Functional tests now work properly, bearing in mind whether a user is logged in or...
[depot.git] / action_controller / integration.rb
1 require 'active_support/test_case'
2 require 'action_controller/dispatcher'
3 require 'action_controller/test_process'
5 require 'stringio'
6 require 'uri'
8 module ActionController
9 module Integration #:nodoc:
10 # An integration Session instance represents a set of requests and responses
11 # performed sequentially by some virtual user. Becase you can instantiate
12 # multiple sessions and run them side-by-side, you can also mimic (to some
13 # limited extent) multiple simultaneous users interacting with your system.
14 #
15 # Typically, you will instantiate a new session using IntegrationTest#open_session,
16 # rather than instantiating Integration::Session directly.
17 class Session
18 include Test::Unit::Assertions
19 include ActionController::Assertions
20 include ActionController::TestProcess
22 # The integer HTTP status code of the last request.
23 attr_reader :status
25 # The status message that accompanied the status code of the last request.
26 attr_reader :status_message
28 # The URI of the last request.
29 attr_reader :path
31 # The hostname used in the last request.
32 attr_accessor :host
34 # The remote_addr used in the last request.
35 attr_accessor :remote_addr
37 # The Accept header to send.
38 attr_accessor :accept
40 # A map of the cookies returned by the last response, and which will be
41 # sent with the next request.
42 attr_reader :cookies
44 # A map of the headers returned by the last response.
45 attr_reader :headers
47 # A reference to the controller instance used by the last request.
48 attr_reader :controller
50 # A reference to the request instance used by the last request.
51 attr_reader :request
53 # A reference to the response instance used by the last request.
54 attr_reader :response
56 # A running counter of the number of requests processed.
57 attr_accessor :request_count
59 class MultiPartNeededException < Exception
60 end
62 # Create and initialize a new Session instance.
63 def initialize
64 reset!
65 end
67 # Resets the instance. This can be used to reset the state information
68 # in an existing session instance, so it can be used from a clean-slate
69 # condition.
70 #
71 # session.reset!
72 def reset!
73 @status = @path = @headers = nil
74 @result = @status_message = nil
75 @https = false
76 @cookies = {}
77 @controller = @request = @response = nil
78 @request_count = 0
80 = ""
81 self.remote_addr = ""
82 self.accept = "text/xml,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5"
84 unless defined? @named_routes_configured
85 # install the named routes in this session instance.
86 klass = class<<self; self; end
87 Routing::Routes.install_helpers(klass)
89 # the helpers are made protected by default--we make them public for
90 # easier access during testing and troubleshooting.
91 klass.module_eval { public *Routing::Routes.named_routes.helpers }
92 @named_routes_configured = true
93 end
94 end
96 # Specify whether or not the session should mimic a secure HTTPS request.
97 #
98 # session.https!
99 # session.https!(false)
100 def https!(flag=true)
101 @https = flag
102 end
104 # Return +true+ if the session is mimicking a secure HTTPS request.
105 #
106 # if session.https?
107 # ...
108 # end
109 def https?
110 @https
111 end
113 # Set the host name to use in the next request.
114 #
115 #! ""
116 def host!(name)
117 @host = name
118 end
120 # Follow a single redirect response. If the last response was not a
121 # redirect, an exception will be raised. Otherwise, the redirect is
122 # performed on the location header.
123 def follow_redirect!
124 raise "not a redirect! #{@status} #{@status_message}" unless redirect?
125 get(interpret_uri(headers['location'].first))
126 status
127 end
129 # Performs a request using the specified method, following any subsequent
130 # redirect. Note that the redirects are followed until the response is
131 # not a redirect--this means you may run into an infinite loop if your
132 # redirect loops back to itself.
133 def request_via_redirect(http_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
134 send(http_method, path, parameters, headers)
135 follow_redirect! while redirect?
136 status
137 end
139 # Performs a GET request, following any subsequent redirect.
140 # See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
141 def get_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
142 request_via_redirect(:get, path, parameters, headers)
143 end
145 # Performs a POST request, following any subsequent redirect.
146 # See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
147 def post_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
148 request_via_redirect(:post, path, parameters, headers)
149 end
151 # Performs a PUT request, following any subsequent redirect.
152 # See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
153 def put_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
154 request_via_redirect(:put, path, parameters, headers)
155 end
157 # Performs a DELETE request, following any subsequent redirect.
158 # See +request_via_redirect+ for more information.
159 def delete_via_redirect(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
160 request_via_redirect(:delete, path, parameters, headers)
161 end
163 # Returns +true+ if the last response was a redirect.
164 def redirect?
165 status/100 == 3
166 end
168 # Performs a GET request with the given parameters.
169 #
170 # - +path+: The URI (as a String) on which you want to perform a GET request.
171 # - +parameters+: The HTTP parameters that you want to pass. This may be +nil+,
172 # a Hash, or a String that is appropriately encoded
173 # (<tt>application/x-www-form-urlencoded</tt> or <tt>multipart/form-data</tt>).
174 # - +headers+: Additional HTTP headers to pass, as a Hash. The keys will
175 # automatically be upcased, with the prefix 'HTTP_' added if needed.
176 #
177 # This method returns an AbstractResponse object, which one can use to inspect
178 # the details of the response. Furthermore, if this method was called from an
179 # ActionController::IntegrationTest object, then that object's <tt>@response</tt>
180 # instance variable will point to the same response object.
181 #
182 # You can also perform POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD requests with +post+,
183 # +put+, +delete+, and +head+.
184 def get(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
185 process :get, path, parameters, headers
186 end
188 # Performs a POST request with the given parameters. See get() for more details.
189 def post(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
190 process :post, path, parameters, headers
191 end
193 # Performs a PUT request with the given parameters. See get() for more details.
194 def put(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
195 process :put, path, parameters, headers
196 end
198 # Performs a DELETE request with the given parameters. See get() for more details.
199 def delete(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
200 process :delete, path, parameters, headers
201 end
203 # Performs a HEAD request with the given parameters. See get() for more details.
204 def head(path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
205 process :head, path, parameters, headers
206 end
208 # Performs an XMLHttpRequest request with the given parameters, mirroring
209 # a request from the Prototype library.
210 #
211 # The request_method is :get, :post, :put, :delete or :head; the
212 # parameters are +nil+, a hash, or a url-encoded or multipart string;
213 # the headers are a hash. Keys are automatically upcased and prefixed
214 # with 'HTTP_' if not already.
215 def xml_http_request(request_method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
216 headers ||= {}
217 headers['X-Requested-With'] = 'XMLHttpRequest'
218 headers['Accept'] ||= 'text/javascript, text/html, application/xml, text/xml, */*'
220 process(request_method, path, parameters, headers)
221 end
222 alias xhr :xml_http_request
224 # Returns the URL for the given options, according to the rules specified
225 # in the application's routes.
226 def url_for(options)
227 controller ? controller.url_for(options) : generic_url_rewriter.rewrite(options)
228 end
230 private
231 # Tailors the session based on the given URI, setting the HTTPS value
232 # and the hostname.
233 def interpret_uri(path)
234 location = URI.parse(path)
235 https! URI::HTTPS === location if location.scheme
236 host! if
237 location.query ? "#{location.path}?#{location.query}" : location.path
238 end
240 # Performs the actual request.
241 def process(method, path, parameters = nil, headers = nil)
242 data = requestify(parameters)
243 path = interpret_uri(path) if path =~ %r{://}
244 path = "/#{path}" unless path[0] == ?/
245 @path = path
246 env = {}
248 if method == :get
249 env["QUERY_STRING"] = data
250 data = nil
251 end
253 env.update(
254 "REQUEST_METHOD" => method.to_s.upcase,
255 "REQUEST_URI" => path,
256 "HTTP_HOST" => host,
257 "REMOTE_ADDR" => remote_addr,
258 "SERVER_PORT" => (https? ? "443" : "80"),
259 "CONTENT_TYPE" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
260 "CONTENT_LENGTH" => data ? data.length.to_s : nil,
261 "HTTP_COOKIE" => encode_cookies,
262 "HTTPS" => https? ? "on" : "off",
263 "HTTP_ACCEPT" => accept
264 )
266 (headers || {}).each do |key, value|
267 key = key.to_s.upcase.gsub(/-/, "_")
268 key = "HTTP_#{key}" unless env.has_key?(key) || key =~ /^HTTP_/
269 env[key] = value
270 end
272 unless ActionController::Base.respond_to?(:clear_last_instantiation!)
273 ActionController::Base.module_eval { include ControllerCapture }
274 end
276 ActionController::Base.clear_last_instantiation!
278 env['rack.input'] = data.is_a?(IO) ? data : || '')
279 @status, @headers, result_body =!.call(env)
280 @request_count += 1
282 @controller = ActionController::Base.last_instantiation
283 @request = @controller.request
284 @response = @controller.response
286 # Decorate the response with the standard behavior of the TestResponse
287 # so that things like assert_response can be used in integration
288 # tests.
289 @response.extend(TestResponseBehavior)
291 @html_document = nil
293 # Inject status back in for backwords compatibility with CGI
294 @headers['Status'] = @status
296 @status, @status_message = @status.split(/ /)
297 @status = @status.to_i
299 cgi_headers = { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
300 @headers.each do |key, value|
301 cgi_headers[key.downcase] << value
302 end
303 cgi_headers['set-cookie'] = cgi_headers['set-cookie'].first
304 @headers = cgi_headers
306 @response.headers['cookie'] ||= []
307 (@headers['set-cookie'] || []).each do |cookie|
308 name, value = cookie.match(/^([^=]*)=([^;]*);/)[1,2]
309 @cookies[name] = value
311 # Fake CGI cookie header
312 # DEPRECATE: Use response.headers["Set-Cookie"] instead
313 @response.headers['cookie'] << CGI::Cookie::new("name" => name, "value" => value)
314 end
316 return status
317 rescue MultiPartNeededException
318 boundary = "----------XnJLe9ZIbbGUYtzPQJ16u1"
319 status = process(method, path, multipart_body(parameters, boundary), (headers || {}).merge({"CONTENT_TYPE" => "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}"}))
320 return status
321 end
323 # Encode the cookies hash in a format suitable for passing to a
324 # request.
325 def encode_cookies
326 cookies.inject("") do |string, (name, value)|
327 string << "#{name}=#{value}; "
328 end
329 end
331 # Get a temporary URL writer object
332 def generic_url_rewriter
333 env = {
335 'QUERY_STRING' => "",
336 "REQUEST_URI" => "/",
337 "HTTP_HOST" => host,
338 "SERVER_PORT" => https? ? "443" : "80",
339 "HTTPS" => https? ? "on" : "off"
340 }
341, {})
342 end
344 def name_with_prefix(prefix, name)
345 prefix ? "#{prefix}[#{name}]" : name.to_s
346 end
348 # Convert the given parameters to a request string. The parameters may
349 # be a string, +nil+, or a Hash.
350 def requestify(parameters, prefix=nil)
351 if TestUploadedFile === parameters
352 raise MultiPartNeededException
353 elsif Hash === parameters
354 return nil if parameters.empty?
355 { |k,v| requestify(v, name_with_prefix(prefix, k)) }.join("&")
356 elsif Array === parameters
357 { |v| requestify(v, name_with_prefix(prefix, "")) }.join("&")
358 elsif prefix.nil?
359 parameters
360 else
361 "#{CGI.escape(prefix)}=#{CGI.escape(parameters.to_s)}"
362 end
363 end
365 def multipart_requestify(params, first=true)
366 returning do |p|
367 params.each do |key, value|
368 k = first ? CGI.escape(key.to_s) : "[#{CGI.escape(key.to_s)}]"
369 if Hash === value
370 multipart_requestify(value, false).each do |subkey, subvalue|
371 p[k + subkey] = subvalue
372 end
373 else
374 p[k] = value
375 end
376 end
377 end
378 end
380 def multipart_body(params, boundary)
381 multipart_requestify(params).map do |key, value|
382 if value.respond_to?(:original_filename)
383 do |f|
384 f.set_encoding(Encoding::BINARY) if f.respond_to?(:set_encoding)
386 <<-EOF
387 --#{boundary}\r
388 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{key}"; filename="#{CGI.escape(value.original_filename)}"\r
389 Content-Type: #{value.content_type}\r
390 Content-Length: #{File.stat(value.path).size}\r
391 \r
392 #{}\r
393 EOF
394 end
395 else
396 <<-EOF
397 --#{boundary}\r
398 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="#{key}"\r
399 \r
400 #{value}\r
401 EOF
402 end
403 end.join("")+"--#{boundary}--\r"
404 end
405 end
407 # A module used to extend ActionController::Base, so that integration tests
408 # can capture the controller used to satisfy a request.
409 module ControllerCapture #:nodoc:
410 def self.included(base)
411 base.extend(ClassMethods)
412 base.class_eval do
413 class << self
414 alias_method_chain :new, :capture
415 end
416 end
417 end
419 module ClassMethods #:nodoc:
420 mattr_accessor :last_instantiation
422 def clear_last_instantiation!
423 self.last_instantiation = nil
424 end
426 def new_with_capture(*args)
427 controller = new_without_capture(*args)
428 self.last_instantiation ||= controller
429 controller
430 end
431 end
432 end
434 module Runner
435 # Reset the current session. This is useful for testing multiple sessions
436 # in a single test case.
437 def reset!
438 @integration_session = open_session
439 end
441 %w(get post put head delete cookies assigns
442 xml_http_request xhr get_via_redirect post_via_redirect).each do |method|
443 define_method(method) do |*args|
444 reset! unless @integration_session
445 # reset the html_document variable, but only for new get/post calls
446 @html_document = nil unless %w(cookies assigns).include?(method)
447 returning @integration_session.__send__(method, *args) do
448 copy_session_variables!
449 end
450 end
451 end
453 # Open a new session instance. If a block is given, the new session is
454 # yielded to the block before being returned.
455 #
456 # session = open_session do |sess|
457 # sess.extend(CustomAssertions)
458 # end
459 #
460 # By default, a single session is automatically created for you, but you
461 # can use this method to open multiple sessions that ought to be tested
462 # simultaneously.
463 def open_session
464 session =
466 # delegate the fixture accessors back to the test instance
467 extras = { attr_accessor :delegate, :test_result }
468 if self.class.respond_to?(:fixture_table_names)
469 self.class.fixture_table_names.each do |table_name|
470 name =".", "_")
471 next unless respond_to?(name)
472 extras.__send__(:define_method, name) { |*args| delegate.send(name, *args) }
473 end
474 end
476 # delegate add_assertion to the test case
477 extras.__send__(:define_method, :add_assertion) { test_result.add_assertion }
478 session.extend(extras)
479 session.delegate = self
480 session.test_result = @_result
482 yield session if block_given?
483 session
484 end
486 # Copy the instance variables from the current session instance into the
487 # test instance.
488 def copy_session_variables! #:nodoc:
489 return unless @integration_session
490 %w(controller response request).each do |var|
491 instance_variable_set("@#{var}", @integration_session.__send__(var))
492 end
493 end
495 # Delegate unhandled messages to the current session instance.
496 def method_missing(sym, *args, &block)
497 reset! unless @integration_session
498 returning @integration_session.__send__(sym, *args, &block) do
499 copy_session_variables!
500 end
501 end
502 end
503 end
505 # An IntegrationTest is one that spans multiple controllers and actions,
506 # tying them all together to ensure they work together as expected. It tests
507 # more completely than either unit or functional tests do, exercising the
508 # entire stack, from the dispatcher to the database.
509 #
510 # At its simplest, you simply extend IntegrationTest and write your tests
511 # using the get/post methods:
512 #
513 # require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_helper"
514 #
515 # class ExampleTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
516 # fixtures :people
517 #
518 # def test_login
519 # # get the login page
520 # get "/login"
521 # assert_equal 200, status
522 #
523 # # post the login and follow through to the home page
524 # post "/login", :username => people(:jamis).username,
525 # :password => people(:jamis).password
526 # follow_redirect!
527 # assert_equal 200, status
528 # assert_equal "/home", path
529 # end
530 # end
531 #
532 # However, you can also have multiple session instances open per test, and
533 # even extend those instances with assertions and methods to create a very
534 # powerful testing DSL that is specific for your application. You can even
535 # reference any named routes you happen to have defined!
536 #
537 # require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/test_helper"
538 #
539 # class AdvancedTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest
540 # fixtures :people, :rooms
541 #
542 # def test_login_and_speak
543 # jamis, david = login(:jamis), login(:david)
544 # room = rooms(:office)
545 #
546 # jamis.enter(room)
547 # jamis.speak(room, "anybody home?")
548 #
549 # david.enter(room)
550 # david.speak(room, "hello!")
551 # end
552 #
553 # private
554 #
555 # module CustomAssertions
556 # def enter(room)
557 # # reference a named route, for maximum internal consistency!
558 # get(room_url(:id =>
559 # assert(...)
560 # ...
561 # end
562 #
563 # def speak(room, message)
564 # xml_http_request "/say/#{}", :message => message
565 # assert(...)
566 # ...
567 # end
568 # end
569 #
570 # def login(who)
571 # open_session do |sess|
572 # sess.extend(CustomAssertions)
573 # who = people(who)
574 # "/login", :username => who.username,
575 # :password => who.password
576 # assert(...)
577 # end
578 # end
579 # end
580 class IntegrationTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
581 include Integration::Runner
583 # Work around a bug in test/unit caused by the default test being named
584 # as a symbol (:default_test), which causes regex test filters
585 # (like "ruby test.rb -n /foo/") to fail because =~ doesn't work on
586 # symbols.
587 def initialize(name) #:nodoc:
588 super(name.to_s)
589 end
591 # Work around test/unit's requirement that every subclass of TestCase have
592 # at least one test method. Note that this implementation extends to all
593 # subclasses, as well, so subclasses of IntegrationTest may also exist
594 # without any test methods.
595 def run(*args) #:nodoc:
596 return if @method_name == "default_test"
597 super
598 end
600 # Because of how use_instantiated_fixtures and use_transactional_fixtures
601 # are defined, we need to treat them as special cases. Otherwise, users
602 # would potentially have to set their values for both Test::Unit::TestCase
603 # ActionController::IntegrationTest, since by the time the value is set on
604 # TestCase, IntegrationTest has already been defined and cannot inherit
605 # changes to those variables. So, we make those two attributes copy-on-write.
607 class << self
608 def use_transactional_fixtures=(flag) #:nodoc:
609 @_use_transactional_fixtures = true
610 @use_transactional_fixtures = flag
611 end
613 def use_instantiated_fixtures=(flag) #:nodoc:
614 @_use_instantiated_fixtures = true
615 @use_instantiated_fixtures = flag
616 end
618 def use_transactional_fixtures #:nodoc:
619 @_use_transactional_fixtures ?
620 @use_transactional_fixtures :
621 superclass.use_transactional_fixtures
622 end
624 def use_instantiated_fixtures #:nodoc:
625 @_use_instantiated_fixtures ?
626 @use_instantiated_fixtures :
627 superclass.use_instantiated_fixtures
628 end
629 end
630 end
631 end