Added worked example text
[ou-summer-of-code-2017.git] / 07-interpreter / day07.hs
1 module Main(main) where
3 import Text.Parsec hiding (State)
4 import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Number
5 import Control.Monad.State.Lazy
6 -- import Debug.Trace
8 type Register = Char
9 type Location = Int
11 data Instruction = Inc Register
12 | Dec Register
13 | Set Register Int
14 | Cpy Register Register
15 | Jmp Int
16 | Jpz Register Int
17 deriving (Show, Eq)
19 data Machine = Machine { a :: Int
20 , b :: Int
21 , c :: Int
22 , d :: Int
23 , pc :: Int
24 , instructions :: [Instruction]}
25 deriving (Show, Eq)
27 -- testInstructions = "set c 0\n\
28 -- \sto a 1"
30 testInstructions = "set c 0\n\
31 \cpy a d\n\
32 \jpz b 8\n\
33 \dec b\n\
34 \cpy d a\n\
35 \jpz a 4\n\
36 \inc c\n\
37 \dec a\n\
38 \jmp -3\n\
39 \jmp -7\n\
40 \cpy a d"
42 emptyMachine :: Machine
43 emptyMachine = Machine {a=0, b=0, c=0, d=0, pc=0, instructions=[]}
45 main :: IO ()
46 main = do
47 text <- readFile "07-program.txt"
48 let instructions = successfulParse $ parseIfile text
49 part1 instructions
50 part2 instructions
51 -- let text = testInstructions
52 -- let instrs = successfulParse $ parseIfile text
53 -- let m0 = emptyMachine {instructions=instrs, a = 7, b = 3}
54 -- let mf = snd $ runState runMachine m0
55 -- print mf
57 part1 :: [Instruction] -> IO ()
58 part1 instrs =
59 do let m0 = emptyMachine {instructions=instrs, a = 7}
60 let mf = snd $ runState runMachine m0
61 print (a mf)
63 part2 :: [Instruction] -> IO ()
64 part2 instrs =
65 do let m0 = emptyMachine {instructions=instrs, a = 937}
66 let mf = snd $ runState runMachine m0
67 print (a mf)
70 runMachine :: State Machine ()
71 runMachine =
72 do m <- get
73 if (pc m) >= (length $ instructions m)
74 then return ()
75 else do executeStep
76 runMachine
78 executeStep :: State Machine ()
79 executeStep =
80 do m <- get
81 let i = (instructions m)!!(pc m)
82 put (executeInstruction i m)
85 executeInstruction :: Instruction -> Machine -> Machine
86 -- executeInstruction i m | trace (show i ++ " " ++ show m) False = undefined
87 executeInstruction (Inc r) m = m' {pc=pc1}
88 where pc1 = (pc m) + 1
89 v = readRegister m r
90 m' = writeRegister m r (v+1)
91 executeInstruction (Dec r) m = m' {pc=pc1}
92 where pc1 = (pc m) + 1
93 v = readRegister m r
94 m' = writeRegister m r (v-1)
95 executeInstruction (Set r v) m = m' {pc=pc1}
96 where pc1 = (pc m) + 1
97 m' = writeRegister m r v
98 executeInstruction (Cpy s d) m = m' {pc=pc1}
99 where pc1 = (pc m) + 1
100 v = readRegister m s
101 m' = writeRegister m d v
102 executeInstruction (Jmp d) m = m {pc=pcj}
103 where pcj = (pc m) + d
104 executeInstruction (Jpz r d) m
105 | v == 0 = m {pc=pcj}
106 | otherwise = m {pc=pc1}
107 where pc1 = (pc m) + 1
108 pcj = (pc m) + d
109 v = readRegister m r
113 readRegister :: Machine -> Register -> Int
114 readRegister m r =
115 case r of
116 'a' -> (a m)
117 'b' -> (b m)
118 'c' -> (c m)
119 'd' -> (d m)
121 writeRegister :: Machine -> Register -> Int -> Machine
122 writeRegister m r v =
123 case r of
124 'a' -> m {a=v}
125 'b' -> m {b=v}
126 'c' -> m {c=v}
127 'd' -> m {d=v}
130 instructionFile = instructionLine `sepEndBy` newline
131 instructionLine = incL <|> decL <|> setL <|> cpyL <|> jmpL <|> jpzL
133 incL = Inc <$> (try (string "inc") *> spaces *> register)
134 decL = Dec <$> (try (string "dec") *> spaces *> register)
135 setL = Set <$> (try (string "set") *> spaces *> register) <*> (spaces *> location)
136 cpyL = Cpy <$> (try (string "cpy") *> spaces *> register) <*> (spaces *> register)
137 jmpL = Jmp <$> (try (string "jmp") *> spaces *> location)
138 jpzL = Jpz <$> (try (string "jpz") *> spaces *> register) <*> (spaces *> location)
140 location = int
141 register = oneOf "abcd"
143 parseIfile :: String -> Either ParseError [Instruction]
144 parseIfile input = parse instructionFile "(unknown)" input
146 parseIline :: String -> Either ParseError Instruction
147 parseIline input = parse instructionLine "(unknown)" input
149 successfulParse :: Either ParseError [a] -> [a]
150 successfulParse (Left _) = []
151 successfulParse (Right a) = a