1 # Code Club - Mini Band Project
3 Make your own mini band!
4 You and your friends can form your own finger-sized band and rock out using Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
5 Learn how to build circuits with sensors and outputs and write a simple programme to control your instruments.
16 * 1 x Raspberry Pi (plus monitor and power supply)
18 * 2 x Arduino Uno boards (with USB cables)
19 * 1 x strip potentiometer
21 * 4 x piezo buzzers (the type in greetings cards, easy to get from Maplin)
23 * Bread boards (1 per instrument)
25 * Sugru (or some other modelling material)
28 ## Software requirements:
31 * IDE developer environment for Arduino
36 ### 1. Make your drums
38 Take your 4 piezo buzzers and attach a ring of Sugru (or other modelling material) as shown in the picture.
39 This will increase the flexibility and resonance of the sensors. Let the sugru set.
42 ### 2. Make the circuit
44 Piezo buzzers generate a small charges when you tap them, so they don’t need a power source.
45 Connect one lead from your buzzer to one of your analogue inputs, and connect the other lead to ground.
46 Repeat for each of your drums.
50 ## Pull-down Resistors
52 You’ll find your analogue inputs receive signal when you don’t expect them to.
53 This is because there’s electricty floating around in the system, or something like that.
55 To fix this, you need to wire each input to ground, through a 10KΩ resistor.
57 A better explanation can be found [here](http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/DigitalPins).