => "charl",
+              "charley" => "charley",
+              "charlie" => "charli",
+              "charlotte" => "charlott",
+              "charm" => "charm",
+              "charmed" => "charm",
+              "charmer" => "charmer",
+              "charmers" => "charmer",
+              "charming" => "charm",
+              "charmingly" => "charm",
+              "charms" => "charm",
+              "charnel" => "charnel",
+              "charon" => "charon",
+              "charqui" => "charqui",
+              "charred" => "char",
+              "chart" => "chart",
+              "chartered" => "charter",
+              "chartism" => "chartism",
+              "chartist" => "chartist",
+              "charts" => "chart",
+              "charwoman" => "charwoman",
+              "chary" => "chari",
+              "chase" => "chase",
+              "chased" => "chase",
+              "chases" => "chase",
+              "chasing" => "chase",
+              "chasm" => "chasm",
+              "chasms" => "chasm",
+              "chaste" => "chast",
+              "chastened" => "chasten",
+              "chastening" => "chasten",
+              "chastise" => "chastis",
+              "chastisement" => "chastis",
+              "chastity" => "chastiti",
+              "chat" => "chat",
+              "chateau" => "chateau",
+              "chatham" => "chatham",
+              "chatted" => "chat",
+              "chattels" => "chattel",
+              "chatter" => "chatter",
+              "chatterbox" => "chatterbox",
+              "chattered" => "chatter",
+              "chatterer" => "chatter",
+              "chattering" => "chatter",
+              "chatters" => "chatter",
+              "chatting" => "chat",
+              "chatty" => "chatti",
+              "chaunt" => "chaunt",
+              "cheap" => "cheap",
+              "cheaper" => "cheaper",
+              "cheapest" => "cheapest",
+              "cheaply" => "cheapli",
+              "cheapside" => "cheapsid",
+              "cheat" => "cheat",
+              "cheated" => "cheat",
+              "cheating" => "cheat",
+              "cheats" => "cheat",
+              "chec" => "chec",
+              "check" => "check",
+              "checked" => "check",
+              "checking" => "check",
+              "checks" => "check",
+              "cheek" => "cheek",
+              "cheeked" => "cheek",
+              "cheeks" => "cheek",
+              "cheer" => "cheer",
+              "cheered" => "cheer",
+              "cheerful" => "cheer",
+              "cheerfully" => "cheer",
+              "cheerfulness" => "cheer",
+              "cheerily" => "cheerili",
+              "cheeriness" => "cheeri",
+              "cheering" => "cheer",
+              "cheerless" => "cheerless",
+              "cheers" => "cheer",
+              "cheery" => "cheeri",
+              "cheeryble" => "cheerybl",
+              "cheerybles" => "cheerybl",
+              "cheese" => "chees",
+              "cheeseming" => "cheesem",
+              "chefs" => "chef",
+              "chelsea" => "chelsea",
+              "cheltenham" => "cheltenham",
+              "chem" => "chem",
+              "chemical" => "chemic",
+              "chemins" => "chemin",
+              "chemise" => "chemis",
+              "chemist" => "chemist",
+              "chemistry" => "chemistri",
+              "chemists" => "chemist",
+              "chenille" => "chenill",
+              "chepones" => "chepon",
+              "cheque" => "chequ",
+              "chequered" => "chequer",
+              "cheques" => "chequ",
+              "cher" => "cher",
+              "chere" => "chere",
+              "cherish" => "cherish",
+              "cherished" => "cherish",
+              "cherishes" => "cherish",
+              "cherishing" => "cherish",
+              "cherizette" => "cherizett",
+              "cherries" => "cherri",
+              "cherry" => "cherri",
+              "cherryble" => "cherrybl",
+              "cherrybles" => "cherrybl",
+              "cherty" => "cherti",
+              "cherubim" => "cherubim",
+              "cheshires" => "cheshir",
+              "chesney" => "chesney",
+              "chess" => "chess",
+              "chest" => "chest",
+              "chested" => "chest",
+              "chesterfield" => "chesterfield",
+              "chestnut" => "chestnut",
+              "chestnuts" => "chestnut",
+              "chests" => "chest",
+              "cheucau" => "cheucau",
+              "cheval" => "cheval",
+              "chevaux" => "chevaux",
+              "chevy" => "chevi",
+              "chew" => "chew",
+              "chewed" => "chew",
+              "chewing" => "chew",
+              "chichester" => "chichest",
+              "chichi" => "chichi",
+              "chick" => "chick",
+              "chicken" => "chicken",
+              "chickens" => "chicken",
+              "chiduco" => "chiduco",
+              "chief" => "chief",
+              "chiefest" => "chiefest",
+              "chiefly" => "chiefli",
+              "chiefs" => "chief",
+              "chiel" => "chiel",
+              "chiens" => "chien",
+              "child" => "child",
+              "childhood" => "childhood",
+              "childish" => "childish",
+              "childishly" => "childish",
+              "childishness" => "childish",
+              "childless" => "childless",
+              "childlike" => "childlik",
+              "children" => "children",
+              "chile" => "chile",
+              "chilean" => "chilean",
+              "chileno" => "chileno",
+              "chilenos" => "chileno",
+              "chilian" => "chilian",
+              "chilicauquen" => "chilicauquen",
+              "chilipa" => "chilipa",
+              "chill" => "chill",
+              "chilled" => "chill",
+              "chilling" => "chill",
+              "chills" => "chill",
+              "chilly" => "chilli",
+              "chiloe" => "chilo",
+              "chilotan" => "chilotan",
+              "chilotans" => "chilotan",
+              "chiltern" => "chiltern",
+              "chimango" => "chimango",
+              "chimbley" => "chimbley",
+              "chimborazo" => "chimborazo",
+              "chimes" => "chime",
+              "chimie" => "chimi",
+              "chimney" => "chimney",
+              "chimneypiece" => "chimneypiec",
+              "chimneys" => "chimney",
+              "chin" => "chin",
+              "china" => "china",
+              "chinas" => "china",
+              "chinchilloides" => "chinchilloid",
+              "chinese" => "chines",
+              "chink" => "chink",
+              "chinking" => "chink",
+              "chinks" => "chink",
+              "chins" => "chin",
+              "chintz" => "chintz",
+              "chionis" => "chioni",
+              "chip" => "chip",
+              "chipping" => "chip",
+              "chirp" => "chirp",
+              "chirped" => "chirp",
+              "chirping" => "chirp",
+              "chirps" => "chirp",
+              "chirrup" => "chirrup",
+              "chirruped" => "chirrup",
+              "chirruping" => "chirrup",
+              "chisel" => "chisel",
+              "chiselled" => "chisel",
+              "chit" => "chit",
+              "chitons" => "chiton",
+              "chivalrous" => "chivalr",
+              "chivalrously" => "chivalr",
+              "chivalry" => "chivalri",
+              "chivied" => "chivi",
+              "chivying" => "chivi",
+              "chizzle" => "chizzl",
+              "chlorides" => "chlorid",
+              "chock" => "chock",
+              "chocolate" => "chocol",
+              "choice" => "choic",
+              "choiceness" => "choic",
+              "choicest" => "choicest",
+              "choir" => "choir",
+              "choiseul" => "choiseul",
+              "choke" => "choke",
+              "choked" => "choke",
+              "chokes" => "choke",
+              "choking" => "choke",
+              "cholechel" => "cholechel",
+              "cholera" => "cholera",
+              "chonchi" => "chonchi",
+              "chonos" => "chono",
+              "choose" => "choos",
+              "chooses" => "choos",
+              "choosing" => "choos",
+              "chop" => "chop",
+              "chopkins" => "chopkin",
+              "chopped" => "chop",
+              "chopping" => "chop",
+              "chops" => "chop",
+              "chord" => "chord",
+              "chords" => "chord",
+              "choristers" => "chorist",
+              "chorus" => "chorus",
+              "choruses" => "chorus",
+              "chose" => "chose",
+              "chosen" => "chosen",
+              "chowser" => "chowser",
+              "christ" => "christ",
+              "christabel" => "christabel",
+              "christen" => "christen",
+              "christendom" => "christendom",
+              "christened" => "christen",
+              "christening" => "christen",
+              "christi" => "christi",
+              "christian" => "christian",
+              "christianity" => "christian",
+              "christians" => "christian",
+              "christmas" => "christma",
+              "christopher" => "christoph",
+              "chronic" => "chronic",
+              "chronicle" => "chronicl",
+              "chronicled" => "chronicl",
+              "chroniclers" => "chronicl",
+              "chronicles" => "chronicl",
+              "chronometrical" => "chronometr",
+              "chrysalis" => "chrysali",
+              "chrysomelidae" => "chrysomelida",
+              "chrysopa" => "chrysopa",
+              "chubby" => "chubbi",
+              "chuck" => "chuck",
+              "chucked" => "chuck",
+              "chuckle" => "chuckl",
+              "chuckled" => "chuckl",
+              "chuckling" => "chuckl",
+              "chunk" => "chunk",
+              "chunks" => "chunk",
+              "chupat" => "chupat",
+              "church" => "church",
+              "churches" => "church",
+              "churchgoing" => "churchgo",
+              "churchyard" => "churchyard",
+              "churchyards" => "churchyard",
+              "churlishness" => "churlish",
+              "churls" => "churl",
+              "churned" => "churn",
+              "churning" => "churn",
+              "chut" => "chut",
+              "chuzo" => "chuzo",
+              "chuzos" => "chuzo",
+              "chy" => "chi",
+              "cicadae" => "cicada",
+              "cicadas" => "cicada",
+              "cicidae" => "cicida",
+              "cider" => "cider",
+              "cigar" => "cigar",
+              "cigarette" => "cigarett",
+              "cigarettes" => "cigarett",
+              "cigaritos" => "cigarito",
+              "cigars" => "cigar",
+              "ciliae" => "cilia",
+              "cimabue" => "cimabu",
+              "cincindela" => "cincindela",
+              "cincinnatus" => "cincinnatus",
+              "cincinnatuses" => "cincinnatus",
+              "cinder" => "cinder",
+              "cinderella" => "cinderella",
+              "cinders" => "cinder",
+              "cindery" => "cinderi",
+              "cinereus" => "cinereus",
+              "cinnamon" => "cinnamon",
+              "cinq" => "cinq",
+              "ciphering" => "cipher",
+              "cir" => "cir",
+              "circle" => "circl",
+              "circles" => "circl",
+              "circling" => "circl",
+              "circuit" => "circuit",
+              "circuitous" => "circuit",
+              "circuits" => "circuit",
+              "circular" => "circular",
+              "circulars" => "circular",
+              "circulated" => "circul",
+              "circulates" => "circul",
+              "circulating" => "circul",
+              "circulation" => "circul",
+              "circumambient" => "circumambi",
+              "circumference" => "circumfer",
+              "circumjacent" => "circumjac",
+              "circumlocution" => "circumlocut",
+              "circumnavigate" => "circumnavig",
+              "circumnavigation" => "circumnavig",
+              "circumscribed" => "circumscrib",
+              "circumspect" => "circumspect",
+              "circumstance" => "circumst",
+              "circumstanced" => "circumstanc",
+              "circumstances" => "circumst",
+              "circumstantial" => "circumstanti",
+              "circumstantially" => "circumstanti",
+              "circus" => "circus",
+              "cistern" => "cistern",
+              "cisterns" => "cistern",
+              "citadel" => "citadel",
+              "citation" => "citat",
+              "cite" => "cite",
+              "cited" => "cite",
+              "cities" => "citi",
+              "citigrade" => "citigrad",
+              "citizen" => "citizen",
+              "citizens" => "citizen",
+              "city" => "citi",
+              "cive" => "cive",
+              "civil" => "civil",
+              "civilian" => "civilian",
+              "civilians" => "civilian",
+              "civilised" => "civilis",
+              "civilities" => "civil",
+              "civility" => "civil",
+              "civilization" => "civil",
+              "civilized" => "civil",
+              "civilly" => "civilli",
+              "clad" => "clad",
+              "cladonia" => "cladonia",
+              "claim" => "claim",
+              "claimant" => "claimant",
+              "claimed" => "claim",
+              "claiming" => "claim",
+              "claims" => "claim",
+              "clairvoyante" => "clairvoyant",
+              "clambered" => "clamber",
+              "clamorous" => "clamor",
+              "clamour" => "clamour",
+              "clamouring" => "clamour",
+              "clandestinely" => "clandestin",
+              "clang" => "clang",
+              "clanging" => "clang",
+              "clangour" => "clangour",
+              "clank" => "clank",
+              "clanking" => "clank",
+              "clanks" => "clank",
+              "clap" => "clap",
+              "clapped" => "clap",
+              "clapping" => "clap",
+              "clappings" => "clap",
+              "claps" => "clap",
+              "clara" => "clara",
+              "clare" => "clare",
+              "claret" => "claret",
+              "clarionet" => "clarionet",
+              "clark" => "clark",
+              "clarke" => "clark",
+              "clash" => "clash",
+              "clashed" => "clash",
+              "clashes" => "clash",
+              "clashing" => "clash",
+              "clasp" => "clasp",
+              "clasped" => "clasp",
+              "clasping" => "clasp",
+              "claspknife" => "claspknif",
+              "clasps" => "clasp",
+              "class" => "class",
+              "classed" => "class",
+              "classes" => "class",
+              "classic" => "classic",
+              "classical" => "classic",
+              "classicality" => "classic",
+              "classify" => "classifi",
+              "clatter" => "clatter",
+              "clattered" => "clatter",
+              "clattering" => "clatter",
+              "clause" => "claus",
+              "clausen" => "clausen",
+              "clauses" => "claus",
+              "clavipes" => "clavip",
+              "claw" => "claw",
+              "clawing" => "claw",
+              "claws" => "claw",
+              "clay" => "clay",
+              "clayey" => "clayey",
+              "claying" => "clay",
+              "clayver" => "clayver",
+              "clean" => "clean",
+              "cleaned" => "clean",
+              "cleaner" => "cleaner",
+              "cleanest" => "cleanest",
+              "cleaning" => "clean",
+              "cleanliest" => "cleanliest",
+              "cleanliness" => "cleanli",
+              "cleanly" => "clean",
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+              "cleanse" => "cleans",
+              "cleanses" => "cleans",
+              "cleansing" => "cleans",
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+              "clearance" => "clearanc",
+              "cleared" => "clear",
+              "clearer" => "clearer",
+              "clearest" => "clearest",
+              "clearing" => "clear",
+              "clearly" => "clear",
+              "clearness" => "clear",
+              "cleavage" => "cleavag",
+              "cleft" => "cleft",
+              "clefts" => "cleft",
+              "clematis" => "clemati",
+              "clemency" => "clemenc",
+              "clench" => "clench",
+              "clenched" => "clench",
+              "clenches" => "clench",
+              "clenching" => "clench",
+              "cleopatra" => "cleopatra",
+              "clergyman" => "clergyman",
+              "clergymen" => "clergymen",
+              "clerical" => "cleric",
+              "clerk" => "clerk",
+              "clerkenwell" => "clerkenwel",
+              "clerkly" => "clerk",
+              "clerks" => "clerk",
+              "clerkship" => "clerkship",
+              "cleveland" => "cleveland",
+              "clever" => "clever",
+              "cleverer" => "clever",
+              "cleverest" => "cleverest",
+              "cleverly" => "clever",
+              "cleverness" => "clever",
+              "click" => "click",
+              "clicked" => "click",
+              "clicking" => "click",
+              "client" => "client",
+              "clients" => "client",
+              "cliff" => "cliff",
+              "clifford" => "clifford",
+              "cliffs" => "cliff",
+              "clifton" => "clifton",
+              "clima" => "clima",
+              "climate" => "climat",
+              "climates" => "climat",
+              "climax" => "climax",
+              "climb" => "climb",
+              "climbed" => "climb",
+              "climbers" => "climber",
+              "climbing" => "climb",
+              "clime" => "clime",
+              "climes" => "clime",
+              "clinched" => "clinch",
+              "cling" => "cling",
+              "clinging" => "cling",
+              "clings" => "cling",
+              "clink" => "clink",
+              "clinked" => "clink",
+              "clinking" => "clink",
+              "clip" => "clip",
+              "clipped" => "clip",
+              "clippers" => "clipper",
+              "clipping" => "clip",
+              "cliquot" => "cliquot",
+              "clks" => "clks",
+              "cloak" => "cloak",
+              "cloaks" => "cloak",
+              "clock" => "clock",
+              "clocks" => "clock",
+              "clods" => "clod",
+              "cloe" => "cloe",
+              "clogged" => "clog",
+              "cloister" => "cloister",
+              "cloistered" => "cloister",
+              "cloisterly" => "cloister",
+              "cloisters" => "cloister",
+              "close" => "close",
+              "closed" => "close",
+              "closely" => "close",
+              "closeness" => "close",
+              "closer" => "closer",
+              "closes" => "close",
+              "closest" => "closest",
+              "closet" => "closet",
+              "closeted" => "closet",
+              "closets" => "closet",
+              "closing" => "close",
+              "cloth" => "cloth",
+              "clothe" => "cloth",
+              "clothed" => "cloth",
+              "clother" => "clother",
+              "clothes" => "cloth",
+              "clothing" => "cloth",
+              "cloths" => "cloth",
+              "clotted" => "clot",
+              "cloud" => "cloud",
+              "clouded" => "cloud",
+              "cloudily" => "cloudili",
+              "cloudless" => "cloudless",
+              "clouds" => "cloud",
+              "cloudy" => "cloudi",
+              "clout" => "clout",
+              "clove" => "clove",
+              "clover" => "clover",
+              "cloves" => "clove",
+              "clown" => "clown",
+              "clt" => "clt",
+              "club" => "club",
+              "clubs" => "club",
+              "cluck" => "cluck",
+              "clue" => "clue",
+              "clump" => "clump",
+              "clumps" => "clump",
+              "clumsily" => "clumsili",
+              "clumsiness" => "clumsi",
+              "clumsy" => "clumsi",
+              "clung" => "clung",
+              "cluskie" => "cluski",
+              "cluster" => "cluster",
+              "clustered" => "cluster",
+              "clustering" => "cluster",
+              "clusters" => "cluster",
+              "clutch" => "clutch",
+              "clutched" => "clutch",
+              "clutches" => "clutch",
+              "clutching" => "clutch",
+              "clytia" => "clytia",
+              "co" => "co",
+              "coach" => "coach",
+              "coaches" => "coach",
+              "coaching" => "coach",
+              "coachmaker" => "coachmak",
+              "coachman" => "coachman",
+              "coachmen" => "coachmen",
+              "coachyard" => "coachyard",
+              "coadjutor" => "coadjutor",
+              "coal" => "coal",
+              "coalesced" => "coalesc",
+              "coalescing" => "coalesc",
+              "coalition" => "coalit",
+              "coalitions" => "coalit",
+              "coals" => "coal",
+              "coalworth" => "coalworth",
+              "coarse" => "coars",
+              "coarsely" => "coars",
+              "coarsened" => "coarsen",
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+              "coarsest" => "coarsest",
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+              "coasts" => "coast",
+              "coat" => "coat",
+              "coated" => "coat",
+              "coating" => "coat",
+              "coatings" => "coat",
+              "coats" => "coat",
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+              "coavinses" => "coavins",
+              "coaxed" => "coax",
+              "coaxin" => "coaxin",
+              "coaxing" => "coax",
+              "coaxingly" => "coax",
+              "cob" => "cob",
+              "cobbey" => "cobbey",
+              "cobbler" => "cobbler",
+              "cobblesborough" => "cobblesborough",
+              "coburg" => "coburg",
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+              "cobwebs" => "cobweb",
+              "cochlogena" => "cochlogena",
+              "cochrane" => "cochran",
+              "cock" => "cock",
+              "cockaded" => "cockad",
+              "cockades" => "cockad",
+              "cockatoo" => "cockatoo",
+              "cocked" => "cock",
+              "cocking" => "cock",
+              "cockney" => "cockney",
+              "cockroaches" => "cockroach",
+              "coco" => "coco",
+              "cocoa" => "cocoa",
+              "cocoon" => "cocoon",
+              "cocos" => "coco",
+              "cod" => "cod",
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+              "coddled" => "coddl",
+              "coddling" => "coddl",
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+              "codes" => "code",
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+              "codified" => "codifi",
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+              "coeval" => "coeval",
+              "coextensive" => "coextens",
+              "coffee" => "coffe",
+              "coffeehouse" => "coffeehous",
+              "coffers" => "coffer",
+              "coffin" => "coffin",
+              "coffins" => "coffin",
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+              "cogitation" => "cogit",
+              "cogitations" => "cogit",
+              "cognate" => "cognat",
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+              "cognizant" => "cogniz",
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+              "cogs" => "cog",
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+              "coherent" => "coher",
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+              "coiled" => "coil",
+              "coils" => "coil",
+              "coin" => "coin",
+              "coinage" => "coinag",
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+              "coincided" => "coincid",
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+              "coiners" => "coiner",
+              "coining" => "coin",
+              "coins" => "coin",
+              "coinstantaneous" => "coinstantan",
+              "coinstantaneously" => "coinstantan",
+              "coke" => "coke",
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+              "colder" => "colder",
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+              "colds" => "cold",
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+              "coleridge" => "coleridg",
+              "colias" => "colia",
+              "colla" => "colla",
+              "collapse" => "collaps",
+              "collapsed" => "collaps",
+              "collapses" => "collaps",
+              "collar" => "collar",
+              "collars" => "collar",
+              "collateral" => "collater",
+              "collation" => "collat",
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+              "colleagues" => "colleagu",
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+              "collected" => "collect",
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+              "collectors" => "collector",
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+              "collier" => "collier",
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+              "colliers" => "collier",
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+              "colonnades" => "colonnad",
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+              "colts" => "colt",
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+              "columnar" => "columnar",
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+              "combines" => "combin",
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+              "combining" => "combin",
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+              "consummation" => "consumm",
+              "consumption" => "consumpt",
+              "consumptive" => "consumpt",
+              "contact" => "contact",
+              "contagion" => "contagion",
+              "contagious" => "contagi",
+              "contain" => "contain",
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+              "contains" => "contain",
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+              "contamination" => "contamin",
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+              "contemplated" => "contempl",
+              "contemplates" => "contempl",
+              "contemplating" => "contempl",
+              "contemplation" => "contempl",
+              "contemplations" => "contempl",
+              "contemplative" => "contempl",
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+              "contemptuously" => "contemptu",
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+              "contended" => "contend",
+              "contending" => "contend",
+              "contends" => "contend",
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+              "contentedly" => "content",
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+              "contention" => "content",
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+              "contentious" => "contenti",
+              "contentment" => "content",
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+              "contested" => "contest",
+              "contests" => "contest",
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+              "continental" => "continent",
+              "continents" => "contin",
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+              "contingency" => "conting",
+              "contingent" => "conting",
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+              "continually" => "continu",
+              "continuance" => "continu",
+              "continuation" => "continu",
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+              "continuing" => "continu",
+              "continuous" => "continu",
+              "continuously" => "continu",
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+              "contra" => "contra",
+              "contract" => "contract",
+              "contracted" => "contract",
+              "contracting" => "contract",
+              "contraction" => "contract",
+              "contractors" => "contractor",
+              "contracts" => "contract",
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+              "contrairy" => "contrairi",
+              "contralto" => "contralto",
+              "contrarieties" => "contrarieti",
+              "contrary" => "contrari",
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+              "contrasted" => "contrast",
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+              "contrasts" => "contrast",
+              "contrees" => "contre",
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+              "contributed" => "contribut",
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+              "contributing" => "contribut",
+              "contribution" => "contribut",
+              "contributions" => "contribut",
+              "contributors" => "contributor",
+              "contrite" => "contrit",
+              "contrition" => "contrit",
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+              "contrivances" => "contriv",
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+              "contrived" => "contriv",
+              "contriving" => "contriv",
+              "control" => "control",
+              "controlled" => "control",
+              "controlling" => "control",
+              "controls" => "control",
+              "controvert" => "controvert",
+              "controverted" => "controvert",
+              "contumelious" => "contumeli",
+              "contumely" => "contum",
+              "contusion" => "contus",
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+              "conurus" => "conurus",
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+              "convalescent" => "convalesc",
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+              "conventionality" => "convent",
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+              "conventions" => "convent",
+              "convents" => "convent",
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+              "converged" => "converg",
+              "convergent" => "converg",
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+              "conversational" => "convers",
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+              "conversing" => "convers",
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+              "convert" => "convert",
+              "converted" => "convert",
+              "convertible" => "convert",
+              "converting" => "convert",
+              "convertion" => "convert",
+              "converts" => "convert",
+              "convex" => "convex",
+              "convey" => "convey",
+              "conveyance" => "convey",
+              "conveyancer" => "conveyanc",
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+              "conveyed" => "convey",
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+              "conveys" => "convey",
+              "convict" => "convict",
+              "convicted" => "convict",
+              "conviction" => "convict",
+              "convictions" => "convict",
+              "convicts" => "convict",
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+              "convinces" => "convinc",
+              "convincing" => "convinc",
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+              "conviviality" => "convivi",
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+              "convulsed" => "convuls",
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+              "convulsions" => "convuls",
+              "convulsive" => "convuls",
+              "convulsively" => "convuls",
+              "conwenient" => "conweni",
+              "conwulsions" => "conwuls",
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+              "coodleites" => "coodleit",
+              "cooing" => "coo",
+              "cook" => "cook",
+              "cooked" => "cook",
+              "cookery" => "cookeri",
+              "cooking" => "cook",
+              "cookites" => "cookit",
+              "cooks" => "cook",
+              "cookshop" => "cookshop",
+              "cool" => "cool",
+              "cooled" => "cool",
+              "cooler" => "cooler",
+              "coolest" => "coolest",
+              "cooling" => "cool",
+              "coolly" => "coolli",
+              "coolness" => "cool",
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+              "coomin" => "coomin",
+              "cooms" => "coom",
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+              "cooped" => "coop",
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+              "coot" => "coot",
+              "cope" => "cope",
+              "copeck" => "copeck",
+              "copecks" => "copeck",
+              "cophias" => "cophia",
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+              "coppers" => "copper",
+              "coppery" => "copperi",
+              "coppice" => "coppic",
+              "copse" => "cops",
+              "copy" => "copi",
+              "copying" => "copi",
+              "coquetry" => "coquetri",
+              "coquette" => "coquett",
+              "coquettish" => "coquettish",
+              "coquille" => "coquill",
+              "coquimbo" => "coquimbo",
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+              "coral" => "coral",
+              "coralline" => "corallin",
+              "corallines" => "corallin",
+              "corals" => "coral",
+              "corcovado" => "corcovado",
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+              "cords" => "cord",
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+              "core" => "core",
+              "corfield" => "corfield",
+              "coriaceous" => "coriac",
+              "coriolanus" => "coriolanus",
+              "cork" => "cork",
+              "corks" => "cork",
+              "corkscrew" => "corkscrew",
+              "corkscrewed" => "corkscrew",
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+              "cormorant" => "cormor",
+              "cormorants" => "cormor",
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+              "cornelian" => "cornelian",
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+              "coroners" => "coron",
+              "coronet" => "coronet",
+              "coronets" => "coronet",
+              "corporal" => "corpor",
+              "corporation" => "corpor",
+              "corporations" => "corpor",
+              "corporeal" => "corpor",
+              "corps" => "corp",
+              "corpse" => "corps",
+              "corpses" => "corps",
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+              "corpulent" => "corpul",
+              "corpus" => "corpus",
+              "corral" => "corral",
+              "corrales" => "corral",
+              "corrals" => "corral",
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+              "corrected" => "correct",
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+              "correction" => "correct",
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+              "correndera" => "correndera",
+              "correspond" => "correspond",
+              "corresponded" => "correspond",
+              "correspondence" => "correspond",
+              "correspondent" => "correspond",
+              "correspondents" => "correspond",
+              "corresponding" => "correspond",
+              "correspondingly" => "correspond",
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+              "corroborative" => "corrobor",
+              "corroboratory" => "corroboratori",
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+              "corroding" => "corrod",
+              "corrugated" => "corrug",
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+              "corrupted" => "corrupt",
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+              "corruption" => "corrupt",
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+              "corunda" => "corunda",
+              "corynetes" => "corynet",
+              "cos" => "cos",
+              "cosa" => "cosa",
+              "coseguina" => "coseguina",
+              "cosgrave" => "cosgrav",
+              "cosily" => "cosili",
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+              "costal" => "costal",
+              "costermongers" => "costermong",
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+              "costliest" => "costliest",
+              "costly" => "cost",
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+              "costumes" => "costum",
+              "cosy" => "cosi",
+              "cot" => "cot",
+              "cote" => "cote",
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+              "cottager" => "cottag",
+              "cottagers" => "cottag",
+              "cottages" => "cottag",
+              "cotton" => "cotton",
+              "cottoned" => "cotton",
+              "cottons" => "cotton",
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+              "couches" => "couch",
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+              "coughed" => "cough",
+              "coughing" => "cough",
+              "coughs" => "cough",
+              "could" => "could",
+              "couldn" => "couldn",
+              "couldst" => "couldst",
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+              "councils" => "council",
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+              "counsellors" => "counsellor",
+              "counsels" => "counsel",
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+              "countenances" => "counten",
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+              "counterbalanced" => "counterbalanc",
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+              "counterfeiting" => "counterfeit",
+              "counterfeits" => "counterfeit",
+              "counterpane" => "counterpan",
+              "counterpart" => "counterpart",
+              "counterplot" => "counterplot",
+              "counterpoise" => "counterpois",
+              "counters" => "counter",
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+              "countesses" => "countess",
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+              "countrywomen" => "countrywomen",
+              "counts" => "count",
+              "county" => "counti",
+              "coup" => "coup",
+              "couple" => "coupl",
+              "coupled" => "coupl",
+              "couples" => "coupl",
+              "coupling" => "coupl",
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+              "courageously" => "courag",
+              "courcy" => "courci",
+              "courcys" => "courci",
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+              "courses" => "cours",
+              "coursing" => "cours",
+              "court" => "court",
+              "courted" => "court",
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+              "courteously" => "courteous",
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+              "courtyards" => "courtyard",
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+              "cousinly" => "cousin",
+              "cousins" => "cousin",
+              "cousinship" => "cousinship",
+              "couthouy" => "couthouy",
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+              "coventry" => "coventri",
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+              "covering" => "cover",
+              "coverings" => "cover",
+              "coverlet" => "coverlet",
+              "coverley" => "coverley",
+              "covers" => "cover",
+              "covert" => "covert",
+              "covertly" => "covert",
+              "coverts" => "covert",
+              "coverture" => "covertur",
+              "coves" => "cove",
+              "covet" => "covet",
+              "coveted" => "covet",
+              "covetous" => "covet",
+              "covetousness" => "covet",
+              "coveys" => "covey",
+              "cow" => "cow",
+              "coward" => "coward",
+              "cowardice" => "cowardic",
+              "cowardly" => "coward",
+              "cowards" => "coward",
+              "cowboy" => "cowboy",
+              "cowcumber" => "cowcumb",
+              "cowed" => "cow",
+              "cower" => "cower",
+              "cowered" => "cower",
+              "cowering" => "cower",
+              "cowers" => "cower",
+              "cowl" => "cowl",
+              "cowley" => "cowley",
+              "cows" => "cow",
+              "cowshed" => "cowsh",
+              "cowslip" => "cowslip",
+              "cowslips" => "cowslip",
+              "cox" => "cox",
+              "coxcomb" => "coxcomb",
+              "coxcombical" => "coxcomb",
+              "coxcombs" => "coxcomb",
+              "coxswain" => "coxswain",
+              "coy" => "coy",
+              "coyness" => "coy",
+              "coypus" => "coypus",
+              "cozened" => "cozen",
+              "cozily" => "cozili",
+              "crab" => "crab",
+              "crabbe" => "crabb",
+              "crabbed" => "crab",
+              "crabberies" => "crabberi",
+              "crabs" => "crab",
+              "crack" => "crack",
+              "cracked" => "crack",
+              "cracking" => "crack",
+              "crackle" => "crackl",
+              "crackled" => "crackl",
+              "crackling" => "crackl",
+              "cracks" => "crack",
+              "cradle" => "cradl",
+              "cradles" => "cradl",
+              "craft" => "craft",
+              "craftier" => "craftier",
+              "craftiest" => "craftiest",
+              "crafts" => "craft",
+              "crafty" => "crafti",
+              "crags" => "crag",
+              "cram" => "cram",
+              "cramble" => "crambl",
+              "crammed" => "cram",
+              "cramming" => "cram",
+              "cramp" => "cramp",
+              "cramped" => "cramp",
+              "cramping" => "cramp",
+              "cranberry" => "cranberri",
+              "crancrivora" => "crancrivora",
+              "cranes" => "crane",
+              "craning" => "crane",
+              "cranks" => "crank",
+              "crannies" => "cranni",
+              "crape" => "crape",
+              "crash" => "crash",
+              "crashed" => "crash",
+              "crashing" => "crash",
+              "crater" => "crater",
+              "crateriform" => "crateriform",
+              "craters" => "crater",
+              "cravat" => "cravat",
+              "cravats" => "cravat",
+              "crave" => "crave",
+              "craved" => "crave",
+              "craven" => "craven",
+              "craving" => "crave",
+              "craw" => "craw",
+              "crawl" => "crawl",
+              "crawled" => "crawl",
+              "crawling" => "crawl",
+              "crawls" => "crawl",
+              "craws" => "craw",
+              "cray" => "cray",
+              "crayons" => "crayon",
+              "craze" => "craze",
+              "crazed" => "craze",
+              "crazy" => "crazi",
+              "creak" => "creak",
+              "creaked" => "creak",
+              "creaking" => "creak",
+              "cream" => "cream",
+              "crease" => "creas",
+              "creases" => "creas",
+              "creasing" => "creas",
+              "create" => "creat",
+              "created" => "creat",
+              "creating" => "creat",
+              "creation" => "creation",
+              "creations" => "creation",
+              "creative" => "creativ",
+              "creator" => "creator",
+              "creature" => "creatur",
+              "creatures" => "creatur",
+              "credence" => "credenc",
+              "credentials" => "credenti",
+              "credibility" => "credibl",
+              "credible" => "credibl",
+              "credibly" => "credibl",
+              "credit" => "credit",
+              "creditable" => "credit",
+              "creditably" => "credit",
+              "credited" => "credit",
+              "crediting" => "credit",
+              "creditor" => "creditor",
+              "creditors" => "creditor",
+              "credulity" => "credul",
+              "credulous" => "credul",
+              "cree" => "cree",
+              "creed" => "creed",
+              "creek" => "creek",
+              "creeks" => "creek",
+              "creep" => "creep",
+              "creeper" => "creeper",
+              "creepers" => "creeper",
+              "creeping" => "creep",
+              "creeps" => "creep",
+              "creetur" => "creetur",
+              "creeturs" => "creetur",
+              "creevy" => "creevi",
+              "crepitans" => "crepitan",
+              "crept" => "crept",
+              "crescent" => "crescent",
+              "crest" => "crest",
+              "crested" => "crest",
+              "crestfallen" => "crestfallen",
+              "crests" => "crest",
+              "crevez" => "crevez",
+              "crevice" => "crevic",
+              "crevices" => "crevic",
+              "crew" => "crew",
+              "crib" => "crib",
+              "cribs" => "crib",
+              "crichton" => "crichton",
+              "cricket" => "cricket",
+              "crickets" => "cricket",
+              "cried" => "cri",
+              "crier" => "crier",
+              "criers" => "crier",
+              "cries" => "cri",
+              "crime" => "crime",
+              "crimes" => "crime",
+              "criminal" => "crimin",
+              "criminality" => "crimin",
+              "criminals" => "crimin",
+              "criminate" => "crimin",
+              "criminations" => "crimin",
+              "crimson" => "crimson",
+              "crimsoned" => "crimson",
+              "cringe" => "cring",
+              "cringing" => "cring",
+              "cringingly" => "cring",
+              "crinoline" => "crinolin",
+              "cripple" => "crippl",
+              "crippled" => "crippl",
+              "crippler" => "crippler",
+              "crisia" => "crisia",
+              "crisis" => "crisi",
+              "crisp" => "crisp",
+              "cristal" => "cristal",
+              "cristatus" => "cristatus",
+              "cristiandad" => "cristiandad",
+              "cristianos" => "cristiano",
+              "criterion" => "criterion",
+              "critic" => "critic",
+              "critical" => "critic",
+              "criticise" => "criticis",
+              "criticised" => "criticis",
+              "criticism" => "critic",
+              "criticisms" => "critic",
+              "criticize" => "critic",
+              "criticizing" => "critic",
+              "critics" => "critic",
+              "critique" => "critiqu",
+              "critturs" => "crittur",
+              "croak" => "croak",
+              "croaked" => "croak",
+              "croaking" => "croak",
+              "croaks" => "croak",
+              "crockery" => "crockeri",
+              "crockford" => "crockford",
+              "crocking" => "crock",
+              "crocodile" => "crocodil",
+              "crocodiles" => "crocodil",
+              "croesus" => "croesus",
+              "crois" => "croi",
+              "crook" => "crook",
+              "crooked" => "crook",
+              "crookedly" => "crook",
+              "crooks" => "crook",
+              "crop" => "crop",
+              "cropley" => "cropley",
+              "crops" => "crop",
+              "cros" => "cros",
+              "cross" => "cross",
+              "crosse" => "cross",
+              "crossed" => "cross",
+              "crosses" => "cross",
+              "crossgrained" => "crossgrain",
+              "crossin" => "crossin",
+              "crossing" => "cross",
+              "crossings" => "cross",
+              "crossly" => "crossli",
+              "crost" => "crost",
+              "crotchet" => "crotchet",
+              "crotchets" => "crotchet",
+              "crouched" => "crouch",
+              "crouches" => "crouch",
+              "crouching" => "crouch",
+              "croup" => "croup",
+              "crow" => "crow",
+              "crowbar" => "crowbar",
+              "crowd" => "crowd",
+              "crowded" => "crowd",
+              "crowding" => "crowd",
+              "crowds" => "crowd",
+              "crowed" => "crow",
+              "crowin" => "crowin",
+              "crowing" => "crow",
+              "crowl" => "crowl",
+              "crown" => "crown",
+              "crowned" => "crown",
+              "crowning" => "crown",
+              "crowns" => "crown",
+              "crowquill" => "crowquil",
+              "crows" => "crow",
+              "crucified" => "crucifi",
+              "crucify" => "crucifi",
+              "crucifying" => "crucifi",
+              "crude" => "crude",
+              "crudely" => "crude",
+              "crudest" => "crudest",
+              "cruel" => "cruel",
+              "cruellest" => "cruellest",
+              "cruelly" => "cruelli",
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+              "cruelty" => "cruelti",
+              "cruenta" => "cruenta",
+              "cruet" => "cruet",
+              "cruise" => "cruis",
+              "cruises" => "cruis",
+              "crumb" => "crumb",
+              "crumber" => "crumber",
+              "crumble" => "crumbl",
+              "crumbled" => "crumbl",
+              "crumbling" => "crumbl",
+              "crumbs" => "crumb",
+              "crumlinwallinwer" => "crumlinwallinw",
+              "crummles" => "crumml",
+              "crummleses" => "crummles",
+              "crumpet" => "crumpet",
+              "crumpets" => "crumpet",
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+              "crumpling" => "crumpl",
+              "crumpy" => "crumpi",
+              "crupper" => "crupper",
+              "crusade" => "crusad",
+              "crusader" => "crusad",
+              "crusaders" => "crusad",
+              "crusades" => "crusad",
+              "crusading" => "crusad",
+              "crush" => "crush",
+              "crushed" => "crush",
+              "crushes" => "crush",
+              "crushing" => "crush",
+              "crusoe" => "cruso",
+              "crust" => "crust",
+              "crustacea" => "crustacea",
+              "crustaceous" => "crustac",
+              "crusts" => "crust",
+              "crusty" => "crusti",
+              "crutches" => "crutch",
+              "cruz" => "cruz",
+              "cry" => "cri",
+              "crying" => "cri",
+              "crypt" => "crypt",
+              "cryptogamic" => "cryptogam",
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+              "crystalline" => "crystallin",
+              "crystallization" => "crystal",
+              "crystallized" => "crystal",
+              "crystals" => "crystal",
+              "crystial" => "crystial",
+              "ct" => "ct",
+              "ctenomys" => "ctenomi",
+              "cu" => "cu",
+              "cubes" => "cube",
+              "cubic" => "cubic",
+              "cubs" => "cub",
+              "cucao" => "cucao",
+              "cuchilla" => "cuchilla",
+              "cuckoo" => "cuckoo",
+              "cuckoos" => "cuckoo",
+              "cucumber" => "cucumb",
+              "cucumbers" => "cucumb",
+              "cudgel" => "cudgel",
+              "cudgelled" => "cudgel",
+              "cudgels" => "cudgel",
+              "cudico" => "cudico",
+              "cue" => "cue",
+              "cuentas" => "cuenta",
+              "cuero" => "cuero",
+              "cues" => "cue",
+              "cueva" => "cueva",
+              "cuff" => "cuff",
+              "cuffs" => "cuff",
+              "cuffy" => "cuffi",
+              "cufre" => "cufr",
+              "cul" => "cul",
+              "culpability" => "culpabl",
+              "culpeu" => "culpeu",
+              "culprit" => "culprit",
+              "cultivate" => "cultiv",
+              "cultivated" => "cultiv",
+              "cultivating" => "cultiv",
+              "cultivation" => "cultiv",
+              "culture" => "cultur",
+              "culver" => "culver",
+              "cum" => "cum",
+              "cumber" => "cumber",
+              "cumberland" => "cumberland",
+              "cumbre" => "cumbr",
+              "cumbrously" => "cumbrous",
+              "cumfbler" => "cumfbler",
+              "cumin" => "cumin",
+              "cuming" => "cume",
+              "cummin" => "cummin",
+              "cumnor" => "cumnor",
+              "cums" => "cum",
+              "cumuli" => "cumuli",
+              "cunicularia" => "cunicularia",
+              "cunicularius" => "cunicularius",
+              "cunning" => "cun",
+              "cunningest" => "cunningest",
+              "cunningly" => "cun",
+              "cup" => "cup",
+              "cupboard" => "cupboard",
+              "cupboards" => "cupboard",
+              "cupid" => "cupid",
+              "cupidity" => "cupid",
+              "cupids" => "cupid",
+              "cupola" => "cupola",
+              "cups" => "cup",
+              "cur" => "cur",
+              "cura" => "cura",
+              "curacy" => "curaci",
+              "curate" => "curat",
+              "curb" => "curb",
+              "curbed" => "curb",
+              "curdle" => "curdl",
+              "curds" => "curd",
+              "cure" => "cure",
+              "cured" => "cure",
+              "cures" => "cure",
+              "curing" => "cure",
+              "curiosities" => "curios",
+              "curiosity" => "curios",
+              "curious" => "curious",
+              "curiously" => "curious",
+              "curl" => "curl",
+              "curled" => "curl",
+              "curlew" => "curlew",
+              "curling" => "curl",
+              "curlings" => "curl",
+              "curls" => "curl",
+              "curly" => "cur",
+              "curmudgeon" => "curmudgeon",
+              "curragh" => "curragh",
+              "currant" => "currant",
+              "currants" => "currant",
+              "currency" => "currenc",
+              "current" => "current",
+              "currently" => "current",
+              "currents" => "current",
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+              "cursitor" => "cursitor",
+              "cursory" => "cursori",
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+              "curtain" => "curtain",
+              "curtained" => "curtain",
+              "curtaining" => "curtain",
+              "curtains" => "curtain",
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+              "curtsying" => "curtsi",
+              "curtsys" => "curtsi",
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+              "curvidens" => "curviden",
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+              "customary" => "customari",
+              "customer" => "custom",
+              "customers" => "custom",
+              "customs" => "custom",
+              "cut" => "cut",
+              "cutaneous" => "cutan",
+              "cute" => "cute",
+              "cutlass" => "cutlass",
+              "cutler" => "cutler",
+              "cutlery" => "cutleri",
+              "cutlets" => "cutlet",
+              "cuts" => "cut",
+              "cutter" => "cutter",
+              "cutters" => "cutter",
+              "cutthroat" => "cutthroat",
+              "cutting" => "cut",
+              "cuttle" => "cuttl",
+              "cuvier" => "cuvier",
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+              "cycles" => "cycl",
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+              "cylinders" => "cylind",
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+              "cymindis" => "cymindi",
+              "cynara" => "cynara",
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+              "cyperus" => "cyperus",
+              "cypress" => "cypress",
+              "cyprus" => "cyprus",
+              "cyrus" => "cyrus",
+              "cyttaria" => "cyttaria",
+              "d" => "d",
+              "da" => "da",
+              "daark" => "daark",
+              "dab" => "dab",
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+              "dabbing" => "dab",
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+              "dabbling" => "dabbl",
+              "dabs" => "dab",
+              "dacelo" => "dacelo",
+              "dacia" => "dacia",
+              "dadass" => "dadass",
+              "daft" => "daft",
+              "dagestan" => "dagestan",
+              "dagger" => "dagger",
+              "daggers" => "dagger",
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+              "daily" => "daili",
+              "dainties" => "dainti",
+              "daintily" => "daintili",
+              "dainty" => "dainti",
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+              "dais" => "dai",
+              "daisy" => "daisi",
+              "dale" => "dale",
+              "dalliance" => "dallianc",
+              "dallied" => "dalli",
+              "dally" => "dalli",
+              "damage" => "damag",
+              "damaged" => "damag",
+              "damages" => "damag",
+              "damaging" => "damag",
+              "damask" => "damask",
+              "dame" => "dame",
+              "dames" => "dame",
+              "damme" => "damm",
+              "dammed" => "dam",
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+              "damnably" => "damnabl",
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+              "damnatory" => "damnatori",
+              "damned" => "damn",
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+              "damper" => "damper",
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+              "dampier" => "dampier",
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+              "dampness" => "damp",
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+              "damsels" => "damsel",
+              "dan" => "dan",
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+              "dancing" => "danc",
+              "dancings" => "danc",
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+              "dang" => "dang",
+              "danger" => "danger",
+              "dangerous" => "danger",
+              "dangerously" => "danger",
+              "dangers" => "danger",
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+              "daniel" => "daniel",
+              "daniell" => "daniel",
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+              "danke" => "dank",
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+              "danse" => "dans",
+              "dante" => "dant",
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+              "daring" => "dare",
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+              "darkened" => "darken",
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+              "darkens" => "darken",
+              "darker" => "darker",
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+              "darkness" => "dark",
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+              "darlings" => "darl",
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+              "darting" => "dart",
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+              "darwinii" => "darwinii",
+              "darya" => "darya",
+              "das" => "das",
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+              "dashed" => "dash",
+              "dashes" => "dash",
+              "dashing" => "dash",
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+              "dastardly" => "dastard",
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+              "dated" => "date",
+              "dates" => "date",
+              "dating" => "date",
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+              "daubney" => "daubney",
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+              "daughters" => "daughter",
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+              "daytime" => "daytim",
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+              "dazzling" => "dazzl",
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+              "deadens" => "deaden",
+              "deadliest" => "deadliest",
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+              "deadly" => "dead",
+              "deadwood" => "deadwood",
+              "deaf" => "deaf",
+              "deafen" => "deafen",
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+              "debts" => "debt",
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+              "didn" => "didn",
+              "didst" => "didst",
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+              "died" => "die",
+              "dieffenbach" => "dieffenbach",
+              "diego" => "diego",
+              "dieman" => "dieman",
+              "diemen" => "diemen",
+              "diernan" => "diernan",
+              "dies" => "die",
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+              "difficulty" => "difficulti",
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+              "digger" => "digger",
+              "digging" => "dig",
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+              "dignity" => "digniti",
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+              "dilate" => "dilat",
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+              "dilating" => "dilat",
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+              "diligently" => "dilig",
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+              "dimple" => "dimpl",
+              "dimpled" => "dimpl",
+              "dimpling" => "dimpl",
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+              "dingy" => "dingi",
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+              "dint" => "dint",
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+              "diplomatical" => "diplomat",
+              "diplomats" => "diplomat",
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+              "dipping" => "dip",
+              "dips" => "dip",
+              "diptera" => "diptera",
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+              "disliking" => "dislik",
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+              "dismayed" => "dismay",
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+              "dismissal" => "dismiss",
+              "dismissed" => "dismiss",
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+              "dismissing" => "dismiss",
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+              "dispatched" => "dispatch",
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+              "dispelled" => "dispel",
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+              "dissenter" => "dissent",
+              "dissertation" => "dissert",
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+              "dissimulation" => "dissimul",
+              "dissipate" => "dissip",
+              "dissipated" => "dissip",
+              "dissipating" => "dissip",
+              "dissipation" => "dissip",
+              "dissolute" => "dissolut",
+              "dissolution" => "dissolut",
+              "dissolve" => "dissolv",
+              "dissolved" => "dissolv",
+              "dissuade" => "dissuad",
+              "dissuaded" => "dissuad",
+              "dissuasions" => "dissuas",
+              "distanc" => "distanc",
+              "distance" => "distanc",
+              "distanced" => "distanc",
+              "distances" => "distanc",
+              "distant" => "distant",
+              "distantly" => "distant",
+              "distaste" => "distast",
+              "distasteful" => "distast",
+              "distempered" => "distemp",
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+              "distending" => "distend",
+              "distilled" => "distil",
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+              "distinguish" => "distinguish",
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+              "distinguishes" => "distinguish",
+              "distinguishing" => "distinguish",
+              "distinguons" => "distinguon",
+              "distort" => "distort",
+              "distorted" => "distort",
+              "distortion" => "distort",
+              "distortions" => "distort",
+              "distract" => "distract",
+              "distracted" => "distract",
+              "distractedly" => "distract",
+              "distracting" => "distract",
+              "distraction" => "distract",
+              "distracts" => "distract",
+              "distraught" => "distraught",
+              "distress" => "distress",
+              "distressed" => "distress",
+              "distresses" => "distress",
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+              "distressfully" => "distress",
+              "distressing" => "distress",
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+              "distributed" => "distribut",
+              "distributing" => "distribut",
+              "distribution" => "distribut",
+              "district" => "district",
+              "districts" => "district",
+              "distrust" => "distrust",
+              "distrusted" => "distrust",
+              "distrustful" => "distrust",
+              "distrustfully" => "distrust",
+              "disturb" => "disturb",
+              "disturbance" => "disturb",
+              "disturbances" => "disturb",
+              "disturbed" => "disturb",
+              "disturbing" => "disturb",
+              "disturbs" => "disturb",
+              "disused" => "disus",
+              "ditch" => "ditch",
+              "ditches" => "ditch",
+              "ditching" => "ditch",
+              "ditties" => "ditti",
+              "ditto" => "ditto",
+              "ditty" => "ditti",
+              "diurnal" => "diurnal",
+              "divan" => "divan",
+              "dive" => "dive",
+              "dived" => "dive",
+              "diver" => "diver",
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+              "diverged" => "diverg",
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+              "diverging" => "diverg",
+              "divers" => "diver",
+              "diverse" => "divers",
+              "diversified" => "diversifi",
+              "diversifying" => "diversifi",
+              "diversion" => "divers",
+              "diversions" => "divers",
+              "diversity" => "divers",
+              "divert" => "divert",
+              "diverted" => "divert",
+              "diverting" => "divert",
+              "dives" => "dive",
+              "divest" => "divest",
+              "divested" => "divest",
+              "divesting" => "divest",
+              "divide" => "divid",
+              "divided" => "divid",
+              "dividend" => "dividend",
+              "divides" => "divid",
+              "dividing" => "divid",
+              "divine" => "divin",
+              "divined" => "divin",
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+              "divining" => "divin",
+              "divinities" => "divin",
+              "divinity" => "divin",
+              "divisio" => "divisio",
+              "division" => "divis",
+              "divisions" => "divis",
+              "divn" => "divn",
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+              "divorced" => "divorc",
+              "divulge" => "divulg",
+              "divulges" => "divulg",
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+              "dizzy" => "dizzi",
+              "dmitri" => "dmitri",
+              "do" => "do",
+              "doant" => "doant",
+              "dobrizhoffen" => "dobrizhoffen",
+              "dobrizhoffer" => "dobrizhoff",
+              "docile" => "docil",
+              "dock" => "dock",
+              "docks" => "dock",
+              "dockyard" => "dockyard",
+              "dockyards" => "dockyard",
+              "doctor" => "doctor",
+              "doctoring" => "doctor",
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+              "documentary" => "documentari",
+              "documents" => "document",
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+              "dodo" => "dodo",
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+              "dogs" => "dog",
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+              "doing" => "do",
+              "doings" => "do",
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+              "dollar" => "dollar",
+              "dollars" => "dollar",
+              "dolls" => "doll",
+              "dolly" => "dolli",
+              "dolorous" => "dolor",
+              "dolt" => "dolt",
+              "dom" => "dom",
+              "domain" => "domain",
+              "domains" => "domain",
+              "dome" => "dome",
+              "domestic" => "domest",
+              "domesticated" => "domest",
+              "domestication" => "domest",
+              "domestics" => "domest",
+              "domiciled" => "domicil",
+              "domidor" => "domidor",
+              "domidors" => "domidor",
+              "dominant" => "domin",
+              "domination" => "domin",
+              "domineer" => "domin",
+              "domineered" => "domin",
+              "domineering" => "domin",
+              "domingo" => "domingo",
+              "dominion" => "dominion",
+              "dominions" => "dominion",
+              "domino" => "domino",
+              "domo" => "domo",
+              "don" => "don",
+              "donatia" => "donatia",
+              "donation" => "donat",
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+              "donkeys" => "donkey",
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+              "donny" => "donni",
+              "donnys" => "donni",
+              "dont" => "dont",
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+              "dooced" => "dooc",
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+              "doodleites" => "doodleit",
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+              "doomed" => "doom",
+              "dooms" => "doom",
+              "doomsday" => "doomsday",
+              "doon" => "doon",
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+              "door" => "door",
+              "doorkeeper" => "doorkeep",
+              "doors" => "door",
+              "doorway" => "doorway",
+              "doorways" => "doorway",
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+              "doris" => "dori",
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+              "dormitory" => "dormitori",
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+              "dosed" => "dose",
+              "doses" => "dose",
+              "dost" => "dost",
+              "dostoevsky" => "dostoevski",
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+              "doth" => "doth",
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+              "dothebys" => "dothebi",
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+              "dots" => "dot",
+              "dotted" => "dot",
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+              "doubled" => "doubl",
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+              "doubly" => "doubli",
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+              "doubtfully" => "doubt",
+              "doubting" => "doubt",
+              "doubtingly" => "doubt",
+              "doubtless" => "doubtless",
+              "doubts" => "doubt",
+              "douches" => "douch",
+              "douglas" => "dougla",
+              "dounia" => "dounia",
+              "dourov" => "dourov",
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+              "dover" => "dover",
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+              "downy" => "downi",
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+              "dozes" => "doze",
+              "dozing" => "doze",
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+              "dra" => "dra",
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+              "drabs" => "drab",
+              "draft" => "draft",
+              "drafts" => "draft",
+              "drag" => "drag",
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+              "dragging" => "drag",
+              "draggled" => "draggl",
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+              "drains" => "drain",
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+              "drap" => "drap",
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+              "drapery" => "draperi",
+              "drat" => "drat",
+              "draught" => "draught",
+              "draughts" => "draught",
+              "draughtsman" => "draughtsman",
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+              "drawback" => "drawback",
+              "drawbacks" => "drawback",
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+              "drawed" => "draw",
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+              "drawers" => "drawer",
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+              "drawings" => "draw",
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+              "drawls" => "drawl",
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+              "dreadfully" => "dread",
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+              "dreamed" => "dream",
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+              "dreamily" => "dreamili",
+              "dreaminess" => "dreami",
+              "dreaming" => "dream",
+              "dreamings" => "dream",
+              "dreams" => "dream",
+              "dreamt" => "dreamt",
+              "dreamy" => "dreami",
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+              "drifte" => "drift",
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+              "drifting" => "drift",
+              "drifts" => "drift",
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+              "drinks" => "drink",
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+              "dripping" => "drip",
+              "drips" => "drip",
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+              "drivers" => "driver",
+              "drives" => "drive",
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+              "drizzling" => "drizzl",
+              "drizzly" => "drizzli",
+              "dro" => "dro",
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+              "drooping" => "droop",
+              "droops" => "droop",
+              "drop" => "drop",
+              "droppe" => "dropp",
+              "dropped" => "drop",
+              "dropping" => "drop",
+              "droppings" => "drop",
+              "drops" => "drop",
+              "dropsy" => "dropsi",
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+              "drove" => "drove",
+              "drover" => "drover",
+              "drovers" => "drover",
+              "droves" => "drove",
+              "drown" => "drown",
+              "drownded" => "drownd",
+              "drowned" => "drown",
+              "drowning" => "drown",
+              "drowsily" => "drowsili",
+              "drowsiness" => "drowsi",
+              "drowsy" => "drowsi",
+              "drubbing" => "drub",
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+              "drudgery" => "drudgeri",
+              "drudges" => "drudg",
+              "drugs" => "drug",
+              "druidical" => "druidic",
+              "drum" => "drum",
+              "drummer" => "drummer",
+              "drummers" => "drummer",
+              "drummond" => "drummond",
+              "drummonds" => "drummond",
+              "drums" => "drum",
+              "drunk" => "drunk",
+              "drunkard" => "drunkard",
+              "drunkards" => "drunkard",
+              "drunken" => "drunken",
+              "drunkenness" => "drunken",
+              "drury" => "druri",
+              "dry" => "dri",
+              "dryer" => "dryer",
+              "drying" => "dri",
+              "dryly" => "dryli",
+              "dryness" => "dryness",
+              "dst" => "dst",
+              "du" => "du",
+              "dubious" => "dubious",
+              "dublin" => "dublin",
+              "ducal" => "ducal",
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+              "duchesses" => "duchess",
+              "duchy" => "duchi",
+              "duck" => "duck",
+              "ducking" => "duck",
+              "ducklings" => "duckl",
+              "ducks" => "duck",
+              "duclida" => "duclida",
+              "dudgeon" => "dudgeon",
+              "due" => "due",
+              "duel" => "duel",
+              "duenna" => "duenna",
+              "dues" => "due",
+              "duets" => "duet",
+              "duffer" => "duffer",
+              "duffy" => "duffi",
+              "dug" => "dug",
+              "dugong" => "dugong",
+              "duke" => "duke",
+              "dukedom" => "dukedom",
+              "dukes" => "duke",
+              "dulcet" => "dulcet",
+              "dull" => "dull",
+              "dullards" => "dullard",
+              "duller" => "duller",
+              "dullest" => "dullest",
+              "dullish" => "dullish",
+              "dullness" => "dull",
+              "dully" => "dulli",
+              "dulness" => "dul",
+              "dulwich" => "dulwich",
+              "duly" => "duli",
+              "dumb" => "dumb",
+              "dumbbell" => "dumbbel",
+              "dumbfounded" => "dumbfound",
+              "dumbfoundered" => "dumbfound",
+              "dumbly" => "dumbl",
+              "dummy" => "dummi",
+              "dumpling" => "dumpl",
+              "dun" => "dun",
+              "duncan" => "duncan",
+              "dunes" => "dune",
+              "dung" => "dung",
+              "dungeon" => "dungeon",
+              "dungeons" => "dungeon",
+              "dunghill" => "dunghil",
+              "dunheved" => "dunhev",
+              "dunlops" => "dunlop",
+              "duns" => "dun",
+              "duodecimos" => "duodecimo",
+              "duodenum" => "duodenum",
+              "dupe" => "dupe",
+              "duped" => "dupe",
+              "duping" => "dupe",
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+              "duplicates" => "duplic",
+              "duplicity" => "duplic",
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+              "duratio" => "duratio",
+              "duration" => "durat",
+              "durden" => "durden",
+              "durer" => "durer",
+              "durham" => "durham",
+              "during" => "dure",
+              "dursn" => "dursn",
+              "durst" => "durst",
+              "durstn" => "durstn",
+              "dushkin" => "dushkin",
+              "dusk" => "dusk",
+              "duskier" => "duskier",
+              "dusky" => "duski",
+              "dussauts" => "dussaut",
+              "dust" => "dust",
+              "dusted" => "dust",
+              "duster" => "duster",
+              "dustier" => "dustier",
+              "dusting" => "dust",
+              "dustman" => "dustman",
+              "dustn" => "dustn",
+              "dusty" => "dusti",
+              "dutch" => "dutch",
+              "dutchman" => "dutchman",
+              "duties" => "duti",
+              "dutiful" => "duti",
+              "dutifully" => "duti",
+              "duty" => "duti",
+              "dwarf" => "dwarf",
+              "dwell" => "dwell",
+              "dweller" => "dweller",
+              "dwelling" => "dwell",
+              "dwellings" => "dwell",
+              "dwells" => "dwell",
+              "dwelt" => "dwelt",
+              "dwindled" => "dwindl",
+              "dwindling" => "dwindl",
+              "dy" => "dy",
+              "dye" => "dye",
+              "dyed" => "dy",
+              "dyer" => "dyer",
+              "dyes" => "dye",
+              "dying" => "die",
+              "dykes" => "dyke",
+              "dynasty" => "dynasti",
+              "dysentery" => "dysenteri",
+              "e" => "e",
+              "each" => "each",
+              "ead" => "ead",
+              "eager" => "eager",
+              "eagerly" => "eager",
+              "eagerness" => "eager",
+              "eagle" => "eagl",
+              "eagles" => "eagl",
+              "ealthiest" => "ealthiest",
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+              "eard" => "eard",
+              "eared" => "ear",
+              "earings" => "ear",
+              "earl" => "earl",
+              "earlier" => "earlier",
+              "earliest" => "earliest",
+              "earls" => "earl",
+              "early" => "earli",
+              "earlybird" => "earlybird",
+              "earn" => "earn",
+              "earned" => "earn",
+              "earnest" => "earnest",
+              "earnestly" => "earnest",
+              "earnestness" => "earnest",
+              "earning" => "earn",
+              "earnings" => "earn",
+              "earring" => "earring",
+              "earrings" => "earring",
+              "ears" => "ear",
+              "eart" => "eart",
+              "earth" => "earth",
+              "earthen" => "earthen",
+              "earthenware" => "earthenwar",
+              "earthly" => "earth",
+              "earthquake" => "earthquak",
+              "earthquakes" => "earthquak",
+              "earths" => "earth",
+              "earthy" => "earthi",
+              "earwigs" => "earwig",
+              "eas" => "ea",
+              "ease" => "eas",
+              "eased" => "eas",
+              "easier" => "easier",
+              "easiest" => "easiest",
+              "easily" => "easili",
+              "easiness" => "easi",
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+              "easter" => "easter",
+              "easterly" => "easter",
+              "eastern" => "eastern",
+              "eastward" => "eastward",
+              "eastwards" => "eastward",
+              "easy" => "easi",
+              "eat" => "eat",
+              "eatable" => "eatabl",
+              "eatables" => "eatabl",
+              "eaten" => "eaten",
+              "eater" => "eater",
+              "eaters" => "eater",
+              "eating" => "eat",
+              "eats" => "eat",
+              "eau" => "eau",
+              "eaves" => "eav",
+              "ebb" => "ebb",
+              "ebbed" => "eb",
+              "ebbing" => "eb",
+              "ebullitions" => "ebullit",
+              "eccentric" => "eccentr",
+              "eccentricities" => "eccentr",
+              "eccentricity" => "eccentr",
+              "ecclesiastical" => "ecclesiast",
+              "ech" => "ech",
+              "echo" => "echo",
+              "echoed" => "echo",
+              "echoes" => "echo",
+              "echoing" => "echo",
+              "echoings" => "echo",
+              "eclipse" => "eclips",
+              "eclipsed" => "eclips",
+              "ecod" => "ecod",
+              "economic" => "econom",
+              "economical" => "econom",
+              "economically" => "econom",
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+              "economize" => "econom",
+              "economizing" => "econom",
+              "economy" => "economi",
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+              "ecstasy" => "ecstasi",
+              "ecstatic" => "ecstat",
+              "ecstatically" => "ecstat",
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+              "eddying" => "eddi",
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+              "edged" => "edg",
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+              "edgeways" => "edgeway",
+              "edging" => "edg",
+              "edible" => "edibl",
+              "edict" => "edict",
+              "edification" => "edif",
+              "edifice" => "edific",
+              "edifices" => "edific",
+              "edified" => "edifi",
+              "edify" => "edifi",
+              "edifying" => "edifi",
+              "edin" => "edin",
+              "edinburgh" => "edinburgh",
+              "edition" => "edit",
+              "editor" => "editor",
+              "editors" => "editor",
+              "educate" => "educ",
+              "educated" => "educ",
+              "educating" => "educ",
+              "education" => "educ",
+              "educational" => "educ",
+              "educator" => "educ",
+              "edusa" => "edusa",
+              "edward" => "edward",
+              "edwards" => "edward",
+              "edwin" => "edwin",
+              "ee" => "ee",
+              "eel" => "eel",
+              "eels" => "eel",
+              "ees" => "ee",
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+              "effaceable" => "effac",
+              "effect" => "effect",
+              "effected" => "effect",
+              "effecting" => "effect",
+              "effective" => "effect",
+              "effectiveness" => "effect",
+              "effects" => "effect",
+              "effectual" => "effectu",
+              "effectually" => "effectu",
+              "effeminate" => "effemin",
+              "effervescence" => "effervesc",
+              "effervescent" => "effervesc",
+              "effets" => "effet",
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+              "efficacy" => "efficaci",
+              "efficiency" => "effici",
+              "efficient" => "effici",
+              "effigy" => "effigi",
+              "effloresce" => "effloresc",
+              "efflorescence" => "effloresc",
+              "effluvia" => "effluvia",
+              "effluvium" => "effluvium",
+              "effort" => "effort",
+              "efforts" => "effort",
+              "effrontery" => "effronteri",
+              "effulgence" => "effulg",
+              "effusion" => "effus",
+              "effusions" => "effus",
+              "efther" => "efther",
+              "egad" => "egad",
+              "egbert" => "egbert",
+              "egg" => "egg",
+              "eggs" => "egg",
+              "eggshells" => "eggshel",
+              "eghert" => "eghert",
+              "eglantine" => "eglantin",
+              "egoist" => "egoist",
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+              "egregiously" => "egregi",
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+              "egrets" => "egret",
+              "egypt" => "egypt",
+              "egyptian" => "egyptian",
+              "egyptians" => "egyptian",
+              "eh" => "eh",
+              "ehrenberg" => "ehrenberg",
+              "eight" => "eight",
+              "eighteen" => "eighteen",
+              "eighteenpence" => "eighteenp",
+              "eighteenpences" => "eighteenp",
+              "eighteenpenny" => "eighteenpenni",
+              "eighth" => "eighth",
+              "eighthly" => "eighth",
+              "eighths" => "eighth",
+              "eightpence" => "eightpenc",
+              "eighty" => "eighti",
+              "eimeo" => "eimeo",
+              "eine" => "ein",
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+              "ejaculations" => "ejacul",
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+              "ejected" => "eject",
+              "ejecting" => "eject",
+              "ekaterininsky" => "ekaterininski",
+              "eke" => "eke",
+              "eked" => "eke",
+              "eking" => "eke",
+              "el" => "el",
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+              "elaborated" => "elabor",
+              "elaboration" => "elabor",
+              "elan" => "elan",
+              "elapse" => "elaps",
+              "elapsed" => "elaps",
+              "elapses" => "elaps",
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+              "elasticity" => "elast",
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+              "elater" => "elat",
+              "elateridae" => "elaterida",
+              "elaters" => "elat",
+              "elation" => "elat",
+              "elber" => "elber",
+              "elbers" => "elber",
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+              "electing" => "elect",
+              "election" => "elect",
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+              "elections" => "elect",
+              "elector" => "elector",
+              "electors" => "elector",
+              "electric" => "electr",
+              "electrical" => "electr",
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+              "elegantly" => "eleg",
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+              "elementary" => "elementari",
+              "elements" => "element",
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+              "elephants" => "eleph",
+              "elevate" => "elev",
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+              "eleventh" => "eleventh",
+              "elewated" => "elew",
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+              "elfin" => "elfin",
+              "elgble" => "elgbl",
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+              "elicited" => "elicit",
+              "eliciting" => "elicit",
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+              "elite" => "elit",
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+              "elle" => "ell",
+              "ellen" => "ellen",
+              "elles" => "ell",
+              "ellesmere" => "ellesmer",
+              "elliptic" => "ellipt",
+              "ellis" => "elli",
+              "ellore" => "ellor",
+              "elm" => "elm",
+              "elmo" => "elmo",
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+              "eloped" => "elop",
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+              "eloquence" => "eloqu",
+              "eloquent" => "eloqu",
+              "eloquently" => "eloqu",
+              "elscholchias" => "elscholchia",
+              "elsdale" => "elsdal",
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+              "elucidated" => "elucid",
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+              "emanating" => "eman",
+              "emanation" => "eman",
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+              "emancipation" => "emancip",
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+              "emasculate" => "emascul",
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+              "embankments" => "embank",
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+              "embargo" => "embargo",
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+              "embellishments" => "embellish",
+              "ember" => "ember",
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+              "embitter" => "embitt",
+              "embittered" => "embitt",
+              "emblazoned" => "emblazon",
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+              "embodiment" => "embodi",
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+              "emboldens" => "embolden",
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+              "embraced" => "embrac",
+              "embracer" => "embrac",
+              "embraces" => "embrac",
+              "embracing" => "embrac",
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+              "embroidering" => "embroid",
+              "embroiders" => "embroid",
+              "embroidery" => "embroideri",
+              "embroil" => "embroil",
+              "embryo" => "embryo",
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+              "emerged" => "emerg",
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+              "emerging" => "emerg",
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+              "emigrated" => "emigr",
+              "emigration" => "emigr",
+              "emilia" => "emilia",
+              "emily" => "emili",
+              "eminence" => "emin",
+              "eminent" => "emin",
+              "eminently" => "emin",
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+              "emits" => "emit",
+              "emitted" => "emit",
+              "emitting" => "emit",
+              "emma" => "emma",
+              "emollient" => "emolli",
+              "emoluments" => "emolu",
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+              "emphatically" => "emphat",
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+              "employment" => "employ",
+              "employments" => "employ",
+              "employs" => "employ",
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+              "emporiums" => "emporium",
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+              "empowered" => "empow",
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+              "emptying" => "empti",
+              "emu" => "emu",
+              "emulation" => "emul",
+              "emus" => "emus",
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+              "encroachments" => "encroach",
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+              "encumbering" => "encumb",
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+              "entangled" => "entangl",
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+              "entered" => "enter",
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+              "entomostraca" => "entomostraca",
+              "entomostracous" => "entomostrac",
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+              "entrances" => "entranc",
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+              "entrapped" => "entrap",
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+              "envelops" => "envelop",
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+              "ere" => "ere",
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+              "erects" => "erect",
+              "erichson" => "erichson",
+              "erle" => "erl",
+              "erme" => "erm",
+              "ermine" => "ermin",
+              "erosio" => "erosio",
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+              "errands" => "errand",
+              "erratic" => "errat",
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+              "erring" => "er",
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+              "errors" => "error",
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+              "erstan" => "erstan",
+              "eructans" => "eructan",
+              "erudite" => "erudit",
+              "erudition" => "erudit",
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+              "eruption" => "erupt",
+              "eruptions" => "erupt",
+              "eruptive" => "erupt",
+              "eryngium" => "eryngium",
+              "erysipelas" => "erysipela",
+              "erythraeum" => "erythraeum",
+              "es" => "es",
+              "escape" => "escap",
+              "escaped" => "escap",
+              "escapes" => "escap",
+              "escaping" => "escap",
+              "escarpment" => "escarp",
+              "escarpments" => "escarp",
+              "eschara" => "eschara",
+              "escheated" => "escheat",
+              "escort" => "escort",
+              "escorted" => "escort",
+              "escorting" => "escort",
+              "esculentus" => "esculentus",
+              "escutcheons" => "escutcheon",
+              "esk" => "esk",
+              "espagne" => "espagn",
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+              "espoused" => "espous",
+              "esprit" => "esprit",
+              "esq" => "esq",
+              "esquimau" => "esquimau",
+              "esquire" => "esquir",
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+              "essayed" => "essay",
+              "essays" => "essay",
+              "esse" => "ess",
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+              "essentially" => "essenti",
+              "essentials" => "essenti",
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+              "esthers" => "esther",
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+              "estimate" => "estim",
+              "estimated" => "estim",
+              "estimates" => "estim",
+              "estimating" => "estim",
+              "estimation" => "estim",
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+              "estranging" => "estrang",
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+              "estuary" => "estuari",
+              "et" => "et",
+              "etage" => "etag",
+              "etc" => "etc",
+              "ete" => "ete",
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+              "eternally" => "etern",
+              "eternelle" => "eternell",
+              "eternity" => "etern",
+              "etes" => "ete",
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+              "etiquettes" => "etiquett",
+              "etna" => "etna",
+              "eton" => "eton",
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+              "etymology" => "etymolog",
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+              "europeans" => "european",
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+              "euston" => "euston",
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+              "evergreens" => "evergreen",
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+              "everlastingly" => "everlast",
+              "evermore" => "evermor",
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+              "everyone" => "everyon",
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+              "execrating" => "execr",
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+              "exhaled" => "exhal",
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+              "exhibiting" => "exhibit",
+              "exhibition" => "exhibit",
+              "exhibitions" => "exhibit",
+              "exhibits" => "exhibit",
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+              "exhilaration" => "exhilar",
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+              "exhortation" => "exhort",
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+              "exhorts" => "exhort",
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+              "expostulation" => "expostul",
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+              "extenuation" => "extenu",
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+              "exterminating" => "extermin",
+              "extermination" => "extermin",
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+              "extraction" => "extract",
+              "extracts" => "extract",
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+              "exultingly" => "exult",
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+              "eyre" => "eyr",
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+              "facility" => "facil",
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+              "facings" => "face",
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+              "faculty" => "faculti",
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+              "fades" => "fade",
+              "fading" => "fade",
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+              "fagus" => "fagus",
+              "fah" => "fah",
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+              "failed" => "fail",
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+              "fails" => "fail",
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+              "failures" => "failur",
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+              "fairy" => "fairi",
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+              "faithfully" => "faith",
+              "faithfulness" => "faith",
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+              "falklands" => "falkland",
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+              "fallen" => "fallen",
+              "fallible" => "fallibl",
+              "fallin" => "fallin",
+              "falling" => "fall",
+              "falls" => "fall",
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+              "falters" => "falter",
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+              "ferdy" => "ferdi",
+              "ferguson" => "ferguson",
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+              "fermentable" => "ferment",
+              "fermenting" => "ferment",
+              "fern" => "fern",
+              "fernal" => "fernal",
+              "fernandez" => "fernandez",
+              "fernando" => "fernando",
+              "fernery" => "ferneri",
+              "ferns" => "fern",
+              "ferocious" => "feroci",
+              "ferociously" => "feroci",
+              "ferocity" => "feroc",
+              "feronia" => "feronia",
+              "ferret" => "ferret",
+              "ferreted" => "ferret",
+              "ferried" => "ferri",
+              "ferruginous" => "ferrugin",
+              "ferrule" => "ferrul",
+              "ferry" => "ferri",
+              "fertile" => "fertil",
+              "fertility" => "fertil",
+              "fertilizing" => "fertil",
+              "ferule" => "ferul",
+              "fervency" => "fervenc",
+              "fervent" => "fervent",
+              "fervently" => "fervent",
+              "fervid" => "fervid",
+              "fervour" => "fervour",
+              "fester" => "fester",
+              "festering" => "fester",
+              "festival" => "festiv",
+              "festivals" => "festiv",
+              "festive" => "festiv",
+              "festivities" => "festiv",
+              "festivity" => "festiv",
+              "festoon" => "festoon",
+              "festoons" => "festoon",
+              "fetch" => "fetch",
+              "fetched" => "fetch",
+              "fetches" => "fetch",
+              "fetching" => "fetch",
+              "feted" => "fete",
+              "fetid" => "fetid",
+              "fetlock" => "fetlock",
+              "fetlocks" => "fetlock",
+              "fetters" => "fetter",
+              "feud" => "feud",
+              "feudal" => "feudal",
+              "feury" => "feuri",
+              "fever" => "fever",
+              "fevered" => "fever",
+              "feverish" => "feverish",
+              "feverishly" => "feverish",
+              "feverishness" => "feverish",
+              "fevers" => "fever",
+              "few" => "few",
+              "fewer" => "fewer",
+              "fewest" => "fewest",
+              "fewness" => "few",
+              "feyther" => "feyther",
+              "feythers" => "feyther",
+              "fiance" => "fianc",
+              "fiancee" => "fiance",
+              "fiat" => "fiat",
+              "fib" => "fib",
+              "fibbing" => "fib",
+              "fibre" => "fibr",
+              "fibres" => "fibr",
+              "fibrous" => "fibrous",
+              "fibs" => "fib",
+              "fichy" => "fichi",
+              "fickle" => "fickl",
+              "fickleness" => "fickl",
+              "fico" => "fico",
+              "fiction" => "fiction",
+              "fictions" => "fiction",
+              "fictitious" => "fictiti",
+              "fiddle" => "fiddl",
+              "fiddles" => "fiddl",
+              "fiddlesticks" => "fiddlestick",
+              "fide" => "fide",
+              "fidelity" => "fidel",
+              "fidget" => "fidget",
+              "fidgeted" => "fidget",
+              "fidgeting" => "fidget",
+              "fidgett" => "fidgett",
+              "fidgetts" => "fidgett",
+              "fidgety" => "fidgeti",
+              "fie" => "fie",
+              "field" => "field",
+              "fieldfare" => "fieldfar",
+              "fieldingsby" => "fieldingsbi",
+              "fields" => "field",
+              "fiend" => "fiend",
+              "fiendish" => "fiendish",
+              "fierce" => "fierc",
+              "fiercely" => "fierc",
+              "fierceness" => "fierc",
+              "fiercer" => "fiercer",
+              "fiercest" => "fiercest",
+              "fiery" => "fieri",
+              "fife" => "fife",
+              "fifer" => "fifer",
+              "fifteen" => "fifteen",
+              "fifteenth" => "fifteenth",
+              "fifth" => "fifth",
+              "fifthly" => "fifth",
+              "fifths" => "fifth",
+              "fifty" => "fifti",
+              "fig" => "fig",
+              "fight" => "fight",
+              "fighter" => "fighter",
+              "fighting" => "fight",
+              "fights" => "fight",
+              "figment" => "figment",
+              "figs" => "fig",
+              "figuireda" => "figuireda",
+              "figurative" => "figur",
+              "figure" => "figur",
+              "figured" => "figur",
+              "figures" => "figur",
+              "figuring" => "figur",
+              "filamentous" => "filament",
+              "filched" => "filch",
+              "file" => "file",
+              "filed" => "file",
+              "files" => "file",
+              "filial" => "filial",
+              "filigree" => "filigre",
+              "filing" => "file",
+              "filka" => "filka",
+              "fill" => "fill",
+              "fille" => "fill",
+              "filled" => "fill",
+              "fillet" => "fillet",
+              "filling" => "fill",
+              "fillip" => "fillip",
+              "fills" => "fill",
+              "film" => "film",
+              "films" => "film",
+              "filtered" => "filter",
+              "filtering" => "filter",
+              "filth" => "filth",
+              "filthily" => "filthili",
+              "filthiness" => "filthi",
+              "filthy" => "filthi",
+              "fin" => "fin",
+              "final" => "final",
+              "finally" => "final",
+              "finance" => "financ",
+              "finances" => "financ",
+              "financial" => "financi",
+              "finch" => "finch",
+              "finches" => "finch",
+              "find" => "find",
+              "finding" => "find",
+              "finds" => "find",
+              "fine" => "fine",
+              "finely" => "fine",
+              "finer" => "finer",
+              "finery" => "fineri",
+              "finest" => "finest",
+              "finger" => "finger",
+              "fingered" => "finger",
+              "fingerends" => "fingerend",
+              "fingerless" => "fingerless",
+              "fingers" => "finger",
+              "finis" => "fini",
+              "finish" => "finish",
+              "finished" => "finish",
+              "finishes" => "finish",
+              "finishing" => "finish",
+              "finlshed" => "finlsh",
+              "finn" => "finn",
+              "finnish" => "finnish",
+              "fins" => "fin",
+              "finsbury" => "finsburi",
+              "fiord" => "fiord",
+              "fir" => "fir",
+              "fire" => "fire",
+              "firearms" => "firearm",
+              "firebrand" => "firebrand",
+              "fired" => "fire",
+              "fireflies" => "firefli",
+              "firelight" => "firelight",
+              "fireman" => "fireman",
+              "fireplace" => "fireplac",
+              "fires" => "fire",
+              "fireside" => "firesid",
+              "firesides" => "firesid",
+              "firewood" => "firewood",
+              "firework" => "firework",
+              "fireworks" => "firework",
+              "firing" => "fire",
+              "firm" => "firm",
+              "firma" => "firma",
+              "firmament" => "firmament",
+              "firmaments" => "firmament",
+              "firmer" => "firmer",
+              "firmest" => "firmest",
+              "firmly" => "firm",
+              "firmness" => "firm",
+              "firs" => "fir",
+              "first" => "first",
+              "firstborn" => "firstborn",
+              "firstly" => "first",
+              "fis" => "fis",
+              "fiscal" => "fiscal",
+              "fish" => "fish",
+              "fished" => "fish",
+              "fisherman" => "fisherman",
+              "fishermen" => "fishermen",
+              "fishes" => "fish",
+              "fishing" => "fish",
+              "fishmonger" => "fishmong",
+              "fissure" => "fissur",
+              "fissured" => "fissur",
+              "fissurella" => "fissurella",
+              "fissurellae" => "fissurella",
+              "fissures" => "fissur",
+              "fist" => "fist",
+              "fisted" => "fist",
+              "fists" => "fist",
+              "fit" => "fit",
+              "fitful" => "fit",
+              "fitfully" => "fit",
+              "fitly" => "fit",
+              "fitness" => "fit",
+              "fitnesses" => "fit",
+              "fits" => "fit",
+              "fitted" => "fit",
+              "fitter" => "fitter",
+              "fittest" => "fittest",
+              "fitting" => "fit",
+              "fittings" => "fit",
+              "fitz" => "fitz",
+              "fitzgibbon" => "fitzgibbon",
+              "fitzgibbons" => "fitzgibbon",
+              "fitzhugh" => "fitzhugh",
+              "fitzroy" => "fitzroy",
+              "five" => "five",
+              "fiver" => "fiver",
+              "fives" => "five",
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+              "fixedly" => "fix",
+              "fixes" => "fix",
+              "fixing" => "fix",
+              "fixity" => "fixiti",
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+              "fixtures" => "fixtur",
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+              "flabby" => "flabbi",
+              "flabella" => "flabella",
+              "flaco" => "flaco",
+              "flag" => "flag",
+              "flagellation" => "flagel",
+              "flagellator" => "flagel",
+              "flagged" => "flag",
+              "flagging" => "flag",
+              "flagrant" => "flagrant",
+              "flagrantly" => "flagrant",
+              "flags" => "flag",
+              "flagstaff" => "flagstaff",
+              "flake" => "flake",
+              "flakes" => "flake",
+              "flambeaux" => "flambeaux",
+              "flame" => "flame",
+              "flames" => "flame",
+              "flaming" => "flame",
+              "flamingoes" => "flamingo",
+              "flank" => "flank",
+              "flanked" => "flank",
+              "flanks" => "flank",
+              "flannel" => "flannel",
+              "flap" => "flap",
+              "flapped" => "flap",
+              "flapping" => "flap",
+              "flaps" => "flap",
+              "flare" => "flare",
+              "flares" => "flare",
+              "flaring" => "flare",
+              "flash" => "flash",
+              "flashed" => "flash",
+              "flashes" => "flash",
+              "flashing" => "flash",
+              "flashy" => "flashi",
+              "flask" => "flask",
+              "flat" => "flat",
+              "flatly" => "flat",
+              "flatness" => "flat",
+              "flats" => "flat",
+              "flattened" => "flatten",
+              "flattening" => "flatten",
+              "flatter" => "flatter",
+              "flattered" => "flatter",
+              "flatterer" => "flatter",
+              "flatterers" => "flatter",
+              "flattering" => "flatter",
+              "flatters" => "flatter",
+              "flattery" => "flatteri",
+              "flattest" => "flattest",
+              "flattish" => "flattish",
+              "flavor" => "flavor",
+              "flavour" => "flavour",
+              "flavoured" => "flavour",
+              "flaw" => "flaw",
+              "flawed" => "flaw",
+              "flaws" => "flaw",
+              "flax" => "flax",
+              "flaxen" => "flaxen",
+              "flaying" => "flay",
+              "flea" => "flea",
+              "fleas" => "flea",
+              "fleck" => "fleck",
+              "flecked" => "fleck",
+              "fled" => "fled",
+              "fledged" => "fledg",
+              "fledgling" => "fledgl",
+              "fledglings" => "fledgl",
+              "flee" => "flee",
+              "fleece" => "fleec",
+              "fleecy" => "fleeci",
+              "fleet" => "fleet",
+              "fleeting" => "fleet",
+              "fleetingly" => "fleet",
+              "flemish" => "flemish",
+              "fler" => "fler",
+              "flesh" => "flesh",
+              "fleshing" => "flesh",
+              "fleshly" => "flesh",
+              "fleshy" => "fleshi",
+              "fletcher" => "fletcher",
+              "fletcherites" => "fletcherit",
+              "fletchers" => "fletcher",
+              "flew" => "flew",
+              "flexibility" => "flexibl",
+              "flexible" => "flexibl",
+              "flexure" => "flexur",
+              "flickering" => "flicker",
+              "flickers" => "flicker",
+              "flicking" => "flick",
+              "flier" => "flier",
+              "flies" => "fli",
+              "flight" => "flight",
+              "flights" => "flight",
+              "flighty" => "flighti",
+              "flinch" => "flinch",
+              "flinching" => "flinch",
+              "flinder" => "flinder",
+              "flinders" => "flinder",
+              "fling" => "fling",
+              "flinging" => "fling",
+              "flings" => "fling",
+              "flint" => "flint",
+              "flinty" => "flinti",
+              "flippant" => "flippant",
+              "flipping" => "flip",
+              "flirt" => "flirt",
+              "flirtation" => "flirtat",
+              "flirtations" => "flirtat",
+              "flirted" => "flirt",
+              "flirting" => "flirt",
+              "flirts" => "flirt",
+              "flit" => "flit",
+              "flite" => "flite",
+              "flits" => "flit",
+              "flitted" => "flit",
+              "flitting" => "flit",
+              "float" => "float",
+              "floated" => "float",
+              "floating" => "float",
+              "floats" => "float",
+              "flocculent" => "floccul",
+              "flock" => "flock",
+              "flocked" => "flock",
+              "flocking" => "flock",
+              "flocks" => "flock",
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+              "flogged" => "flog",
+              "flogging" => "flog",
+              "flood" => "flood",
+              "flooded" => "flood",
+              "floodgates" => "floodgat",
+              "flooding" => "flood",
+              "floods" => "flood",
+              "floor" => "floor",
+              "floored" => "floor",
+              "flooring" => "floor",
+              "floors" => "floor",
+              "flop" => "flop",
+              "flora" => "flora",
+              "floral" => "floral",
+              "florence" => "florenc",
+              "florian" => "florian",
+              "floriated" => "floriat",
+              "florid" => "florid",
+              "florist" => "florist",
+              "florula" => "florula",
+              "flotilla" => "flotilla",
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+              "flounced" => "flounc",
+              "flounces" => "flounc",
+              "flouncing" => "flounc",
+              "floundered" => "flounder",
+              "floundering" => "flounder",
+              "flour" => "flour",
+              "floured" => "flour",
+              "flourish" => "flourish",
+              "flourished" => "flourish",
+              "flourishes" => "flourish",
+              "flourishing" => "flourish",
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+              "flowed" => "flow",
+              "flower" => "flower",
+              "flowering" => "flower",
+              "flowers" => "flower",
+              "flowing" => "flow",
+              "flown" => "flown",
+              "flows" => "flow",
+              "flrst" => "flrst",
+              "flu" => "flu",
+              "fluctuate" => "fluctuat",
+              "fluctuated" => "fluctuat",
+              "fluctuating" => "fluctuat",
+              "flue" => "flue",
+              "fluent" => "fluent",
+              "fluently" => "fluentli",
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+              "fluggers" => "flugger",
+              "fluid" => "fluid",
+              "fluidified" => "fluidifi",
+              "fluids" => "fluid",
+              "flung" => "flung",
+              "flunkey" => "flunkey",
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+              "flurries" => "flurri",
+              "flurry" => "flurri",
+              "flush" => "flush",
+              "flushed" => "flush",
+              "flushes" => "flush",
+              "flushing" => "flush",
+              "flustered" => "fluster",
+              "flustra" => "flustra",
+              "flustraceae" => "flustracea",
+              "flute" => "flute",
+              "flutes" => "flute",
+              "flutings" => "flute",
+              "flutter" => "flutter",
+              "fluttered" => "flutter",
+              "flutterers" => "flutter",
+              "fluttering" => "flutter",
+              "flutteringiy" => "flutteringiy",
+              "flutters" => "flutter",
+              "fly" => "fli",
+              "flycatcher" => "flycatch",
+              "flycatchers" => "flycatch",
+              "flying" => "fli",
+              "flys" => "flys",
+              "fo" => "fo",
+              "foal" => "foal",
+              "foals" => "foal",
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+              "foaming" => "foam",
+              "fob" => "fob",
+              "focus" => "focus",
+              "fodere" => "foder",
+              "foe" => "foe",
+              "foes" => "foe",
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+              "fogs" => "fog",
+              "fogy" => "fogi",
+              "foh" => "foh",
+              "foibles" => "foibl",
+              "foil" => "foil",
+              "foiled" => "foil",
+              "foind" => "foind",
+              "foinds" => "foind",
+              "folair" => "folair",
+              "fold" => "fold",
+              "folded" => "fold",
+              "folding" => "fold",
+              "folds" => "fold",
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+              "foliage" => "foliag",
+              "folio" => "folio",
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+              "followers" => "follow",
+              "following" => "follow",
+              "follows" => "follow",
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+              "fomitch" => "fomitch",
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+              "fonder" => "fonder",
+              "fondest" => "fondest",
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+              "fondly" => "fond",
+              "fondness" => "fond",
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+              "foo" => "foo",
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+              "foodle" => "foodl",
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+              "fools" => "fool",
+              "foolscap" => "foolscap",
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+              "football" => "footbal",
+              "footboy" => "footboy",
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+              "footman" => "footman",
+              "footmen" => "footmen",
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+              "footprints" => "footprint",
+              "footsore" => "footsor",
+              "footstep" => "footstep",
+              "footsteps" => "footstep",
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+              "footstools" => "footstool",
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+              "footways" => "footway",
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+              "forests" => "forest",
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+              "forgets" => "forget",
+              "forgetting" => "forget",
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+              "forgive" => "forgiv",
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+              "forgotten" => "forgotten",
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+              "forked" => "fork",
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+              "formerly" => "former",
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+              "forsaken" => "forsaken",
+              "forsaking" => "forsak",
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+              "forts" => "fort",
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+              "fortunately" => "fortun",
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+              "fostered" => "foster",
+              "fostering" => "foster",
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+              "fotheringhams" => "fotheringham",
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+              "fountains" => "fountain",
+              "fouque" => "fouqu",
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+              "fox" => "fox",
+              "foxes" => "fox",
+              "foxgloves" => "foxglov",
+              "fra" => "fra",
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+              "fragility" => "fragil",
+              "fragm" => "fragm",
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+              "fragmentary" => "fragmentari",
+              "fragments" => "fragment",
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+              "fragrant" => "fragrant",
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+              "fretting" => "fret",
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+              "fridays" => "friday",
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+              "friths" => "frith",
+              "fritter" => "fritter",
+              "frittered" => "fritter",
+              "frivolities" => "frivol",
+              "frivolity" => "frivol",
+              "frivolous" => "frivol",
+              "frizzling" => "frizzl",
+              "fro" => "fro",
+              "frock" => "frock",
+              "frocks" => "frock",
+              "frog" => "frog",
+              "frogs" => "frog",
+              "frolic" => "frolic",
+              "frolics" => "frolic",
+              "frolicsome" => "frolicsom",
+              "from" => "from",
+              "frond" => "frond",
+              "fronds" => "frond",
+              "front" => "front",
+              "fronte" => "front",
+              "fronted" => "front",
+              "frontier" => "frontier",
+              "fronting" => "front",
+              "frontispiece" => "frontispiec",
+              "fronts" => "front",
+              "frost" => "frost",
+              "frosted" => "frost",
+              "frosts" => "frost",
+              "frosty" => "frosti",
+              "froth" => "froth",
+              "frothed" => "froth",
+              "frothy" => "frothi",
+              "frouzy" => "frouzi",
+              "frown" => "frown",
+              "frowned" => "frown",
+              "frowning" => "frown",
+              "frowns" => "frown",
+              "frowsy" => "frowsi",
+              "froze" => "froze",
+              "frozen" => "frozen",
+              "fructifying" => "fructifi",
+              "frugal" => "frugal",
+              "frugality" => "frugal",
+              "fruit" => "fruit",
+              "fruitful" => "fruit",
+              "fruitless" => "fruitless",
+              "fruitlessly" => "fruitless",
+              "fruits" => "fruit",
+              "frusta" => "frusta",
+              "fry" => "fri",
+              "frying" => "fri",
+              "fuchsia" => "fuchsia",
+              "fucus" => "fucus",
+              "fuddled" => "fuddl",
+              "fuega" => "fuega",
+              "fuegia" => "fuegia",
+              "fuegian" => "fuegian",
+              "fuegians" => "fuegian",
+              "fuego" => "fuego",
+              "fuel" => "fuel",
+              "fuentes" => "fuent",
+              "fuffy" => "fuffi",
+              "fugitive" => "fugit",
+              "fugitives" => "fugit",
+              "fulcrum" => "fulcrum",
+              "fule" => "fule",
+              "fulfil" => "fulfil",
+              "fulfilled" => "fulfil",
+              "fulfilling" => "fulfil",
+              "fulfilment" => "fulfil",
+              "fulgurites" => "fulgurit",
+              "fulils" => "fulil",
+              "full" => "full",
+              "fuller" => "fuller",
+              "fullest" => "fullest",
+              "fullness" => "full",
+              "fully" => "fulli",
+              "fulness" => "ful",
+              "fulvipes" => "fulvip",
+              "fumbled" => "fumbl",
+              "fumbling" => "fumbl",
+              "fume" => "fume",
+              "fumed" => "fume",
+              "fumes" => "fume",
+              "fumigation" => "fumig",
+              "fuming" => "fume",
+              "fun" => "fun",
+              "function" => "function",
+              "functionary" => "functionari",
+              "functions" => "function",
+              "fund" => "fund",
+              "fundamental" => "fundament",
+              "fundamentally" => "fundament",
+              "funds" => "fund",
+              "funebre" => "funebr",
+              "funeral" => "funer",
+              "funerals" => "funer",
+              "funereal" => "funer",
+              "fungi" => "fungi",
+              "fungus" => "fungus",
+              "funk" => "funk",
+              "funnel" => "funnel",
+              "funniest" => "funniest",
+              "funny" => "funni",
+              "fur" => "fur",
+              "furbished" => "furbish",
+              "furder" => "furder",
+              "furies" => "furi",
+              "furious" => "furious",
+              "furiously" => "furious",
+              "furlongs" => "furlong",
+              "furnace" => "furnac",
+              "furnaces" => "furnac",
+              "furnarius" => "furnarius",
+              "furnish" => "furnish",
+              "furnished" => "furnish",
+              "furnishes" => "furnish",
+              "furnishing" => "furnish",
+              "furniter" => "furnit",
+              "furniture" => "furnitur",
+              "furrowed" => "furrow",
+              "furrows" => "furrow",
+              "furry" => "furri",
+              "furs" => "fur",
+              "further" => "further",
+              "furtherance" => "further",
+              "furthermore" => "furthermor",
+              "furthest" => "furthest",
+              "furtive" => "furtiv",
+              "furtively" => "furtiv",
+              "fury" => "furi",
+              "furze" => "furz",
+              "fuse" => "fuse",
+              "fused" => "fuse",
+              "fusibility" => "fusibl",
+              "fuss" => "fuss",
+              "fussily" => "fussili",
+              "fussy" => "fussi",
+              "fust" => "fust",
+              "fustian" => "fustian",
+              "futile" => "futil",
+              "futur" => "futur",
+              "future" => "futur",
+              "futures" => "futur",
+              "fyodor" => "fyodor",
+              "fyodorovna" => "fyodorovna",
+              "fypunnote" => "fypunnot",
+              "g" => "g",
+              "ga" => "ga",
+              "gab" => "gab",
+              "gabble" => "gabbl",
+              "gabbled" => "gabbl",
+              "gable" => "gabl",
+              "gables" => "gabl",
+              "gad" => "gad",
+              "gadfly" => "gadfli",
+              "gadzooks" => "gadzook",
+              "gags" => "gag",
+              "gaieties" => "gaieti",
+              "gaiety" => "gaieti",
+              "gaily" => "gaili",
+              "gaimard" => "gaimard",
+              "gain" => "gain",
+              "gained" => "gain",
+              "gainer" => "gainer",
+              "gaining" => "gain",
+              "gains" => "gain",
+              "gainsaid" => "gainsaid",
+              "gainsay" => "gainsay",
+              "gainsaying" => "gainsay",
+              "gait" => "gait",
+              "gaiters" => "gaiter",
+              "gal" => "gal",
+              "gala" => "gala",
+              "galapageian" => "galapageian",
+              "galapagoensis" => "galapagoensi",
+              "galapagos" => "galapago",
+              "galaxy" => "galaxi",
+              "gale" => "gale",
+              "gales" => "gale",
+              "gall" => "gall",
+              "gallanbile" => "gallanbil",
+              "gallant" => "gallant",
+              "gallantly" => "gallant",
+              "gallantries" => "gallantri",
+              "gallantry" => "gallantri",
+              "gallants" => "gallant",
+              "galled" => "gall",
+              "gallegos" => "gallego",
+              "galleries" => "galleri",
+              "gallery" => "galleri",
+              "galley" => "galley",
+              "galleys" => "galley",
+              "gallinaceous" => "gallinac",
+              "gallinazo" => "gallinazo",
+              "gallinazos" => "gallinazo",
+              "galling" => "gall",
+              "gallivanting" => "galliv",
+              "gallon" => "gallon",
+              "gallons" => "gallon",
+              "gallop" => "gallop",
+              "galloped" => "gallop",
+              "galloping" => "gallop",
+              "gallops" => "gallop",
+              "gallows" => "gallow",
+              "gals" => "gal",
+              "galvanism" => "galvan",
+              "gambier" => "gambier",
+              "gamble" => "gambl",
+              "gambled" => "gambl",
+              "gambler" => "gambler",
+              "gamblers" => "gambler",
+              "gambles" => "gambl",
+              "gambling" => "gambl",
+              "gambolling" => "gambol",
+              "gambrinus" => "gambrinus",
+              "game" => "game",
+              "gamekeepers" => "gamekeep",
+              "games" => "game",
+              "gamester" => "gamest",
+              "gamesters" => "gamest",
+              "gaming" => "game",
+              "gammon" => "gammon",
+              "gammoning" => "gammon",
+              "gamut" => "gamut",
+              "gander" => "gander",
+              "gane" => "gane",
+              "gang" => "gang",
+              "ganges" => "gang",
+              "ganging" => "gang",
+              "ganglion" => "ganglion",
+              "gangs" => "gang",
+              "gangway" => "gangway",
+              "gannet" => "gannet",
+              "gannets" => "gannet",
+              "ganz" => "ganz",
+              "gap" => "gap",
+              "gape" => "gape",
+              "gaped" => "gape",
+              "gapes" => "gape",
+              "gaping" => "gape",
+              "gaps" => "gap",
+              "gar" => "gar",
+              "garb" => "garb",
+              "garbled" => "garbl",
+              "garbs" => "garb",
+              "garde" => "gard",
+              "garden" => "garden",
+              "gardener" => "garden",
+              "gardeners" => "garden",
+              "gardening" => "garden",
+              "gardens" => "garden",
+              "gardner" => "gardner",
+              "gardners" => "gardner",
+              "garish" => "garish",
+              "garland" => "garland",
+              "garlanded" => "garland",
+              "garlands" => "garland",
+              "garment" => "garment",
+              "garments" => "garment",
+              "garnet" => "garnet",
+              "garnett" => "garnett",
+              "garnish" => "garnish",
+              "garnished" => "garnish",
+              "garnishing" => "garnish",
+              "garniture" => "garnitur",
+              "garran" => "garran",
+              "garret" => "garret",
+              "garrets" => "garret",
+              "garrison" => "garrison",
+              "garter" => "garter",
+              "gartered" => "garter",
+              "garters" => "garter",
+              "garth" => "garth",
+              "garthers" => "garther",
+              "gas" => "gas",
+              "gases" => "gase",
+              "gash" => "gash",
+              "gashed" => "gash",
+              "gaslights" => "gaslight",
+              "gasp" => "gasp",
+              "gasped" => "gasp",
+              "gasping" => "gasp",
+              "gaspingly" => "gasp",
+              "gasps" => "gasp",
+              "gate" => "gate",
+              "gates" => "gate",
+              "gateway" => "gateway",
+              "gateways" => "gateway",
+              "gather" => "gather",
+              "gathered" => "gather",
+              "gatherer" => "gather",
+              "gatherers" => "gather",
+              "gathering" => "gather",
+              "gatherings" => "gather",
+              "gatherlng" => "gatherlng",
+              "gathers" => "gather",
+              "gatherum" => "gatherum",
+              "gato" => "gato",
+              "gauch" => "gauch",
+              "gaucho" => "gaucho",
+              "gauchos" => "gaucho",
+              "gaudiest" => "gaudiest",
+              "gaudy" => "gaudi",
+              "gaul" => "gaul",
+              "gaunt" => "gaunt",
+              "gauntlet" => "gauntlet",
+              "gauntlets" => "gauntlet",
+              "gauntly" => "gaunt",
+              "gauze" => "gauz",
+              "gauzy" => "gauzi",
+              "gave" => "gave",
+              "gavia" => "gavia",
+              "gawky" => "gawki",
+              "gay" => "gay",
+              "gayest" => "gayest",
+              "gaze" => "gaze",
+              "gazed" => "gaze",
+              "gazelle" => "gazell",
+              "gazelles" => "gazell",
+              "gazes" => "gaze",
+              "gazette" => "gazett",
+              "gazing" => "gaze",
+              "gazingi" => "gazingi",
+              "gear" => "gear",
+              "geese" => "gees",
+              "geist" => "geist",
+              "gelatinous" => "gelatin",
+              "gem" => "gem",
+              "gemmules" => "gemmul",
+              "gen" => "gen",
+              "gender" => "gender",
+              "genealogical" => "genealog",
+              "genealogist" => "genealogist",
+              "genelman" => "genelman",
+              "genelmen" => "genelmen",
+              "genera" => "genera",
+              "general" => "general",
+              "generalities" => "general",
+              "generality" => "general",
+              "generalization" => "general",
+              "generally" => "general",
+              "generals" => "general",
+              "generalship" => "generalship",
+              "generate" => "generat",
+              "generated" => "generat",
+              "generation" => "generat",
+              "generations" => "generat",
+              "generic" => "generic",
+              "generosity" => "generos",
+              "generous" => "generous",
+              "generously" => "generous",
+              "genesis" => "genesi",
+              "geneva" => "geneva",
+              "genfleman" => "genfleman",
+              "genial" => "genial",
+              "genially" => "genial",
+              "genie" => "geni",
+              "genius" => "genius",
+              "geniuses" => "genius",
+              "genlmen" => "genlmen",
+              "genlmn" => "genlmn",
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+              "genteelest" => "genteelest",
+              "genteelly" => "genteelli",
+              "gentile" => "gentil",
+              "gentility" => "gentil",
+              "gentle" => "gentl",
+              "gentlefolk" => "gentlefolk",
+              "gentlefolks" => "gentlefolk",
+              "gentlema" => "gentlema",
+              "gentleman" => "gentleman",
+              "gentlemanlike" => "gentlemanlik",
+              "gentlemanly" => "gentleman",
+              "gentlemen" => "gentlemen",
+              "gentleness" => "gentl",
+              "gentler" => "gentler",
+              "gentlest" => "gentlest",
+              "gentlewoman" => "gentlewoman",
+              "gently" => "gentl",
+              "gentry" => "gentri",
+              "genuine" => "genuin",
+              "genuinely" => "genuin",
+              "genus" => "genus",
+              "geoffroi" => "geoffroi",
+              "geoffroy" => "geoffroy",
+              "geograph" => "geograph",
+              "geographer" => "geograph",
+              "geographica" => "geographica",
+              "geographical" => "geograph",
+              "geography" => "geographi",
+              "geolog" => "geolog",
+              "geological" => "geolog",
+              "geologically" => "geolog",
+              "geologicas" => "geologica",
+              "geologist" => "geologist",
+              "geologists" => "geologist",
+              "geologize" => "geolog",
+              "geologizing" => "geolog",
+              "geology" => "geolog",
+              "geometrical" => "geometr",
+              "geometry" => "geometri",
+              "george" => "georg",
+              "georges" => "georg",
+              "georgia" => "georgia",
+              "georgina" => "georgina",
+              "geospiza" => "geospiza",
+              "geously" => "geousli",
+              "geraldine" => "geraldin",
+              "geranium" => "geranium",
+              "geraniums" => "geranium",
+              "germ" => "germ",
+              "german" => "german",
+              "germans" => "german",
+              "germany" => "germani",
+              "germinating" => "germin",
+              "germs" => "germ",
+              "gerous" => "gerous",
+              "gervais" => "gervai",
+              "geschichte" => "geschicht",
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+              "gesticulations" => "gesticul",
+              "gesture" => "gestur",
+              "gestures" => "gestur",
+              "get" => "get",
+              "gets" => "get",
+              "getting" => "get",
+              "gettings" => "get",
+              "gewgaws" => "gewgaw",
+              "gha" => "gha",
+              "ghastlier" => "ghastlier",
+              "ghastly" => "ghast",
+              "ghirlandajo" => "ghirlandajo",
+              "ghost" => "ghost",
+              "ghostly" => "ghost",
+              "ghosts" => "ghost",
+              "ght" => "ght",
+              "gi" => "gi",
+              "giant" => "giant",
+              "giants" => "giant",
+              "gibing" => "gibe",
+              "gibraltar" => "gibraltar",
+              "giddily" => "giddili",
+              "giddiness" => "giddi",
+              "giddy" => "giddi",
+              "gift" => "gift",
+              "gifted" => "gift",
+              "gifts" => "gift",
+              "gig" => "gig",
+              "gigantea" => "gigantea",
+              "gigantic" => "gigant",
+              "gigas" => "giga",
+              "giggle" => "giggl",
+              "giggled" => "giggl",
+              "giggles" => "giggl",
+              "giggling" => "giggl",
+              "gild" => "gild",
+              "gilded" => "gild",
+              "gilding" => "gild",
+              "gilds" => "gild",
+              "giles" => "gile",
+              "gill" => "gill",
+              "gillies" => "gilli",
+              "gillingwater" => "gillingwat",
+              "gilt" => "gilt",
+              "gimlet" => "gimlet",
+              "gimlets" => "gimlet",
+              "gin" => "gin",
+              "ginger" => "ginger",
+              "gingerbread" => "gingerbread",
+              "gingery" => "gingeri",
+              "gipsy" => "gipsi",
+              "giraffe" => "giraff",
+              "giraffes" => "giraff",
+              "gird" => "gird",
+              "girdle" => "girdl",
+              "girdled" => "girdl",
+              "girl" => "girl",
+              "girlhood" => "girlhood",
+              "girlish" => "girlish",
+              "girlishly" => "girlish",
+              "girls" => "girl",
+              "girt" => "girt",
+              "girth" => "girth",
+              "girths" => "girth",
+              "gist" => "gist",
+              "git" => "git",
+              "giuseppe" => "giusepp",
+              "giv" => "giv",
+              "give" => "give",
+              "given" => "given",
+              "giver" => "giver",
+              "gives" => "give",
+              "giving" => "give",
+              "gizzard" => "gizzard",
+              "gl" => "gl",
+              "glacier" => "glacier",
+              "glaciers" => "glacier",
+              "glad" => "glad",
+              "gladden" => "gladden",
+              "gladdened" => "gladden",
+              "glades" => "glade",
+              "gladiator" => "gladiat",
+              "gladly" => "glad",
+              "gladness" => "glad",
+              "gladsome" => "gladsom",
+              "gladsomeness" => "gladsom",
+              "glance" => "glanc",
+              "glanced" => "glanc",
+              "glances" => "glanc",
+              "glancing" => "glanc",
+              "glare" => "glare",
+              "glared" => "glare",
+              "glares" => "glare",
+              "glaring" => "glare",
+              "glaringly" => "glare",
+              "glass" => "glass",
+              "glasses" => "glass",
+              "glassful" => "glass",
+              "glassy" => "glassi",
+              "glavormelly" => "glavormelli",
+              "glaze" => "glaze",
+              "glazed" => "glaze",
+              "gleam" => "gleam",
+              "gleamed" => "gleam",
+              "gleaming" => "gleam",
+              "gleams" => "gleam",
+              "glean" => "glean",
+              "gleaned" => "glean",
+              "glee" => "glee",
+              "gleefully" => "gleefulli",
+              "gleesome" => "gleesom",
+              "glen" => "glen",
+              "glencora" => "glencora",
+              "glib" => "glib",
+              "glide" => "glide",
+              "glided" => "glide",
+              "glides" => "glide",
+              "gliding" => "glide",
+              "glimmer" => "glimmer",
+              "glimmered" => "glimmer",
+              "glimmering" => "glimmer",
+              "glimmerings" => "glimmer",
+              "glimpse" => "glimps",
+              "glimpses" => "glimps",
+              "glissez" => "glissez",
+              "glisten" => "glisten",
+              "glistened" => "glisten",
+              "glistening" => "glisten",
+              "glistens" => "glisten",
+              "glitter" => "glitter",
+              "glittered" => "glitter",
+              "glittering" => "glitter",
+              "gloated" => "gloat",
+              "gloating" => "gloat",
+              "globe" => "globe",
+              "globes" => "globe",
+              "globular" => "globular",
+              "globules" => "globul",
+              "glod" => "glod",
+              "gloom" => "gloom",
+              "gloomier" => "gloomier",
+              "gloomily" => "gloomili",
+              "gloominess" => "gloomi",
+              "gloomy" => "gloomi",
+              "gloried" => "glori",
+              "glories" => "glori",
+              "glorious" => "glorious",
+              "glory" => "glori",
+              "glorying" => "glori",
+              "gloss" => "gloss",
+              "glossary" => "glossari",
+              "glossy" => "glossi",
+              "gloucester" => "gloucest",
+              "glove" => "glove",
+              "gloved" => "glove",
+              "gloves" => "glove",
+              "glow" => "glow",
+              "glowed" => "glow",
+              "glowered" => "glower",
+              "glowing" => "glow",
+              "glows" => "glow",
+              "glowworm" => "glowworm",
+              "glowworms" => "glowworm",
+              "glue" => "glue",
+              "glum" => "glum",
+              "glutinous" => "glutin",
+              "glutton" => "glutton",
+              "gluttons" => "glutton",
+              "gnarled" => "gnarl",
+              "gnashed" => "gnash",
+              "gnashing" => "gnash",
+              "gnats" => "gnat",
+              "gnaw" => "gnaw",
+              "gnawed" => "gnaw",
+              "gnawer" => "gnawer",
+              "gnawers" => "gnawer",
+              "gnawing" => "gnaw",
+              "gneiss" => "gneiss",
+              "gnus" => "gnus",
+              "go" => "go",
+              "goa" => "goa",
+              "goad" => "goad",
+              "goaded" => "goad",
+              "goads" => "goad",
+              "goal" => "goal",
+              "goar" => "goar",
+              "goat" => "goat",
+              "goatherd" => "goatherd",
+              "goats" => "goat",
+              "goatskin" => "goatskin",
+              "goatsucker" => "goatsuck",
+              "goblet" => "goblet",
+              "goblets" => "goblet",
+              "goblin" => "goblin",
+              "god" => "god",
+              "godalming" => "godalm",
+              "godchild" => "godchild",
+              "goddess" => "goddess",
+              "godfather" => "godfath",
+              "godfeyther" => "godfeyth",
+              "godfrey" => "godfrey",
+              "godless" => "godless",
+              "godlike" => "godlik",
+              "godly" => "god",
+              "godmother" => "godmoth",
+              "gods" => "god",
+              "godsend" => "godsend",
+              "godson" => "godson",
+              "goeree" => "goere",
+              "goes" => "goe",
+              "goesler" => "goesler",
+              "goeth" => "goeth",
+              "goethe" => "goeth",
+              "gog" => "gog",
+              "goggle" => "goggl",
+              "gogol" => "gogol",
+              "going" => "go",
+              "goings" => "go",
+              "goitre" => "goitr",
+              "gold" => "gold",
+              "golden" => "golden",
+              "goldfinch" => "goldfinch",
+              "goldfinches" => "goldfinch",
+              "goldfish" => "goldfish",
+              "goldingsby" => "goldingsbi",
+              "goldsmith" => "goldsmith",
+              "golgotha" => "golgotha",
+              "goloshes" => "golosh",
+              "gomez" => "gomez",
+              "gondola" => "gondola",
+              "gone" => "gone",
+              "gong" => "gong",
+              "gonoph" => "gonoph",
+              "gonzales" => "gonzal",
+              "goo" => "goo",
+              "good" => "good",
+              "goodbye" => "goodby",
+              "goodle" => "goodl",
+              "goodly" => "good",
+              "goodnaturedly" => "goodnatur",
+              "goodness" => "good",
+              "goods" => "good",
+              "goodwill" => "goodwil",
+              "goodwood" => "goodwood",
+              "goose" => "goos",
+              "gooseberries" => "gooseberri",
+              "gooseberry" => "gooseberri",
+              "gootther" => "gootther",
+              "gorda" => "gorda",
+              "gore" => "gore",
+              "gorge" => "gorg",
+              "gorged" => "gorg",
+              "gorgeous" => "gorgeous",
+              "gorgeously" => "gorgeous",
+              "gorgeousness" => "gorgeous",
+              "gorges" => "gorg",
+              "gorging" => "gorg",
+              "gormandize" => "gormand",
+              "gorse" => "gors",
+              "gory" => "gori",
+              "gospel" => "gospel",
+              "gossamer" => "gossam",
+              "gossip" => "gossip",
+              "gossiper" => "gossip",
+              "gossiping" => "gossip",
+              "gossips" => "gossip",
+              "got" => "got",
+              "gothic" => "gothic",
+              "gothlands" => "gothland",
+              "gott" => "gott",
+              "gotten" => "gotten",
+              "gould" => "gould",
+              "gourmand" => "gourmand",
+              "gourmands" => "gourmand",
+              "gout" => "gout",
+              "gouty" => "gouti",
+              "gov" => "gov",
+              "gove" => "gove",
+              "govemment" => "govem",
+              "govern" => "govern",
+              "governed" => "govern",
+              "governess" => "gover",
+              "governesses" => "gover",
+              "governessing" => "gover",
+              "governing" => "govern",
+              "government" => "govern",
+              "governments" => "govern",
+              "governor" => "governor",
+              "governors" => "governor",
+              "governorship" => "governorship",
+              "governs" => "govern",
+              "govett" => "govett",
+              "govvernor" => "govvernor",
+              "gower" => "gower",
+              "gown" => "gown",
+              "gownd" => "gownd",
+              "gowns" => "gown",
+              "gra" => "gra",
+              "grace" => "grace",
+              "gracechurch" => "gracechurch",
+              "graced" => "grace",
+              "graceful" => "grace",
+              "gracefully" => "grace",
+              "graceless" => "graceless",
+              "graces" => "grace",
+              "gracing" => "grace",
+              "gracious" => "gracious",
+              "graciously" => "gracious",
+              "graciousness" => "gracious",
+              "gradation" => "gradat",
+              "gradations" => "gradat",
+              "grade" => "grade",
+              "grades" => "grade",
+              "gradual" => "gradual",
+              "gradually" => "gradual",
+              "graduate" => "graduat",
+              "graduated" => "graduat",
+              "grafted" => "graft",
+              "grafts" => "graft",
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+              "grained" => "grain",
+              "grains" => "grain",
+              "grammar" => "grammar",
+              "grammarian" => "grammarian",
+              "grammars" => "grammar",
+              "grammatical" => "grammat",
+              "gran" => "gran",
+              "granaries" => "granari",
+              "grand" => "grand",
+              "grandchild" => "grandchild",
+              "grandchildren" => "grandchildren",
+              "granddaughter" => "granddaught",
+              "grande" => "grand",
+              "grandee" => "grande",
+              "grandees" => "grande",
+              "grander" => "grander",
+              "grandest" => "grandest",
+              "grandeur" => "grandeur",
+              "grandeurs" => "grandeur",
+              "grandfather" => "grandfath",
+              "grandfathers" => "grandfath",
+              "grandiflorus" => "grandiflorus",
+              "grandiloquent" => "grandiloqu",
+              "grandiloquently" => "grandiloqu",
+              "grandly" => "grand",
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+              "grandmamma" => "grandmamma",
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+              "grandmothers" => "grandmoth",
+              "grandpapa" => "grandpapa",
+              "grandsire" => "grandsir",
+              "grandson" => "grandson",
+              "granite" => "granit",
+              "granitic" => "granit",
+              "granny" => "granni",
+              "grant" => "grant",
+              "granted" => "grant",
+              "grantham" => "grantham",
+              "granting" => "grant",
+              "granular" => "granular",
+              "granulo" => "granulo",
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+              "grapes" => "grape",
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+              "grapple" => "grappl",
+              "grappled" => "grappl",
+              "grappling" => "grappl",
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+              "grasped" => "grasp",
+              "grasping" => "grasp",
+              "grasps" => "grasp",
+              "graspus" => "graspus",
+              "grass" => "grass",
+              "grasses" => "grass",
+              "grasshopper" => "grasshopp",
+              "grasshoppers" => "grasshopp",
+              "grassy" => "grassi",
+              "grate" => "grate",
+              "grated" => "grate",
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+              "gratefully" => "grate",
+              "grater" => "grater",
+              "grates" => "grate",
+              "gratful" => "grat",
+              "gratification" => "gratif",
+              "gratified" => "gratifi",
+              "gratifies" => "gratifi",
+              "gratify" => "gratifi",
+              "gratifying" => "gratifi",
+              "grating" => "grate",
+              "gratitude" => "gratitud",
+              "gratuitous" => "gratuit",
+              "gratuitously" => "gratuit",
+              "gratulation" => "gratul",
+              "gravamen" => "gravamen",
+              "grave" => "grave",
+              "graveclothes" => "gravecloth",
+              "gravel" => "gravel",
+              "gravelled" => "gravel",
+              "gravelly" => "gravelli",
+              "gravely" => "grave",
+              "graver" => "graver",
+              "graves" => "grave",
+              "gravesend" => "gravesend",
+              "gravest" => "gravest",
+              "gravestone" => "graveston",
+              "gravestones" => "graveston",
+              "graveyard" => "graveyard",
+              "gravies" => "gravi",
+              "gravity" => "graviti",
+              "gravy" => "gravi",
+              "gray" => "gray",
+              "graymarsh" => "graymarsh",
+              "graze" => "graze",
+              "grazed" => "graze",
+              "grazes" => "graze",
+              "grazier" => "grazier",
+              "grazing" => "graze",
+              "grea" => "grea",
+              "grease" => "greas",
+              "greased" => "greas",
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+              "greasy" => "greasi",
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+              "greateful" => "great",
+              "greater" => "greater",
+              "greatest" => "greatest",
+              "greatl" => "greatl",
+              "greatly" => "great",
+              "greatness" => "great",
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+              "grecians" => "grecian",
+              "greece" => "greec",
+              "greed" => "greed",
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+              "greediness" => "greedi",
+              "greedy" => "greedi",
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+              "green" => "green",
+              "greener" => "greener",
+              "greengrocer" => "greengroc",
+              "greengrocery" => "greengroceri",
+              "greenhorn" => "greenhorn",
+              "greenish" => "greenish",
+              "greenland" => "greenland",
+              "greenleaf" => "greenleaf",
+              "greenly" => "green",
+              "greenness" => "green",
+              "greens" => "green",
+              "greenstone" => "greenston",
+              "greensward" => "greensward",
+              "greenwich" => "greenwich",
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+              "greeting" => "greet",
+              "greetings" => "greet",
+              "greets" => "greet",
+              "gregarious" => "gregari",
+              "gregory" => "gregori",
+              "gregsbury" => "gregsburi",
+              "grenadier" => "grenadi",
+              "grenadiers" => "grenadi",
+              "gresham" => "gresham",
+              "greshambury" => "greshamburi",
+              "greta" => "greta",
+              "grew" => "grew",
+              "grey" => "grey",
+              "greyhound" => "greyhound",
+              "greyhounds" => "greyhound",
+              "greyish" => "greyish",
+              "gride" => "gride",
+              "gridiron" => "gridiron",
+              "gridley" => "gridley",
+              "grief" => "grief",
+              "griefs" => "grief",
+              "grievance" => "grievanc",
+              "grievances" => "grievanc",
+              "grieve" => "griev",
+              "grieved" => "griev",
+              "grieves" => "griev",
+              "grieving" => "griev",
+              "grievous" => "grievous",
+              "grievously" => "grievous",
+              "griffin" => "griffin",
+              "griffith" => "griffith",
+              "griffiths" => "griffith",
+              "grig" => "grig",
+              "grigorievitch" => "grigorievitch",
+              "grigoryev" => "grigoryev",
+              "grim" => "grim",
+              "grimace" => "grimac",
+              "grimaces" => "grimac",
+              "grimacing" => "grimac",
+              "grimalkin" => "grimalkin",
+              "grimble" => "grimbl",
+              "grimbles" => "grimbl",
+              "grime" => "grime",
+              "grimed" => "grime",
+              "grimes" => "grime",
+              "grimly" => "grim",
+              "grimy" => "grimi",
+              "grin" => "grin",
+              "grind" => "grind",
+              "grinder" => "grinder",
+              "grinders" => "grinder",
+              "grinding" => "grind",
+              "grinned" => "grin",
+              "grinning" => "grin",
+              "grins" => "grin",
+              "grip" => "grip",
+              "griping" => "gripe",
+              "gripped" => "grip",
+              "gripping" => "grip",
+              "grips" => "grip",
+              "grisly" => "grisli",
+              "grist" => "grist",
+              "gritting" => "grit",
+              "grizzled" => "grizzl",
+              "groan" => "groan",
+              "groaned" => "groan",
+              "groaning" => "groan",
+              "groans" => "groan",
+              "grocer" => "grocer",
+              "grogram" => "grogram",
+              "grogzwig" => "grogzwig",
+              "groom" => "groom",
+              "groomed" => "groom",
+              "grooms" => "groom",
+              "groove" => "groov",
+              "grooves" => "groov",
+              "grooving" => "groov",
+              "grope" => "grope",
+              "groped" => "grope",
+              "gropes" => "grope",
+              "gropin" => "gropin",
+              "groping" => "grope",
+              "grose" => "grose",
+              "gross" => "gross",
+              "grosser" => "grosser",
+              "grossest" => "grossest",
+              "grossly" => "grossli",
+              "grossness" => "gross",
+              "grosvenor" => "grosvenor",
+              "grotesque" => "grotesqu",
+              "grotesquely" => "grotesqu",
+              "grottoes" => "grotto",
+              "ground" => "ground",
+              "grounded" => "ground",
+              "groundless" => "groundless",
+              "groundlessness" => "groundless",
+              "grounds" => "ground",
+              "groundwork" => "groundwork",
+              "group" => "group",
+              "grouped" => "group",
+              "grouping" => "group",
+              "groups" => "group",
+              "grouse" => "grous",
+              "grove" => "grove",
+              "grovel" => "grovel",
+              "grovelling" => "grovel",
+              "groves" => "grove",
+              "grow" => "grow",
+              "groweth" => "groweth",
+              "growin" => "growin",
+              "growing" => "grow",
+              "growl" => "growl",
+              "growled" => "growl",
+              "growlery" => "growleri",
+              "growling" => "growl",
+              "growlings" => "growl",
+              "growls" => "growl",
+              "grown" => "grown",
+              "grows" => "grow",
+              "growth" => "growth",
+              "grub" => "grub",
+              "grubbed" => "grub",
+              "grubbing" => "grub",
+              "grubble" => "grubbl",
+              "grudden" => "grudden",
+              "grudge" => "grudg",
+              "grudged" => "grudg",
+              "grudges" => "grudg",
+              "grudgingly" => "grudg",
+              "gruff" => "gruff",
+              "gruffly" => "gruffli",
+              "grumble" => "grumbl",
+              "grumbled" => "grumbl",
+              "grumbler" => "grumbler",
+              "grumblers" => "grumbler",
+              "grumbling" => "grumbl",
+              "grumblings" => "grumbl",
+              "grund" => "grund",
+              "grunt" => "grunt",
+              "grunted" => "grunt",
+              "grunts" => "grunt",
+              "gryllus" => "gryllus",
+              "guanaco" => "guanaco",
+              "guanacos" => "guanaco",
+              "guano" => "guano",
+              "guantajaya" => "guantajaya",
+              "guarantee" => "guarante",
+              "guaranteed" => "guarante",
+              "guard" => "guard",
+              "guardage" => "guardag",
+              "guarded" => "guard",
+              "guardedness" => "guarded",
+              "guardhouse" => "guardhous",
+              "guardia" => "guardia",
+              "guardian" => "guardian",
+              "guardians" => "guardian",
+              "guardianship" => "guardianship",
+              "guarding" => "guard",
+              "guards" => "guard",
+              "guardsman" => "guardsman",
+              "guardsmen" => "guardsmen",
+              "guasco" => "guasco",
+              "guascos" => "guasco",
+              "guaso" => "guaso",
+              "guasos" => "guaso",
+              "guatemala" => "guatemala",
+              "guava" => "guava",
+              "guayaquil" => "guayaquil",
+              "guayatecas" => "guayateca",
+              "guayavita" => "guayavita",
+              "gucho" => "gucho",
+              "gude" => "gude",
+              "guerre" => "guerr",
+              "guess" => "guess",
+              "guessed" => "guess",
+              "guesses" => "guess",
+              "guessing" => "guess",
+              "guest" => "guest",
+              "guests" => "guest",
+              "guffaw" => "guffaw",
+              "guffawed" => "guffaw",
+              "guffawing" => "guffaw",
+              "guffy" => "guffi",
+              "guid" => "guid",
+              "guidance" => "guidanc",
+              "guide" => "guid",
+              "guided" => "guid",
+              "guides" => "guid",
+              "guiding" => "guid",
+              "guilandina" => "guilandina",
+              "guildford" => "guildford",
+              "guile" => "guil",
+              "guileless" => "guileless",
+              "guilt" => "guilt",
+              "guiltily" => "guiltili",
+              "guiltiness" => "guilti",
+              "guiltless" => "guiltless",
+              "guilty" => "guilti",
+              "guinea" => "guinea",
+              "guineas" => "guinea",
+              "guise" => "guis",
+              "guitar" => "guitar",
+              "guitron" => "guitron",
+              "gulf" => "gulf",
+              "gulfs" => "gulf",
+              "gull" => "gull",
+              "gulled" => "gull",
+              "gullet" => "gullet",
+              "gulleys" => "gulley",
+              "gullies" => "gulli",
+              "gulliver" => "gulliv",
+              "gulls" => "gull",
+              "gully" => "gulli",
+              "gulp" => "gulp",
+              "gulped" => "gulp",
+              "gulping" => "gulp",
+              "gulps" => "gulp",
+              "gum" => "gum",
+              "gums" => "gum",
+              "gumwood" => "gumwood",
+              "gun" => "gun",
+              "gunless" => "gunless",
+              "gunner" => "gunner",
+              "gunnera" => "gunnera",
+              "gunners" => "gunner",
+              "gunnners" => "gunnner",
+              "gunpowder" => "gunpowd",
+              "guns" => "gun",
+              "gunsmith" => "gunsmith",
+              "gunther" => "gunther",
+              "gunwale" => "gunwal",
+              "gunwales" => "gunwal",
+              "gup" => "gup",
+              "guppy" => "guppi",
+              "gurgled" => "gurgl",
+              "gurgling" => "gurgl",
+              "gush" => "gush",
+              "gushed" => "gush",
+              "gusher" => "gusher",
+              "gushing" => "gush",
+              "gust" => "gust",
+              "guster" => "guster",
+              "gusts" => "gust",
+              "gusty" => "gusti",
+              "gutta" => "gutta",
+              "gutter" => "gutter",
+              "guttered" => "gutter",
+              "guttering" => "gutter",
+              "gutters" => "gutter",
+              "guttural" => "guttur",
+              "guv" => "guv",
+              "guy" => "guy",
+              "guyaquil" => "guyaquil",
+              "guzzling" => "guzzl",
+              "gwyneth" => "gwyneth",
+              "gymnasium" => "gymnasium",
+              "gymnastic" => "gymnast",
+              "gypsies" => "gypsi",
+              "gypsum" => "gypsum",
+              "gypsy" => "gypsi",
+              "gyrations" => "gyrat",
+              "h" => "h",
+              "ha" => "ha",
+              "habeas" => "habea",
+              "haberdasher" => "haberdash",
+              "habiliments" => "habili",
+              "habit" => "habit",
+              "habitable" => "habit",
+              "habitation" => "habit",
+              "habitations" => "habit",
+              "habited" => "habit",
+              "habits" => "habit",
+              "habitual" => "habitu",
+              "habitually" => "habitu",
+              "habituated" => "habitu",
+              "hachette" => "hachett",
+              "hacienda" => "hacienda",
+              "haciendero" => "haciendero",
+              "hack" => "hack",
+              "hackney" => "hackney",
+              "hacks" => "hack",
+              "had" => "had",
+              "hadn" => "hadn",
+              "hadst" => "hadst",
+              "hag" => "hag",
+              "haggard" => "haggard",
+              "haggardly" => "haggard",
+              "haggardness" => "haggard",
+              "haggle" => "haggl",
+              "hah" => "hah",
+              "hail" => "hail",
+              "hailed" => "hail",
+              "hailing" => "hail",
+              "hailstones" => "hailston",
+              "hair" => "hair",
+              "hairbrush" => "hairbrush",
+              "hairdresser" => "hairdress",
+              "haired" => "hair",
+              "hairless" => "hairless",
+              "hairs" => "hair",
+              "hairy" => "hairi",
+              "halcyon" => "halcyon",
+              "hale" => "hale",
+              "half" => "half",
+              "halfpence" => "halfpenc",
+              "halfpenny" => "halfpenni",
+              "halfpennyworth" => "halfpennyworth",
+              "halfway" => "halfway",
+              "hall" => "hall",
+              "hallo" => "hallo",
+              "halloa" => "halloa",
+              "halloo" => "halloo",
+              "hallooing" => "halloo",
+              "hallowed" => "hallow",
+              "halls" => "hall",
+              "hallucination" => "hallucin",
+              "halo" => "halo",
+              "halt" => "halt",
+              "halted" => "halt",
+              "halter" => "halter",
+              "haltica" => "haltica",
+              "halting" => "halt",
+              "halts" => "halt",
+              "halves" => "halv",
+              "ham" => "ham",
+              "hamilton" => "hamilton",
+              "hamlet" => "hamlet",
+              "hamlets" => "hamlet",
+              "hammer" => "hammer",
+              "hammercloths" => "hammercloth",
+              "hammered" => "hammer",
+              "hammering" => "hammer",
+              "hammers" => "hammer",
+              "hammersmith" => "hammersmith",
+              "hammond" => "hammond",
+              "hampdens" => "hampden",
+              "hamper" => "hamper",
+              "hampered" => "hamper",
+              "hampering" => "hamper",
+              "hampers" => "hamper",
+              "hampshire" => "hampshir",
+              "hampstead" => "hampstead",
+              "hampton" => "hampton",
+              "hams" => "ham",
+              "hamstrings" => "hamstr",
+              "hand" => "hand",
+              "handcuff" => "handcuff",
+              "handcuffed" => "handcuf",
+              "handcuffs" => "handcuff",
+              "hande" => "hand",
+              "handed" => "hand",
+              "handeder" => "handed",
+              "handel" => "handel",
+              "handful" => "hand",
+              "handfuls" => "hand",
+              "handing" => "hand",
+              "handkercher" => "handkerch",
+              "handkerchief" => "handkerchief",
+              "handkerchiefs" => "handkerchief",
+              "handle" => "handl",
+              "handled" => "handl",
+              "handles" => "handl",
+              "handling" => "handl",
+              "handmaid" => "handmaid",
+              "handmaiden" => "handmaiden",
+              "handrail" => "handrail",
+              "hands" => "hand",
+              "handsome" => "handsom",
+              "handsomely" => "handsom",
+              "handsomer" => "handsom",
+              "handsomest" => "handsomest",
+              "handwriting" => "handwrit",
+              "handy" => "handi",
+              "hang" => "hang",
+              "hangdog" => "hangdog",
+              "hanged" => "hang",
+              "hanger" => "hanger",
+              "hangers" => "hanger",
+              "hanging" => "hang",
+              "hangings" => "hang",
+              "hangman" => "hangman",
+              "hangs" => "hang",
+              "hankering" => "hanker",
+              "hankers" => "hanker",
+              "hannah" => "hannah",
+              "hanover" => "hanov",
+              "hansome" => "hansom",
+              "hap" => "hap",
+              "haphazard" => "haphazard",
+              "hapless" => "hapless",
+              "haply" => "hapli",
+              "happen" => "happen",
+              "happened" => "happen",
+              "happening" => "happen",
+              "happens" => "happen",
+              "happerton" => "happerton",
+              "happertons" => "happerton",
+              "happier" => "happier",
+              "happiest" => "happiest",
+              "happily" => "happili",
+              "happiness" => "happi",
+              "happy" => "happi",
+              "harangue" => "harangu",
+              "harangued" => "harangu",
+              "harass" => "harass",
+              "harassed" => "harass",
+              "harassing" => "harass",
+              "harbinger" => "harbing",
+              "harbour" => "harbour",
+              "harboured" => "harbour",
+              "harbouring" => "harbour",
+              "harbours" => "harbour",
+              "hard" => "hard",
+              "harden" => "harden",
+              "hardened" => "harden",
+              "hardening" => "harden",
+              "harder" => "harder",
+              "hardest" => "hardest",
+              "hardihood" => "hardihood",
+              "harding" => "hard",
+              "hardly" => "hard",
+              "hardness" => "hard",
+              "hardship" => "hardship",
+              "hardships" => "hardship",
+              "hardworking" => "hardwork",
+              "hardy" => "hardi",
+              "hare" => "hare",
+              "hares" => "hare",
+              "hareskin" => "hareskin",
+              "hark" => "hark",
+              "harkee" => "harke",
+              "harkov" => "harkov",
+              "harkye" => "harky",
+              "harlamov" => "harlamov",
+              "harlequin" => "harlequin",
+              "harlot" => "harlot",
+              "harm" => "harm",
+              "harmattan" => "harmattan",
+              "harmful" => "harm",
+              "harmless" => "harmless",
+              "harmlessly" => "harmless",
+              "harmonic" => "harmon",
+              "harmonious" => "harmoni",
+              "harmoniously" => "harmoni",
+              "harmonised" => "harmonis",
+              "harmony" => "harmoni",
+              "harn" => "harn",
+              "harness" => "har",
+              "harnessed" => "har",
+              "harnessing" => "har",
+              "harold" => "harold",
+              "harp" => "harp",
+              "harpalidae" => "harpalida",
+              "harpalus" => "harpalus",
+              "harpies" => "harpi",
+              "harping" => "harp",
+              "harps" => "harp",
+              "harpy" => "harpi",
+              "harriet" => "harriet",
+              "harriett" => "harriett",
+              "harrington" => "harrington",
+              "harris" => "harri",
+              "harrison" => "harrison",
+              "harrow" => "harrow",
+              "harrowgate" => "harrowg",
+              "harrowing" => "harrow",
+              "harrows" => "harrow",
+              "harse" => "hars",
+              "harsh" => "harsh",
+              "harsher" => "harsher",
+              "harshest" => "harshest",
+              "harshly" => "harsh",
+              "harshness" => "harsh",
+              "hart" => "hart",
+              "hartlepod" => "hartlepod",
+              "hartlepool" => "hartlepool",
+              "hartshorn" => "hartshorn",
+              "harum" => "harum",
+              "harurn" => "harurn",
+              "harvest" => "harvest",
+              "has" => "has",
+              "hash" => "hash",
+              "hashed" => "hash",
+              "hasn" => "hasn",
+              "hasp" => "hasp",
+              "hassan" => "hassan",
+              "hast" => "hast",
+              "haste" => "hast",
+              "hasten" => "hasten",
+              "hastened" => "hasten",
+              "hastening" => "hasten",
+              "hastens" => "hasten",
+              "hastily" => "hastili",
+              "hasty" => "hasti",
+              "hat" => "hat",
+              "hatch" => "hatch",
+              "hatched" => "hatch",
+              "hatches" => "hatch",
+              "hatchet" => "hatchet",
+              "hatching" => "hatch",
+              "hatchings" => "hatch",
+              "hatchment" => "hatchment",
+              "hate" => "hate",
+              "hated" => "hate",
+              "hateful" => "hate",
+              "hater" => "hater",
+              "hates" => "hate",
+              "hath" => "hath",
+              "hating" => "hate",
+              "hatless" => "hatless",
+              "hatred" => "hatr",
+              "hatreds" => "hatr",
+              "hats" => "hat",
+              "hatter" => "hatter",
+              "hatton" => "hatton",
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+              "haughtily" => "haughtili",
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+              "haughtinesses" => "haughti",
+              "haughty" => "haughti",
+              "haul" => "haul",
+              "hauled" => "haul",
+              "hauling" => "haul",
+              "haunches" => "haunch",
+              "haunt" => "haunt",
+              "haunted" => "haunt",
+              "haunting" => "haunt",
+              "haunts" => "haunt",
+              "hav" => "hav",
+              "have" => "have",
+              "haven" => "haven",
+              "having" => "have",
+              "havoc" => "havoc",
+              "hawdon" => "hawdon",
+              "hawed" => "haw",
+              "hawfinch" => "hawfinch",
+              "hawk" => "hawk",
+              "hawkinses" => "hawkins",
+              "hawks" => "hawk",
+              "hawthorns" => "hawthorn",
+              "hay" => "hay",
+              "haycock" => "haycock",
+              "hayes" => "hay",
+              "haymakers" => "haymak",
+              "haymaking" => "haymak",
+              "haymarket" => "haymarket",
+              "haystacks" => "haystack",
+              "hazard" => "hazard",
+              "hazarded" => "hazard",
+              "hazarding" => "hazard",
+              "hazardous" => "hazard",
+              "hazards" => "hazard",
+              "haze" => "haze",
+              "hazel" => "hazel",
+              "hazy" => "hazi",
+              "hd" => "hd",
+              "he" => "he",
+              "hea" => "hea",
+              "head" => "head",
+              "headache" => "headach",
+              "headaches" => "headach",
+              "headdress" => "headdress",
+              "headed" => "head",
+              "headgear" => "headgear",
+              "heading" => "head",
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+              "headlands" => "headland",
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+              "headlong" => "headlong",
+              "headmost" => "headmost",
+              "headquarters" => "headquart",
+              "heads" => "head",
+              "headstrong" => "headstrong",
+              "heal" => "heal",
+              "healed" => "heal",
+              "healing" => "heal",
+              "health" => "health",
+              "healthful" => "health",
+              "healthier" => "healthier",
+              "healthiness" => "healthi",
+              "healths" => "health",
+              "healthy" => "healthi",
+              "heap" => "heap",
+              "heaped" => "heap",
+              "heaping" => "heap",
+              "heaps" => "heap",
+              "hear" => "hear",
+              "heard" => "heard",
+              "hearer" => "hearer",
+              "hearers" => "hearer",
+              "hearest" => "hearest",
+              "hearing" => "hear",
+              "hearken" => "hearken",
+              "hearne" => "hearn",
+              "hears" => "hear",
+              "hearse" => "hears",
+              "heart" => "heart",
+              "heartache" => "heartach",
+              "heartbroken" => "heartbroken",
+              "heartburns" => "heartburn",
+              "hearted" => "heart",
+              "heartedest" => "heartedest",
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+              "heartiest" => "heartiest",
+              "heartily" => "heartili",
+              "heartiness" => "hearti",
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+              "heartlessly" => "heartless",
+              "heartlessness" => "heartless",
+              "heartrending" => "heartrend",
+              "hearts" => "heart",
+              "heartsease" => "heartseas",
+              "heartsore" => "heartsor",
+              "heartstrings" => "heartstr",
+              "hearty" => "hearti",
+              "heat" => "heat",
+              "heated" => "heat",
+              "heater" => "heater",
+              "heath" => "heath",
+              "heathen" => "heathen",
+              "heather" => "heather",
+              "heaths" => "heath",
+              "heav" => "heav",
+              "heave" => "heav",
+              "heaved" => "heav",
+              "heaven" => "heaven",
+              "heavenly" => "heaven",
+              "heavens" => "heaven",
+              "heaver" => "heaver",
+              "heaves" => "heav",
+              "heavier" => "heavier",
+              "heaviest" => "heaviest",
+              "heavily" => "heavili",
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+              "heaving" => "heav",
+              "heavings" => "heav",
+              "heavv" => "heavv",
+              "heavy" => "heavi",
+              "hebrew" => "hebrew",
+              "hecla" => "hecla",
+              "hectic" => "hectic",
+              "hectoring" => "hector",
+              "hedge" => "hedg",
+              "hedgehog" => "hedgehog",
+              "hedgerows" => "hedgerow",
+              "hedges" => "hedg",
+              "hedging" => "hedg",
+              "heed" => "heed",
+              "heeded" => "heed",
+              "heeding" => "heed",
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+              "heedlessly" => "heedless",
+              "heedlessness" => "heedless",
+              "heeds" => "heed",
+              "heel" => "heel",
+              "heeled" => "heel",
+              "heels" => "heel",
+              "heerd" => "heerd",
+              "heern" => "heern",
+              "heigh" => "heigh",
+              "heigho" => "heigho",
+              "height" => "height",
+              "heighten" => "heighten",
+              "heightened" => "heighten",
+              "heightening" => "heighten",
+              "heightens" => "heighten",
+              "heighth" => "heighth",
+              "heights" => "height",
+              "heinous" => "heinous",
+              "heir" => "heir",
+              "heiress" => "heiress",
+              "heiresses" => "heiress",
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+              "heirs" => "heir",
+              "heirship" => "heirship",
+              "held" => "held",
+              "helden" => "helden",
+              "helen" => "helen",
+              "helena" => "helena",
+              "heliotrope" => "heliotrop",
+              "helix" => "helix",
+              "hell" => "hell",
+              "helm" => "helm",
+              "helmet" => "helmet",
+              "helmets" => "helmet",
+              "help" => "help",
+              "helped" => "help",
+              "helper" => "helper",
+              "helpers" => "helper",
+              "helpful" => "help",
+              "helping" => "help",
+              "helpless" => "helpless",
+              "helplessly" => "helpless",
+              "helplessness" => "helpless",
+              "helpmate" => "helpmat",
+              "helps" => "help",
+              "helvellyn" => "helvellyn",
+              "hem" => "hem",
+              "hemiptera" => "hemiptera",
+              "hemisphere" => "hemispher",
+              "hemispheres" => "hemispher",
+              "hemmed" => "hem",
+              "hemming" => "hem",
+              "hempen" => "hempen",
+              "hen" => "hen",
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+              "henceforward" => "henceforward",
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+              "henriette" => "henriett",
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+              "hens" => "hen",
+              "henslow" => "henslow",
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+              "her" => "her",
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+              "herbage" => "herbag",
+              "herbarium" => "herbarium",
+              "herbert" => "herbert",
+              "herbivorous" => "herbivor",
+              "herbs" => "herb",
+              "herculean" => "herculean",
+              "hercules" => "hercul",
+              "herd" => "herd",
+              "herds" => "herd",
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+              "hereafter" => "hereaft",
+              "hereby" => "herebi",
+              "hereditary" => "hereditari",
+              "hereford" => "hereford",
+              "herein" => "herein",
+              "hereof" => "hereof",
+              "heresy" => "heresi",
+              "heretic" => "heret",
+              "heretick" => "heretick",
+              "hereticks" => "heretick",
+              "heretics" => "heret",
+              "heretofore" => "heretofor",
+              "hereupon" => "hereupon",
+              "herewith" => "herewith",
+              "heritage" => "heritag",
+              "hermit" => "hermit",
+              "hermitage" => "hermitag",
+              "hero" => "hero",
+              "herod" => "herod",
+              "heroded" => "herod",
+              "heroes" => "hero",
+              "heroic" => "heroic",
+              "heroine" => "heroin",
+              "heroism" => "heroism",
+              "herons" => "heron",
+              "herries" => "herri",
+              "herrings" => "herring",
+              "hers" => "her",
+              "herschel" => "herschel",
+              "herself" => "herself",
+              "hertfordshire" => "hertfordshir",
+              "heruvimov" => "heruvimov",
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+              "hesitated" => "hesit",
+              "hesitates" => "hesit",
+              "hesitating" => "hesit",
+              "hesitatingly" => "hesit",
+              "hesitation" => "hesit",
+              "hesitations" => "hesit",
+              "heterogeneous" => "heterogen",
+              "heteromera" => "heteromera",
+              "heteromerous" => "heteromer",
+              "heteromidae" => "heteromida",
+              "hever" => "hever",
+              "hew" => "hew",
+              "hewer" => "hewer",
+              "hewers" => "hewer",
+              "hewing" => "hew",
+              "hey" => "hey",
+              "heyday" => "heyday",
+              "hi" => "hi",
+              "hiatus" => "hiatus",
+              "hibiscus" => "hibiscus",
+              "hiccup" => "hiccup",
+              "hiccuped" => "hiccup",
+              "hid" => "hid",
+              "hidden" => "hidden",
+              "hide" => "hide",
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+              "hideously" => "hideous",
+              "hideousness" => "hideous",
+              "hides" => "hide",
+              "hiding" => "hide",
+              "hierarchy" => "hierarchi",
+              "hieroglyphics" => "hieroglyph",
+              "higgenbottom" => "higgenbottom",
+              "higgins" => "higgin",
+              "high" => "high",
+              "higher" => "higher",
+              "highest" => "highest",
+              "highfaluting" => "highfalut",
+              "highgate" => "highgat",
+              "highl" => "highl",
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+              "highlanders" => "highland",
+              "highlands" => "highland",
+              "highly" => "high",
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+              "highwayman" => "highwayman",
+              "highways" => "highway",
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+              "hilariously" => "hilari",
+              "hilarity" => "hilar",
+              "hilda" => "hilda",
+              "hill" => "hill",
+              "hillock" => "hillock",
+              "hillocks" => "hillock",
+              "hills" => "hill",
+              "hillsides" => "hillsid",
+              "hilltops" => "hilltop",
+              "hilly" => "hilli",
+              "hilt" => "hilt",
+              "hilts" => "hilt",
+              "him" => "him",
+              "himalaya" => "himalaya",
+              "himantopus" => "himantopus",
+              "himsel" => "himsel",
+              "himself" => "himself",
+              "hind" => "hind",
+              "hinder" => "hinder",
+              "hindered" => "hinder",
+              "hindering" => "hinder",
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+              "hindrance" => "hindranc",
+              "hinds" => "hind",
+              "hindu" => "hindu",
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+              "hinted" => "hint",
+              "hinting" => "hint",
+              "hints" => "hint",
+              "hip" => "hip",
+              "hippah" => "hippah",
+              "hippahs" => "hippah",
+              "hipped" => "hip",
+              "hippish" => "hippish",
+              "hippopotamus" => "hippopotamus",
+              "hippopotamuses" => "hippopotamus",
+              "hips" => "hip",
+              "hire" => "hire",
+              "hired" => "hire",
+              "hiring" => "hire",
+              "hirrold" => "hirrold",
+              "his" => "his",
+              "hiss" => "hiss",
+              "hisself" => "hisself",
+              "hisses" => "hiss",
+              "hissing" => "hiss",
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+              "histoire" => "histoir",
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+              "hitched" => "hitch",
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+              "hitching" => "hitch",
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+              "hitherto" => "hitherto",
+              "hitherward" => "hitherward",
+              "hits" => "hit",
+              "hitting" => "hit",
+              "hittites" => "hittit",
+              "hive" => "hive",
+              "hl" => "hl",
+              "hm" => "hm",
+              "ho" => "ho",
+              "hoar" => "hoar",
+              "hoard" => "hoard",
+              "hoarded" => "hoard",
+              "hoarding" => "hoard",
+              "hoardings" => "hoard",
+              "hoards" => "hoard",
+              "hoarse" => "hoars",
+              "hoarsely" => "hoars",
+              "hoarser" => "hoarser",
+              "hoary" => "hoari",
+              "hob" => "hob",
+              "hobart" => "hobart",
+              "hobbled" => "hobbl",
+              "hobbledehoy" => "hobbledehoy",
+              "hobbles" => "hobbl",
+              "hobbling" => "hobbl",
+              "hobby" => "hobbi",
+              "hobgoblin" => "hobgoblin",
+              "hoch" => "hoch",
+              "hochbeseeltes" => "hochbeseelt",
+              "hock" => "hock",
+              "hod" => "hod",
+              "hof" => "hof",
+              "hoffmanseggi" => "hoffmanseggi",
+              "hog" => "hog",
+              "hogoleu" => "hogoleu",
+              "hogs" => "hog",
+              "hoist" => "hoist",
+              "hoisted" => "hoist",
+              "hoity" => "hoiti",
+              "holborn" => "holborn",
+              "hold" => "hold",
+              "holden" => "holden",
+              "holder" => "holder",
+              "holders" => "holder",
+              "holding" => "hold",
+              "holds" => "hold",
+              "hole" => "hole",
+              "holes" => "hole",
+              "holiday" => "holiday",
+              "holidays" => "holiday",
+              "holies" => "holi",
+              "holily" => "holili",
+              "holiness" => "holi",
+              "holland" => "holland",
+              "hollies" => "holli",
+              "hollo" => "hollo",
+              "holloa" => "holloa",
+              "hollow" => "hollow",
+              "holloway" => "holloway",
+              "hollowed" => "hollow",
+              "hollower" => "hollow",
+              "hollowness" => "hollow",
+              "hollows" => "hollow",
+              "holly" => "holli",
+              "holman" => "holman",
+              "holstein" => "holstein",
+              "holuthuriae" => "holuthuria",
+              "holy" => "holi",
+              "holyhead" => "holyhead",
+              "homage" => "homag",
+              "hombre" => "hombr",
+              "home" => "home",
+              "homeless" => "homeless",
+              "homelessness" => "homeless",
+              "homelike" => "homelik",
+              "homely" => "home",
+              "homes" => "home",
+              "homeward" => "homeward",
+              "homewards" => "homeward",
+              "homicidal" => "homicid",
+              "homily" => "homili",
+              "homoptera" => "homoptera",
+              "hon" => "hon",
+              "hond" => "hond",
+              "honds" => "hond",
+              "honest" => "honest",
+              "honester" => "honest",
+              "honestest" => "honestest",
+              "honestly" => "honest",
+              "honesty" => "honesti",
+              "honey" => "honey",
+              "honeymoon" => "honeymoon",
+              "honeysuckle" => "honeysuckl",
+              "hong" => "hong",
+              "honoria" => "honoria",
+              "honour" => "honour",
+              "honourable" => "honour",
+              "honourably" => "honour",
+              "honourahle" => "honourahl",
+              "honoured" => "honour",
+              "honouring" => "honour",
+              "honourmg" => "honourmg",
+              "honours" => "honour",
+              "honysuckles" => "honysuckl",
+              "hoo" => "hoo",
+              "hood" => "hood",
+              "hooded" => "hood",
+              "hoodle" => "hoodl",
+              "hoodwinked" => "hoodwink",
+              "hoof" => "hoof",
+              "hoofs" => "hoof",
+              "hook" => "hook",
+              "hooked" => "hook",
+              "hooker" => "hooker",
+              "hooking" => "hook",
+              "hookites" => "hookit",
+              "hooks" => "hook",
+              "hoold" => "hoold",
+              "hoonger" => "hoonger",
+              "hoongry" => "hoongri",
+              "hoop" => "hoop",
+              "hooping" => "hoop",
+              "hoops" => "hoop",
+              "hoor" => "hoor",
+              "hooray" => "hooray",
+              "hoorly" => "hoor",
+              "hooted" => "hoot",
+              "hooting" => "hoot",
+              "hootings" => "hoot",
+              "hoots" => "hoot",
+              "hop" => "hop",
+              "hope" => "hope",
+              "hoped" => "hope",
+              "hopeful" => "hope",
+              "hopefully" => "hope",
+              "hopefulness" => "hope",
+              "hopeless" => "hopeless",
+              "hopelessly" => "hopeless",
+              "hopelessness" => "hopeless",
+              "hopes" => "hope",
+              "hoping" => "hope",
+              "hopped" => "hop",
+              "hopping" => "hop",
+              "hops" => "hop",
+              "horatio" => "horatio",
+              "horders" => "horder",
+              "horizon" => "horizon",
+              "horizonta" => "horizonta",
+              "horizontal" => "horizont",
+              "horizontally" => "horizont",
+              "horn" => "horn",
+              "horned" => "horn",
+              "horner" => "horner",
+              "hornet" => "hornet",
+              "hornos" => "horno",
+              "hornpipe" => "hornpip",
+              "hornpipes" => "hornpip",
+              "horns" => "horn",
+              "hornsey" => "hornsey",
+              "horny" => "horni",
+              "horrible" => "horribl",
+              "horribly" => "horribl",
+              "horrid" => "horrid",
+              "horridly" => "horrid",
+              "horrified" => "horrifi",
+              "horror" => "horror",
+              "horrors" => "horror",
+              "horse" => "hors",
+              "horseback" => "horseback",
+              "horsecloths" => "horsecloth",
+              "horseflesh" => "horseflesh",
+              "horsefly" => "horsefli",
+              "horsehair" => "horsehair",
+              "horseman" => "horseman",
+              "horsemanship" => "horsemanship",
+              "horsemen" => "horsemen",
+              "horsepittle" => "horsepittl",
+              "horses" => "hors",
+              "horsewhip" => "horsewhip",
+              "horsewhipped" => "horsewhip",
+              "horsewhipping" => "horsewhip",
+              "hortense" => "hortens",
+              "hortensio" => "hortensio",
+              "horticultural" => "horticultur",
+              "horticulture" => "horticultur",
+              "hose" => "hose",
+              "hospitable" => "hospit",
+              "hospitably" => "hospit",
+              "hospital" => "hospit",
+              "hospitalities" => "hospit",
+              "hospitality" => "hospit",
+              "hospitals" => "hospit",
+              "hospitility" => "hospitil",
+              "host" => "host",
+              "hostages" => "hostag",
+              "hoste" => "host",
+              "hostelry" => "hostelri",
+              "hostess" => "hostess",
+              "hostesses" => "hostess",
+              "hostile" => "hostil",
+              "hostilities" => "hostil",
+              "hostility" => "hostil",
+              "hostlers" => "hostler",
+              "hosts" => "host",
+              "hot" => "hot",
+              "hotel" => "hotel",
+              "hotels" => "hotel",
+              "hothouse" => "hothous",
+              "hotly" => "hot",
+              "hottentot" => "hottentot",
+              "hottentots" => "hottentot",
+              "hotter" => "hotter",
+              "hottest" => "hottest",
+              "hou" => "hou",
+              "hound" => "hound",
+              "hounded" => "hound",
+              "hounding" => "hound",
+              "hounds" => "hound",
+              "hour" => "hour",
+              "houri" => "houri",
+              "hourly" => "hour",
+              "hours" => "hour",
+              "house" => "hous",
+              "housebreaker" => "housebreak",
+              "housebuilder" => "housebuild",
+              "housed" => "hous",
+              "household" => "household",
+              "housekeeper" => "housekeep",
+              "housekeepers" => "housekeep",
+              "housekeeping" => "housekeep",
+              "housemaid" => "housemaid",
+              "housemaids" => "housemaid",
+              "housemaker" => "housemak",
+              "houses" => "hous",
+              "housetops" => "housetop",
+              "housewife" => "housewif",
+              "housewifery" => "housewiferi",
+              "hove" => "hove",
+              "hovel" => "hovel",
+              "hovels" => "hovel",
+              "hover" => "hover",
+              "hovered" => "hover",
+              "hovering" => "hover",
+              "hovers" => "hover",
+              "how" => "how",
+              "howard" => "howard",
+              "howbeit" => "howbeit",
+              "howell" => "howel",
+              "howeve" => "howev",
+              "however" => "howev",
+              "howitt" => "howitt",
+              "howl" => "howl",
+              "howled" => "howl",
+              "howling" => "howl",
+              "howls" => "howl",
+              "howsoever" => "howsoev",
+              "huacas" => "huaca",
+              "huachos" => "huacho",
+              "huantamo" => "huantamo",
+              "huapi" => "huapi",
+              "huaraz" => "huaraz",
+              "hubbard" => "hubbard",
+              "hubbub" => "hubbub",
+              "huckster" => "huckster",
+              "huddled" => "huddl",
+              "hue" => "hue",
+              "huechucucuy" => "huechucucuy",
+              "hues" => "hue",
+              "huff" => "huff",
+              "huffily" => "huffili",
+              "huffy" => "huffi",
+              "hug" => "hug",
+              "huge" => "huge",
+              "hugged" => "hug",
+              "hugging" => "hug",
+              "huggins" => "huggin",
+              "hugh" => "hugh",
+              "hugs" => "hug",
+              "huitreu" => "huitreu",
+              "hulk" => "hulk",
+              "hullo" => "hullo",
+              "hulloa" => "hulloa",
+              "hum" => "hum",
+              "humain" => "humain",
+              "humaine" => "humain",
+              "human" => "human",
+              "humane" => "human",
+              "humanely" => "human",
+              "humanising" => "humanis",
+              "humanity" => "human",
+              "humanizing" => "human",
+              "humanly" => "human",
+              "humanum" => "humanum",
+              "humble" => "humbl",
+              "humbled" => "humbl",
+              "humbleness" => "humbl",
+              "humbler" => "humbler",
+              "humblest" => "humblest",
+              "humbling" => "humbl",
+              "humbly" => "humbl",
+              "humboldt" => "humboldt",
+              "humbug" => "humbug",
+              "humbugging" => "humbug",
+              "humdrum" => "humdrum",
+              "humid" => "humid",
+              "humidity" => "humid",
+              "humiliate" => "humili",
+              "humiliated" => "humili",
+              "humiliating" => "humili",
+              "humiliation" => "humili",
+              "humility" => "humil",
+              "hummed" => "hum",
+              "humming" => "hum",
+              "hummingbirds" => "hummingbird",
+              "hummocks" => "hummock",
+              "humorous" => "humor",
+              "humorously" => "humor",
+              "humour" => "humour",
+              "humoured" => "humour",
+              "humouredly" => "humour",
+              "humouring" => "humour",
+              "humours" => "humour",
+              "hump" => "hump",
+              "humph" => "humph",
+              "hums" => "hum",
+              "hunchback" => "hunchback",
+              "hundred" => "hundr",
+              "hundreds" => "hundr",
+              "hundredth" => "hundredth",
+              "hundredweight" => "hundredweight",
+              "hung" => "hung",
+              "hunger" => "hunger",
+              "hungering" => "hunger",
+              "hungry" => "hungri",
+              "hunks" => "hunk",
+              "hunky" => "hunki",
+              "hunt" => "hunt",
+              "hunted" => "hunt",
+              "hunter" => "hunter",
+              "hunters" => "hunter",
+              "hunting" => "hunt",
+              "hunts" => "hunt",
+              "huntsman" => "huntsman",
+              "huntsmen" => "huntsmen",
+              "hurled" => "hurl",
+              "hurly" => "hur",
+              "hurrah" => "hurrah",
+              "hurrahed" => "hurrah",
+              "hurrahs" => "hurrah",
+              "hurricane" => "hurrican",
+              "hurried" => "hurri",
+              "hurriedly" => "hurri",
+              "hurries" => "hurri",
+              "hurry" => "hurri",
+              "hurrying" => "hurri",
+              "hurt" => "hurt",
+              "hurtado" => "hurtado",
+              "hurting" => "hurt",
+              "hurts" => "hurt",
+              "husband" => "husband",
+              "husbanded" => "husband",
+              "husbandman" => "husbandman",
+              "husbands" => "husband",
+              "hush" => "hush",
+              "hushed" => "hush",
+              "hushing" => "hush",
+              "husk" => "husk",
+              "huskily" => "huskili",
+              "huskiness" => "huski",
+              "husky" => "huski",
+              "hussar" => "hussar",
+              "hussy" => "hussi",
+              "hustings" => "hust",
+              "hustle" => "hustl",
+              "hustled" => "hustl",
+              "hustling" => "hustl",
+              "hut" => "hut",
+              "hutch" => "hutch",
+              "huts" => "hut",
+              "hutton" => "hutton",
+              "hy" => "hy",
+              "hyacinth" => "hyacinth",
+              "hyacinths" => "hyacinth",
+              "hyaena" => "hyaena",
+              "hybernate" => "hybern",
+              "hybernating" => "hybern",
+              "hybernation" => "hybern",
+              "hybrid" => "hybrid",
+              "hybrida" => "hybrida",
+              "hyde" => "hyde",
+              "hydra" => "hydra",
+              "hydraulic" => "hydraul",
+              "hydrobius" => "hydrobius",
+              "hydrochaerus" => "hydrochaerus",
+              "hydrogen" => "hydrogen",
+              "hydrographer" => "hydrograph",
+              "hydrophilidae" => "hydrophilida",
+              "hydrophilus" => "hydrophilus",
+              "hydrophobia" => "hydrophobia",
+              "hydroporus" => "hydroporus",
+              "hygrometer" => "hygromet",
+              "hyla" => "hyla",
+              "hymenophallus" => "hymenophallus",
+              "hymenoptera" => "hymenoptera",
+              "hymenopterous" => "hymenopter",
+              "hymn" => "hymn",
+              "hymns" => "hymn",
+              "hyperbolical" => "hyperbol",
+              "hyperion" => "hyperion",
+              "hypochondria" => "hypochondria",
+              "hypochondriac" => "hypochondriac",
+              "hypochondriacal" => "hypochondriac",
+              "hypocrisy" => "hypocrisi",
+              "hypocrite" => "hypocrit",
+              "hypocritical" => "hypocrit",
+              "hypocritically" => "hypocrit",
+              "hypotheses" => "hypothes",
+              "hypothesis" => "hypothesi",
+              "hypothetical" => "hypothet",
+              "hyseters" => "hyset",
+              "hysteric" => "hyster",
+              "hysterical" => "hyster",
+              "hysterically" => "hyster",
+              "hysterics" => "hyster",
+              "i" => "i",
+              "iagoensis" => "iagoensi",
+              "ibis" => "ibi",
+              "ica" => "ica",
+              "ice" => "ice",
+              "iceberg" => "iceberg",
+              "icebergs" => "iceberg",
+              "iced" => "ice",
+              "iceland" => "iceland",
+              "ices" => "ice",
+              "ich" => "ich",
+              "icterus" => "icterus",
+              "icy" => "ici",
+              "ide" => "ide",
+              "idea" => "idea",
+              "ideal" => "ideal",
+              "idealism" => "ideal",
+              "idealist" => "idealist",
+              "ideality" => "ideal",
+              "ideals" => "ideal",
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+              "idiotcy" => "idiotci",
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+              "iii" => "iii",
+              "ikon" => "ikon",
+              "ikons" => "ikon",
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+              "illumined" => "illumin",
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+              "instruments" => "instrument",
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+              "insubordination" => "insubordin",
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+              "insufferably" => "insuffer",
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+              "insufficiently" => "insuffici",
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+              "insult" => "insult",
+              "insulted" => "insult",
+              "insulting" => "insult",
+              "insults" => "insult",
+              "insuperable" => "insuper",
+              "insupportable" => "insupport",
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+              "insured" => "insur",
+              "insuring" => "insur",
+              "insurmountable" => "insurmount",
+              "intact" => "intact",
+              "integral" => "integr",
+              "integrity" => "integr",
+              "intellect" => "intellect",
+              "intellects" => "intellect",
+              "intellectual" => "intellectu",
+              "intellectuality" => "intellectu",
+              "intellectually" => "intellectu",
+              "intelligence" => "intellig",
+              "intelligent" => "intellig",
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+              "intelligibly" => "intellig",
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+              "intends" => "intend",
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+              "intentioned" => "intent",
+              "intentions" => "intent",
+              "intently" => "intent",
+              "intents" => "intent",
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+              "intercalated" => "intercal",
+              "intercede" => "interced",
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+              "interchange" => "interchang",
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+              "interchanged" => "interchang",
+              "interchanging" => "interchang",
+              "intercourse" => "intercours",
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+              "interestin" => "interestin",
+              "interesting" => "interest",
+              "interests" => "interest",
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+              "interfering" => "interf",
+              "interior" => "interior",
+              "interjection" => "interject",
+              "interlacings" => "interlac",
+              "interleaved" => "interleav",
+              "interloper" => "interlop",
+              "interlopers" => "interlop",
+              "interlude" => "interlud",
+              "intermarriages" => "intermarriag",
+              "intermeddling" => "intermeddl",
+              "intermediate" => "intermedi",
+              "interminable" => "intermin",
+              "intermingling" => "intermingl",
+              "intermission" => "intermiss",
+              "intermittent" => "intermitt",
+              "internal" => "intern",
+              "internally" => "intern",
+              "international" => "intern",
+              "interpose" => "interpos",
+              "interposed" => "interpos",
+              "interposes" => "interpos",
+              "interposing" => "interpos",
+              "interposition" => "interposit",
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+              "interpretation" => "interpret",
+              "interpretations" => "interpret",
+              "interpreted" => "interpret",
+              "interpreter" => "interpret",
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+              "interrogated" => "interrog",
+              "interrogating" => "interrog",
+              "interrogations" => "interrog",
+              "interrogator" => "interrog",
+              "interrogatories" => "interrogatori",
+              "interrogatory" => "interrogatori",
+              "interrupt" => "interrupt",
+              "interrupted" => "interrupt",
+              "interrupting" => "interrupt",
+              "interruption" => "interrupt",
+              "interruptions" => "interrupt",
+              "interrupts" => "interrupt",
+              "intersect" => "intersect",
+              "intersected" => "intersect",
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+              "intersection" => "intersect",
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+              "interspersing" => "interspers",
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+              "intertropical" => "intertrop",
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+              "intervals" => "interv",
+              "intervened" => "interven",
+              "intervening" => "interven",
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+              "interviews" => "interview",
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+              "intestinal" => "intestin",
+              "intestines" => "intestin",
+              "intimacy" => "intimaci",
+              "intimate" => "intim",
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+              "intimately" => "intim",
+              "intimates" => "intim",
+              "intimating" => "intim",
+              "intimation" => "intim",
+              "intimidated" => "intimid",
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+              "intiv" => "intiv",
+              "into" => "into",
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+              "intolerably" => "intoler",
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+              "intonation" => "inton",
+              "intonations" => "inton",
+              "intoning" => "inton",
+              "intoxicated" => "intox",
+              "intoxicating" => "intox",
+              "intoxication" => "intox",
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+              "intreat" => "intreat",
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+              "intricacies" => "intricaci",
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+              "introduced" => "introduc",
+              "introduces" => "introduc",
+              "introducing" => "introduc",
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+              "intrusted" => "intrust",
+              "intuition" => "intuit",
+              "intuitive" => "intuit",
+              "intwined" => "intwin",
+              "intwining" => "intwin",
+              "inundated" => "inund",
+              "inundations" => "inund",
+              "inured" => "inur",
+              "inutility" => "inutil",
+              "invade" => "invad",
+              "invaded" => "invad",
+              "invaders" => "invad",
+              "invading" => "invad",
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+              "invalided" => "invalid",
+              "invalids" => "invalid",
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+              "invariably" => "invari",
+              "invasion" => "invas",
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+              "invectives" => "invect",
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+              "inveigle" => "inveigl",
+              "inveigled" => "inveigl",
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+              "inventing" => "invent",
+              "invention" => "invent",
+              "inventions" => "invent",
+              "inventory" => "inventori",
+              "invents" => "invent",
+              "inverness" => "inver",
+              "invertebrate" => "invertebr",
+              "inverted" => "invert",
+              "invest" => "invest",
+              "invested" => "invest",
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+              "investigated" => "investig",
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+              "investigators" => "investig",
+              "investment" => "invest",
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+              "invigorated" => "invigor",
+              "invigorating" => "invigor",
+              "invigoration" => "invigor",
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+              "invisibly" => "invis",
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+              "invitations" => "invit",
+              "invite" => "invit",
+              "invited" => "invit",
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+              "inviting" => "invit",
+              "invitingly" => "invit",
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+              "involuntarily" => "involuntarili",
+              "involuntary" => "involuntari",
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+              "involved" => "involv",
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+              "involves" => "involv",
+              "involving" => "involv",
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+              "inwardly" => "inward",
+              "inwards" => "inward",
+              "inwentory" => "inwentori",
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+              "ionic" => "ionic",
+              "iota" => "iota",
+              "iou" => "iou",
+              "iquique" => "iquiqu",
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+              "irascible" => "irasc",
+              "irascibly" => "irasc",
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+              "irishmen" => "irishmen",
+              "irishwoman" => "irishwoman",
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+              "ironmasters" => "ironmast",
+              "ironmonger" => "ironmong",
+              "irons" => "iron",
+              "irony" => "ironi",
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+              "irrational" => "irrat",
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+              "irreconcilable" => "irreconcil",
+              "irrecoverable" => "irrecover",
+              "irredeemable" => "irredeem",
+              "irrefutable" => "irrefut",
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+              "irregularity" => "irregular",
+              "irregularly" => "irregular",
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+              "irresistible" => "irresist",
+              "irresistibly" => "irresist",
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+              "irresponsive" => "irrespons",
+              "irretrievable" => "irretriev",
+              "irretrievably" => "irretriev",
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+              "irreverently" => "irrever",
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+              "irrevocably" => "irrevoc",
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+              "irrigated" => "irrig",
+              "irrigating" => "irrig",
+              "irrigation" => "irrig",
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+              "irritable" => "irrit",
+              "irritably" => "irrit",
+              "irritate" => "irrit",
+              "irritated" => "irrit",
+              "irritating" => "irrit",
+              "irritation" => "irrit",
+              "irruption" => "irrupt",
+              "irtish" => "irtish",
+              "is" => "is",
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+              "isaiah" => "isaiah",
+              "isid" => "isid",
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+              "island" => "island",
+              "islanders" => "island",
+              "islands" => "island",
+              "isle" => "isl",
+              "isles" => "isl",
+              "islet" => "islet",
+              "islets" => "islet",
+              "islington" => "islington",
+              "isn" => "isn",
+              "isobel" => "isobel",
+              "isolated" => "isol",
+              "isolation" => "isol",
+              "israelites" => "israelit",
+              "issue" => "issu",
+              "issued" => "issu",
+              "issues" => "issu",
+              "issuing" => "issu",
+              "ist" => "ist",
+              "isthmus" => "isthmus",
+              "it" => "it",
+              "italian" => "italian",
+              "italy" => "itali",
+              "itch" => "itch",
+              "itchen" => "itchen",
+              "itching" => "itch",
+              "item" => "item",
+              "items" => "item",
+              "ithacaia" => "ithacaia",
+              "itinerant" => "itiner",
+              "its" => "it",
+              "itself" => "itself",
+              "iv" => "iv",
+              "ivan" => "ivan",
+              "ivanitch" => "ivanitch",
+              "ivanovitch" => "ivanovitch",
+              "ivanovna" => "ivanovna",
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+              "ivy" => "ivi",
+              "ix" => "ix",
+              "ixion" => "ixion",
+              "j" => "j",
+              "ja" => "ja",
+              "jabbers" => "jabber",
+              "jaca" => "jaca",
+              "jack" => "jack",
+              "jackals" => "jackal",
+              "jackanapes" => "jackanap",
+              "jackas" => "jacka",
+              "jackdaw" => "jackdaw",
+              "jackdaws" => "jackdaw",
+              "jacket" => "jacket",
+              "jackets" => "jacket",
+              "jacks" => "jack",
+              "jackson" => "jackson",
+              "jacob" => "jacob",
+              "jacuitque" => "jacuitqu",
+              "jaculation" => "jacul",
+              "jade" => "jade",
+              "jaded" => "jade",
+              "jading" => "jade",
+              "jag" => "jag",
+              "jagged" => "jag",
+              "jago" => "jago",
+              "jaguar" => "jaguar",
+              "jaguars" => "jaguar",
+              "jail" => "jail",
+              "jailer" => "jailer",
+              "jajuel" => "jajuel",
+              "jam" => "jam",
+              "jamaica" => "jamaica",
+              "james" => "jame",
+              "jammed" => "jam",
+              "jams" => "jam",
+              "jan" => "jan",
+              "jane" => "jane",
+              "janeiro" => "janeiro",
+              "janes" => "jane",
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+              "jangling" => "jangl",
+              "january" => "januari",
+              "japan" => "japan",
+              "jar" => "jar",
+              "jargon" => "jargon",
+              "jargonelle" => "jargonell",
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+              "jarndyces" => "jarndyc",
+              "jarodyce" => "jarodyc",
+              "jarring" => "jar",
+              "jasmine" => "jasmin",
+              "jaundice" => "jaundic",
+              "jaundiced" => "jaundic",
+              "jaunt" => "jaunt",
+              "jauntily" => "jauntili",
+              "jauntiness" => "jaunti",
+              "jaunty" => "jaunti",
+              "java" => "java",
+              "javelin" => "javelin",
+              "jaw" => "jaw",
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+              "jealousies" => "jealousi",
+              "jealously" => "jealous",
+              "jealousy" => "jealousi",
+              "jean" => "jean",
+              "jeanie" => "jeani",
+              "jeer" => "jeer",
+              "jeered" => "jeer",
+              "jeering" => "jeer",
+              "jeeringly" => "jeer",
+              "jeers" => "jeer",
+              "jell" => "jell",
+              "jelly" => "jelli",
+              "jellyby" => "jellybi",
+              "jellybys" => "jellybi",
+              "jemmy" => "jemmi",
+              "jenkins" => "jenkin",
+              "jennings" => "jen",
+              "jenny" => "jenni",
+              "jennys" => "jenni",
+              "jenyns" => "jenyn",
+              "jeopardy" => "jeopardi",
+              "jeremy" => "jeremi",
+              "jericho" => "jericho",
+              "jerk" => "jerk",
+              "jerked" => "jerk",
+              "jerkily" => "jerkili",
+              "jerking" => "jerk",
+              "jerks" => "jerk",
+              "jerky" => "jerki",
+              "jerry" => "jerri",
+              "jerusalem" => "jerusalem",
+              "jest" => "jest",
+              "jesting" => "jest",
+              "jestingly" => "jest",
+              "jests" => "jest",
+              "jesuit" => "jesuit",
+              "jesuitical" => "jesuit",
+              "jesus" => "jesus",
+              "jet" => "jet",
+              "jets" => "jet",
+              "jew" => "jew",
+              "jewby" => "jewbi",
+              "jewel" => "jewel",
+              "jeweler" => "jewel",
+              "jewelled" => "jewel",
+              "jeweller" => "jewel",
+              "jewellers" => "jewel",
+              "jewellery" => "jewelleri",
+              "jewels" => "jewel",
+              "jewess" => "jewess",
+              "jewish" => "jewish",
+              "jews" => "jew",
+              "jezebel" => "jezebel",
+              "jilted" => "jilt",
+              "jingle" => "jingl",
+              "jingled" => "jingl",
+              "jingles" => "jingl",
+              "jingling" => "jingl",
+              "jist" => "jist",
+              "jo" => "jo",
+              "joan" => "joan",
+              "joanna" => "joanna",
+              "job" => "job",
+              "jobbed" => "job",
+              "jobling" => "jobl",
+              "jobs" => "job",
+              "jockey" => "jockey",
+              "jocose" => "jocos",
+              "jocosely" => "jocos",
+              "jocoseness" => "jocos",
+              "jocular" => "jocular",
+              "jocularity" => "jocular",
+              "jocularly" => "jocular",
+              "jocundity" => "jocund",
+              "joe" => "joe",
+              "joful" => "joful",
+              "jog" => "jog",
+              "jogg" => "jogg",
+              "jogged" => "jog",
+              "jogging" => "jog",
+              "johann" => "johann",
+              "john" => "john",
+              "johnnie" => "johnni",
+              "johnny" => "johnni",
+              "johnson" => "johnson",
+              "join" => "join",
+              "joined" => "join",
+              "joinin" => "joinin",
+              "joining" => "join",
+              "joins" => "join",
+              "joint" => "joint",
+              "jointly" => "joint",
+              "joints" => "joint",
+              "joke" => "joke",
+              "joked" => "joke",
+              "joker" => "joker",
+              "jokers" => "joker",
+              "jokes" => "joke",
+              "joking" => "joke",
+              "jolliest" => "jolliest",
+              "jollity" => "jolliti",
+              "jolly" => "jolli",
+              "jolquera" => "jolquera",
+              "jolt" => "jolt",
+              "jolted" => "jolt",
+              "jolter" => "jolter",
+              "jolting" => "jolt",
+              "jolts" => "jolt",
+              "jones" => "jone",
+              "joneses" => "jones",
+              "joodle" => "joodl",
+              "jordan" => "jordan",
+              "jorullo" => "jorullo",
+              "jose" => "jose",
+              "joseph" => "joseph",
+              "joshua" => "joshua",
+              "jostle" => "jostl",
+              "jostled" => "jostl",
+              "jostling" => "jostl",
+              "jot" => "jot",
+              "jour" => "jour",
+              "journ" => "journ",
+              "journal" => "journal",
+              "journalist" => "journalist",
+              "journalistic" => "journalist",
+              "journals" => "journal",
+              "journey" => "journey",
+              "journeyed" => "journey",
+              "journeying" => "journey",
+              "journeyings" => "journey",
+              "journeyman" => "journeyman",
+              "journeys" => "journey",
+              "jove" => "jove",
+              "jovial" => "jovial",
+              "joviality" => "jovial",
+              "jowl" => "jowl",
+              "joy" => "joy",
+              "joyed" => "joy",
+              "joyful" => "joy",
+              "joyfully" => "joy",
+              "joyous" => "joyous",
+              "joyously" => "joyous",
+              "joyousness" => "joyous",
+              "joys" => "joy",
+              "juan" => "juan",
+              "judah" => "judah",
+              "judge" => "judg",
+              "judged" => "judg",
+              "judgement" => "judgement",
+              "judges" => "judg",
+              "judging" => "judg",
+              "judgment" => "judgment",
+              "judgments" => "judgment",
+              "judicial" => "judici",
+              "judicious" => "judici",
+              "judiciously" => "judici",
+              "judith" => "judith",
+              "judy" => "judi",
+              "juffy" => "juffi",
+              "jug" => "jug",
+              "juggle" => "juggl",
+              "juggled" => "juggl",
+              "juggler" => "juggler",
+              "jugglery" => "juggleri",
+              "jugs" => "jug",
+              "jugular" => "jugular",
+              "juice" => "juic",
+              "juices" => "juic",
+              "juicy" => "juici",
+              "juillet" => "juillet",
+              "julia" => "julia",
+              "julian" => "julian",
+              "juliet" => "juliet",
+              "julius" => "julius",
+              "july" => "juli",
+              "jumble" => "jumbl",
+              "jumbled" => "jumbl",
+              "jumbling" => "jumbl",
+              "jump" => "jump",
+              "jumped" => "jump",
+              "jumping" => "jump",
+              "jumps" => "jump",
+              "junction" => "junction",
+              "juncture" => "junctur",
+              "juncus" => "juncus",
+              "june" => "june",
+              "jungle" => "jungl",
+              "jungles" => "jungl",
+              "junior" => "junior",
+              "juniorest" => "juniorest",
+              "juniors" => "junior",
+              "junk" => "junk",
+              "jupiter" => "jupit",
+              "jura" => "jura",
+              "juries" => "juri",
+              "jurisprudence" => "jurisprud",
+              "juror" => "juror",
+              "jurors" => "juror",
+              "jury" => "juri",
+              "juryman" => "juryman",
+              "jurymen" => "jurymen",
+              "just" => "just",
+              "juster" => "juster",
+              "justest" => "justest",
+              "justice" => "justic",
+              "justifiable" => "justifi",
+              "justification" => "justif",
+              "justifications" => "justif",
+              "justified" => "justifi",
+              "justifies" => "justifi",
+              "justify" => "justifi",
+              "justifying" => "justifi",
+              "justitia" => "justitia",
+              "justly" => "just",
+              "jute" => "jute",
+              "juvenile" => "juvenil",
+              "juxtaposition" => "juxtaposit",
+              "k" => "k",
+              "kalydor" => "kalydor",
+              "kammerjunker" => "kammerjunk",
+              "kampfes" => "kampf",
+              "kamtschatka" => "kamtschatka",
+              "kangaroo" => "kangaroo",
+              "kapernaumov" => "kapernaumov",
+              "kapernaumovs" => "kapernaumov",
+              "karl" => "karl",
+              "karros" => "karro",
+              "kate" => "kate",
+              "kater" => "kater",
+              "katerina" => "katerina",
+              "katharina" => "katharina",
+              "katia" => "katia",
+              "kattymaly" => "kattymali",
+              "kauri" => "kauri",
+              "kazan" => "kazan",
+              "keane" => "kean",
+              "keating" => "keat",
+              "keeling" => "keel",
+              "keen" => "keen",
+              "keener" => "keener",
+              "keenest" => "keenest",
+              "keenly" => "keen",
+              "keenness" => "keen",
+              "keep" => "keep",
+              "keeper" => "keeper",
+              "keepers" => "keeper",
+              "keeping" => "keep",
+              "keeps" => "keep",
+              "keepsake" => "keepsak",
+              "keepsakes" => "keepsak",
+              "keine" => "kein",
+              "kelp" => "kelp",
+              "ken" => "ken",
+              "kendall" => "kendal",
+              "kenge" => "keng",
+              "kennel" => "kennel",
+              "kennels" => "kennel",
+              "kennington" => "kennington",
+              "kensington" => "kensington",
+              "kent" => "kent",
+              "kentish" => "kentish",
+              "kenwigs" => "kenwig",
+              "kenwigses" => "kenwigs",
+              "kepler" => "kepler",
+              "kept" => "kept",
+              "kerchief" => "kerchief",
+              "kerguelen" => "kerguelen",
+              "kernel" => "kernel",
+              "kerr" => "kerr",
+              "kerrig" => "kerrig",
+              "kettle" => "kettl",
+              "kettles" => "kettl",
+              "key" => "key",
+              "keyhole" => "keyhol",
+              "keyholes" => "keyhol",
+              "keyne" => "keyn",
+              "keys" => "key",
+              "khan" => "khan",
+              "kick" => "kick",
+              "kicked" => "kick",
+              "kicking" => "kick",
+              "kicks" => "kick",
+              "kid" => "kid",
+              "kidnapped" => "kidnap",
+              "kidnapper" => "kidnapp",
+              "kidnapping" => "kidnap",
+              "kidney" => "kidney",
+              "kilda" => "kilda",
+              "kill" => "kill",
+              "killed" => "kill",
+              "killer" => "killer",
+              "killing" => "kill",
+              "kills" => "kill",
+              "kiln" => "kiln",
+              "kilns" => "kiln",
+              "kilt" => "kilt",
+              "kimbo" => "kimbo",
+              "kimiri" => "kimiri",
+              "kimpelled" => "kimpel",
+              "kin" => "kin",
+              "kind" => "kind",
+              "kinder" => "kinder",
+              "kindest" => "kindest",
+              "kindhearted" => "kindheart",
+              "kindle" => "kindl",
+              "kindled" => "kindl",
+              "kindles" => "kindl",
+              "kindlier" => "kindlier",
+              "kindliest" => "kindliest",
+              "kindliness" => "kindli",
+              "kindling" => "kindl",
+              "kindly" => "kind",
+              "kindness" => "kind",
+              "kindnesses" => "kind",
+              "kindred" => "kindr",
+              "kinds" => "kind",
+              "king" => "king",
+              "kingdom" => "kingdom",
+              "kingdoms" => "kingdom",
+              "kingfisher" => "kingfish",
+              "kingly" => "king",
+              "kings" => "king",
+              "kingston" => "kingston",
+              "kinkajou" => "kinkajou",
+              "kinsman" => "kinsman",
+              "kirby" => "kirbi",
+              "kiss" => "kiss",
+              "kissed" => "kiss",
+              "kisses" => "kiss",
+              "kissing" => "kiss",
+              "kit" => "kit",
+              "kitchen" => "kitchen",
+              "kitchens" => "kitchen",
+              "kitchin" => "kitchin",
+              "kite" => "kite",
+              "kitten" => "kitten",
+              "kittlitz" => "kittlitz",
+              "kitty" => "kitti",
+              "klopstock" => "klopstock",
+              "knack" => "knack",
+              "knackeries" => "knackeri",
+              "knacks" => "knack",
+              "knag" => "knag",
+              "knave" => "knave",
+              "knaves" => "knave",
+              "knavish" => "knavish",
+              "kneaded" => "knead",
+              "kneading" => "knead",
+              "knee" => "knee",
+              "kneel" => "kneel",
+              "kneeled" => "kneel",
+              "kneeling" => "kneel",
+              "kneels" => "kneel",
+              "knees" => "knee",
+              "knell" => "knell",
+              "knelt" => "knelt",
+              "knew" => "knew",
+              "knick" => "knick",
+              "knif" => "knif",
+              "knife" => "knife",
+              "knight" => "knight",
+              "knightly" => "knight",
+              "knights" => "knight",
+              "knit" => "knit",
+              "knits" => "knit",
+              "knitted" => "knit",
+              "knitting" => "knit",
+              "knives" => "knive",
+              "knob" => "knob",
+              "knobs" => "knob",
+              "knock" => "knock",
+              "knocked" => "knock",
+              "knocker" => "knocker",
+              "knockers" => "knocker",
+              "knocking" => "knock",
+              "knocks" => "knock",
+              "knopp" => "knopp",
+              "knot" => "knot",
+              "knots" => "knot",
+              "knotted" => "knot",
+              "knotty" => "knotti",
+              "know" => "know",
+              "knowa" => "knowa",
+              "knowd" => "knowd",
+              "knowed" => "know",
+              "knowest" => "knowest",
+              "knoweth" => "knoweth",
+              "knowin" => "knowin",
+              "knowing" => "know",
+              "knowledg" => "knowledg",
+              "knowledge" => "knowledg",
+              "known" => "known",
+              "knows" => "know",
+              "knuckle" => "knuckl",
+              "knuckleboy" => "knuckleboy",
+              "knuckles" => "knuckl",
+              "kobelev" => "kobelev",
+              "kobilatnikov" => "kobilatnikov",
+              "koch" => "koch",
+              "koeldwethout" => "koeldwethout",
+              "kolomensky" => "kolomenski",
+              "kolya" => "kolya",
+              "kong" => "kong",
+              "konig" => "konig",
+              "koodle" => "koodl",
+              "kororadika" => "kororadika",
+              "kotzebue" => "kotzebu",
+              "kozel" => "kozel",
+              "krestovsky" => "krestovski",
+              "kriegsrath" => "kriegsrath",
+              "krook" => "krook",
+              "kryukov" => "kryukov",
+              "kuffy" => "kuffi",
+              "l" => "l",
+              "la" => "la",
+              "label" => "label",
+              "labelled" => "label",
+              "labillardiere" => "labillardier",
+              "laborious" => "labori",
+              "laboriously" => "labori",
+              "labour" => "labour",
+              "laboured" => "labour",
+              "labourer" => "labour",
+              "labourers" => "labour",
+              "labouring" => "labour",
+              "labourious" => "labouri",
+              "labours" => "labour",
+              "laburnum" => "laburnum",
+              "labyrinth" => "labyrinth",
+              "labyrinths" => "labyrinth",
+              "lace" => "lace",
+              "laced" => "lace",
+              "lacerate" => "lacer",
+              "lacerta" => "lacerta",
+              "laches" => "lach",
+              "lachrymatories" => "lachrymatori",
+              "lachrymose" => "lachrymos",
+              "lacing" => "lace",
+              "lack" => "lack",
+              "lackadaisical" => "lackadais",
+              "lacked" => "lack",
+              "lacking" => "lack",
+              "lacks" => "lack",
+              "laconic" => "lacon",
+              "lacquered" => "lacquer",
+              "lad" => "lad",
+              "ladder" => "ladder",
+              "ladders" => "ladder",
+              "lade" => "lade",
+              "laden" => "laden",
+              "laderas" => "ladera",
+              "ladies" => "ladi",
+              "ladle" => "ladl",
+              "lads" => "lad",
+              "lady" => "ladi",
+              "ladyhood" => "ladyhood",
+              "ladylike" => "ladylik",
+              "ladyship" => "ladyship",
+              "lag" => "lag",
+              "laggard" => "laggard",
+              "lagged" => "lag",
+              "lagging" => "lag",
+              "lagoa" => "lagoa",
+              "lagoon" => "lagoon",
+              "lagoons" => "lagoon",
+              "lagostomus" => "lagostomus",
+              "lags" => "lag",
+              "laguna" => "laguna",
+              "laid" => "laid",
+              "lain" => "lain",
+              "lair" => "lair",
+              "laissez" => "laissez",
+              "laity" => "laiti",
+              "lajdak" => "lajdak",
+              "lake" => "lake",
+              "lakes" => "lake",
+              "lalegraicavalca" => "lalegraicavalca",
+              "lall" => "lall",
+              "lalla" => "lalla",
+              "lama" => "lama",
+              "lamarck" => "lamarck",
+              "lamb" => "lamb",
+              "lambert" => "lambert",
+              "lambeth" => "lambeth",
+              "lambs" => "lamb",
+              "lame" => "lame",
+              "lamed" => "lame",
+              "lamellicorn" => "lamellicorn",
+              "lameness" => "lame",
+              "lament" => "lament",
+              "lamentable" => "lament",
+              "lamentably" => "lament",
+              "lamentation" => "lament",
+              "lamentations" => "lament",
+              "lamented" => "lament",
+              "lamenting" => "lament",
+              "laments" => "lament",
+              "laminae" => "lamina",
+              "lamp" => "lamp",
+              "lamplight" => "lamplight",
+              "lamplighter" => "lamplight",
+              "lamps" => "lamp",
+              "lampyridae" => "lampyrida",
+              "lampyris" => "lampyri",
+              "lancashire" => "lancashir",
+              "lancaster" => "lancast",
+              "lance" => "lanc",
+              "lancerated" => "lancer",
+              "land" => "land",
+              "landed" => "land",
+              "landing" => "land",
+              "landings" => "land",
+              "landlady" => "landladi",
+              "landlord" => "landlord",
+              "landmark" => "landmark",
+              "landmarks" => "landmark",
+              "landowner" => "landown",
+              "landowners" => "landown",
+              "lands" => "land",
+              "landscape" => "landscap",
+              "landseer" => "landseer",
+              "landsman" => "landsman",
+              "lane" => "lane",
+              "lanes" => "lane",
+              "langsdorff" => "langsdorff",
+              "language" => "languag",
+              "languages" => "languag",
+              "languid" => "languid",
+              "languidly" => "languid",
+              "languish" => "languish",
+              "languished" => "languish",
+              "languishing" => "languish",
+              "languor" => "languor",
+              "langwedge" => "langwedg",
+              "lank" => "lank",
+              "lanky" => "lanki",
+              "lantern" => "lantern",
+              "lanterns" => "lantern",
+              "lap" => "lap",
+              "lapel" => "lapel",
+              "lappel" => "lappel",
+              "laps" => "lap",
+              "lapse" => "laps",
+              "lapsed" => "laps",
+              "lapses" => "laps",
+              "lapsing" => "laps",
+              "lar" => "lar",
+              "larcenerer" => "larcener",
+              "larch" => "larch",
+              "larg" => "larg",
+              "large" => "larg",
+              "largely" => "larg",
+              "largeness" => "larg",
+              "larger" => "larger",
+              "largest" => "largest",
+              "lark" => "lark",
+              "larking" => "lark",
+              "larks" => "lark",
+              "larming" => "larm",
+              "larry" => "larri",
+              "larvae" => "larva",
+              "las" => "las",
+              "lash" => "lash",
+              "lashed" => "lash",
+              "lashes" => "lash",
+              "lashing" => "lash",
+              "lass" => "lass",
+              "lassie" => "lassi",
+              "lassitude" => "lassitud",
+              "lassoit" => "lassoit",
+              "lassonthwaite" => "lassonthwait",
+              "lassonthwayte" => "lassonthwayt",
+              "last" => "last",
+              "lasted" => "last",
+              "lasting" => "last",
+              "lastly" => "last",
+              "lasts" => "last",
+              "lat" => "lat",
+              "latch" => "latch",
+              "latched" => "latch",
+              "late" => "late",
+              "latel" => "latel",
+              "lately" => "late",
+              "lateness" => "late",
+              "latent" => "latent",
+              "later" => "later",
+              "lateral" => "later",
+              "laterally" => "later",
+              "latest" => "latest",
+              "lath" => "lath",
+              "lathered" => "lather",
+              "latin" => "latin",
+              "latinity" => "latin",
+              "latitude" => "latitud",
+              "latitudes" => "latitud",
+              "latreille" => "latreill",
+              "latro" => "latro",
+              "latte" => "latt",
+              "latter" => "latter",
+              "latterly" => "latter",
+              "latther" => "latther",
+              "latthers" => "latther",
+              "lattice" => "lattic",
+              "latticed" => "lattic",
+              "lattle" => "lattl",
+              "laud" => "laud",
+              "laudable" => "laudabl",
+              "laudamus" => "laudamus",
+              "laudation" => "laudat",
+              "laudatory" => "laudatori",
+              "lauded" => "laud",
+              "laugh" => "laugh",
+              "laughable" => "laughabl",
+              "laughed" => "laugh",
+              "laughing" => "laugh",
+              "laughingly" => "laugh",
+              "laughs" => "laugh",
+              "laughter" => "laughter",
+              "launch" => "launch",
+              "launched" => "launch",
+              "launching" => "launch",
+              "laundry" => "laundri",
+              "laura" => "laura",
+              "laurance" => "lauranc",
+              "laurel" => "laurel",
+              "laurels" => "laurel",
+              "laurence" => "laurenc",
+              "lauzun" => "lauzun",
+              "lav" => "lav",
+              "lava" => "lava",
+              "laval" => "laval",
+              "lavas" => "lava",
+              "lavender" => "lavend",
+              "lavish" => "lavish",
+              "lavished" => "lavish",
+              "lavishly" => "lavish",
+              "law" => "law",
+              "lawful" => "law",
+              "lawgiver" => "lawgiv",
+              "lawk" => "lawk",
+              "lawn" => "lawn",
+              "lawns" => "lawn",
+              "lawrence" => "lawrenc",
+              "laws" => "law",
+              "lawson" => "lawson",
+              "lawstationers" => "lawstation",
+              "lawsuit" => "lawsuit",
+              "lawver" => "lawver",
+              "lawyer" => "lawyer",
+              "lawyers" => "lawyer",
+              "lax" => "lax",
+              "laxity" => "laxiti",
+              "lay" => "lay",
+              "layer" => "layer",
+              "layers" => "layer",
+              "layin" => "layin",
+              "laying" => "lay",
+              "laylec" => "laylec",
+              "lays" => "lay",
+              "layton" => "layton",
+              "laz" => "laz",
+              "lazarus" => "lazarus",
+              "lazily" => "lazili",
+              "laziness" => "lazi",
+              "lazo" => "lazo",
+              "lazoed" => "lazo",
+              "lazos" => "lazo",
+              "lazy" => "lazi",
+              "lazzeretto" => "lazzeretto",
+              "le" => "le",
+              "lead" => "lead",
+              "leaden" => "leaden",
+              "leadenhall" => "leadenhal",
+              "leader" => "leader",
+              "leaders" => "leader",
+              "leadership" => "leadership",
+              "leading" => "lead",
+              "leads" => "lead",
+              "leaf" => "leaf",
+              "leafed" => "leaf",
+              "leafless" => "leafless",
+              "leafy" => "leafi",
+              "league" => "leagu",
+              "leagued" => "leagu",
+              "leagues" => "leagu",
+              "leaked" => "leak",
+              "lean" => "lean",
+              "leaned" => "lean",
+              "leaning" => "lean",
+              "leanness" => "lean",
+              "leans" => "lean",
+              "leant" => "leant",
+              "leap" => "leap",
+              "leaped" => "leap",
+              "leaper" => "leaper",
+              "leaping" => "leap",
+              "leapings" => "leap",
+              "leapt" => "leapt",
+              "lear" => "lear",
+              "learn" => "learn",
+              "learned" => "learn",
+              "learners" => "learner",
+              "learning" => "learn",
+              "learns" => "learn",
+              "learnt" => "learnt",
+              "lease" => "leas",
+              "leases" => "leas",
+              "least" => "least",
+              "leastways" => "leastway",
+              "leather" => "leather",
+              "leathern" => "leathern",
+              "leave" => "leav",
+              "leaves" => "leav",
+              "leaving" => "leav",
+              "lebanon" => "lebanon",
+              "leben" => "leben",
+              "lebeziatnikov" => "lebeziatnikov",
+              "lecherousness" => "lecher",
+              "lecture" => "lectur",
+              "lectured" => "lectur",
+              "lecturer" => "lectur",
+              "lectures" => "lectur",
+              "lecturing" => "lectur",
+              "led" => "led",
+              "ledge" => "ledg",
+              "ledger" => "ledger",
+              "ledgers" => "ledger",
+              "ledges" => "ledg",
+              "ledrook" => "ledrook",
+              "leech" => "leech",
+              "leek" => "leek",
+              "leer" => "leer",
+              "leered" => "leer",
+              "leering" => "leer",
+              "leetle" => "leetl",
+              "leeuwin" => "leeuwin",
+              "leeward" => "leeward",
+              "left" => "left",
+              "leg" => "leg",
+              "legacy" => "legaci",
+              "legal" => "legal",
+              "legality" => "legal",
+              "legally" => "legal",
+              "legatee" => "legate",
+              "legatees" => "legate",
+              "legend" => "legend",
+              "legendary" => "legendari",
+              "legends" => "legend",
+              "legged" => "leg",
+              "leggings" => "leg",
+              "legh" => "legh",
+              "legibility" => "legibl",
+              "legible" => "legibl",
+              "legibly" => "legibl",
+              "legion" => "legion",
+              "legislation" => "legisl",
+              "legislative" => "legisl",
+              "legislator" => "legisl",
+              "legislators" => "legisl",
+              "legislature" => "legislatur",
+              "legitimacy" => "legitimaci",
+              "legitimate" => "legitim",
+              "legs" => "leg",
+              "leguminosae" => "leguminosa",
+              "leicester" => "leicest",
+              "leicestershire" => "leicestershir",
+              "leighton" => "leighton",
+              "leisure" => "leisur",
+              "leisurely" => "leisur",
+              "lemen" => "lemen",
+              "lemon" => "lemon",
+              "lemonade" => "lemonad",
+              "lemons" => "lemon",
+              "lemuel" => "lemuel",
+              "lemuy" => "lemuy",
+              "len" => "len",
+              "lend" => "lend",
+              "lender" => "lender",
+              "lenders" => "lender",
+              "lending" => "lend",
+              "lends" => "lend",
+              "length" => "length",
+              "lengthen" => "lengthen",
+              "lengthened" => "lengthen",
+              "lengths" => "length",
+              "lengthy" => "lengthi",
+              "lenient" => "lenient",
+              "leniently" => "lenient",
+              "lenning" => "len",
+              "lenou" => "lenou",
+              "lens" => "len",
+              "lent" => "lent",
+              "lentils" => "lentil",
+              "lenville" => "lenvill",
+              "leone" => "leon",
+              "leoneros" => "leonero",
+              "leoville" => "leovill",
+              "lepidoptera" => "lepidoptera",
+              "lepus" => "lepus",
+              "les" => "les",
+              "leslie" => "lesli",
+              "less" => "less",
+              "lessen" => "lessen",
+              "lessened" => "lessen",
+              "lessening" => "lessen",
+              "lesser" => "lesser",
+              "lesson" => "lesson",
+              "lessons" => "lesson",
+              "lest" => "lest",
+              "let" => "let",
+              "lethargic" => "letharg",
+              "lethargy" => "lethargi",
+              "lethe" => "leth",
+              "lets" => "let",
+              "lett" => "lett",
+              "letter" => "letter",
+              "letters" => "letter",
+              "letting" => "let",
+              "lettres" => "lettr",
+              "lettuce" => "lettuc",
+              "lettuces" => "lettuc",
+              "leurs" => "leur",
+              "levanted" => "levant",
+              "leve" => "leve",
+              "levees" => "leve",
+              "level" => "level",
+              "levelle" => "levell",
+              "levelled" => "level",
+              "levelling" => "level",
+              "levels" => "level",
+              "levers" => "lever",
+              "levities" => "leviti",
+              "levity" => "leviti",
+              "lewes" => "lew",
+              "lewis" => "lewi",
+              "li" => "li",
+              "liabilities" => "liabil",
+              "liability" => "liabil",
+              "liable" => "liabl",
+              "liana" => "liana",
+              "liar" => "liar",
+              "libation" => "libat",
+              "libel" => "libel",
+              "liberal" => "liber",
+              "liberalism" => "liber",
+              "liberality" => "liber",
+              "liberally" => "liber",
+              "liberals" => "liber",
+              "liberate" => "liber",
+              "liberated" => "liber",
+              "liberates" => "liber",
+              "liberties" => "liberti",
+              "libertine" => "libertin",
+              "libertines" => "libertin",
+              "liberty" => "liberti",
+              "librarian" => "librarian",
+              "libraries" => "librari",
+              "library" => "librari",
+              "lice" => "lice",
+              "licence" => "licenc",
+              "licences" => "licenc",
+              "license" => "licens",
+              "licensed" => "licens",
+              "licenses" => "licens",
+              "licentious" => "licenti",
+              "licentiousness" => "licenti",
+              "lichen" => "lichen",
+              "lichens" => "lichen",
+              "lichtenstein" => "lichtenstein",
+              "licked" => "lick",
+              "licking" => "lick",
+              "lid" => "lid",
+              "lida" => "lida",
+              "lids" => "lid",
+              "lie" => "lie",
+              "liebig" => "liebig",
+              "lied" => "lie",
+              "lies" => "lie",
+              "liesk" => "liesk",
+              "lieu" => "lieu",
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+              "lieutenancies" => "lieuten",
+              "lieutenant" => "lieuten",
+              "lieutenants" => "lieuten",
+              "life" => "life",
+              "lifeless" => "lifeless",
+              "lifetime" => "lifetim",
+              "lift" => "lift",
+              "lifted" => "lift",
+              "lifting" => "lift",
+              "lifts" => "lift",
+              "ligament" => "ligament",
+              "ligaments" => "ligament",
+              "ligh" => "ligh",
+              "light" => "light",
+              "lighted" => "light",
+              "lighten" => "lighten",
+              "lightened" => "lighten",
+              "lightening" => "lighten",
+              "lightens" => "lighten",
+              "lighter" => "lighter",
+              "lightest" => "lightest",
+              "lightheaded" => "lighthead",
+              "lighthearted" => "lightheart",
+              "lighthouse" => "lighthous",
+              "lighthouses" => "lighthous",
+              "lighting" => "light",
+              "lightly" => "light",
+              "lightness" => "light",
+              "lightning" => "lightn",
+              "lights" => "light",
+              "lightsome" => "lightsom",
+              "lignite" => "lignit",
+              "lignum" => "lignum",
+              "lii" => "lii",
+              "liii" => "liii",
+              "lik" => "lik",
+              "like" => "like",
+              "liked" => "like",
+              "likelier" => "likeli",
+              "likelihood" => "likelihood",
+              "likely" => "like",
+              "likened" => "liken",
+              "likeness" => "like",
+              "likenesses" => "like",
+              "likes" => "like",
+              "likewise" => "likewis",
+              "liking" => "like",
+              "likings" => "like",
+              "lilac" => "lilac",
+              "lilaceous" => "lilac",
+              "lilacs" => "lilac",
+              "liliaceous" => "liliac",
+              "lilies" => "lili",
+              "lilliput" => "lilliput",
+              "lillyvick" => "lillyvick",
+              "lillyvicks" => "lillyvick",
+              "lily" => "lili",
+              "lima" => "lima",
+              "limache" => "limach",
+              "limb" => "limb",
+              "limbs" => "limb",
+              "lime" => "lime",
+              "limes" => "lime",
+              "limestone" => "limeston",
+              "limit" => "limit",
+              "limited" => "limit",
+              "limiting" => "limit",
+              "limits" => "limit",
+              "limnaea" => "limnaea",
+              "limp" => "limp",
+              "limped" => "limp",
+              "limpet" => "limpet",
+              "limpid" => "limpid",
+              "limping" => "limp",
+              "lin" => "lin",
+              "lincoln" => "lincoln",
+              "lincolnshire" => "lincolnshir",
+              "line" => "line",
+              "linea" => "linea",
+              "lineage" => "lineag",
+              "lineament" => "lineament",
+              "lineaments" => "lineament",
+              "linear" => "linear",
+              "lined" => "line",
+              "linen" => "linen",
+              "linendraper" => "linendrap",
+              "lines" => "line",
+              "linger" => "linger",
+              "lingered" => "linger",
+              "lingering" => "linger",
+              "lingerings" => "linger",
+              "lingers" => "linger",
+              "linguist" => "linguist",
+              "lining" => "line",
+              "linings" => "line",
+              "link" => "link",
+              "linked" => "link",
+              "linking" => "link",
+              "linkinwater" => "linkinwat",
+              "links" => "link",
+              "linn" => "linn",
+              "linnaean" => "linnaean",
+              "linnean" => "linnean",
+              "linnets" => "linnet",
+              "lintels" => "lintel",
+              "lion" => "lion",
+              "lioness" => "lioness",
+              "lions" => "lion",
+              "lip" => "lip",
+              "lippevechsel" => "lippevechsel",
+              "lipping" => "lip",
+              "lips" => "lip",
+              "liquid" => "liquid",
+              "liquidating" => "liquid",
+              "liquor" => "liquor",
+              "liquorish" => "liquorish",
+              "liquors" => "liquor",
+              "lisbon" => "lisbon",
+              "lisp" => "lisp",
+              "list" => "list",
+              "listed" => "list",
+              "listen" => "listen",
+              "listened" => "listen",
+              "listener" => "listen",
+              "listeners" => "listen",
+              "listening" => "listen",
+              "listenings" => "listen",
+              "listens" => "listen",
+              "listless" => "listless",
+              "listlessly" => "listless",
+              "listlessness" => "listless",
+              "lists" => "list",
+              "lit" => "lit",
+              "litany" => "litani",
+              "literal" => "liter",
+              "literally" => "liter",
+              "literary" => "literari",
+              "literature" => "literatur",
+              "lithe" => "lith",
+              "lithographic" => "lithograph",
+              "litigation" => "litig",
+              "litigious" => "litigi",
+              "litter" => "litter",
+              "littered" => "litter",
+              "littering" => "litter",
+              "littl" => "littl",
+              "little" => "littl",
+              "littleness" => "littl",
+              "littlenesses" => "littl",
+              "littlest" => "littlest",
+              "littoral" => "littor",
+              "liv" => "liv",
+              "live" => "live",
+              "lived" => "live",
+              "livelier" => "liveli",
+              "liveliest" => "liveliest",
+              "livelihood" => "livelihood",
+              "liveliness" => "liveli",
+              "livelong" => "livelong",
+              "lively" => "live",
+              "liver" => "liver",
+              "liveried" => "liveri",
+              "liveries" => "liveri",
+              "liverpool" => "liverpool",
+              "livers" => "liver",
+              "livery" => "liveri",
+              "lives" => "live",
+              "livest" => "livest",
+              "liveth" => "liveth",
+              "livid" => "livid",
+              "living" => "live",
+              "livingstone" => "livingston",
+              "lix" => "lix",
+              "liz" => "liz",
+              "lizard" => "lizard",
+              "lizards" => "lizard",
+              "lizaveta" => "lizaveta",
+              "lizzie" => "lizzi",
+              "lizzy" => "lizzi",
+              "ll" => "ll",
+              "llama" => "llama",
+              "llandaff" => "llandaff",
+              "llanos" => "llano",
+              "lloyd" => "lloyd",
+              "llth" => "llth",
+              "lmmediately" => "lmmediat",
+              "lo" => "lo",
+              "load" => "load",
+              "loaded" => "load",
+              "loading" => "load",
+              "loads" => "load",
+              "loaf" => "loaf",
+              "loam" => "loam",
+              "loan" => "loan",
+              "loans" => "loan",
+              "loath" => "loath",
+              "loathe" => "loath",
+              "loathed" => "loath",
+              "loathing" => "loath",
+              "loathsome" => "loathsom",
+              "loathsomeness" => "loathsom",
+              "loaves" => "loav",
+              "lobbies" => "lobbi",
+              "lobby" => "lobbi",
+              "lobster" => "lobster",
+              "lobsters" => "lobster",
+              "local" => "local",
+              "locality" => "local",
+              "locations" => "locat",
+              "lochness" => "loch",
+              "lock" => "lock",
+              "locked" => "lock",
+              "locket" => "locket",
+              "locking" => "lock",
+              "lockouts" => "lockout",
+              "locks" => "lock",
+              "locksmiths" => "locksmith",
+              "lockyer" => "lockyer",
+              "locock" => "locock",
+              "lococks" => "locock",
+              "locomotion" => "locomot",
+              "locomotive" => "locomot",
+              "locomotives" => "locomot",
+              "locust" => "locust",
+              "locusts" => "locust",
+              "lod" => "lod",
+              "lodge" => "lodg",
+              "lodged" => "lodg",
+              "lodger" => "lodger",
+              "lodgers" => "lodger",
+              "lodges" => "lodg",
+              "lodging" => "lodg",
+              "lodgings" => "lodg",
+              "loft" => "loft",
+              "loftiest" => "loftiest",
+              "loftily" => "loftili",
+              "loftiness" => "lofti",
+              "lofty" => "lofti",
+              "log" => "log",
+              "loggerheaded" => "loggerhead",
+              "loggerheads" => "loggerhead",
+              "logic" => "logic",
+              "logical" => "logic",
+              "logically" => "logic",
+              "logs" => "log",
+              "loight" => "loight",
+              "loike" => "loik",
+              "loikewise" => "loikewis",
+              "loins" => "loin",
+              "loiter" => "loiter",
+              "loitered" => "loiter",
+              "loiterer" => "loiter",
+              "loiterers" => "loiter",
+              "loitering" => "loiter",
+              "loix" => "loix",
+              "loll" => "loll",
+              "lolling" => "loll",
+              "lombard" => "lombard",
+              "lombardic" => "lombard",
+              "lon" => "lon",
+              "lond" => "lond",
+              "london" => "london",
+              "lone" => "lone",
+              "lonelier" => "loneli",
+              "loneliness" => "loneli",
+              "lonely" => "lone",
+              "lonesome" => "lonesom",
+              "long" => "long",
+              "longbarns" => "longbarn",
+              "longed" => "long",
+              "longer" => "longer",
+              "longest" => "longest",
+              "longevity" => "longev",
+              "longing" => "long",
+              "longings" => "long",
+              "longitude" => "longitud",
+              "longitudinal" => "longitudin",
+              "longitudinally" => "longitudin",
+              "longs" => "long",
+              "longwood" => "longwood",
+              "loo" => "loo",
+              "looder" => "looder",
+              "loodgin" => "loodgin",
+              "loodle" => "loodl",
+              "look" => "look",
+              "looked" => "look",
+              "lookee" => "looke",
+              "looker" => "looker",
+              "lookers" => "looker",
+              "looking" => "look",
+              "looks" => "look",
+              "lookye" => "looky",
+              "loom" => "loom",
+              "loomed" => "loom",
+              "looming" => "loom",
+              "looms" => "loom",
+              "loonching" => "loonch",
+              "loone" => "loon",
+              "loop" => "loop",
+              "loopholes" => "loophol",
+              "loose" => "loos",
+              "loosed" => "loos",
+              "loosely" => "loos",
+              "loosen" => "loosen",
+              "loosened" => "loosen",
+              "looseness" => "loos",
+              "loosening" => "loosen",
+              "looser" => "looser",
+              "loosing" => "loos",
+              "loov" => "loov",
+              "lop" => "lop",
+              "lopez" => "lopez",
+              "lopezes" => "lopez",
+              "lopezites" => "lopezit",
+              "lopped" => "lop",
+              "loppings" => "lop",
+              "loquacious" => "loquaci",
+              "lor" => "lor",
+              "lord" => "lord",
+              "lordlings" => "lordl",
+              "lordly" => "lord",
+              "lords" => "lord",
+              "lordship" => "lordship",
+              "lordships" => "lordship",
+              "lorenzo" => "lorenzo",
+              "los" => "los",
+              "lose" => "lose",
+              "loser" => "loser",
+              "losers" => "loser",
+              "loses" => "lose",
+              "losing" => "lose",
+              "loss" => "loss",
+              "losses" => "loss",
+              "lost" => "lost",
+              "lot" => "lot",
+              "lothbury" => "lothburi",
+              "lots" => "lot",
+              "lottery" => "lotteri",
+              "loud" => "loud",
+              "louder" => "louder",
+              "loudest" => "loudest",
+              "loudly" => "loud",
+              "loudness" => "loud",
+              "louis" => "loui",
+              "louisa" => "louisa",
+              "lounge" => "loung",
+              "lounged" => "loung",
+              "lounger" => "lounger",
+              "loungers" => "lounger",
+              "lounges" => "loung",
+              "lounging" => "loung",
+              "lous" => "lous",
+              "louse" => "lous",
+              "louvain" => "louvain",
+              "lovable" => "lovabl",
+              "love" => "love",
+              "loveable" => "loveabl",
+              "loved" => "love",
+              "lovelier" => "loveli",
+              "loveliest" => "loveliest",
+              "loveliness" => "loveli",
+              "lovely" => "love",
+              "lover" => "lover",
+              "lovers" => "lover",
+              "loves" => "love",
+              "loving" => "love",
+              "lovingly" => "love",
+              "lovingness" => "loving",
+              "low" => "low",
+              "lower" => "lower",
+              "lowered" => "lower",
+              "lowering" => "lower",
+              "lowers" => "lower",
+              "lowest" => "lowest",
+              "lowland" => "lowland",
+              "lowliest" => "lowliest",
+              "lowliness" => "lowli",
+              "lowly" => "lowli",
+              "lowness" => "low",
+              "loyal" => "loyal",
+              "loyalty" => "loyalti",
+              "lozenge" => "lozeng",
+              "lozenges" => "lozeng",
+              "lt" => "lt",
+              "lubricates" => "lubric",
+              "lucanee" => "lucane",
+              "lucia" => "lucia",
+              "luciano" => "luciano",
+              "lucid" => "lucid",
+              "lucidly" => "lucid",
+              "lucifer" => "lucif",
+              "lucifers" => "lucif",
+              "luck" => "luck",
+              "luckiest" => "luckiest",
+              "luckily" => "luckili",
+              "luckless" => "luckless",
+              "lucky" => "lucki",
+              "lucrative" => "lucrat",
+              "lucre" => "lucr",
+              "lucy" => "luci",
+              "lud" => "lud",
+              "ludgate" => "ludgat",
+              "ludicrous" => "ludicr",
+              "ludicrously" => "ludicr",
+              "ludship" => "ludship",
+              "ludwigovna" => "ludwigovna",
+              "luffy" => "luffi",
+              "luggage" => "luggag",
+              "lugged" => "lug",
+              "lui" => "lui",
+              "luis" => "lui",
+              "luise" => "luis",
+              "lukewarm" => "lukewarm",
+              "lukin" => "lukin",
+              "lull" => "lull",
+              "lullaby" => "lullabi",
+              "lulled" => "lull",
+              "lulling" => "lull",
+              "lulls" => "lull",
+              "lumb" => "lumb",
+              "lumbagers" => "lumbag",
+              "lumber" => "lumber",
+              "lumbering" => "lumber",
+              "lumbey" => "lumbey",
+              "luminary" => "luminari",
+              "luminosus" => "luminosus",
+              "luminous" => "lumin",
+              "lumley" => "lumley",
+              "lump" => "lump",
+              "lumpkin" => "lumpkin",
+              "lumps" => "lump",
+              "lumpy" => "lumpi",
+              "lunacy" => "lunaci",
+              "lunatic" => "lunat",
+              "lunch" => "lunch",
+              "luncheon" => "luncheon",
+              "lunches" => "lunch",
+              "lund" => "lund",
+              "lunge" => "lung",
+              "lungs" => "lung",
+              "lunnun" => "lunnun",
+              "lupton" => "lupton",
+              "lurch" => "lurch",
+              "lurched" => "lurch",
+              "lure" => "lure",
+              "lured" => "lure",
+              "lures" => "lure",
+              "lurid" => "lurid",
+              "luring" => "lure",
+              "lurk" => "lurk",
+              "lurked" => "lurk",
+              "lurking" => "lurk",
+              "luscious" => "luscious",
+              "lustfahrt" => "lustfahrt",
+              "lustier" => "lustier",
+              "lustily" => "lustili",
+              "lustre" => "lustr",
+              "lustreless" => "lustreless",
+              "lustrous" => "lustrous",
+              "lusts" => "lust",
+              "lusty" => "lusti",
+              "lute" => "lute",
+              "luxan" => "luxan",
+              "luxuriance" => "luxuri",
+              "luxuriant" => "luxuri",
+              "luxuriantly" => "luxuri",
+              "luxuriate" => "luxuri",
+              "luxuriating" => "luxuri",
+              "luxuries" => "luxuri",
+              "luxurious" => "luxuri",
+              "luxuriously" => "luxuri",
+              "luxury" => "luxuri",
+              "luzhin" => "luzhin",
+              "lv" => "lv",
+              "lvi" => "lvi",
+              "lvii" => "lvii",
+              "lviii" => "lviii",
+              "lx" => "lx",
+              "lxi" => "lxi",
+              "lxii" => "lxii",
+              "lxiii" => "lxiii",
+              "lxiv" => "lxiv",
+              "lxv" => "lxv",
+              "lxvi" => "lxvi",
+              "lxvii" => "lxvii",
+              "ly" => "ly",
+              "lycosa" => "lycosa",
+              "lycurgus" => "lycurgus",
+              "lyell" => "lyell",
+              "lying" => "lie",
+              "lymington" => "lymington",
+              "lymph" => "lymph",
+              "lynne" => "lynn",
+              "lynx" => "lynx",
+              "lyra" => "lyra",
+              "lyre" => "lyre",
+              "lyres" => "lyre",
+              "m" => "m",
+              "ma" => "ma",
+              "macadam" => "macadam",
+              "macae" => "maca",
+              "macbeth" => "macbeth",
+              "maccoort" => "maccoort",
+              "maccoorts" => "maccoort",
+              "macculloch" => "macculloch",
+              "mace" => "mace",
+              "maces" => "mace",
+              "macfuzlem" => "macfuzlem",
+              "macgregor" => "macgregor",
+              "machina" => "machina",
+              "machine" => "machin",
+              "machinery" => "machineri",
+              "mack" => "mack",
+              "mackenzie" => "mackenzi",
+              "maclaren" => "maclaren",
+              "macpherson" => "macpherson",
+              "macphersons" => "macpherson",
+              "macquarie" => "macquari",
+              "macquarrie" => "macquarri",
+              "macrauchenia" => "macrauchenia",
+              "macrocystis" => "macrocysti",
+              "mactrae" => "mactra",
+              "maculata" => "maculata",
+              "mad" => "mad",
+              "madagascar" => "madagascar",
+              "madam" => "madam",
+              "madame" => "madam",
+              "madcaps" => "madcap",
+              "madchen" => "madchen",
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+              "maddened" => "madden",
+              "maddening" => "madden",
+              "madder" => "madder",
+              "maddest" => "maddest",
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+              "madeira" => "madeira",
+              "madeline" => "madelin",
+              "mademoiselle" => "mademoisell",
+              "madhouse" => "madhous",
+              "madly" => "mad",
+              "madman" => "madman",
+              "madmen" => "madmen",
+              "madness" => "mad",
+              "madonna" => "madonna",
+              "madras" => "madra",
+              "madre" => "madr",
+              "madrid" => "madrid",
+              "madrina" => "madrina",
+              "madrinas" => "madrina",
+              "madwoman" => "madwoman",
+              "mag" => "mag",
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+              "magazines" => "magazin",
+              "magdalen" => "magdalen",
+              "magellan" => "magellan",
+              "magellanica" => "magellanica",
+              "magellanicus" => "magellanicus",
+              "maggot" => "maggot",
+              "maggots" => "maggot",
+              "magic" => "magic",
+              "magical" => "magic",
+              "magically" => "magic",
+              "magician" => "magician",
+              "magistrate" => "magistr",
+              "magistrates" => "magistr",
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+              "magnanimous" => "magnanim",
+              "magnanimously" => "magnanim",
+              "magnate" => "magnat",
+              "magnates" => "magnat",
+              "magnesium" => "magnesium",
+              "magnetic" => "magnet",
+              "magnetized" => "magnet",
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+              "magnificent" => "magnific",
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+              "magnifying" => "magnifi",
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+              "magnitude" => "magnitud",
+              "magnum" => "magnum",
+              "magog" => "magog",
+              "magpie" => "magpi",
+              "magpies" => "magpi",
+              "mahdoo" => "mahdoo",
+              "mahlos" => "mahlo",
+              "mahogany" => "mahogani",
+              "mahomedan" => "mahomedan",
+              "mahomet" => "mahomet",
+              "mahony" => "mahoni",
+              "mai" => "mai",
+              "maid" => "maid",
+              "maiden" => "maiden",
+              "maidenly" => "maiden",
+              "maidens" => "maiden",
+              "maidish" => "maidish",
+              "maids" => "maid",
+              "maidservants" => "maidserv",
+              "mail" => "mail",
+              "maim" => "maim",
+              "maimed" => "maim",
+              "main" => "main",
+              "mainland" => "mainland",
+              "mainly" => "main",
+              "mainspring" => "mainspr",
+              "mainstay" => "mainstay",
+              "maintain" => "maintain",
+              "maintained" => "maintain",
+              "maintaining" => "maintain",
+              "maintenance" => "mainten",
+              "maire" => "mair",
+              "maitre" => "maitr",
+              "majestic" => "majest",
+              "majestically" => "majest",
+              "majesty" => "majesti",
+              "major" => "major",
+              "majorities" => "major",
+              "majority" => "major",
+              "mak" => "mak",
+              "make" => "make",
+              "maker" => "maker",
+              "makers" => "maker",
+              "makes" => "make",
+              "making" => "make",
+              "maktng" => "maktng",
+              "mal" => "mal",
+              "malacca" => "malacca",
+              "malady" => "maladi",
+              "malaria" => "malaria",
+              "malay" => "malay",
+              "malaya" => "malaya",
+              "malays" => "malay",
+              "malcolmson" => "malcolmson",
+              "malcontents" => "malcont",
+              "maldiva" => "maldiva",
+              "maldonado" => "maldonado",
+              "male" => "male",
+              "malediction" => "maledict",
+              "maledictions" => "maledict",
+              "malefactors" => "malefactor",
+              "males" => "male",
+              "malevolent" => "malevol",
+              "malgre" => "malgr",
+              "malice" => "malic",
+              "malicious" => "malici",
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+              "malignity" => "malign",
+              "mall" => "mall",
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+              "mallowford" => "mallowford",
+              "malouines" => "malouin",
+              "malt" => "malt",
+              "malta" => "malta",
+              "malte" => "malt",
+              "maltreatment" => "maltreat",
+              "malty" => "malti",
+              "mama" => "mama",
+              "mamas" => "mama",
+              "mameluke" => "mameluk",
+              "mamma" => "mamma",
+              "mammalia" => "mammalia",
+              "mammals" => "mammal",
+              "mammiferous" => "mammifer",
+              "mammifers" => "mammif",
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+              "mammon" => "mammon",
+              "mammy" => "mammi",
+              "man" => "man",
+              "manage" => "manag",
+              "manageable" => "manag",
+              "managed" => "manag",
+              "management" => "manag",
+              "manager" => "manag",
+              "manageress" => "manageress",
+              "managers" => "manag",
+              "manages" => "manag",
+              "managing" => "manag",
+              "manatee" => "manate",
+              "manchester" => "manchest",
+              "mandate" => "mandat",
+              "mandetiba" => "mandetiba",
+              "mandibl" => "mandibl",
+              "mandible" => "mandibl",
+              "mandioca" => "mandioca",
+              "mane" => "mane",
+              "manes" => "mane",
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+              "manfully" => "man",
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+              "manger" => "manger",
+              "mangering" => "manger",
+              "mangle" => "mangl",
+              "mangles" => "mangl",
+              "mangling" => "mangl",
+              "mango" => "mango",
+              "mangostin" => "mangostin",
+              "mangot" => "mangot",
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+              "mangy" => "mangi",
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+              "manifestly" => "manifest",
+              "manifests" => "manifest",
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+              "manliness" => "manli",
+              "manly" => "man",
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+              "mannered" => "manner",
+              "manners" => "manner",
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+              "manor" => "manor",
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+              "mansions" => "mansion",
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+              "mantel" => "mantel",
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+              "mantie" => "manti",
+              "mantle" => "mantl",
+              "mantled" => "mantl",
+              "mantles" => "mantl",
+              "mantling" => "mantl",
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+              "manuals" => "manual",
+              "manuel" => "manuel",
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+              "manufacturing" => "manufactur",
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+              "manured" => "manur",
+              "manuring" => "manur",
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+              "manuscripts" => "manuscript",
+              "many" => "mani",
+              "map" => "map",
+              "mapped" => "map",
+              "maps" => "map",
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+              "marbl" => "marbl",
+              "marble" => "marbl",
+              "marbles" => "marbl",
+              "march" => "march",
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+              "marching" => "march",
+              "mare" => "mare",
+              "mares" => "mare",
+              "marfa" => "marfa",
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+              "marge" => "marg",
+              "margin" => "margin",
+              "marginal" => "margin",
+              "margins" => "margin",
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+              "maria" => "maria",
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+              "markets" => "market",
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+              "marks" => "mark",
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+              "marriages" => "marriag",
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+              "materials" => "materi",
+              "maternal" => "matern",
+              "mates" => "mate",
+              "mathematical" => "mathemat",
+              "mathematically" => "mathemat",
+              "mathematics" => "mathemat",
+              "matilda" => "matilda",
+              "matins" => "matin",
+              "matlock" => "matlock",
+              "matricide" => "matricid",
+              "matrimonial" => "matrimoni",
+              "matrimonially" => "matrimoni",
+              "matrimony" => "matrimoni",
+              "matrix" => "matrix",
+              "matron" => "matron",
+              "matronly" => "matron",
+              "matrons" => "matron",
+              "mats" => "mat",
+              "matted" => "mat",
+              "matter" => "matter",
+              "mattered" => "matter",
+              "matters" => "matter",
+              "matther" => "matther",
+              "matthew" => "matthew",
+              "matthews" => "matthew",
+              "matting" => "mat",
+              "mattress" => "mattress",
+              "mattresses" => "mattress",
+              "mature" => "matur",
+              "matured" => "matur",
+              "maturely" => "matur",
+              "maturer" => "matur",
+              "maturity" => "matur",
+              "matutina" => "matutina",
+              "matvey" => "matvey",
+              "maun" => "maun",
+              "maunder" => "maunder",
+              "maurice" => "mauric",
+              "mauritius" => "mauritius",
+              "maurua" => "maurua",
+              "mausoleum" => "mausoleum",
+              "mausoleums" => "mausoleum",
+              "mauvais" => "mauvai",
+              "mawkish" => "mawkish",
+              "maxillae" => "maxilla",
+              "maxim" => "maxim",
+              "may" => "may",
+              "maybe" => "mayb",
+              "maydickle" => "maydickl",
+              "mayfair" => "mayfair",
+              "mayhap" => "mayhap",
+              "mayn" => "mayn",
+              "mayo" => "mayo",
+              "mayor" => "mayor",
+              "maypu" => "maypu",
+              "mayst" => "mayst",
+              "maze" => "maze",
+              "mazeppa" => "mazeppa",
+              "mazes" => "maze",
+              "mazurka" => "mazurka",
+              "mazy" => "mazi",
+              "me" => "me",
+              "meadow" => "meadow",
+              "meadows" => "meadow",
+              "meads" => "mead",
+              "meagre" => "meagr",
+              "meal" => "meal",
+              "meals" => "meal",
+              "mean" => "mean",
+              "meandering" => "meander",
+              "meanest" => "meanest",
+              "meaning" => "mean",
+              "meaningless" => "meaningless",
+              "meanings" => "mean",
+              "meanly" => "mean",
+              "meanness" => "mean",
+              "means" => "mean",
+              "meant" => "meant",
+              "meantime" => "meantim",
+              "meanwhile" => "meanwhil",
+              "measles" => "measl",
+              "measther" => "measther",
+              "measthers" => "measther",
+              "measure" => "measur",
+              "measured" => "measur",
+              "measurement" => "measur",
+              "measurements" => "measur",
+              "measurer" => "measur",
+              "measures" => "measur",
+              "measuring" => "measur",
+              "meat" => "meat",
+              "meats" => "meat",
+              "mechanic" => "mechan",
+              "mechanical" => "mechan",
+              "mechanically" => "mechan",
+              "mechanics" => "mechan",
+              "mechanism" => "mechan",
+              "mecum" => "mecum",
+              "medal" => "medal",
+              "medallions" => "medallion",
+              "meddle" => "meddl",
+              "meddled" => "meddl",
+              "meddlers" => "meddler",
+              "meddlesome" => "meddlesom",
+              "meddling" => "meddl",
+              "mediaeval" => "mediaev",
+              "mediate" => "mediat",
+              "mediation" => "mediat",
+              "mediator" => "mediat",
+              "medical" => "medic",
+              "medicinal" => "medicin",
+              "medicine" => "medicin",
+              "medicines" => "medicin",
+              "mediocrity" => "mediocr",
+              "meditate" => "medit",
+              "meditated" => "medit",
+              "meditates" => "medit",
+              "meditating" => "medit",
+              "meditation" => "medit",
+              "meditations" => "medit",
+              "meditative" => "medit",
+              "meditatively" => "medit",
+              "mediterranean" => "mediterranean",
+              "medium" => "medium",
+              "medley" => "medley",
+              "medusae" => "medusa",
+              "meek" => "meek",
+              "meekest" => "meekest",
+              "meekly" => "meek",
+              "meekness" => "meek",
+              "meet" => "meet",
+              "meeting" => "meet",
+              "meetings" => "meet",
+              "meets" => "meet",
+              "megalonyx" => "megalonyx",
+              "megalosaurus" => "megalosaurus",
+              "megapodius" => "megapodius",
+              "megatherium" => "megatherium",
+              "megatheroid" => "megatheroid",
+              "mehr" => "mehr",
+              "melancholy" => "melancholi",
+              "melanops" => "melanop",
+              "melanotis" => "melanoti",
+              "melasoma" => "melasoma",
+              "melchisedech" => "melchisedech",
+              "melindres" => "melindr",
+              "mell" => "mell",
+              "mellifluousness" => "melliflu",
+              "mellow" => "mellow",
+              "mellowed" => "mellow",
+              "mellows" => "mellow",
+              "melodious" => "melodi",
+              "melodiously" => "melodi",
+              "melodrama" => "melodrama",
+              "melodramatic" => "melodramat",
+              "melody" => "melodi",
+              "melolonthidae" => "melolonthida",
+              "melons" => "melon",
+              "melt" => "melt",
+              "melted" => "melt",
+              "melteth" => "melteth",
+              "melting" => "melt",
+              "melts" => "melt",
+              "melvilleson" => "melvilleson",
+              "mem" => "mem",
+              "member" => "member",
+              "members" => "member",
+              "membrane" => "membran",
+              "membranous" => "membran",
+              "mememto" => "mememto",
+              "memoir" => "memoir",
+              "memoirs" => "memoir",
+              "memorable" => "memor",
+              "memoranda" => "memoranda",
+              "memorandum" => "memorandum",
+              "memorial" => "memori",
+              "memorials" => "memori",
+              "memories" => "memori",
+              "memory" => "memori",
+              "men" => "men",
+              "menace" => "menac",
+              "menacing" => "menac",
+              "menage" => "menag",
+              "menchicoff" => "menchicoff",
+              "mend" => "mend",
+              "mended" => "mend",
+              "mending" => "mend",
+              "mendoza" => "mendoza",
+              "mendozinos" => "mendozino",
+              "mends" => "mend",
+              "menfion" => "menfion",
+              "menfioning" => "menfion",
+              "mental" => "mental",
+              "mentally" => "mental",
+              "mention" => "mention",
+              "mentioned" => "mention",
+              "mentioning" => "mention",
+              "mentions" => "mention",
+              "mentor" => "mentor",
+              "mercantile" => "mercantil",
+              "mercedes" => "merced",
+              "mercenary" => "mercenari",
+              "mercers" => "mercer",
+              "merchandise" => "merchandis",
+              "merchant" => "merchant",
+              "merchants" => "merchant",
+              "mercie" => "merci",
+              "mercies" => "merci",
+              "merciful" => "merci",
+              "mercifully" => "merci",
+              "merciless" => "merciless",
+              "mercilessly" => "merciless",
+              "mercuries" => "mercuri",
+              "mercury" => "mercuri",
+              "mercy" => "merci",
+              "mere" => "mere",
+              "merely" => "mere",
+              "merest" => "merest",
+              "merged" => "merg",
+              "merging" => "merg",
+              "merid" => "merid",
+              "meridian" => "meridian",
+              "merit" => "merit",
+              "merited" => "merit",
+              "meritorious" => "meritori",
+              "meritoriously" => "meritori",
+              "merits" => "merit",
+              "mermaid" => "mermaid",
+              "mero" => "mero",
+              "merrier" => "merrier",
+              "merriest" => "merriest",
+              "merrily" => "merrili",
+              "merriment" => "merriment",
+              "merry" => "merri",
+              "merveille" => "merveill",
+              "mervyn" => "mervyn",
+              "mesalliance" => "mesalli",
+              "mesh" => "mesh",
+              "meshes" => "mesh",
+              "mesmerism" => "mesmer",
+              "mess" => "mess",
+              "message" => "messag",
+              "messages" => "messag",
+              "messenger" => "messeng",
+              "messengers" => "messeng",
+              "messes" => "mess",
+              "messiah" => "messiah",
+              "messrs" => "messr",
+              "met" => "met",
+              "metal" => "metal",
+              "metallic" => "metal",
+              "metalliferous" => "metallifer",
+              "metals" => "metal",
+              "metamorphic" => "metamorph",
+              "metamorphosed" => "metamorphos",
+              "metaphorically" => "metaphor",
+              "metaphysical" => "metaphys",
+              "metaphysics" => "metaphys",
+              "meteor" => "meteor",
+              "meteorological" => "meteorolog",
+              "meteors" => "meteor",
+              "method" => "method",
+              "methodical" => "method",
+              "methodically" => "method",
+              "methodist" => "methodist",
+              "methods" => "method",
+              "methoozellers" => "methoozel",
+              "methuselah" => "methuselah",
+              "metropolis" => "metropoli",
+              "metropolitan" => "metropolitan",
+              "mettle" => "mettl",
+              "mew" => "mew",
+              "mewlinn" => "mewlinn",
+              "mewlinnwillinwodd" => "mewlinnwillinwodd",
+              "mews" => "mew",
+              "mexican" => "mexican",
+              "mexico" => "mexico",
+              "mezzotinto" => "mezzotinto",
+              "miasma" => "miasma",
+              "mica" => "mica",
+              "micaceous" => "micac",
+              "mice" => "mice",
+              "michael" => "michael",
+              "michaelmas" => "michaelma",
+              "michell" => "michel",
+              "mickle" => "mickl",
+              "microbes" => "microb",
+              "microscope" => "microscop",
+              "microscopic" => "microscop",
+              "microscopical" => "microscop",
+              "mid" => "mid",
+              "midday" => "midday",
+              "middl" => "middl",
+              "middle" => "middl",
+              "middlesex" => "middlesex",
+              "middleton" => "middleton",
+              "middling" => "middl",
+              "midnight" => "midnight",
+              "midshipmen" => "midshipmen",
+              "midst" => "midst",
+              "midsummer" => "midsumm",
+              "midway" => "midway",
+              "midwives" => "midwiv",
+              "mien" => "mien",
+              "miers" => "mier",
+              "might" => "might",
+              "mightier" => "mightier",
+              "mightily" => "mightili",
+              "mightn" => "mightn",
+              "mighty" => "mighti",
+              "mignonette" => "mignonett",
+              "migrate" => "migrat",
+              "migrated" => "migrat",
+              "migrates" => "migrat",
+              "migrating" => "migrat",
+              "migration" => "migrat",
+              "migrations" => "migrat",
+              "migratorius" => "migratorius",
+              "migratory" => "migratori",
+              "mihail" => "mihail",
+              "mihailovitch" => "mihailovitch",
+              "mihailovsky" => "mihailovski",
+              "mikolka" => "mikolka",
+              "milch" => "milch",
+              "mild" => "mild",
+              "milder" => "milder",
+              "mildest" => "mildest",
+              "mildewed" => "mildew",
+              "mildly" => "mild",
+              "mildmay" => "mildmay",
+              "mildness" => "mild",
+              "mile" => "mile",
+              "miles" => "mile",
+              "milestone" => "mileston",
+              "milestones" => "mileston",
+              "military" => "militari",
+              "militia" => "militia",
+              "milk" => "milk",
+              "milked" => "milk",
+              "milking" => "milk",
+              "milkmaid" => "milkmaid",
+              "milkman" => "milkman",
+              "milkpot" => "milkpot",
+              "milksop" => "milksop",
+              "milky" => "milki",
+              "mill" => "mill",
+              "millennium" => "millennium",
+              "millenniums" => "millennium",
+              "millepois" => "millepoi",
+              "millepora" => "millepora",
+              "miller" => "miller",
+              "milleypoise" => "milleypois",
+              "milliner" => "millin",
+              "milliners" => "millin",
+              "millinery" => "millineri",
+              "milling" => "mill",
+              "million" => "million",
+              "millionaire" => "millionair",
+              "millions" => "million",
+              "millionth" => "millionth",
+              "mills" => "mill",
+              "millstone" => "millston",
+              "milton" => "milton",
+              "mimicking" => "mimick",
+              "mimicry" => "mimicri",
+              "mimics" => "mimic",
+              "mimosa" => "mimosa",
+              "mimosae" => "mimosa",
+              "mimosas" => "mimosa",
+              "mimus" => "mimus",
+              "minaret" => "minaret",
+              "minas" => "mina",
+              "mince" => "minc",
+              "minced" => "minc",
+              "mincefenille" => "mincefenill",
+              "mincing" => "minc",
+              "mincingly" => "minc",
+              "mind" => "mind",
+              "minded" => "mind",
+              "mindedly" => "mind",
+              "mindedness" => "minded",
+              "mindful" => "mind",
+              "minding" => "mind",
+              "minds" => "mind",
+              "mine" => "mine",
+              "miner" => "miner",
+              "mineral" => "miner",
+              "mineralogical" => "mineralog",
+              "miners" => "miner",
+              "minerva" => "minerva",
+              "mines" => "mine",
+              "mingle" => "mingl",
+              "mingled" => "mingl",
+              "mingles" => "mingl",
+              "mingling" => "mingl",
+              "miniature" => "miniatur",
+              "miniatures" => "miniatur",
+              "minimum" => "minimum",
+              "mining" => "mine",
+              "minions" => "minion",
+              "minister" => "minist",
+              "ministered" => "minist",
+              "ministerial" => "ministeri",
+              "ministerialist" => "ministerialist",
+              "ministers" => "minist",
+              "ministership" => "ministership",
+              "ministration" => "ministr",
+              "ministrations" => "ministr",
+              "ministress" => "ministress",
+              "ministries" => "ministri",
+              "ministry" => "ministri",
+              "minnit" => "minnit",
+              "minor" => "minor",
+              "minorities" => "minor",
+              "minority" => "minor",
+              "minster" => "minster",
+              "minstrel" => "minstrel",
+              "mint" => "mint",
+              "minute" => "minut",
+              "minutely" => "minut",
+              "minuteness" => "minut",
+              "minutes" => "minut",
+              "minutest" => "minutest",
+              "minutus" => "minutus",
+              "minx" => "minx",
+              "miracle" => "miracl",
+              "miraculous" => "miracul",
+              "mirage" => "mirag",
+              "miranda" => "miranda",
+              "mire" => "mire",
+              "mirror" => "mirror",
+              "mirrored" => "mirror",
+              "mirrors" => "mirror",
+              "mirth" => "mirth",
+              "mirthful" => "mirth",
+              "mirthfulness" => "mirth",
+              "miry" => "miri",
+              "misanthrope" => "misanthrop",
+              "misanthropical" => "misanthrop",
+              "misapprehend" => "misapprehend",
+              "misapprehended" => "misapprehend",
+              "misbehave" => "misbehav",
+              "misbehaved" => "misbehav",
+              "misbehaving" => "misbehav",
+              "misbestowed" => "misbestow",
+              "miscalculated" => "miscalcul",
+              "miscalculation" => "miscalcul",
+              "miscalled" => "miscal",
+              "miscarried" => "miscarri",
+              "miscellaneous" => "miscellan",
+              "mischance" => "mischanc",
+              "mischances" => "mischanc",
+              "mischeevious" => "mischeevi",
+              "mischief" => "mischief",
+              "mischievous" => "mischiev",
+              "misconception" => "misconcept",
+              "misconduct" => "misconduct",
+              "misconstruction" => "misconstruct",
+              "misconstructions" => "misconstruct",
+              "misconstrued" => "misconstru",
+              "misconstruing" => "misconstru",
+              "miscreant" => "miscreant",
+              "misdeed" => "misde",
+              "misdeeds" => "misde",
+              "misdemeanor" => "misdemeanor",
+              "misdemeanour" => "misdemeanour",
+              "misdemeanours" => "misdemeanour",
+              "misdirected" => "misdirect",
+              "misdirecting" => "misdirect",
+              "misdirections" => "misdirect",
+              "miser" => "miser",
+              "miserable" => "miser",
+              "miserably" => "miser",
+              "misericordia" => "misericordia",
+              "miseries" => "miseri",
+              "miserly" => "miser",
+              "misers" => "miser",
+              "misery" => "miseri",
+              "misfortune" => "misfortun",
+              "misfortunes" => "misfortun",
+              "misgave" => "misgav",
+              "misgiving" => "misgiv",
+              "misgivings" => "misgiv",
+              "mishap" => "mishap",
+              "misinformed" => "misinform",
+              "misinterpreted" => "misinterpret",
+              "misjudged" => "misjudg",
+              "misjudges" => "misjudg",
+              "mislaid" => "mislaid",
+              "mislead" => "mislead",
+              "misled" => "misl",
+              "mismanaged" => "mismanag",
+              "mismanagement" => "mismanag",
+              "misplaced" => "misplac",
+              "misrepresent" => "misrepres",
+              "misrepresentations" => "misrepresent",
+              "misrepresenting" => "misrepres",
+              "miss" => "miss",
+              "missed" => "miss",
+              "misses" => "miss",
+              "missile" => "missil",
+              "missing" => "miss",
+              "mission" => "mission",
+              "missionaries" => "missionari",
+              "missionary" => "missionari",
+              "missiones" => "mission",
+              "missions" => "mission",
+              "missis" => "missi",
+              "missive" => "missiv",
+              "misspent" => "misspent",
+              "missus" => "missus",
+              "missy" => "missi",
+              "mist" => "mist",
+              "mistake" => "mistak",
+              "mistaken" => "mistaken",
+              "mistakenly" => "mistaken",
+              "mistakes" => "mistak",
+              "mistaking" => "mistak",
+              "miste" => "mist",
+              "mister" => "mister",
+              "misther" => "misther",
+              "mistily" => "mistili",
+              "mistiness" => "misti",
+              "mistoo" => "mistoo",
+              "mistook" => "mistook",
+              "mistress" => "mistress",
+              "mistresses" => "mistress",
+              "mistrust" => "mistrust",
+              "mistrusted" => "mistrust",
+              "mistrustful" => "mistrust",
+              "mistrustfully" => "mistrust",
+              "mistrusting" => "mistrust",
+              "mistrusts" => "mistrust",
+              "mists" => "mist",
+              "misty" => "misti",
+              "misunderstand" => "misunderstand",
+              "misunderstanding" => "misunderstand",
+              "misunderstood" => "misunderstood",
+              "misused" => "misus",
+              "misuses" => "misus",
+              "mitchell" => "mitchel",
+              "mite" => "mite",
+              "mites" => "mite",
+              "mitigation" => "mitig",
+              "mitka" => "mitka",
+              "mitrofanievsky" => "mitrofanievski",
+              "mitten" => "mitten",
+              "mix" => "mix",
+              "mixed" => "mix",
+              "mixer" => "mixer",
+              "mixes" => "mix",
+              "mixing" => "mix",
+              "mixtur" => "mixtur",
+              "mixture" => "mixtur",
+              "mizzle" => "mizzl",
+              "mlud" => "mlud",
+              "mm" => "mm",
+              "mmd" => "mmd",
+              "mo" => "mo",
+              "moan" => "moan",
+              "moaned" => "moan",
+              "moaning" => "moan",
+              "moanings" => "moan",
+              "moans" => "moan",
+              "moat" => "moat",
+              "mob" => "mob",
+              "mobbed" => "mob",
+              "mobbs" => "mobb",
+              "mobile" => "mobil",
+              "mock" => "mock",
+              "mocked" => "mock",
+              "mockeries" => "mockeri",
+              "mockery" => "mockeri",
+              "mocking" => "mock",
+              "mockingly" => "mock",
+              "mode" => "mode",
+              "model" => "model",
+              "modelled" => "model",
+              "modelling" => "model",
+              "models" => "model",
+              "moderate" => "moder",
+              "moderated" => "moder",
+              "moderately" => "moder",
+              "moderation" => "moder",
+              "modern" => "modern",
+              "modes" => "mode",
+              "modest" => "modest",
+              "modestly" => "modest",
+              "modesty" => "modesti",
+              "modifications" => "modif",
+              "modified" => "modifi",
+              "modify" => "modifi",
+              "mogley" => "mogley",
+              "mogul" => "mogul",
+              "mohair" => "mohair",
+              "moi" => "moi",
+              "moiler" => "moiler",
+              "moind" => "moind",
+              "moins" => "moin",
+              "moist" => "moist",
+              "moisten" => "moisten",
+              "moistened" => "moisten",
+              "moistening" => "moisten",
+              "moisture" => "moistur",
+              "molar" => "molar",
+              "molasses" => "molass",
+              "moldavia" => "moldavia",
+              "mole" => "mole",
+              "molest" => "molest",
+              "molestation" => "molest",
+              "molested" => "molest",
+              "molesting" => "molest",
+              "moliere" => "molier",
+              "molina" => "molina",
+              "mollified" => "mollifi",
+              "mollify" => "mollifi",
+              "mollifying" => "mollifi",
+              "mollusca" => "mollusca",
+              "molluscous" => "mollusc",
+              "molluscs" => "mollusc",
+              "molothrus" => "molothrus",
+              "molten" => "molten",
+              "momen" => "momen",
+              "moment" => "moment",
+              "momentarily" => "momentarili",
+              "momentary" => "momentari",
+              "momentous" => "moment",
+              "moments" => "moment",
+              "momentum" => "momentum",
+              "mon" => "mon",
+              "monarch" => "monarch",
+              "monarchs" => "monarch",
+              "monastery" => "monasteri",
+              "monats" => "monat",
+              "monceaux" => "monceaux",
+              "mond" => "mond",
+              "monday" => "monday",
+              "mondays" => "monday",
+              "monde" => "mond",
+              "monetary" => "monetari",
+              "money" => "money",
+              "moneyed" => "money",
+              "moneys" => "money",
+              "monge" => "mong",
+              "mongering" => "monger",
+              "mongrel" => "mongrel",
+              "mongrels" => "mongrel",
+              "mongrober" => "mongrob",
+              "monied" => "moni",
+              "monitions" => "monit",
+              "monk" => "monk",
+              "monkey" => "monkey",
+              "monkeyish" => "monkeyish",
+              "monkeys" => "monkey",
+              "monks" => "monk",
+              "monneyment" => "monney",
+              "monoceros" => "monocero",
+              "monocotyledonous" => "monocotyledon",
+              "monodonta" => "monodonta",
+              "monogram" => "monogram",
+              "monologues" => "monologu",
+              "monomania" => "monomania",
+              "monomaniac" => "monomaniac",
+              "monomaniacs" => "monomaniac",
+              "monopolising" => "monopolis",
+              "monopolist" => "monopolist",
+              "monopolize" => "monopol",
+              "monopoly" => "monopoli",
+              "monosyllabic" => "monosyllab",
+              "monosyllable" => "monosyl",
+              "monosyllables" => "monosyl",
+              "monotonous" => "monoton",
+              "monotonously" => "monoton",
+              "monotony" => "monotoni",
+              "monsieur" => "monsieur",
+              "monsoon" => "monsoon",
+              "monster" => "monster",
+              "monsters" => "monster",
+              "monsther" => "monsther",
+              "monstrous" => "monstrous",
+              "monstrously" => "monstrous",
+              "mont" => "mont",
+              "montagne" => "montagn",
+              "monte" => "mont",
+              "monter" => "monter",
+              "montes" => "mont",
+              "month" => "month",
+              "monthly" => "month",
+              "months" => "month",
+              "monument" => "monument",
+              "monumental" => "monument",
+              "monuments" => "monument",
+              "mood" => "mood",
+              "moodily" => "moodili",
+              "moodiness" => "moodi",
+              "moodle" => "moodl",
+              "moods" => "mood",
+              "moody" => "moodi",
+              "moon" => "moon",
+              "mooney" => "mooney",
+              "mooning" => "moon",
+              "moonlight" => "moonlight",
+              "moonlighted" => "moonlight",
+              "moons" => "moon",
+              "moonshine" => "moonshin",
+              "moonths" => "moonth",
+              "moor" => "moor",
+              "moored" => "moor",
+              "moorings" => "moor",
+              "moorish" => "moorish",
+              "moorland" => "moorland",
+              "moors" => "moor",
+              "moot" => "moot",
+              "mooted" => "moot",
+              "mooth" => "mooth",
+              "moothers" => "moother",
+              "mope" => "mope",
+              "moped" => "mope",
+              "moping" => "mope",
+              "mor" => "mor",
+              "moraine" => "morain",
+              "moral" => "moral",
+              "moralise" => "moralis",
+              "moralised" => "moralis",
+              "moralising" => "moralis",
+              "moralisings" => "moralis",
+              "morality" => "moral",
+              "moralizes" => "moral",
+              "moralizing" => "moral",
+              "morally" => "moral",
+              "morals" => "moral",
+              "morass" => "morass",
+              "morbid" => "morbid",
+              "morbidly" => "morbid",
+              "morbury" => "morburi",
+              "more" => "more",
+              "moreover" => "moreov",
+              "moresby" => "moresbi",
+              "moreton" => "moreton",
+              "morgan" => "morgan",
+              "morgenfruh" => "morgenfruh",
+              "morleena" => "morleena",
+              "morn" => "morn",
+              "morning" => "morn",
+              "mornings" => "morn",
+              "mornmg" => "mornmg",
+              "morocco" => "morocco",
+              "morose" => "moros",
+              "morosely" => "moros",
+              "moroseness" => "moros",
+              "morpheus" => "morpheus",
+              "morrow" => "morrow",
+              "morsel" => "morsel",
+              "morsels" => "morsel",
+              "mortal" => "mortal",
+              "mortality" => "mortal",
+              "mortally" => "mortal",
+              "mortals" => "mortal",
+              "mortar" => "mortar",
+              "mortgage" => "mortgag",
+              "mortgages" => "mortgag",
+              "mortgaging" => "mortgag",
+              "mortification" => "mortif",
+              "mortified" => "mortifi",
+              "mortify" => "mortifi",
+              "mortifying" => "mortifi",
+              "mortimer" => "mortim",
+              "morton" => "morton",
+              "mos" => "mos",
+              "moscow" => "moscow",
+              "mosquitoes" => "mosquito",
+              "moss" => "moss",
+              "mosses" => "moss",
+              "mossy" => "mossi",
+              "most" => "most",
+              "mostly" => "most",
+              "moth" => "moth",
+              "mother" => "mother",
+              "motherless" => "motherless",
+              "motherly" => "mother",
+              "mothers" => "mother",
+              "moths" => "moth",
+              "motion" => "motion",
+              "motioned" => "motion",
+              "motioning" => "motion",
+              "motionles" => "motionl",
+              "motionless" => "motionless",
+              "motions" => "motion",
+              "motive" => "motiv",
+              "motives" => "motiv",
+              "motley" => "motley",
+              "mottled" => "mottl",
+              "mottles" => "mottl",
+              "motto" => "motto",
+              "mouchoir" => "mouchoir",
+              "mould" => "mould",
+              "moulded" => "mould",
+              "moulder" => "moulder",
+              "mouldering" => "moulder",
+              "moulding" => "mould",
+              "moulds" => "mould",
+              "mouldy" => "mouldi",
+              "moun" => "moun",
+              "mound" => "mound",
+              "mounds" => "mound",
+              "mount" => "mount",
+              "mountain" => "mountain",
+              "mountainous" => "mountain",
+              "mountains" => "mountain",
+              "mountebanks" => "mountebank",
+              "mounted" => "mount",
+              "mounting" => "mount",
+              "mounts" => "mount",
+              "mourn" => "mourn",
+              "mourned" => "mourn",
+              "mourner" => "mourner",
+              "mourners" => "mourner",
+              "mournful" => "mourn",
+              "mournfully" => "mourn",
+              "mournfulness" => "mourn",
+              "mourning" => "mourn",
+              "mourns" => "mourn",
+              "mouse" => "mous",
+              "moustache" => "moustach",
+              "moustached" => "moustach",
+              "moustaches" => "moustach",
+              "moustachios" => "moustachio",
+              "mouth" => "mouth",
+              "mouthed" => "mouth",
+              "mouthful" => "mouth",
+              "mouthfuls" => "mouth",
+              "mouthing" => "mouth",
+              "mouthpiece" => "mouthpiec",
+              "mouths" => "mouth",
+              "mov" => "mov",
+              "movables" => "movabl",
+              "move" => "move",
+              "moveable" => "moveabl",
+              "moved" => "move",
+              "movemen" => "movemen",
+              "movement" => "movement",
+              "movements" => "movement",
+              "mover" => "mover",
+              "moves" => "move",
+              "moving" => "move",
+              "mowed" => "mow",
+              "mown" => "mown",
+              "mozart" => "mozart",
+              "mp" => "mp",
+              "mps" => "mps",
+              "mr" => "mr",
+              "mrs" => "mrs",
+              "ms" => "ms",
+              "mt" => "mt",
+              "muc" => "muc",
+              "much" => "much",
+              "muchisimas" => "muchisima",
+              "mucilaginous" => "mucilagin",
+              "mucker" => "mucker",
+              "mud" => "mud",
+              "muddiest" => "muddiest",
+              "muddle" => "muddl",
+              "muddled" => "muddl",
+              "muddles" => "muddl",
+              "muddocks" => "muddock",
+              "muddy" => "muddi",
+              "muddying" => "muddi",
+              "mudie" => "mudi",
+              "mudlike" => "mudlik",
+              "muffin" => "muffin",
+              "muffins" => "muffin",
+              "muffle" => "muffl",
+              "muffled" => "muffl",
+              "muffles" => "muffl",
+              "muffling" => "muffl",
+              "muffy" => "muffi",
+              "mug" => "mug",
+              "mugeres" => "muger",
+              "mugs" => "mug",
+              "mulatto" => "mulatto",
+              "mulberry" => "mulberri",
+              "mulcted" => "mulct",
+              "mule" => "mule",
+              "mules" => "mule",
+              "muleteer" => "mulet",
+              "muleteers" => "mulet",
+              "mulita" => "mulita",
+              "mullins" => "mullin",
+              "multimaculatus" => "multimaculatus",
+              "multiplication" => "multipl",
+              "multiplicity" => "multipl",
+              "multiplied" => "multipli",
+              "multiplier" => "multipli",
+              "multiply" => "multipli",
+              "multiplying" => "multipli",
+              "multitude" => "multitud",
+              "multitudes" => "multitud",
+              "multitudinous" => "multitudin",
+              "mum" => "mum",
+              "mumbled" => "mumbl",
+              "mumbling" => "mumbl",
+              "mummery" => "mummeri",
+              "mummy" => "mummi",
+              "mun" => "mun",
+              "munchausen" => "munchausen",
+              "munches" => "munch",
+              "munching" => "munch",
+              "mundane" => "mundan",
+              "mungo" => "mungo",
+              "munich" => "munich",
+              "municipal" => "municip",
+              "municipalities" => "municip",
+              "munificence" => "munific",
+              "munificent" => "munific",
+              "muniz" => "muniz",
+              "muntle" => "muntl",
+              "muntlehiney" => "muntlehiney",
+              "murder" => "murder",
+              "murdered" => "murder",
+              "murderer" => "murder",
+              "murderers" => "murder",
+              "murderess" => "murderess",
+              "murdering" => "murder",
+              "murderous" => "murder",
+              "murders" => "murder",
+              "muriate" => "muriat",
+              "muriates" => "muriat",
+              "murinus" => "murinus",
+              "murky" => "murki",
+              "murmur" => "murmur",
+              "murmured" => "murmur",
+              "murmuring" => "murmur",
+              "murmuringly" => "murmur",
+              "murmurings" => "murmur",
+              "murmurs" => "murmur",
+              "murphy" => "murphi",
+              "murray" => "murray",
+              "murrumbidgee" => "murrumbidge",
+              "mus" => "mus",
+              "muscle" => "muscl",
+              "muscles" => "muscl",
+              "muscular" => "muscular",
+              "muse" => "muse",
+              "mused" => "muse",
+              "muses" => "muse",
+              "museum" => "museum",
+              "musgrave" => "musgrav",
+              "mushroom" => "mushroom",
+              "mushrooms" => "mushroom",
+              "music" => "music",
+              "musical" => "music",
+              "musician" => "musician",
+              "musing" => "muse",
+              "musingly" => "muse",
+              "musk" => "musk",
+              "musket" => "musket",
+              "musketry" => "musketri",
+              "muskets" => "musket",
+              "muslin" => "muslin",
+              "muslins" => "muslin",
+              "musn" => "musn",
+              "musquitoes" => "musquito",
+              "muss" => "muss",
+              "mussel" => "mussel",
+              "must" => "must",
+              "mustaches" => "mustach",
+              "mustard" => "mustard",
+              "muster" => "muster",
+              "mustered" => "muster",
+              "mustn" => "mustn",
+              "musty" => "musti",
+              "mute" => "mute",
+              "mutilated" => "mutil",
+              "mutilates" => "mutil",
+              "mutinous" => "mutin",
+              "mutiny" => "mutini",
+              "mutter" => "mutter",
+              "muttered" => "mutter",
+              "muttering" => "mutter",
+              "mutterings" => "mutter",
+              "mutters" => "mutter",
+              "mutton" => "mutton",
+              "mutual" => "mutual",
+              "mutually" => "mutual",
+              "muy" => "muy",
+              "muzzle" => "muzzl",
+              "my" => "my",
+              "myiobius" => "myiobius",
+              "mylodon" => "mylodon",
+              "myopotamus" => "myopotamus",
+              "myriads" => "myriad",
+              "myrmidons" => "myrmidon",
+              "myrtle" => "myrtl",
+              "myrtus" => "myrtus",
+              "myself" => "myself",
+              "mysteries" => "mysteri",
+              "mysterieuse" => "mysterieus",
+              "mysterious" => "mysteri",
+              "mysteriously" => "mysteri",
+              "mystery" => "mysteri",
+              "mystic" => "mystic",
+              "mystification" => "mystif",
+              "mystified" => "mystifi",
+              "mystify" => "mystifi",
+              "mythische" => "mythisch",
+              "myths" => "myth",
+              "mytilus" => "mytilus",
+              "n" => "n",
+              "na" => "na",
+              "nae" => "nae",
+              "nag" => "nag",
+              "nags" => "nag",
+              "nail" => "nail",
+              "nailed" => "nail",
+              "nails" => "nail",
+              "naive" => "naiv",
+              "naively" => "naiv",
+              "naked" => "nake",
+              "nakedness" => "naked",
+              "nam" => "nam",
+              "name" => "name",
+              "named" => "name",
+              "nameless" => "nameless",
+              "namely" => "name",
+              "names" => "name",
+              "namesake" => "namesak",
+              "naming" => "name",
+              "nankeen" => "nankeen",
+              "nanus" => "nanus",
+              "nap" => "nap",
+              "nape" => "nape",
+              "napkin" => "napkin",
+              "naples" => "napl",
+              "napoleon" => "napoleon",
+              "napoleons" => "napoleon",
+              "narborough" => "narborough",
+              "narcissus" => "narcissus",
+              "narr" => "narr",
+              "narrated" => "narrat",
+              "narrates" => "narrat",
+              "narration" => "narrat",
+              "narrative" => "narrat",
+              "narratives" => "narrat",
+              "narrow" => "narrow",
+              "narrowed" => "narrow",
+              "narrower" => "narrow",
+              "narrowest" => "narrowest",
+              "narrowing" => "narrow",
+              "narrowly" => "narrowli",
+              "narrowness" => "narrow",
+              "narrows" => "narrow",
+              "nasal" => "nasal",
+              "nassa" => "nassa",
+              "nastasya" => "nastasya",
+              "nastiness" => "nasti",
+              "nasturtions" => "nasturt",
+              "nasty" => "nasti",
+              "nat" => "nat",
+              "nata" => "nata",
+              "natalya" => "natalya",
+              "nate" => "nate",
+              "nateral" => "nater",
+              "naterally" => "nater",
+              "nation" => "nation",
+              "national" => "nation",
+              "nationality" => "nation",
+              "nations" => "nation",
+              "native" => "nativ",
+              "natives" => "nativ",
+              "natur" => "natur",
+              "natural" => "natur",
+              "naturalest" => "naturalest",
+              "naturalist" => "naturalist",
+              "naturalista" => "naturalista",
+              "naturalists" => "naturalist",
+              "naturalized" => "natur",
+              "naturally" => "natur",
+              "naturalness" => "natur",
+              "nature" => "natur",
+              "natured" => "natur",
+              "naturedly" => "natur",
+              "naturelles" => "naturell",
+              "natures" => "natur",
+              "naughtiest" => "naughtiest",
+              "naughtiness" => "naughti",
+              "naughty" => "naughti",
+              "nausea" => "nausea",
+              "nauseous" => "nauseous",
+              "nautical" => "nautic",
+              "naval" => "naval",
+              "navarin" => "navarin",
+              "nave" => "nave",
+              "navedad" => "navedad",
+              "navel" => "navel",
+              "navies" => "navi",
+              "navigate" => "navig",
+              "navigating" => "navig",
+              "navigation" => "navig",
+              "navigator" => "navig",
+              "navigators" => "navig",
+              "navy" => "navi",
+              "nay" => "nay",
+              "nayver" => "nayver",
+              "nd" => "nd",
+              "ne" => "ne",
+              "nea" => "nea",
+              "neame" => "neam",
+              "neaming" => "neam",
+              "neane" => "nean",
+              "near" => "near",
+              "neared" => "near",
+              "nearer" => "nearer",
+              "nearest" => "nearest",
+              "nearl" => "nearl",
+              "nearly" => "near",
+              "nearness" => "near",
+              "nearsighted" => "nearsight",
+              "neat" => "neat",
+              "neatest" => "neatest",
+              "neath" => "neath",
+              "neatly" => "neat",
+              "neatness" => "neat",
+              "nebulous" => "nebul",
+              "necesary" => "necesari",
+              "necesidad" => "necesidad",
+              "necessaries" => "necessari",
+              "necessarily" => "necessarili",
+              "necessary" => "necessari",
+              "necessitate" => "necessit",
+              "necessitated" => "necessit",
+              "necessitates" => "necessit",
+              "necessities" => "necess",
+              "necessity" => "necess",
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+              "neckcloth" => "neckcloth",
+              "neckcloths" => "neckcloth",
+              "necked" => "neck",
+              "neckerchief" => "neckerchief",
+              "neckett" => "neckett",
+              "neckkerchief" => "neckkerchief",
+              "necklace" => "necklac",
+              "necklaced" => "necklac",
+              "necklaces" => "necklac",
+              "necks" => "neck",
+              "necktie" => "neckti",
+              "necromancer" => "necromanc",
+              "necrophagous" => "necrophag",
+              "nectar" => "nectar",
+              "nectarine" => "nectarin",
+              "nectarines" => "nectarin",
+              "ned" => "ned",
+              "neeburs" => "neebur",
+              "need" => "need",
+              "needed" => "need",
+              "needful" => "need",
+              "needing" => "need",
+              "needle" => "needl",
+              "needless" => "needless",
+              "needlework" => "needlework",
+              "needn" => "needn",
+              "needs" => "need",
+              "needy" => "needi",
+              "neeght" => "neeght",
+              "nefarious" => "nefari",
+              "negative" => "negat",
+              "neglect" => "neglect",
+              "neglected" => "neglect",
+              "neglectful" => "neglect",
+              "neglecting" => "neglect",
+              "negligemment" => "negligem",
+              "negligence" => "neglig",
+              "negligent" => "neglig",
+              "negligently" => "neglig",
+              "negotiable" => "negoti",
+              "negotiate" => "negoti",
+              "negotiating" => "negoti",
+              "negotiation" => "negoti",
+              "negotiations" => "negoti",
+              "negress" => "negress",
+              "negro" => "negro",
+              "negroes" => "negro",
+              "negus" => "negus",
+              "neigh" => "neigh",
+              "neighborhood" => "neighborhood",
+              "neighbour" => "neighbour",
+              "neighbourhood" => "neighbourhood",
+              "neighbouring" => "neighbour",
+              "neighbourly" => "neighbour",
+              "neighbours" => "neighbour",
+              "neighing" => "neigh",
+              "neight" => "neight",
+              "neither" => "neither",
+              "nekrassov" => "nekrassov",
+              "nelly" => "nelli",
+              "nemo" => "nemo",
+              "nemophilas" => "nemophila",
+              "neophyte" => "neophyt",
+              "nepean" => "nepean",
+              "nephew" => "nephew",
+              "nephews" => "nephew",
+              "ner" => "ner",
+              "nereidae" => "nereida",
+              "nereidous" => "nereid",
+              "nero" => "nero",
+              "nerve" => "nerv",
+              "nerves" => "nerv",
+              "nerving" => "nerv",
+              "nervous" => "nervous",
+              "nervously" => "nervous",
+              "nervousness" => "nervous",
+              "nervure" => "nervur",
+              "nervures" => "nervur",
+              "nesbit" => "nesbit",
+              "nest" => "nest",
+              "nestled" => "nestl",
+              "nestling" => "nestl",
+              "nestlings" => "nestl",
+              "nestor" => "nestor",
+              "nests" => "nest",
+              "net" => "net",
+              "nether" => "nether",
+              "nets" => "net",
+              "netted" => "net",
+              "nettle" => "nettl",
+              "nettled" => "nettl",
+              "nettles" => "nettl",
+              "neuralgia" => "neuralgia",
+              "neuroptera" => "neuroptera",
+              "neuter" => "neuter",
+              "neutral" => "neutral",
+              "neva" => "neva",
+              "neve" => "neve",
+              "never" => "never",
+              "nevertheless" => "nevertheless",
+              "nevew" => "nevew",
+              "nevsky" => "nevski",
+              "new" => "new",
+              "newark" => "newark",
+              "newcastle" => "newcastl",
+              "newcomers" => "newcom",
+              "newer" => "newer",
+              "newest" => "newest",
+              "newgate" => "newgat",
+              "newly" => "newli",
+              "newman" => "newman",
+              "newmarket" => "newmarket",
+              "newness" => "new",
+              "news" => "news",
+              "newsmen" => "newsmen",
+              "newspaper" => "newspap",
+              "newspapers" => "newspap",
+              "newton" => "newton",
+              "next" => "next",
+              "ney" => "ney",
+              "neyver" => "neyver",
+              "nezhin" => "nezhin",
+              "ni" => "ni",
+              "niagaras" => "niagara",
+              "niata" => "niata",
+              "niatas" => "niata",
+              "nib" => "nib",
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+              "nicely" => "nice",
+              "niceness" => "nice",
+              "nicer" => "nicer",
+              "nicest" => "nicest",
+              "nicety" => "niceti",
+              "niche" => "nich",
+              "nicher" => "nicher",
+              "niches" => "nich",
+              "nicholas" => "nichola",
+              "nick" => "nick",
+              "nickelby" => "nickelbi",
+              "nickleby" => "nicklebi",
+              "nicklebys" => "nicklebi",
+              "nickname" => "nicknam",
+              "nicolas" => "nicola",
+              "nictitating" => "nictit",
+              "nidification" => "nidif",
+              "niebla" => "niebla",
+              "niece" => "niec",
+              "nieces" => "niec",
+              "niente" => "nient",
+              "niger" => "niger",
+              "nigger" => "nigger",
+              "niggering" => "nigger",
+              "niggers" => "nigger",
+              "nigh" => "nigh",
+              "night" => "night",
+              "nightcap" => "nightcap",
+              "nightcaps" => "nightcap",
+              "nightfall" => "nightfal",
+              "nightingale" => "nightingal",
+              "nightingales" => "nightingal",
+              "nightly" => "night",
+              "nightmare" => "nightmar",
+              "nights" => "night",
+              "nigra" => "nigra",
+              "nigricans" => "nigrican",
+              "nigricollis" => "nigricolli",
+              "nihil" => "nihil",
+              "nihilist" => "nihilist",
+              "nihilists" => "nihilist",
+              "nikiforovna" => "nikiforovna",
+              "nikodim" => "nikodim",
+              "nikolaevsky" => "nikolaevski",
+              "nikolay" => "nikolay",
+              "nil" => "nil",
+              "nile" => "nile",
+              "nillandoo" => "nillandoo",
+              "nimble" => "nimbl",
+              "nimbly" => "nimbl",
+              "nimrod" => "nimrod",
+              "nine" => "nine",
+              "ninepence" => "ninep",
+              "ninepin" => "ninepin",
+              "nines" => "nine",
+              "nineteen" => "nineteen",
+              "nineteenth" => "nineteenth",
+              "ninetta" => "ninetta",
+              "ninety" => "nineti",
+              "ninevite" => "ninevit",
+              "ninnies" => "ninni",
+              "ninth" => "ninth",
+              "niobe" => "niob",
+              "nipped" => "nip",
+              "nipping" => "nip",
+              "nips" => "nip",
+              "nitrate" => "nitrat",
+              "nitric" => "nitric",
+              "nivalis" => "nivali",
+              "nixon" => "nixon",
+              "nixt" => "nixt",
+              "no" => "no",
+              "noa" => "noa",
+              "noabody" => "noabodi",
+              "noah" => "noah",
+              "nobbiest" => "nobbiest",
+              "nobility" => "nobil",
+              "noble" => "nobl",
+              "nobleman" => "nobleman",
+              "noblemen" => "noblemen",
+              "nobleness" => "nobl",
+              "nobler" => "nobler",
+              "noblesse" => "nobless",
+              "noblest" => "noblest",
+              "nobly" => "nobli",
+              "nobodies" => "nobodi",
+              "nobody" => "nobodi",
+              "nobodys" => "nobodi",
+              "nocturna" => "nocturna",
+              "nocturnal" => "nocturn",
+              "nod" => "nod",
+              "nodded" => "nod",
+              "noddies" => "noddi",
+              "nodding" => "nod",
+              "noddings" => "nod",
+              "noddy" => "noddi",
+              "nods" => "nod",
+              "nodules" => "nodul",
+              "noes" => "noe",
+              "nogg" => "nogg",
+              "noggs" => "nogg",
+              "noice" => "noic",
+              "noir" => "noir",
+              "noire" => "noir",
+              "noise" => "nois",
+              "noised" => "nois",
+              "noiseless" => "noiseless",
+              "noiselessly" => "noiseless",
+              "noises" => "nois",
+              "noisier" => "noisier",
+              "noisily" => "noisili",
+              "noisome" => "noisom",
+              "noisy" => "noisi",
+              "nokolay" => "nokolay",
+              "nolasko" => "nolasko",
+              "nomadically" => "nomad",
+              "nomads" => "nomad",
+              "nomenclature" => "nomenclatur",
+              "nominal" => "nomin",
+              "nominally" => "nomin",
+              "nominate" => "nomin",
+              "nominated" => "nomin",
+              "nomination" => "nomin",
+              "nominative" => "nomin",
+              "nominee" => "nomine",
+              "non" => "non",
+              "nonce" => "nonc",
+              "nonchalance" => "nonchal",
+              "nonchalant" => "nonchal",
+              "none" => "none",
+              "nonentity" => "nonent",
+              "nonpareil" => "nonpareil",
+              "nonsense" => "nonsens",
+              "nonsensical" => "nonsens",
+              "noo" => "noo",
+              "noodle" => "noodl",
+              "noodles" => "noodl",
+              "nook" => "nook",
+              "nooks" => "nook",
+              "noon" => "noon",
+              "noonday" => "noonday",
+              "noose" => "noos",
+              "nooses" => "noos",
+              "nor" => "nor",
+              "nore" => "nore",
+              "normal" => "normal",
+              "normally" => "normal",
+              "norman" => "norman",
+              "normously" => "normous",
+              "noronha" => "noronha",
+              "north" => "north",
+              "northampton" => "northampton",
+              "northerly" => "norther",
+              "northern" => "northern",
+              "northward" => "northward",
+              "northwards" => "northward",
+              "norval" => "norval",
+              "norway" => "norway",
+              "nose" => "nose",
+              "nosed" => "nose",
+              "nosegay" => "nosegay",
+              "nosegays" => "nosegay",
+              "noses" => "nose",
+              "nostril" => "nostril",
+              "nostrils" => "nostril",
+              "not" => "not",
+              "notable" => "notabl",
+              "notably" => "notabl",
+              "notaphus" => "notaphus",
+              "notary" => "notari",
+              "notched" => "notch",
+              "notches" => "notch",
+              "note" => "note",
+              "notebook" => "notebook",
+              "notebooks" => "notebook",
+              "noted" => "note",
+              "notes" => "note",
+              "noteworthy" => "noteworthi",
+              "nothin" => "nothin",
+              "nothing" => "noth",
+              "nothings" => "noth",
+              "nothink" => "nothink",
+              "nothura" => "nothura",
+              "notic" => "notic",
+              "notice" => "notic",
+              "noticeable" => "notic",
+              "noticeably" => "notic",
+              "noticed" => "notic",
+              "notices" => "notic",
+              "noticing" => "notic",
+              "notification" => "notif",
+              "notified" => "notifi",
+              "noting" => "note",
+              "notion" => "notion",
+              "notions" => "notion",
+              "notopods" => "notopod",
+              "notoriety" => "notorieti",
+              "notorious" => "notori",
+              "notoriously" => "notori",
+              "notre" => "notr",
+              "notwithstanding" => "notwithstand",
+              "nou" => "nou",
+              "nough" => "nough",
+              "nought" => "nought",
+              "noun" => "noun",
+              "nourish" => "nourish",
+              "nourished" => "nourish",
+              "nourishment" => "nourish",
+              "nous" => "nous",
+              "nov" => "nov",
+              "novae" => "nova",
+              "novel" => "novel",
+              "novelist" => "novelist",
+              "novels" => "novel",
+              "novelties" => "novelti",
+              "novelty" => "novelti",
+              "november" => "novemb",
+              "novice" => "novic",
+              "novices" => "novic",
+              "novitiate" => "noviti",
+              "novos" => "novo",
+              "now" => "now",
+              "nowadays" => "nowaday",
+              "noways" => "noway",
+              "nowhere" => "nowher",
+              "nowheres" => "nowher",
+              "nowise" => "nowis",
+              "nowt" => "nowt",
+              "noxious" => "noxious",
+              "nozzle" => "nozzl",
+              "nt" => "nt",
+              "nucleus" => "nucleus",
+              "nudge" => "nudg",
+              "nudged" => "nudg",
+              "nudges" => "nudg",
+              "nudging" => "nudg",
+              "nuisance" => "nuisanc",
+              "nulla" => "nulla",
+              "nulliporae" => "nullipora",
+              "numb" => "numb",
+              "numbed" => "numb",
+              "number" => "number",
+              "numbered" => "number",
+              "numberless" => "numberless",
+              "numbers" => "number",
+              "numerical" => "numer",
+              "numerous" => "numer",
+              "nummularia" => "nummularia",
+              "numskull" => "numskul",
+              "nun" => "nun",
+              "nunnery" => "nunneri",
+              "nuptial" => "nuptial",
+              "nuptials" => "nuptial",
+              "nurse" => "nurs",
+              "nursed" => "nurs",
+              "nursemaid" => "nursemaid",
+              "nursery" => "nurseri",
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+              "nursing" => "nurs",
+              "nurture" => "nurtur",
+              "nurtured" => "nurtur",
+              "nuss" => "nuss",
+              "nut" => "nut",
+              "nutcrackers" => "nutcrack",
+              "nutmeg" => "nutmeg",
+              "nutriment" => "nutriment",
+              "nutritious" => "nutriti",
+              "nuts" => "nut",
+              "nutshell" => "nutshel",
+              "nutshells" => "nutshel",
+              "nymph" => "nymph",
+              "nymphs" => "nymph",
+              "o" => "o",
+              "oaf" => "oaf",
+              "oak" => "oak",
+              "oaken" => "oaken",
+              "oaks" => "oak",
+              "oar" => "oar",
+              "oars" => "oar",
+              "oarsman" => "oarsman",
+              "oasis" => "oasi",
+              "oath" => "oath",
+              "oaths" => "oath",
+              "oats" => "oat",
+              "oban" => "oban",
+              "obduracy" => "obduraci",
+              "obdurate" => "obdur",
+              "obdurately" => "obdur",
+              "obedience" => "obedi",
+              "obedient" => "obedi",
+              "obediently" => "obedi",
+              "obedt" => "obedt",
+              "obeisance" => "obeis",
+              "obeisances" => "obeis",
+              "obelisk" => "obelisk",
+              "obelisks" => "obelisk",
+              "obesity" => "obes",
+              "obey" => "obey",
+              "obeyed" => "obey",
+              "obeyeth" => "obeyeth",
+              "obeying" => "obey",
+              "obeys" => "obey",
+              "obispo" => "obispo",
+              "obits" => "obit",
+              "object" => "object",
+              "objected" => "object",
+              "objecting" => "object",
+              "objection" => "object",
+              "objectionable" => "objection",
+              "objections" => "object",
+              "objectless" => "objectless",
+              "objects" => "object",
+              "obleege" => "obleeg",
+              "obleeging" => "obleeg",
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+              "obligations" => "oblig",
+              "oblige" => "oblig",
+              "obliged" => "oblig",
+              "obliges" => "oblig",
+              "obliging" => "oblig",
+              "obligingly" => "oblig",
+              "obligingness" => "obliging",
+              "oblique" => "obliqu",
+              "obliterate" => "obliter",
+              "obliterated" => "obliter",
+              "obliterating" => "obliter",
+              "obliteration" => "obliter",
+              "oblivion" => "oblivion",
+              "oblivious" => "oblivi",
+              "oblong" => "oblong",
+              "obscene" => "obscen",
+              "obscenity" => "obscen",
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+              "obscured" => "obscur",
+              "obscurely" => "obscur",
+              "obscures" => "obscur",
+              "obscuring" => "obscur",
+              "obscurity" => "obscur",
+              "obsequious" => "obsequi",
+              "obsequiousness" => "obsequi",
+              "observa" => "observa",
+              "observable" => "observ",
+              "observaciones" => "observacion",
+              "observance" => "observ",
+              "observant" => "observ",
+              "observation" => "observ",
+              "observations" => "observ",
+              "observe" => "observ",
+              "observed" => "observ",
+              "observer" => "observ",
+              "observers" => "observ",
+              "observes" => "observ",
+              "observing" => "observ",
+              "obsession" => "obsess",
+              "obsolete" => "obsolet",
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+              "obstacles" => "obstacl",
+              "obstinacy" => "obstinaci",
+              "obstinate" => "obstin",
+              "obstinately" => "obstin",
+              "obstructed" => "obstruct",
+              "obstructing" => "obstruct",
+              "obstruction" => "obstruct",
+              "obtain" => "obtain",
+              "obtainable" => "obtain",
+              "obtained" => "obtain",
+              "obtaining" => "obtain",
+              "obtains" => "obtain",
+              "obtruded" => "obtrud",
+              "obtruding" => "obtrud",
+              "obtrusive" => "obtrus",
+              "obtrusively" => "obtrus",
+              "obtuse" => "obtus",
+              "obviating" => "obviat",
+              "obvious" => "obvious",
+              "obviously" => "obvious",
+              "occasion" => "occas",
+              "occasional" => "occasion",
+              "occasionally" => "occasion",
+              "occasioned" => "occas",
+              "occasioning" => "occas",
+              "occasions" => "occas",
+              "occidentalis" => "occidentali",
+              "occupancy" => "occup",
+              "occupant" => "occup",
+              "occupants" => "occup",
+              "occupation" => "occup",
+              "occupations" => "occup",
+              "occupied" => "occupi",
+              "occupier" => "occupi",
+              "occupiers" => "occupi",
+              "occupies" => "occupi",
+              "occupy" => "occupi",
+              "occupying" => "occupi",
+              "occur" => "occur",
+              "occurred" => "occur",
+              "occurrence" => "occurr",
+              "occurrences" => "occurr",
+              "occurring" => "occur",
+              "occurs" => "occur",
+              "ocean" => "ocean",
+              "oceanic" => "ocean",
+              "oceans" => "ocean",
+              "och" => "och",
+              "octave" => "octav",
+              "octavia" => "octavia",
+              "octavo" => "octavo",
+              "october" => "octob",
+              "octopus" => "octopus",
+              "ocular" => "ocular",
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+              "odiously" => "odious",
+              "odium" => "odium",
+              "odoriferous" => "odorifer",
+              "odour" => "odour",
+              "odours" => "odour",
+              "ods" => "od",
+              "oens" => "oen",
+              "oesophagus" => "oesophagus",
+              "oeuvre" => "oeuvr",
+              "of" => "of",
+              "off" => "off",
+              "offal" => "offal",
+              "offe" => "off",
+              "offence" => "offenc",
+              "offences" => "offenc",
+              "offend" => "offend",
+              "offended" => "offend",
+              "offender" => "offend",
+              "offending" => "offend",
+              "offends" => "offend",
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+              "offerings" => "offer",
+              "offers" => "offer",
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+              "officer" => "offic",
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+              "officers" => "offic",
+              "offices" => "offic",
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+              "officially" => "offici",
+              "officials" => "offici",
+              "officiates" => "offici",
+              "officier" => "offici",
+              "officious" => "offici",
+              "officiously" => "offici",
+              "offing" => "of",
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+              "offspring" => "offspr",
+              "oft" => "oft",
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+              "oftenest" => "oftenest",
+              "oftentimes" => "oftentim",
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+              "ogre" => "ogr",
+              "ogreish" => "ogreish",
+              "oh" => "oh",
+              "ohnglaube" => "ohnglaub",
+              "oho" => "oho",
+              "oil" => "oil",
+              "oiliness" => "oili",
+              "oilskin" => "oilskin",
+              "oily" => "oili",
+              "ointment" => "ointment",
+              "ojection" => "oject",
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+              "older" => "older",
+              "oldest" => "oldest",
+              "ole" => "ole",
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+              "olfersia" => "olfersia",
+              "olinda" => "olinda",
+              "oliva" => "oliva",
+              "olivasea" => "olivasea",
+              "olive" => "oliv",
+              "olives" => "oliv",
+              "olivia" => "olivia",
+              "ologies" => "olog",
+              "olympus" => "olympus",
+              "ombu" => "ombu",
+              "omen" => "omen",
+              "ominous" => "omin",
+              "omission" => "omiss",
+              "omissions" => "omiss",
+              "omit" => "omit",
+              "omitted" => "omit",
+              "omitting" => "omit",
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+              "omnibuses" => "omnibus",
+              "omnipotence" => "omnipot",
+              "omnipotent" => "omnipot",
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+              "omniscient" => "omnisci",
+              "omnium" => "omnium",
+              "omnivorous" => "omnivor",
+              "on" => "on",
+              "once" => "onc",
+              "one" => "one",
+              "oneness" => "one",
+              "onerous" => "oner",
+              "ones" => "one",
+              "oneself" => "oneself",
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+              "onions" => "onion",
+              "oniscia" => "oniscia",
+              "only" => "onli",
+              "ont" => "ont",
+              "onthophagus" => "onthophagus",
+              "onto" => "onto",
+              "onus" => "onus",
+              "onward" => "onward",
+              "onwards" => "onward",
+              "onwholesome" => "onwholesom",
+              "ony" => "oni",
+              "oo" => "oo",
+              "ooman" => "ooman",
+              "oop" => "oop",
+              "oot" => "oot",
+              "oother" => "oother",
+              "ootside" => "ootsid",
+              "ooze" => "ooz",
+              "oozed" => "ooz",
+              "oozes" => "ooz",
+              "opaque" => "opaqu",
+              "ope" => "ope",
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+              "opened" => "open",
+              "opener" => "open",
+              "opening" => "open",
+              "openings" => "open",
+              "openly" => "open",
+              "openness" => "open",
+              "opens" => "open",
+              "opera" => "opera",
+              "operas" => "opera",
+              "operate" => "oper",
+              "operated" => "oper",
+              "operating" => "oper",
+              "operation" => "oper",
+              "operations" => "oper",
+              "operative" => "oper",
+              "operator" => "oper",
+              "operculum" => "operculum",
+              "opetiorhynchi" => "opetiorhynchi",
+              "opetiorhynchus" => "opetiorhynchus",
+              "ophrys" => "ophri",
+              "opiate" => "opiat",
+              "opimon" => "opimon",
+              "opined" => "opin",
+              "opining" => "opin",
+              "opinion" => "opinion",
+              "opinionated" => "opinion",
+              "opinionative" => "opinion",
+              "opinions" => "opinion",
+              "opinlon" => "opinlon",
+              "opium" => "opium",
+              "opossum" => "opossum",
+              "opossums" => "opossum",
+              "opp" => "opp",
+              "opponent" => "oppon",
+              "opponents" => "oppon",
+              "opportune" => "opportun",
+              "opportunely" => "opportun",
+              "opportunities" => "opportun",
+              "opportunity" => "opportun",
+              "oppose" => "oppos",
+              "opposed" => "oppos",
+              "opposing" => "oppos",
+              "opposite" => "opposit",
+              "opposites" => "opposit",
+              "opposition" => "opposit",
+              "oppress" => "oppress",
+              "oppressed" => "oppress",
+              "oppression" => "oppress",
+              "oppressive" => "oppress",
+              "oppressor" => "oppressor",
+              "opprobrious" => "opprobri",
+              "optic" => "optic",
+              "optical" => "optic",
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+              "opulent" => "opul",
+              "opuntia" => "opuntia",
+              "opuntias" => "opuntia",
+              "or" => "or",
+              "oracle" => "oracl",
+              "oracularly" => "oracular",
+              "oraison" => "oraison",
+              "orange" => "orang",
+              "orangeman" => "orangeman",
+              "oranges" => "orang",
+              "oration" => "orat",
+              "orations" => "orat",
+              "orator" => "orat",
+              "orators" => "orat",
+              "oratory" => "oratori",
+              "orb" => "orb",
+              "orbigny" => "orbigni",
+              "orbignyi" => "orbignyi",
+              "orbingy" => "orbingi",
+              "orchard" => "orchard",
+              "orchards" => "orchard",
+              "orchestra" => "orchestra",
+              "orchideae" => "orchidea",
+              "orchideous" => "orchid",
+              "orchids" => "orchid",
+              "orchis" => "orchi",
+              "ordained" => "ordain",
+              "ordeal" => "ordeal",
+              "order" => "order",
+              "ordered" => "order",
+              "ordering" => "order",
+              "orderly" => "order",
+              "orders" => "order",
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+              "ordinances" => "ordin",
+              "ordinarily" => "ordinarili",
+              "ordinary" => "ordinari",
+              "ore" => "ore",
+              "ores" => "ore",
+              "organ" => "organ",
+              "organic" => "organ",
+              "organically" => "organ",
+              "organisation" => "organis",
+              "organise" => "organis",
+              "organised" => "organis",
+              "organism" => "organ",
+              "organization" => "organ",
+              "organizations" => "organ",
+              "organized" => "organ",
+              "organs" => "organ",
+              "orgies" => "orgi",
+              "oriels" => "oriel",
+              "oriental" => "orient",
+              "orifice" => "orific",
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+              "original" => "origin",
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+              "originate" => "origin",
+              "originated" => "origin",
+              "originates" => "origin",
+              "originating" => "origin",
+              "originatinin" => "originatinin",
+              "orinoco" => "orinoco",
+              "orlando" => "orlando",
+              "orlandos" => "orlando",
+              "ormolu" => "ormolu",
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+              "ornithologists" => "ornithologist",
+              "ornithology" => "ornitholog",
+              "ornithorhynchus" => "ornithorhynchus",
+              "orphan" => "orphan",
+              "orphaned" => "orphan",
+              "orphanhood" => "orphanhood",
+              "orphans" => "orphan",
+              "orpheus" => "orpheus",
+              "orsono" => "orsono",
+              "orth" => "orth",
+              "orthodox" => "orthodox",
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+              "oruro" => "oruro",
+              "oryctes" => "oryct",
+              "oryzivorus" => "oryzivorus",
+              "oscillated" => "oscil",
+              "oscillates" => "oscil",
+              "oscillating" => "oscil",
+              "oscillation" => "oscil",
+              "oscillations" => "oscil",
+              "osorno" => "osorno",
+              "ossemens" => "ossemen",
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+              "ostend" => "ostend",
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+              "ostensibly" => "ostens",
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+              "ostentatiously" => "ostentati",
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+              "ostlers" => "ostler",
+              "ostrich" => "ostrich",
+              "ostriches" => "ostrich",
+              "ostrov" => "ostrov",
+              "oswald" => "oswald",
+              "osyth" => "osyth",
+              "otaheite" => "otaheit",
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+              "others" => "other",
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+              "otto" => "otto",
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+              "ottomans" => "ottoman",
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+              "ounce" => "ounc",
+              "ounces" => "ounc",
+              "our" => "our",
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+              "ours" => "our",
+              "oursel" => "oursel",
+              "ourselves" => "ourselv",
+              "ouse" => "ous",
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+              "outcasts" => "outcast",
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+              "outlaws" => "outlaw",
+              "outlay" => "outlay",
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+              "outlets" => "outlet",
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+              "outlived" => "outliv",
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+              "outlying" => "out",
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+              "outpourings" => "outpour",
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+              "outraging" => "outrag",
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+              "outrigeously" => "outrig",
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+              "outshone" => "outshon",
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+              "outsider" => "outsid",
+              "outsiders" => "outsid",
+              "outsides" => "outsid",
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+              "outweighing" => "outweigh",
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+              "oval" => "oval",
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+              "ove" => "ove",
+              "oven" => "oven",
+              "ovens" => "oven",
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+              "overcoat" => "overcoat",
+              "overcome" => "overcom",
+              "overcoming" => "overcom",
+              "overcrowed" => "overcrow",
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+              "overdoes" => "overdo",
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+              "overdone" => "overdon",
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+              "overdue" => "overdu",
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+              "overflowing" => "overflow",
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+              "overhangs" => "overhang",
+              "overhaul" => "overhaul",
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+              "overhear" => "overhear",
+              "overheard" => "overheard",
+              "overhearing" => "overhear",
+              "overhung" => "overhung",
+              "overjoyed" => "overjoy",
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+              "overleaping" => "overleap",
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+              "overlookers" => "overlook",
+              "overlooking" => "overlook",
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+              "overpowering" => "overpow",
+              "overpoweringly" => "overpow",
+              "overpowers" => "overpow",
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+              "overset" => "overset",
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+              "overshadowing" => "overshadow",
+              "overshadows" => "overshadow",
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+              "oversleeping" => "oversleep",
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+              "overstating" => "overst",
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+              "overstepped" => "overstep",
+              "overstepping" => "overstep",
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+              "overtaken" => "overtaken",
+              "overtakes" => "overtak",
+              "overtaking" => "overtak",
+              "overtask" => "overtask",
+              "overtasked" => "overtask",
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+              "overthrow" => "overthrow",
+              "overthrown" => "overthrown",
+              "overthrows" => "overthrow",
+              "overtime" => "overtim",
+              "overtook" => "overtook",
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+              "overturned" => "overturn",
+              "overturning" => "overturn",
+              "overturns" => "overturn",
+              "overweening" => "overween",
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+              "overwhelming" => "overwhelm",
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+              "owed" => "owe",
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+              "owing" => "owe",
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+              "owners" => "owner",
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+              "owning" => "own",
+              "owns" => "own",
+              "owor" => "owor",
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+              "oysters" => "oyster",
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+              "pa" => "pa",
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+              "pachydermous" => "pachyderm",
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+              "pacifying" => "pacifi",
+              "pacing" => "pace",
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+              "package" => "packag",
+              "packages" => "packag",
+              "packed" => "pack",
+              "packer" => "packer",
+              "packet" => "packet",
+              "packets" => "packet",
+              "packhorse" => "packhors",
+              "packing" => "pack",
+              "packs" => "pack",
+              "pad" => "pad",
+              "padded" => "pad",
+              "paddled" => "paddl",
+              "paddles" => "paddl",
+              "paddling" => "paddl",
+              "paddock" => "paddock",
+              "padlock" => "padlock",
+              "padlocked" => "padlock",
+              "padlocking" => "padlock",
+              "padre" => "padr",
+              "padres" => "padr",
+              "pagan" => "pagan",
+              "page" => "page",
+              "pageant" => "pageant",
+              "pageants" => "pageant",
+              "pages" => "page",
+              "pah" => "pah",
+              "pahia" => "pahia",
+              "paid" => "paid",
+              "pail" => "pail",
+              "pailfuls" => "pail",
+              "pain" => "pain",
+              "pained" => "pain",
+              "painful" => "pain",
+              "painfullest" => "painfullest",
+              "painfully" => "pain",
+              "pains" => "pain",
+              "painstaking" => "painstak",
+              "paint" => "paint",
+              "painted" => "paint",
+              "painter" => "painter",
+              "painters" => "painter",
+              "painting" => "paint",
+              "paintings" => "paint",
+              "paints" => "paint",
+              "pair" => "pair",
+              "paired" => "pair",
+              "pairing" => "pair",
+              "pairs" => "pair",
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+              "palaces" => "palac",
+              "paladin" => "paladin",
+              "palaeologos" => "palaeologo",
+              "palaeotherium" => "palaeotherium",
+              "palais" => "palai",
+              "palanquin" => "palanquin",
+              "palatable" => "palat",
+              "palate" => "palat",
+              "palates" => "palat",
+              "pale" => "pale",
+              "paled" => "pale",
+              "palely" => "pale",
+              "paleness" => "pale",
+              "paler" => "paler",
+              "palings" => "pale",
+              "pall" => "pall",
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+              "pallas" => "palla",
+              "palliate" => "palliat",
+              "palliated" => "palliat",
+              "palliation" => "palliat",
+              "pallid" => "pallid",
+              "palliser" => "pallis",
+              "pallisers" => "pallis",
+              "pallor" => "pallor",
+              "palm" => "palm",
+              "palmer" => "palmer",
+              "palmerston" => "palmerston",
+              "palmes" => "palm",
+              "palms" => "palm",
+              "palmy" => "palmi",
+              "palpable" => "palpabl",
+              "palpably" => "palpabl",
+              "palpitate" => "palpit",
+              "palpitated" => "palpit",
+              "palpitating" => "palpit",
+              "palpitation" => "palpit",
+              "palpitations" => "palpit",
+              "pals" => "pal",
+              "palsy" => "palsi",
+              "paltry" => "paltri",
+              "paludina" => "paludina",
+              "pampaean" => "pampaean",
+              "pampas" => "pampa",
+              "pampean" => "pampean",
+              "pamper" => "pamper",
+              "pampered" => "pamper",
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+              "pamphlets" => "pamphlet",
+              "pamplemousses" => "pamplemouss",
+              "pan" => "pan",
+              "panacea" => "panacea",
+              "panama" => "panama",
+              "pancake" => "pancak",
+              "pancakes" => "pancak",
+              "pandanus" => "pandanus",
+              "pandemoniac" => "pandemoniac",
+              "pandemonium" => "pandemonium",
+              "pane" => "pane",
+              "panel" => "panel",
+              "panelled" => "panel",
+              "panelling" => "panel",
+              "panels" => "panel",
+              "panes" => "pane",
+              "pang" => "pang",
+              "pangs" => "pang",
+              "pani" => "pani",
+              "panic" => "panic",
+              "panics" => "panic",
+              "panke" => "pank",
+              "pannikins" => "pannikin",
+              "panoply" => "panopli",
+              "panorama" => "panorama",
+              "pans" => "pan",
+              "pansies" => "pansi",
+              "pant" => "pant",
+              "pantaloons" => "pantaloon",
+              "panted" => "pant",
+              "panther" => "panther",
+              "panting" => "pant",
+              "pantomime" => "pantomim",
+              "pantomimes" => "pantomim",
+              "pantomimist" => "pantomimist",
+              "pantry" => "pantri",
+              "pants" => "pant",
+              "panza" => "panza",
+              "papa" => "papa",
+              "papal" => "papal",
+              "papawa" => "papawa",
+              "paper" => "paper",
+              "papered" => "paper",
+              "papering" => "paper",
+              "papers" => "paper",
+              "papiete" => "papiet",
+              "papilio" => "papilio",
+              "papillae" => "papilla",
+              "papin" => "papin",
+              "papist" => "papist",
+              "paposo" => "paposo",
+              "par" => "par",
+              "parable" => "parabl",
+              "parabola" => "parabola",
+              "parade" => "parad",
+              "paraded" => "parad",
+              "parades" => "parad",
+              "paradise" => "paradis",
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+              "paradoxical" => "paradox",
+              "paradoxus" => "paradoxus",
+              "paragon" => "paragon",
+              "paragraph" => "paragraph",
+              "paragraphs" => "paragraph",
+              "paraguay" => "paraguay",
+              "parallel" => "parallel",
+              "parallelism" => "parallel",
+              "paralyse" => "paralys",
+              "paralysed" => "paralys",
+              "paralysis" => "paralysi",
+              "paralytic" => "paralyt",
+              "paramatta" => "paramatta",
+              "paramount" => "paramount",
+              "parana" => "parana",
+              "parapet" => "parapet",
+              "parapets" => "parapet",
+              "parasha" => "parasha",
+              "parasite" => "parasit",
+              "parasites" => "parasit",
+              "parasitic" => "parasit",
+              "parasitical" => "parasit",
+              "parasol" => "parasol",
+              "parasols" => "parasol",
+              "parcel" => "parcel",
+              "parcels" => "parcel",
+              "parchappe" => "parchapp",
+              "parched" => "parch",
+              "parchment" => "parchment",
+              "parchments" => "parchment",
+              "parchmentses" => "parchments",
+              "pardiggle" => "pardiggl",
+              "pardiggles" => "pardiggl",
+              "pardon" => "pardon",
+              "pardonable" => "pardon",
+              "pardoned" => "pardon",
+              "pardoning" => "pardon",
+              "pardons" => "pardon",
+              "pared" => "pare",
+              "parenchymatous" => "parenchymat",
+              "parent" => "parent",
+              "parentage" => "parentag",
+              "parental" => "parent",
+              "parentheses" => "parenthes",
+              "parenthesis" => "parenthesi",
+              "parenthetically" => "parenthet",
+              "parents" => "parent",
+              "pariah" => "pariah",
+              "paris" => "pari",
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+              "parishes" => "parish",
+              "parishioner" => "parishion",
+              "parisian" => "parisian",
+              "parisians" => "parisian",
+              "park" => "park",
+              "parker" => "parker",
+              "parkers" => "parker",
+              "parks" => "park",
+              "parlance" => "parlanc",
+              "parlay" => "parlay",
+              "parlaying" => "parlay",
+              "parley" => "parley",
+              "parlez" => "parlez",
+              "parliament" => "parliament",
+              "parliamentary" => "parliamentari",
+              "parliaments" => "parliament",
+              "parlour" => "parlour",
+              "parlours" => "parlour",
+              "parochial" => "parochi",
+              "parole" => "parol",
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+              "paroxysms" => "paroxysm",
+              "parried" => "parri",
+              "parrot" => "parrot",
+              "parrots" => "parrot",
+              "parry" => "parri",
+              "parsimonious" => "parsimoni",
+              "parsimony" => "parsimoni",
+              "parsley" => "parsley",
+              "parson" => "parson",
+              "parsonage" => "parsonag",
+              "part" => "part",
+              "partake" => "partak",
+              "partaken" => "partaken",
+              "partaker" => "partak",
+              "partakes" => "partak",
+              "partaking" => "partak",
+              "parted" => "part",
+              "parterre" => "parterr",
+              "parthenon" => "parthenon",
+              "parti" => "parti",
+              "partial" => "partial",
+              "partiality" => "partial",
+              "partially" => "partial",
+              "participate" => "particip",
+              "participated" => "particip",
+              "participation" => "particip",
+              "particle" => "particl",
+              "particles" => "particl",
+              "particular" => "particular",
+              "particularised" => "particularis",
+              "particularity" => "particular",
+              "particularly" => "particular",
+              "particulars" => "particular",
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+              "partings" => "part",
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+              "partisanship" => "partisanship",
+              "partition" => "partit",
+              "partitioned" => "partit",
+              "partitions" => "partit",
+              "partly" => "part",
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+              "partnerships" => "partnership",
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+              "partridges" => "partridg",
+              "parts" => "part",
+              "party" => "parti",
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+              "parvulus" => "parvulus",
+              "pas" => "pas",
+              "pashenka" => "pashenka",
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+              "passages" => "passag",
+              "passed" => "pass",
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+              "passees" => "passe",
+              "passenger" => "passeng",
+              "passengers" => "passeng",
+              "passer" => "passer",
+              "passerby" => "passerbi",
+              "passers" => "passer",
+              "passes" => "pass",
+              "passin" => "passin",
+              "passing" => "pass",
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+              "passwords" => "password",
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+              "pasteboard" => "pasteboard",
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+              "pasthry" => "pasthri",
+              "pastime" => "pastim",
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+              "pastors" => "pastor",
+              "pastry" => "pastri",
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+              "pasturage" => "pasturag",
+              "pasture" => "pastur",
+              "pastures" => "pastur",
+              "pasty" => "pasti",
+              "pat" => "pat",
+              "patachonica" => "patachonica",
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+              "patagonicus" => "patagonicus",
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+              "patched" => "patch",
+              "patches" => "patch",
+              "patchwork" => "patchwork",
+              "patellae" => "patella",
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+              "patent" => "patent",
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+              "pathway" => "pathway",
+              "pathways" => "pathway",
+              "patience" => "patienc",
+              "patient" => "patient",
+              "patienter" => "patient",
+              "patiently" => "patient",
+              "patients" => "patient",
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+              "patriarchal" => "patriarch",
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+              "patrician" => "patrician",
+              "patrick" => "patrick",
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+              "patrimony" => "patrimoni",
+              "patriot" => "patriot",
+              "patriotic" => "patriot",
+              "patriotism" => "patriot",
+              "patrolling" => "patrol",
+              "patron" => "patron",
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+              "patrons" => "patron",
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+              "pattens" => "patten",
+              "patter" => "patter",
+              "pattered" => "patter",
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+              "patterns" => "pattern",
+              "patting" => "pat",
+              "patula" => "patula",
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+              "paul" => "paul",
+              "pauline" => "paulin",
+              "paunch" => "paunch",
+              "paunchy" => "paunchi",
+              "pauper" => "pauper",
+              "paupers" => "pauper",
+              "pause" => "paus",
+              "paused" => "paus",
+              "pauses" => "paus",
+              "pausilippo" => "pausilippo",
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+              "paved" => "pave",
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+              "pavements" => "pavement",
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+              "paving" => "pave",
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+              "pavlovitch" => "pavlovitch",
+              "pavlovna" => "pavlovna",
+              "paw" => "paw",
+              "pawn" => "pawn",
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+              "pawnbrokers" => "pawnbrok",
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+              "paws" => "paw",
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+              "payment" => "payment",
+              "payments" => "payment",
+              "paypote" => "paypot",
+              "pays" => "pay",
+              "pe" => "pe",
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+              "peacefully" => "peac",
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+              "peachy" => "peachi",
+              "peacock" => "peacock",
+              "peacocks" => "peacock",
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+              "peaked" => "peak",
+              "peaks" => "peak",
+              "peal" => "peal",
+              "pealed" => "peal",
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+              "pearly" => "pear",
+              "pears" => "pear",
+              "peas" => "pea",
+              "peasant" => "peasant",
+              "peasantry" => "peasantri",
+              "peasants" => "peasant",
+              "pease" => "peas",
+              "peat" => "peat",
+              "peaty" => "peati",
+              "pebble" => "pebbl",
+              "pebbles" => "pebbl",
+              "pecado" => "pecado",
+              "peccari" => "peccari",
+              "peccaries" => "peccari",
+              "peccet" => "peccet",
+              "peck" => "peck",
+              "pecker" => "pecker",
+              "pecking" => "peck",
+              "pecoris" => "pecori",
+              "pectoral" => "pector",
+              "peculation" => "pecul",
+              "peculiar" => "peculiar",
+              "peculiarities" => "peculiar",
+              "peculiarity" => "peculiar",
+              "peculiarly" => "peculiar",
+              "pecuniarily" => "pecuniarili",
+              "pecuniary" => "pecuniari",
+              "pedagogue" => "pedagogu",
+              "pedantry" => "pedantri",
+              "pedestal" => "pedest",
+              "pedestrian" => "pedestrian",
+              "pedigree" => "pedigre",
+              "pediment" => "pediment",
+              "pedlar" => "pedlar",
+              "pedlars" => "pedlar",
+              "pedro" => "pedro",
+              "peel" => "peel",
+              "peeled" => "peel",
+              "peeling" => "peel",
+              "peep" => "peep",
+              "peeped" => "peep",
+              "peeping" => "peep",
+              "peeps" => "peep",
+              "peepy" => "peepi",
+              "peer" => "peer",
+              "peerage" => "peerag",
+              "peerages" => "peerag",
+              "peered" => "peer",
+              "peeresses" => "peeress",
+              "peering" => "peer",
+              "peerless" => "peerless",
+              "peers" => "peer",
+              "peevish" => "peevish",
+              "peevishly" => "peevish",
+              "peevishness" => "peevish",
+              "peewit" => "peewit",
+              "peewits" => "peewit",
+              "peffer" => "peffer",
+              "peg" => "peg",
+              "pegasus" => "pegasus",
+              "pegged" => "peg",
+              "pegs" => "peg",
+              "pelacanoides" => "pelacanoid",
+              "pelagic" => "pelag",
+              "pelham" => "pelham",
+              "pelisse" => "peliss",
+              "pell" => "pell",
+              "pelt" => "pelt",
+              "pelted" => "pelt",
+              "pelting" => "pelt",
+              "peltirogus" => "peltirogus",
+              "peltiroguses" => "peltirogus",
+              "peludo" => "peludo",
+              "pembroke" => "pembrok",
+              "pen" => "pen",
+              "penal" => "penal",
+              "penalties" => "penalti",
+              "penalty" => "penalti",
+              "penance" => "penanc",
+              "penas" => "pena",
+              "pence" => "penc",
+              "pencil" => "pencil",
+              "pencilled" => "pencil",
+              "pencils" => "pencil",
+              "pendant" => "pendant",
+              "pending" => "pend",
+              "pendulum" => "pendulum",
+              "penetrable" => "penetr",
+              "penetrate" => "penetr",
+              "penetrated" => "penetr",
+              "penetrates" => "penetr",
+              "penetrating" => "penetr",
+              "penetration" => "penetr",
+              "penguin" => "penguin",
+              "penguins" => "penguin",
+              "peninsula" => "peninsula",
+              "peninsular" => "peninsular",
+              "penitence" => "penit",
+              "penitent" => "penit",
+              "penitential" => "penitenti",
+              "penitents" => "penit",
+              "penknife" => "penknif",
+              "penn" => "penn",
+              "penned" => "pen",
+              "penniless" => "penniless",
+              "penny" => "penni",
+              "pennyworth" => "pennyworth",
+              "pens" => "pen",
+              "pension" => "pension",
+              "pensioner" => "pension",
+              "pensioners" => "pension",
+              "pensioning" => "pension",
+              "pensions" => "pension",
+              "pensive" => "pensiv",
+              "pensively" => "pensiv",
+              "pensiveness" => "pensiv",
+              "pent" => "pent",
+              "pentland" => "pentland",
+              "penton" => "penton",
+              "pentonville" => "pentonvill",
+              "penultimate" => "penultim",
+              "penury" => "penuri",
+              "peony" => "peoni",
+              "people" => "peopl",
+              "peopled" => "peopl",
+              "peoples" => "peopl",
+              "pepper" => "pepper",
+              "pepsis" => "pepsi",
+              "per" => "per",
+              "perceive" => "perceiv",
+              "perceived" => "perceiv",
+              "perceives" => "perceiv",
+              "perceiving" => "perceiv",
+              "percent" => "percent",
+              "percentage" => "percentag",
+              "percentages" => "percentag",
+              "perceptible" => "percept",
+              "perceptibly" => "percept",
+              "perception" => "percept",
+              "perceptions" => "percept",
+              "percepts" => "percept",
+              "perch" => "perch",
+              "percha" => "percha",
+              "perchance" => "perchanc",
+              "perched" => "perch",
+              "perches" => "perch",
+              "percival" => "perciv",
+              "percolates" => "percol",
+              "percolating" => "percol",
+              "percolation" => "percol",
+              "percy" => "perci",
+              "perdition" => "perdit",
+              "peremptorily" => "peremptorili",
+              "peremptory" => "peremptori",
+              "perennial" => "perenni",
+              "perennially" => "perenni",
+              "perfecfly" => "perfecfli",
+              "perfect" => "perfect",
+              "perfected" => "perfect",
+              "perfection" => "perfect",
+              "perfections" => "perfect",
+              "perfectly" => "perfect",
+              "perfidy" => "perfidi",
+              "perforate" => "perfor",
+              "perforated" => "perfor",
+              "perforce" => "perforc",
+              "perform" => "perform",
+              "performance" => "perform",
+              "performances" => "perform",
+              "performed" => "perform",
+              "performer" => "perform",
+              "performers" => "perform",
+              "performing" => "perform",
+              "performs" => "perform",
+              "perfume" => "perfum",
+              "perfumed" => "perfum",
+              "perfumery" => "perfumeri",
+              "perfumes" => "perfum",
+              "perhaps" => "perhap",
+              "periagua" => "periagua",
+              "perianth" => "perianth",
+              "pericardium" => "pericardium",
+              "peril" => "peril",
+              "perilled" => "peril",
+              "perilous" => "peril",
+              "perilously" => "peril",
+              "perils" => "peril",
+              "period" => "period",
+              "periodical" => "period",
+              "periodically" => "period",
+              "periodicals" => "period",
+              "periods" => "period",
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+              "perishable" => "perish",
+              "perished" => "perish",
+              "perishing" => "perish",
+              "perjured" => "perjur",
+              "perjury" => "perjuri",
+              "perkins" => "perkin",
+              "perlen" => "perlen",
+              "permanence" => "perman",
+              "permanent" => "perman",
+              "permanently" => "perman",
+              "permeated" => "permeat",
+              "permissable" => "permiss",
+              "permissible" => "permiss",
+              "permission" => "permiss",
+              "permit" => "permit",
+              "permitted" => "permit",
+              "permitting" => "permit",
+              "pernambuco" => "pernambuco",
+              "pernety" => "perneti",
+              "pernicious" => "pernici",
+              "peron" => "peron",
+              "peroration" => "peror",
+              "perpendicular" => "perpendicular",
+              "perpendicularly" => "perpendicular",
+              "perpetrated" => "perpetr",
+              "perpetration" => "perpetr",
+              "perpetrator" => "perpetr",
+              "perpetrators" => "perpetr",
+              "perpetual" => "perpetu",
+              "perpetually" => "perpetu",
+              "perpetuate" => "perpetu",
+              "perpetuated" => "perpetu",
+              "perpetuating" => "perpetu",
+              "perpetuity" => "perpetu",
+              "perplex" => "perplex",
+              "perplexed" => "perplex",
+              "perplexing" => "perplex",
+              "perplexities" => "perplex",
+              "perplexity" => "perplex",
+              "perquisition" => "perquisit",
+              "perquisitions" => "perquisit",
+              "pers" => "per",
+              "persecute" => "persecut",
+              "persecuted" => "persecut",
+              "persecuting" => "persecut",
+              "persecution" => "persecut",
+              "persecutions" => "persecut",
+              "persecutor" => "persecutor",
+              "persecutors" => "persecutor",
+              "perseverance" => "persever",
+              "persevere" => "persever",
+              "persevered" => "persev",
+              "perseveres" => "persever",
+              "persevering" => "persev",
+              "perseveringly" => "persev",
+              "persia" => "persia",
+              "persian" => "persian",
+              "persist" => "persist",
+              "persisted" => "persist",
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+              "persistency" => "persist",
+              "persistent" => "persist",
+              "persistently" => "persist",
+              "persisting" => "persist",
+              "persists" => "persist",
+              "person" => "person",
+              "personage" => "personag",
+              "personages" => "personag",
+              "personal" => "person",
+              "personality" => "person",
+              "personally" => "person",
+              "personate" => "person",
+              "personated" => "person",
+              "personification" => "personif",
+              "personified" => "personifi",
+              "persons" => "person",
+              "perspective" => "perspect",
+              "perspiration" => "perspir",
+              "perspired" => "perspir",
+              "perspires" => "perspir",
+              "persuadable" => "persuad",
+              "persuade" => "persuad",
+              "persuaded" => "persuad",
+              "persuading" => "persuad",
+              "persuasion" => "persuas",
+              "persuasions" => "persuas",
+              "persuasive" => "persuas",
+              "persuasively" => "persuas",
+              "pert" => "pert",
+              "perthshire" => "perthshir",
+              "pertinacious" => "pertinaci",
+              "pertinaciously" => "pertinaci",
+              "pertinacity" => "pertinac",
+              "perturbation" => "perturb",
+              "perturbed" => "perturb",
+              "peru" => "peru",
+              "perusal" => "perus",
+              "perusals" => "perus",
+              "peruse" => "perus",
+              "perused" => "perus",
+              "perusing" => "perus",
+              "peruvian" => "peruvian",
+              "peruvians" => "peruvian",
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+              "pervaded" => "pervad",
+              "pervades" => "pervad",
+              "pervading" => "pervad",
+              "perverse" => "pervers",
+              "perversely" => "pervers",
+              "perverseness" => "pervers",
+              "perversion" => "pervers",
+              "perversity" => "pervers",
+              "perverted" => "pervert",
+              "pervious" => "pervious",
+              "perwerse" => "perwers",
+              "peski" => "peski",
+              "pest" => "pest",
+              "pester" => "pester",
+              "pestered" => "pester",
+              "pestering" => "pester",
+              "pestiferous" => "pestifer",
+              "pestilence" => "pestil",
+              "pestilent" => "pestil",
+              "pestilential" => "pestilenti",
+              "pestle" => "pestl",
+              "pestryakov" => "pestryakov",
+              "pet" => "pet",
+              "petals" => "petal",
+              "peter" => "peter",
+              "petersburg" => "petersburg",
+              "petersham" => "petersham",
+              "petioles" => "petiol",
+              "petise" => "petis",
+              "petises" => "petis",
+              "petition" => "petit",
+              "petitioned" => "petit",
+              "petitioners" => "petition",
+              "petitioning" => "petit",
+              "petitions" => "petit",
+              "petorca" => "petorca",
+              "petowker" => "petowk",
+              "petrel" => "petrel",
+              "petrels" => "petrel",
+              "petrified" => "petrifi",
+              "petrovitch" => "petrovitch",
+              "petrovna" => "petrovna",
+              "petrovsky" => "petrovski",
+              "petruchio" => "petruchio",
+              "pets" => "pet",
+              "petted" => "pet",
+              "petticoat" => "petticoat",
+              "petticoats" => "petticoat",
+              "pettifoggers" => "pettifogg",
+              "pettifogging" => "pettifog",
+              "pettiness" => "petti",
+              "petting" => "pet",
+              "pettish" => "pettish",
+              "pettishly" => "pettish",
+              "petty" => "petti",
+              "petulance" => "petul",
+              "petulant" => "petul",
+              "petulantly" => "petul",
+              "peuquenes" => "peuquen",
+              "pew" => "pew",
+              "pewter" => "pewter",
+              "pfoo" => "pfoo",
+              "phaeton" => "phaeton",
+              "phairy" => "phairi",
+              "phalanstery" => "phalansteri",
+              "phallus" => "phallus",
+              "phanaeus" => "phanaeus",
+              "phantom" => "phantom",
+              "phantoms" => "phantom",
+              "pharaoh" => "pharaoh",
+              "pharisees" => "pharise",
+              "phases" => "phase",
+              "pheasants" => "pheasant",
+              "phenomena" => "phenomena",
+              "phenomenal" => "phenomen",
+              "phenomenally" => "phenomen",
+              "phenomenes" => "phenomen",
+              "phenomenon" => "phenomenon",
+              "phenomenons" => "phenomenon",
+              "phew" => "phew",
+              "phib" => "phib",
+              "phil" => "phil",
+              "philandering" => "philand",
+              "philanthropic" => "philanthrop",
+              "philanthropical" => "philanthrop",
+              "philanthropist" => "philanthropist",
+              "philanthropists" => "philanthropist",
+              "philanthropy" => "philanthropi",
+              "philip" => "philip",
+              "philippe" => "philipp",
+              "philippines" => "philippin",
+              "phillippensis" => "phillippensi",
+              "philo" => "philo",
+              "philos" => "philo",
+              "philosoph" => "philosoph",
+              "philosopher" => "philosoph",
+              "philosophers" => "philosoph",
+              "philosophical" => "philosoph",
+              "philosophically" => "philosoph",
+              "philosophies" => "philosophi",
+              "philosophy" => "philosophi",
+              "phineas" => "phinea",
+              "phlegmatic" => "phlegmat",
+              "pho" => "pho",
+              "phoebe" => "phoeb",
+              "phoenix" => "phoenix",
+              "phonolite" => "phonolit",
+              "phosphate" => "phosphat",
+              "phosphorescence" => "phosphoresc",
+              "phosphorescent" => "phosphoresc",
+              "phosphoric" => "phosphor",
+              "phosphorus" => "phosphorus",
+              "phosphuretted" => "phosphuret",
+              "photographer" => "photograph",
+              "phrase" => "phrase",
+              "phrased" => "phrase",
+              "phraseology" => "phraseolog",
+              "phrases" => "phrase",
+              "phrenological" => "phrenolog",
+              "phryniscus" => "phryniscus",
+              "physalia" => "physalia",
+              "physic" => "physic",
+              "physical" => "physic",
+              "physically" => "physic",
+              "physician" => "physician",
+              "physicians" => "physician",
+              "physicking" => "physick",
+              "physiognomist" => "physiognomist",
+              "physiognomy" => "physiognomi",
+              "physiol" => "physiol",
+              "physiological" => "physiolog",
+              "physiology" => "physiolog",
+              "physique" => "physiqu",
+              "phytolitharia" => "phytolitharia",
+              "piano" => "piano",
+              "pianoforte" => "pianofort",
+              "pianos" => "piano",
+              "picaninnies" => "picaninni",
+              "picaninny" => "picaninni",
+              "piccadilly" => "piccadilli",
+              "pichy" => "pichi",
+              "pick" => "pick",
+              "pickaxe" => "pickax",
+              "picked" => "pick",
+              "pickers" => "picker",
+              "picking" => "pick",
+              "pickings" => "pick",
+              "pickle" => "pickl",
+              "pickled" => "pickl",
+              "pickles" => "pickl",
+              "pickling" => "pickl",
+              "pickpocket" => "pickpocket",
+              "pickpockets" => "pickpocket",
+              "picks" => "pick",
+              "pickwick" => "pickwick",
+              "picnic" => "picnic",
+              "picnics" => "picnic",
+              "picter" => "picter",
+              "pictorial" => "pictori",
+              "picture" => "pictur",
+              "pictured" => "pictur",
+              "pictures" => "pictur",
+              "picturesque" => "picturesqu",
+              "picturing" => "pictur",
+              "piderit" => "piderit",
+              "pie" => "pie",
+              "piebald" => "piebald",
+              "piebalds" => "piebald",
+              "piece" => "piec",
+              "pieced" => "piec",
+              "piecemeal" => "piecem",
+              "pieces" => "piec",
+              "piecework" => "piecework",
+              "pieman" => "pieman",
+              "pier" => "pier",
+              "pierce" => "pierc",
+              "pierced" => "pierc",
+              "pierces" => "pierc",
+              "piercing" => "pierc",
+              "piercingly" => "pierc",
+              "pierre" => "pierr",
+              "pierres" => "pierr",
+              "piers" => "pier",
+              "pies" => "pie",
+              "pietras" => "pietra",
+              "piety" => "pieti",
+              "pig" => "pig",
+              "pigeon" => "pigeon",
+              "pigeons" => "pigeon",
+              "pigmies" => "pigmi",
+              "pigmy" => "pigmi",
+              "pigs" => "pig",
+              "pigsties" => "pigsti",
+              "pigtail" => "pigtail",
+              "pigtails" => "pigtail",
+              "pikestaff" => "pikestaff",
+              "pile" => "pile",
+              "piled" => "pile",
+              "piles" => "pile",
+              "pilfering" => "pilfer",
+              "pilger" => "pilger",
+              "pilgrim" => "pilgrim",
+              "pilgrimage" => "pilgrimag",
+              "piling" => "pile",
+              "pill" => "pill",
+              "pillar" => "pillar",
+              "pillars" => "pillar",
+              "pillow" => "pillow",
+              "pillowed" => "pillow",
+              "pillows" => "pillow",
+              "pills" => "pill",
+              "pilot" => "pilot",
+              "piloted" => "pilot",
+              "pilots" => "pilot",
+              "pimlico" => "pimlico",
+              "pimple" => "pimpl",
+              "pimples" => "pimpl",
+              "pimply" => "pimpli",
+              "pin" => "pin",
+              "pinafore" => "pinafor",
+              "pincers" => "pincer",
+              "pinch" => "pinch",
+              "pinched" => "pinch",
+              "pincheira" => "pincheira",
+              "pinches" => "pinch",
+              "pinching" => "pinch",
+              "pincushions" => "pincushion",
+              "pine" => "pine",
+              "pineapple" => "pineappl",
+              "pined" => "pine",
+              "pines" => "pine",
+              "pining" => "pine",
+              "pinion" => "pinion",
+              "pinions" => "pinion",
+              "pink" => "pink",
+              "pinked" => "pink",
+              "pinker" => "pinker",
+              "pinkish" => "pinkish",
+              "pinnace" => "pinnac",
+              "pinnacle" => "pinnacl",
+              "pinnacled" => "pinnacl",
+              "pinnacles" => "pinnacl",
+              "pinned" => "pin",
+              "pinning" => "pin",
+              "pins" => "pin",
+              "pint" => "pint",
+              "pints" => "pint",
+              "pious" => "pious",
+              "pipe" => "pipe",
+              "pipeclayed" => "pipeclay",
+              "pipelight" => "pipelight",
+              "piper" => "piper",
+              "pipes" => "pipe",
+              "piping" => "pipe",
+              "pips" => "pip",
+              "piquancy" => "piquanc",
+              "piquant" => "piquant",
+              "pique" => "piqu",
+              "piqued" => "piqu",
+              "piquet" => "piquet",
+              "pirouette" => "pirouett",
+              "pisagua" => "pisagua",
+              "pise" => "pise",
+              "pish" => "pish",
+              "pistil" => "pistil",
+              "pistol" => "pistol",
+              "pistoling" => "pistol",
+              "pistolling" => "pistol",
+              "pistols" => "pistol",
+              "pit" => "pit",
+              "pitcairn" => "pitcairn",
+              "pitch" => "pitch",
+              "pitched" => "pitch",
+              "pitcher" => "pitcher",
+              "pitchers" => "pitcher",
+              "pitchfork" => "pitchfork",
+              "pitching" => "pitch",
+              "pitchy" => "pitchi",
+              "piteous" => "piteous",
+              "piteously" => "piteous",
+              "pitfall" => "pitfal",
+              "pitfalls" => "pitfal",
+              "pith" => "pith",
+              "pithy" => "pithi",
+              "pitiable" => "pitiabl",
+              "pitiably" => "pitiabl",
+              "pitied" => "piti",
+              "pities" => "piti",
+              "pitiful" => "piti",
+              "pitilessly" => "pitiless",
+              "pitmen" => "pitmen",
+              "pits" => "pit",
+              "pitt" => "pitt",
+              "pittance" => "pittanc",
+              "pittances" => "pittanc",
+              "pitted" => "pit",
+              "pitty" => "pitti",
+              "pity" => "piti",
+              "pitying" => "piti",
+              "pivot" => "pivot",
+              "pizzaro" => "pizzaro",
+              "pla" => "pla",
+              "plac" => "plac",
+              "placard" => "placard",
+              "placarded" => "placard",
+              "placards" => "placard",
+              "place" => "place",
+              "placed" => "place",
+              "places" => "place",
+              "placid" => "placid",
+              "placidity" => "placid",
+              "placidly" => "placid",
+              "placing" => "place",
+              "plagiarists" => "plagiarist",
+              "plague" => "plagu",
+              "plagued" => "plagu",
+              "plagues" => "plagu",
+              "plaguing" => "plagu",
+              "plaid" => "plaid",
+              "plain" => "plain",
+              "plainer" => "plainer",
+              "plainest" => "plainest",
+              "plainly" => "plain",
+              "plainness" => "plain",
+              "plains" => "plain",
+              "plaint" => "plaint",
+              "plaintiff" => "plaintiff",
+              "plaintiffs" => "plaintiff",
+              "plaintive" => "plaintiv",
+              "plaintively" => "plaintiv",
+              "plaintiveness" => "plaintiv",
+              "plaire" => "plair",
+              "plaisir" => "plaisir",
+              "plait" => "plait",
+              "plaited" => "plait",
+              "plaits" => "plait",
+              "plan" => "plan",
+              "planaria" => "planaria",
+              "planariae" => "planaria",
+              "plane" => "plane",
+              "planed" => "plane",
+              "planet" => "planet",
+              "planing" => "plane",
+              "plank" => "plank",
+              "planks" => "plank",
+              "planned" => "plan",
+              "planning" => "plan",
+              "plans" => "plan",
+              "plant" => "plant",
+              "plantagenet" => "plantagenet",
+              "plantation" => "plantat",
+              "plantations" => "plantat",
+              "planted" => "plant",
+              "planter" => "planter",
+              "planting" => "plant",
+              "plants" => "plant",
+              "planty" => "planti",
+              "plashing" => "plash",
+              "plaster" => "plaster",
+              "plastered" => "plaster",
+              "plat" => "plat",
+              "plata" => "plata",
+              "plate" => "plate",
+              "plateau" => "plateau",
+              "plated" => "plate",
+              "plates" => "plate",
+              "platform" => "platform",
+              "platforms" => "platform",
+              "platforna" => "platforna",
+              "platina" => "platina",
+              "platitudes" => "platitud",
+              "platters" => "platter",
+              "plaudits" => "plaudit",
+              "plausible" => "plausibl",
+              "plausibly" => "plausibl",
+              "play" => "play",
+              "playbill" => "playbil",
+              "playbills" => "playbil",
+              "played" => "play",
+              "player" => "player",
+              "players" => "player",
+              "playfellow" => "playfellow",
+              "playfellows" => "playfellow",
+              "playful" => "play",
+              "playfully" => "play",
+              "playfulness" => "play",
+              "playing" => "play",
+              "playmate" => "playmat",
+              "playmates" => "playmat",
+              "plays" => "play",
+              "playsure" => "playsur",
+              "plaything" => "playth",
+              "playthings" => "playth",
+              "playwright" => "playwright",
+              "plaza" => "plaza",
+              "plea" => "plea",
+              "pleace" => "pleac",
+              "plead" => "plead",
+              "pleaded" => "plead",
+              "pleader" => "pleader",
+              "pleaders" => "pleader",
+              "pleading" => "plead",
+              "pleadingly" => "plead",
+              "pleads" => "plead",
+              "pleasant" => "pleasant",
+              "pleasanter" => "pleasant",
+              "pleasantest" => "pleasantest",
+              "pleasantly" => "pleasant",
+              "pleasantness" => "pleasant",
+              "pleasantry" => "pleasantri",
+              "please" => "pleas",
+              "pleased" => "pleas",
+              "pleases" => "pleas",
+              "pleasing" => "pleas",
+              "pleasurable" => "pleasur",
+              "pleasure" => "pleasur",
+              "pleasures" => "pleasur",
+              "pleasuring" => "pleasur",
+              "plebeian" => "plebeian",
+              "pledge" => "pledg",
+              "pledged" => "pledg",
+              "pledges" => "pledg",
+              "pledging" => "pledg",
+              "plentiful" => "plenti",
+              "plentifully" => "plenti",
+              "plenty" => "plenti",
+              "plestcheiev" => "plestcheiev",
+              "pliability" => "pliabil",
+              "plicata" => "plicata",
+              "plied" => "pli",
+              "plies" => "pli",
+              "plight" => "plight",
+              "plighting" => "plight",
+              "plodding" => "plod",
+              "plot" => "plot",
+              "plots" => "plot",
+              "plotted" => "plot",
+              "plotter" => "plotter",
+              "plotters" => "plotter",
+              "plotting" => "plot",
+              "plough" => "plough",
+              "ploughboy" => "ploughboy",
+              "ploughed" => "plough",
+              "ploughing" => "plough",
+              "ploughman" => "ploughman",
+              "ploughs" => "plough",
+              "ploughshare" => "ploughshar",
+              "ploughshares" => "ploughshar",
+              "plover" => "plover",
+              "pluck" => "pluck",
+              "plucked" => "pluck",
+              "plucking" => "pluck",
+              "plucks" => "pluck",
+              "plug" => "plug",
+              "pluies" => "plui",
+              "plum" => "plum",
+              "plumage" => "plumag",
+              "plumbago" => "plumbago",
+              "plumed" => "plume",
+              "pluming" => "plume",
+              "plummets" => "plummet",
+              "plump" => "plump",
+              "plumpest" => "plumpest",
+              "plumpness" => "plump",
+              "plums" => "plum",
+              "plunder" => "plunder",
+              "plundered" => "plunder",
+              "plundering" => "plunder",
+              "plunge" => "plung",
+              "plunged" => "plung",
+              "plunges" => "plung",
+              "plunging" => "plung",
+              "plural" => "plural",
+              "plurality" => "plural",
+              "plus" => "plus",
+              "plutonic" => "pluton",
+              "ply" => "pli",
+              "plying" => "pli",
+              "plymouth" => "plymouth",
+              "pm" => "pm",
+              "poached" => "poach",
+              "poaching" => "poach",
+              "poast" => "poast",
+              "pock" => "pock",
+              "pocket" => "pocket",
+              "pocketbook" => "pocketbook",
+              "pocketed" => "pocket",
+              "pocketing" => "pocket",
+              "pockets" => "pocket",
+              "pods" => "pod",
+              "poem" => "poem",
+              "poems" => "poem",
+              "poet" => "poet",
+              "poetic" => "poetic",
+              "poetical" => "poetic",
+              "poetizing" => "poetiz",
+              "poetry" => "poetri",
+              "poets" => "poet",
+              "poignant" => "poignant",
+              "poin" => "poin",
+              "poins" => "poin",
+              "point" => "point",
+              "pointed" => "point",
+              "pointedly" => "point",
+              "pointing" => "point",
+              "pointless" => "pointless",
+              "points" => "point",
+              "poised" => "pois",
+              "poising" => "pois",
+              "poison" => "poison",
+              "poisoned" => "poison",
+              "poisoning" => "poison",
+              "poisonous" => "poison",
+              "poke" => "poke",
+              "poked" => "poke",
+              "poker" => "poker",
+              "pokers" => "poker",
+              "pokes" => "poke",
+              "poking" => "poke",
+              "pokorev" => "pokorev",
+              "polanco" => "polanco",
+              "polar" => "polar",
+              "pole" => "pole",
+              "polecat" => "polecat",
+              "polemical" => "polem",
+              "polenka" => "polenka",
+              "poles" => "pole",
+              "police" => "polic",
+              "policeman" => "policeman",
+              "policemen" => "policemen",
+              "policies" => "polici",
+              "policy" => "polici",
+              "polish" => "polish",
+              "polished" => "polish",
+              "polishes" => "polish",
+              "polishing" => "polish",
+              "polit" => "polit",
+              "polite" => "polit",
+              "politely" => "polit",
+              "politeness" => "polit",
+              "politest" => "politest",
+              "politic" => "polit",
+              "political" => "polit",
+              "politically" => "polit",
+              "politician" => "politician",
+              "politicians" => "politician",
+              "politics" => "polit",
+              "polking" => "polk",
+              "poll" => "poll",
+              "pollard" => "pollard",
+              "pollewt" => "pollewt",
+              "polling" => "poll",
+              "pollis" => "polli",
+              "pollute" => "pollut",
+              "polluted" => "pollut",
+              "pollutions" => "pollut",
+              "polly" => "polli",
+              "pollys" => "polli",
+              "poltroon" => "poltroon",
+              "polya" => "polya",
+              "polybori" => "polybori",
+              "polyborus" => "polyborus",
+              "polygastrica" => "polygastrica",
+              "polygon" => "polygon",
+              "polynesia" => "polynesia",
+              "polynesian" => "polynesian",
+              "polypi" => "polypi",
+              "polypus" => "polypus",
+              "polysyllable" => "polysyl",
+              "pomaded" => "pomad",
+              "pomarre" => "pomarr",
+              "pomatum" => "pomatum",
+              "pommel" => "pommel",
+              "pomp" => "pomp",
+              "pompey" => "pompey",
+              "pomposities" => "pompos",
+              "pompous" => "pompous",
+              "pompously" => "pompous",
+              "pomps" => "pomp",
+              "poncho" => "poncho",
+              "ponchos" => "poncho",
+              "pond" => "pond",
+              "ponder" => "ponder",
+              "pondered" => "ponder",
+              "pondering" => "ponder",
+              "ponderous" => "ponder",
+              "ponders" => "ponder",
+              "ponds" => "pond",
+              "poniard" => "poniard",
+              "ponies" => "poni",
+              "ponsonby" => "ponsonbi",
+              "pony" => "poni",
+              "pooder" => "pooder",
+              "poodle" => "poodl",
+              "poof" => "poof",
+              "pooh" => "pooh",
+              "pool" => "pool",
+              "pools" => "pool",
+              "poonded" => "poond",
+              "poop" => "poop",
+              "poor" => "poor",
+              "poorer" => "poorer",
+              "poorest" => "poorest",
+              "poorly" => "poor",
+              "poorness" => "poor",
+              "pop" => "pop",
+              "pope" => "pope",
+              "popery" => "poperi",
+              "poplars" => "poplar",
+              "popolorum" => "popolorum",
+              "popped" => "pop",
+              "poppet" => "poppet",
+              "popping" => "pop",
+              "popular" => "popular",
+              "popularity" => "popular",
+              "populated" => "popul",
+              "population" => "popul",
+              "populous" => "popul",
+              "porch" => "porch",
+              "porches" => "porch",
+              "porcupine" => "porcupin",
+              "pore" => "pore",
+              "pored" => "pore",
+              "pores" => "pore",
+              "porfiry" => "porfiri",
+              "poring" => "pore",
+              "pork" => "pork",
+              "porous" => "porous",
+              "porphyries" => "porphyri",
+              "porphyrio" => "porphyrio",
+              "porphyry" => "porphyri",
+              "porpoises" => "porpois",
+              "porridge" => "porridg",
+              "porson" => "porson",
+              "port" => "port",
+              "portable" => "portabl",
+              "portal" => "portal",
+              "portend" => "portend",
+              "portended" => "portend",
+              "portentous" => "portent",
+              "porter" => "porter",
+              "porterage" => "porterag",
+              "porters" => "porter",
+              "portfolio" => "portfolio",
+              "portfolios" => "portfolio",
+              "porth" => "porth",
+              "portico" => "portico",
+              "portillo" => "portillo",
+              "portion" => "portion",
+              "portionless" => "portionless",
+              "portions" => "portion",
+              "portland" => "portland",
+              "portly" => "port",
+              "portmanteau" => "portmanteau",
+              "portmanteaus" => "portmanteaus",
+              "porto" => "porto",
+              "portrait" => "portrait",
+              "portraits" => "portrait",
+              "portrayed" => "portray",
+              "ports" => "port",
+              "portsmouth" => "portsmouth",
+              "portugal" => "portug",
+              "portuguese" => "portugues",
+              "pose" => "pose",
+              "posed" => "pose",
+              "poses" => "pose",
+              "posession" => "posess",
+              "posing" => "pose",
+              "position" => "posit",
+              "positions" => "posit",
+              "positive" => "posit",
+              "positively" => "posit",
+              "positiveness" => "posit",
+              "possess" => "possess",
+              "possesse" => "possess",
+              "possessed" => "possess",
+              "possesses" => "possess",
+              "possessin" => "possessin",
+              "possessing" => "possess",
+              "possession" => "possess",
+              "possessions" => "possess",
+              "possessive" => "possess",
+              "possessor" => "possessor",
+              "possessors" => "possessor",
+              "possibilities" => "possibl",
+              "possibility" => "possibl",
+              "possible" => "possibl",
+              "possibly" => "possibl",
+              "post" => "post",
+              "posta" => "posta",
+              "postage" => "postag",
+              "postas" => "posta",
+              "posted" => "post",
+              "poster" => "poster",
+              "posterior" => "posterior",
+              "posterity" => "poster",
+              "postern" => "postern",
+              "posters" => "poster",
+              "posthouse" => "posthous",
+              "postilion" => "postilion",
+              "posting" => "post",
+              "postman" => "postman",
+              "postmaster" => "postmast",
+              "postmen" => "postmen",
+              "postpone" => "postpon",
+              "postponed" => "postpon",
+              "postponement" => "postpon",
+              "postpones" => "postpon",
+              "postponing" => "postpon",
+              "posts" => "post",
+              "postscript" => "postscript",
+              "posture" => "postur",
+              "postures" => "postur",
+              "posuit" => "posuit",
+              "pot" => "pot",
+              "potanchikov" => "potanchikov",
+              "potash" => "potash",
+              "potations" => "potat",
+              "potato" => "potato",
+              "potatoes" => "potato",
+              "potatoless" => "potatoless",
+              "potboy" => "potboy",
+              "potchinkov" => "potchinkov",
+              "potent" => "potent",
+              "potentate" => "potent",
+              "pothouse" => "pothous",
+              "potion" => "potion",
+              "potosi" => "potosi",
+              "potrero" => "potrero",
+              "pots" => "pot",
+              "potted" => "pot",
+              "potter" => "potter",
+              "potteries" => "potteri",
+              "pottery" => "potteri",
+              "pouce" => "pouc",
+              "pouch" => "pouch",
+              "pouches" => "pouch",
+              "poultry" => "poultri",
+              "pounce" => "pounc",
+              "pounced" => "pounc",
+              "pounces" => "pounc",
+              "pouncing" => "pounc",
+              "pound" => "pound",
+              "pounded" => "pound",
+              "pounder" => "pounder",
+              "pounds" => "pound",
+              "pountney" => "pountney",
+              "pountneys" => "pountney",
+              "pour" => "pour",
+              "poured" => "pour",
+              "pouring" => "pour",
+              "pours" => "pour",
+              "pout" => "pout",
+              "pouted" => "pout",
+              "pouting" => "pout",
+              "poverty" => "poverti",
+              "powder" => "powder",
+              "powdered" => "powder",
+              "powderin" => "powderin",
+              "powe" => "pow",
+              "powell" => "powel",
+              "power" => "power",
+              "powerful" => "power",
+              "powerfully" => "power",
+              "powerless" => "powerless",
+              "powers" => "power",
+              "pox" => "pox",
+              "pp" => "pp",
+              "pr" => "pr",
+              "practicability" => "practic",
+              "practicable" => "practic",
+              "practical" => "practic",
+              "practicality" => "practic",
+              "practically" => "practic",
+              "practice" => "practic",
+              "practices" => "practic",
+              "practise" => "practis",
+              "practised" => "practis",
+              "practiser" => "practis",
+              "practises" => "practis",
+              "practising" => "practis",
+              "practitioner" => "practition",
+              "practitioners" => "practition",
+              "prae" => "prae",
+              "praetorian" => "praetorian",
+              "praia" => "praia",
+              "prairies" => "prairi",
+              "praise" => "prais",
+              "praised" => "prais",
+              "praises" => "prais",
+              "praiseworthy" => "praiseworthi",
+              "praising" => "prais",
+              "prance" => "pranc",
+              "prancing" => "pranc",
+              "pranks" => "prank",
+              "prasant" => "prasant",
+              "praskovya" => "praskovya",
+              "prattlings" => "prattl",
+              "pratty" => "pratti",
+              "prawn" => "prawn",
+              "prawns" => "prawn",
+              "pray" => "pray",
+              "praya" => "praya",
+              "prayed" => "pray",
+              "prayer" => "prayer",
+              "prayers" => "prayer",
+              "prayfession" => "prayfess",
+              "prayin" => "prayin",
+              "praying" => "pray",
+              "prays" => "pray",
+              "pre" => "pre",
+              "preach" => "preach",
+              "preached" => "preach",
+              "preacher" => "preacher",
+              "preachers" => "preacher",
+              "preaching" => "preach",
+              "prebendary" => "prebendari",
+              "precarious" => "precari",
+              "precaution" => "precaut",
+              "precautions" => "precaut",
+              "precede" => "preced",
+              "preceded" => "preced",
+              "precedence" => "preced",
+              "precedent" => "preced",
+              "precedents" => "preced",
+              "preceding" => "preced",
+              "precept" => "precept",
+              "preceptor" => "preceptor",
+              "precepts" => "precept",
+              "precincts" => "precinct",
+              "precious" => "precious",
+              "preciousest" => "preciousest",
+              "precipice" => "precipic",
+              "precipices" => "precipic",
+              "precipitate" => "precipit",
+              "precipitated" => "precipit",
+              "precipitately" => "precipit",
+              "precipitation" => "precipit",
+              "precipitous" => "precipit",
+              "precise" => "precis",
+              "precisely" => "precis",
+              "precision" => "precis",
+              "precluded" => "preclud",
+              "precocious" => "precoci",
+              "precociously" => "precoci",
+              "preconceived" => "preconceiv",
+              "preconcerted" => "preconcert",
+              "predecessor" => "predecessor",
+              "predecessors" => "predecessor",
+              "predestined" => "predestin",
+              "predicament" => "predica",
+              "predicaments" => "predica",
+              "predict" => "predict",
+              "predicted" => "predict",
+              "predicting" => "predict",
+              "prediction" => "predict",
+              "predictions" => "predict",
+              "predilections" => "predilect",
+              "predisposition" => "predisposit",
+              "predominant" => "predomin",
+              "predominate" => "predomin",
+              "predominated" => "predomin",
+              "preening" => "preen",
+              "preface" => "prefac",
+              "prefacing" => "prefac",
+              "prefatory" => "prefatori",
+              "prefer" => "prefer",
+              "preferable" => "prefer",
+              "preference" => "prefer",
+              "preferer" => "prefer",
+              "preferment" => "prefer",
+              "preferred" => "prefer",
+              "preferring" => "prefer",
+              "prefers" => "prefer",
+              "prefixed" => "prefix",
+              "prehensile" => "prehensil",
+              "prehensilis" => "prehensili",
+              "prejudge" => "prejudg",
+              "prejudice" => "prejudic",
+              "prejudiced" => "prejud",
+              "prejudices" => "prejudic",
+              "prejudicial" => "prejudici",
+              "preliminaries" => "preliminari",
+              "preliminary" => "preliminari",
+              "prelude" => "prelud",
+              "premature" => "prematur",
+              "prematurely" => "prematur",
+              "premeditated" => "premedit",
+              "premeditation" => "premedit",
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+              "premiers" => "premier",
+              "premiership" => "premiership",
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+              "premised" => "premis",
+              "premises" => "premis",
+              "premium" => "premium",
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+              "prentices" => "prentic",
+              "preoccupation" => "preoccup",
+              "preoccupations" => "preoccup",
+              "preoccupied" => "preoccupi",
+              "preordained" => "preordain",
+              "preparation" => "prepar",
+              "preparations" => "prepar",
+              "preparatory" => "preparatori",
+              "prepare" => "prepar",
+              "prepared" => "prepar",
+              "prepares" => "prepar",
+              "preparing" => "prepar",
+              "prepense" => "prepens",
+              "preponderance" => "preponder",
+              "preponderated" => "preponder",
+              "preponderates" => "preponder",
+              "preponderating" => "preponder",
+              "prepossessed" => "prepossess",
+              "prepossessing" => "prepossess",
+              "prepossession" => "prepossess",
+              "prepossessions" => "prepossess",
+              "preposterous" => "preposter",
+              "presbyterian" => "presbyterian",
+              "prescribe" => "prescrib",
+              "prescribed" => "prescrib",
+              "prescription" => "prescript",
+              "prescriptive" => "prescript",
+              "presence" => "presenc",
+              "presenfty" => "presenfti",
+              "present" => "present",
+              "presentable" => "present",
+              "presentation" => "present",
+              "presented" => "present",
+              "presentime" => "presentim",
+              "presentiment" => "presenti",
+              "presentiments" => "presenti",
+              "presenting" => "present",
+              "presently" => "present",
+              "presentments" => "present",
+              "presents" => "present",
+              "preservation" => "preserv",
+              "preserve" => "preserv",
+              "preserved" => "preserv",
+              "preserver" => "preserv",
+              "preserves" => "preserv",
+              "preserving" => "preserv",
+              "preside" => "presid",
+              "presided" => "presid",
+              "presidency" => "presid",
+              "president" => "presid",
+              "presidents" => "presid",
+              "presidentship" => "presidentship",
+              "presiding" => "presid",
+              "press" => "press",
+              "pressed" => "press",
+              "presses" => "press",
+              "pressing" => "press",
+              "pressingly" => "press",
+              "pressure" => "pressur",
+              "prestige" => "prestig",
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+              "presume" => "presum",
+              "presumed" => "presum",
+              "presumes" => "presum",
+              "presuming" => "presum",
+              "presumption" => "presumpt",
+              "presumptuous" => "presumptu",
+              "presumptuously" => "presumptu",
+              "presupposes" => "presuppos",
+              "pretence" => "pretenc",
+              "pretences" => "pretenc",
+              "pretend" => "pretend",
+              "pretended" => "pretend",
+              "pretending" => "pretend",
+              "pretends" => "pretend",
+              "pretension" => "pretens",
+              "pretensions" => "pretens",
+              "pretentious" => "pretenti",
+              "preternatural" => "preternatur",
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+              "pretexts" => "pretext",
+              "prett" => "prett",
+              "prettier" => "prettier",
+              "prettiest" => "prettiest",
+              "prettily" => "prettili",
+              "prettiness" => "pretti",
+              "prettinesses" => "pretti",
+              "pretty" => "pretti",
+              "prevail" => "prevail",
+              "prevailed" => "prevail",
+              "prevailing" => "prevail",
+              "prevails" => "prevail",
+              "prevalent" => "preval",
+              "prevaricate" => "prevar",
+              "prevent" => "prevent",
+              "prevented" => "prevent",
+              "preventing" => "prevent",
+              "prevents" => "prevent",
+              "previous" => "previous",
+              "previously" => "previous",
+              "prevost" => "prevost",
+              "prey" => "prey",
+              "preyed" => "prey",
+              "preying" => "prey",
+              "preys" => "prey",
+              "price" => "price",
+              "priceless" => "priceless",
+              "prices" => "price",
+              "prick" => "prick",
+              "pricked" => "prick",
+              "pricking" => "prick",
+              "prickles" => "prickl",
+              "prickly" => "prick",
+              "pricks" => "prick",
+              "pride" => "pride",
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+              "priesthood" => "priesthood",
+              "priestly" => "priest",
+              "priests" => "priest",
+              "prig" => "prig",
+              "prilukov" => "prilukov",
+              "prim" => "prim",
+              "primarily" => "primarili",
+              "primary" => "primari",
+              "prime" => "prime",
+              "primer" => "primer",
+              "primera" => "primera",
+              "primeval" => "primev",
+              "primitive" => "primit",
+              "primogeniture" => "primogenitur",
+              "primrose" => "primros",
+              "prince" => "princ",
+              "princely" => "princ",
+              "princes" => "princ",
+              "princess" => "princess",
+              "princesses" => "princess",
+              "principal" => "princip",
+              "principally" => "princip",
+              "principals" => "princip",
+              "principle" => "principl",
+              "principles" => "principl",
+              "prinking" => "prink",
+              "print" => "print",
+              "printed" => "print",
+              "printers" => "printer",
+              "printing" => "print",
+              "prints" => "print",
+              "prionotus" => "prionotus",
+              "prior" => "prior",
+              "prioress" => "prioress",
+              "priority" => "prioriti",
+              "priory" => "priori",
+              "priscilla" => "priscilla",
+              "prismatic" => "prismat",
+              "prison" => "prison",
+              "prisoner" => "prison",
+              "prisoners" => "prison",
+              "prisons" => "prison",
+              "pritchard" => "pritchard",
+              "pritchards" => "pritchard",
+              "privacy" => "privaci",
+              "private" => "privat",
+              "privateer" => "privat",
+              "privately" => "privat",
+              "privation" => "privat",
+              "privations" => "privat",
+              "privilege" => "privileg",
+              "privileged" => "privileg",
+              "privileges" => "privileg",
+              "privy" => "privi",
+              "prize" => "prize",
+              "prized" => "prize",
+              "prizes" => "prize",
+              "pro" => "pro",
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+              "probability" => "probabl",
+              "probable" => "probabl",
+              "probably" => "probabl",
+              "probation" => "probat",
+              "probing" => "probe",
+              "problem" => "problem",
+              "problematical" => "problemat",
+              "problems" => "problem",
+              "proboscis" => "probosci",
+              "procedure" => "procedur",
+              "proceed" => "proceed",
+              "proceeded" => "proceed",
+              "proceeding" => "proceed",
+              "proceedings" => "proceed",
+              "proceeds" => "proceed",
+              "procellaria" => "procellaria",
+              "process" => "process",
+              "processes" => "process",
+              "procession" => "process",
+              "proclaim" => "proclaim",
+              "proclaimed" => "proclaim",
+              "proclaiming" => "proclaim",
+              "proclaims" => "proclaim",
+              "proclamation" => "proclam",
+              "procrastinates" => "procrastin",
+              "procrastination" => "procrastin",
+              "proctotretus" => "proctotretus",
+              "procurable" => "procur",
+              "procure" => "procur",
+              "procured" => "procur",
+              "procuring" => "procur",
+              "prodigal" => "prodig",
+              "prodigality" => "prodig",
+              "prodigieux" => "prodigieux",
+              "prodigious" => "prodigi",
+              "prodigiously" => "prodigi",
+              "prodigy" => "prodigi",
+              "produce" => "produc",
+              "produced" => "produc",
+              "produces" => "produc",
+              "producible" => "produc",
+              "producing" => "produc",
+              "product" => "product",
+              "production" => "product",
+              "productions" => "product",
+              "productive" => "product",
+              "productiveness" => "product",
+              "products" => "product",
+              "profanation" => "profan",
+              "profane" => "profan",
+              "profanely" => "profan",
+              "profaning" => "profan",
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+              "professed" => "profess",
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+              "professing" => "profess",
+              "profession" => "profess",
+              "professional" => "profession",
+              "professionally" => "profession",
+              "professionals" => "profession",
+              "professionaly" => "professionali",
+              "professions" => "profess",
+              "professor" => "professor",
+              "professors" => "professor",
+              "professorship" => "professorship",
+              "proffer" => "proffer",
+              "proffered" => "proffer",
+              "proficiency" => "profici",
+              "proficient" => "profici",
+              "profile" => "profil",
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+              "profitable" => "profit",
+              "profited" => "profit",
+              "profiting" => "profit",
+              "profitless" => "profitless",
+              "profits" => "profit",
+              "profligacy" => "profligaci",
+              "profligate" => "proflig",
+              "profligately" => "proflig",
+              "profligates" => "proflig",
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+              "profoundest" => "profoundest",
+              "profoundly" => "profound",
+              "profundity" => "profund",
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+              "profusely" => "profus",
+              "profusion" => "profus",
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+              "progenitors" => "progenitor",
+              "progne" => "progn",
+              "prognostications" => "prognost",
+              "programme" => "programm",
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+              "progressed" => "progress",
+              "progressing" => "progress",
+              "progression" => "progress",
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+              "progressively" => "progress",
+              "progressives" => "progress",
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+              "prohibiting" => "prohibit",
+              "prohibition" => "prohibit",
+              "project" => "project",
+              "projected" => "project",
+              "projecting" => "project",
+              "projection" => "project",
+              "projector" => "projector",
+              "projects" => "project",
+              "prokofitch" => "prokofitch",
+              "prolific" => "prolif",
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+              "prolixities" => "prolix",
+              "prolixity" => "prolix",
+              "prolong" => "prolong",
+              "prolongation" => "prolong",
+              "prolonged" => "prolong",
+              "prolonging" => "prolong",
+              "promenade" => "promenad",
+              "promethean" => "promethean",
+              "prominent" => "promin",
+              "prominently" => "promin",
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+              "promised" => "promis",
+              "promises" => "promis",
+              "promisin" => "promisin",
+              "promising" => "promis",
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+              "promontories" => "promontori",
+              "promontory" => "promontori",
+              "promote" => "promot",
+              "promoted" => "promot",
+              "promoter" => "promot",
+              "promotes" => "promot",
+              "promoting" => "promot",
+              "promotion" => "promot",
+              "prompt" => "prompt",
+              "prompted" => "prompt",
+              "prompter" => "prompter",
+              "prompters" => "prompter",
+              "prompting" => "prompt",
+              "promptitude" => "promptitud",
+              "promptly" => "prompt",
+              "promptness" => "prompt",
+              "prompts" => "prompt",
+              "prone" => "prone",
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+              "pronounces" => "pronounc",
+              "pronouncing" => "pronounc",
+              "proodest" => "proodest",
+              "proof" => "proof",
+              "proofs" => "proof",
+              "prop" => "prop",
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+              "propagated" => "propag",
+              "propagates" => "propag",
+              "propagation" => "propag",
+              "propensity" => "propens",
+              "proper" => "proper",
+              "properly" => "proper",
+              "properties" => "properti",
+              "property" => "properti",
+              "propertyless" => "propertyless",
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+              "prophesied" => "prophesi",
+              "prophesying" => "prophesi",
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+              "prophetic" => "prophet",
+              "prophetical" => "prophet",
+              "prophetically" => "prophet",
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+              "propitiated" => "propiti",
+              "propitiation" => "propiti",
+              "propitiatory" => "propitiatori",
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+              "proportionately" => "proportion",
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+              "proportions" => "proport",
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+              "proposals" => "propos",
+              "propose" => "propos",
+              "proposed" => "propos",
+              "proposes" => "propos",
+              "proposing" => "propos",
+              "proposition" => "proposit",
+              "propositions" => "proposit",
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+              "propounded" => "propound",
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+              "propoundlng" => "propoundlng",
+              "propounds" => "propound",
+              "propped" => "prop",
+              "propping" => "prop",
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+              "propriety" => "proprieti",
+              "prorogation" => "prorog",
+              "prosaic" => "prosaic",
+              "proscenium" => "proscenium",
+              "proscribed" => "proscrib",
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+              "prosecuted" => "prosecut",
+              "prosecution" => "prosecut",
+              "prosecutor" => "prosecutor",
+              "prosing" => "prose",
+              "prospect" => "prospect",
+              "prospective" => "prospect",
+              "prospects" => "prospect",
+              "prospectus" => "prospectus",
+              "prosper" => "prosper",
+              "prospered" => "prosper",
+              "prospering" => "prosper",
+              "prosperity" => "prosper",
+              "prosperous" => "prosper",
+              "prosperously" => "prosper",
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+              "prostrated" => "prostrat",
+              "prostration" => "prostrat",
+              "prosy" => "prosi",
+              "protect" => "protect",
+              "protected" => "protect",
+              "protecting" => "protect",
+              "protection" => "protect",
+              "protective" => "protect",
+              "protector" => "protector",
+              "protectors" => "protector",
+              "protegee" => "protege",
+              "proteges" => "proteg",
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+              "protestant" => "protest",
+              "protestantism" => "protestant",
+              "protestation" => "protest",
+              "protestations" => "protest",
+              "protested" => "protest",
+              "protesting" => "protest",
+              "protests" => "protest",
+              "proteus" => "proteus",
+              "protococcus" => "protococcus",
+              "prototype" => "prototyp",
+              "prototypes" => "prototyp",
+              "protract" => "protract",
+              "protracted" => "protract",
+              "protrude" => "protrud",
+              "protruded" => "protrud",
+              "protrudes" => "protrud",
+              "protruding" => "protrud",
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+              "prouder" => "prouder",
+              "proudest" => "proudest",
+              "proudhon" => "proudhon",
+              "proudly" => "proud",
+              "prov" => "prov",
+              "prove" => "prove",
+              "proved" => "prove",
+              "proverb" => "proverb",
+              "proves" => "prove",
+              "provide" => "provid",
+              "provided" => "provid",
+              "providence" => "provid",
+              "providential" => "providenti",
+              "providentially" => "providenti",
+              "provider" => "provid",
+              "provides" => "provid",
+              "providing" => "provid",
+              "province" => "provinc",
+              "provinces" => "provinc",
+              "provincial" => "provinci",
+              "proving" => "prove",
+              "provision" => "provis",
+              "provisional" => "provision",
+              "provisions" => "provis",
+              "proviso" => "proviso",
+              "provocation" => "provoc",
+              "provocative" => "provoc",
+              "provoke" => "provok",
+              "provoked" => "provok",
+              "provokes" => "provok",
+              "provoking" => "provok",
+              "provokingly" => "provok",
+              "prow" => "prow",
+              "prowess" => "prowess",
+              "prowl" => "prowl",
+              "prowled" => "prowl",
+              "prowling" => "prowl",
+              "proximity" => "proxim",
+              "proxy" => "proxi",
+              "proxying" => "proxi",
+              "prudence" => "prudenc",
+              "prudent" => "prudent",
+              "prudently" => "prudent",
+              "prudery" => "pruderi",
+              "prudish" => "prudish",
+              "pruning" => "prune",
+              "prunings" => "prune",
+              "prurient" => "prurient",
+              "prussian" => "prussian",
+              "prussians" => "prussian",
+              "prussic" => "prussic",
+              "pry" => "pri",
+              "psalm" => "psalm",
+              "psalms" => "psalm",
+              "psammophis" => "psammophi",
+              "pselaphus" => "pselaphus",
+              "pseudo" => "pseudo",
+              "psha" => "psha",
+              "pshaw" => "pshaw",
+              "psyche" => "psych",
+              "psychological" => "psycholog",
+              "psychologically" => "psycholog",
+              "psychologist" => "psychologist",
+              "psychology" => "psycholog",
+              "pt" => "pt",
+              "ptarmigans" => "ptarmigan",
+              "pterophorus" => "pterophorus",
+              "pteropoda" => "pteropoda",
+              "pteroptochos" => "pteroptocho",
+              "public" => "public",
+              "publicans" => "publican",
+              "publication" => "public",
+              "publications" => "public",
+              "publicity" => "public",
+              "publicly" => "public",
+              "publish" => "publish",
+              "published" => "publish",
+              "publisher" => "publish",
+              "publishers" => "publish",
+              "publishing" => "publish",
+              "puckered" => "pucker",
+              "puddick" => "puddick",
+              "pudding" => "pud",
+              "puddings" => "pud",
+              "puddle" => "puddl",
+              "puddles" => "puddl",
+              "puente" => "puent",
+              "puff" => "puff",
+              "puffed" => "puf",
+              "puffing" => "puf",
+              "puffinus" => "puffinus",
+              "puffs" => "puff",
+              "puffy" => "puffi",
+              "pug" => "pug",
+              "pugilistic" => "pugilist",
+              "pugnacious" => "pugnaci",
+              "pugnacity" => "pugnac",
+              "pugstyles" => "pugstyl",
+              "pul" => "pul",
+              "pulcheria" => "pulcheria",
+              "pull" => "pull",
+              "pulled" => "pull",
+              "pulling" => "pull",
+              "pulls" => "pull",
+              "pulp" => "pulp",
+              "pulperia" => "pulperia",
+              "pulpit" => "pulpit",
+              "pulpy" => "pulpi",
+              "pulse" => "puls",
+              "pulses" => "puls",
+              "pum" => "pum",
+              "puma" => "puma",
+              "pumas" => "puma",
+              "pumice" => "pumic",
+              "pumiceous" => "pumic",
+              "pumila" => "pumila",
+              "pummelled" => "pummel",
+              "pummelling" => "pummel",
+              "pump" => "pump",
+              "pumping" => "pump",
+              "pumpkin" => "pumpkin",
+              "pumps" => "pump",
+              "pun" => "pun",
+              "puna" => "puna",
+              "punch" => "punch",
+              "punched" => "punch",
+              "punches" => "punch",
+              "punchinello" => "punchinello",
+              "punching" => "punch",
+              "punctatissima" => "punctatissima",
+              "punctilious" => "punctili",
+              "punctiliousness" => "punctili",
+              "punctual" => "punctual",
+              "punctuality" => "punctual",
+              "punctually" => "punctual",
+              "punctuation" => "punctuat",
+              "puncture" => "punctur",
+              "punctured" => "punctur",
+              "pundit" => "pundit",
+              "pundits" => "pundit",
+              "punish" => "punish",
+              "punished" => "punish",
+              "punishing" => "punish",
+              "punishment" => "punish",
+              "punt" => "punt",
+              "punta" => "punta",
+              "puny" => "puni",
+              "pupil" => "pupil",
+              "pupils" => "pupil",
+              "pupker" => "pupker",
+              "puppet" => "puppet",
+              "puppies" => "puppi",
+              "puppy" => "puppi",
+              "puppyism" => "puppyism",
+              "purblind" => "purblind",
+              "purchas" => "purcha",
+              "purchase" => "purchas",
+              "purchased" => "purchas",
+              "purchaser" => "purchas",
+              "purchases" => "purchas",
+              "purchasing" => "purchas",
+              "pure" => "pure",
+              "purechurch" => "purechurch",
+              "purely" => "pure",
+              "purer" => "purer",
+              "purest" => "purest",
+              "purge" => "purg",
+              "purified" => "purifi",
+              "purify" => "purifi",
+              "purity" => "puriti",
+              "purple" => "purpl",
+              "purplish" => "purplish",
+              "purport" => "purport",
+              "purporting" => "purport",
+              "purpose" => "purpos",
+              "purposed" => "purpos",
+              "purposeless" => "purposeless",
+              "purposely" => "purpos",
+              "purposes" => "purpos",
+              "purpura" => "purpura",
+              "purpurea" => "purpurea",
+              "purr" => "purr",
+              "purring" => "pur",
+              "purse" => "purs",
+              "pursed" => "purs",
+              "purser" => "purser",
+              "purses" => "purs",
+              "pursing" => "purs",
+              "pursuance" => "pursuanc",
+              "pursuant" => "pursuant",
+              "pursue" => "pursu",
+              "pursued" => "pursu",
+              "pursuer" => "pursuer",
+              "pursuers" => "pursuer",
+              "pursues" => "pursu",
+              "pursuing" => "pursu",
+              "pursuit" => "pursuit",
+              "pursuits" => "pursuit",
+              "pursult" => "pursult",
+              "purvided" => "purvid",
+              "push" => "push",
+              "pushed" => "push",
+              "pushes" => "push",
+              "pushing" => "push",
+              "pushkin" => "pushkin",
+              "pusillanimity" => "pusillanim",
+              "puss" => "puss",
+              "pussy" => "pussi",
+              "pustules" => "pustul",
+              "put" => "put",
+              "putrefaction" => "putrefact",
+              "putrefying" => "putrefi",
+              "putrid" => "putrid",
+              "putridity" => "putrid",
+              "puts" => "put",
+              "puttin" => "puttin",
+              "putting" => "put",
+              "puzzle" => "puzzl",
+              "puzzled" => "puzzl",
+              "puzzles" => "puzzl",
+              "puzzling" => "puzzl",
+              "py" => "py",
+              "pye" => "pye",
+              "pygmy" => "pygmi",
+              "pyke" => "pyke",
+              "pyotr" => "pyotr",
+              "pyramid" => "pyramid",
+              "pyramids" => "pyramid",
+              "pyrard" => "pyrard",
+              "pyre" => "pyre",
+              "pyrenees" => "pyrene",
+              "pyrifera" => "pyrifera",
+              "pyrites" => "pyrit",
+              "pyrocephalus" => "pyrocephalus",
+              "pyrophorus" => "pyrophorus",
+              "pyrosma" => "pyrosma",
+              "q" => "q",
+              "qc" => "qc",
+              "qu" => "qu",
+              "quaccha" => "quaccha",
+              "quack" => "quack",
+              "quadra" => "quadra",
+              "quadrangle" => "quadrangl",
+              "quadrangular" => "quadrangular",
+              "quadras" => "quadra",
+              "quadrille" => "quadrill",
+              "quadruped" => "quadrup",
+              "quadrupeds" => "quadrup",
+              "quadruple" => "quadrupl",
+              "quadrupled" => "quadrupl",
+              "quagmire" => "quagmir",
+              "quagmires" => "quagmir",
+              "quail" => "quail",
+              "quailed" => "quail",
+              "quailing" => "quail",
+              "quails" => "quail",
+              "quaint" => "quaint",
+              "quaintly" => "quaint",
+              "quaintness" => "quaint",
+              "quake" => "quak",
+              "quaked" => "quak",
+              "quakes" => "quak",
+              "quaking" => "quak",
+              "quakings" => "quak",
+              "quale" => "qual",
+              "qualification" => "qualif",
+              "qualifications" => "qualif",
+              "qualified" => "qualifi",
+              "qualify" => "qualifi",
+              "qualifying" => "qualifi",
+              "qualities" => "qualiti",
+              "quality" => "qualiti",
+              "quand" => "quand",
+              "quantite" => "quantit",
+              "quantities" => "quantiti",
+              "quantity" => "quantiti",
+              "quarrel" => "quarrel",
+              "quarrelled" => "quarrel",
+              "quarrelling" => "quarrel",
+              "quarrels" => "quarrel",
+              "quarrelsome" => "quarrelsom",
+              "quarry" => "quarri",
+              "quart" => "quart",
+              "quarter" => "quarter",
+              "quartered" => "quarter",
+              "quartering" => "quarter",
+              "quarterly" => "quarter",
+              "quartermaster" => "quartermast",
+              "quartern" => "quartern",
+              "quarters" => "quarter",
+              "quarther" => "quarther",
+              "quartz" => "quartz",
+              "quatre" => "quatr",
+              "quaver" => "quaver",
+              "quavering" => "quaver",
+              "quay" => "quay",
+              "que" => "que",
+              "quebec" => "quebec",
+              "quebrantahuesos" => "quebrantahueso",
+              "quedius" => "quedius",
+              "queen" => "queen",
+              "queens" => "queen",
+              "queer" => "queer",
+              "queerest" => "queerest",
+              "queerness" => "queer",
+              "quell" => "quell",
+              "quelled" => "quell",
+              "quench" => "quench",
+              "quenched" => "quench",
+              "quenching" => "quench",
+              "queries" => "queri",
+              "querulous" => "querul",
+              "query" => "queri",
+              "quest" => "quest",
+              "question" => "question",
+              "questionable" => "question",
+              "questioned" => "question",
+              "questioner" => "question",
+              "questioning" => "question",
+              "questionings" => "question",
+              "questions" => "question",
+              "quibble" => "quibbl",
+              "quick" => "quick",
+              "quicken" => "quicken",
+              "quickened" => "quicken",
+              "quickens" => "quicken",
+              "quicker" => "quicker",
+              "quickest" => "quickest",
+              "quickly" => "quick",
+              "quickness" => "quick",
+              "quicksilver" => "quicksilv",
+              "quidnuncs" => "quidnunc",
+              "quien" => "quien",
+              "quiescence" => "quiescenc",
+              "quiescent" => "quiescent",
+              "quiet" => "quiet",
+              "quieted" => "quiet",
+              "quieter" => "quieter",
+              "quietest" => "quietest",
+              "quietly" => "quiet",
+              "quietness" => "quiet",
+              "quiets" => "quiet",
+              "quietude" => "quietud",
+              "quilimari" => "quilimari",
+              "quillay" => "quillay",
+              "quillota" => "quillota",
+              "quills" => "quill",
+              "quilmes" => "quilm",
+              "quilt" => "quilt",
+              "quince" => "quinc",
+              "quinchao" => "quinchao",
+              "quintero" => "quintero",
+              "quints" => "quint",
+              "quintus" => "quintus",
+              "quiriquina" => "quiriquina",
+              "quit" => "quit",
+              "quite" => "quit",
+              "quito" => "quito",
+              "quits" => "quit",
+              "quitted" => "quit",
+              "quitting" => "quit",
+              "quiver" => "quiver",
+              "quivered" => "quiver",
+              "quivering" => "quiver",
+              "quivers" => "quiver",
+              "quixote" => "quixot",
+              "quixotic" => "quixot",
+              "quixotism" => "quixot",
+              "quizzical" => "quizzic",
+              "quizzing" => "quizz",
+              "quizzings" => "quizz",
+              "qulte" => "qult",
+              "quo" => "quo",
+              "quondam" => "quondam",
+              "quoodle" => "quoodl",
+              "quotation" => "quotat",
+              "quotations" => "quotat",
+              "quote" => "quot",
+              "quoted" => "quot",
+              "quotes" => "quot",
+              "quoth" => "quoth",
+              "quoting" => "quot",
+              "quoy" => "quoy",
+              "r" => "r",
+              "ra" => "ra",
+              "raa" => "raa",
+              "rabbit" => "rabbit",
+              "rabbits" => "rabbit",
+              "rabidly" => "rabid",
+              "race" => "race",
+              "racehorses" => "racehors",
+              "racers" => "racer",
+              "races" => "race",
+              "rachael" => "rachael",
+              "rachel" => "rachel",
+              "racing" => "race",
+              "rack" => "rack",
+              "racked" => "rack",
+              "racket" => "racket",
+              "racketing" => "racket",
+              "racking" => "rack",
+              "rackings" => "rack",
+              "radack" => "radack",
+              "radiance" => "radianc",
+              "radiant" => "radiant",
+              "radiantly" => "radiant",
+              "radiata" => "radiata",
+              "radiate" => "radiat",
+              "radiated" => "radiat",
+              "radiating" => "radiat",
+              "radiation" => "radiat",
+              "radical" => "radic",
+              "radicalism" => "radic",
+              "radicals" => "radic",
+              "radii" => "radii",
+              "radish" => "radish",
+              "radishchev" => "radishchev",
+              "radishes" => "radish",
+              "rads" => "rad",
+              "rafael" => "rafael",
+              "raff" => "raff",
+              "raffaelite" => "raffaelit",
+              "raffaelites" => "raffaelit",
+              "raffaelitism" => "raffaelit",
+              "raft" => "raft",
+              "rafters" => "rafter",
+              "rafts" => "raft",
+              "rag" => "rag",
+              "rage" => "rage",
+              "raged" => "rage",
+              "rages" => "rage",
+              "ragged" => "rag",
+              "raging" => "rage",
+              "rags" => "rag",
+              "rail" => "rail",
+              "railed" => "rail",
+              "railing" => "rail",
+              "railings" => "rail",
+              "raillery" => "railleri",
+              "railroad" => "railroad",
+              "railroads" => "railroad",
+              "rails" => "rail",
+              "railway" => "railway",
+              "railways" => "railway",
+              "rain" => "rain",
+              "rainbow" => "rainbow",
+              "raindrops" => "raindrop",
+              "rained" => "rain",
+              "raining" => "rain",
+              "rains" => "rain",
+              "rainy" => "raini",
+              "raise" => "rais",
+              "raised" => "rais",
+              "raises" => "rais",
+              "raising" => "rais",
+              "raisins" => "raisin",
+              "rake" => "rake",
+              "raked" => "rake",
+              "rakes" => "rake",
+              "raking" => "rake",
+              "rakish" => "rakish",
+              "rakishly" => "rakish",
+              "rakishness" => "rakish",
+              "ral" => "ral",
+              "rallied" => "ralli",
+              "rallus" => "rallus",
+              "rally" => "ralli",
+              "rallying" => "ralli",
+              "ralph" => "ralph",
+              "ram" => "ram",
+              "ramble" => "rambl",
+              "rambled" => "rambl",
+              "rambles" => "rambl",
+              "rambling" => "rambl",
+              "ramification" => "ramif",
+              "ramirez" => "ramirez",
+              "rammer" => "rammer",
+              "rampant" => "rampant",
+              "rampart" => "rampart",
+              "ramsden" => "ramsden",
+              "ramsgate" => "ramsgat",
+              "ran" => "ran",
+              "rana" => "rana",
+              "rancagua" => "rancagua",
+              "ranche" => "ranch",
+              "rancho" => "rancho",
+              "ranchos" => "rancho",
+              "rancorous" => "rancor",
+              "rancorously" => "rancor",
+              "rancour" => "rancour",
+              "randal" => "randal",
+              "randall" => "randal",
+              "random" => "random",
+              "rang" => "rang",
+              "range" => "rang",
+              "ranged" => "rang",
+              "rangees" => "range",
+              "ranges" => "rang",
+              "ranging" => "rang",
+              "rank" => "rank",
+              "ranked" => "rank",
+              "rankled" => "rankl",
+              "rankling" => "rankl",
+              "rankness" => "rank",
+              "ranks" => "rank",
+              "ransack" => "ransack",
+              "ransacked" => "ransack",
+              "ransacking" => "ransack",
+              "rap" => "rap",
+              "rapacious" => "rapaci",
+              "rapacity" => "rapac",
+              "raphael" => "raphael",
+              "rapid" => "rapid",
+              "rapidity" => "rapid",
+              "rapidly" => "rapid",
+              "rapine" => "rapin",
+              "rapping" => "rap",
+              "raps" => "rap",
+              "rapt" => "rapt",
+              "rapture" => "raptur",
+              "raptures" => "raptur",
+              "rapturous" => "raptur",
+              "rapturously" => "raptur",
+              "rare" => "rare",
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+              "rarer" => "rarer",
+              "rarest" => "rarest",
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+              "rascally" => "rascal",
+              "rascals" => "rascal",
+              "rash" => "rash",
+              "rasher" => "rasher",
+              "rashly" => "rash",
+              "rashness" => "rash",
+              "raskolnikov" => "raskolnikov",
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+              "raspberry" => "raspberri",
+              "rasper" => "rasper",
+              "rastro" => "rastro",
+              "rat" => "rat",
+              "rate" => "rate",
+              "rated" => "rate",
+              "rates" => "rate",
+              "rathe" => "rath",
+              "rather" => "rather",
+              "ratio" => "ratio",
+              "rational" => "ration",
+              "rationally" => "ration",
+              "rations" => "ration",
+              "rats" => "rat",
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+              "rattlers" => "rattler",
+              "rattles" => "rattl",
+              "rattlesnake" => "rattlesnak",
+              "rattling" => "rattl",
+              "rattus" => "rattus",
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+              "ravaging" => "ravag",
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+              "rays" => "ray",
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+              "razors" => "razor",
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+              "razumihins" => "razumihin",
+              "rd" => "rd",
+              "re" => "re",
+              "rea" => "rea",
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+              "reactionary" => "reactionari",
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+              "retrenchment" => "retrench",
+              "retrenchments" => "retrench",
+              "retribution" => "retribut",
+              "retributive" => "retribut",
+              "retrievable" => "retriev",
+              "retrieve" => "retriev",
+              "retrieved" => "retriev",
+              "retrieving" => "retriev",
+              "retrograde" => "retrograd",
+              "retrograding" => "retrograd",
+              "retrorsum" => "retrorsum",
+              "retrospect" => "retrospect",
+              "retrospective" => "retrospect",
+              "return" => "return",
+              "returned" => "return",
+              "returning" => "return",
+              "returns" => "return",
+              "retzch" => "retzch",
+              "reunion" => "reunion",
+              "rev" => "rev",
+              "reveal" => "reveal",
+              "revealed" => "reveal",
+              "revealing" => "reveal",
+              "revel" => "revel",
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+              "revelling" => "revel",
+              "revelry" => "revelri",
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+              "revenging" => "reveng",
+              "revenue" => "revenu",
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+              "reverberated" => "reverber",
+              "reverberates" => "reverber",
+              "reverberating" => "reverber",
+              "reverberation" => "reverber",
+              "revered" => "rever",
+              "reverence" => "rever",
+              "reverenced" => "reverenc",
+              "reverend" => "reverend",
+              "reverends" => "reverend",
+              "reverent" => "rever",
+              "reverential" => "reverenti",
+              "reverentially" => "reverenti",
+              "reverently" => "rever",
+              "reverie" => "reveri",
+              "reversal" => "revers",
+              "reverse" => "revers",
+              "reversed" => "revers",
+              "reverses" => "revers",
+              "reversion" => "revers",
+              "revert" => "revert",
+              "reverted" => "revert",
+              "reverting" => "revert",
+              "reverts" => "revert",
+              "reviendra" => "reviendra",
+              "review" => "review",
+              "reviewal" => "review",
+              "reviewing" => "review",
+              "reviews" => "review",
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+              "reviled" => "revil",
+              "reviling" => "revil",
+              "revilings" => "revil",
+              "revise" => "revis",
+              "revision" => "revis",
+              "revisit" => "revisit",
+              "revisited" => "revisit",
+              "revival" => "reviv",
+              "revive" => "reviv",
+              "revived" => "reviv",
+              "reviving" => "reviv",
+              "revivingly" => "reviv",
+              "revoke" => "revok",
+              "revoked" => "revok",
+              "revolt" => "revolt",
+              "revolted" => "revolt",
+              "revolting" => "revolt",
+              "revolts" => "revolt",
+              "revolution" => "revolut",
+              "revolutionary" => "revolutionari",
+              "revolutionist" => "revolutionist",
+              "revolutionized" => "revolution",
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+              "revolve" => "revolv",
+              "revolved" => "revolv",
+              "revolver" => "revolv",
+              "revolves" => "revolv",
+              "revolving" => "revolv",
+              "revulsion" => "revuls",
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+              "rewarded" => "reward",
+              "rewarding" => "reward",
+              "rewards" => "reward",
+              "rewashed" => "rewash",
+              "rex" => "rex",
+              "rexes" => "rex",
+              "rhapsody" => "rhapsodi",
+              "rhea" => "rhea",
+              "rheims" => "rheim",
+              "rhetoric" => "rhetor",
+              "rheumatic" => "rheumat",
+              "rheumatics" => "rheumat",
+              "rheumatism" => "rheumat",
+              "rhine" => "rhine",
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+              "rhinoceroses" => "rhinoceros",
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+              "rhododendrons" => "rhododendron",
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+              "rhyme" => "rhyme",
+              "rhymes" => "rhyme",
+              "rhynchops" => "rhynchop",
+              "rhyncophora" => "rhyncophora",
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+              "ribbons" => "ribbon",
+              "ribeira" => "ribeira",
+              "ribs" => "rib",
+              "rice" => "rice",
+              "rich" => "rich",
+              "richard" => "richard",
+              "richardson" => "richardson",
+              "richer" => "richer",
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+              "richly" => "rich",
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+              "rick" => "rick",
+              "rickety" => "ricketi",
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+              "riddance" => "riddanc",
+              "ridden" => "ridden",
+              "ridding" => "rid",
+              "riddle" => "riddl",
+              "riddles" => "riddl",
+              "ride" => "ride",
+              "ridendus" => "ridendus",
+              "rider" => "rider",
+              "riders" => "rider",
+              "rides" => "ride",
+              "ridg" => "ridg",
+              "ridge" => "ridg",
+              "ridges" => "ridg",
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+              "ridiculously" => "ridicul",
+              "riding" => "ride",
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+              "rifles" => "rifl",
+              "rifling" => "rifl",
+              "rig" => "rig",
+              "rigamarole" => "rigamarol",
+              "riggers" => "rigger",
+              "rigging" => "rig",
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+              "righted" => "right",
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+              "rightly" => "right",
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+              "rigour" => "rigour",
+              "rigueur" => "rigueur",
+              "rill" => "rill",
+              "rim" => "rim",
+              "rims" => "rim",
+              "rimsky" => "rimski",
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+              "rinsing" => "rins",
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+              "rios" => "rio",
+              "riot" => "riot",
+              "riotous" => "riotous",
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+              "ripe" => "ripe",
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+              "ripens" => "ripen",
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+              "rippled" => "rippl",
+              "ripples" => "rippl",
+              "rippling" => "rippl",
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+              "risen" => "risen",
+              "risers" => "riser",
+              "rises" => "rise",
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+              "rising" => "rise",
+              "risingham" => "risingham",
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+              "rive" => "rive",
+              "river" => "river",
+              "rivers" => "river",
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+              "riveting" => "rivet",
+              "rivetted" => "rivet",
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+              "rivulets" => "rivulet",
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+              "roads" => "road",
+              "roadside" => "roadsid",
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+              "roamed" => "roam",
+              "roaming" => "roam",
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+              "roan" => "roan",
+              "roar" => "roar",
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+              "roarer" => "roarer",
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+              "roasting" => "roast",
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+              "robbery" => "robberi",
+              "robbing" => "rob",
+              "robe" => "robe",
+              "robed" => "robe",
+              "robert" => "robert",
+              "roberto" => "roberto",
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+              "robin" => "robin",
+              "robing" => "robe",
+              "robinson" => "robinson",
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+              "robys" => "robi",
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+              "rocky" => "rocki",
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+              "rode" => "rode",
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+              "roe" => "roe",
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+              "roguery" => "rogueri",
+              "rogues" => "rogu",
+              "roi" => "roi",
+              "rokeby" => "rokebi",
+              "role" => "role",
+              "roles" => "role",
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+              "rolle" => "roll",
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+              "roller" => "roller",
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+              "rolling" => "roll",
+              "rollings" => "roll",
+              "rolls" => "roll",
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+              "romantically" => "romant",
+              "rome" => "rome",
+              "romeo" => "romeo",
+              "romish" => "romish",
+              "romp" => "romp",
+              "romping" => "romp",
+              "roof" => "roof",
+              "roofed" => "roof",
+              "roofs" => "roof",
+              "rooge" => "roog",
+              "rook" => "rook",
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+              "rookh" => "rookh",
+              "rooks" => "rook",
+              "room" => "room",
+              "roomed" => "room",
+              "roomer" => "roomer",
+              "rooms" => "room",
+              "roomy" => "roomi",
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+              "roonaway" => "roonaway",
+              "roosher" => "roosher",
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+              "roosting" => "roost",
+              "root" => "root",
+              "rooted" => "root",
+              "rooteth" => "rooteth",
+              "roots" => "root",
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+              "ross" => "ross",
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+              "rotting" => "rot",
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+              "rude" => "rude",
+              "rudely" => "rude",
+              "rudeness" => "rude",
+              "ruder" => "ruder",
+              "rudest" => "rudest",
+              "rudimentary" => "rudimentari",
+              "rudiments" => "rudiment",
+              "rue" => "rue",
+              "rueful" => "rueful",
+              "ruefully" => "ruefulli",
+              "ruff" => "ruff",
+              "ruffian" => "ruffian",
+              "ruffianly" => "ruffian",
+              "ruffians" => "ruffian",
+              "ruffle" => "ruffl",
+              "ruffled" => "ruffl",
+              "rug" => "rug",
+              "rugged" => "rug",
+              "rugs" => "rug",
+              "ruin" => "ruin",
+              "ruinas" => "ruina",
+              "ruined" => "ruin",
+              "ruining" => "ruin",
+              "ruinous" => "ruinous",
+              "ruins" => "ruin",
+              "rule" => "rule",
+              "ruled" => "rule",
+              "ruler" => "ruler",
+              "rulers" => "ruler",
+              "rules" => "rule",
+              "ruling" => "rule",
+              "rum" => "rum",
+              "rumble" => "rumbl",
+              "rumbled" => "rumbl",
+              "rumbling" => "rumbl",
+              "rumicivorus" => "rumicivorus",
+              "ruminant" => "rumin",
+              "ruminants" => "rumin",
+              "ruminate" => "rumin",
+              "ruminated" => "rumin",
+              "ruminates" => "rumin",
+              "ruminating" => "rumin",
+              "ruminations" => "rumin",
+              "rummage" => "rummag",
+              "rummaged" => "rummag",
+              "rummaging" => "rummag",
+              "rummest" => "rummest",
+              "rummiest" => "rummiest",
+              "rummy" => "rummi",
+              "rumour" => "rumour",
+              "rumoured" => "rumour",
+              "rumours" => "rumour",
+              "rumpling" => "rumpl",
+              "rums" => "rum",
+              "run" => "run",
+              "runaway" => "runaway",
+              "runaways" => "runaway",
+              "rung" => "rung",
+              "running" => "run",
+              "runs" => "run",
+              "rupture" => "ruptur",
+              "ruptured" => "ruptur",
+              "rural" => "rural",
+              "rush" => "rush",
+              "rushed" => "rush",
+              "rushes" => "rush",
+              "rushing" => "rush",
+              "rushlight" => "rushlight",
+              "russell" => "russel",
+              "russet" => "russet",
+              "russia" => "russia",
+              "russian" => "russian",
+              "russians" => "russian",
+              "rust" => "rust",
+              "rusted" => "rust",
+              "rustic" => "rustic",
+              "rusticated" => "rustic",
+              "rusticities" => "rustic",
+              "rustily" => "rustili",
+              "rusting" => "rust",
+              "rustle" => "rustl",
+              "rustled" => "rustl",
+              "rustling" => "rustl",
+              "rusty" => "rusti",
+              "rut" => "rut",
+              "ruthlessly" => "ruthless",
+              "ry" => "ry",
+              "ryazan" => "ryazan",
+              "ryde" => "ryde",
+              "rylstone" => "rylston",
+              "s" => "s",
+              "sa" => "sa",
+              "sabbatarian" => "sabbatarian",
+              "sabbath" => "sabbath",
+              "sabe" => "sabe",
+              "sabine" => "sabin",
+              "sable" => "sabl",
+              "sabre" => "sabr",
+              "sabres" => "sabr",
+              "sac" => "sac",
+              "sachet" => "sachet",
+              "sack" => "sack",
+              "sackcloth" => "sackcloth",
+              "sackcloths" => "sackcloth",
+              "sacked" => "sack",
+              "sacking" => "sack",
+              "sacks" => "sack",
+              "sacrament" => "sacrament",
+              "sacramiento" => "sacramiento",
+              "sacred" => "sacr",
+              "sacredly" => "sacr",
+              "sacrifice" => "sacrific",
+              "sacrificed" => "sacrif",
+              "sacrifices" => "sacrific",
+              "sacrificing" => "sacrif",
+              "sacrilege" => "sacrileg",
+              "sad" => "sad",
+              "saddened" => "sadden",
+              "saddening" => "sadden",
+              "saddle" => "saddl",
+              "saddled" => "saddl",
+              "saddler" => "saddler",
+              "saddling" => "saddl",
+              "sadly" => "sad",
+              "sadness" => "sad",
+              "sadovy" => "sadovi",
+              "saeugethiere" => "saeugethier",
+              "safe" => "safe",
+              "safeguard" => "safeguard",
+              "safeguards" => "safeguard",
+              "safely" => "safe",
+              "safer" => "safer",
+              "safes" => "safe",
+              "safest" => "safest",
+              "safety" => "safeti",
+              "saffron" => "saffron",
+              "sagacious" => "sagaci",
+              "sagacity" => "sagac",
+              "sage" => "sage",
+              "sago" => "sago",
+              "said" => "said",
+              "sail" => "sail",
+              "sailed" => "sail",
+              "sailing" => "sail",
+              "sailor" => "sailor",
+              "sailors" => "sailor",
+              "sails" => "sail",
+              "saint" => "saint",
+              "sainted" => "saint",
+              "saintly" => "saint",
+              "saints" => "saint",
+              "saisis" => "saisi",
+              "sait" => "sait",
+              "saith" => "saith",
+              "sak" => "sak",
+              "sake" => "sake",
+              "sakes" => "sake",
+              "sal" => "sal",
+              "sala" => "sala",
+              "saladillo" => "saladillo",
+              "salado" => "salado",
+              "salaried" => "salari",
+              "salary" => "salari",
+              "sald" => "sald",
+              "sale" => "sale",
+              "salesman" => "salesman",
+              "saliferous" => "salifer",
+              "salina" => "salina",
+              "salinas" => "salina",
+              "saline" => "salin",
+              "salinus" => "salinus",
+              "salitral" => "salitr",
+              "salitrales" => "salitral",
+              "saliva" => "saliva",
+              "sallied" => "salli",
+              "sallies" => "salli",
+              "sallow" => "sallow",
+              "sally" => "salli",
+              "sallys" => "salli",
+              "salmon" => "salmon",
+              "salon" => "salon",
+              "saloon" => "saloon",
+              "saloons" => "saloon",
+              "salt" => "salt",
+              "salta" => "salta",
+              "salted" => "salt",
+              "saltenfiord" => "saltenfiord",
+              "salting" => "salt",
+              "saltire" => "saltir",
+              "saltpeter" => "saltpet",
+              "saltpetre" => "saltpetr",
+              "salts" => "salt",
+              "salubrity" => "salubr",
+              "salutary" => "salutari",
+              "salutation" => "salut",
+              "salutations" => "salut",
+              "salute" => "salut",
+              "saluted" => "salut",
+              "salutes" => "salut",
+              "saluting" => "salut",
+              "salvador" => "salvador",
+              "salvation" => "salvat",
+              "salvator" => "salvat",
+              "salver" => "salver",
+              "sam" => "sam",
+              "samaritan" => "samaritan",
+              "same" => "same",
+              "sameness" => "same",
+              "samovar" => "samovar",
+              "samovars" => "samovar",
+              "sampler" => "sampler",
+              "samples" => "sampl",
+              "samson" => "samson",
+              "san" => "san",
+              "sancho" => "sancho",
+              "sanctified" => "sanctifi",
+              "sanction" => "sanction",
+              "sanctions" => "sanction",
+              "sanctity" => "sanctiti",
+              "sanctuary" => "sanctuari",
+              "sanctum" => "sanctum",
+              "sand" => "sand",
+              "sandal" => "sandal",
+              "sandaled" => "sandal",
+              "sandalled" => "sandal",
+              "sandals" => "sandal",
+              "sanded" => "sand",
+              "sandpiper" => "sandpip",
+              "sands" => "sand",
+              "sandstone" => "sandston",
+              "sandstones" => "sandston",
+              "sandwich" => "sandwich",
+              "sandwiches" => "sandwich",
+              "sandy" => "sandi",
+              "sane" => "sane",
+              "sang" => "sang",
+              "sanger" => "sanger",
+              "sangsby" => "sangsbi",
+              "sanguinary" => "sanguinari",
+              "sanguine" => "sanguin",
+              "saniem" => "saniem",
+              "sanity" => "saniti",
+              "sank" => "sank",
+              "sant" => "sant",
+              "santa" => "santa",
+              "santiago" => "santiago",
+              "sap" => "sap",
+              "sapient" => "sapient",
+              "sapling" => "sapl",
+              "sapped" => "sap",
+              "sapphire" => "sapphir",
+              "sapphires" => "sapphir",
+              "sar" => "sar",
+              "saracen" => "saracen",
+              "saracenic" => "saracen",
+              "saracens" => "saracen",
+              "sarah" => "sarah",
+              "sarandis" => "sarandi",
+              "sarcasm" => "sarcasm",
+              "sarcastic" => "sarcast",
+              "sarcastically" => "sarcast",
+              "sarcophagus" => "sarcophagus",
+              "sarmiento" => "sarmiento",
+              "sart" => "sart",
+              "sash" => "sash",
+              "sashed" => "sash",
+              "sasiated" => "sasiat",
+              "sassafras" => "sassafra",
+              "sat" => "sat",
+              "satan" => "satan",
+              "sated" => "sate",
+              "satellite" => "satellit",
+              "satellites" => "satellit",
+              "satin" => "satin",
+              "satins" => "satin",
+              "satire" => "satir",
+              "satirical" => "satir",
+              "satirically" => "satir",
+              "satisfaction" => "satisfact",
+              "satisfactorily" => "satisfactorili",
+              "satisfactory" => "satisfactori",
+              "satisfied" => "satisfi",
+              "satisfies" => "satisfi",
+              "satisfy" => "satisfi",
+              "satisfying" => "satisfi",
+              "satrap" => "satrap",
+              "satraps" => "satrap",
+              "saturated" => "satur",
+              "saturation" => "satur",
+              "saturday" => "saturday",
+              "saturdays" => "saturday",
+              "saturnine" => "saturnin",
+              "satyr" => "satyr",
+              "sauce" => "sauc",
+              "saucepan" => "saucepan",
+              "saucepans" => "saucepan",
+              "saucer" => "saucer",
+              "saucers" => "saucer",
+              "saucily" => "saucili",
+              "saucy" => "sauci",
+              "saul" => "saul",
+              "saunter" => "saunter",
+              "sauntered" => "saunter",
+              "saunterer" => "saunter",
+              "sauntering" => "saunter",
+              "saunters" => "saunter",
+              "saurophagus" => "saurophagus",
+              "sausage" => "sausag",
+              "sausages" => "sausag",
+              "sauvages" => "sauvag",
+              "savage" => "savag",
+              "savagely" => "savag",
+              "savages" => "savag",
+              "savana" => "savana",
+              "savannahs" => "savannah",
+              "save" => "save",
+              "saved" => "save",
+              "saves" => "save",
+              "saving" => "save",
+              "savings" => "save",
+              "saviour" => "saviour",
+              "savoir" => "savoir",
+              "savour" => "savour",
+              "savoured" => "savour",
+              "savouries" => "savouri",
+              "savours" => "savour",
+              "savoury" => "savouri",
+              "saw" => "saw",
+              "sawdust" => "sawdust",
+              "saws" => "saw",
+              "sawyer" => "sawyer",
+              "saxon" => "saxon",
+              "say" => "say",
+              "saying" => "say",
+              "sayings" => "say",
+              "says" => "say",
+              "scabra" => "scabra",
+              "scabs" => "scab",
+              "scaffold" => "scaffold",
+              "scaffolding" => "scaffold",
+              "scaffolds" => "scaffold",
+              "scagliola" => "scagliola",
+              "scald" => "scald",
+              "scalded" => "scald",
+              "scalding" => "scald",
+              "scale" => "scale",
+              "scaled" => "scale",
+              "scales" => "scale",
+              "scalesia" => "scalesia",
+              "scaley" => "scaley",
+              "scaling" => "scale",
+              "scallops" => "scallop",
+              "scalping" => "scalp",
+              "scaly" => "scali",
+              "scamander" => "scamand",
+              "scamp" => "scamp",
+              "scamper" => "scamper",
+              "scampered" => "scamper",
+              "scamps" => "scamp",
+              "scan" => "scan",
+              "scandal" => "scandal",
+              "scandalising" => "scandalis",
+              "scandalized" => "scandal",
+              "scandalizing" => "scandal",
+              "scandalous" => "scandal",
+              "scandals" => "scandal",
+              "scanned" => "scan",
+              "scanning" => "scan",
+              "scant" => "scant",
+              "scantier" => "scantier",
+              "scantiest" => "scantiest",
+              "scantily" => "scantili",
+              "scantiness" => "scanti",
+              "scanty" => "scanti",
+              "scape" => "scape",
+              "scapegoat" => "scapegoat",
+              "scapegrace" => "scapegrac",
+              "scar" => "scar",
+              "scarabaeus" => "scarabaeus",
+              "scarce" => "scarc",
+              "scarcel" => "scarcel",
+              "scarcely" => "scarc",
+              "scarcer" => "scarcer",
+              "scarcity" => "scarciti",
+              "scare" => "scare",
+              "scarecrow" => "scarecrow",
+              "scarecrows" => "scarecrow",
+              "scared" => "scare",
+              "scarf" => "scarf",
+              "scarfs" => "scarf",
+              "scarlet" => "scarlet",
+              "scarred" => "scar",
+              "scars" => "scar",
+              "scarum" => "scarum",
+              "scarus" => "scarus",
+              "scatter" => "scatter",
+              "scattered" => "scatter",
+              "scattering" => "scatter",
+              "scavengers" => "scaveng",
+              "scelidotherium" => "scelidotherium",
+              "scene" => "scene",
+              "scenery" => "sceneri",
+              "scenes" => "scene",
+              "scent" => "scent",
+              "scented" => "scent",
+              "scentless" => "scentless",
+              "scents" => "scent",
+              "sceptic" => "sceptic",
+              "sceptical" => "sceptic",
+              "sceptics" => "sceptic",
+              "schedule" => "schedul",
+              "schegolskoy" => "schegolskoy",
+              "scheme" => "scheme",
+              "schemer" => "schemer",
+              "schemes" => "scheme",
+              "scheming" => "scheme",
+              "schiller" => "schiller",
+              "schilleresque" => "schilleresqu",
+              "schirdel" => "schirdel",
+              "schleswig" => "schleswig",
+              "scholar" => "scholar",
+              "scholarly" => "scholar",
+              "scholars" => "scholar",
+              "scholarship" => "scholarship",
+              "scholastic" => "scholast",
+              "schone" => "schone",
+              "schonsten" => "schonsten",
+              "school" => "school",
+              "schoolboy" => "schoolboy",
+              "schooldays" => "schoolday",
+              "schooled" => "school",
+              "schoolfellow" => "schoolfellow",
+              "schoolfellows" => "schoolfellow",
+              "schooling" => "school",
+              "schoolmaster" => "schoolmast",
+              "schoolmasters" => "schoolmast",
+              "schoolmate" => "schoolmat",
+              "schoolmeasther" => "schoolmeasth",
+              "schoolroom" => "schoolroom",
+              "schools" => "school",
+              "schooner" => "schooner",
+              "schwach" => "schwach",
+              "scienc" => "scienc",
+              "science" => "scienc",
+              "sciences" => "scienc",
+              "scientific" => "scientif",
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+              "scintillation" => "scintil",
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+              "scissor" => "scissor",
+              "scissors" => "scissor",
+              "sclater" => "sclater",
+              "scoff" => "scoff",
+              "scoffed" => "scof",
+              "scoffers" => "scoffer",
+              "scold" => "scold",
+              "scolded" => "scold",
+              "scolding" => "scold",
+              "scolds" => "scold",
+              "scoondrel" => "scoondrel",
+              "scoondrels" => "scoondrel",
+              "scoop" => "scoop",
+              "scooped" => "scoop",
+              "scooping" => "scoop",
+              "scoops" => "scoop",
+              "scope" => "scope",
+              "scorch" => "scorch",
+              "scorched" => "scorch",
+              "scorches" => "scorch",
+              "scorching" => "scorch",
+              "scorchingly" => "scorch",
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+              "scored" => "score",
+              "scores" => "score",
+              "scoresby" => "scoresbi",
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+              "scoriae" => "scoria",
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+              "scorned" => "scorn",
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+              "scornfully" => "scorn",
+              "scorning" => "scorn",
+              "scorns" => "scorn",
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+              "scorpions" => "scorpion",
+              "scot" => "scot",
+              "scotch" => "scotch",
+              "scotched" => "scotch",
+              "scotland" => "scotland",
+              "scott" => "scott",
+              "scoundrel" => "scoundrel",
+              "scoundrelly" => "scoundrelli",
+              "scoundrels" => "scoundrel",
+              "scour" => "scour",
+              "scoured" => "scour",
+              "scourge" => "scourg",
+              "scourges" => "scourg",
+              "scouring" => "scour",
+              "scours" => "scour",
+              "scout" => "scout",
+              "scouted" => "scout",
+              "scouts" => "scout",
+              "scowl" => "scowl",
+              "scowled" => "scowl",
+              "scowling" => "scowl",
+              "scowls" => "scowl",
+              "scramble" => "scrambl",
+              "scrambled" => "scrambl",
+              "scrambling" => "scrambl",
+              "scrap" => "scrap",
+              "scrapbook" => "scrapbook",
+              "scrape" => "scrape",
+              "scraped" => "scrape",
+              "scraper" => "scraper",
+              "scrapes" => "scrape",
+              "scraping" => "scrape",
+              "scraps" => "scrap",
+              "scratch" => "scratch",
+              "scratched" => "scratch",
+              "scratches" => "scratch",
+              "scratching" => "scratch",
+              "scrawl" => "scrawl",
+              "scrawled" => "scrawl",
+              "scrawls" => "scrawl",
+              "scream" => "scream",
+              "screamed" => "scream",
+              "screaming" => "scream",
+              "screams" => "scream",
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+              "screeches" => "screech",
+              "screeching" => "screech",
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+              "screened" => "screen",
+              "screening" => "screen",
+              "screens" => "screen",
+              "screw" => "screw",
+              "screwdriver" => "screwdriv",
+              "screwdrivers" => "screwdriv",
+              "screwed" => "screw",
+              "screwing" => "screw",
+              "screws" => "screw",
+              "scribble" => "scribbl",
+              "scribbled" => "scribbl",
+              "scribe" => "scribe",
+              "scrip" => "scrip",
+              "scripter" => "scripter",
+              "scriptural" => "scriptur",
+              "scripture" => "scriptur",
+              "scrivener" => "scriven",
+              "scrofulous" => "scroful",
+              "scrolls" => "scroll",
+              "scrope" => "scrope",
+              "scrub" => "scrub",
+              "scrubbed" => "scrub",
+              "scrubbing" => "scrub",
+              "scrubbs" => "scrubb",
+              "scrubby" => "scrubbi",
+              "scrubs" => "scrub",
+              "scruple" => "scrupl",
+              "scruples" => "scrupl",
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+              "scrupulously" => "scrupul",
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+              "scrutinising" => "scrutinis",
+              "scrutinizing" => "scrutin",
+              "scrutiny" => "scrutini",
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+              "scuffling" => "scuffl",
+              "scullery" => "sculleri",
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+              "sculptor" => "sculptor",
+              "sculptured" => "sculptur",
+              "sculptures" => "sculptur",
+              "scum" => "scum",
+              "scurvy" => "scurvi",
+              "scuttle" => "scuttl",
+              "scuttling" => "scuttl",
+              "scytalopus" => "scytalopus",
+              "se" => "se",
+              "sea" => "sea",
+              "seacoast" => "seacoast",
+              "seafowl" => "seafowl",
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+              "sealer" => "sealer",
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+              "seals" => "seal",
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+              "seamen" => "seamen",
+              "seams" => "seam",
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+              "searched" => "search",
+              "searches" => "search",
+              "searching" => "search",
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+              "seaside" => "seasid",
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+              "seasoned" => "season",
+              "seasons" => "season",
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+              "seated" => "seat",
+              "seating" => "seat",
+              "seats" => "seat",
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+              "seawards" => "seaward",
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+              "seconded" => "second",
+              "secondly" => "second",
+              "seconds" => "second",
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+              "sectio" => "sectio",
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+              "securities" => "secur",
+              "security" => "secur",
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+              "sedative" => "sedat",
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+              "sedge" => "sedg",
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+              "seducer" => "seduc",
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+              "seductively" => "seduct",
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+              "sedulously" => "sedul",
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+              "seeds" => "seed",
+              "seeing" => "see",
+              "seek" => "seek",
+              "seeker" => "seeker",
+              "seekers" => "seeker",
+              "seeking" => "seek",
+              "seeks" => "seek",
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+              "seeming" => "seem",
+              "seemingly" => "seem",
+              "seems" => "seem",
+              "seen" => "seen",
+              "sees" => "see",
+              "seetzen" => "seetzen",
+              "segment" => "segment",
+              "segments" => "segment",
+              "sehr" => "sehr",
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+              "seized" => "seiz",
+              "seizes" => "seiz",
+              "seizing" => "seiz",
+              "seizure" => "seizur",
+              "seldom" => "seldom",
+              "select" => "select",
+              "selected" => "select",
+              "selecting" => "select",
+              "selection" => "select",
+              "selections" => "select",
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+              "selfishness" => "selfish",
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+              "sellers" => "seller",
+              "selling" => "sell",
+              "sellings" => "sell",
+              "sells" => "sell",
+              "selves" => "selv",
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+              "semblances" => "semblanc",
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+              "semicircle" => "semicircl",
+              "semicircular" => "semicircular",
+              "seminal" => "semin",
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+              "semyonova" => "semyonova",
+              "semyonovitch" => "semyonovitch",
+              "semyonovna" => "semyonovna",
+              "semyonovsky" => "semyonovski",
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+              "senator" => "senat",
+              "senatorial" => "senatori",
+              "senators" => "senat",
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+              "sender" => "sender",
+              "sending" => "send",
+              "sends" => "send",
+              "senhor" => "senhor",
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+              "sensational" => "sensat",
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+              "sensible" => "sensibl",
+              "sensibly" => "sensibl",
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+              "sensuality" => "sensual",
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+              "sentenced" => "sentenc",
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+              "sentiments" => "sentiment",
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+              "sentinels" => "sentinel",
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+              "sentry" => "sentri",
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+              "separated" => "separ",
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+              "separates" => "separ",
+              "separating" => "separ",
+              "separation" => "separ",
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+              "septa" => "septa",
+              "september" => "septemb",
+              "septuagenarian" => "septuagenarian",
+              "septum" => "septum",
+              "sepulchral" => "sepulchr",
+              "sepulchre" => "sepulchr",
+              "sepultus" => "sepultus",
+              "sequel" => "sequel",
+              "sequence" => "sequenc",
+              "sequestered" => "sequest",
+              "ser" => "ser",
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+              "seraphically" => "seraph",
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+              "serenely" => "seren",
+              "serenity" => "seren",
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+              "serfdom" => "serfdom",
+              "serfs" => "serf",
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+              "seriatim" => "seriatim",
+              "series" => "seri",
+              "serio" => "serio",
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+              "sertularia" => "sertularia",
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+              "servants" => "servant",
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+              "serves" => "serv",
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+              "serviceably" => "servic",
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+              "servility" => "servil",
+              "serving" => "serv",
+              "servitor" => "servitor",
+              "servitude" => "servitud",
+              "servts" => "servt",
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+              "setten" => "setten",
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+              "settlers" => "settler",
+              "settles" => "settl",
+              "settling" => "settl",
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+              "seventysix" => "seventysix",
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+              "severa" => "severa",
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+              "seychelles" => "seychell",
+              "sh" => "sh",
+              "sha" => "sha",
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+              "shabbiness" => "shabbi",
+              "shabby" => "shabbi",
+              "shade" => "shade",
+              "shaded" => "shade",
+              "shades" => "shade",
+              "shading" => "shade",
+              "shadow" => "shadow",
+              "shadowed" => "shadow",
+              "shadowless" => "shadowless",
+              "shadows" => "shadow",
+              "shadowy" => "shadowi",
+              "shady" => "shadi",
+              "shaft" => "shaft",
+              "shafts" => "shaft",
+              "shaggy" => "shaggi",
+              "shak" => "shak",
+              "shake" => "shake",
+              "shaken" => "shaken",
+              "shakes" => "shake",
+              "shakespeare" => "shakespear",
+              "shaking" => "shake",
+              "shakings" => "shake",
+              "shakspeare" => "shakspear",
+              "shal" => "shal",
+              "shall" => "shall",
+              "shallow" => "shallow",
+              "shallowest" => "shallowest",
+              "shallows" => "shallow",
+              "shalt" => "shalt",
+              "sham" => "sham",
+              "shambled" => "shambl",
+              "shambles" => "shambl",
+              "shambling" => "shambl",
+              "shame" => "shame",
+              "shamed" => "shame",
+              "shamefaced" => "shamefac",
+              "shameful" => "shame",
+              "shamefully" => "shame",
+              "shameless" => "shameless",
+              "shamelessly" => "shameless",
+              "shamming" => "sham",
+              "shan" => "shan",
+              "shanks" => "shank",
+              "shanties" => "shanti",
+              "shape" => "shape",
+              "shaped" => "shape",
+              "shapeless" => "shapeless",
+              "shapely" => "shape",
+              "shapes" => "shape",
+              "shaping" => "shape",
+              "shar" => "shar",
+              "share" => "share",
+              "shared" => "share",
+              "shareholder" => "sharehold",
+              "shareholders" => "sharehold",
+              "sharer" => "sharer",
+              "shares" => "share",
+              "sharing" => "share",
+              "shark" => "shark",
+              "sharking" => "shark",
+              "sharks" => "shark",
+              "sharmer" => "sharmer",
+              "sharp" => "sharp",
+              "sharpen" => "sharpen",
+              "sharpened" => "sharpen",
+              "sharpening" => "sharpen",
+              "sharpens" => "sharpen",
+              "sharper" => "sharper",
+              "sharpers" => "sharper",
+              "sharpest" => "sharpest",
+              "sharply" => "sharpli",
+              "sharpness" => "sharp",
+              "sharpshooters" => "sharpshoot",
+              "shattered" => "shatter",
+              "shave" => "shave",
+              "shaved" => "shave",
+              "shaven" => "shaven",
+              "shaver" => "shaver",
+              "shaves" => "shave",
+              "shaving" => "shave",
+              "shaw" => "shaw",
+              "shawl" => "shawl",
+              "shawls" => "shawl",
+              "she" => "she",
+              "sheake" => "sheak",
+              "sheame" => "sheam",
+              "shearing" => "shear",
+              "sheath" => "sheath",
+              "sheaves" => "sheav",
+              "shed" => "shed",
+              "shedding" => "shed",
+              "sheds" => "shed",
+              "sheen" => "sheen",
+              "sheep" => "sheep",
+              "sheepish" => "sheepish",
+              "sheepskin" => "sheepskin",
+              "sheer" => "sheer",
+              "sheet" => "sheet",
+              "sheets" => "sheet",
+              "sheik" => "sheik",
+              "shelf" => "shelf",
+              "shell" => "shell",
+              "shelley" => "shelley",
+              "shellfish" => "shellfish",
+              "shellfuls" => "shell",
+              "shells" => "shell",
+              "shelly" => "shelli",
+              "shelopaev" => "shelopaev",
+              "shelter" => "shelter",
+              "sheltered" => "shelter",
+              "sheltering" => "shelter",
+              "shelters" => "shelter",
+              "shelves" => "shelv",
+              "shelving" => "shelv",
+              "shepherd" => "shepherd",
+              "shepherdess" => "shepherdess",
+              "shepherdesses" => "shepherdess",
+              "shepherds" => "shepherd",
+              "sheriff" => "sheriff",
+              "sherry" => "sherri",
+              "shetland" => "shetland",
+              "shh" => "shh",
+              "shibboleth" => "shibboleth",
+              "shied" => "shi",
+              "shield" => "shield",
+              "shielded" => "shield",
+              "shielding" => "shield",
+              "shields" => "shield",
+              "shies" => "shi",
+              "shift" => "shift",
+              "shifted" => "shift",
+              "shifting" => "shift",
+              "shiftings" => "shift",
+              "shifts" => "shift",
+              "shil" => "shil",
+              "shilling" => "shill",
+              "shillings" => "shill",
+              "shin" => "shin",
+              "shine" => "shine",
+              "shines" => "shine",
+              "shingle" => "shingl",
+              "shining" => "shine",
+              "shiny" => "shini",
+              "ship" => "ship",
+              "shipbuilder" => "shipbuild",
+              "shiploads" => "shipload",
+              "shipped" => "ship",
+              "shipping" => "ship",
+              "ships" => "ship",
+              "shipton" => "shipton",
+              "shipwreck" => "shipwreck",
+              "shipwrecked" => "shipwreck",
+              "shipwrecks" => "shipwreck",
+              "shire" => "shire",
+              "shirk" => "shirk",
+              "shirked" => "shirk",
+              "shirking" => "shirk",
+              "shirt" => "shirt",
+              "shirts" => "shirt",
+              "shiver" => "shiver",
+              "shivered" => "shiver",
+              "shivering" => "shiver",
+              "shivers" => "shiver",
+              "shoal" => "shoal",
+              "shoaler" => "shoaler",
+              "shoalness" => "shoal",
+              "shoals" => "shoal",
+              "shock" => "shock",
+              "shocked" => "shock",
+              "shocking" => "shock",
+              "shockingly" => "shock",
+              "shocks" => "shock",
+              "shod" => "shod",
+              "shoe" => "shoe",
+              "shoed" => "sho",
+              "shoeless" => "shoeless",
+              "shoemaker" => "shoemak",
+              "shoemakers" => "shoemak",
+              "shoes" => "shoe",
+              "shone" => "shone",
+              "shongi" => "shongi",
+              "shoohoo" => "shoohoo",
+              "shook" => "shook",
+              "shoon" => "shoon",
+              "shoot" => "shoot",
+              "shooters" => "shooter",
+              "shooting" => "shoot",
+              "shoots" => "shoot",
+              "shop" => "shop",
+              "shopkeeper" => "shopkeep",
+              "shopkeepers" => "shopkeep",
+              "shopman" => "shopman",
+              "shopmen" => "shopmen",
+              "shopofwomen" => "shopofwomen",
+              "shops" => "shop",
+              "shore" => "shore",
+              "shoreham" => "shoreham",
+              "shores" => "shore",
+              "shorn" => "shorn",
+              "short" => "short",
+              "shortcoming" => "shortcom",
+              "shortcomings" => "shortcom",
+              "shorten" => "shorten",
+              "shortened" => "shorten",
+              "shortening" => "shorten",
+              "shortens" => "shorten",
+              "shorter" => "shorter",
+              "shortest" => "shortest",
+              "shortly" => "short",
+              "shortness" => "short",
+              "shorts" => "short",
+              "shot" => "shot",
+              "shots" => "shot",
+              "should" => "should",
+              "shoulder" => "shoulder",
+              "shouldered" => "shoulder",
+              "shouldering" => "shoulder",
+              "shoulders" => "shoulder",
+              "shouldest" => "shouldest",
+              "shouldn" => "shouldn",
+              "shouldst" => "shouldst",
+              "shout" => "shout",
+              "shouted" => "shout",
+              "shouting" => "shout",
+              "shouts" => "shout",
+              "shove" => "shove",
+              "shoved" => "shove",
+              "shovel" => "shovel",
+              "shoving" => "shove",
+              "show" => "show",
+              "showd" => "showd",
+              "showed" => "show",
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+              "showered" => "shower",
+              "showering" => "shower",
+              "showers" => "shower",
+              "showery" => "showeri",
+              "showing" => "show",
+              "shown" => "shown",
+              "shows" => "show",
+              "showy" => "showi",
+              "shrank" => "shrank",
+              "shreds" => "shred",
+              "shrew" => "shrew",
+              "shrewd" => "shrewd",
+              "shrewdly" => "shrewd",
+              "shrewdness" => "shrewd",
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+              "shrieked" => "shriek",
+              "shrieking" => "shriek",
+              "shrieks" => "shriek",
+              "shrikes" => "shrike",
+              "shrill" => "shrill",
+              "shrillest" => "shrillest",
+              "shrillness" => "shrill",
+              "shrilly" => "shrilli",
+              "shrimp" => "shrimp",
+              "shrimps" => "shrimp",
+              "shrine" => "shrine",
+              "shrink" => "shrink",
+              "shrinking" => "shrink",
+              "shrinks" => "shrink",
+              "shrivel" => "shrivel",
+              "shrivelled" => "shrivel",
+              "shropshire" => "shropshir",
+              "shroud" => "shroud",
+              "shrouded" => "shroud",
+              "shrub" => "shrub",
+              "shrubberies" => "shrubberi",
+              "shrubbery" => "shrubberi",
+              "shrubs" => "shrub",
+              "shrug" => "shrug",
+              "shrugged" => "shrug",
+              "shrugging" => "shrug",
+              "shrugs" => "shrug",
+              "shrunk" => "shrunk",
+              "shrunken" => "shrunken",
+              "shudder" => "shudder",
+              "shuddered" => "shudder",
+              "shuddering" => "shudder",
+              "shudders" => "shudder",
+              "shuffle" => "shuffl",
+              "shuffled" => "shuffl",
+              "shufflers" => "shuffler",
+              "shuffles" => "shuffl",
+              "shuffling" => "shuffl",
+              "shufflings" => "shuffl",
+              "shuflle" => "shufll",
+              "shun" => "shun",
+              "shunned" => "shun",
+              "shunning" => "shun",
+              "shut" => "shut",
+              "shuts" => "shut",
+              "shutter" => "shutter",
+              "shutters" => "shutter",
+              "shutting" => "shut",
+              "shy" => "shi",
+              "shyer" => "shyer",
+              "shyest" => "shyest",
+              "shylock" => "shylock",
+              "shyly" => "shyli",
+              "shyness" => "shyness",
+              "si" => "si",
+              "siamese" => "siames",
+              "siberia" => "siberia",
+              "siberian" => "siberian",
+              "sich" => "sich",
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+              "sickening" => "sicken",
+              "sickens" => "sicken",
+              "sickliness" => "sickli",
+              "sickly" => "sick",
+              "sickness" => "sick",
+              "side" => "side",
+              "sideboard" => "sideboard",
+              "sided" => "side",
+              "sidelong" => "sidelong",
+              "sides" => "side",
+              "sideway" => "sideway",
+              "sideways" => "sideway",
+              "sidewise" => "sidewis",
+              "sidings" => "side",
+              "sidle" => "sidl",
+              "sidled" => "sidl",
+              "sidles" => "sidl",
+              "sidling" => "sidl",
+              "siege" => "sieg",
+              "sierra" => "sierra",
+              "sieve" => "siev",
+              "sift" => "sift",
+              "sifter" => "sifter",
+              "sigh" => "sigh",
+              "sighed" => "sigh",
+              "sighing" => "sigh",
+              "sighs" => "sigh",
+              "sight" => "sight",
+              "sighted" => "sight",
+              "sightedness" => "sighted",
+              "sightless" => "sightless",
+              "sights" => "sight",
+              "sightseer" => "sightseer",
+              "sign" => "sign",
+              "signal" => "signal",
+              "signalised" => "signalis",
+              "signalize" => "signal",
+              "signalling" => "signal",
+              "signally" => "signal",
+              "signals" => "signal",
+              "signature" => "signatur",
+              "signatures" => "signatur",
+              "signed" => "sign",
+              "significance" => "signific",
+              "significancy" => "signific",
+              "significant" => "signific",
+              "significantly" => "signific",
+              "signification" => "signif",
+              "signified" => "signifi",
+              "signifies" => "signifi",
+              "signifieth" => "signifieth",
+              "signify" => "signifi",
+              "signifying" => "signifi",
+              "signing" => "sign",
+              "signoritas" => "signorita",
+              "signs" => "sign",
+              "sike" => "sike",
+              "silence" => "silenc",
+              "silenced" => "silenc",
+              "silencing" => "silenc",
+              "silent" => "silent",
+              "silently" => "silent",
+              "silex" => "silex",
+              "siliceous" => "silic",
+              "silicified" => "silicifi",
+              "silk" => "silk",
+              "silken" => "silken",
+              "silkiness" => "silki",
+              "silks" => "silk",
+              "silkworm" => "silkworm",
+              "silky" => "silki",
+              "sill" => "sill",
+              "sillier" => "sillier",
+              "sillies" => "silli",
+              "silliest" => "silliest",
+              "silliman" => "silliman",
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+              "sills" => "sill",
+              "silly" => "silli",
+              "silurian" => "silurian",
+              "silurus" => "silurus",
+              "silver" => "silver",
+              "silverbridge" => "silverbridg",
+              "silvered" => "silver",
+              "silversmith" => "silversmith",
+              "silvery" => "silveri",
+              "silworth" => "silworth",
+              "similar" => "similar",
+              "similarity" => "similar",
+              "similarly" => "similar",
+              "simile" => "simil",
+              "similes" => "simil",
+              "similitude" => "similitud",
+              "simmering" => "simmer",
+              "simmonds" => "simmond",
+              "simper" => "simper",
+              "simpered" => "simper",
+              "simpering" => "simper",
+              "simple" => "simpl",
+              "simpler" => "simpler",
+              "simplest" => "simplest",
+              "simpleton" => "simpleton",
+              "simpletons" => "simpleton",
+              "simplex" => "simplex",
+              "simplicity" => "simplic",
+              "simplified" => "simplifi",
+              "simplon" => "simplon",
+              "simply" => "simpli",
+              "simpson" => "simpson",
+              "simul" => "simul",
+              "simultaneous" => "simultan",
+              "simultaneously" => "simultan",
+              "sin" => "sin",
+              "sinai" => "sinai",
+              "sinbad" => "sinbad",
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+              "sinfulness" => "sin",
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+              "singers" => "singer",
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+              "single" => "singl",
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+              "singly" => "singl",
+              "sings" => "sing",
+              "singula" => "singula",
+              "singular" => "singular",
+              "singularities" => "singular",
+              "singularity" => "singular",
+              "singularly" => "singular",
+              "sinister" => "sinist",
+              "sink" => "sink",
+              "sinking" => "sink",
+              "sinks" => "sink",
+              "sinless" => "sinless",
+              "sinlessly" => "sinless",
+              "sinned" => "sin",
+              "sinner" => "sinner",
+              "sinners" => "sinner",
+              "sinning" => "sin",
+              "sins" => "sin",
+              "sinuous" => "sinuous",
+              "sip" => "sip",
+              "siphon" => "siphon",
+              "sipped" => "sip",
+              "sipping" => "sip",
+              "sips" => "sip",
+              "sir" => "sir",
+              "sire" => "sire",
+              "siren" => "siren",
+              "sirocco" => "sirocco",
+              "sirrah" => "sirrah",
+              "sister" => "sister",
+              "sisterhood" => "sisterhood",
+              "sisterly" => "sister",
+              "sisters" => "sister",
+              "sistine" => "sistin",
+              "sit" => "sit",
+              "site" => "site",
+              "sites" => "site",
+              "sitiwation" => "sitiw",
+              "sitiwations" => "sitiw",
+              "sits" => "sit",
+              "sitter" => "sitter",
+              "sitters" => "sitter",
+              "sittin" => "sittin",
+              "sitting" => "sit",
+              "sittings" => "sit",
+              "situ" => "situ",
+              "situate" => "situat",
+              "situated" => "situat",
+              "situation" => "situat",
+              "situations" => "situat",
+              "siunmerson" => "siunmerson",
+              "sivatherium" => "sivatherium",
+              "six" => "six",
+              "sixes" => "six",
+              "sixieme" => "sixiem",
+              "sixpen" => "sixpen",
+              "sixpence" => "sixpenc",
+              "sixpences" => "sixpenc",
+              "sixpenny" => "sixpenni",
+              "sixteen" => "sixteen",
+              "sixteenth" => "sixteenth",
+              "sixth" => "sixth",
+              "sixthly" => "sixth",
+              "sixty" => "sixti",
+              "size" => "size",
+              "sized" => "size",
+              "sizes" => "size",
+              "skampling" => "skampl",
+              "skate" => "skate",
+              "skaters" => "skater",
+              "skating" => "skate",
+              "skeen" => "skeen",
+              "skein" => "skein",
+              "skeleto" => "skeleto",
+              "skeleton" => "skeleton",
+              "skeletons" => "skeleton",
+              "sketch" => "sketch",
+              "sketched" => "sketch",
+              "sketches" => "sketch",
+              "sketchily" => "sketchili",
+              "sketching" => "sketch",
+              "skewer" => "skewer",
+              "skiddaw" => "skiddaw",
+              "skies" => "sky",
+              "skilful" => "skil",
+              "skilfully" => "skil",
+              "skilfulness" => "skil",
+              "skill" => "skill",
+              "skilled" => "skill",
+              "skilly" => "skilli",
+              "skim" => "skim",
+              "skimmed" => "skim",
+              "skimming" => "skim",
+              "skimpole" => "skimpol",
+              "skims" => "skim",
+              "skin" => "skin",
+              "skinned" => "skin",
+              "skinning" => "skin",
+              "skinny" => "skinni",
+              "skins" => "skin",
+              "skip" => "skip",
+              "skipped" => "skip",
+              "skipper" => "skipper",
+              "skipping" => "skip",
+              "skips" => "skip",
+              "skirmish" => "skirmish",
+              "skirmished" => "skirmish",
+              "skirmishes" => "skirmish",
+              "skirmishing" => "skirmish",
+              "skirt" => "skirt",
+              "skirted" => "skirt",
+              "skirts" => "skirt",
+              "skittish" => "skittish",
+              "skittle" => "skittl",
+              "skittles" => "skittl",
+              "skrimmage" => "skrimmag",
+              "skul" => "skul",
+              "skulk" => "skulk",
+              "skulking" => "skulk",
+              "skulks" => "skulk",
+              "skull" => "skull",
+              "skulls" => "skull",
+              "skumpling" => "skumpl",
+              "skunks" => "skunk",
+              "skurry" => "skurri",
+              "skuttle" => "skuttl",
+              "sky" => "sky",
+              "skye" => "skye",
+              "skylark" => "skylark",
+              "skylight" => "skylight",
+              "skylights" => "skylight",
+              "slab" => "slab",
+              "slabs" => "slab",
+              "slack" => "slack",
+              "slacken" => "slacken",
+              "slackened" => "slacken",
+              "slackness" => "slack",
+              "sladdery" => "sladderi",
+              "slags" => "slag",
+              "slain" => "slain",
+              "slaked" => "slake",
+              "slam" => "slam",
+              "slammed" => "slam",
+              "slammons" => "slammon",
+              "slander" => "slander",
+              "slandered" => "slander",
+              "slanderer" => "slander",
+              "slanderers" => "slander",
+              "slandering" => "slander",
+              "slang" => "slang",
+              "slangular" => "slangular",
+              "slanting" => "slant",
+              "slap" => "slap",
+              "slapped" => "slap",
+              "slapping" => "slap",
+              "slaps" => "slap",
+              "slash" => "slash",
+              "slashing" => "slash",
+              "slat" => "slat",
+              "slate" => "slate",
+              "slatternly" => "slattern",
+              "slaughter" => "slaughter",
+              "slaughtered" => "slaughter",
+              "slaughtering" => "slaughter",
+              "slaughterous" => "slaughter",
+              "slave" => "slave",
+              "slaved" => "slave",
+              "slavery" => "slaveri",
+              "slaves" => "slave",
+              "slavish" => "slavish",
+              "slavishly" => "slavish",
+              "slay" => "slay",
+              "sledge" => "sledg",
+              "sleek" => "sleek",
+              "sleep" => "sleep",
+              "sleeper" => "sleeper",
+              "sleepers" => "sleeper",
+              "sleepily" => "sleepili",
+              "sleepiness" => "sleepi",
+              "sleeping" => "sleep",
+              "sleepless" => "sleepless",
+              "sleeps" => "sleep",
+              "sleepy" => "sleepi",
+              "sleet" => "sleet",
+              "sleeve" => "sleev",
+              "sleeved" => "sleev",
+              "sleeves" => "sleev",
+              "sleight" => "sleight",
+              "slender" => "slender",
+              "slenderer" => "slender",
+              "slenderly" => "slender",
+              "slep" => "slep",
+              "slept" => "slept",
+              "slice" => "slice",
+              "sliced" => "slice",
+              "slices" => "slice",
+              "slicing" => "slice",
+              "slid" => "slid",
+              "slide" => "slide",
+              "slider" => "slider",
+              "sliders" => "slider",
+              "sliderskew" => "sliderskew",
+              "slides" => "slide",
+              "sliding" => "slide",
+              "slight" => "slight",
+              "slighted" => "slight",
+              "slighter" => "slighter",
+              "slightest" => "slightest",
+              "slighting" => "slight",
+              "slightly" => "slight",
+              "slights" => "slight",
+              "slim" => "slim",
+              "slime" => "slime",
+              "slimy" => "slimi",
+              "sling" => "sling",
+              "slings" => "sling",
+              "slinking" => "slink",
+              "slip" => "slip",
+              "slipped" => "slip",
+              "slipper" => "slipper",
+              "slippered" => "slipper",
+              "slippers" => "slipper",
+              "slippery" => "slipperi",
+              "slipping" => "slip",
+              "slips" => "slip",
+              "slipshod" => "slipshod",
+              "slit" => "slit",
+              "slits" => "slit",
+              "sloane" => "sloan",
+              "slocomb" => "slocomb",
+              "slongs" => "slong",
+              "slope" => "slope",
+              "sloped" => "slope",
+              "slopes" => "slope",
+              "sloping" => "slope",
+              "sloppy" => "sloppi",
+              "slopseller" => "slopsel",
+              "sloth" => "sloth",
+              "sloths" => "sloth",
+              "slouch" => "slouch",
+              "slouching" => "slouch",
+              "sloven" => "sloven",
+              "slovenly" => "sloven",
+              "slow" => "slow",
+              "slower" => "slower",
+              "slowly" => "slowli",
+              "slowness" => "slow",
+              "sludge" => "sludg",
+              "slug" => "slug",
+              "sluggish" => "sluggish",
+              "slugs" => "slug",
+              "sluices" => "sluic",
+              "slumber" => "slumber",
+              "slumbered" => "slumber",
+              "slumbering" => "slumber",
+              "slumbers" => "slumber",
+              "slung" => "slung",
+              "slunk" => "slunk",
+              "slurring" => "slur",
+              "slush" => "slush",
+              "slut" => "slut",
+              "sly" => "sli",
+              "slyboots" => "slyboot",
+              "slyly" => "slyli",
+              "slyness" => "slyness",
+              "smack" => "smack",
+              "smacked" => "smack",
+              "smacking" => "smack",
+              "smacks" => "smack",
+              "smal" => "smal",
+              "small" => "small",
+              "smallclothes" => "smallcloth",
+              "smaller" => "smaller",
+              "smallest" => "smallest",
+              "smallness" => "small",
+              "smalls" => "small",
+              "smallweed" => "smallwe",
+              "smallweeds" => "smallwe",
+              "smallweedy" => "smallweedi",
+              "smart" => "smart",
+              "smartened" => "smarten",
+              "smarting" => "smart",
+              "smartly" => "smart",
+              "smartness" => "smart",
+              "smartnesses" => "smart",
+              "smarts" => "smart",
+              "smash" => "smash",
+              "smashed" => "smash",
+              "smashing" => "smash",
+              "smattering" => "smatter",
+              "smear" => "smear",
+              "smeared" => "smear",
+              "smearing" => "smear",
+              "smears" => "smear",
+              "smell" => "smell",
+              "smelling" => "smell",
+              "smells" => "smell",
+              "smelt" => "smelt",
+              "smelted" => "smelt",
+              "smelting" => "smelt",
+              "smiffeld" => "smiffeld",
+              "smifligate" => "smiflig",
+              "smifligation" => "smiflig",
+              "smifser" => "smifser",
+              "smike" => "smike",
+              "smile" => "smile",
+              "smiled" => "smile",
+              "smiles" => "smile",
+              "smilin" => "smilin",
+              "smiling" => "smile",
+              "smilingly" => "smile",
+              "smirched" => "smirch",
+              "smirk" => "smirk",
+              "smirking" => "smirk",
+              "smith" => "smith",
+              "smithers" => "smither",
+              "smithfield" => "smithfield",
+              "smithson" => "smithson",
+              "smiting" => "smite",
+              "smitten" => "smitten",
+              "smock" => "smock",
+              "smoke" => "smoke",
+              "smoked" => "smoke",
+              "smoker" => "smoker",
+              "smokes" => "smoke",
+              "smoking" => "smoke",
+              "smokings" => "smoke",
+              "smoky" => "smoki",
+              "smoldering" => "smolder",
+              "smooth" => "smooth",
+              "smoothed" => "smooth",
+              "smoother" => "smoother",
+              "smoothing" => "smooth",
+              "smoothingly" => "smooth",
+              "smoothings" => "smooth",
+              "smoothly" => "smooth",
+              "smoothness" => "smooth",
+              "smooths" => "smooth",
+              "smote" => "smote",
+              "smothered" => "smother",
+              "smothering" => "smother",
+              "smothers" => "smother",
+              "smouldering" => "smoulder",
+              "smuggle" => "smuggl",
+              "smuggler" => "smuggler",
+              "smut" => "smut",
+              "smutty" => "smutti",
+              "snagsby" => "snagsbi",
+              "snail" => "snail",
+              "snails" => "snail",
+              "snake" => "snake",
+              "snakes" => "snake",
+              "snap" => "snap",
+              "snapped" => "snap",
+              "snapper" => "snapper",
+              "snapping" => "snap",
+              "snappish" => "snappish",
+              "snappishly" => "snappish",
+              "snaps" => "snap",
+              "snare" => "snare",
+              "snares" => "snare",
+              "snarl" => "snarl",
+              "snarled" => "snarl",
+              "snarling" => "snarl",
+              "snarls" => "snarl",
+              "snatch" => "snatch",
+              "snatched" => "snatch",
+              "snatches" => "snatch",
+              "snatching" => "snatch",
+              "snawley" => "snawley",
+              "sneak" => "sneak",
+              "sneaked" => "sneak",
+              "sneaking" => "sneak",
+              "sneaks" => "sneak",
+              "sneer" => "sneer",
+              "sneered" => "sneer",
+              "sneering" => "sneer",
+              "sneers" => "sneer",
+              "sneeze" => "sneez",
+              "sneezed" => "sneez",
+              "sneezing" => "sneez",
+              "snevellicci" => "snevellicci",
+              "snewkes" => "snewk",
+              "sniff" => "sniff",
+              "sniffed" => "snif",
+              "sniffing" => "snif",
+              "sniffs" => "sniff",
+              "snigger" => "snigger",
+              "sniggered" => "snigger",
+              "sniggering" => "snigger",
+              "snipe" => "snipe",
+              "snipping" => "snip",
+              "snittle" => "snittl",
+              "snobb" => "snobb",
+              "snoog" => "snoog",
+              "snooks" => "snook",
+              "snore" => "snore",
+              "snores" => "snore",
+              "snoring" => "snore",
+              "snort" => "snort",
+              "snorted" => "snort",
+              "snorting" => "snort",
+              "snorts" => "snort",
+              "snout" => "snout",
+              "snow" => "snow",
+              "snowed" => "snow",
+              "snowflakes" => "snowflak",
+              "snowing" => "snow",
+              "snowstorm" => "snowstorm",
+              "snowstorms" => "snowstorm",
+              "snowy" => "snowi",
+              "snub" => "snub",
+              "snubbed" => "snub",
+              "snubbing" => "snub",
+              "snubs" => "snub",
+              "snuff" => "snuff",
+              "snuffed" => "snuf",
+              "snuffers" => "snuffer",
+              "snuffim" => "snuffim",
+              "snuffing" => "snuf",
+              "snuffling" => "snuffl",
+              "snuffy" => "snuffi",
+              "snug" => "snug",
+              "snugly" => "snug",
+              "so" => "so",
+              "soaked" => "soak",
+              "soaking" => "soak",
+              "soap" => "soap",
+              "soar" => "soar",
+              "soared" => "soar",
+              "soaring" => "soar",
+              "soars" => "soar",
+              "sob" => "sob",
+              "sobbed" => "sob",
+              "sobbing" => "sob",
+              "sobbings" => "sob",
+              "sober" => "sober",
+              "sobered" => "sober",
+              "sobering" => "sober",
+              "soberly" => "sober",
+              "sobre" => "sobr",
+              "sobriety" => "sobrieti",
+              "sobs" => "sob",
+              "soc" => "soc",
+              "socego" => "socego",
+              "sociable" => "sociabl",
+              "social" => "social",
+              "socialist" => "socialist",
+              "socialists" => "socialist",
+              "sociality" => "social",
+              "socially" => "social",
+              "society" => "societi",
+              "sock" => "sock",
+              "socket" => "socket",
+              "sockets" => "socket",
+              "socks" => "sock",
+              "soda" => "soda",
+              "sodden" => "sodden",
+              "soever" => "soever",
+              "sofa" => "sofa",
+              "sofas" => "sofa",
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+              "soften" => "soften",
+              "softened" => "soften",
+              "softeners" => "soften",
+              "softening" => "soften",
+              "softens" => "soften",
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+              "softest" => "softest",
+              "softly" => "soft",
+              "softness" => "soft",
+              "sofy" => "sofi",
+              "sofya" => "sofya",
+              "soho" => "soho",
+              "soie" => "soie",
+              "soight" => "soight",
+              "soil" => "soil",
+              "soiled" => "soil",
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+              "soirees" => "soire",
+              "soizable" => "soizabl",
+              "soizes" => "soiz",
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+              "sojourners" => "sojourn",
+              "sojourning" => "sojourn",
+              "sol" => "sol",
+              "solace" => "solac",
+              "solaced" => "solac",
+              "solaces" => "solac",
+              "solacing" => "solac",
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+              "solar" => "solar",
+              "sold" => "sold",
+              "soldier" => "soldier",
+              "soldiering" => "soldier",
+              "soldierly" => "soldier",
+              "soldiers" => "soldier",
+              "sole" => "sole",
+              "solecisms" => "solec",
+              "solely" => "sole",
+              "solemn" => "solemn",
+              "solemnest" => "solemnest",
+              "solemnities" => "solemn",
+              "solemnity" => "solemn",
+              "solemnly" => "solemn",
+              "solen" => "solen",
+              "solent" => "solent",
+              "soles" => "sole",
+              "solicitation" => "solicit",
+              "solicitations" => "solicit",
+              "solicited" => "solicit",
+              "soliciting" => "solicit",
+              "solicitor" => "solicitor",
+              "solicitors" => "solicitor",
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+              "solicitously" => "solicit",
+              "solicits" => "solicit",
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+              "solidity" => "solid",
+              "solidness" => "solid",
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+              "soliloquised" => "soliloquis",
+              "soliloquize" => "soliloqu",
+              "soliloquized" => "soliloqu",
+              "soliloquy" => "soliloquy",
+              "solitaries" => "solitari",
+              "solitary" => "solitari",
+              "solitude" => "solitud",
+              "solitudes" => "solitud",
+              "solo" => "solo",
+              "solomon" => "solomon",
+              "solon" => "solon",
+              "solstice" => "solstic",
+              "soluble" => "solubl",
+              "solution" => "solut",
+              "solve" => "solv",
+              "solved" => "solv",
+              "solvent" => "solvent",
+              "solves" => "solv",
+              "som" => "som",
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+              "sombrero" => "sombrero",
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+              "somebody" => "somebodi",
+              "someday" => "someday",
+              "somehow" => "somehow",
+              "someone" => "someon",
+              "somers" => "somer",
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+              "somethings" => "someth",
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+              "sometimes" => "sometim",
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+              "somewhat" => "somewhat",
+              "somewhere" => "somewher",
+              "somewheres" => "somewher",
+              "somewhither" => "somewhith",
+              "somnolent" => "somnol",
+              "somnum" => "somnum",
+              "son" => "son",
+              "sondern" => "sondern",
+              "sone" => "sone",
+              "song" => "song",
+              "songs" => "song",
+              "sonia" => "sonia",
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+              "sonorously" => "sonor",
+              "sonourous" => "sonour",
+              "sons" => "son",
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+              "sooffer" => "sooffer",
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+              "soomat" => "soomat",
+              "soon" => "soon",
+              "sooner" => "sooner",
+              "soonest" => "soonest",
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+              "sooper" => "sooper",
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+              "sooth" => "sooth",
+              "soothe" => "sooth",
+              "soothed" => "sooth",
+              "soothing" => "sooth",
+              "soothingly" => "sooth",
+              "sooty" => "sooti",
+              "sop" => "sop",
+              "sophistry" => "sophistri",
+              "soporific" => "soporif",
+              "sopped" => "sop",
+              "sorcery" => "sorceri",
+              "sordid" => "sordid",
+              "sore" => "sore",
+              "sorely" => "sore",
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+              "sores" => "sore",
+              "sorest" => "sorest",
+              "sorrel" => "sorrel",
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+              "sorrowful" => "sorrow",
+              "sorrowfully" => "sorrow",
+              "sorrowing" => "sorrow",
+              "sorrows" => "sorrow",
+              "sorry" => "sorri",
+              "sort" => "sort",
+              "sorted" => "sort",
+              "sorting" => "sort",
+              "sorts" => "sort",
+              "sotto" => "sotto",
+              "sought" => "sought",
+              "soul" => "soul",
+              "souled" => "soul",
+              "souls" => "soul",
+              "soun" => "soun",
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+              "sounder" => "sounder",
+              "sounding" => "sound",
+              "soundings" => "sound",
+              "soundly" => "sound",
+              "soundness" => "sound",
+              "sounds" => "sound",
+              "soup" => "soup",
+              "sour" => "sour",
+              "source" => "sourc",
+              "sources" => "sourc",
+              "soured" => "sour",
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+              "sourly" => "sour",
+              "sous" => "sous",
+              "soused" => "sous",
+              "sousing" => "sous",
+              "sout" => "sout",
+              "south" => "south",
+              "southampton" => "southampton",
+              "southerly" => "souther",
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+              "southwards" => "southward",
+              "southwestern" => "southwestern",
+              "sov" => "sov",
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+              "sovereigns" => "sovereign",
+              "sovereignty" => "sovereignti",
+              "sow" => "sow",
+              "sowed" => "sow",
+              "sowerby" => "sowerbi",
+              "sowing" => "sow",
+              "sown" => "sown",
+              "sows" => "sow",
+              "space" => "space",
+              "spaces" => "space",
+              "spacious" => "spacious",
+              "spade" => "spade",
+              "spain" => "spain",
+              "spak" => "spak",
+              "spake" => "spake",
+              "spaletro" => "spaletro",
+              "span" => "span",
+              "spangled" => "spangl",
+              "spaniard" => "spaniard",
+              "spaniards" => "spaniard",
+              "spaniels" => "spaniel",
+              "spanish" => "spanish",
+              "spanned" => "span",
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+              "spare" => "spare",
+              "spared" => "spare",
+              "spares" => "spare",
+              "sparing" => "spare",
+              "sparingly" => "spare",
+              "spark" => "spark",
+              "sparking" => "spark",
+              "sparkle" => "sparkl",
+              "sparkled" => "sparkl",
+              "sparklers" => "sparkler",
+              "sparkles" => "sparkl",
+              "sparkling" => "sparkl",
+              "sparks" => "spark",
+              "sparring" => "spar",
+              "sparrow" => "sparrow",
+              "sparrows" => "sparrow",
+              "spartan" => "spartan",
+              "spasm" => "spasm",
+              "spasmodic" => "spasmod",
+              "spasmodically" => "spasmod",
+              "spasms" => "spasm",
+              "spat" => "spat",
+              "spattered" => "spatter",
+              "spawn" => "spawn",
+              "speak" => "speak",
+              "speaker" => "speaker",
+              "speaketh" => "speaketh",
+              "speakin" => "speakin",
+              "speaking" => "speak",
+              "speaks" => "speak",
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+              "spearhead" => "spearhead",
+              "spearing" => "spear",
+              "spears" => "spear",
+              "spec" => "spec",
+              "special" => "special",
+              "specialist" => "specialist",
+              "speciality" => "special",
+              "specially" => "special",
+              "specialty" => "specialti",
+              "species" => "speci",
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+              "specimens" => "specimen",
+              "specious" => "specious",
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+              "speckelation" => "speckel",
+              "speckled" => "speckl",
+              "specks" => "speck",
+              "spectacle" => "spectacl",
+              "spectacled" => "spectacl",
+              "spectacles" => "spectacl",
+              "spectator" => "spectat",
+              "spectators" => "spectat",
+              "spectral" => "spectral",
+              "spectre" => "spectr",
+              "speculate" => "specul",
+              "speculated" => "specul",
+              "speculates" => "specul",
+              "speculating" => "specul",
+              "speculation" => "specul",
+              "speculations" => "specul",
+              "speculative" => "specul",
+              "speculator" => "specul",
+              "speculators" => "specul",
+              "sped" => "sped",
+              "speech" => "speech",
+              "speeches" => "speech",
+              "speechifying" => "speechifi",
+              "speechless" => "speechless",
+              "speechlessly" => "speechless",
+              "speed" => "speed",
+              "speediest" => "speediest",
+              "speedily" => "speedili",
+              "speedy" => "speedi",
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+              "spelling" => "spell",
+              "spells" => "spell",
+              "spelt" => "spelt",
+              "spence" => "spenc",
+              "spencer" => "spencer",
+              "spend" => "spend",
+              "spending" => "spend",
+              "spends" => "spend",
+              "spendthrift" => "spendthrift",
+              "spent" => "spent",
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+              "sphere" => "sphere",
+              "spheres" => "sphere",
+              "spherical" => "spheric",
+              "sphex" => "sphex",
+              "sphinx" => "sphinx",
+              "sphinxes" => "sphinx",
+              "spice" => "spice",
+              "spick" => "spick",
+              "spicula" => "spicula",
+              "spicy" => "spici",
+              "spider" => "spider",
+              "spiders" => "spider",
+              "spied" => "spi",
+              "spies" => "spi",
+              "spigwiffin" => "spigwiffin",
+              "spiked" => "spike",
+              "spikes" => "spike",
+              "spileing" => "spile",
+              "spill" => "spill",
+              "spilled" => "spill",
+              "spilling" => "spill",
+              "spilt" => "spilt",
+              "spin" => "spin",
+              "spinach" => "spinach",
+              "spinal" => "spinal",
+              "spindle" => "spindl",
+              "spine" => "spine",
+              "spines" => "spine",
+              "spinners" => "spinner",
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+              "spinning" => "spin",
+              "spinster" => "spinster",
+              "spiny" => "spini",
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+              "spirally" => "spiral",
+              "spire" => "spire",
+              "spires" => "spire",
+              "spirit" => "spirit",
+              "spirited" => "spirit",
+              "spiritless" => "spiritless",
+              "spirits" => "spirit",
+              "spiritual" => "spiritu",
+              "spirituous" => "spiritu",
+              "spirt" => "spirt",
+              "spirted" => "spirt",
+              "spit" => "spit",
+              "spite" => "spite",
+              "spiteful" => "spite",
+              "spitefully" => "spite",
+              "spitefulness" => "spite",
+              "spithead" => "spithead",
+              "spits" => "spit",
+              "spitting" => "spit",
+              "spittoon" => "spittoon",
+              "spittoons" => "spittoon",
+              "spitzbergen" => "spitzbergen",
+              "splash" => "splash",
+              "splashed" => "splash",
+              "splashes" => "splash",
+              "splashin" => "splashin",
+              "splashing" => "splash",
+              "spleen" => "spleen",
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+              "splendidly" => "splendid",
+              "splendour" => "splendour",
+              "splendours" => "splendour",
+              "splenetic" => "splenet",
+              "splinter" => "splinter",
+              "split" => "split",
+              "splitting" => "split",
+              "sploiced" => "sploic",
+              "splutter" => "splutter",
+              "spluttering" => "splutter",
+              "spo" => "spo",
+              "spoil" => "spoil",
+              "spoiled" => "spoil",
+              "spoiling" => "spoil",
+              "spoils" => "spoil",
+              "spoilt" => "spoilt",
+              "spoke" => "spoke",
+              "spoken" => "spoken",
+              "spokesman" => "spokesman",
+              "spoliation" => "spoliat",
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+              "spongey" => "spongey",
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+              "sponsorial" => "sponsori",
+              "sponsors" => "sponsor",
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+              "spontaneously" => "spontan",
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+              "spoonful" => "spoon",
+              "spoonfuls" => "spoon",
+              "spoons" => "spoon",
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+              "sportsmen" => "sportsmen",
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+              "spotless" => "spotless",
+              "spots" => "spot",
+              "spotted" => "spot",
+              "spotty" => "spotti",
+              "spouse" => "spous",
+              "spout" => "spout",
+              "spouting" => "spout",
+              "spouts" => "spout",
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+              "sprang" => "sprang",
+              "sprawler" => "sprawler",
+              "sprawls" => "sprawl",
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+              "spreading" => "spread",
+              "spreads" => "spread",
+              "spree" => "spree",
+              "sprightliness" => "sprightli",
+              "sprightly" => "spright",
+              "spring" => "spring",
+              "springing" => "spring",
+              "springs" => "spring",
+              "sprinkle" => "sprinkl",
+              "sprinkled" => "sprinkl",
+              "sprinkling" => "sprinkl",
+              "sprite" => "sprite",
+              "sprott" => "sprott",
+              "sprout" => "sprout",
+              "sprouter" => "sprouter",
+              "sprouts" => "sprout",
+              "spruce" => "spruce",
+              "sprucely" => "spruce",
+              "sprugeon" => "sprugeon",
+              "sprugeons" => "sprugeon",
+              "sprung" => "sprung",
+              "spun" => "spun",
+              "spur" => "spur",
+              "spurn" => "spurn",
+              "spurned" => "spurn",
+              "spurred" => "spur",
+              "spurs" => "spur",
+              "spy" => "spi",
+              "spying" => "spi",
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+              "squabbles" => "squabbl",
+              "squabbling" => "squabbl",
+              "squabs" => "squab",
+              "squalid" => "squalid",
+              "squall" => "squall",
+              "squallingest" => "squallingest",
+              "squalls" => "squall",
+              "squally" => "squalli",
+              "squalor" => "squalor",
+              "squander" => "squander",
+              "squandered" => "squander",
+              "squandering" => "squander",
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+              "squared" => "squar",
+              "squarely" => "squar",
+              "squarer" => "squarer",
+              "squares" => "squar",
+              "squaring" => "squar",
+              "squashed" => "squash",
+              "squat" => "squat",
+              "squatted" => "squat",
+              "squatters" => "squatter",
+              "squatting" => "squat",
+              "squeak" => "squeak",
+              "squeaked" => "squeak",
+              "squeal" => "squeal",
+              "squealed" => "squeal",
+              "squealing" => "squeal",
+              "squeals" => "squeal",
+              "squeamishly" => "squeamish",
+              "squeamishness" => "squeamish",
+              "squeedged" => "squeedg",
+              "squeedgin" => "squeedgin",
+              "squeer" => "squeer",
+              "squeers" => "squeer",
+              "squeerses" => "squeers",
+              "squeery" => "squeeri",
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+              "squeezed" => "squeez",
+              "squeezes" => "squeez",
+              "squeezing" => "squeez",
+              "squib" => "squib",
+              "squint" => "squint",
+              "squire" => "squir",
+              "squirearchy" => "squirearchi",
+              "squires" => "squir",
+              "squiress" => "squiress",
+              "squirt" => "squirt",
+              "squod" => "squod",
+              "st" => "st",
+              "stab" => "stab",
+              "stabbed" => "stab",
+              "stabbing" => "stab",
+              "stability" => "stabil",
+              "stable" => "stabl",
+              "stabled" => "stabl",
+              "stables" => "stabl",
+              "stablewards" => "stableward",
+              "stabling" => "stabl",
+              "stack" => "stack",
+              "stacks" => "stack",
+              "staff" => "staff",
+              "staffordshire" => "staffordshir",
+              "staffs" => "staff",
+              "stag" => "stag",
+              "stage" => "stage",
+              "stagecoach" => "stagecoach",
+              "stager" => "stager",
+              "stages" => "stage",
+              "stagger" => "stagger",
+              "staggered" => "stagger",
+              "staggering" => "stagger",
+              "staggers" => "stagger",
+              "stagnant" => "stagnant",
+              "stagnating" => "stagnat",
+              "stagnation" => "stagnat",
+              "stags" => "stag",
+              "staid" => "staid",
+              "staidness" => "staid",
+              "stain" => "stain",
+              "stained" => "stain",
+              "stains" => "stain",
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+              "staircase" => "staircas",
+              "staircases" => "staircas",
+              "stairs" => "stair",
+              "stake" => "stake",
+              "staked" => "stake",
+              "stakes" => "stake",
+              "staking" => "stake",
+              "stalactical" => "stalact",
+              "stalactitic" => "stalactit",
+              "stale" => "stale",
+              "staled" => "stale",
+              "stalk" => "stalk",
+              "stalked" => "stalk",
+              "stalking" => "stalk",
+              "stalks" => "stalk",
+              "stall" => "stall",
+              "stallion" => "stallion",
+              "stallions" => "stallion",
+              "stalwart" => "stalwart",
+              "stamens" => "stamen",
+              "stamford" => "stamford",
+              "stammer" => "stammer",
+              "stammered" => "stammer",
+              "stammering" => "stammer",
+              "stammers" => "stammer",
+              "stamp" => "stamp",
+              "stamped" => "stamp",
+              "stamping" => "stamp",
+              "stamps" => "stamp",
+              "stan" => "stan",
+              "stanch" => "stanch",
+              "stand" => "stand",
+              "standaloft" => "standaloft",
+              "standard" => "standard",
+              "standing" => "stand",
+              "stands" => "stand",
+              "standstill" => "standstil",
+              "stanza" => "stanza",
+              "staphylinidae" => "staphylinida",
+              "staple" => "stapl",
+              "star" => "star",
+              "starch" => "starch",
+              "starched" => "starch",
+              "stare" => "stare",
+              "stared" => "stare",
+              "stares" => "stare",
+              "staring" => "stare",
+              "staringly" => "stare",
+              "stark" => "stark",
+              "starlight" => "starlight",
+              "starling" => "starl",
+              "starn" => "starn",
+              "starred" => "star",
+              "starry" => "starri",
+              "stars" => "star",
+              "start" => "start",
+              "starte" => "start",
+              "started" => "start",
+              "starting" => "start",
+              "startings" => "start",
+              "startle" => "startl",
+              "startled" => "startl",
+              "startles" => "startl",
+              "startling" => "startl",
+              "starts" => "start",
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+              "starve" => "starv",
+              "starved" => "starv",
+              "starvin" => "starvin",
+              "starving" => "starv",
+              "starwation" => "starwat",
+              "state" => "state",
+              "statecraft" => "statecraft",
+              "stated" => "state",
+              "stateliness" => "stateli",
+              "stately" => "state",
+              "statement" => "statement",
+              "statements" => "statement",
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+              "states" => "state",
+              "statesman" => "statesman",
+              "statesmanlike" => "statesmanlik",
+              "statesmen" => "statesmen",
+              "stating" => "state",
+              "station" => "station",
+              "stationary" => "stationari",
+              "stationed" => "station",
+              "stationer" => "station",
+              "stationering" => "station",
+              "stationers" => "station",
+              "stationery" => "stationeri",
+              "stations" => "station",
+              "statu" => "statu",
+              "statuary" => "statuari",
+              "statue" => "statu",
+              "statues" => "statu",
+              "stature" => "statur",
+              "status" => "status",
+              "statute" => "statut",
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+              "staunchly" => "staunch",
+              "staunchness" => "staunch",
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+              "staved" => "stave",
+              "staves" => "stave",
+              "staving" => "stave",
+              "stay" => "stay",
+              "stayed" => "stay",
+              "staying" => "stay",
+              "staylace" => "staylac",
+              "stays" => "stay",
+              "stead" => "stead",
+              "steadfast" => "steadfast",
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+              "steadfastness" => "steadfast",
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+              "steadily" => "steadili",
+              "steadiness" => "steadi",
+              "steady" => "steadi",
+              "steak" => "steak",
+              "steal" => "steal",
+              "stealing" => "steal",
+              "stealings" => "steal",
+              "steals" => "steal",
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+              "stealthily" => "stealthili",
+              "stealthy" => "stealthi",
+              "steam" => "steam",
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+              "steamboats" => "steamboat",
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+              "steamer" => "steamer",
+              "steamers" => "steamer",
+              "steaming" => "steam",
+              "steams" => "steam",
+              "steddy" => "steddi",
+              "stee" => "stee",
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+              "steeled" => "steel",
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+              "steeples" => "steepl",
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+              "steered" => "steer",
+              "steering" => "steer",
+              "stem" => "stem",
+              "stemming" => "stem",
+              "stems" => "stem",
+              "stench" => "stench",
+              "stentorian" => "stentorian",
+              "step" => "step",
+              "stepdaughter" => "stepdaught",
+              "stephenson" => "stephenson",
+              "stepmother" => "stepmoth",
+              "steppe" => "stepp",
+              "stepped" => "step",
+              "steppes" => "stepp",
+              "stepping" => "step",
+              "steps" => "step",
+              "stepson" => "stepson",
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+              "sterilit" => "sterilit",
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+              "stertorously" => "stertor",
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+              "sticker" => "sticker",
+              "sticking" => "stick",
+              "stickler" => "stickler",
+              "sticks" => "stick",
+              "sticky" => "sticki",
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+              "stillest" => "stillest",
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+              "stilt" => "stilt",
+              "stilts" => "stilt",
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+              "stimulants" => "stimul",
+              "stimulate" => "stimul",
+              "stimulated" => "stimul",
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+              "stimulating" => "stimul",
+              "stimulation" => "stimul",
+              "stimulus" => "stimulus",
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+              "stipulation" => "stipul",
+              "stipulations" => "stipul",
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+              "stirs" => "stir",
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+              "stitched" => "stitch",
+              "stitches" => "stitch",
+              "stitching" => "stitch",
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+              "stolidly" => "stolid",
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+              "stomacher" => "stomach",
+              "stomachic" => "stomach",
+              "stomachs" => "stomach",
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+              "stony" => "stoni",
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+              "stools" => "stool",
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+              "stooping" => "stoop",
+              "stoops" => "stoop",
+              "stop" => "stop",
+              "stoppage" => "stoppag",
+              "stoppages" => "stoppag",
+              "stopped" => "stop",
+              "stopper" => "stopper",
+              "stopping" => "stop",
+              "stops" => "stop",
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+              "stored" => "store",
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+              "storehouses" => "storehous",
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+              "storming" => "storm",
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+              "straggling" => "straggl",
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+              "strangest" => "strangest",
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+              "strangled" => "strangl",
+              "strangling" => "strangl",
+              "strangulation" => "strangul",
+              "strap" => "strap",
+              "strapped" => "strap",
+              "straps" => "strap",
+              "strata" => "strata",
+              "stratagem" => "stratagem",
+              "strategy" => "strategi",
+              "stratford" => "stratford",
+              "stratification" => "stratif",
+              "stratified" => "stratifi",
+              "stratum" => "stratum",
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+              "strawberries" => "strawberri",
+              "straws" => "straw",
+              "stray" => "stray",
+              "strayed" => "stray",
+              "straying" => "stray",
+              "streak" => "streak",
+              "streaked" => "streak",
+              "streaks" => "streak",
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+              "streams" => "stream",
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+              "streets" => "street",
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+              "stretches" => "stretch",
+              "stretching" => "stretch",
+              "stretchings" => "stretch",
+              "strew" => "strew",
+              "strewed" => "strew",
+              "strewn" => "strewn",
+              "stricken" => "stricken",
+              "strickland" => "strickland",
+              "strict" => "strict",
+              "stricter" => "stricter",
+              "strictest" => "strictest",
+              "strictly" => "strict",
+              "strictness" => "strict",
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+              "strides" => "stride",
+              "striding" => "stride",
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+              "striking" => "strike",
+              "strikingly" => "strike",
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+              "strings" => "string",
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+              "stripes" => "stripe",
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+              "stripped" => "strip",
+              "stripping" => "strip",
+              "strips" => "strip",
+              "stritched" => "stritch",
+              "strive" => "strive",
+              "striven" => "striven",
+              "striving" => "strive",
+              "strix" => "strix",
+              "strode" => "strode",
+              "stroke" => "stroke",
+              "stroked" => "stroke",
+              "strokes" => "stroke",
+              "stroking" => "stroke",
+              "strokings" => "stroke",
+              "stroll" => "stroll",
+              "strolled" => "stroll",
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+              "strongest" => "strongest",
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+              "structures" => "structur",
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+              "struggled" => "struggl",
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+              "strugglers" => "struggler",
+              "struggles" => "struggl",
+              "struggling" => "struggl",
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+              "strung" => "strung",
+              "struthio" => "struthio",
+              "strzelecki" => "strzelecki",
+              "stuart" => "stuart",
+              "stubb" => "stubb",
+              "stubble" => "stubbl",
+              "stubbly" => "stubbl",
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+              "stubbornness" => "stubborn",
+              "stubbs" => "stubb",
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+              "stud" => "stud",
+              "studded" => "stud",
+              "student" => "student",
+              "students" => "student",
+              "studied" => "studi",
+              "studies" => "studi",
+              "studio" => "studio",
+              "studious" => "studious",
+              "studiously" => "studious",
+              "studiousness" => "studious",
+              "study" => "studi",
+              "studying" => "studi",
+              "stuff" => "stuff",
+              "stuffed" => "stuf",
+              "stuffing" => "stuf",
+              "stuffs" => "stuff",
+              "stuffy" => "stuffi",
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+              "stumbled" => "stumbl",
+              "stumbles" => "stumbl",
+              "stumbling" => "stumbl",
+              "stump" => "stump",
+              "stumps" => "stump",
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+              "stunned" => "stun",
+              "stunning" => "stun",
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+              "stupefied" => "stupefi",
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+              "stupider" => "stupid",
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+              "stupidly" => "stupid",
+              "stupids" => "stupid",
+              "stupor" => "stupor",
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+              "sturdily" => "sturdili",
+              "sturdy" => "sturdi",
+              "sturt" => "sturt",
+              "stuttered" => "stutter",
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+              "styles" => "style",
+              "stylifer" => "stylif",
+              "stylish" => "stylish",
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+              "suavity" => "suaviti",
+              "sub" => "sub",
+              "subacid" => "subacid",
+              "subaqueous" => "subaqu",
+              "subcostal" => "subcost",
+              "subdue" => "subdu",
+              "subdued" => "subdu",
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+              "subgroups" => "subgroup",
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+              "subjecting" => "subject",
+              "subjection" => "subject",
+              "subjects" => "subject",
+              "subjugating" => "subjug",
+              "sublime" => "sublim",
+              "sublimity" => "sublim",
+              "submarine" => "submarin",
+              "submerged" => "submerg",
+              "submergence" => "submerg",
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+              "submissively" => "submiss",
+              "submissiveness" => "submiss",
+              "submit" => "submit",
+              "submits" => "submit",
+              "submitted" => "submit",
+              "submitting" => "submit",
+              "subordinate" => "subordin",
+              "subordinates" => "subordin",
+              "subordination" => "subordin",
+              "suborned" => "suborn",
+              "suborning" => "suborn",
+              "subscribe" => "subscrib",
+              "subscribed" => "subscrib",
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+              "subscriptions" => "subscript",
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+              "subsequently" => "subsequ",
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+              "subsided" => "subsid",
+              "subsidence" => "subsid",
+              "subsides" => "subsid",
+              "subsidiary" => "subsidiari",
+              "subsiding" => "subsid",
+              "subsidized" => "subsid",
+              "subsist" => "subsist",
+              "subsisted" => "subsist",
+              "subsistence" => "subsist",
+              "subsoil" => "subsoil",
+              "substance" => "substanc",
+              "substances" => "substanc",
+              "substantial" => "substanti",
+              "substantially" => "substanti",
+              "substantials" => "substanti",
+              "substantiate" => "substanti",
+              "substantive" => "substant",
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+              "substituted" => "substitut",
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+              "substracted" => "substract",
+              "substratum" => "substratum",
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+              "subterranean" => "subterranean",
+              "subtile" => "subtil",
+              "subtle" => "subtl",
+              "subtlety" => "subtleti",
+              "subtracted" => "subtract",
+              "subtracting" => "subtract",
+              "suburb" => "suburb",
+              "suburban" => "suburban",
+              "suburbs" => "suburb",
+              "subversive" => "subvers",
+              "subverted" => "subvert",
+              "suc" => "suc",
+              "succeed" => "succeed",
+              "succeeded" => "succeed",
+              "succeeding" => "succeed",
+              "succeeds" => "succeed",
+              "success" => "success",
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+              "successful" => "success",
+              "successfully" => "success",
+              "succession" => "success",
+              "successions" => "success",
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+              "successors" => "successor",
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+              "succumbing" => "succumb",
+              "such" => "such",
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+              "sucker" => "sucker",
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+              "sucking" => "suck",
+              "suckle" => "suckl",
+              "suckling" => "suckl",
+              "suction" => "suction",
+              "sudden" => "sudden",
+              "suddenl" => "suddenl",
+              "suddenly" => "sudden",
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+              "suds" => "sud",
+              "sued" => "su",
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+              "sufferance" => "suffer",
+              "suffered" => "suffer",
+              "sufferer" => "suffer",
+              "sufferers" => "suffer",
+              "suffering" => "suffer",
+              "sufferings" => "suffer",
+              "suffers" => "suffer",
+              "suffice" => "suffic",
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+              "suffocation" => "suffoc",
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+              "suffrages" => "suffrag",
+              "suffused" => "suffus",
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+              "sugarscaps" => "sugarscap",
+              "sugarscraps" => "sugarscrap",
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+              "suggested" => "suggest",
+              "suggesting" => "suggest",
+              "suggestion" => "suggest",
+              "suggestions" => "suggest",
+              "suggestive" => "suggest",
+              "suggests" => "suggest",
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+              "suicide" => "suicid",
+              "suicides" => "suicid",
+              "suing" => "su",
+              "suit" => "suit",
+              "suitability" => "suitabl",
+              "suitable" => "suitabl",
+              "suitably" => "suitabl",
+              "suite" => "suit",
+              "suited" => "suit",
+              "suites" => "suit",
+              "suiting" => "suit",
+              "suitor" => "suitor",
+              "suitors" => "suitor",
+              "suits" => "suit",
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+              "sulked" => "sulk",
+              "sulkily" => "sulkili",
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+              "sulky" => "sulki",
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+              "sullenly" => "sullen",
+              "sullenness" => "sullen",
+              "sully" => "sulli",
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+              "sulphates" => "sulphat",
+              "sulphur" => "sulphur",
+              "sulphuratus" => "sulphuratus",
+              "sulphureous" => "sulphur",
+              "sulphuric" => "sulphur",
+              "sultan" => "sultan",
+              "sultry" => "sultri",
+              "sum" => "sum",
+              "sumatra" => "sumatra",
+              "sumhoo" => "sumhoo",
+              "summarily" => "summarili",
+              "summary" => "summari",
+              "summat" => "summat",
+              "summer" => "summer",
+              "summers" => "summer",
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+              "summit" => "summit",
+              "summits" => "summit",
+              "summon" => "summon",
+              "summoned" => "summon",
+              "summoning" => "summon",
+              "summons" => "summon",
+              "summonses" => "summons",
+              "summonsizzing" => "summonsizz",
+              "sumptuous" => "sumptuous",
+              "sumptuously" => "sumptuous",
+              "sums" => "sum",
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+              "sunbeam" => "sunbeam",
+              "sunburnt" => "sunburnt",
+              "sunday" => "sunday",
+              "sundays" => "sunday",
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+              "sundry" => "sundri",
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+              "sunk" => "sunk",
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+              "sunlight" => "sunlight",
+              "sunning" => "sun",
+              "sunny" => "sunni",
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+              "suns" => "sun",
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+              "sunsets" => "sunset",
+              "sunshine" => "sunshin",
+              "sunshiny" => "sunshini",
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+              "superadding" => "superad",
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+              "superannuating" => "superannu",
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+              "superbly" => "superbl",
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+              "superciliously" => "supercili",
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+              "superficially" => "superfici",
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+              "superfluity" => "superflu",
+              "superfluous" => "superflu",
+              "superhuman" => "superhuman",
+              "superincumbent" => "superincumb",
+              "superinduced" => "superinduc",
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+              "superintended" => "superintend",
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+              "superiors" => "superior",
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+              "superlatives" => "superl",
+              "superlativest" => "superlativest",
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+              "superscription" => "superscript",
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+              "superseded" => "supersed",
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+              "supervene" => "superven",
+              "supervision" => "supervis",
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+              "supper" => "supper",
+              "suppers" => "supper",
+              "supplanted" => "supplant",
+              "supple" => "suppl",
+              "supplementary" => "supplementari",
+              "suppleness" => "suppl",
+              "suppliant" => "suppliant",
+              "supplication" => "supplic",
+              "supplications" => "supplic",
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+              "supplies" => "suppli",
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+              "suppor" => "suppor",
+              "support" => "support",
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+              "supporters" => "support",
+              "supporting" => "support",
+              "supports" => "support",
+              "suppose" => "suppos",
+              "supposed" => "suppos",
+              "supposes" => "suppos",
+              "supposing" => "suppos",
+              "supposition" => "supposit",
+              "suppositions" => "supposit",
+              "supposititious" => "supposititi",
+              "suppress" => "suppress",
+              "suppressed" => "suppress",
+              "suppressing" => "suppress",
+              "suppression" => "suppress",
+              "suppurated" => "suppur",
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+              "supreme" => "suprem",
+              "supremely" => "suprem",
+              "supremest" => "supremest",
+              "sups" => "sup",
+              "sur" => "sur",
+              "surcingle" => "surcingl",
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+              "surely" => "sure",
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+              "surfac" => "surfac",
+              "surface" => "surfac",
+              "surfaces" => "surfac",
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+              "surged" => "surg",
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+              "surgery" => "surgeri",
+              "surging" => "surg",
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+              "surmised" => "surmis",
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+              "surmising" => "surmis",
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+              "surmounted" => "surmount",
+              "surmounting" => "surmount",
+              "surname" => "surnam",
+              "surnames" => "surnam",
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+              "surpassed" => "surpass",
+              "surpasses" => "surpass",
+              "surpassing" => "surpass",
+              "surplus" => "surplus",
+              "surprise" => "surpris",
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+              "surprises" => "surpris",
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+              "surroundings" => "surround",
+              "surry" => "surri",
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+              "survey" => "survey",
+              "surveyed" => "survey",
+              "surveying" => "survey",
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+              "surveyors" => "surveyor",
+              "surveys" => "survey",
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+              "survived" => "surviv",
+              "surviving" => "surviv",
+              "survivor" => "survivor",
+              "survivors" => "survivor",
+              "surweys" => "surwey",
+              "susan" => "susan",
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+              "susceptible" => "suscept",
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+              "suspected" => "suspect",
+              "suspecting" => "suspect",
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+              "suspiciousness" => "suspici",
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+              "sustained" => "sustain",
+              "sustaining" => "sustain",
+              "sustenance" => "susten",
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+              "svidrigailovs" => "svidrigailov",
+              "svidrigrailovs" => "svidrigrailov",
+              "svirbey" => "svirbey",
+              "swab" => "swab",
+              "swaddling" => "swaddl",
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+              "swaggered" => "swagger",
+              "swaggering" => "swagger",
+              "swaggerings" => "swagger",
+              "swain" => "swain",
+              "swains" => "swain",
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+              "swallowed" => "swallow",
+              "swallower" => "swallow",
+              "swallowing" => "swallow",
+              "swallows" => "swallow",
+              "swam" => "swam",
+              "swamp" => "swamp",
+              "swamps" => "swamp",
+              "swampy" => "swampi",
+              "swan" => "swan",
+              "swans" => "swan",
+              "swansea" => "swansea",
+              "sward" => "sward",
+              "swarm" => "swarm",
+              "swarmed" => "swarm",
+              "swarming" => "swarm",
+              "swarms" => "swarm",
+              "swart" => "swart",
+              "swarthy" => "swarthi",
+              "sway" => "sway",
+              "swayed" => "sway",
+              "swaying" => "sway",
+              "swear" => "swear",
+              "swearing" => "swear",
+              "swears" => "swear",
+              "sweat" => "sweat",
+              "sweden" => "sweden",
+              "sweep" => "sweep",
+              "sweeper" => "sweeper",
+              "sweepers" => "sweeper",
+              "sweeping" => "sweep",
+              "sweeps" => "sweep",
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+              "sweetbrier" => "sweetbrier",
+              "sweeten" => "sweeten",
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+              "sweetener" => "sweeten",
+              "sweeter" => "sweeter",
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+              "sweethearts" => "sweetheart",
+              "sweetie" => "sweeti",
+              "sweetly" => "sweet",
+              "sweetmeat" => "sweetmeat",
+              "sweetness" => "sweet",
+              "sweets" => "sweet",
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+              "swelled" => "swell",
+              "swelling" => "swell",
+              "swellings" => "swell",
+              "swells" => "swell",
+              "sweltering" => "swelter",
+              "swept" => "swept",
+              "swerve" => "swerv",
+              "swerved" => "swerv",
+              "swift" => "swift",
+              "swifter" => "swifter",
+              "swiftest" => "swiftest",
+              "swiftly" => "swift",
+              "swiftness" => "swift",
+              "swig" => "swig",
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+              "swillenhausens" => "swillenhausen",
+              "swills" => "swill",
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+              "swimming" => "swim",
+              "swims" => "swim",
+              "swindle" => "swindl",
+              "swindled" => "swindl",
+              "swindler" => "swindler",
+              "swindlers" => "swindler",
+              "swindling" => "swindl",
+              "swine" => "swine",
+              "swing" => "swing",
+              "swinging" => "swing",
+              "swings" => "swing",
+              "swinishness" => "swinish",
+              "swipes" => "swipe",
+              "swirling" => "swirl",
+              "switch" => "switch",
+              "switches" => "switch",
+              "switzerland" => "switzerland",
+              "swollen" => "swollen",
+              "swoln" => "swoln",
+              "swoon" => "swoon",
+              "swooned" => "swoon",
+              "swooning" => "swoon",
+              "swoop" => "swoop",
+              "swooped" => "swoop",
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+              "swords" => "sword",
+              "swordsman" => "swordsman",
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+              "swordsmen" => "swordsmen",
+              "swore" => "swore",
+              "sworn" => "sworn",
+              "swosser" => "swosser",
+              "swung" => "swung",
+              "sycophancy" => "sycoph",
+              "sydney" => "sydney",
+              "syenite" => "syenit",
+              "syenitic" => "syenit",
+              "syllable" => "syllabl",
+              "syllogism" => "syllog",
+              "sylph" => "sylph",
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+              "symbolic" => "symbol",
+              "symbolism" => "symbol",
+              "symbols" => "symbol",
+              "symes" => "syme",
+              "symmetrical" => "symmetr",
+              "symmetrically" => "symmetr",
+              "symmetry" => "symmetri",
+              "symond" => "symond",
+              "symonds" => "symond",
+              "sympathetic" => "sympathet",
+              "sympathetically" => "sympathet",
+              "sympathies" => "sympathi",
+              "sympathise" => "sympathis",
+              "sympathised" => "sympathis",
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+              "sympathize" => "sympath",
+              "sympathized" => "sympath",
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+              "sympathizing" => "sympath",
+              "sympathy" => "sympathi",
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+              "symptomatic" => "symptomat",
+              "symptoms" => "symptom",
+              "synetheres" => "synether",
+              "synod" => "synod",
+              "synonymous" => "synonym",
+              "syria" => "syria",
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+              "systematic" => "systemat",
+              "systems" => "system",
+              "t" => "t",
+              "ta" => "ta",
+              "tabanus" => "tabanus",
+              "tabby" => "tabbi",
+              "table" => "tabl",
+              "tableau" => "tableau",
+              "tablecloth" => "tablecloth",
+              "tablecloths" => "tablecloth",
+              "tables" => "tabl",
+              "tabooed" => "taboo",
+              "tabor" => "tabor",
+              "tacit" => "tacit",
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+              "tacks" => "tack",
+              "tacna" => "tacna",
+              "tact" => "tact",
+              "tactics" => "tactic",
+              "tags" => "tag",
+              "tagua" => "tagua",
+              "tahiti" => "tahiti",
+              "tahitian" => "tahitian",
+              "tahitians" => "tahitian",
+              "tail" => "tail",
+              "tailed" => "tail",
+              "tailor" => "tailor",
+              "tailors" => "tailor",
+              "tails" => "tail",
+              "tain" => "tain",
+              "taint" => "taint",
+              "tainted" => "taint",
+              "tainting" => "taint",
+              "taints" => "taint",
+              "tak" => "tak",
+              "take" => "take",
+              "taken" => "taken",
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+              "takes" => "take",
+              "taketh" => "taketh",
+              "taking" => "take",
+              "takken" => "takken",
+              "takkin" => "takkin",
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+              "talcahuano" => "talcahuano",
+              "tale" => "tale",
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+              "talents" => "talent",
+              "tales" => "tale",
+              "talguen" => "talguen",
+              "talisman" => "talisman",
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+              "talkative" => "talkat",
+              "talked" => "talk",
+              "talker" => "talker",
+              "talkers" => "talker",
+              "talkin" => "talkin",
+              "talking" => "talk",
+              "talks" => "talk",
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+              "taller" => "taller",
+              "tallest" => "tallest",
+              "tallied" => "talli",
+              "tallow" => "tallow",
+              "tally" => "talli",
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+              "tambillos" => "tambillo",
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+              "tanqui" => "tanqui",
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+              "tantalizing" => "tantal",
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+              "tantrums" => "tantrum",
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+              "tapn" => "tapn",
+              "tapped" => "tap",
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+              "tarnished" => "tarnish",
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+              "tasking" => "task",
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+              "tasmania" => "tasmania",
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+              "tastefully" => "tast",
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+              "tastes" => "tast",
+              "tasting" => "tast",
+              "tat" => "tat",
+              "tata" => "tata",
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+              "tatters" => "tatter",
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+              "tattooing" => "tattoo",
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+              "tawny" => "tawni",
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+              "taxation" => "taxat",
+              "taxed" => "tax",
+              "taxes" => "tax",
+              "taylor" => "taylor",
+              "tbe" => "tbe",
+              "tchebarov" => "tchebarov",
+              "te" => "te",
+              "tea" => "tea",
+              "teach" => "teach",
+              "teacher" => "teacher",
+              "teachers" => "teacher",
+              "teaches" => "teach",
+              "teaching" => "teach",
+              "teachings" => "teach",
+              "teacups" => "teacup",
+              "teak" => "teak",
+              "team" => "team",
+              "teapot" => "teapot",
+              "tear" => "tear",
+              "teardrop" => "teardrop",
+              "tearful" => "tear",
+              "tearfully" => "tear",
+              "tearing" => "tear",
+              "tearless" => "tearless",
+              "tears" => "tear",
+              "tease" => "teas",
+              "teased" => "teas",
+              "teasing" => "teas",
+              "teaspoon" => "teaspoon",
+              "teaspoons" => "teaspoon",
+              "teatime" => "teatim",
+              "technicalities" => "technic",
+              "tedious" => "tedious",
+              "tediousness" => "tedious",
+              "tedium" => "tedium",
+              "tee" => "tee",
+              "teel" => "teel",
+              "teeming" => "teem",
+              "teems" => "teem",
+              "teens" => "teen",
+              "teeth" => "teeth",
+              "tehuelches" => "tehuelch",
+              "tekenika" => "tekenika",
+              "telegram" => "telegram",
+              "telegrams" => "telegram",
+              "telegraph" => "telegraph",
+              "telegraphed" => "telegraph",
+              "telegraphic" => "telegraph",
+              "telegraphing" => "telegraph",
+              "telemachus" => "telemachus",
+              "telephoridae" => "telephorida",
+              "telescope" => "telescop",
+              "telescopes" => "telescop",
+              "telescopic" => "telescop",
+              "tell" => "tell",
+              "tellee" => "telle",
+              "teller" => "teller",
+              "telling" => "tell",
+              "tells" => "tell",
+              "temminckii" => "temminckii",
+              "temp" => "temp",
+              "temper" => "temper",
+              "temperament" => "tempera",
+              "temperaments" => "tempera",
+              "temperance" => "temper",
+              "temperate" => "temper",
+              "temperature" => "temperatur",
+              "tempered" => "temper",
+              "tempers" => "temper",
+              "tempest" => "tempest",
+              "tempestuous" => "tempestu",
+              "temple" => "templ",
+              "temples" => "templ",
+              "temporal" => "tempor",
+              "temporary" => "temporari",
+              "tempt" => "tempt",
+              "temptation" => "temptat",
+              "temptations" => "temptat",
+              "tempted" => "tempt",
+              "tempter" => "tempter",
+              "tempting" => "tempt",
+              "tempts" => "tempt",
+              "ten" => "ten",
+              "tenacious" => "tenaci",
+              "tenaciously" => "tenaci",
+              "tenacity" => "tenac",
+              "tenant" => "tenant",
+              "tenanted" => "tenant",
+              "tenantry" => "tenantri",
+              "tenants" => "tenant",
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+              "tended" => "tend",
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+              "tendency" => "tendenc",
+              "tender" => "tender",
+              "tendered" => "tender",
+              "tenderer" => "tender",
+              "tenderest" => "tenderest",
+              "tendering" => "tender",
+              "tenderly" => "tender",
+              "tenderness" => "tender",
+              "tending" => "tend",
+              "tendinous" => "tendin",
+              "tendon" => "tendon",
+              "tends" => "tend",
+              "tenement" => "tenement",
+              "tenements" => "tenement",
+              "teneriffe" => "teneriff",
+              "tenez" => "tenez",
+              "tenfold" => "tenfold",
+              "tennyson" => "tennyson",
+              "tenor" => "tenor",
+              "tens" => "ten",
+              "tense" => "tens",
+              "tension" => "tension",
+              "tensions" => "tension",
+              "tent" => "tent",
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+              "tentative" => "tentat",
+              "tentatively" => "tentat",
+              "tenth" => "tenth",
+              "tenths" => "tenth",
+              "tents" => "tent",
+              "tenure" => "tenur",
+              "tenway" => "tenway",
+              "ter" => "ter",
+              "tercero" => "tercero",
+              "terebra" => "terebra",
+              "terebyeva" => "terebyeva",
+              "terewth" => "terewth",
+              "term" => "term",
+              "termagant" => "termag",
+              "termed" => "term",
+              "terminal" => "termin",
+              "terminate" => "termin",
+              "terminated" => "termin",
+              "terminates" => "termin",
+              "terminating" => "termin",
+              "termination" => "termin",
+              "terms" => "term",
+              "tern" => "tern",
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+              "tero" => "tero",
+              "terra" => "terra",
+              "terrace" => "terrac",
+              "terraces" => "terrac",
+              "terres" => "terr",
+              "terrestrial" => "terrestri",
+              "terrible" => "terribl",
+              "terribly" => "terribl",
+              "terrier" => "terrier",
+              "terriers" => "terrier",
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+              "terrifying" => "terrifi",
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+              "territories" => "territori",
+              "territory" => "territori",
+              "terror" => "terror",
+              "terrors" => "terror",
+              "terse" => "ters",
+              "terseness" => "ters",
+              "tertiary" => "tertiari",
+              "teru" => "teru",
+              "tesselated" => "tessel",
+              "test" => "test",
+              "testacea" => "testacea",
+              "testament" => "testament",
+              "testamentary" => "testamentari",
+              "testator" => "testat",
+              "tested" => "test",
+              "testified" => "testifi",
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+              "testimonial" => "testimoni",
+              "testimony" => "testimoni",
+              "testiness" => "testi",
+              "tests" => "test",
+              "testudo" => "testudo",
+              "testy" => "testi",
+              "tete" => "tete",
+              "tetes" => "tete",
+              "teutons" => "teuton",
+              "tew" => "tew",
+              "text" => "text",
+              "texture" => "textur",
+              "tfoo" => "tfoo",
+              "th" => "th",
+              "tha" => "tha",
+              "thames" => "thame",
+              "than" => "than",
+              "thank" => "thank",
+              "thanked" => "thank",
+              "thankee" => "thanke",
+              "thankful" => "thank",
+              "thankfully" => "thank",
+              "thankfulness" => "thank",
+              "thanking" => "thank",
+              "thankless" => "thankless",
+              "thanks" => "thank",
+              "thanksgiving" => "thanksgiv",
+              "thanksgivings" => "thanksgiv",
+              "thanyou" => "thanyou",
+              "that" => "that",
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+              "thatched" => "thatch",
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+              "thawed" => "thaw",
+              "thawing" => "thaw",
+              "the" => "the",
+              "theatre" => "theatr",
+              "theatres" => "theatr",
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+              "theirselves" => "theirselv",
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+              "themes" => "theme",
+              "themselves" => "themselv",
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+              "thence" => "thenc",
+              "thenceforth" => "thenceforth",
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+              "theodoras" => "theodora",
+              "theodore" => "theodor",
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+              "theoretically" => "theoret",
+              "theorie" => "theori",
+              "theories" => "theori",
+              "theorize" => "theoriz",
+              "theory" => "theori",
+              "ther" => "ther",
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+              "thereabouts" => "thereabout",
+              "thereafter" => "thereaft",
+              "thereby" => "therebi",
+              "therefore" => "therefor",
+              "therefrom" => "therefrom",
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+              "thereof" => "thereof",
+              "thereon" => "thereon",
+              "theresa" => "theresa",
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+              "thereunto" => "thereunto",
+              "thereupon" => "thereupon",
+              "therewith" => "therewith",
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+              "theristicus" => "theristicus",
+              "thermometer" => "thermomet",
+              "thes" => "thes",
+              "these" => "these",
+              "they" => "they",
+              "thi" => "thi",
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+              "thickened" => "thicken",
+              "thickening" => "thicken",
+              "thicker" => "thicker",
+              "thickest" => "thickest",
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+              "thickness" => "thick",
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+              "thighs" => "thigh",
+              "thimble" => "thimbl",
+              "thin" => "thin",
+              "thine" => "thine",
+              "thing" => "thing",
+              "things" => "thing",
+              "think" => "think",
+              "thinkable" => "thinkabl",
+              "thinker" => "thinker",
+              "thinkin" => "thinkin",
+              "thinking" => "think",
+              "thinks" => "think",
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+              "thinned" => "thin",
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+              "thinness" => "thin",
+              "thinning" => "thin",
+              "thins" => "thin",
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+              "thirds" => "third",
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+              "thirsty" => "thirsti",
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+              "thirteenth" => "thirteenth",
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+              "thirty" => "thirti",
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+              "thistles" => "thistl",
+              "thither" => "thither",
+              "tho" => "tho",
+              "thomas" => "thoma",
+              "thong" => "thong",
+              "thongs" => "thong",
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+              "thout" => "thout",
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+              "thrashed" => "thrash",
+              "thrashing" => "thrash",
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+              "threads" => "thread",
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+              "threaten" => "threaten",
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+              "threatening" => "threaten",
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+              "three" => "three",
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+              "thrills" => "thrill",
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+              "thriven" => "thriven",
+              "thrives" => "thrive",
+              "thriving" => "thrive",
+              "throat" => "throat",
+              "throats" => "throat",
+              "throb" => "throb",
+              "throbbed" => "throb",
+              "throbbing" => "throb",
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+              "throngs" => "throng",
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+              "throwed" => "throw",
+              "throwing" => "throw",
+              "thrown" => "thrown",
+              "throws" => "throw",
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+              "thrusting" => "thrust",
+              "thrusts" => "thrust",
+              "thrveydrop" => "thrveydrop",
+              "thu" => "thu",
+              "thud" => "thud",
+              "thuds" => "thud",
+              "thumb" => "thumb",
+              "thumbed" => "thumb",
+              "thumbs" => "thumb",
+              "thump" => "thump",
+              "thumped" => "thump",
+              "thumping" => "thump",
+              "thumps" => "thump",
+              "thunder" => "thunder",
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+              "thunderclap" => "thunderclap",
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+              "thursdays" => "thursday",
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+              "thwarting" => "thwart",
+              "thy" => "thi",
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+              "ti" => "ti",
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+              "tial" => "tial",
+              "tibby" => "tibbi",
+              "tibiae" => "tibia",
+              "tick" => "tick",
+              "ticked" => "tick",
+              "ticket" => "ticket",
+              "ticketed" => "ticket",
+              "tickets" => "ticket",
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+              "tickings" => "tick",
+              "tickle" => "tickl",
+              "tickled" => "tickl",
+              "tickles" => "tickl",
+              "tickling" => "tickl",
+              "ticklish" => "ticklish",
+              "ticks" => "tick",
+              "tidal" => "tidal",
+              "tiddler" => "tiddler",
+              "tide" => "tide",
+              "tides" => "tide",
+              "tidied" => "tidi",
+              "tidily" => "tidili",
+              "tidings" => "tide",
+              "tidy" => "tidi",
+              "tie" => "tie",
+              "tied" => "tie",
+              "tierra" => "tierra",
+              "tiers" => "tier",
+              "ties" => "tie",
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+              "tigerish" => "tigerish",
+              "tigers" => "tiger",
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+              "tighten" => "tighten",
+              "tightened" => "tighten",
+              "tighter" => "tighter",
+              "tightly" => "tight",
+              "tightness" => "tight",
+              "tights" => "tight",
+              "tigre" => "tigr",
+              "tigress" => "tigress",
+              "til" => "til",
+              "tilda" => "tilda",
+              "tile" => "tile",
+              "tiles" => "tile",
+              "tiliareus" => "tiliareus",
+              "till" => "till",
+              "tillage" => "tillag",
+              "tilled" => "till",
+              "tilly" => "tilli",
+              "tilted" => "tilt",
+              "tilting" => "tilt",
+              "tilts" => "tilt",
+              "tim" => "tim",
+              "timber" => "timber",
+              "timberry" => "timberri",
+              "timbers" => "timber",
+              "timbrel" => "timbrel",
+              "time" => "time",
+              "timed" => "time",
+              "timely" => "time",
+              "times" => "time",
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+              "timidity" => "timid",
+              "timidly" => "timid",
+              "timorous" => "timor",
+              "timorously" => "timor",
+              "timothy" => "timothi",
+              "timour" => "timour",
+              "tin" => "tin",
+              "tinae" => "tina",
+              "tinamus" => "tinamus",
+              "tinder" => "tinder",
+              "tinderidica" => "tinderidica",
+              "tinge" => "ting",
+              "tinged" => "ting",
+              "tingle" => "tingl",
+              "tingled" => "tingl",
+              "tingling" => "tingl",
+              "tiniest" => "tiniest",
+              "tinker" => "tinker",
+              "tinkers" => "tinker",
+              "tinkle" => "tinkl",
+              "tinkled" => "tinkl",
+              "tinkling" => "tinkl",
+              "tinochorus" => "tinochorus",
+              "tint" => "tint",
+              "tinted" => "tint",
+              "tinting" => "tint",
+              "tints" => "tint",
+              "tiny" => "tini",
+              "tion" => "tion",
+              "tip" => "tip",
+              "tipped" => "tip",
+              "tipperary" => "tipperari",
+              "tippets" => "tippet",
+              "tippy" => "tippi",
+              "tips" => "tip",
+              "tipsily" => "tipsili",
+              "tipslark" => "tipslark",
+              "tipsy" => "tipsi",
+              "tiptoe" => "tipto",
+              "tiptop" => "tiptop",
+              "tirade" => "tirad",
+              "tire" => "tire",
+              "tired" => "tire",
+              "tires" => "tire",
+              "tiresome" => "tiresom",
+              "tiring" => "tire",
+              "tis" => "tis",
+              "tissue" => "tissu",
+              "tit" => "tit",
+              "tithe" => "tith",
+              "titian" => "titian",
+              "titlark" => "titlark",
+              "title" => "titl",
+              "titled" => "titl",
+              "titles" => "titl",
+              "titmouse" => "titmous",
+              "tittered" => "titter",
+              "tittering" => "titter",
+              "titular" => "titular",
+              "tiv" => "tiv",
+              "tix" => "tix",
+              "tle" => "tle",
+              "to" => "to",
+              "toad" => "toad",
+              "toads" => "toad",
+              "toast" => "toast",
+              "toasted" => "toast",
+              "toasting" => "toast",
+              "tobacco" => "tobacco",
+              "tobacconist" => "tobacconist",
+              "tockahoopo" => "tockahoopo",
+              "today" => "today",
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+              "toes" => "toe",
+              "together" => "togeth",
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+              "toight" => "toight",
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+              "toiled" => "toil",
+              "toiler" => "toiler",
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+              "toilette" => "toilett",
+              "toiling" => "toil",
+              "toils" => "toil",
+              "toilsome" => "toilsom",
+              "toity" => "toiti",
+              "token" => "token",
+              "tokens" => "token",
+              "tol" => "tol",
+              "told" => "told",
+              "toldos" => "toldo",
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+              "tolerably" => "toler",
+              "tolerate" => "toler",
+              "tolerated" => "toler",
+              "toleration" => "toler",
+              "toll" => "toll",
+              "tolled" => "toll",
+              "tolling" => "toll",
+              "tolstyakov" => "tolstyakov",
+              "tom" => "tom",
+              "tomahawk" => "tomahawk",
+              "tomahawked" => "tomahawk",
+              "tomb" => "tomb",
+              "tombs" => "tomb",
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+              "tombstones" => "tombston",
+              "tomkins" => "tomkin",
+              "tommy" => "tommi",
+              "tomorrow" => "tomorrow",
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+              "tongues" => "tongu",
+              "tonight" => "tonight",
+              "tons" => "ton",
+              "tony" => "toni",
+              "too" => "too",
+              "toogather" => "toogath",
+              "took" => "took",
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+              "tools" => "tool",
+              "toomultuous" => "toomultu",
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+              "toothed" => "tooth",
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+              "toothpicks" => "toothpick",
+              "tooting" => "toot",
+              "top" => "top",
+              "topic" => "topic",
+              "topics" => "topic",
+              "topped" => "top",
+              "topping" => "top",
+              "toppling" => "toppl",
+              "tops" => "top",
+              "topsail" => "topsail",
+              "topsel" => "topsel",
+              "topsy" => "topsi",
+              "tor" => "tor",
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+              "torchlight" => "torchlight",
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+              "torpor" => "torpor",
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+              "tortoises" => "tortois",
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+              "tortures" => "tortur",
+              "torturing" => "tortur",
+              "tory" => "tori",
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+              "tossings" => "toss",
+              "total" => "total",
+              "totally" => "total",
+              "totanus" => "totanus",
+              "tottenham" => "tottenham",
+              "tottered" => "totter",
+              "tottering" => "totter",
+              "totum" => "totum",
+              "toucans" => "toucan",
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+              "touched" => "touch",
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+              "touches" => "touch",
+              "touching" => "touch",
+              "touchingly" => "touch",
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+              "toughy" => "toughi",
+              "toulon" => "toulon",
+              "tour" => "tour",
+              "tourists" => "tourist",
+              "tours" => "tour",
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+              "toutes" => "tout",
+              "touts" => "tout",
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+              "towards" => "toward",
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+              "towers" => "tower",
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+              "townspeople" => "townspeopl",
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+              "toying" => "toy",
+              "toys" => "toy",
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+              "tracing" => "trace",
+              "track" => "track",
+              "tracked" => "track",
+              "tracking" => "track",
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+              "trades" => "trade",
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+              "tradespeople" => "tradespeopl",
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+              "trails" => "trail",
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+              "training" => "train",
+              "trains" => "train",
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+              "traitor" => "traitor",
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+              "traitors" => "traitor",
+              "traits" => "trait",
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+              "trampled" => "trampl",
+              "trampling" => "trampl",
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+              "tranquillized" => "tranquil",
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+              "transactions" => "transact",
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+              "translated" => "translat",
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+              "translation" => "translat",
+              "translator" => "translat",
+              "translucency" => "transluc",
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+              "transmits" => "transmit",
+              "transmitted" => "transmit",
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+              "transparency" => "transpar",
+              "transparenfly" => "transparenfli",
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+              "transpired" => "transpir",
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+              "transplanting" => "transplant",
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+              "transportal" => "transport",
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+              "transports" => "transport",
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+              "transversely" => "transvers",
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+              "trappe" => "trapp",
+              "trapped" => "trap",
+              "trappings" => "trap",
+              "traps" => "trap",
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+              "trashy" => "trashi",
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+              "treads" => "tread",
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+              "treatment" => "treatment",
+              "treats" => "treat",
+              "treaty" => "treati",
+              "treble" => "trebl",
+              "trebled" => "trebl",
+              "tree" => "tree",
+              "trees" => "tree",
+              "trellis" => "trelli",
+              "trellised" => "trellis",
+              "tremble" => "trembl",
+              "trembled" => "trembl",
+              "trembles" => "trembl",
+              "trembling" => "trembl",
+              "tremblingly" => "trembl",
+              "tremblings" => "trembl",
+              "tremendous" => "tremend",
+              "tremendously" => "tremend",
+              "tremenjous" => "tremenj",
+              "tremor" => "tremor",
+              "tremors" => "tremor",
+              "tremulous" => "tremul",
+              "tremulously" => "tremul",
+              "trenchant" => "trenchant",
+              "trenched" => "trench",
+              "trenches" => "trench",
+              "trenching" => "trench",
+              "trenham" => "trenham",
+              "trepanned" => "trepan",
+              "trepidation" => "trepid",
+              "tres" => "tres",
+              "trespass" => "trespass",
+              "tress" => "tress",
+              "tresses" => "tress",
+              "trial" => "trial",
+              "trials" => "trial",
+              "triangle" => "triangl",
+              "triangular" => "triangular",
+              "triangularity" => "triangular",
+              "tribe" => "tribe",
+              "tribes" => "tribe",
+              "tribulation" => "tribul",
+              "tributaries" => "tributari",
+              "tributary" => "tributari",
+              "tribute" => "tribut",
+              "trice" => "trice",
+              "trichodactylus" => "trichodactylus",
+              "trichodesmium" => "trichodesmium",
+              "trichomanes" => "trichoman",
+              "trick" => "trick",
+              "tricked" => "trick",
+              "trickery" => "trickeri",
+              "trickled" => "trickl",
+              "trickles" => "trickl",
+              "trickling" => "trickl",
+              "tricks" => "trick",
+              "tricksters" => "trickster",
+              "tried" => "tri",
+              "triermain" => "triermain",
+              "tries" => "tri",
+              "trifasciatus" => "trifasciatus",
+              "trifle" => "trifl",
+              "trifled" => "trifl",
+              "trifles" => "trifl",
+              "trifling" => "trifl",
+              "trigger" => "trigger",
+              "trigonocephalus" => "trigonocephalus",
+              "trigonometry" => "trigonometri",
+              "trigonomical" => "trigonom",
+              "trigonomics" => "trigonom",
+              "trilled" => "trill",
+              "trilling" => "trill",
+              "trim" => "trim",
+              "trimly" => "trim",
+              "trimmed" => "trim",
+              "trimmers" => "trimmer",
+              "trimming" => "trim",
+              "trimmings" => "trim",
+              "trinity" => "triniti",
+              "trinket" => "trinket",
+              "trinkets" => "trinket",
+              "trio" => "trio",
+              "trip" => "trip",
+              "tripod" => "tripod",
+              "tripods" => "tripod",
+              "tripped" => "trip",
+              "tripping" => "trip",
+              "trippingly" => "trip",
+              "tristan" => "tristan",
+              "tristram" => "tristram",
+              "triturated" => "tritur",
+              "triumph" => "triumph",
+              "triumphal" => "triumphal",
+              "triumphant" => "triumphant",
+              "triumphantly" => "triumphant",
+              "triumphed" => "triumph",
+              "triumphing" => "triumph",
+              "triumphs" => "triumph",
+              "triumvirate" => "triumvir",
+              "trivets" => "trivet",
+              "trivial" => "trivial",
+              "trivialities" => "trivial",
+              "trochi" => "trochi",
+              "trochilus" => "trochilus",
+              "trochus" => "trochus",
+              "trod" => "trod",
+              "trodden" => "trodden",
+              "troifling" => "troifl",
+              "trois" => "troi",
+              "trolling" => "troll",
+              "trollope" => "trollop",
+              "troop" => "troop",
+              "trooped" => "troop",
+              "trooper" => "trooper",
+              "troops" => "troop",
+              "trophies" => "trophi",
+              "trophy" => "trophi",
+              "tropic" => "tropic",
+              "tropical" => "tropic",
+              "tropics" => "tropic",
+              "tropillas" => "tropilla",
+              "trot" => "trot",
+              "trotted" => "trot",
+              "trotting" => "trot",
+              "trotty" => "trotti",
+              "trouble" => "troubl",
+              "troubled" => "troubl",
+              "troubles" => "troubl",
+              "troublesome" => "troublesom",
+              "troubling" => "troubl",
+              "troublous" => "troublous",
+              "troughs" => "trough",
+              "trouser" => "trouser",
+              "trousers" => "trouser",
+              "trousseau" => "trousseau",
+              "trout" => "trout",
+              "trouve" => "trouv",
+              "trowel" => "trowel",
+              "trowels" => "trowel",
+              "truant" => "truant",
+              "trudged" => "trudg",
+              "trudges" => "trudg",
+              "trudging" => "trudg",
+              "true" => "true",
+              "truer" => "truer",
+              "truest" => "truest",
+              "truly" => "truli",
+              "trump" => "trump",
+              "trumpery" => "trumperi",
+              "trumpet" => "trumpet",
+              "trumpeters" => "trumpet",
+              "trumpets" => "trumpet",
+              "trumps" => "trump",
+              "truncate" => "truncat",
+              "truncated" => "truncat",
+              "truncheon" => "truncheon",
+              "truncheons" => "truncheon",
+              "trunk" => "trunk",
+              "trunks" => "trunk",
+              "trusses" => "truss",
+              "trust" => "trust",
+              "trusted" => "trust",
+              "trustees" => "truste",
+              "trustful" => "trust",
+              "trustiest" => "trustiest",
+              "trusting" => "trust",
+              "trusts" => "trust",
+              "trustworthy" => "trustworthi",
+              "trusty" => "trusti",
+              "truth" => "truth",
+              "truthful" => "truth",
+              "truthlike" => "truthlik",
+              "truths" => "truth",
+              "try" => "tri",
+              "trying" => "tri",
+              "tryst" => "tryst",
+              "tsar" => "tsar",
+              "tschudi" => "tschudi",
+              "tsetup" => "tsetup",
+              "tsubmit" => "tsubmit",
+              "tub" => "tub",
+              "tube" => "tube",
+              "tubercles" => "tubercl",
+              "tuberculata" => "tuberculata",
+              "tubers" => "tuber",
+              "tubes" => "tube",
+              "tubs" => "tub",
+              "tuck" => "tuck",
+              "tucked" => "tuck",
+              "tucker" => "tucker",
+              "tuckered" => "tucker",
+              "tucking" => "tuck",
+              "tucks" => "tuck",
+              "tucuman" => "tucuman",
+              "tucutuco" => "tucutuco",
+              "tucutucos" => "tucutuco",
+              "tuesday" => "tuesday",
+              "tufaceous" => "tufac",
+              "tuff" => "tuff",
+              "tuft" => "tuft",
+              "tufted" => "tuft",
+              "tufts" => "tuft",
+              "tugged" => "tug",
+              "tugging" => "tug",
+              "tuition" => "tuition",
+              "tul" => "tul",
+              "tulip" => "tulip",
+              "tulkinghorn" => "tulkinghorn",
+              "tumble" => "tumbl",
+              "tumbled" => "tumbl",
+              "tumbler" => "tumbler",
+              "tumblers" => "tumbler",
+              "tumbles" => "tumbl",
+              "tumbling" => "tumbl",
+              "tumblings" => "tumbl",
+              "tumbrils" => "tumbril",
+              "tuming" => "tume",
+              "tumley" => "tumley",
+              "tumult" => "tumult",
+              "tumultuous" => "tumultu",
+              "tumultuously" => "tumultu",
+              "tunbridge" => "tunbridg",
+              "tune" => "tune",
+              "tunes" => "tune",
+              "tunic" => "tunic",
+              "tuning" => "tune",
+              "tunnel" => "tunnel",
+              "tunnels" => "tunnel",
+              "tupinieri" => "tupinieri",
+              "tupungato" => "tupungato",
+              "turban" => "turban",
+              "turbans" => "turban",
+              "turbid" => "turbid",
+              "turbo" => "turbo",
+              "turbulence" => "turbul",
+              "turbulent" => "turbul",
+              "turco" => "turco",
+              "tureen" => "tureen",
+              "turf" => "turf",
+              "turgenev" => "turgenev",
+              "turgid" => "turgid",
+              "turing" => "ture",
+              "turk" => "turk",
+              "turkey" => "turkey",
+              "turkish" => "turkish",
+              "turks" => "turk",
+              "turmoil" => "turmoil",
+              "turmoils" => "turmoil",
+              "turn" => "turn",
+              "turnbull" => "turnbul",
+              "turned" => "turn",
+              "turner" => "turner",
+              "turning" => "turn",
+              "turnings" => "turn",
+              "turnip" => "turnip",
+              "turnips" => "turnip",
+              "turnout" => "turnout",
+              "turnpike" => "turnpik",
+              "turns" => "turn",
+              "turnstile" => "turnstil",
+              "turpentining" => "turpentin",
+              "turpin" => "turpin",
+              "turret" => "turret",
+              "turreted" => "turret",
+              "turrets" => "turret",
+              "turtle" => "turtl",
+              "turtledoves" => "turtledov",
+              "turtles" => "turtl",
+              "turveydrop" => "turveydrop",
+              "turveydrops" => "turveydrop",
+              "turvy" => "turvi",
+              "tusks" => "tusk",
+              "tussocks" => "tussock",
+              "tut" => "tut",
+              "tutbury" => "tutburi",
+              "tutor" => "tutor",
+              "tw" => "tw",
+              "twain" => "twain",
+              "twang" => "twang",
+              "twas" => "twas",
+              "tweak" => "tweak",
+              "tweaking" => "tweak",
+              "twelfth" => "twelfth",
+              "twelve" => "twelv",
+              "twelvemonth" => "twelvemonth",
+              "twelvemonths" => "twelvemonth",
+              "twenties" => "twenti",
+              "twentieth" => "twentieth",
+              "twenty" => "twenti",
+              "twice" => "twice",
+              "twickenham" => "twickenham",
+              "twig" => "twig",
+              "twigs" => "twig",
+              "twilight" => "twilight",
+              "twin" => "twin",
+              "twine" => "twine",
+              "twined" => "twine",
+              "twinge" => "twing",
+              "twining" => "twine",
+              "twinkle" => "twinkl",
+              "twinkled" => "twinkl",
+              "twinkling" => "twinkl",
+              "twinklings" => "twinkl",
+              "twins" => "twin",
+              "twirl" => "twirl",
+              "twirled" => "twirl",
+              "twirling" => "twirl",
+              "twirls" => "twirl",
+              "twist" => "twist",
+              "twisted" => "twist",
+              "twisting" => "twist",
+              "twistings" => "twist",
+              "twists" => "twist",
+              "twitch" => "twitch",
+              "twitched" => "twitch",
+              "twitching" => "twitch",
+              "twitchings" => "twitch",
+              "twitted" => "twit",
+              "twitter" => "twitter",
+              "twittering" => "twitter",
+              "twixt" => "twixt",
+              "two" => "two",
+              "twofold" => "twofold",
+              "twolve" => "twolv",
+              "twonty" => "twonti",
+              "twopence" => "twopenc",
+              "twopenn" => "twopenn",
+              "twopenny" => "twopenni",
+              "twos" => "twos",
+              "twould" => "twould",
+              "ty" => "ty",
+              "tybalt" => "tybalt",
+              "tyerman" => "tyerman",
+              "tying" => "tie",
+              "tyler" => "tyler",
+              "tylerish" => "tylerish",
+              "type" => "type",
+              "types" => "type",
+              "typhus" => "typhus",
+              "typical" => "typic",
+              "tyrannical" => "tyrann",
+              "tyrannized" => "tyrann",
+              "tyrannus" => "tyrannus",
+              "tyranny" => "tyranni",
+              "tyrant" => "tyrant",
+              "tyrants" => "tyrant",
+              "tyrolese" => "tyroles",
+              "tyrone" => "tyron",
+              "u" => "u",
+              "ud" => "ud",
+              "ugh" => "ugh",
+              "uglier" => "uglier",
+              "ugliness" => "ugli",
+              "ugly" => "ugli",
+              "uji" => "uji",
+              "ulloa" => "ulloa",
+              "ulterior" => "ulterior",
+              "ultimate" => "ultim",
+              "ultimately" => "ultim",
+              "ultra" => "ultra",
+              "ulvae" => "ulva",
+              "um" => "um",
+              "umb" => "umb",
+              "umbilical" => "umbil",
+              "umbrageous" => "umbrag",
+              "umbrella" => "umbrella",
+              "umbrellas" => "umbrella",
+              "umsonst" => "umsonst",
+              "un" => "un",
+              "unabashed" => "unabash",
+              "unabated" => "unab",
+              "unable" => "unabl",
+              "unaccompanied" => "unaccompani",
+              "unaccountable" => "unaccount",
+              "unaccountably" => "unaccount",
+              "unaccustomed" => "unaccustom",
+              "unacknowledged" => "unacknowledg",
+              "unacquainted" => "unacquaint",
+              "unadorned" => "unadorn",
+              "unaffected" => "unaffect",
+              "unaffectedly" => "unaffect",
+              "unaided" => "unaid",
+              "unallowable" => "unallow",
+              "unalloyed" => "unalloy",
+              "unalluring" => "unallur",
+              "unaltered" => "unalt",
+              "unambitious" => "unambiti",
+              "unanimous" => "unanim",
+              "unanimously" => "unanim",
+              "unanswerable" => "unanswer",
+              "unanswered" => "unansw",
+              "unanue" => "unanu",
+              "unappeasable" => "unappeas",
+              "unappeased" => "unappeas",
+              "unapproachable" => "unapproach",
+              "unasked" => "unask",
+              "unassailable" => "unassail",
+              "unassisted" => "unassist",
+              "unassuming" => "unassum",
+              "unattached" => "unattach",
+              "unattainable" => "unattain",
+              "unattempted" => "unattempt",
+              "unavailing" => "unavail",
+              "unavailingly" => "unavail",
+              "unavoidable" => "unavoid",
+              "unavoidably" => "unavoid",
+              "unaware" => "unawar",
+              "unawares" => "unawar",
+              "unbear" => "unbear",
+              "unbearable" => "unbear",
+              "unbearably" => "unbear",
+              "unbecoming" => "unbecom",
+              "unbelieving" => "unbeliev",
+              "unbending" => "unbend",
+              "unbent" => "unbent",
+              "unbiassed" => "unbiass",
+              "unbidden" => "unbidden",
+              "unblemished" => "unblemish",
+              "unblotted" => "unblot",
+              "unblushing" => "unblush",
+              "unblushingly" => "unblush",
+              "unbolted" => "unbolt",
+              "unbonneted" => "unbonnet",
+              "unborn" => "unborn",
+              "unbound" => "unbound",
+              "unbounded" => "unbound",
+              "unbroken" => "unbroken",
+              "unbrushed" => "unbrush",
+              "unburdening" => "unburden",
+              "unburied" => "unburi",
+              "unbusiness" => "unbusi",
+              "unbuttoned" => "unbutton",
+              "uncalculating" => "uncalcul",
+              "uncalled" => "uncal",
+              "uncandid" => "uncandid",
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+              "uncared" => "uncar",
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+              "unceasingly" => "unceas",
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+              "unceremonious" => "unceremoni",
+              "unceremoniously" => "unceremoni",
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+              "uncertainly" => "uncertain",
+              "uncertainties" => "uncertainti",
+              "uncertainty" => "uncertainti",
+              "unchain" => "unchain",
+              "unchallengeable" => "unchalleng",
+              "unchangeable" => "unchang",
+              "unchangeably" => "unchang",
+              "unchanged" => "unchang",
+              "unchanging" => "unchang",
+              "uncharitable" => "uncharit",
+              "unchastened" => "unchasten",
+              "unchecked" => "uncheck",
+              "uncherished" => "uncherish",
+              "unchild" => "unchild",
+              "unchildish" => "unchildish",
+              "unchildlike" => "unchildlik",
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+              "uncivilized" => "uncivil",
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+              "unclasped" => "unclasp",
+              "unclasping" => "unclasp",
+              "unclassified" => "unclassifi",
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+              "unclean" => "unclean",
+              "uncleanliness" => "uncleanli",
+              "uncleanness" => "unclean",
+              "uncleared" => "unclear",
+              "uncles" => "uncl",
+              "unclose" => "unclos",
+              "unclouded" => "uncloud",
+              "uncoile" => "uncoil",
+              "uncoils" => "uncoil",
+              "uncomfortable" => "uncomfort",
+              "uncomfortably" => "uncomfort",
+              "uncommon" => "uncommon",
+              "uncommonly" => "uncommon",
+              "uncommunicative" => "uncommun",
+              "uncompanionable" => "uncompanion",
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+              "uncompleted" => "uncomplet",
+              "uncomplimentary" => "uncomplimentari",
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+              "uncompressed" => "uncompress",
+              "uncompromising" => "uncompromis",
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+              "unconcerned" => "unconcern",
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+              "unconfined" => "unconfin",
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+              "unconnected" => "unconnect",
+              "unconquerable" => "unconquer",
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+              "unconsciously" => "unconsci",
+              "unconsciousness" => "unconsci",
+              "unconsidered" => "unconsid",
+              "unconstitutional" => "unconstitut",
+              "unconstitutionally" => "unconstitut",
+              "unconstrained" => "unconstrain",
+              "uncontaminated" => "uncontamin",
+              "uncontradicted" => "uncontradict",
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+              "uncontrollably" => "uncontrol",
+              "uncontrolled" => "uncontrol",
+              "unconvinced" => "unconvinc",
+              "uncorked" => "uncork",
+              "uncourteous" => "uncourt",
+              "uncouth" => "uncouth",
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+              "uncovered" => "uncov",
+              "uncritically" => "uncrit",
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+              "uncrossing" => "uncross",
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+              "uncut" => "uncut",
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+              "undeceive" => "undec",
+              "undeceived" => "undeceiv",
+              "undeceiving" => "undeceiv",
+              "undecided" => "undecid",
+              "undefaced" => "undefac",
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+              "undefined" => "undefin",
+              "undeniable" => "undeni",
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+              "underbred" => "underbr",
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+              "underclothes" => "undercloth",
+              "underdone" => "underdon",
+              "underfoot" => "underfoot",
+              "undergo" => "undergo",
+              "undergoes" => "undergo",
+              "undergoing" => "undergo",
+              "undergone" => "undergon",
+              "undergraduate" => "undergradu",
+              "underground" => "underground",
+              "underhand" => "underhand",
+              "underhanded" => "underhand",
+              "underling" => "underl",
+              "underlip" => "underlip",
+              "underlying" => "under",
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+              "undermined" => "undermin",
+              "undermining" => "undermin",
+              "underneath" => "underneath",
+              "underrated" => "underr",
+              "underscored" => "underscor",
+              "undersecretary" => "undersecretari",
+              "underserving" => "underserv",
+              "undersoil" => "undersoil",
+              "understand" => "understand",
+              "understanding" => "understand",
+              "understands" => "understand",
+              "understood" => "understood",
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+              "understrappers" => "understrapp",
+              "undertake" => "undertak",
+              "undertaken" => "undertaken",
+              "undertaker" => "undertak",
+              "undertakers" => "undertak",
+              "undertakes" => "undertak",
+              "undertaking" => "undertak",
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+              "undertook" => "undertook",
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+              "underwent" => "underw",
+              "underwood" => "underwood",
+              "undescribed" => "undescrib",
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+              "undeservedly" => "undeserv",
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+              "undignified" => "undignifi",
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+              "undimmed" => "undim",
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+              "undisguised" => "undisguis",
+              "undisguisedly" => "undisguis",
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+              "undisposed" => "undispos",
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+              "undivided" => "undivid",
+              "undivulged" => "undivulg",
+              "undo" => "undo",
+              "undoing" => "undo",
+              "undone" => "undon",
+              "undoubted" => "undoubt",
+              "undoubtedly" => "undoubt",
+              "undrained" => "undrain",
+              "undraws" => "undraw",
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+              "undressed" => "undress",
+              "undressing" => "undress",
+              "undue" => "undu",
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+              "undulations" => "undul",
+              "undulatory" => "undulatori",
+              "undutiful" => "unduti",
+              "undying" => "undi",
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+              "uneasiness" => "uneasi",
+              "uneasy" => "uneasi",
+              "uneatable" => "uneat",
+              "uneducated" => "uneduc",
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+              "unemployed" => "unemploy",
+              "unencumbered" => "unencumb",
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+              "unenviable" => "unenvi",
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+              "unequally" => "unequ",
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+              "unequivocally" => "unequivoc",
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+              "unes" => "une",
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+              "unexplained" => "unexplain",
+              "unexplored" => "unexplor",
+              "unexpressed" => "unexpress",
+              "unfailing" => "unfail",
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+              "unfairly" => "unfair",
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+              "unfamiliarity" => "unfamiliar",
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+              "unfastened" => "unfasten",
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+              "unfeeling" => "unfeel",
+              "unfeelingly" => "unfeel",
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+              "unfeignedly" => "unfeign",
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+              "unfitted" => "unfit",
+              "unfitting" => "unfit",
+              "unflinching" => "unflinch",
+              "unflinchingly" => "unflinch",
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+              "unfolded" => "unfold",
+              "unfolding" => "unfold",
+              "unfolds" => "unfold",
+              "unforeseen" => "unforeseen",
+              "unforgiving" => "unforgiv",
+              "unformed" => "unform",
+              "unfort" => "unfort",
+              "unfortnet" => "unfortnet",
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+              "unfortunately" => "unfortun",
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+              "unfrequently" => "unfrequ",
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+              "unfriended" => "unfriend",
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+              "ungenerous" => "ungener",
+              "ungenial" => "ungeni",
+              "ungenteel" => "ungenteel",
+              "ungentlemanly" => "ungentleman",
+              "ungirdles" => "ungirdl",
+              "ungovernable" => "ungovern",
+              "ungracious" => "ungraci",
+              "ungraciously" => "ungraci",
+              "ungraciousness" => "ungraci",
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+              "ungratefully" => "ungrat",
+              "ungratified" => "ungratifi",
+              "ungrown" => "ungrown",
+              "unguarded" => "unguard",
+              "unhand" => "unhand",
+              "unhandsome" => "unhandsom",
+              "unhappier" => "unhappi",
+              "unhappily" => "unhappili",
+              "unhappiness" => "unhappi",
+              "unhappy" => "unhappi",
+              "unharnessing" => "unhar",
+              "unhealed" => "unheal",
+              "unhealthy" => "unhealthi",
+              "unheard" => "unheard",
+              "unheeded" => "unheed",
+              "unheeding" => "unheed",
+              "unhesitatingly" => "unhesit",
+              "unhewn" => "unhewn",
+              "unhinged" => "unhing",
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+              "unhonoured" => "unhonour",
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+              "unhorsed" => "unhors",
+              "unhurried" => "unhurri",
+              "unhurt" => "unhurt",
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+              "uniformity" => "uniform",
+              "uniformly" => "uniform",
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+              "unimpeached" => "unimpeach",
+              "unimportant" => "unimport",
+              "unimprovable" => "unimprov",
+              "unimproved" => "unimprov",
+              "uninfluenced" => "uninfluenc",
+              "uninhabited" => "uninhabit",
+              "uninitiated" => "uniniti",
+              "uninjured" => "uninjur",
+              "unintellectual" => "unintellectu",
+              "unintelligible" => "unintellig",
+              "unintentional" => "unintent",
+              "unintentionally" => "unintent",
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+              "uninteresting" => "uninterest",
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+              "uninterruptedly" => "uninterrupt",
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+              "uninviting" => "uninvit",
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+              "unions" => "union",
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+              "united" => "unit",
+              "unites" => "unit",
+              "unities" => "uniti",
+              "uniting" => "unit",
+              "units" => "unit",
+              "unity" => "uniti",
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+              "universally" => "univers",
+              "universe" => "univers",
+              "university" => "univers",
+              "unjoyous" => "unjoy",
+              "unjust" => "unjust",
+              "unjustifiable" => "unjustifi",
+              "unjustly" => "unjust",
+              "unkempt" => "unkempt",
+              "unkind" => "unkind",
+              "unkindly" => "unkind",
+              "unkindness" => "unkind",
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+              "unknowingly" => "unknow",
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+              "unlearnt" => "unlearnt",
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+              "unlicensed" => "unlicens",
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+              "unlikely" => "unlik",
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+              "unliquidated" => "unliquid",
+              "unload" => "unload",
+              "unloaded" => "unload",
+              "unloading" => "unload",
+              "unlock" => "unlock",
+              "unlocked" => "unlock",
+              "unlocking" => "unlock",
+              "unlocks" => "unlock",
+              "unlooked" => "unlook",
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+              "unloosened" => "unloosen",
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+              "unloving" => "unlov",
+              "unluckily" => "unluckili",
+              "unlucky" => "unlucki",
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+              "unmans" => "unman",
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+              "unmistakable" => "unmistak",
+              "unmistakably" => "unmistak",
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+              "unmolested" => "unmolest",
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+              "unpacked" => "unpack",
+              "unpacking" => "unpack",
+              "unpaid" => "unpaid",
+              "unpainted" => "unpaint",
+              "unpalatable" => "unpalat",
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+              "unpardonably" => "unpardon",
+              "unpaved" => "unpav",
+              "unpensioning" => "unpens",
+              "unperformed" => "unperform",
+              "unpersuadable" => "unpersuad",
+              "unperturbable" => "unperturb",
+              "unpicturesque" => "unpicturesqu",
+              "unpitying" => "unpiti",
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+              "unpleasantnesses" => "unpleas",
+              "unpleasing" => "unpleas",
+              "unpleasingly" => "unpleas",
+              "unpolite" => "unpolit",
+              "unpolitely" => "unpolit",
+              "unpoliteness" => "unpolit",
+              "unpopular" => "unpopular",
+              "unpractical" => "unpract",
+              "unpractised" => "unpractis",
+              "unprecedented" => "unpreced",
+              "unpremeditated" => "unpremedit",
+              "unprepared" => "unprepar",
+              "unpretending" => "unpretend",
+              "unpretendingly" => "unpretend",
+              "unprevaricating" => "unprevar",
+              "unprincipled" => "unprincipl",
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+              "unproductive" => "unproduct",
+              "unprofitable" => "unprofit",
+              "unpromising" => "unpromis",
+              "unprosperous" => "unprosper",
+              "unprotected" => "unprotect",
+              "unprovided" => "unprovid",
+              "unpublished" => "unpublish",
+              "unpunctual" => "unpunctu",
+              "unpunished" => "unpunish",
+              "unqualified" => "unqualifi",
+              "unquestionable" => "unquestion",
+              "unquestionably" => "unquestion",
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+              "unravel" => "unravel",
+              "unravelling" => "unravel",
+              "unravelment" => "unravel",
+              "unread" => "unread",
+              "unreal" => "unreal",
+              "unreason" => "unreason",
+              "unreasonable" => "unreason",
+              "unreasonableness" => "unreason",
+              "unreasonably" => "unreason",
+              "unreasoning" => "unreason",
+              "unreclaimed" => "unreclaim",
+              "unrecognised" => "unrecognis",
+              "unredeemed" => "unredeem",
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+              "unrelieved" => "unreliev",
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+              "unrepining" => "unrepin",
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+              "unrest" => "unrest",
+              "unrestrained" => "unrestrain",
+              "unrestrainedly" => "unrestrain",
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+              "unripe" => "unrip",
+              "unrivalled" => "unrival",
+              "unroofed" => "unroof",
+              "unruly" => "unruli",
+              "unsaddle" => "unsaddl",
+              "unsaddled" => "unsaddl",
+              "unsafe" => "unsaf",
+              "unsatisfactory" => "unsatisfactori",
+              "unsatisfied" => "unsatisfi",
+              "unsavoury" => "unsavouri",
+              "unsay" => "unsay",
+              "unschooled" => "unschool",
+              "unscratched" => "unscratch",
+              "unscrews" => "unscrew",
+              "unscrupulous" => "unscrupul",
+              "unscrupulously" => "unscrupul",
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+              "unselfishly" => "unselfish",
+              "unselfishness" => "unselfish",
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+              "unsettled" => "unsettl",
+              "unsettles" => "unsettl",
+              "unsettling" => "unsettl",
+              "unshackled" => "unshackl",
+              "unshadowed" => "unshadow",
+              "unshaken" => "unshaken",
+              "unshaved" => "unshav",
+              "unshaven" => "unshaven",
+              "unsheltered" => "unshelt",
+              "unshod" => "unshod",
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+              "unskilful" => "unskil",
+              "unsoftened" => "unsoften",
+              "unsolicited" => "unsolicit",
+              "unsolved" => "unsolv",
+              "unsophisticated" => "unsophist",
+              "unsparing" => "unspar",
+              "unspeakable" => "unspeak",
+              "unspeakably" => "unspeak",
+              "unspoilt" => "unspoilt",
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+              "unsteadiness" => "unsteadi",
+              "unsteady" => "unsteadi",
+              "unstratified" => "unstratifi",
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+              "unstudied" => "unstudi",
+              "unsubstantial" => "unsubstanti",
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+              "unsuccessfully" => "unsuccess",
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+              "unsuited" => "unsuit",
+              "unsullied" => "unsulli",
+              "unsupportable" => "unsupport",
+              "unsupported" => "unsupport",
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+              "unsuspicious" => "unsuspici",
+              "unsustainable" => "unsustain",
+              "unsymmetrical" => "unsymmetr",
+              "unsympathetic" => "unsympathet",
+              "untainted" => "untaint",
+              "untamed" => "untam",
+              "untarnished" => "untarnish",
+              "untasted" => "untast",
+              "untaxed" => "untax",
+              "untenable" => "unten",
+              "untenanted" => "unten",
+              "untended" => "untend",
+              "unthankful" => "unthank",
+              "unthankfulness" => "unthank",
+              "unthinkable" => "unthink",
+              "unthought" => "unthought",
+              "unthrifty" => "unthrifti",
+              "untidily" => "untidili",
+              "untidy" => "untidi",
+              "untie" => "unti",
+              "untied" => "unti",
+              "unties" => "unti",
+              "until" => "until",
+              "untimely" => "untim",
+              "untiring" => "untir",
+              "unto" => "unto",
+              "untold" => "untold",
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+              "untoward" => "untoward",
+              "untrammelled" => "untrammel",
+              "untranslatable" => "untranslat",
+              "untried" => "untri",
+              "untrimmed" => "untrim",
+              "untroubled" => "untroubl",
+              "untrue" => "untru",
+              "untrustworthy" => "untrustworthi",
+              "unturned" => "unturn",
+              "untwisting" => "untwist",
+              "untying" => "unti",
+              "unused" => "unus",
+              "unusual" => "unusu",
+              "unusually" => "unusu",
+              "unutterable" => "unutter",
+              "unuttered" => "unutt",
+              "unvaried" => "unvari",
+              "unvarying" => "unvari",
+              "unveil" => "unveil",
+              "unveiling" => "unveil",
+              "unventilated" => "unventil",
+              "unverified" => "unverifi",
+              "unwarily" => "unwarili",
+              "unwary" => "unwari",
+              "unwashed" => "unwash",
+              "unwearied" => "unweari",
+              "unwearying" => "unweari",
+              "unwelcome" => "unwelcom",
+              "unwell" => "unwel",
+              "unwhitewashed" => "unwhitewash",
+              "unwholesome" => "unwholesom",
+              "unwieldy" => "unwieldi",
+              "unwilling" => "unwil",
+              "unwillingly" => "unwil",
+              "unwillingness" => "unwilling",
+              "unwinding" => "unwind",
+              "unwise" => "unwis",
+              "unwisely" => "unwis",
+              "unwittingly" => "unwit",
+              "unwonted" => "unwont",
+              "unworldly" => "unworld",
+              "unworthily" => "unworthili",
+              "unworthiness" => "unworthi",
+              "unworthy" => "unworthi",
+              "unwound" => "unwound",
+              "unwritten" => "unwritten",
+              "unwrung" => "unwrung",
+              "unyielding" => "unyield",
+              "up" => "up",
+              "upas" => "upa",
+              "upbearing" => "upbear",
+              "upbraid" => "upbraid",
+              "upbraiding" => "upbraid",
+              "upheaval" => "upheav",
+              "upheavals" => "upheav",
+              "upheaved" => "upheav",
+              "upheaving" => "upheav",
+              "upheld" => "upheld",
+              "uphill" => "uphil",
+              "uphold" => "uphold",
+              "upholding" => "uphold",
+              "upholstered" => "upholst",
+              "upholsterer" => "upholster",
+              "upholsterers" => "upholster",
+              "upholstery" => "upholsteri",
+              "upjohn" => "upjohn",
+              "uplan" => "uplan",
+              "upland" => "upland",
+              "uplift" => "uplift",
+              "uplifted" => "uplift",
+              "uplifting" => "uplift",
+              "upliftings" => "uplift",
+              "upon" => "upon",
+              "upper" => "upper",
+              "uppermost" => "uppermost",
+              "upraised" => "uprais",
+              "upright" => "upright",
+              "uprightness" => "upright",
+              "uprising" => "upris",
+              "uprisings" => "upris",
+              "uproar" => "uproar",
+              "uproarious" => "uproari",
+              "uproariously" => "uproari",
+              "uproot" => "uproot",
+              "uprooting" => "uproot",
+              "uprose" => "upros",
+              "ups" => "up",
+              "upsallata" => "upsallata",
+              "upset" => "upset",
+              "upsets" => "upset",
+              "upsetting" => "upset",
+              "upshot" => "upshot",
+              "upside" => "upsid",
+              "upstairs" => "upstair",
+              "upstart" => "upstart",
+              "upstarts" => "upstart",
+              "upturned" => "upturn",
+              "upward" => "upward",
+              "upwards" => "upward",
+              "urbane" => "urban",
+              "urbanity" => "urban",
+              "urchin" => "urchin",
+              "urge" => "urg",
+              "urged" => "urg",
+              "urgency" => "urgenc",
+              "urgent" => "urgent",
+              "urgently" => "urgent",
+              "urges" => "urg",
+              "urging" => "urg",
+              "urinary" => "urinari",
+              "urn" => "urn",
+              "ursula" => "ursula",
+              "uruguay" => "uruguay",
+              "us" => "us",
+              "usage" => "usag",
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+              "uselessly" => "useless",
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+              "uses" => "use",
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+              "ushered" => "usher",
+              "ushering" => "usher",
+              "ushers" => "usher",
+              "using" => "use",
+              "usnera" => "usnera",
+              "uspallata" => "uspallata",
+              "usual" => "usual",
+              "usually" => "usual",
+              "usurer" => "usur",
+              "usurers" => "usur",
+              "usurp" => "usurp",
+              "utamme" => "utamm",
+              "utensils" => "utensil",
+              "utilitarianism" => "utilitarian",
+              "utility" => "util",
+              "utilize" => "util",
+              "utilized" => "util",
+              "utmost" => "utmost",
+              "utter" => "utter",
+              "utterance" => "utter",
+              "uttered" => "utter",
+              "uttering" => "utter",
+              "utterly" => "utter",
+              "utters" => "utter",
+              "v" => "v",
+              "va" => "va",
+              "vacancies" => "vacanc",
+              "vacancy" => "vacanc",
+              "vacant" => "vacant",
+              "vacantly" => "vacant",
+              "vacas" => "vaca",
+              "vacate" => "vacat",
+              "vacated" => "vacat",
+              "vacation" => "vacat",
+              "vacations" => "vacat",
+              "vacillated" => "vacil",
+              "vacillating" => "vacil",
+              "vacillations" => "vacil",
+              "vacillatory" => "vacillatori",
+              "vade" => "vade",
+              "vagabond" => "vagabond",
+              "vagabondizing" => "vagabond",
+              "vagabonds" => "vagabond",
+              "vagaries" => "vagari",
+              "vagary" => "vagari",
+              "vagrant" => "vagrant",
+              "vagrants" => "vagrant",
+              "vague" => "vagu",
+              "vaguely" => "vagu",
+              "vagueness" => "vagu",
+              "vahrushin" => "vahrushin",
+              "vain" => "vain",
+              "vainer" => "vainer",
+              "vainest" => "vainest",
+              "vainglory" => "vainglori",
+              "vainly" => "vain",
+              "vaiuly" => "vaiuli",
+              "valdes" => "vald",
+              "valdivia" => "valdivia",
+              "vale" => "vale",
+              "valet" => "valet",
+              "valets" => "valet",
+              "valiantly" => "valiant",
+              "valid" => "valid",
+              "validity" => "valid",
+              "valise" => "valis",
+              "valle" => "vall",
+              "valley" => "valley",
+              "valleys" => "valley",
+              "valour" => "valour",
+              "valparaiso" => "valparaiso",
+              "valuable" => "valuabl",
+              "valuables" => "valuabl",
+              "valuation" => "valuat",
+              "value" => "valu",
+              "valued" => "valu",
+              "valueless" => "valueless",
+              "valve" => "valv",
+              "vamp" => "vamp",
+              "vampire" => "vampir",
+              "van" => "van",
+              "vancouver" => "vancouv",
+              "vane" => "vane",
+              "vanellus" => "vanellus",
+              "vanes" => "vane",
+              "vanessa" => "vanessa",
+              "vanikoro" => "vanikoro",
+              "vanish" => "vanish",
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+              "vanishing" => "vanish",
+              "vanities" => "vaniti",
+              "vanity" => "vaniti",
+              "vans" => "van",
+              "vapid" => "vapid",
+              "vapidity" => "vapid",
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+              "vapouring" => "vapour",
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+              "vapours" => "vapour",
+              "vapoury" => "vapouri",
+              "vara" => "vara",
+              "varents" => "varent",
+              "variable" => "variabl",
+              "variance" => "varianc",
+              "variation" => "variat",
+              "variations" => "variat",
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+              "varnished" => "varnish",
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+              "varying" => "vari",
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+              "vases" => "vase",
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+              "vassalage" => "vassalag",
+              "vassilitch" => "vassilitch",
+              "vassily" => "vassili",
+              "vassilyevsky" => "vassilyevski",
+              "vast" => "vast",
+              "vastly" => "vast",
+              "vastness" => "vast",
+              "vasya" => "vasya",
+              "vater" => "vater",
+              "vaughans" => "vaughan",
+              "vault" => "vault",
+              "vaulted" => "vault",
+              "vaulting" => "vault",
+              "vaults" => "vault",
+              "vaunt" => "vaunt",
+              "vauxhall" => "vauxhal",
+              "vayli" => "vayli",
+              "ve" => "ve",
+              "veal" => "veal",
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+              "veered" => "veer",
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+              "vegetate" => "veget",
+              "vegetation" => "veget",
+              "vehemence" => "vehem",
+              "vehement" => "vehement",
+              "vehemently" => "vehement",
+              "vehicle" => "vehicl",
+              "vehicles" => "vehicl",
+              "veil" => "veil",
+              "veiled" => "veil",
+              "veils" => "veil",
+              "vein" => "vein",
+              "veined" => "vein",
+              "veinous" => "veinous",
+              "veins" => "vein",
+              "vellum" => "vellum",
+              "velocity" => "veloc",
+              "velvet" => "velvet",
+              "velvets" => "velvet",
+              "venda" => "venda",
+              "vendome" => "vendom",
+              "vendor" => "vendor",
+              "vendors" => "vendor",
+              "venerable" => "vener",
+              "veneration" => "vener",
+              "venetian" => "venetian",
+              "vengeance" => "vengeanc",
+              "venice" => "venic",
+              "veniso" => "veniso",
+              "venom" => "venom",
+              "venomous" => "venom",
+              "vent" => "vent",
+              "ventana" => "ventana",
+              "vented" => "vent",
+              "ventilated" => "ventil",
+              "ventilation" => "ventil",
+              "ventilator" => "ventil",
+              "venting" => "vent",
+              "ventnor" => "ventnor",
+              "ventriloquists" => "ventriloquist",
+              "vents" => "vent",
+              "venture" => "ventur",
+              "ventured" => "ventur",
+              "ventures" => "ventur",
+              "venturesome" => "venturesom",
+              "venturing" => "ventur",
+              "venus" => "venus",
+              "veo" => "veo",
+              "ver" => "ver",
+              "vera" => "vera",
+              "veracious" => "veraci",
+              "veracity" => "verac",
+              "veranda" => "veranda",
+              "verandah" => "verandah",
+              "verandahs" => "verandah",
+              "verb" => "verb",
+              "verbal" => "verbal",
+              "verbally" => "verbal",
+              "verbena" => "verbena",
+              "verbenas" => "verbena",
+              "verbose" => "verbos",
+              "verd" => "verd",
+              "verdant" => "verdant",
+              "verdict" => "verdict",
+              "verdigris" => "verdigri",
+              "verds" => "verd",
+              "verdure" => "verdur",
+              "vere" => "vere",
+              "verge" => "verg",
+              "verging" => "verg",
+              "verified" => "verifi",
+              "verify" => "verifi",
+              "verily" => "verili",
+              "verisopht" => "verisopht",
+              "veritably" => "verit",
+              "verite" => "verit",
+              "vermiform" => "vermiform",
+              "vermilion" => "vermilion",
+              "vermin" => "vermin",
+              "verona" => "verona",
+              "versailles" => "versaill",
+              "versatile" => "versatil",
+              "verse" => "vers",
+              "versed" => "vers",
+              "verses" => "vers",
+              "versification" => "versif",
+              "version" => "version",
+              "versions" => "version",
+              "versts" => "verst",
+              "vertebrae" => "vertebra",
+              "vertical" => "vertic",
+              "vertically" => "vertic",
+              "vertu" => "vertu",
+              "verulam" => "verulam",
+              "very" => "veri",
+              "vesicles" => "vesicl",
+              "vessel" => "vessel",
+              "vessels" => "vessel",
+              "vestal" => "vestal",
+              "vestige" => "vestig",
+              "vestiges" => "vestig",
+              "vestigia" => "vestigia",
+              "vestry" => "vestri",
+              "vesuvius" => "vesuvius",
+              "veteran" => "veteran",
+              "veterinary" => "veterinari",
+              "veto" => "veto",
+              "vex" => "vex",
+              "vexation" => "vexat",
+              "vexations" => "vexat",
+              "vexatious" => "vexati",
+              "vexed" => "vex",
+              "vexes" => "vex",
+              "vexing" => "vex",
+              "vholes" => "vhole",
+              "vholeses" => "vholes",
+              "vi" => "vi",
+              "via" => "via",
+              "viands" => "viand",
+              "viazemsky" => "viazemski",
+              "vibrate" => "vibrat",
+              "vibrated" => "vibrat",
+              "vibrates" => "vibrat",
+              "vibrating" => "vibrat",
+              "vibration" => "vibrat",
+              "vibrations" => "vibrat",
+              "vibratory" => "vibratori",
+              "vicar" => "vicar",
+              "vicarage" => "vicarag",
+              "vicarious" => "vicari",
+              "vicariously" => "vicari",
+              "vice" => "vice",
+              "vicencio" => "vicencio",
+              "viceroys" => "viceroy",
+              "vices" => "vice",
+              "vicinity" => "vicin",
+              "vicious" => "vicious",
+              "viciously" => "vicious",
+              "viciousness" => "vicious",
+              "vicissitudes" => "vicissitud",
+              "victim" => "victim",
+              "victimized" => "victim",
+              "victims" => "victim",
+              "victoria" => "victoria",
+              "victories" => "victori",
+              "victorious" => "victori",
+              "victory" => "victori",
+              "victualled" => "victual",
+              "victuals" => "victual",
+              "vicuna" => "vicuna",
+              "vide" => "vide",
+              "video" => "video",
+              "vie" => "vie",
+              "vied" => "vie",
+              "vienna" => "vienna",
+              "view" => "view",
+              "viewed" => "view",
+              "viewing" => "view",
+              "views" => "view",
+              "vigil" => "vigil",
+              "vigilance" => "vigil",
+              "vigilant" => "vigil",
+              "vigilantly" => "vigil",
+              "vigorous" => "vigor",
+              "vigorously" => "vigor",
+              "vigour" => "vigour",
+              "vii" => "vii",
+              "viii" => "viii",
+              "vil" => "vil",
+              "vile" => "vile",
+              "vilely" => "vile",
+              "vileness" => "vile",
+              "viler" => "viler",
+              "vilest" => "vilest",
+              "vilified" => "vilifi",
+              "vilinco" => "vilinco",
+              "vilipilli" => "vilipilli",
+              "villa" => "villa",
+              "village" => "villag",
+              "villagers" => "villag",
+              "villages" => "villag",
+              "villain" => "villain",
+              "villainous" => "villain",
+              "villains" => "villain",
+              "villainy" => "villaini",
+              "villarica" => "villarica",
+              "villas" => "villa",
+              "villechardouin" => "villechardouin",
+              "villosus" => "villosus",
+              "vilna" => "vilna",
+              "vin" => "vin",
+              "vincent" => "vincent",
+              "vindicate" => "vindic",
+              "vindicated" => "vindic",
+              "vindication" => "vindic",
+              "vindictive" => "vindict",
+              "vindictively" => "vindict",
+              "vindictiveness" => "vindict",
+              "vine" => "vine",
+              "vinegar" => "vinegar",
+              "vines" => "vine",
+              "vineyards" => "vineyard",
+              "vino" => "vino",
+              "vinoque" => "vinoqu",
+              "vintems" => "vintem",
+              "viola" => "viola",
+              "violate" => "violat",
+              "violated" => "violat",
+              "violates" => "violat",
+              "violation" => "violat",
+              "violence" => "violenc",
+              "violent" => "violent",
+              "violently" => "violent",
+              "violet" => "violet",
+              "violets" => "violet",
+              "violin" => "violin",
+              "violins" => "violin",
+              "violoncello" => "violoncello",
+              "violoncellos" => "violoncello",
+              "viper" => "viper",
+              "vire" => "vire",
+              "virgin" => "virgin",
+              "virginian" => "virginian",
+              "virgularia" => "virgularia",
+              "virtually" => "virtual",
+              "virtue" => "virtu",
+              "virtues" => "virtu",
+              "virtuous" => "virtuous",
+              "virtuously" => "virtuous",
+              "virulence" => "virul",
+              "vis" => "vis",
+              "visage" => "visag",
+              "visaged" => "visag",
+              "viscid" => "viscid",
+              "vise" => "vise",
+              "vish" => "vish",
+              "vishera" => "vishera",
+              "visible" => "visibl",
+              "visibly" => "visibl",
+              "vision" => "vision",
+              "visionary" => "visionari",
+              "visions" => "vision",
+              "visit" => "visit",
+              "visitation" => "visit",
+              "visitations" => "visit",
+              "visited" => "visit",
+              "visiting" => "visit",
+              "visitor" => "visitor",
+              "visitors" => "visitor",
+              "visits" => "visit",
+              "vista" => "vista",
+              "vitae" => "vita",
+              "vital" => "vital",
+              "vitality" => "vital",
+              "vitally" => "vital",
+              "vitals" => "vital",
+              "vith" => "vith",
+              "vithout" => "vithout",
+              "vitiated" => "vitiat",
+              "vitrified" => "vitrifi",
+              "vittles" => "vittl",
+              "vituperation" => "vituper",
+              "vituperative" => "vitup",
+              "vivacious" => "vivaci",
+              "vivacity" => "vivac",
+              "vive" => "vive",
+              "vivid" => "vivid",
+              "vividly" => "vivid",
+              "vividness" => "vivid",
+              "vivisecting" => "vivisect",
+              "vivoras" => "vivora",
+              "vixen" => "vixen",
+              "vixenish" => "vixenish",
+              "viz" => "viz",
+              "vizier" => "vizier",
+              "vm" => "vm",
+              "vocabulary" => "vocabulari",
+              "vocal" => "vocal",
+              "vocalist" => "vocalist",
+              "vocalists" => "vocalist",
+              "vocation" => "vocat",
+              "voce" => "voce",
+              "vociferates" => "vocifer",
+              "vociferous" => "vocifer",
+              "vodka" => "vodka",
+              "vogue" => "vogu",
+              "voice" => "voic",
+              "voiced" => "voic",
+              "voices" => "voic",
+              "void" => "void",
+              "voir" => "voir",
+              "vol" => "vol",
+              "volatile" => "volatil",
+              "volatilized" => "volatil",
+              "volcanic" => "volcan",
+              "volcano" => "volcano",
+              "volcanoes" => "volcano",
+              "volcanos" => "volcano",
+              "volley" => "volley",
+              "volleys" => "volley",
+              "volney" => "volney",
+              "volte" => "volt",
+              "volubility" => "volubl",
+              "voluble" => "volubl",
+              "volubly" => "volubl",
+              "volume" => "volum",
+              "volumes" => "volum",
+              "voluminous" => "volumin",
+              "volumnia" => "volumnia",
+              "volumnias" => "volumnia",
+              "voluntarily" => "voluntarili",
+              "voluntary" => "voluntari",
+              "volunteer" => "volunt",
+              "volunteered" => "volunt",
+              "volunteering" => "volunt",
+              "voluptuous" => "voluptu",
+              "voluta" => "voluta",
+              "volutas" => "voluta",
+              "volute" => "volut",
+              "vom" => "vom",
+              "vomit" => "vomit",
+              "von" => "von",
+              "voraciously" => "voraci",
+              "vortex" => "vortex",
+              "vorticose" => "vorticos",
+              "voskresensky" => "voskresenski",
+              "votaries" => "votari",
+              "vote" => "vote",
+              "voted" => "vote",
+              "voter" => "voter",
+              "voters" => "voter",
+              "votes" => "vote",
+              "voting" => "vote",
+              "vouch" => "vouch",
+              "vouches" => "vouch",
+              "vouchsafe" => "vouchsaf",
+              "vouchsafed" => "vouchsaf",
+              "vouchsafing" => "vouchsaf",
+              "vous" => "vous",
+              "vow" => "vow",
+              "vowed" => "vow",
+              "vowing" => "vow",
+              "vows" => "vow",
+              "voyage" => "voyag",
+              "voyager" => "voyag",
+              "voyagers" => "voyag",
+              "voyages" => "voyag",
+              "voznesensky" => "voznesenski",
+              "vrazumihin" => "vrazumihin",
+              "vremya" => "vremya",
+              "vrow" => "vrow",
+              "vue" => "vue",
+              "vulgar" => "vulgar",
+              "vulgarest" => "vulgarest",
+              "vulgarise" => "vulgaris",
+              "vulgarity" => "vulgar",
+              "vultur" => "vultur",
+              "vulture" => "vultur",
+              "vultures" => "vultur",
+              "w" => "w",
+              "wa" => "wa",
+              "waa" => "waa",
+              "waants" => "waant",
+              "waat" => "waat",
+              "wackford" => "wackford",
+              "wackfords" => "wackford",
+              "wadded" => "wad",
+              "wadding" => "wad",
+              "waddling" => "waddl",
+              "wade" => "wade",
+              "waded" => "wade",
+              "waders" => "wader",
+              "wading" => "wade",
+              "wafer" => "wafer",
+              "wafered" => "wafer",
+              "wafers" => "wafer",
+              "waft" => "waft",
+              "wafted" => "waft",
+              "wage" => "wage",
+              "waged" => "wage",
+              "wager" => "wager",
+              "wagers" => "wager",
+              "wages" => "wage",
+              "wagged" => "wag",
+              "wagging" => "wag",
+              "waggish" => "waggish",
+              "waggishly" => "waggish",
+              "waggon" => "waggon",
+              "waggoner" => "waggon",
+              "waggons" => "waggon",
+              "wagner" => "wagner",
+              "wagon" => "wagon",
+              "wai" => "wai",
+              "wail" => "wail",
+              "wailed" => "wail",
+              "wailing" => "wail",
+              "wailings" => "wail",
+              "wails" => "wail",
+              "waimate" => "waimat",
+              "wainscot" => "wainscot",
+              "wainscotting" => "wainscot",
+              "waiomio" => "waiomio",
+              "waist" => "waist",
+              "waistcoat" => "waistcoat",
+              "waistcoats" => "waistcoat",
+              "waisted" => "waist",
+              "waists" => "waist",
+              "wait" => "wait",
+              "waited" => "wait",
+              "waiter" => "waiter",
+              "waiters" => "waiter",
+              "waither" => "waither",
+              "waiting" => "wait",
+              "waitress" => "waitress",
+              "waits" => "wait",
+              "wake" => "wake",
+              "waked" => "wake",
+              "wakeful" => "wake",
+              "wakefulness" => "wake",
+              "wakened" => "waken",
+              "wakening" => "waken",
+              "wakes" => "wake",
+              "waking" => "wake",
+              "wakken" => "wakken",
+              "walckanaer" => "walckana",
+              "walcot" => "walcot",
+              "wale" => "wale",
+              "walerawang" => "walerawang",
+              "wales" => "wale",
+              "walk" => "walk",
+              "walked" => "walk",
+              "walker" => "walker",
+              "walketh" => "walketh",
+              "walking" => "walk",
+              "walks" => "walk",
+              "wall" => "wall",
+              "walled" => "wall",
+              "walleechu" => "walleechu",
+              "wallenstein" => "wallenstein",
+              "wallflower" => "wallflow",
+              "wallflowers" => "wallflow",
+              "wallow" => "wallow",
+              "wallowing" => "wallow",
+              "walls" => "wall",
+              "walnut" => "walnut",
+              "walpole" => "walpol",
+              "walter" => "walter",
+              "walting" => "walt",
+              "waltz" => "waltz",
+              "waltzed" => "waltz",
+              "waltzes" => "waltz",
+              "waltzing" => "waltz",
+              "wan" => "wan",
+              "wand" => "wand",
+              "wander" => "wander",
+              "wandered" => "wander",
+              "wanderer" => "wander",
+              "wanderers" => "wander",
+              "wandering" => "wander",
+              "wanderings" => "wander",
+              "wanders" => "wander",
+              "wands" => "wand",
+              "wane" => "wane",
+              "waned" => "wane",
+              "wanness" => "wan",
+              "wanst" => "wanst",
+              "want" => "want",
+              "wanted" => "want",
+              "wanting" => "want",
+              "wanton" => "wanton",
+              "wantonly" => "wanton",
+              "wantonness" => "wanton",
+              "wants" => "want",
+              "war" => "war",
+              "warbler" => "warbler",
+              "warbling" => "warbl",
+              "warburton" => "warburton",
+              "ward" => "ward",
+              "warded" => "ward",
+              "warder" => "warder",
+              "warding" => "ward",
+              "wardrobe" => "wardrob",
+              "wardrobes" => "wardrob",
+              "wards" => "ward",
+              "ware" => "ware",
+              "warehouse" => "warehous",
+              "warehousemen" => "warehousemen",
+              "warehouses" => "warehous",
+              "wares" => "ware",
+              "warfare" => "warfar",
+              "warhorse" => "warhors",
+              "warily" => "warili",
+              "warking" => "wark",
+              "warlike" => "warlik",
+              "warm" => "warm",
+              "warmed" => "warm",
+              "warmer" => "warmer",
+              "warmest" => "warmest",
+              "warmhearted" => "warmheart",
+              "warming" => "warm",
+              "warmly" => "warm",
+              "warms" => "warm",
+              "warmth" => "warmth",
+              "warn" => "warn",
+              "warned" => "warn",
+              "warning" => "warn",
+              "warnings" => "warn",
+              "warped" => "warp",
+              "warrant" => "warrant",
+              "warranted" => "warrant",
+              "warrants" => "warrant",
+              "warrens" => "warren",
+              "warring" => "war",
+              "warrior" => "warrior",
+              "warriors" => "warrior",
+              "warrn" => "warrn",
+              "wars" => "war",
+              "wart" => "wart",
+              "warted" => "wart",
+              "warts" => "wart",
+              "warwick" => "warwick",
+              "wary" => "wari",
+              "was" => "was",
+              "wasche" => "wasch",
+              "wash" => "wash",
+              "washed" => "wash",
+              "washerwoman" => "washerwoman",
+              "washery" => "washeri",
+              "washes" => "wash",
+              "washin" => "washin",
+              "washing" => "wash",
+              "washings" => "wash",
+              "wasn" => "wasn",
+              "wasp" => "wasp",
+              "waste" => "wast",
+              "wasted" => "wast",
+              "wasteful" => "wast",
+              "wastefulness" => "wast",
+              "wastes" => "wast",
+              "wasting" => "wast",
+              "wat" => "wat",
+              "watch" => "watch",
+              "watched" => "watch",
+              "watcher" => "watcher",
+              "watchers" => "watcher",
+              "watches" => "watch",
+              "watchful" => "watch",
+              "watchfully" => "watch",
+              "watchfulness" => "watch",
+              "watching" => "watch",
+              "watchings" => "watch",
+              "watchmaker" => "watchmak",
+              "watchman" => "watchman",
+              "watchmen" => "watchmen",
+              "water" => "water",
+              "watercourse" => "watercours",
+              "watered" => "water",
+              "waterfall" => "waterfal",
+              "waterfalls" => "waterfal",
+              "waterfloods" => "waterflood",
+              "waterfowl" => "waterfowl",
+              "waterhouse" => "waterhous",
+              "watering" => "water",
+              "waterloo" => "waterloo",
+              "waterproof" => "waterproof",
+              "waters" => "water",
+              "watershed" => "watersh",
+              "waterside" => "watersid",
+              "waterwheel" => "waterwheel",
+              "waterworn" => "waterworn",
+              "watery" => "wateri",
+              "wather" => "wather",
+              "watkins" => "watkin",
+              "watt" => "watt",
+              "watts" => "watt",
+              "wave" => "wave",
+              "waved" => "wave",
+              "wavered" => "waver",
+              "wavering" => "waver",
+              "waves" => "wave",
+              "waving" => "wave",
+              "wavy" => "wavi",
+              "wax" => "wax",
+              "waxed" => "wax",
+              "waxen" => "waxen",
+              "waxing" => "wax",
+              "waxy" => "waxi",
+              "way" => "way",
+              "wayfarer" => "wayfar",
+              "wayfarers" => "wayfar",
+              "waylaid" => "waylaid",
+              "waylay" => "waylay",
+              "ways" => "way",
+              "wayside" => "waysid",
+              "wayward" => "wayward",
+              "waywardness" => "wayward",
+              "we" => "we",
+              "weak" => "weak",
+              "weaken" => "weaken",
+              "weakened" => "weaken",
+              "weakening" => "weaken",
+              "weaker" => "weaker",
+              "weakest" => "weakest",
+              "weakly" => "weak",
+              "weakness" => "weak",
+              "weaknesses" => "weak",
+              "weals" => "weal",
+              "wealth" => "wealth",
+              "wealthy" => "wealthi",
+              "wean" => "wean",
+              "weaning" => "wean",
+              "weapon" => "weapon",
+              "weapons" => "weapon",
+              "wear" => "wear",
+              "wearer" => "wearer",
+              "wearers" => "wearer",
+              "wearied" => "weari",
+              "wearily" => "wearili",
+              "weariness" => "weari",
+              "wearing" => "wear",
+              "wearisome" => "wearisom",
+              "wears" => "wear",
+              "weary" => "weari",
+              "wearying" => "weari",
+              "weasen" => "weasen",
+              "weather" => "weather",
+              "weatherboard" => "weatherboard",
+              "weathercock" => "weathercock",
+              "weathered" => "weather",
+              "weathers" => "weather",
+              "weave" => "weav",
+              "weavers" => "weaver",
+              "weaving" => "weav",
+              "weazen" => "weazen",
+              "weazened" => "weazen",
+              "web" => "web",
+              "webb" => "webb",
+              "webbed" => "web",
+              "webs" => "web",
+              "webster" => "webster",
+              "wed" => "wed",
+              "wedded" => "wed",
+              "weddin" => "weddin",
+              "wedding" => "wed",
+              "weddings" => "wed",
+              "wedge" => "wedg",
+              "wedged" => "wedg",
+              "wedges" => "wedg",
+              "wedlock" => "wedlock",
+              "wednesday" => "wednesday",
+              "wednesdays" => "wednesday",
+              "weed" => "weed",
+              "weeding" => "weed",
+              "weeds" => "weed",
+              "weedur" => "weedur",
+              "weedy" => "weedi",
+              "week" => "week",
+              "weekly" => "week",
+              "weeks" => "week",
+              "weel" => "weel",
+              "weep" => "weep",
+              "weepers" => "weeper",
+              "weeping" => "weep",
+              "weeps" => "weep",
+              "weevle" => "weevl",
+              "wehr" => "wehr",
+              "weigh" => "weigh",
+              "weighed" => "weigh",
+              "weighing" => "weigh",
+              "weighs" => "weigh",
+              "weight" => "weight",
+              "weightily" => "weightili",
+              "weights" => "weight",
+              "weighty" => "weighti",
+              "weir" => "weir",
+              "weird" => "weird",
+              "weirs" => "weir",
+              "weise" => "weis",
+              "welcome" => "welcom",
+              "welcomed" => "welcom",
+              "welcomer" => "welcom",
+              "welcomes" => "welcom",
+              "welcoming" => "welcom",
+              "welfare" => "welfar",
+              "well" => "well",
+              "wellington" => "wellington",
+              "wells" => "well",
+              "welsh" => "welsh",
+              "weltering" => "welter",
+              "welveteen" => "welveteen",
+              "wen" => "wen",
+              "wench" => "wench",
+              "wenches" => "wench",
+              "wend" => "wend",
+              "wended" => "wend",
+              "wending" => "wend",
+              "wengeance" => "wengeanc",
+              "went" => "went",
+              "weobly" => "weobli",
+              "wepping" => "wep",
+              "wept" => "wept",
+              "wer" => "wer",
+              "were" => "were",
+              "weren" => "weren",
+              "werry" => "werri",
+              "wery" => "weri",
+              "wessel" => "wessel",
+              "west" => "west",
+              "westerly" => "wester",
+              "western" => "western",
+              "westminster" => "westminst",
+              "westmoreland" => "westmoreland",
+              "westward" => "westward",
+              "westwood" => "westwood",
+              "wet" => "wet",
+              "wets" => "wet",
+              "wetted" => "wet",
+              "wettest" => "wettest",
+              "wetting" => "wet",
+              "wexed" => "wex",
+              "wha" => "wha",
+              "whale" => "whale",
+              "whalebones" => "whalebon",
+              "whaler" => "whaler",
+              "whalers" => "whaler",
+              "whalery" => "whaleri",
+              "whales" => "whale",
+              "whaling" => "whale",
+              "wharf" => "wharf",
+              "wharton" => "wharton",
+              "whartons" => "wharton",
+              "wharves" => "wharv",
+              "what" => "what",
+              "whate" => "whate",
+              "whatever" => "whatev",
+              "whatsername" => "whatsernam",
+              "whatsoever" => "whatsoev",
+              "whe" => "whe",
+              "wheat" => "wheat",
+              "wheedled" => "wheedl",
+              "wheedlin" => "wheedlin",
+              "wheel" => "wheel",
+              "wheelbarrow" => "wheelbarrow",
+              "wheelbarrowful" => "wheelbarrow",
+              "wheeled" => "wheel",
+              "wheeling" => "wheel",
+              "wheels" => "wheel",
+              "wheelwright" => "wheelwright",
+              "wheeze" => "wheez",
+              "wheezing" => "wheez",
+              "when" => "when",
+              "whence" => "whenc",
+              "whenever" => "whenev",
+              "whensoever" => "whensoev",
+              "wher" => "wher",
+              "where" => "where",
+              "whereabout" => "whereabout",
+              "whereabouts" => "whereabout",
+              "whereas" => "wherea",
+              "whereat" => "whereat",
+              "whereby" => "wherebi",
+              "wherefore" => "wherefor",
+              "wherein" => "wherein",
+              "whereof" => "whereof",
+              "whereon" => "whereon",
+              "wheresoever" => "wheresoev",
+              "whereupon" => "whereupon",
+              "whereve" => "wherev",
+              "wherever" => "wherev",
+              "wherewith" => "wherewith",
+              "whet" => "whet",
+              "whethe" => "wheth",
+              "whether" => "whether",
+              "whew" => "whew",
+              "whey" => "whey",
+              "whic" => "whic",
+              "which" => "which",
+              "whichever" => "whichev",
+              "whichsoever" => "whichsoev",
+              "whiff" => "whiff",
+              "whig" => "whig",
+              "whigs" => "whig",
+              "while" => "while",
+              "whiles" => "while",
+              "whilst" => "whilst",
+              "whim" => "whim",
+              "whimper" => "whimper",
+              "whimpered" => "whimper",
+              "whimpering" => "whimper",
+              "whimpers" => "whimper",
+              "whims" => "whim",
+              "whimsical" => "whimsic",
+              "whimsically" => "whimsic",
+              "whined" => "whine",
+              "whines" => "whine",
+              "whining" => "whine",
+              "whinstone" => "whinston",
+              "whip" => "whip",
+              "whipcord" => "whipcord",
+              "whipped" => "whip",
+              "whipper" => "whipper",
+              "whipping" => "whip",
+              "whips" => "whip",
+              "whipster" => "whipster",
+              "whipt" => "whipt",
+              "whirl" => "whirl",
+              "whirled" => "whirl",
+              "whirling" => "whirl",
+              "whirlpool" => "whirlpool",
+              "whirls" => "whirl",
+              "whirlwind" => "whirlwind",
+              "whirr" => "whirr",
+              "whish" => "whish",
+              "whisk" => "whisk",
+              "whisked" => "whisk",
+              "whisker" => "whisker",
+              "whiskered" => "whisker",
+              "whiskers" => "whisker",
+              "whisking" => "whisk",
+              "whisky" => "whiski",
+              "whisper" => "whisper",
+              "whispered" => "whisper",
+              "whisperers" => "whisper",
+              "whispering" => "whisper",
+              "whisperings" => "whisper",
+              "whisperirig" => "whisperirig",
+              "whispers" => "whisper",
+              "whist" => "whist",
+              "whistle" => "whistl",
+              "whistled" => "whistl",
+              "whistles" => "whistl",
+              "whistling" => "whistl",
+              "whit" => "whit",
+              "white" => "white",
+              "whitechapel" => "whitechapel",
+              "whiteford" => "whiteford",
+              "whitefriars" => "whitefriar",
+              "whitened" => "whiten",
+              "whiteness" => "white",
+              "whitening" => "whiten",
+              "whiter" => "whiter",
+              "whites" => "white",
+              "whitest" => "whitest",
+              "whitewash" => "whitewash",
+              "whitewashed" => "whitewash",
+              "whitewashing" => "whitewash",
+              "whitey" => "whitey",
+              "whitford" => "whitford",
+              "whither" => "whither",
+              "whitish" => "whitish",
+              "whitsunday" => "whitsunday",
+              "whitsuntide" => "whitsuntid",
+              "whittington" => "whittington",
+              "whity" => "whiti",
+              "who" => "who",
+              "whoam" => "whoam",
+              "whoever" => "whoever",
+              "whol" => "whol",
+              "whole" => "whole",
+              "wholesale" => "wholesal",
+              "wholesome" => "wholesom",
+              "wholesomely" => "wholesom",
+              "wholesomer" => "wholesom",
+              "wholly" => "wholli",
+              "whom" => "whom",
+              "whomsoever" => "whomsoev",
+              "whoo" => "whoo",
+              "whooping" => "whoop",
+              "whoosh" => "whoosh",
+              "whose" => "whose",
+              "whosoever" => "whosoev",
+              "why" => "whi",
+              "whytorseller" => "whytorsel",
+              "wi" => "wi",
+              "wice" => "wice",
+              "wicious" => "wicious",
+              "wick" => "wick",
+              "wicked" => "wick",
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+              "wickedly" => "wick",
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+              "wicker" => "wicker",
+              "wicket" => "wicket",
+              "wickham" => "wickham",
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+              "wide" => "wide",
+              "widely" => "wide",
+              "widened" => "widen",
+              "wider" => "wider",
+              "widespread" => "widespread",
+              "widest" => "widest",
+              "widow" => "widow",
+              "widowed" => "widow",
+              "widower" => "widow",
+              "widowhood" => "widowhood",
+              "widows" => "widow",
+              "width" => "width",
+              "widths" => "width",
+              "wield" => "wield",
+              "wielded" => "wield",
+              "wife" => "wife",
+              "wig" => "wig",
+              "wight" => "wight",
+              "wiglomeration" => "wiglomer",
+              "wigmaker" => "wigmak",
+              "wigmore" => "wigmor",
+              "wigs" => "wig",
+              "wigwam" => "wigwam",
+              "wigwams" => "wigwam",
+              "wil" => "wil",
+              "wild" => "wild",
+              "wilder" => "wilder",
+              "wilderness" => "wilder",
+              "wildest" => "wildest",
+              "wildly" => "wild",
+              "wildness" => "wild",
+              "wile" => "wile",
+              "wiled" => "wile",
+              "wiles" => "wile",
+              "wilful" => "wil",
+              "wilfully" => "wil",
+              "wilfulness" => "wil",
+              "wilheim" => "wilheim",
+              "will" => "will",
+              "willage" => "willag",
+              "willed" => "will",
+              "william" => "william",
+              "williams" => "william",
+              "willin" => "willin",
+              "willing" => "will",
+              "willingiy" => "willingiy",
+              "willingly" => "will",
+              "willingness" => "willing",
+              "willinwodd" => "willinwodd",
+              "willl" => "willl",
+              "willow" => "willow",
+              "willows" => "willow",
+              "wills" => "will",
+              "willst" => "willst",
+              "willy" => "willi",
+              "wilmot" => "wilmot",
+              "wilson" => "wilson",
+              "wilt" => "wilt",
+              "wily" => "wili",
+              "win" => "win",
+              "winced" => "winc",
+              "winchester" => "winchest",
+              "wincing" => "winc",
+              "wind" => "wind",
+              "winded" => "wind",
+              "winder" => "winder",
+              "winders" => "winder",
+              "winding" => "wind",
+              "windings" => "wind",
+              "windlass" => "windlass",
+              "windmill" => "windmil",
+              "windmills" => "windmil",
+              "window" => "window",
+              "windowed" => "window",
+              "windows" => "window",
+              "windpipe" => "windpip",
+              "winds" => "wind",
+              "windsor" => "windsor",
+              "windward" => "windward",
+              "windy" => "windi",
+              "wine" => "wine",
+              "wineglassful" => "wineglass",
+              "wines" => "wine",
+              "wing" => "wing",
+              "winged" => "wing",
+              "wingfield" => "wingfield",
+              "wingless" => "wingless",
+              "wings" => "wing",
+              "wink" => "wink",
+              "winked" => "wink",
+              "winking" => "wink",
+              "winkles" => "winkl",
+              "winks" => "wink",
+              "winner" => "winner",
+              "winning" => "win",
+              "winnings" => "win",
+              "winnowing" => "winnow",
+              "wins" => "win",
+              "winter" => "winter",
+              "winters" => "winter",
+              "wintry" => "wintri",
+              "wiolinceller" => "wiolincel",
+              "wiolincellers" => "wiolincel",
+              "wipe" => "wipe",
+              "wiped" => "wipe",
+              "wipes" => "wipe",
+              "wiping" => "wipe",
+              "wire" => "wire",
+              "wires" => "wire",
+              "wiry" => "wiri",
+              "wis" => "wis",
+              "wisdom" => "wisdom",
+              "wise" => "wise",
+              "wisely" => "wise",
+              "wiser" => "wiser",
+              "wisest" => "wisest",
+              "wish" => "wish",
+              "wished" => "wish",
+              "wisher" => "wisher",
+              "wishermaydie" => "wishermaydi",
+              "wishes" => "wish",
+              "wishful" => "wish",
+              "wishing" => "wish",
+              "wisit" => "wisit",
+              "wisitation" => "wisit",
+              "wisitations" => "wisit",
+              "wisitin" => "wisitin",
+              "wisiting" => "wisit",
+              "wisk" => "wisk",
+              "wisp" => "wisp",
+              "wiss" => "wiss",
+              "wissen" => "wissen",
+              "wistful" => "wist",
+              "wistfully" => "wist",
+              "wit" => "wit",
+              "witch" => "witch",
+              "witchcraft" => "witchcraft",
+              "witchery" => "witcheri",
+              "witches" => "witch",
+              "with" => "with",
+              "withal" => "withal",
+              "withdraw" => "withdraw",
+              "withdrawal" => "withdraw",
+              "withdrawed" => "withdraw",
+              "withdrawing" => "withdraw",
+              "withdrawn" => "withdrawn",
+              "withdraws" => "withdraw",
+              "withdrew" => "withdrew",
+              "wither" => "wither",
+              "withered" => "wither",
+              "withering" => "wither",
+              "withers" => "wither",
+              "withheld" => "withheld",
+              "withhold" => "withhold",
+              "withi" => "withi",
+              "within" => "within",
+              "withou" => "withou",
+              "without" => "without",
+              "withstand" => "withstand",
+              "withstood" => "withstood",
+              "wititterly" => "wititt",
+              "wititterlys" => "wititt",
+              "witness" => "wit",
+              "witnessed" => "wit",
+              "witnesses" => "wit",
+              "witnessing" => "wit",
+              "wits" => "wit",
+              "witted" => "wit",
+              "witticism" => "wittic",
+              "witticisms" => "wittic",
+              "wittier" => "wittier",
+              "wittily" => "wittili",
+              "wittles" => "wittl",
+              "witty" => "witti",
+              "wives" => "wive",
+              "wizard" => "wizard",
+              "wizened" => "wizen",
+              "wlll" => "wlll",
+              "wo" => "wo",
+              "woa" => "woa",
+              "woe" => "woe",
+              "woebegone" => "woebegon",
+              "woeful" => "woeful",
+              "woes" => "woe",
+              "woful" => "woful",
+              "wofully" => "wofulli",
+              "woice" => "woic",
+              "woices" => "woic",
+              "woke" => "woke",
+              "wold" => "wold",
+              "wolds" => "wold",
+              "wolf" => "wolf",
+              "wolgan" => "wolgan",
+              "wollaston" => "wollaston",
+              "wolsey" => "wolsey",
+              "wolves" => "wolv",
+              "woman" => "woman",
+              "womanhood" => "womanhood",
+              "womanish" => "womanish",
+              "womankind" => "womankind",
+              "womanly" => "woman",
+              "women" => "women",
+              "won" => "won",
+              "wonder" => "wonder",
+              "wondered" => "wonder",
+              "wonderful" => "wonder",
+              "wonderfully" => "wonder",
+              "wondering" => "wonder",
+              "wonderingly" => "wonder",
+              "wonderment" => "wonder",
+              "wonders" => "wonder",
+              "wondrous" => "wondrous",
+              "wonld" => "wonld",
+              "wont" => "wont",
+              "wonted" => "wont",
+              "woo" => "woo",
+              "wood" => "wood",
+              "woodbine" => "woodbin",
+              "woodchips" => "woodchip",
+              "woodcot" => "woodcot",
+              "woodcourt" => "woodcourt",
+              "woodcut" => "woodcut",
+              "wooded" => "wood",
+              "wooden" => "wooden",
+              "woodland" => "woodland",
+              "woodlouse" => "woodlous",
+              "woodman" => "woodman",
+              "woodpecker" => "woodpeck",
+              "woods" => "wood",
+              "woodwork" => "woodwork",
+              "woody" => "woodi",
+              "wooed" => "woo",
+              "wool" => "wool",
+              "woolen" => "woolen",
+              "woollen" => "woollen",
+              "woolly" => "woolli",
+              "woollya" => "woollya",
+              "woolsack" => "woolsack",
+              "woolwich" => "woolwich",
+              "wooman" => "wooman",
+              "wor" => "wor",
+              "word" => "word",
+              "worded" => "word",
+              "wording" => "word",
+              "words" => "word",
+              "wordsworth" => "wordsworth",
+              "wordy" => "wordi",
+              "wore" => "wore",
+              "worid" => "worid",
+              "work" => "work",
+              "workaday" => "workaday",
+              "workbox" => "workbox",
+              "worked" => "work",
+              "worker" => "worker",
+              "workers" => "worker",
+              "workhouse" => "workhous",
+              "working" => "work",
+              "workings" => "work",
+              "workman" => "workman",
+              "workmanlike" => "workmanlik",
+              "workmanship" => "workmanship",
+              "workmen" => "workmen",
+              "workroom" => "workroom",
+              "works" => "work",
+              "workshop" => "workshop",
+              "workshops" => "workshop",
+              "world" => "world",
+              "worldliness" => "worldli",
+              "worldlings" => "worldl",
+              "worldly" => "world",
+              "worlds" => "world",
+              "worm" => "worm",
+              "worming" => "worm",
+              "worms" => "worm",
+              "wormwood" => "wormwood",
+              "worn" => "worn",
+              "worried" => "worri",
+              "worries" => "worri",
+              "worrit" => "worrit",
+              "worrited" => "worrit",
+              "worritted" => "worrit",
+              "worry" => "worri",
+              "worrying" => "worri",
+              "worse" => "wors",
+              "worship" => "worship",
+              "worshipped" => "worship",
+              "worshippers" => "worshipp",
+              "worships" => "worship",
+              "worst" => "worst",
+              "worsted" => "worst",
+              "worsteds" => "worst",
+              "worth" => "worth",
+              "worthbourne" => "worthbourn",
+              "worthier" => "worthier",
+              "worthies" => "worthi",
+              "worthily" => "worthili",
+              "worthless" => "worthless",
+              "worthlessness" => "worthless",
+              "worthwhile" => "worthwhil",
+              "worthy" => "worthi",
+              "wos" => "wos",
+              "wot" => "wot",
+              "woul" => "woul",
+              "would" => "would",
+              "wouldest" => "wouldest",
+              "wouldn" => "wouldn",
+              "wound" => "wound",
+              "wounded" => "wound",
+              "wounding" => "wound",
+              "wounds" => "wound",
+              "woven" => "woven",
+              "wow" => "wow",
+              "wows" => "wow",
+              "wrangerton" => "wrangerton",
+              "wrangle" => "wrangl",
+              "wrangling" => "wrangl",
+              "wrap" => "wrap",
+              "wrapped" => "wrap",
+              "wrapper" => "wrapper",
+              "wrappers" => "wrapper",
+              "wrapping" => "wrap",
+              "wrappings" => "wrap",
+              "wrapt" => "wrapt",
+              "wrath" => "wrath",
+              "wrathful" => "wrath",
+              "wrathfully" => "wrath",
+              "wreaked" => "wreak",
+              "wreaking" => "wreak",
+              "wreath" => "wreath",
+              "wreathed" => "wreath",
+              "wreathes" => "wreath",
+              "wreathing" => "wreath",
+              "wreaths" => "wreath",
+              "wreck" => "wreck",
+              "wrecked" => "wreck",
+              "wren" => "wren",
+              "wrench" => "wrench",
+              "wrenched" => "wrench",
+              "wrenching" => "wrench",
+              "wrens" => "wren",
+              "wrested" => "wrest",
+              "wresting" => "wrest",
+              "wrestle" => "wrestl",
+              "wrestling" => "wrestl",
+              "wretch" => "wretch",
+              "wretched" => "wretch",
+              "wretchedest" => "wretchedest",
+              "wretchedly" => "wretch",
+              "wretchedness" => "wretched",
+              "wretches" => "wretch",
+              "wriggling" => "wriggl",
+              "wring" => "wring",
+              "wringing" => "wring",
+              "wrings" => "wring",
+              "wrinkle" => "wrinkl",
+              "wrinkled" => "wrinkl",
+              "wrinkles" => "wrinkl",
+              "wrinkling" => "wrinkl",
+              "wrist" => "wrist",
+              "wristbands" => "wristband",
+              "wrists" => "wrist",
+              "writ" => "writ",
+              "write" => "write",
+              "writer" => "writer",
+              "writers" => "writer",
+              "writes" => "write",
+              "writhe" => "writh",
+              "writhed" => "writh",
+              "writhing" => "writh",
+              "writhings" => "writh",
+              "writin" => "writin",
+              "writing" => "write",
+              "writings" => "write",
+              "written" => "written",
+              "wrong" => "wrong",
+              "wrongdoing" => "wrongdo",
+              "wronged" => "wrong",
+              "wrongfully" => "wrong",
+              "wronging" => "wrong",
+              "wrongly" => "wrong",
+              "wrongs" => "wrong",
+              "wrote" => "wrote",
+              "wroth" => "wroth",
+              "wrought" => "wrought",
+              "wrung" => "wrung",
+              "wry" => "wri",
+              "wrymug" => "wrymug",
+              "wull" => "wull",
+              "wuns" => "wun",
+              "wunst" => "wunst",
+              "wur" => "wur",
+              "wurd" => "wurd",
+              "wye" => "wye",
+              "wyelands" => "wyeland",
+              "wyndham" => "wyndham",
+              "x" => "x",
+              "xi" => "xi",
+              "xii" => "xii",
+              "xiii" => "xiii",
+              "xiv" => "xiv",
+              "xix" => "xix",
+              "xl" => "xl",
+              "xli" => "xli",
+              "xlii" => "xlii",
+              "xliii" => "xliii",
+              "xliv" => "xliv",
+              "xlix" => "xlix",
+              "xlv" => "xlv",
+              "xlvi" => "xlvi",
+              "xlvii" => "xlvii",
+              "xlviii" => "xlviii",
+              "xv" => "xv",
+              "xvi" => "xvi",
+              "xvii" => "xvii",
+              "xviii" => "xviii",
+              "xx" => "xx",
+              "xxi" => "xxi",
+              "xxii" => "xxii",
+              "xxiii" => "xxiii",
+              "xxiv" => "xxiv",
+              "xxix" => "xxix",
+              "xxv" => "xxv",
+              "xxvi" => "xxvi",
+              "xxvii" => "xxvii",
+              "xxviii" => "xxviii",
+              "xxx" => "xxx",
+              "xxxi" => "xxxi",
+              "xxxii" => "xxxii",
+              "xxxiii" => "xxxiii",
+              "xxxiv" => "xxxiv",
+              "xxxix" => "xxxix",
+              "xxxv" => "xxxv",
+              "xxxvi" => "xxxvi",
+              "xxxvii" => "xxxvii",
+              "xxxviii" => "xxxviii",
+              "y" => "y",
+              "ya" => "ya",
+              "yacht" => "yacht",
+              "yachting" => "yacht",
+              "yagouaroundi" => "yagouaroundi",
+              "yam" => "yam",
+              "yammerschooner" => "yammerschoon",
+              "yammerschoonering" => "yammerschoon",
+              "yams" => "yam",
+              "yan" => "yan",
+              "yankee" => "yanke",
+              "yaquil" => "yaquil",
+              "yard" => "yard",
+              "yards" => "yard",
+              "yarn" => "yarn",
+              "yataghan" => "yataghan",
+              "yawl" => "yawl",
+              "yawn" => "yawn",
+              "yawned" => "yawn",
+              "yawning" => "yawn",
+              "yawns" => "yawn",
+              "ye" => "ye",
+              "yea" => "yea",
+              "year" => "year",
+              "yearly" => "year",
+              "yearned" => "yearn",
+              "yearning" => "yearn",
+              "yearnings" => "yearn",
+              "years" => "year",
+              "yegorovna" => "yegorovna",
+              "yell" => "yell",
+              "yelled" => "yell",
+              "yelling" => "yell",
+              "yellow" => "yellow",
+              "yellowed" => "yellow",
+              "yellower" => "yellow",
+              "yellowish" => "yellowish",
+              "yells" => "yell",
+              "yelping" => "yelp",
+              "yeoman" => "yeoman",
+              "yerba" => "yerba",
+              "yes" => "yes",
+              "yesday" => "yesday",
+              "yeso" => "yeso",
+              "yesterday" => "yesterday",
+              "yet" => "yet",
+              "yew" => "yew",
+              "yield" => "yield",
+              "yielded" => "yield",
+              "yielding" => "yield",
+              "yields" => "yield",
+              "yinder" => "yinder",
+              "yit" => "yit",
+              "yo" => "yo",
+              "yoke" => "yoke",
+              "yokes" => "yoke",
+              "yolk" => "yolk",
+              "yon" => "yon",
+              "yonder" => "yonder",
+              "yonge" => "yong",
+              "yoong" => "yoong",
+              "yoongster" => "yoongster",
+              "yore" => "yore",
+              "yorick" => "yorick",
+              "york" => "york",
+              "yorkshire" => "yorkshir",
+              "yorkshireman" => "yorkshireman",
+              "you" => "you",
+              "youn" => "youn",
+              "young" => "young",
+              "younger" => "younger",
+              "youngest" => "youngest",
+              "youngster" => "youngster",
+              "youngsters" => "youngster",
+              "your" => "your",
+              "yours" => "your",
+              "yourself" => "yourself",
+              "yourselves" => "yourselv",
+              "youth" => "youth",
+              "youthful" => "youth",
+              "youthfully" => "youth",
+              "youthfulness" => "youth",
+              "youths" => "youth",
+              "yquem" => "yquem",
+              "yseulte" => "yseult",
+              "yucca" => "yucca",
+              "yushin" => "yushin",
+              "yusupov" => "yusupov",
+              "z" => "z",
+              "zag" => "zag",
+              "zaharovitch" => "zaharovitch",
+              "zametov" => "zametov",
+              "zample" => "zampl",
+              "zaraisk" => "zaraisk",
+              "zaraisky" => "zaraiski",
+              "zarnitsyn" => "zarnitsyn",
+              "zeal" => "zeal",
+              "zealand" => "zealand",
+              "zealander" => "zealand",
+              "zealanders" => "zealand",
+              "zealous" => "zealous",
+              "zebras" => "zebra",
+              "zelandiae" => "zelandia",
+              "zelinda" => "zelinda",
+              "zenaida" => "zenaida",
+              "zenith" => "zenith",
+              "zest" => "zest",
+              "zeus" => "zeus",
+              "zig" => "zig",
+              "zigzag" => "zigzag",
+              "zigzags" => "zigzag",
+              "zimmerman" => "zimmerman",
+              "zone" => "zone",
+              "zones" => "zone",
+              "zonotrichia" => "zonotrichia",
+              "zoo" => "zoo",
+              "zoodle" => "zoodl",
+              "zooks" => "zook",
+              "zoolog" => "zoolog",
+              "zoological" => "zoolog",
+              "zoologically" => "zoolog",
+              "zoology" => "zoolog",
+              "zoophyt" => "zoophyt",
+              "zoophyte" => "zoophyt",
+              "zoophytes" => "zoophyt",
+              "zorillo" => "zorillo",
+              "zorillos" => "zorillo",
+              "zossimov" => "zossimov",
+              "zu" => "zu" }
+# Test words with -ise suffixes (and similar), to test how British English is stemmed
+TEST_WORDS_ENGB = { "aggrandisement" => "aggrandis",
+              "agonising" => "agon",
+              "anathematising" => "anathemat",
+              "animalised" => "anim",
+              "apologise" => "apolog",
+              "apologised" => "apolog",
+              "apologises" => "apolog",
+              "apologising" => "apolog",
+              "apostrophised" => "apostroph",
+              "apostrophising" => "apostroph",
+              "authorised" => "author",
+              "baptised" => "baptis",
+              "baptising" => "baptis",
+              "botanising" => "botan",
+              "characterise" => "character",
+              "characterised" => "character",
+              "characterises" => "character",
+              "characterising" => "character",
+              "colonise" => "colon",
+              "colonised" => "colon",
+              "criticise" => "critic",
+              "criticising" => "critic",
+              "crystallisation" => "crystal",
+              "crystallised" => "crystal",
+              "demoralise" => "demor",
+              "demoralised" => "demor",
+              "disorganisation" => "disorgan",
+              "economise" => "econom",
+              "economising" => "econom",
+              "emphasising" => "emphas",
+              "extemporised" => "extempor",
+              "familiarised" => "familiar",
+              "fertilising" => "fertil",
+              "generalisation" => "general",
+              "geologise" => "geolog",
+              "geologising" => "geolog",
+              "gormandise" => "gormand",
+              "humanising" => "human",
+              "idolised" => "idol",
+              "magnetised" => "magnet",
+              "monopolise" => "monopol",
+              "moralises" => "moral",
+              "moralising" => "moral",
+              "naturalised" => "natur",
+              "organisation" => "organ",
+              "organisations" => "organ",
+              "organised" => "organ",
+              "patronise" => "patron",
+              "patronised" => "patron",
+              "patronising" => "patron",
+              "patronisingly" => "patron",
+              "poetising" => "poetis",
+              "realise" => "realis",
+              "realised" => "realis",
+              "realises" => "realis",
+              "realising" => "realis",
+              "recognise" => "recogn",
+              "recognised" => "recogn",
+              "recognises" => "recogn",
+              "recognising" => "recogn",
+              "revolutionised" => "revolution",
+              "scandalised" => "scandal",
+              "scandalising" => "scandal",
+              "scrutinising" => "scrutin",
+              "sermonising" => "sermon",
+              "signalise" => "signal",
+              "soliloquise" => "soliloqu",
+              "soliloquised" => "soliloqu",
+              "stigmatise" => "stigmat",
+              "stigmatising" => "stigmat",
+              "subsidised" => "subsid",
+              "sympathise" => "sympath",
+              "sympathised" => "sympath",
+              "sympathisers" => "sympath",
+              "sympathising" => "sympath",
+              "tantalising" => "tantal",
+              "theorise" => "theoris",
+              "tranquillise" => "tranquil",
+              "tranquillised" => "tranquil",
+              "tyrannised" => "tyrann",
+              "uncivilised" => "uncivil",
+              "utilise" => "util",
+              "utilised" => "util",
+              "vagabondising" => "vagabond",
+              "victimised" => "victim",
+              "volatilised" => "volatil" }
+  def test_stemmer
+    TEST_WORDS.each do |original, stemmed|
+      assert_equal stemmed, original.stem, 
+         "#{original} should have stemmed to #{stemmed} but got #{original.stem} instead"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_stemmer_engb
+    TEST_WORDS_ENGB.each do |original, stemmed|
+      assert_equal stemmed, original.stem(true), 
+         "#{original} should have stemmed to #{stemmed} but got #{original.stem(true)} instead"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_porter2stemmer_parts.rb b/test/test_porter2stemmer_parts.rb
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..8c6b9a7
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# coding: utf-8
+# Porter 2 stemmer test file
+# This file tests each stage of the stemmer individually.
+$:.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "lib")
+require 'test/unit'
+require 'porter2stemmer'
+class TestPorter2 < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_tidy
+    assert_equal "abacde", "abacde".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "abacde", "  abacde  ".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "abacde", "ABACDE".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "ab'cde", "ab‘cde".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "ab'cde", "ab’cde".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "ab'c'de", "ab’c’de".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "ab'c'de", "ab‘c‘de".porter2_tidy
+    assert_equal "''abacde", "’‘abacde".porter2_tidy
+  end
+  def test_preprocess
+    assert_equal "abacde", "abacde".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "abacde", "''abacde".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "ab'c'de", "'ab'c'de".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "ab'c'de", "''ab'c'de".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "Yabac", "yabac".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "aYbc", "aybc".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "abacdeY", "abacdey".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "abaYde", "abayde".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "kabaYde", "kabayde".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "kabyaYde", "kabyayde".porter2_preprocess
+    assert_equal "'", "'''".porter2_preprocess
+  end
+  def test_R1
+    assert_equal "iful",  "beautiful".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "y", "beauty".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "", "beau".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "imadversion", "animadversion".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "kled", "sprinkled".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "harist", "eucharist".porter2_r1
+    # special cases
+    assert_equal "ate", "generate".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ates", "generates".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ated", "generated".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "al", "general".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ally", "generally".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ic", "generic".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ically", "generically".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ous", "generous".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ously", "generously".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "al", "communal".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ity", "community".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "e", "commune".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "ic", "arsenic".porter2_r1
+    assert_equal "al", "arsenal".porter2_r1
+  end
+  def test_R2
+    assert_equal "ul",  "beautiful".porter2_r2
+    assert_equal "", "beauty".porter2_r2
+    assert_equal "", "beau".porter2_r2
+    assert_equal "adversion", "animadversion".porter2_r2
+    assert_equal "", "sprinkled".porter2_r2
+    assert_equal "ist", "eucharist".porter2_r2
+  end
+  def test_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal true, "rap".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal true, "trap".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal true, "entrap".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal true, "ow".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable? 
+    assert_equal true, "on".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal true, "at".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal false, "uproot".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable? 
+    assert_equal false, "bestow".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+    assert_equal false, "disturb".porter2_ends_with_short_syllable?
+  end
+  def test_is_short_word?
+    short_words = %w[ bed shed shred hop ]
+    long_words = %w[ bead embed beds ]
+    short_words.each do |w|
+      r1 = w.porter2_r1
+      assert_equal true, w.porter2_is_short_word?, 
+         "#{w} should be short but classified as long"
+    end
+    long_words.each do |w|
+      r1 = w.porter2_r1
+      assert_equal false, w.porter2_is_short_word?, 
+         "#{w} should be long but classified as short"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_step_0
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac'".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac's".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac's'".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "ab'c", "ab'c".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "ab'sc", "ab'sc".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "ab's'c", "ab's'c".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "ab'sc", "ab'sc's".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "'", "'".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "'s", "'s".porter2_step0
+    assert_equal "'s", "'s'".porter2_step0
+  end
+  def test_step_1a
+    assert_equal "abacde", "abacde".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "abacess", "abacesses".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "tie", "ties".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "tie", "tied".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "cri", "cries".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "cri", "cried".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "gas", "gas".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "this", "this".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "gap", "gaps".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "kiwi", "kiwis".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "abacus", "abacus".porter2_step1a
+    assert_equal "abacess", "abacess".porter2_step1a
+  end
+  def test_step_1b
+    assert_equal "abacde", "abacde".porter2_step1b
+    words_non_gb = {"luxuriated" => "luxuriate", "luxuriating" => "luxuriate", 
+             "hopping" => "hop", "hopped" => "hop",
+             "hoped" => "hope", "hoping" => "hope",
+             "atomized" => "atomize", "atomised" => "atomis",
+             "addicted" => "addict", "bleed" => "bleed" }
+    words_non_gb.each do |original, stemmed|
+      assert_equal stemmed, original.porter2_step1b, 
+         "#{original} should have stemmed to #{stemmed} but got #{original.porter2_step1b(original.porter2_r1)} instead"
+    end
+    words_gb = {"luxuriated" => "luxuriate", "luxuriating" => "luxuriate", 
+             "hopping" => "hop", "hopped" => "hop",
+             "hoped" => "hope", "hoping" => "hope",
+             "atomized" => "atomize", "atomised" => "atomise",
+             "addicted" => "addict", "bleed" => "bleed" }
+    words_gb.each do |original, stemmed|
+      assert_equal stemmed, original.porter2_step1b(true), 
+         "#{original} should have stemmed to #{stemmed} but got #{original.porter2_step1b(original.porter2_r1)} instead"
+    end
+  end
+  def test_step_1c
+    assert_equal "cri", "cry".porter2_step1c
+    assert_equal "by", "by".porter2_step1c
+    assert_equal "saY", "saY".porter2_step1c
+    assert_equal "abbeY", "abbeY".porter2_step1c
+  end
+  def test_step_2
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationalize", "nationalization".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationalisate", "nationalisation".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationalize", "nationalization".porter2_step2(true)
+    assert_equal "nationalise", "nationalisation".porter2_step2(true)
+    # Repeat the steps to ensure that the english-gb behaviour isn't sticky
+    assert_equal "nationalize", "nationalization".porter2_step2(false)
+    assert_equal "nationalisate", "nationalisation".porter2_step2(false)
+    assert_equal "nationalize", "nationalization".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationalisate", "nationalisation".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationalize", "nationalizer".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationaliser", "nationaliser".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "nationalize", "nationalizer".porter2_step2(true)
+    assert_equal "nationalise", "nationaliser".porter2_step2(true)
+    assert_equal "abaction", "abactional".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacence", "abacenci".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacance", "abacanci".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacable", "abacabli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacent", "abacentli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacize", "abacizer".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacize", "abacization".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacate", "abacational".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacate", "abacation".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacate", "abacator".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacal", "abacalism".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacal", "abacaliti".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacal", "abacalli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacful", "abacfulness".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacous", "abacousli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacous", "abacousness".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacive", "abaciveness".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacive", "abaciviti".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abiliti", "abiliti".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacble", "abacbiliti".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacble", "abacbli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacful", "abacfulli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abacless", "abaclessli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abaclog", "abaclogi".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abd", "abdli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abe", "abeli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abg", "abgli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abh", "abhli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abk", "abkli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abm", "abmli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abn", "abnli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abr", "abrli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abt", "abtli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "abali", "abali".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "bad", "badli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "fluentli", "fluentli".porter2_step2
+    assert_equal "geolog", "geologi".porter2_step2
+  end
+  def test_step_3
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac".porter2_step3("")
+    assert_equal "national", "nationalize".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "nationalise", "nationalise".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "national", "nationalise".porter2_step3(true)
+    # Repeat the steps to ensure that the english-gb behaviour isn't sticky
+    assert_equal "national", "nationalize".porter2_step3(false)
+    assert_equal "nationalise", "nationalise".porter2_step3(false)
+    assert_equal "national", "nationalize".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "nationalise", "nationalise".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abaction", "abactional".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abacate", "abacational".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abacic", "abacicate".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abacic", "abaciciti".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abacic", "abacical".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacful".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacness".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abacabac", "abacabacative".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "abacabac", "abacabacative".porter2_step3
+    assert_equal "dryness", "dryness".porter2_step3
+  end
+  def test_step_4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac".porter2_step4("")
+    assert_equal "nation", "nationize".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "nationise", "nationise".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "nation", "nationize".porter2_step4(true)
+    assert_equal "nation", "nationise".porter2_step4(true)
+    assert_equal "nation", "nationize".porter2_step4(false)
+    assert_equal "nationise", "nationise".porter2_step4(false)
+    assert_equal "nation", "nationize".porter2_step4()
+    assert_equal "nationise", "nationise".porter2_step4()
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacal".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacance".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacence".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacer".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacic".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abacer", "abacerable".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacible".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacant".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacement".porter2_step4     # Check we handle overlapping suffixes properly
+    assert_equal "abacac", "abacacement".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abacac", "abacacment".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacment".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacent".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacism".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacate".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abaciti".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacous".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacive".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abac", "abacize".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abacion", "abacion".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abacs", "abacsion".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abact", "abaction".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abction", "abction".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "ablut", "ablution".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "agreement", "agreement".porter2_step4
+    assert_equal "abcal", "abcal".porter2_step4        # No removal if suffix isn't in R2
+  end
+  def test_step_5
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "abacl", "abacll".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "abcll", "abcll".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "abc", "abc".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "abl", "able".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "abe", "abe".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "abac", "abace".porter2_step5
+    assert_equal "bawac", "bawace".porter2_step5
+  end
+  def test_porter2_postprocess
+    assert_equal "abac", "abac".porter2_postprocess
+    assert_equal "abacy", "abacy".porter2_postprocess
+    assert_equal "abacy", "abacY".porter2_postprocess
+    assert_equal "aybcy", "aYbcY".porter2_postprocess
+    assert_equal "aybcy", "aYbcy".porter2_postprocess
+  end