Day 19 done
[advent-of-code-19.git] / advent01 / package.yaml
1 # This YAML file describes your package. Stack will automatically generate a
2 # Cabal file when you run `stack build`. See the hpack website for help with
3 # this file: <>.
5 name: advent01
6 synopsis: Advent of Code
7 version: '0.0.1'
9 default-extensions:
10 - AllowAmbiguousTypes
11 - ApplicativeDo
12 - BangPatterns
13 - BlockArguments
14 - DataKinds
15 - DeriveFoldable
16 - DeriveFunctor
17 - DeriveGeneric
18 - DeriveTraversable
19 - EmptyCase
20 - FlexibleContexts
21 - FlexibleInstances
22 - FunctionalDependencies
23 - GADTs
24 - GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
25 - ImplicitParams
26 - KindSignatures
27 - LambdaCase
28 - MonadComprehensions
29 - MonoLocalBinds
30 - MultiParamTypeClasses
31 - MultiWayIf
32 - NegativeLiterals
33 - NumDecimals
34 - OverloadedLists
35 - PartialTypeSignatures
36 - PatternGuards
37 - PatternSynonyms
38 - PolyKinds
39 - RankNTypes
40 - RecordWildCards
41 - ScopedTypeVariables
42 - TemplateHaskell
43 - TransformListComp
44 - TupleSections
45 - TypeApplications
46 - TypeInType
47 - TypeOperators
48 - ViewPatterns
51 executables:
52 advent01:
53 main: advent01.hs
54 source-dirs: src
55 dependencies:
56 - base >= 2 && < 6
57 - text
58 - megaparsec
59 - containers