Challenge 8a done, 8b not attempted
[cipher-training.git] / 2013 / 2b.plaintext
1 helmut's cousins are i suppose kind in their own way but there is little warmth in the kindness i receive anna tries to make me comfortable but she is afraid the ss officer who brings us the paintings is cruel and cowardly and he beats anna if my work is not goodenough he is scared that if he beats me he might damage my hands and too scared to beat her husband daniela bear of a man who towers over him it doesnt matter the real power lies with the bully he could have us all shot and we all know it daniel scares me too but only because he reminds me of helmut and that reminds me of the camp he never speaks never looks me in the eye and never wants anything from me i think he hates me for bringing the ss to his house but for annas sake he brings me what i need what i most need is away out of here when i am gone annas beatings will stop and maybe daniel will stop hating me but i am watched all day and the house is locked at night that will not stop me from trying