Added "scrambled mess" fan-made bonus puzzle
[advent-of-code-22.git] / advent22 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
3 -- import Debug.Trace
6 import AoC
7 import Prelude hiding (Left, Right)
8 import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
9 import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
10 import Linear hiding (E)
11 import Control.Lens
12 import Data.Ix
13 import Data.Maybe
14 import Data.Char
15 import Control.Monad.Reader
18 type Position = V2 Int -- r, c
19 _r :: Lens' (V2 Int) Int
20 _r = _x
21 _c :: Lens' (V2 Int) Int
22 _c = _y
24 data Cell = Tile | Wall
25 deriving (Show, Eq)
27 type FieldMap = M.Map Position Cell
29 data Direction = Right | Down | Left | Up
30 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
32 predW, succW :: (Eq a, Bounded a, Enum a) => a -> a
33 predW a
34 | a == minBound = maxBound
35 | otherwise = pred a
36 succW a
37 | a == maxBound = minBound
38 | otherwise = succ a
40 data PathElement = Forward Int | Clockwise | Anticlockwise
41 deriving (Show, Eq)
43 data Person = Person {_position :: Position, _facing :: Direction}
44 deriving (Show, Eq)
45 makeLenses ''Person
47 data Field = Field { getMap :: FieldMap
48 , whatsAheadFunc :: Person -> FieldContext Person
49 -- , whatsAtFunc :: Position -> FieldContext Cell
50 }
51 type FieldContext = Reader Field
53 data Face = A | B | C | D | E | F
54 deriving (Show, Eq)
56 main :: IO ()
57 main =
58 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
59 text <- readFile dataFileName
60 let (field, instrs) = successfulParse text
61 print $ part1 field instrs
62 print $ part2 field instrs
63 -- print $ probeAllCorners field
65 part1, part2 :: FieldMap -> [PathElement] -> Int
66 part1 fieldMap instrs = passwordOf endPerson
67 where field = mkFlatField fieldMap
68 startPos = V2 0 $ fromJust $ minimumOf (folded . filteredBy (_r . only 0) . _c) $ M.keysSet fieldMap
69 startPerson = Person startPos Right
70 endPerson = runReader (walk startPerson instrs) field
72 part2 fieldMap instrs = passwordOf endPerson
73 where field = mkCubeField fieldMap
74 startPos = V2 0 $ fromJust $ minimumOf (folded . filteredBy (_r . only 0) . _c) $ M.keysSet fieldMap
75 startPerson = Person startPos Right
76 endPerson = runReader (walk startPerson instrs) field
78 -- probeCube fieldMap startPos startDirection = endPerson
79 -- where field = mkCubeField fieldMap
80 -- startPerson = Person startPos startDirection
81 -- endPerson = runReader (whatsAheadCube startPerson) field
83 -- probeAllCorners fieldMap = [(p, probeACorner p field) | p <- persons]
84 -- where persons = [ Person (V2 r c) f
85 -- | r <- [0, 49, 50, 99, 100, 149]
86 -- , c <- [0, 49, 50, 99, 100, 149, 150, 199]
87 -- , f <- [Right, Down, Left, Up]
88 -- , (V2 r c) `M.member` fieldMap
89 -- ]
90 -- field = mkCubeField fieldMap
92 -- probeACorner person field
93 -- | Debug.Trace.trace (show person) False = undefined
94 -- | otherwise = runReader (whatsAheadCube person) field
97 passwordOf :: Person -> Int
98 passwordOf person = 1000 * (person ^. position . _r + 1)
99 + 4 * (person ^. position . _c + 1)
100 + (fromEnum $ person ^. facing)
103 mkFlatField :: FieldMap -> Field
104 mkFlatField fieldMap =
105 Field { getMap = fieldMap
106 , whatsAheadFunc = whatsAheadFlat
107 -- , whatsAtFunc = whatsAt
108 }
111 mkCubeField :: FieldMap -> Field
112 mkCubeField fieldMap =
113 Field { getMap = fieldMap
114 , whatsAheadFunc = whatsAheadCube
115 -- , whatsAtFunc = whatsAt
116 }
118 whatsAt :: Position -> FieldContext Cell
119 whatsAt posiiton =
120 do fieldMap <- asks getMap
121 return $ fieldMap ! posiiton
123 whatsAheadFlat :: Person -> FieldContext Person
124 whatsAheadFlat person =
125 do let easyNext = (person ^. position) + (deltaOf $ person ^. facing)
126 fieldMap <- asks getMap
127 if easyNext `M.member` fieldMap
128 then return $ person & position .~ easyNext
129 else do let currenFacing = person ^. facing
130 let currentRow = person ^. position . _r
131 let currentCol = person ^. position . _c
132 let rightMovingCol = fromJust $ minimumOf (folded . filteredBy (_r . only currentRow) . _c) $ M.keysSet fieldMap
133 let leftMovingCol = fromJust $ maximumOf (folded . filteredBy (_r . only currentRow) . _c) $ M.keysSet fieldMap
134 let upMovingRow = fromJust $ maximumOf (folded . filteredBy (_c . only currentCol) . _r) $ M.keysSet fieldMap
135 let downMovingRow = fromJust $ minimumOf (folded . filteredBy (_c . only currentCol) . _r) $ M.keysSet fieldMap
136 return $ case currenFacing of
137 Right -> person & position . _c .~ rightMovingCol
138 Left -> person & position . _c .~ leftMovingCol
139 Up -> person & position . _r .~ upMovingRow
140 Down -> person & position . _r .~ downMovingRow
143 -- A B
144 -- C
145 -- D E
146 -- F
148 whatsAheadCube :: Person -> FieldContext Person
149 whatsAheadCube person =
150 do let easyNext = (person ^. position) + (deltaOf $ person ^. facing)
151 let currentFace = faceOf (person ^. position)
152 let nextFace = faceOf easyNext
153 fieldMap <- asks getMap
154 if (easyNext `M.member` fieldMap) && (currentFace == nextFace)
155 then return $ person & position .~ easyNext
156 else return $ crossEdge person currentFace
158 faceOf :: Position -> Face
159 faceOf position
160 | (inRange (0, 49) r) && (inRange (50, 99) c) = A
161 | (inRange (0, 49) r) && (inRange (100, 149) c) = B
162 | (inRange (50, 99) r) && (inRange (50, 99) c) = C
163 | (inRange (100, 149) r) && (inRange (0, 49) c) = D
164 | (inRange (100, 149) r) && (inRange (50, 99) c) = E
165 | (inRange (150, 199) r) && (inRange (0, 49) c) = F
166 | otherwise = error "Not a face"
167 where r = position ^. _r
168 c = position ^. _c
170 crossEdge :: Person -> Face -> Person
171 crossEdge person face =
172 case (d, face) of
173 (Up, A) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol c 150 199) & position . _c .~ 0 & facing .~ Right
174 (Right, A) -> person & position . _c .~ 100
175 (Down, A) -> person & position . _r .~ 50
176 (Left, A) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol r 149 100) & position . _c .~ 0 & facing .~ Right
178 (Up, B) -> person & position . _r .~ 199 & position . _c .~ (interpol c 0 49)
179 (Right, B) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol r 149 100) & position . _c .~ 99 & facing .~ Left
180 (Down, B) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol c 50 99) & position . _c .~ 99 & facing .~ Left
181 (Left, B) -> person & position . _c .~ 99
183 (Up, C) -> person & position . _r .~ 49
184 (Right, C) -> person & position . _r .~ 49 & position . _c .~ (interpol r 100 149) & facing .~ Up
185 (Down, C) -> person & position . _r .~ 100
186 (Left, C) -> person & position . _r .~ 100 & position . _c .~ (interpol r 0 49) & facing .~ Down
188 (Up, D) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol c 50 99) & position . _c .~ 50 & facing .~ Right
189 (Right, D) -> person & position . _c .~ 50
190 (Down, D) -> person & position . _r .~ 150
191 (Left, D) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol r 49 0) & position . _c .~ 50 & facing .~ Right
193 (Up, E) -> person & position . _r .~ 99
194 (Right, E) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol r 49 0) & position . _c .~ 149 & facing .~ Left
195 (Down, E) -> person & position . _r .~ (interpol c 150 199) & position . _c .~ 49 & facing .~ Left
196 (Left, E) -> person & position . _c .~ 49
198 (Up, F) -> person & position . _r .~ 149
199 (Right, F) -> person & position . _r .~ 149 & position . _c .~ (interpol r 50 99) & facing .~ Up
200 (Down, F) -> person & position . _r .~ 0 & position . _c .~ (interpol c 100 149)
201 (Left, F) -> person & position . _r .~ 0 & position . _c .~ (interpol r 50 99) & facing .~ Down
203 where r = person ^. position . _r
204 c = person ^. position . _c
205 d = person ^. facing
206 interpol x start end = (signum (end - start)) * (x `mod` 50) + start
209 walk :: Person -> [PathElement] -> FieldContext Person
210 walk person path = foldM walkOne person path
212 walkOne :: Person -> PathElement -> FieldContext Person
213 walkOne person (Forward n)
214 | n == 0 = return person
215 | otherwise =
216 do whatsAhead <- asks whatsAheadFunc
217 person' <- whatsAhead person
218 -- whatsAt <- asks whatsAtFunc
219 nextCell <- whatsAt (person' ^. position)
220 if nextCell == Wall
221 then return person
222 else walkOne person' (Forward (n - 1))
223 walkOne person Clockwise = return $ person & facing %~ succW
224 walkOne person Anticlockwise = return $ person & facing %~ predW
226 deltaOf :: Direction -> Position
227 deltaOf Right = V2 0 1
228 deltaOf Down = V2 1 0
229 deltaOf Left = V2 0 -1
230 deltaOf Up = V2 -1 0
233 -- Parse the input file
235 successfulParse :: String -> (FieldMap, [PathElement])
236 successfulParse text = (mkField $ takeWhile ((> 0) . length) $ init $ lines text, mkInstructions $ last $ lines text)
238 mkField :: [String] -> FieldMap
239 mkField rows = M.fromList
240 [ (V2 r c, mkCell r c)
241 | r <- [0..maxR], c <- [0..maxC]
242 , isCell r c rows
243 ]
244 where maxR = length rows - 1
245 maxC = (length $ head rows) - 1
246 -- isCell r c = ((rows !! r) !! c) `elem` (".#" :: String)
247 mkCell r c
248 | cell == '.' = Tile
249 | cell == '#' = Wall
250 where cell = (rows !! r) !! c
252 isCell :: Int -> Int -> [String] -> Bool
253 isCell r c rows = isRow && isCol && ((rows !! r) !! c) `elem` (".#" :: String)
254 where isRow = r < length rows
255 isCol = c < (length $ rows !! r)
257 mkInstructions, mkWalk, mkTurn :: String -> [PathElement]
258 mkInstructions [] = []
259 mkInstructions text@(t:_)
260 | isDigit t = mkWalk text
261 | otherwise = mkTurn text
263 mkWalk text = (Forward $ read digits) : (mkInstructions remainder)
264 where (digits, remainder) = span (isDigit) text
266 mkTurn [] = []
267 mkTurn (t:ts)
268 | t == 'R' = Clockwise : (mkInstructions ts)
269 | t == 'L' = Anticlockwise : (mkInstructions ts)