[advent-of-code-23.git] / advent22 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2023/12/31/advent-of-code-2023-day-22/
3 import AoC
5 import Data.Text (Text)
6 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
7 import Data.Attoparsec.Text
8 -- import Control.Applicative
9 import Control.Lens
10 import Linear
11 -- import Linear.V2
12 -- import Linear.V3
13 import Data.List
14 import Data.Function
15 import qualified Data.Map as M
16 import Data.Map ((!))
17 import qualified Data.Set as S
19 type Block = (V3 Int, V3 Int)
21 type Support = M.Map Block (S.Set Block)
23 intersectsXY :: (R2 t, Ord a) => (t a, t a) -> (t a, t a) -> Bool
24 intersectsXY (a1, a2) (b1, b2) =
25 not $ disjointX (a1, a2) (b1, b2) || disjointY (a1, a2) (b1, b2)
27 intersectsXYZ :: (R3 t, Ord a) => (t a, t a) -> (t a, t a) -> Bool
28 intersectsXYZ (a1, a2) (b1, b2) =
29 not $ disjointX (a1, a2) (b1, b2) || disjointY (a1, a2) (b1, b2)
30 || disjointZ (a1, a2) (b1, b2)
32 disjointX :: (R1 t, Ord a) => (t a, t a) -> (t a, t a) -> Bool
33 disjointY :: (R2 t, Ord a) => (t a, t a) -> (t a, t a) -> Bool
34 disjointZ :: (R3 t, Ord a) => (t a, t a) -> (t a, t a) -> Bool
35 disjointX (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = a2 ^. _x < b1 ^. _x || b2 ^. _x < a1 ^. _x
36 disjointY (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = a2 ^. _y < b1 ^. _y || b2 ^. _y < a1 ^. _y
37 disjointZ (a1, a2) (b1, b2) = a2 ^. _z < b1 ^. _z || b2 ^. _z < a1 ^. _z
40 main :: IO ()
41 main =
42 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
43 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
44 let unsortedBlocks = successfulParse text
45 let fallingBlocks = sortBy (compare `on` (^. _1 . _z)) unsortedBlocks
46 let blocks = dropBlocks fallingBlocks
47 let suppBy = makeSupportedBy blocks
48 let unsafes = disintegrateUnsafe suppBy
49 -- print blocks
50 print $ part1 blocks unsafes
51 print $ part2 suppBy unsafes
53 part1 :: [Block] -> [Block] -> Int
54 part1 blocks unsafes = length blocks - length unsafes
56 part2 :: Support -> [Block] -> Int
57 part2 suppBy unsafes = sum $ fmap (countFloating suppBy tSupport) unsafes
58 where dSupport = makeSupport suppBy
59 tSupport = transitiveSupport dSupport
61 dropBlocks :: [Block] -> [Block]
62 dropBlocks blocks = foldl' dropBlock [] blocks
64 dropBlock :: [Block] -> Block -> [Block]
65 dropBlock resting block = resting ++ [over both (^-^ (V3 0 0 fallDistance)) block]
66 where -- _2xy = alongside _xy _xy
67 -- blockPlane = block ^. _2xy
68 blockPlane = over both (view _xy) block
69 -- under = filter ((intersectsXY blockPlane) . (view _2xy)) resting
70 under = filter ((intersectsXY blockPlane) . (over both (view _xy))) resting
71 highestUnder = maxZ under
72 fallDistance = block ^. _1 . _z - highestUnder - 1
74 maxZ :: [Block] -> Int
75 maxZ [] = 0
76 maxZ xs@(_:_) = maximum $ fmap (^. _2 . _z) xs
78 supporters :: [Block] -> Block -> [Block]
79 supporters blocks block = filter ((intersectsXYZ block) . overPlane) blocks
80 where overPlane c = let z = (c ^. _2 . _z) + 1 in c & both . _z .~ z
82 -- disintegrateUnsafe :: [Block] -> [Block]
83 -- disintegrateUnsafe blocks =
84 -- nub $ fmap head $ filter ((== 1) . length) $ fmap (supporters blocks) blocks
86 disintegrateUnsafe :: Support -> [Block]
87 disintegrateUnsafe = S.toList . S.unions . M.elems . M.filter ((== 1) . S.size)
89 makeSupportedBy :: [Block] -> Support
90 makeSupportedBy blocks =
91 M.fromList [(b, S.fromList $ supporters blocks b) | b <- blocks]
93 makeSupport :: Support -> Support
94 makeSupport suppBy = inverted `M.union` base
95 where inverted = M.foldlWithKey' insertSupport M.empty suppBy
96 insertSupport m b s = foldl' (\m' b' -> M.insertWith S.union b' (S.singleton b) m') m s
97 base = M.fromList [(b, S.empty) | b <- M.keys suppBy]
99 transitiveSupport :: Support -> Support
100 transitiveSupport dSupport = foldl' (transitiveSupportBlock dSupport) M.empty $ M.keys dSupport
102 transitiveSupportBlock :: Support -> Support -> Block -> Support
103 transitiveSupportBlock dSupport tSupport block
104 | block `M.member` tSupport = tSupport
105 | otherwise = M.insert block tSupporteds tSupport'
106 where supporteds = dSupport ! block
107 tSupport' = foldl' (transitiveSupportBlock dSupport) tSupport supporteds
108 tSupporteds = S.union supporteds $ S.unions $ S.map (tSupport' !) supporteds
110 indirectGrounded :: Support -> Block -> Bool
111 indirectGrounded _ (V3 _ _ 1, _) = True
112 indirectGrounded suppBy block =
113 any (indirectGrounded suppBy) $ S.toList $ suppBy ! block
115 countFloating :: Support -> Support -> Block -> Int
116 countFloating suppBy tSupport block =
117 S.size $ S.filter (not . (indirectGrounded suppByRemoved)) (tSupport ! block)
118 where blockS = S.singleton block
119 suppByRemoved = M.map (S.\\ blockS) suppBy
122 -- Parse the input file
124 blocksP :: Parser [Block]
125 blockP :: Parser Block
126 vertexP :: Parser (V3 Int)
128 blocksP = blockP `sepBy` endOfLine
129 blockP = cubify <$> (vertexP <* "~") <*> vertexP
130 where cubify (V3 x1 y1 z1) (V3 x2 y2 z2) =
131 ( (V3 (min x1 x2) (min y1 y2) (min z1 z2))
132 , (V3 (max x1 x2) (max y1 y2) (max z1 z2))
133 )
135 vertexP = V3 <$> decimal <*> ("," *> decimal) <*> ("," *> decimal)
137 successfulParse :: Text -> [Block]
138 successfulParse input =
139 case parseOnly blocksP input of
140 Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
141 Right matches -> matches