Functional tests now work properly, bearing in mind whether a user is logged in or...
[depot.git] / action_controller / http_authentication.rb
1 module ActionController
2 module HttpAuthentication
3 # Makes it dead easy to do HTTP Basic authentication.
4 #
5 # Simple Basic example:
6 #
7 # class PostsController < ApplicationController
8 # USER_NAME, PASSWORD = "dhh", "secret"
9 #
10 # before_filter :authenticate, :except => [ :index ]
11 #
12 # def index
13 # render :text => "Everyone can see me!"
14 # end
15 #
16 # def edit
17 # render :text => "I'm only accessible if you know the password"
18 # end
19 #
20 # private
21 # def authenticate
22 # authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |user_name, password|
23 # user_name == USER_NAME && password == PASSWORD
24 # end
25 # end
26 # end
27 #
28 #
29 # Here is a more advanced Basic example where only Atom feeds and the XML API is protected by HTTP authentication,
30 # the regular HTML interface is protected by a session approach:
31 #
32 # class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
33 # before_filter :set_account, :authenticate
34 #
35 # protected
36 # def set_account
37 # @account = Account.find_by_url_name(request.subdomains.first)
38 # end
39 #
40 # def authenticate
41 # case request.format
42 # when Mime::XML, Mime::ATOM
43 # if user = authenticate_with_http_basic { |u, p| @account.users.authenticate(u, p) }
44 # @current_user = user
45 # else
46 # request_http_basic_authentication
47 # end
48 # else
49 # if session_authenticated?
50 # @current_user = @account.users.find(session[:authenticated][:user_id])
51 # else
52 # redirect_to(login_url) and return false
53 # end
54 # end
55 # end
56 # end
57 #
58 #
59 # In your integration tests, you can do something like this:
60 #
61 # def test_access_granted_from_xml
62 # get(
63 # "/notes/1.xml", nil,
64 # :authorization => ActionController::HttpAuthentication::Basic.encode_credentials(users(:dhh).name, users(:dhh).password)
65 # )
66 #
67 # assert_equal 200, status
68 # end
69 #
70 #
71 # On shared hosts, Apache sometimes doesn't pass authentication headers to
72 # FCGI instances. If your environment matches this description and you cannot
73 # authenticate, try this rule in your Apache setup:
74 #
75 # RewriteRule ^(.*)$ dispatch.fcgi [E=X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%{HTTP:Authorization},QSA,L]
76 module Basic
77 extend self
79 module ControllerMethods
80 def authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic(realm = "Application", &login_procedure)
81 authenticate_with_http_basic(&login_procedure) || request_http_basic_authentication(realm)
82 end
84 def authenticate_with_http_basic(&login_procedure)
85 HttpAuthentication::Basic.authenticate(self, &login_procedure)
86 end
88 def request_http_basic_authentication(realm = "Application")
89 HttpAuthentication::Basic.authentication_request(self, realm)
90 end
91 end
93 def authenticate(controller, &login_procedure)
94 unless authorization(controller.request).blank?
96 end
97 end
99 def user_name_and_password(request)
100 decode_credentials(request).split(/:/, 2)
101 end
103 def authorization(request)
104 request.env['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
105 request.env['X-HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
106 request.env['X_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] ||
108 end
110 def decode_credentials(request)
111 ActiveSupport::Base64.decode64(authorization(request).split.last || '')
112 end
114 def encode_credentials(user_name, password)
115 "Basic #{ActiveSupport::Base64.encode64("#{user_name}:#{password}")}"
116 end
118 def authentication_request(controller, realm)
119 controller.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = %(Basic realm="#{realm.gsub(/"/, "")}")
120 controller.__send__ :render, :text => "HTTP Basic: Access denied.\n", :status => :unauthorized
121 end
122 end
123 end
124 end