Added profiling
[advent-of-code-22.git] / advent14 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
3 import AoC
4 import Data.Text (Text)
5 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
6 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
7 import Data.List
8 import Data.Ix
9 import Data.Maybe
10 import qualified Data.Set as S
11 import Linear -- hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
12 import Control.Lens
14 type Position = V2 Int -- x, y, y increasing down.
16 type Cave = S.Set Position
18 data Sand = Falling Position | Blocked Position | Escaped
19 deriving (Eq, Show)
21 -- open floor: sand escapes below given level
22 -- closed floor: sand blocked by floor with this y
23 data Floor = Open Int | Closed Int deriving (Eq, Show)
25 main :: IO ()
26 main =
27 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
28 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
29 let corners = successfulParse text
30 let stone = mkCave corners
31 let floorY = fromJust $ maximumOf (folded . _y) stone
32 print $ part1 stone floorY
33 print $ part2 stone floorY
35 part1, part2 :: Cave -> Int -> Int
36 part1 stone floorY = sandQty
37 where filledCave = dropManySand stone (Open floorY)
38 sandQty = (S.size filledCave) - (S.size stone)
39 part2 stone floorY = sandQty
40 where filledCave = dropManySand stone (Closed (floorY + 2))
41 sandQty = (S.size filledCave) - (S.size stone)
43 mkCave :: [[Position]] -> Cave
44 mkCave walls = foldl' addWall S.empty walls
46 addWall :: Cave -> [Position] -> Cave
47 addWall cave wall = foldl' addSegment cave segments
48 where segments = zip wall $ tail wall
50 addSegment :: Cave -> (Position, Position) -> Cave
51 addSegment cave segment = S.union cave segments
52 where segments = S.fromList $ range (uncurry min segment, uncurry max segment)
54 fallDirections :: [Position]
55 fallDirections = [V2 0 1, V2 -1 1, V2 1 1]
57 sandOrigin :: Position
58 sandOrigin = V2 500 0
60 fallStep :: Sand -> Cave -> Floor -> Sand
61 fallStep (Blocked here) _ _ = Blocked here
62 fallStep Escaped _ _ = Escaped
63 fallStep (Falling here) cave (Open floorY)
64 | here ^. _y > floorY = Escaped
65 | otherwise = maybe (Blocked here) Falling $ find vacant
66 $ fmap (here ^+^) fallDirections
67 where vacant there = there `S.notMember` cave
68 fallStep (Falling here) cave (Closed floorY) =
69 maybe (Blocked here) Falling $ find vacant $ fmap (here ^+^) fallDirections
70 where vacant there = (there ^. _y < floorY) && (there `S.notMember` cave)
72 fallsTo :: Sand -> Cave -> Floor -> Sand
73 fallsTo here cave floorY =
74 case fallStep here cave floorY of
75 Escaped -> Escaped
76 Blocked there -> Blocked there
77 Falling there -> fallsTo (Falling there) cave floorY
79 dropManySand :: Cave -> Floor -> Cave
80 dropManySand cave floorY
81 | sandOrigin `S.member` cave = cave
82 | otherwise = case dropOneSand cave floorY of
83 Nothing -> cave
84 Just cave' -> dropManySand cave' floorY
86 dropOneSand :: Cave -> Floor -> Maybe Cave
87 dropOneSand cave floorY =
88 case (fallsTo (Falling sandOrigin) cave floorY) of
89 Escaped -> Nothing
90 Blocked there -> Just (S.insert there cave)
91 Falling _ -> error "sand still falling"
93 -- Parse the input file
95 wallsP :: Parser [[Position]]
96 wallP :: Parser [Position]
97 cornerP :: Parser Position
99 wallsP = wallP `sepBy` endOfLine
100 wallP = cornerP `sepBy` " -> "
101 cornerP = V2 <$> (decimal <* ",") <*> decimal
103 successfulParse :: Text -> [[Position]]
104 successfulParse input =
105 case parseOnly wallsP input of
106 Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
107 Right corners -> corners