Initial commit
[cipher-challenge.git] / 2019 / 6a.plaintext
1 Meg that was fantastic work! The letter to the Post could have really stirred things up and preventing its publication was a top priority. Thank your friends in Langley for getting that done.
3 Of course, the letter raises an awful lot of questions and a whole new problem. We now have two investigations and two perpetrators to catch: the saboteur and the mole. The letter contained details that are known to a few members of our team and a whole bunch of engineers at NASA so we are going to have just as much trouble narrowing the new target list as we did with the first one, and we haven’t made much progress with that. I suspect that our leaker will try to get his or her message out again, so, reluctantly, I think we will have to put some effort into that investigation. I am keen not to divert too much resource away from the sabotage enquiry so can I leave you running the mole hunt? You are pretty well connected with the press. I think we need to take this away from the CIA as they are not really supposed to be active at home, but maybe you could exploit your other links at the Bureau?
5 I did have some thoughts about the letter: it makes a compelling case that the Soviets are to blame for all the problems at NASA, so I stepped up surveillance in the USSR, and as a result the Teufelsberg listening post intercepted the attached message which was flagged top secret. We have had trouble breaking it but one of the field agents thinks he recognises it as a combination of anagramming and substitution, so maybe we should set a team working on it on that basis.
7 Turning to the content, it reads a little like a crazy conspiracy newsletter, and I am finding it hard to believe anyone working at the agency would fit that profile. But if our mole doesn’t work at NASA, where are they getting all their intel from? We aren’t broadcasting it and NASA is trying very hard to keep it under wraps. Could you ask the Bureau’s profilers to take a look and see if they can see anything?
9 I keep thinking I have missed something significant here, and there was definitely something in your last message that is really bothering me, but I can’t put my finger on it. I am sure there is a big clue to something staring me in the face. I’ll let you know if I work it out. In the meantime, here is the intercept, let me know how you get on.