Added profiling
[advent-of-code-22.git] / advent15 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
3 import AoC
4 import Data.Text (Text)
5 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
6 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take, D)
7 import Data.Ix
8 import qualified Data.Set as S
9 import Linear hiding (Trace, trace, distance)
11 type Position = V2 Int
13 data Sensor = Sensor Position Position -- sensor position, beacon position
14 deriving (Eq, Show)
16 newtype Region = Region { getRegion :: Position -> Bool }
18 instance Semigroup Region where
19 r1 <> r2 = Region (\p -> getRegion r1 p || getRegion r2 p)
21 instance Monoid Region where
22 -- mempty = Region (\p -> False)
23 mempty = Region (const False)
25 main :: IO ()
26 main =
27 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
28 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
29 let sensors = successfulParse text
30 -- print sensors
31 print $ part1 sensors
32 print $ part2 sensors
34 thisY :: Int
35 -- thisY = 10
36 thisY = 2000000
38 searchRange :: (Position, Position)
39 -- searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 20 20))
40 searchRange = ((V2 0 0), (V2 4000000 4000000))
42 part1, part2 :: [Sensor] -> Int
43 part1 sensors = length $ filter (\p -> p `notElem` occupied) $ filter (getRegion coverage) rowCoords
44 where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby sensors
45 rowCoords = range ((V2 (globalMinX sensors) thisY), (V2 (globalMaxX sensors) thisY))
46 occupied = concatMap (\(Sensor s b) -> [s, b]) sensors
48 part2 sensors = x * 4000000 + y
49 where coverage = mconcat $ fmap nearby sensors
50 boundaries = S.filter (inRange searchRange) $ S.unions $ fmap justOutside sensors
51 V2 x y = S.findMin $ S.filter (\p -> not $ getRegion coverage p) boundaries
53 manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
54 manhattan p1 p2 = (abs dx) + (abs dy)
55 where V2 dx dy = p1 ^-^ p2
57 nearby :: Sensor -> Region
58 nearby (Sensor s b) = Region (\p -> manhattan s p <= dist)
59 where dist = manhattan s b
61 minX, maxX :: Sensor -> Int
62 minX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx - (manhattan s b)
63 maxX (Sensor s@(V2 sx _) b) = sx + (manhattan s b)
65 globalMinX, globalMaxX :: [Sensor] -> Int
66 globalMinX = minimum . fmap minX
67 globalMaxX = maximum . fmap maxX
69 justOutside :: Sensor -> S.Set Position
70 justOutside (Sensor s@(V2 sx sy) b) = S.fromList (topLeft ++ topRight ++ bottomLeft ++ bottomRight)
71 where d = 1 + manhattan s b
72 topLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
73 topRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy..(sy + d)] ]
74 bottomLeft = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx - d)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
75 bottomRight = [V2 x y | (x, y) <- zip [(sx + d), (sx + d - 1)] [sy, (sy - 1)..(sy - d)] ]
77 -- Parse the input file
79 sensorsP :: Parser [Sensor]
80 sensorP :: Parser Sensor
81 positionP :: Parser Position
83 sensorsP = sensorP `sepBy` endOfLine
84 sensorP = Sensor <$> ("Sensor at " *> positionP) <*> (": closest beacon is at " *> positionP)
85 positionP = V2 <$> (("x=" *> signed decimal) <* ", ") <*> ("y=" *> signed decimal)
87 successfulParse :: Text -> [Sensor]
88 successfulParse input =
89 case parseOnly sensorsP input of
90 Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
91 Right sensors -> sensors