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[advent-of-code-19.git] / advent18 / src / advent18direct.hs
1 import Debug.Trace
3 -- import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
5 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
6 -- import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
7 import qualified Data.PQueue.Prio.Min as P
8 import qualified Data.Set as S
9 import qualified Data.Sequence as Q
10 import Data.Sequence ((<|), (|>), (><))
11 import Data.Foldable (toList, foldr', foldl', all)
12 -- import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
13 -- import Data.List
14 import Data.Char
15 import Control.Monad.Reader
16 import Control.Lens hiding ((<|), (|>))
17 -- import Data.Map.Lens
20 type Position = (Integer, Integer) -- r, c
22 type Keys = S.Set Char
23 type PointOfInterest = M.Map Position Char
26 class (Eq e, Ord e, Show e) => Explorer e where
27 successors :: e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq e)
28 estimateCost :: e -> CaveContext Int
29 -- positionE :: e -> Position
30 keysHeldE :: e -> Keys
31 emptyExplorer :: e
34 data Explorer1 = Explorer1 { _position1 :: Position
35 , _keysHeld1 :: Keys
36 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
37 data Explorer4 = Explorer4 { _position4 :: S.Set Position
38 , _keysHeld4 :: Keys
39 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
40 type ExploredStates e = S.Set e
42 type Cave = S.Set Position
43 data CaveComplex = CaveComplex { _cave :: Cave
44 , _keys :: PointOfInterest
45 , _doors :: PointOfInterest
46 } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
47 type CaveContext = Reader CaveComplex
49 data Agendum e = Agendum { _current :: e
50 , _trail :: Q.Seq e
51 , _cost :: Int} deriving (Show, Eq)
52 type Agenda e = P.MinPQueue Int (Agendum e)
53 -- type Candidates e = S.Set (Int, Agendum e)
55 instance Explorer Explorer1 where
56 successors explorer =
57 do let here = _position1 explorer
58 let locations0 = possibleNeighbours here
59 cave <- asks _cave
60 keys <- asks _keys
61 doors <- asks _doors
62 let keysHeld = _keysHeld1 explorer
63 let locations1 = Q.filter (`S.member` cave) locations0
64 let locations2 = Q.filter (hasKeyFor doors keysHeld) locations1
65 return $ fmap (\l -> explorer { _position1 = l, _keysHeld1 = pickupKey keys keysHeld l}) locations2
67 estimateCost explorer = -- return 0
68 do keys <- asks _keys
69 let (r, c) = _position1 explorer
70 let unfoundKeys = M.keysSet $ M.filter (`S.notMember` (_keysHeld1 explorer)) keys
71 let (minR, maxR, minC, maxC) = bounds $ unfoundKeys
72 -- = minimum $ map fst $ M.keys unfoundKeys
73 -- let minC = minimum $ map snd $ M.keys unfoundKeys
74 -- let maxR = maximum $ map fst $ M.keys unfoundKeys
75 -- let maxC = maximum $ map snd $ M.keys unfoundKeys
76 let spanR = spanV r minR maxR
77 let spanC = spanV c minC maxC
78 if S.null unfoundKeys
79 then return 0
80 else return $ fromIntegral (spanR + spanC)
81 -- return $ sum $ map (manhattan here) $ M.keys unfoundKeys
83 -- positionE = _position1
84 keysHeldE = _keysHeld1
85 emptyExplorer = Explorer1 { _position1 = (0, 0), _keysHeld1 = S.empty }
87 instance Explorer Explorer4 where
88 successors explorer =
89 do let rawHeres = _position4 explorer
90 let heres = setToSeq $ allSplits rawHeres
91 let locations0 = over (traversed . _1) possibleNeighbours heres
92 cave <- asks _cave
93 keys <- asks _keys
94 doors <- asks _doors
95 let keysHeld = _keysHeld4 explorer
96 let locations1 = over (traversed . _1) (Q.filter (`S.member` cave)) locations0
97 let locations2 = over (traversed . _1) (Q.filter (hasKeyFor doors keysHeld)) locations1
98 let locations3 = fmap (\(ls, hs) -> fmap (\l -> (l, hs)) ls) locations2
99 let locations4 = foldl1 (><) locations3
100 return $ fmap (\(l, hs) -> explorer { _position4 = S.insert l hs, _keysHeld4 = pickupKey keys keysHeld l}) locations4
102 estimateCost explorer = -- return 0
103 do keys <- asks _keys
104 let unfoundKeys = M.keysSet $ M.filter (`S.notMember` (_keysHeld4 explorer)) keys
105 let (minR, maxR, minC, maxC) = bounds unfoundKeys
106 let (minDR, maxDR, minDC, maxDC) = bounds $ _position4 explorer
107 let dr = abs (minR - minDR) + abs (maxR - maxDR)
108 let dc = abs (minC - minDC) + abs (maxC - maxDC)
109 if S.null unfoundKeys
110 then return 0
111 else return $ fromIntegral (dr + dc)
112 -- return $ sum $ map (manhattan here) $ M.keys unfoundKeys
114 -- positionE = _position1
115 keysHeldE = _keysHeld4
116 emptyExplorer = Explorer4 { _position4 = S.fromList $ replicate 4 (0, 0), _keysHeld4 = S.empty }
120 main :: IO ()
121 main = do
122 text <- readFile "data/advent18.txt"
123 let (cc, explorer) = buildCaveComplex text
124 -- print cc
125 -- print explorer
126 print $ part1 cc explorer
127 print $ part2 cc explorer
129 part1 :: Explorer e => CaveComplex -> e -> Int
130 part1 cave explorer = maybe 0 (( + 1) . _cost ) result
131 where result = runReader (searchCave explorer) cave
133 -- -- part1 :: CaveComplex -> Explorer -> Maybe Agendum
134 -- part1 cave explorer = keySeq (fromJust result)
135 -- where result = runReader (searchCave explorer) cave
138 part2 :: CaveComplex -> Explorer1 -> Int
139 part2 caveComplex0 explorer1 = maybe 0 (( + 1) . _cost ) result
140 where
141 (re, ce) = _position1 explorer1
142 cave0 = _cave caveComplex0
143 cave = cave0 `S.difference` [(re, ce), (re + 1, ce), (re - 1, ce), (re, ce + 1), (re, ce - 1)]
144 caveComplex = caveComplex0 {_cave = cave}
145 explorer = Explorer4 {_position4 = [(re + 1, ce + 1), (re - 1, ce + 1), (re + 1, ce - 1), (re - 1, ce - 1)], _keysHeld4 = S.empty }
146 result = runReader (searchCave explorer) caveComplex
148 keySeq :: Explorer e => (Agendum e) -> Q.Seq Keys
149 keySeq agendum = Q.filter (not . S.null) kdiff
150 where keyss = fmap keysHeldE $ _trail agendum
151 kdiff = fmap (uncurry S.difference) $ Q.zip ((keysHeldE $ _current agendum) <| keyss) keyss
154 searchCave :: Explorer e => e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
155 searchCave explorer =
156 do agenda <- initAgenda explorer
157 aStar agenda S.empty
160 buildCaveComplex text = foldl' buildCaveRow (cc0, explorer0) $ zip [0..] rows
161 where cc0 = CaveComplex {_cave = S.empty, _keys = M.empty, _doors = M.empty}
162 explorer0 = emptyExplorer -- Explorer { _position = (0, 0), _keysHeld = S.empty }
163 rows = lines text
165 buildCaveRow (cc, explorer) (r, row) = foldl' (buildCaveCell r) (cc, explorer) $ zip [0..] row
167 buildCaveCell r (cc, explorer) (c, char)
168 | char == '.' = (cc', explorer)
169 | char == '@' = (cc', explorer { _position1 = here })
170 | isLower char = (cc' { _keys = M.insert here char $ _keys cc'}, explorer)
171 | isUpper char = (cc' { _doors = M.insert here char $ _doors cc'}, explorer)
172 | otherwise = (cc, explorer)
173 where cc' = cc { _cave = S.insert here $ _cave cc }
174 here = (r, c)
177 initAgenda :: Explorer e => e -> CaveContext (Agenda e)
178 initAgenda explorer =
179 do cost <- estimateCost explorer
180 return $ P.singleton cost Agendum { _current = explorer, _trail = Q.empty, _cost = cost}
183 aStar :: Explorer e => Agenda e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Maybe (Agendum e))
184 -- aStar [] _ = Agendum {current=buildingTest, trail=[], cost=0}
185 aStar agenda closed
186 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ fst $ P.findMin agenda) ++ ": " ++ (show reached) ++ " <- " ++ (show $ toList $ Q.take 1 $ _trail $ currentAgendum) ++ " :: " ++ (show newAgenda)) False = undefined
187 -- | trace ("Peeping " ++ (show $ _current $ snd $ P.findMin agenda) ) False = undefined
188 | P.null agenda = return Nothing
189 | otherwise =
190 do let (_, currentAgendum) = P.findMin agenda
191 let reached = _current currentAgendum
192 nexts <- candidates currentAgendum closed
193 let newAgenda = foldl' (\q a -> P.insert (_cost a) a q) (P.deleteMin agenda) nexts
194 -- let newAgenda = trace ("nexts " ++ ( show nexts)) newAgenda0
195 reachedGoal <- isGoal reached
196 if reachedGoal
197 then return (Just currentAgendum)
198 else if reached `S.member` closed
199 then aStar (P.deleteMin agenda) closed
200 else aStar newAgenda (S.insert reached closed)
203 isGoal :: Explorer e => e -> CaveContext Bool
204 isGoal explorer =
205 do keys <- asks (S.fromList . M.elems . _keys)
206 return $ keys == keysHeldE explorer
209 candidates :: Explorer e => Agendum e -> ExploredStates e -> CaveContext (Q.Seq (Agendum e))
210 -- candidates a _ | trace ("Cand " ++ show (a)) False = undefined
211 candidates agendum closed =
212 do let candidate = _current agendum
213 let previous = _trail agendum
214 succs <- successors candidate
215 let nonloops = Q.filter (\s -> not $ s `S.member` closed) succs
216 mapM (makeAgendum candidate previous) nonloops
218 makeAgendum :: Explorer e => e -> (Q.Seq e) -> e -> CaveContext (Agendum e)
219 -- makeAgendum c _p n | trace ("Agendum " ++ (show c) ++ " " ++ (show n) ) False = undefined
220 makeAgendum candidate previous new =
221 do cost <- estimateCost new
222 return Agendum { _current = new
223 , _trail = candidate <| previous
224 , _cost = cost + (Q.length previous)
225 }
229 hasKeyFor :: PointOfInterest -> Keys -> Position -> Bool
230 -- hasKeyFor doors keys here | trace ("hkf: " ++ (intercalate " " [show doors, show keys, show here, show (maybe True (`S.member` keys) $ M.lookup here doors)])) False = undefined
231 hasKeyFor doors keys here = maybe True keyForDoor $ M.lookup here doors
232 where keyForDoor d = (toLower d) `S.member` keys
233 -- if location `M.member` doors
234 -- then (doors!location) `S.elem` keys
235 -- else True
238 pickupKey :: PointOfInterest -> Keys -> Position -> Keys
239 pickupKey keys held here = maybe held (`S.insert` held) $ M.lookup here keys
240 -- if here `M.member` keys
241 -- then S.insert (keys!here) held
242 -- else held
245 spanV this minV maxV
246 | this < minV = maxV - this
247 | this > maxV = this - minV
248 -- | this > minV && this < maxV = (this - minV) + (maxV - this)
249 | otherwise = (this - minV) + (maxV - this)
251 manhattan :: Position -> Position -> Int
252 manhattan (r1, c1) (r2, c2) = fromIntegral $ abs (r1 - r2) + abs (c1 - c2)
254 possibleNeighbours :: Position -> Q.Seq Position
255 possibleNeighbours (r, c) = [(r + 1, c), (r - 1, c), (r, c + 1), (r, c - 1)]
257 bounds :: S.Set Position -> (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
258 bounds points = (minR, maxR, minC, maxC)
259 where minR = S.findMin $ S.map fst points
260 minC = S.findMin $ S.map snd points
261 maxR = S.findMax $ S.map fst points
262 maxC = S.findMax $ S.map snd points
265 allSplits :: Ord a => S.Set a -> S.Set (a, S.Set a)
266 allSplits xs = S.map (\x -> (x, S.delete x xs)) xs
268 setToSeq :: Ord a => S.Set a -> Q.Seq a
269 setToSeq xs = foldl' (|>) Q.empty $ S.toAscList xs