1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2023/12/15/advent-of-code-2023-day-12/
4 import Data.Text (Text)
5 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
6 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, takeWhile)
7 import Control.Applicative
9 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
11 data Spring = Unknown | Damaged | Operational deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
12 data Record = Record [Spring] [Int] deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
14 type Cache = M.Map Record Int
19 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
20 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
21 let records = successfulParse text
26 part1, part2 :: [Record] -> Int
27 part1 = sum . fmap countViable
28 part2 = sum . fmap (countViable . unfoldRecord)
30 unfoldRecord :: Record -> Record
31 unfoldRecord (Record springs signature) = Record uSprings uSignature
32 where uSprings = intercalate [Unknown] $ replicate 5 springs
33 uSignature = concat $ replicate 5 signature
35 countViable :: Record -> Int
36 countViable record = table M.! record
37 where table0 = initialCache record
38 table = fillTable table0 record
40 initialCache :: Record -> Cache
41 initialCache (Record springs signature) = M.union lastOperational cache0
42 where cache0 = M.union sprs sigs
43 sprs = M.fromList $ fmap (\s -> (Record s [], 0)) $ tails springs
44 sigs = M.fromList $ fmap (\g -> (Record [] g, 0)) $ tails signature
45 lastOperationalChunk =
46 reverse $ takeWhile isPossOperational $ reverse springs
48 M.fromList $ fmap (\s -> (Record s [], 1)) $ tails lastOperationalChunk
50 fillTableCell, fillTableSigs, fillTable :: Cache -> Record -> Cache
51 fillTableCell table record
52 | record `M.member` table = table
53 | otherwise = M.insert record (opN + signN) table
54 where (Record springs@(s:ss) signatures@(g:gs)) = record
55 opN = if (isPossOperational s) then table M.! (Record ss signatures) else 0
56 signN = if (possibleDamagedChunk springs g) then table M.! (Record (drop (g + 1) springs) gs) else 0
58 fillTableSigs table (Record springs signatures) = foldr (\gs t -> fillTableCell t (Record springs gs)) table $ tails signatures
60 fillTable table (Record springs signatures) = foldr (\ss t -> fillTableSigs t (Record ss signatures)) table $ tails springs
62 isPossOperational :: Spring -> Bool
63 isPossOperational Operational = True
64 isPossOperational Unknown = True
65 isPossOperational _ = False
67 isPossDamaged :: Spring -> Bool
68 isPossDamaged Damaged = True
69 isPossDamaged Unknown = True
70 isPossDamaged _ = False
72 possibleDamagedChunk :: [Spring] -> Int -> Bool
73 possibleDamagedChunk springs n =
74 isDamagedChunk && ((null afterChunk) || (isPossOperational $ head afterChunk))
75 where isDamagedChunk = (length $ filter isPossDamaged $ take n springs) == n
76 afterChunk = drop n springs
78 -- Parse the input file
80 recordsP :: Parser [Record]
81 recordP :: Parser Record
82 springP :: Parser Spring
84 recordsP = recordP `sepBy` endOfLine
85 recordP = Record <$> (many1 springP <* " ") <*> (decimal `sepBy` ",")
86 springP = (Unknown <$ "?") <|> (Damaged <$ "#") <|> (Operational <$ ".")
88 successfulParse :: Text -> [Record]
89 successfulParse input =
90 case parseOnly recordsP input of
91 Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
92 Right matches -> matches