Done challenge 4
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2018 / 2018-challenge7.ipynb
1 {
2 "cells": [
3 {
4 "cell_type": "code",
5 "execution_count": 1,
6 "metadata": {},
7 "outputs": [],
8 "source": [
9 "import os,sys,inspect\n",
10 "currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe())))\n",
11 "parentdir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)\n",
12 "sys.path.insert(0,parentdir) "
13 ]
14 },
15 {
16 "cell_type": "code",
17 "execution_count": 2,
18 "metadata": {},
19 "outputs": [],
20 "source": [
21 "from cipher.caesar import *\n",
22 "from cipher.affine import *\n",
23 "from cipher.keyword_cipher import *\n",
24 "from cipher.vigenere import *\n",
25 "from cipher.playfair import *\n",
26 "from cipher.column_transposition import *\n",
27 "from support.text_prettify import *\n",
28 "from support.plot_frequency_histogram import *"
29 ]
30 },
31 {
32 "cell_type": "code",
33 "execution_count": 4,
34 "metadata": {},
35 "outputs": [],
36 "source": [
37 "ca = open('7a.ciphertext').read()\n",
38 "cb = open('7b.ciphertext').read()\n",
39 "sca = sanitise(ca)\n",
40 "scb = sanitise(cb)"
41 ]
42 },
43 {
44 "cell_type": "code",
45 "execution_count": 5,
46 "metadata": {},
47 "outputs": [
48 {
49 "data": {
50 "text/plain": [
51 "8197"
52 ]
53 },
54 "execution_count": 5,
55 "metadata": {},
56 "output_type": "execute_result"
57 }
58 ],
59 "source": [
60 "history_words = [w.strip() for w in open('history-words.txt')]\n",
61 "len(history_words)"
62 ]
63 },
64 {
65 "cell_type": "code",
66 "execution_count": 7,
67 "metadata": {},
68 "outputs": [
69 {
70 "data": {
71 "text/plain": [
72 "('damager', <KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last: 2>, -2752.7089249862242)"
73 ]
74 },
75 "execution_count": 7,
76 "metadata": {},
77 "output_type": "execute_result"
78 }
79 ],
80 "source": [
81 "(key_a, wrap_a), score_a = keyword_break_mp(sca)\n",
82 "key_a, wrap_a, score_a"
83 ]
84 },
85 {
86 "cell_type": "code",
87 "execution_count": 35,
88 "metadata": {},
89 "outputs": [
90 {
91 "data": {
92 "text/plain": [
93 "('danger', <KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last: 2>, -7448.363712420528)"
94 ]
95 },
96 "execution_count": 35,
97 "metadata": {},
98 "output_type": "execute_result"
99 }
100 ],
101 "source": [
102 "(key_a, wrap_a), score_a = keyword_break_mp(sca, fitness=Ptrigrams)\n",
103 "key_a, wrap_a, score_a"
104 ]
105 },
106 {
107 "cell_type": "code",
108 "execution_count": 36,
109 "metadata": {},
110 "outputs": [
111 {
112 "name": "stdout",
113 "output_type": "stream",
114 "text": [
115 "exactly what or who had hit me i wasnt sure but by the time i came around they had long gone if you\n",
116 "will excuse the p unit was a professional hit just the right amount of force to knock me out\n",
117 "probably no permanent damage the room had been expertly disassembled the shelves were emptied of\n",
118 "blacks mission files and much of the steampunk technology had been taken apart presumably to make\n",
119 "sure it didnt contain any further secrets the big beautiful roundtable had been cleared and ile\n",
120 "anton it to steady myself as my head swami guessed that whoever had followed me into the tunnels and\n",
121 "on into the headquarters must have known what i was looking for it was too much of a coincidence\n",
122 "that they had found me here probably they were connected with the emails that first got me\n",
123 "interested in black but in a confused state after my blackout i was puzzled why had they involved me\n",
124 "perhaps they just didnt know how to find the shadow archive and hoped i would be able to help\n",
125 "perhaps they wanted to implicate me in the theft of the shadow archive papers in that case they\n",
126 "should have hit me harder i wasnt going to hang around long enough to get caught something was\n",
127 "nagging at men one of the papers i had seen looked interesting enough to justify all this effort i\n",
128 "turned my head cautiously trying to ignore the throbbing behind m year and looked around the room\n",
129 "one more time to see what we were missing as i did so my foot caught on something and i bent down\n",
130 "topic kit up when they hit me i had been sitting reading blacks codebook it was full of marvellous\n",
131 "if dated ideas on cryptography and information security and i had just been reading the section on\n",
132 "transposition ciphers it seemed he was particularly keen on columnar transpositions and was arguing\n",
133 "that it would be best to read off the ciphertext column by column to confuse enemy crypt analysts i\n",
134 "was musing on just how secure that would be when the world went dark luckily as i had fallen i had\n",
135 "dropped the book and it had slipped under the table somehow they had missed it during the search and\n",
136 "there it was hidden in the shadows i took a deep breath to slow the spinning behind my eyes and\n",
137 "picked the book up but as i pulled myself upright again the tabletop shifted slightly to one side i\n",
138 "struggled to regain my balance and the table moved again and this time i heard a distinct click as i\n",
139 "shifted my weight the table rotated back and there it was once more a soft metallic c link as a\n",
140 "ratchet tooth engaged i stood up grabbed at the table and pulled sideways it turned again clicking\n",
141 "several times as it did so it was a noise i knew very well the tumblers on a safe made the same\n",
142 "sound though much much quieter\n"
143 ]
144 }
145 ],
146 "source": [
147 "print(lcat(tpack(segment(sanitise(keyword_decipher(sca, key_a, wrap_a))))))"
148 ]
149 },
150 {
151 "cell_type": "code",
152 "execution_count": 9,
153 "metadata": {},
154 "outputs": [
155 {
156 "data": {
157 "text/plain": [
158 "('gardens', <KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last: 2>, -2770.1674703296317)"
159 ]
160 },
161 "execution_count": 9,
162 "metadata": {},
163 "output_type": "execute_result"
164 }
165 ],
166 "source": [
167 "(key_a, wrap_a), score_a = keyword_break_mp(sca, wordlist=history_words)\n",
168 "key_a, wrap_a, score_a"
169 ]
170 },
171 {
172 "cell_type": "code",
173 "execution_count": 10,
174 "metadata": {},
175 "outputs": [
176 {
177 "name": "stdout",
178 "output_type": "stream",
179 "text": [
180 "exdftlywhdtorwhohdah it me i wds nt sure but by the time if d med roun a they hd along gone ic you\n",
181 "will ex fuse the p unit wds d procession dl hit just the right d mount oc corfe to kn of k me out\n",
182 "prob dbly no per md nent admd get he room hda been expertly a is ds semble a the shelves were emptie\n",
183 "ao cbldf ks mission ci les dna muf hoc the st edm punkte fh nology hda been tdk end pdr t pre sum\n",
184 "dbly to md ke sure it a i ant font d in d nyc urther se frets the big bed uti cul roun at dble hda\n",
185 "been fled read nailed nt on it to ste day mysel cds my he das wdm i guess eat hdt whoever hda collo\n",
186 "we a me into the tunnels dna on into the he daq udr ters must hdv e known wh dti wds looking cor it\n",
187 "wds to omufhocdfoinfiaenfet hdt they hda cou name here prob dbly they were f on nef tea with the emd\n",
188 "il sth dtc irst got me interest ea in bld fk but in df on c us east dte dc term y bld fk out i wds\n",
189 "puzzle a why hda they involve a me per hd ps they just a i ant know how to cina the shd a owd rf hiv\n",
190 "edna hope a i woul a be dble to help per hd ps they wdn tea to impl if dte me in the the c to c the\n",
191 "shdaowdrfhivepd pers in thd tfd se they shoul ahdvehitmehdraeriwds nt going to hdn gd roun along\n",
192 "enough to get fdu ght something wds nd gg in gdt men one oc the pd persi hda seen look ea\n",
193 "interesting enough to just icy dll this ec corti turn ea my he daf dut i ously trying to ignore the\n",
194 "throbbing be hina my ed rdna look ead roun a the room one more time to see w hdt we were missing\n",
195 "dsiaiasomycootfdught on something dna i bent a own top if kit up when they hit me i hda been sitting\n",
196 "red a in gb ldf ksfo a ebook it wd scull ocm drv ello us i cad tea i a edson fry p to grd phy dna\n",
197 "inc or md tions ef urity dna i hda just been red a ing these f tion on tr dns position fip her sit\n",
198 "see me a he wds pdr tiful drlykeenonfolumndrtr dns positions dna wds drg uing thd tit woul a be best\n",
199 "to red a occ the fip her text fol umn by fol um nt of on c use enemy fryptdndlystsiwdsm using on\n",
200 "just howse furet hd two ula be when the worl a went ad rklufkilydsihdacdlle nih daar op pea the book\n",
201 "dna it hd as lippe a una er the t dble somehow they hd am is sea it au ring these dr fh dna there it\n",
202 "wd shia a en in the sh dao wsi took da eep bred th to slow the spinning be hina my eyes dna p if kea\n",
203 "the book up but dsi pull ea mysel cup right dgd in the t dble tops hic tea slightly to ones iaei\n",
204 "struggle a to regd in my bdl dnf edna the t dble move a dgd in dna this time i he dr ada ist in ft\n",
205 "fl if kds is hic team y weight the tdblerotdteabdfkdna there it wds on fe more ds oct met dll iff\n",
206 "link ds dr dtf het too the ng dge a is too a upgr db be adt the tdb ledna pull e asia ew dys it turn\n",
207 "ead gdi nfl if kings ever dl times ds it aia so it wds d noise i knew very well the tumblers on dsd\n",
208 "cem dae the sd me so una though mu fhm ufh quieter\n"
209 ]
210 }
211 ],
212 "source": [
213 "print(lcat(tpack(segment(sanitise(keyword_decipher(sca, key_a, wrap_a))))))"
214 ]
215 },
216 {
217 "cell_type": "code",
218 "execution_count": 12,
219 "metadata": {},
220 "outputs": [
221 {
222 "data": {
223 "text/plain": [
224 "'damgerstuvwxyzbcfhijklnopq'"
225 ]
226 },
227 "execution_count": 12,
228 "metadata": {},
229 "output_type": "execute_result"
230 }
231 ],
232 "source": [
233 "kca = keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('damager', KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last)\n",
234 "kca"
235 ]
236 },
237 {
238 "cell_type": "code",
239 "execution_count": 20,
240 "metadata": {},
241 "outputs": [
242 {
243 "data": {
244 "text/plain": [
245 "'dangerstuvwxyzbcfhijklmopq'"
246 ]
247 },
248 "execution_count": 20,
249 "metadata": {},
250 "output_type": "execute_result"
251 }
252 ],
253 "source": [
254 "sak, score = simulated_annealing_break(sca, cipher_alphabet=kca, fitness=Ptrigrams)\n",
255 "sak"
256 ]
257 },
258 {
259 "cell_type": "code",
260 "execution_count": 22,
261 "metadata": {},
262 "outputs": [
263 {
264 "data": {
265 "text/plain": [
266 "'dangerstuvwxyzbcfhijklmopq'"
267 ]
268 },
269 "execution_count": 22,
270 "metadata": {},
271 "output_type": "execute_result"
272 }
273 ],
274 "source": [
275 "kca = keyword_cipher_alphabet_of('dangers', KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last)\n",
276 "kca"
277 ]
278 },
279 {
280 "cell_type": "code",
281 "execution_count": 24,
282 "metadata": {},
283 "outputs": [
284 {
285 "name": "stdout",
286 "output_type": "stream",
287 "text": [
288 "exactly what or who had hit me i wasnt sure but by the time i came around they had long gone if you\n",
289 "will excuse the p unit was a professional hit just the right amount of force to knock me out\n",
290 "probably no permanent damage the room had been expertly disassembled the shelves were emptied of\n",
291 "blacks mission files and much of the steampunk technology had been taken apart presumably to make\n",
292 "sure it didnt contain any further secrets the big beautiful roundtable had been cleared and ile\n",
293 "anton it to steady myself as my head swami guessed that whoever had followed me into the tunnels and\n",
294 "on into the headquarters must have known what i was looking for it was too much of a coincidence\n",
295 "that they had found me here probably they were connected with the emails that first got me\n",
296 "interested in black but in a confused state after my blackout i was puzzled why had they involved me\n",
297 "perhaps they just didnt know how to find the shadow archive and hoped i would be able to help\n",
298 "perhaps they wanted to implicate me in the theft of the shadow archive papers in that case they\n",
299 "should have hit me harder i wasnt going to hang around long enough to get caught something was\n",
300 "nagging at men one of the papers i had seen looked interesting enough to justify all this effort i\n",
301 "turned my head cautiously trying to ignore the throbbing behind m year and looked around the room\n",
302 "one more time to see what we were missing as i did so my foot caught on something and i bent down\n",
303 "topic kit up when they hit me i had been sitting reading blacks codebook it was full of marvellous\n",
304 "if dated ideas on cryptography and information security and i had just been reading the section on\n",
305 "transposition ciphers it seemed he was particularly keen on columnar transpositions and was arguing\n",
306 "that it would be best to read off the ciphertext column by column to confuse enemy crypt analysts i\n",
307 "was musing on just how secure that would be when the world went dark luckily as i had fallen i had\n",
308 "dropped the book and it had slipped under the table somehow they had missed it during the search and\n",
309 "there it was hidden in the shadows i took a deep breath to slow the spinning behind my eyes and\n",
310 "picked the book up but as i pulled myself upright again the tabletop shifted slightly to one side i\n",
311 "struggled to regain my balance and the table moved again and this time i heard a distinct click as i\n",
312 "shifted my weight the table rotated back and there it was once more a soft metallic c link as a\n",
313 "ratchet tooth engaged i stood up grabbed at the table and pulled sideways it turned again clicking\n",
314 "several times as it did so it was a noise i knew very well the tumblers on a safe made the same\n",
315 "sound though much much quieter\n"
316 ]
317 }
318 ],
319 "source": [
320 "print(lcat(tpack(segment(keyword_decipher(sca, 'dangers', KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last)))))"
321 ]
322 },
323 {
324 "cell_type": "code",
325 "execution_count": 25,
326 "metadata": {},
327 "outputs": [
328 {
329 "data": {
330 "text/plain": [
331 "2670"
332 ]
333 },
334 "execution_count": 25,
335 "metadata": {},
336 "output_type": "execute_result"
337 }
338 ],
339 "source": [
340 "open('7a.plaintext', 'w').write(lcat(tpack(segment(keyword_decipher(sca, 'dangers', KeywordWrapAlphabet.from_last)))))"
341 ]
342 },
343 {
344 "cell_type": "code",
345 "execution_count": 26,
346 "metadata": {},
347 "outputs": [
348 {
349 "name": "stderr",
350 "output_type": "stream",
351 "text": [
352 "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/matplotlib/ UserWarning: matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure\n",
353 " \"matplotlib is currently using a non-GUI backend, \"\n"
354 ]
355 },
356 {
357 "data": {
358 "image/png": "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\n",
359 "text/plain": [
360 "<Figure size 432x288 with 1 Axes>"
361 ]
362 },
363 "metadata": {},
364 "output_type": "display_data"
365 }
366 ],
367 "source": [
368 "fc = collections.Counter(scb)\n",
369 "plot_frequency_histogram(fc, sort_key=fc.get)"
370 ]
371 },
372 {
373 "cell_type": "code",
374 "execution_count": 27,
375 "metadata": {},
376 "outputs": [],
377 "source": [
378 "history_transpositions = collections.defaultdict(list)\n",
379 "for word in history_words:\n",
380 " history_transpositions[transpositions_of(word)] += [word]"
381 ]
382 },
383 {
384 "cell_type": "code",
385 "execution_count": 28,
386 "metadata": {},
387 "outputs": [
388 {
389 "data": {
390 "text/plain": [
391 "3675"
392 ]
393 },
394 "execution_count": 28,
395 "metadata": {},
396 "output_type": "execute_result"
397 }
398 ],
399 "source": [
400 "len(history_transpositions)"
401 ]
402 },
403 {
404 "cell_type": "code",
405 "execution_count": 29,
406 "metadata": {},
407 "outputs": [
408 {
409 "data": {
410 "text/plain": [
411 "(((4, 0, 3, 6, 2, 5, 1), False, True), -5440.482831185688)"
412 ]
413 },
414 "execution_count": 29,
415 "metadata": {},
416 "output_type": "execute_result"
417 }
418 ],
419 "source": [
420 "(trans_b, fillcol_b, emptycol_b), score = column_transposition_break_mp(scb, translist=history_transpositions)\n",
421 "(trans_b, fillcol_b, emptycol_b), score"
422 ]
423 },
424 {
425 "cell_type": "code",
426 "execution_count": 30,
427 "metadata": {},
428 "outputs": [
429 {
430 "data": {
431 "text/plain": [
432 "'thechaosandconfusionthatfollowedthereichstadtmeetingwasmorecompletethanihadanyrighttohopetheplayfairgambitwasanoutstandingsuccessthedelegatesfromrussiaandaustrohungaryeachhadaclearviewofwhathadbeenagreedandtheseviewswereentirelydivergentevenbettertherecordsofthemeetingwereentirelyindependentofoneanotherattheurgingofouragentswithintheseparatecourtstheminutesweredictatedseparatelybythetwoforeignministersandrassyandgorchakovsoastoensurethedeepestpossibleunderstandingoftheagreedoutcomestherewasnosignedformalconventionnorevenanagreedprotocoloursubtlecampaignofwhispersandmisdirectionensuredthatneithersideentirelytrustedtheothersotheseminuteswereneversharedthediscussionsconcerningaustrianannexationinbosniaandherzegoveniawillconfusehistoriansanddiplomatsforgenerationstocomeithasalreadyconfusedtheprincipalsinthisaffairandnooneintheforeignofficecanmakesenseofthematalldespitethegreatcaretakenbytheofficersoftheshadowarchivetorecordthemaccuratelythereistalkoftheneedforfurthermeetingsofthegreatpowersandthistimeiwillmakesurethatbritainwillbeatthetabletoinfluencethedeliberationsandtoprotectourinterestsfromthepointofviewofhermajestyandtheprimeministerifnotthatofallherministersthisisclosetotheperfectoutcomediscussionisdisplacingwarandlowleveldistrustisinhibitingthesortoforganisedalliancethatmightdiminishourinfluenceoverthegatewaytotheeasttheforthcomingconferenceinconstantinoplewillforthefirsttimeinvolveourgovernmentinthediscussionsconcerningthefuturegovernanceoftheregionlordsalisburywillargueforthecreationofautonomousregionsunderbulgarianruleinthehopeofreducingtensionsandeliminatingtheexcusethatrussianeedstoengageinwarifhesucceedsthenwewillhaveestablishedacomprehensiveagreementwithrussiaconcerningitsterritorialambitionsincentralasiaresolvingtheconflictwithourownstrategicaimsevenifthisprovestobetoomuchforournegotiatorswecanatleasthopetobuytimetomakeourownpreparationsandtomanipulateouralliesandenemiesiwillconcentrateondevelopingfurtherconfusionspreadingmisinformationandasmuchdistrustasicanmanageifthetalksfailweshouldatleastensurethatnograndbargainisstruckagainstourinterestsandnomajorallianceisformedtodiminishusthemediterraneanisachokepointforthetraderoutesfromtheeastwecannotandwillnotallowotherstostrangletheflowofgoodsandpeoplethatenrichusnothreatisgreatertothehealthoftheempireandnoactionisbeyondcontemplationinoureffortstoremovethethreat'"
433 ]
434 },
435 "execution_count": 30,
436 "metadata": {},
437 "output_type": "execute_result"
438 }
439 ],
440 "source": [
441 "column_transposition_decipher(scb, trans_b, fillcolumnwise=fillcol_b, emptycolumnwise=emptycol_b)"
442 ]
443 },
444 {
445 "cell_type": "code",
446 "execution_count": 31,
447 "metadata": {},
448 "outputs": [
449 {
450 "name": "stdout",
451 "output_type": "stream",
452 "text": [
453 "the chaos and confusion that followed the reich stadt meeting was more complete than i had any right\n",
454 "to hope the playfair gambit was an outstanding success the delegates from russia and austro hungary\n",
455 "each had a clearview of what had been agreed and these views were entirely divergent even better the\n",
456 "records of the meeting were entirely independent of one another at the urging of our agents within\n",
457 "the separate courts the minutes were dictated separately by the two foreign ministers andrassy and g\n",
458 "or chak ov so as to ensure the deepest possible understanding of the agreed outcomes there was no\n",
459 "signed formal convention nor even an agreed protocol our subtle campaign of whispers and\n",
460 "misdirection ensured that neither side entirely trusted the other so these minutes were never shared\n",
461 "the discussions concerning austrian annexation in bosnia and herzeg oven i a will confuse historians\n",
462 "and diplomats for generations to come it has already confused the principals in this affair and no\n",
463 "one in the foreign office can make sense of them at all despite the great care taken by the officers\n",
464 "of the shadow archive to record them accurately there is talk of the need for further meetings of\n",
465 "the great powers and this time i will make sure that britain will beat the table to influence the\n",
466 "deliberations and to protect our interests from the point of view of her majesty and the prime\n",
467 "minister if not that of all her ministers this is close to the perfect outcome discussion is\n",
468 "displacing war and low level distrust is inhibiting the sort of organised alliance that might\n",
469 "diminish our influence over the gateway to the east the forthcoming conference in constantinople\n",
470 "will for the first time involve our government in the discussions concerning the future governance\n",
471 "of the region lord salisbury will argue for the creation of autonomous regions under bulgarian rule\n",
472 "in the hope of reducing tensions and eliminating the excuse that russia needs to engage in war if he\n",
473 "succeeds then we will have established a comprehensive agreement with russia concerning its\n",
474 "territorial ambitions in central asia resolving the conflict with our own strategic aims even if\n",
475 "this proves to be too much for our negotiators we can atleast hope to buy time to make our own\n",
476 "preparations and to manipulate our allies and enemies i will concentrate on developing further\n",
477 "confusion spreading misinformation and as much distrust as i can manage if the talks fail we should\n",
478 "atleast ensure that no grand bargain is struck against our interests and no major alliance is formed\n",
479 "to diminish us the mediterranean is a choke point for the trade routes from the east we can not and\n",
480 "will not allow others to strangle the flow of goods and people that enrich us no threat is greater\n",
481 "to the health of the empire and no action is beyond contemplation in our efforts to remove the\n",
482 "threat\n"
483 ]
484 }
485 ],
486 "source": [
487 "print(lcat(tpack(segment(column_transposition_decipher(scb, trans_b, fillcolumnwise=fillcol_b, emptycolumnwise=emptycol_b)))))"
488 ]
489 },
490 {
491 "cell_type": "code",
492 "execution_count": 32,
493 "metadata": {},
494 "outputs": [
495 {
496 "data": {
497 "text/plain": [
498 "2846"
499 ]
500 },
501 "execution_count": 32,
502 "metadata": {},
503 "output_type": "execute_result"
504 }
505 ],
506 "source": [
507 "open('7b.plaintext', 'w').write(lcat(tpack(segment(column_transposition_decipher(scb, trans_b, fillcolumnwise=fillcol_b, emptycolumnwise=emptycol_b)))))"
508 ]
509 },
510 {
511 "cell_type": "code",
512 "execution_count": 33,
513 "metadata": {},
514 "outputs": [
515 {
516 "data": {
517 "text/plain": [
518 "['bulgaria']"
519 ]
520 },
521 "execution_count": 33,
522 "metadata": {},
523 "output_type": "execute_result"
524 }
525 ],
526 "source": [
527 "history_transpositions[trans_b]"
528 ]
529 },
530 {
531 "cell_type": "code",
532 "execution_count": 34,
533 "metadata": {},
534 "outputs": [
535 {
536 "data": {
537 "text/plain": [
538 "['bulgari', 'bulganin', 'bulgaria', 'extraverts']"
539 ]
540 },
541 "execution_count": 34,
542 "metadata": {},
543 "output_type": "execute_result"
544 }
545 ],
546 "source": [
547 "transpositions[trans_b]"
548 ]
549 },
550 {
551 "cell_type": "code",
552 "execution_count": null,
553 "metadata": {},
554 "outputs": [],
555 "source": []
556 }
557 ],
558 "metadata": {
559 "kernelspec": {
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