Tweaked solution 9 a bit, to check all approaches are finding the same set of items
[summerofcode2018soln.git] / data / small_invites.txt
1 Tilly, Daisy-May, Tori
2 Iona, Deniz, Kobe, Grayson, Luka
3 Demi, Reanne, Tori
4 Dafydd, Reanne, Rohit, Kai, Iona, Nojus
5 Tommy, Rosa, Demi
6 Daisy-May, Tilly, Grayson, Deniz, Kobe, Tommy, Rohit
7 Sultan, Iona, Dafydd, Rosa, Kobe, Devan
8 Tilly, Rohit, Tori, Deniz, Kobe, Jennie
9 Luka, Tori, Tommy
10 Kobe, Rosa, Demi