2 title: "Advent of Code 2023"
6 Code to solve the [Advent of Code](http://adventofcode.com/2023/) puzzles. This year, I'm using the puzzles to develop my skills in [Haskell](https://wiki.haskell.org/Haskell). I'm writing up a [commentary on these puzzles and my solutions](https://work.njae.me.uk/tag/advent-of-code/) on my blog.
8 [Learn you a Haskell](http://learnyouahaskell.com/chapters), [Introduction to Haskell 98](https://www.haskell.org/tutorial/index.html), and [Hackage](https://hackage.haskell.org/) are good resources.
10 The [Cabal user guide](https://cabal.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html) and [How I Start: Haskell](http://howistart.org/posts/haskell/1/) are good sources of using the tools.
14 Install Ghcup following [the instructions](https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/install/#installation), making sure to load the updated environment with
17 source /home/neil/.ghcup/env
20 and then set the default GHC to use with `ghcup set ghc 9.0.1` .
22 Install [Haskell Language Server](https://haskell-language-server.readthedocs.io/en/latest/configuration.html) for Sublime Text
25 ## Creating the repository and project
26 Create the repository as normal: create the project in Gitolite, clone it, and insert the `.gitignore` and `README.md` files.
28 There's one package per day, with the code for each package in sub-directories of the root directory.
30 Create the basic `cabal` project.
36 Modify the `advent-of-code21.cabal` file as needed, such as updating the Cabal version and writing the `common` stanzas.
38 ## Creating subsequent days
40 Each day lives in a separate directory, with code in the `src` directory.
56 If you want to pass in additional RTS parameters, do it like this:
58 cabal run advent01 -- +RTS -K0 -RTS
61 Run interactively with
67 stack ghci advent01:exe:advent01
69 if the first form is ambiguous.
76 cabal run advent01 --enable-profiling -- +RTS -N -p -s -hT
79 Or, you can simplify the RTS options by adding them to a new stanza in the cabal file:
82 executable advent01prof
83 import: common-extensions, build-directives
84 main-is: advent01/Main.hs
85 build-depends: text, containers, linear, array, pqueue, mtl, lens
90 -rtsopts "-with-rtsopts=-N -p -s -hT"
93 Only include the `-eventlog` directive if you want to use Threadscope to investigate parallel behaviour.
98 cabal run advent01prof --enable-profiling
102 Generate the profile graph with
110 Packages I used a lot:
112 * [Containers](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/containers) (and some [better documentation](https://haskell-containers.readthedocs.io/en/latest/intro.html)); [Unordered containers](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/unordered-containers) is a mostly-equivalent alternative.
113 * [Attoparsec](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/attoparsec) (and [Megaparsec](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/megaparsec), and [ReadP](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base- once).
115 There are somewhat decent [tutorials on Megaparsec](https://markkarpov.com/tutorial/megaparsec.html) and [Attoparsec](https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/school/starting-with-haskell/libraries-and-frameworks/text-manipulation/attoparsec).
117 Packages I didn't use much, but need to remember:
119 * [Arithmoi](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/arithmoi) for number theory
120 * [Pointed List](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pointedlist-0.6.1) for zipper lists (sometimes circular)
121 * [Vector](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector) for array-like things
122 * [Linear](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/linear) for coordinate-vector like things
123 * [Grid](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/grid) for 2-d grids
124 * [Graph-wrapper](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/graph-wrapper) for graphs
125 * [Lens](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/lens) (and a [summary of operators](https://github.com/ekmett/lens/wiki/Operators)). I didn't use these much this year, but did a lot last year.
126 * [RWS](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/mtl-2.2.2/docs/Control-Monad-RWS-Lazy.html) (Reader-Writer-State monad stack); again, used a lot last year but not this year
127 * [Monad loops](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/monad-loops-0.4.3/docs/Control-Monad-Loops.html), and [a description](https://conscientiousprogrammer.com/blog/2015/12/11/24-days-of-hackage-2015-day-11-monad-loops-avoiding-writing-recursive-functions-by-refactoring/)
128 * [Replace-Megaparsec](https://github.com/jamesdbrock/replace-megaparsec), for using Mpc for all sorts of things traditionally done with regex substitutions.
132 Build this readme file wth
134 pandoc -s README.md > README.html
137 (Using the [Modest style](https://github.com/markdowncss/modest).)