Simplified day 9
[advent-of-code-23.git] / advent08 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
3 import AoC
4 import Data.Text (Text)
5 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
6 import Data.Attoparsec.Text -- hiding (take)
7 import Control.Applicative
8 import Data.List
9 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
10 import Data.Map.Strict ((!), (!?))
12 data Direction = L | R deriving (Show, Eq)
13 data Node = Node String String deriving (Show)
14 type Desert = M.Map String Node
16 data State = State { getHere :: String, getSteps :: Int } deriving (Eq, Show)
17 instance Ord State where
18 compare (State n1 s1) (State n2 s2) = compare (s1, n1) (s2, n2)
20 data PathStart = PathStart String Int deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
21 data CollapsedPath = CPath String Int deriving (Show)
22 type Paths = M.Map PathStart CollapsedPath
24 main :: IO ()
25 main =
26 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
27 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
28 let (directions, desert) = successfulParse text
29 -- print $ length directions
30 -- print $ directions
31 -- print $ desert
32 print $ part1 desert directions
33 print $ part2 desert directions
34 print $ part3 desert directions
36 part1, part2 :: Desert -> [Direction] -> Int
37 part1 desert directions = getSteps $ walk desert directions (State "AAA" 0)
40 part2 desert directions = foldl1 lcm pathLens
41 where cache = generateRouteLengths desert directions
42 pathLens = fmap (\(CPath _ l) -> l) $ M.elems cache
43 -- directionsLen = length directions
45 generateRouteLengths :: Desert -> [Direction] -> Paths
46 generateRouteLengths desert directions = M.unions ((fmap snd sResults) ++ (fmap snd gResults))
47 where starts = sort $ fmap (\s -> State s 0) $ startsOf desert
48 sResults = fmap (walkWithCache desert directions M.empty) starts
49 fromGoals = fmap fst sResults
50 gResults = fmap (walkWithCache desert directions M.empty) fromGoals
53 part3 desert directions = multiWalk desert directions M.empty starts
54 where starts = fmap (\s -> State s 0) $ startsOf desert
56 multiWalk desert directions cache states@(s:ss)
57 | (all isGoal states) && (sameTime states) = states
58 | otherwise = multiWalk desert directions newCache $ sort (s':ss)
59 where (s', newCache) = walkWithCache desert directions cache s
61 sameTime states = (length $ nub times) == 1
62 where times = fmap getSteps states
64 walk :: Desert -> [Direction] -> State -> State
65 walk desert directions start = head $ dropWhile (not . isGoal) path
66 where path = scanl' (step desert) start $ drop offset $ cycle directions
67 offset = (getSteps start) `mod` (length directions)
69 step :: Desert -> State -> Direction -> State
70 step desert (State here steps) direction
71 | direction == L = State thereL (steps + 1)
72 | direction == R = State thereR (steps + 1)
73 where
74 (Node thereL thereR) = desert ! here
77 startsOf :: Desert -> [String]
78 startsOf desert = filter ((=='A') . last) $ M.keys desert
79 -- goalsOf desert = filter ((=='Z') . last) $ M.keys desert
81 isGoal :: State -> Bool
82 isGoal (State here _) = (last here) == 'Z'
84 walkWithCache :: Desert -> [Direction] -> Paths -> State -> (State, Paths)
85 walkWithCache desert directions cache start =
86 case cacheEntry of
87 Just (CPath there steps) -> (State there (steps + (getSteps start)), cache)
88 Nothing -> (newState, newCache)
89 where offset = (getSteps start) `mod` (length directions)
90 cacheEntry = cache !? (PathStart (getHere start) offset)
91 start' = step desert start (directions !! offset)
92 newState = walk desert directions start'
93 newCache = M.insert (PathStart (getHere start) offset)
94 (CPath (getHere newState) ((getSteps newState) - (getSteps start)))
95 cache
97 -- Parse the input file
99 problemP :: Parser ([Direction], Desert)
100 directionP :: Parser Direction
101 desertP :: Parser Desert
102 desertLineP :: Parser (String, Node)
103 nodeP :: Parser Node
104 nameP :: Parser String
106 problemP = (,) <$> ((many1 directionP) <* many1 endOfLine) <*> desertP
107 directionP = (L <$ "L") <|> (R <$ "R")
109 desertP = M.fromList <$> desertLineP `sepBy` endOfLine
110 desertLineP = (,) <$> (nameP <* " = ") <*> nodeP
112 nodeP = Node <$> ("(" *> nameP <* ", ") <*> (nameP <* ")")
113 nameP = many1 (letter <|> digit)
115 successfulParse :: Text -> ([Direction], Desert)
116 successfulParse input =
117 case parseOnly problemP input of
118 Left _err -> ([], M.empty) -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
119 Right matches -> matches