Done day 12 part 2
[advent-of-code-21.git] / advent11 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
3 import Data.Array.IArray
4 import Data.Char
5 import Linear (V2(..), (^+^))
7 type Coord = V2 Int
8 type Grid = Array Coord Octopus
10 data Octopus = Octopus Int Bool
11 deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
13 main :: IO ()
14 main =
15 do text <- readFile "data/advent11.txt"
16 let grid = mkGrid text
17 print $ part1 grid
18 print $ part2 grid
20 mkGrid :: String -> Grid
21 mkGrid text = listArray ((V2 0 0), (V2 r c)) $ map mkOct $ concat rows
22 where rows = lines text
23 r = length rows - 1
24 c = (length $ head rows) - 1
25 mkOct e = Octopus (digitToInt e) False
27 part1 :: Grid -> Int
28 part1 grid = snd $ (simulate grid) !! 100
30 part2 :: Grid -> Int
31 part2 grid = length $ takeWhile notSyncronised $ simulate grid
32 where notSyncronised (g, _) = not $ simultaneous g
34 simulate :: Grid -> [(Grid, Int)]
35 simulate grid = iterate step (grid, 0)
37 step :: (Grid, Int) -> (Grid, Int)
38 step (grid0, flashCount0) = (grid3, flashCount0 + numFlashers)
39 where grid1 = increment grid0
40 triggers = findFlashers grid1
41 grid2 = flash grid1 triggers
42 flashers = findFlashers grid2
43 numFlashers = length flashers
44 grid3 = resetFlashers grid2 flashers
46 simultaneous :: Grid -> Bool
47 simultaneous grid = all zeroOct $ elems grid
48 where zeroOct (Octopus 0 _) = True
49 zeroOct _ = False
51 increment :: Grid -> Grid
52 increment = amap incrementOne
54 incrementSome :: Grid -> [Coord] -> Grid
55 incrementSome grid locations = grid // (zip locations incrementedOcts)
56 where incrementedOcts = map (incrementOne . (grid !)) locations
58 incrementOne :: Octopus -> Octopus
59 incrementOne (Octopus energy flashed) = Octopus (energy + 1) flashed
61 findFlashers :: Grid -> [Coord]
62 findFlashers = map fst . filter (overpowered . snd) . assocs
63 where overpowered (Octopus energy _) = energy > 9
65 flash :: Grid -> [Coord] -> Grid
66 flash grid [] = grid
67 flash grid (here:agenda)
68 -- already flashed, so ignore
69 | flashed == True = flash grid agenda
70 -- not enough energy to flash, so ignore
71 | energy <= 9 = flash grid agenda
72 | otherwise = flash grid'' agenda'
73 where Octopus energy flashed = grid ! here
74 nbrs = neighbours grid here
75 -- set this as flashed
76 octopus' = Octopus energy True
77 grid' = grid // [(here, octopus')]
78 -- add negighbours to agenda
79 agenda' = nbrs ++ agenda
80 -- increment neighbours
81 grid'' = incrementSome grid' nbrs
83 resetFlashers :: Grid -> [Coord] -> Grid
84 resetFlashers grid locations = grid // (zip locations resetOcts)
85 where resetOcts = repeat (Octopus 0 False)
87 neighbours :: Grid -> Coord -> [Coord]
88 neighbours grid here = filter (inRange (bounds grid))
89 [ here ^+^ (V2 r c)
90 | r <- [-1, 0, 1]
91 , c <- [-1, 0, 1]
92 , (r, c) /= (0, 0)
93 ]