Updated blog link in comments
[advent-of-code-22.git] / advent23 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at https://work.njae.me.uk/2023/01/02/optimising-haskell-example-2/
3 -- import Debug.Trace
5 import AoC
6 import Linear
7 import Data.Ix
8 import Data.Monoid
9 import Control.Monad.State.Strict
10 import Control.Monad.ST
11 import qualified Data.Array.IArray as A
12 import Data.Array.IArray ((!))
13 import qualified Data.Array.MArray as M
14 import Data.Array.ST
15 import Data.Maybe
18 type Position = V2 Int -- x, y
20 data Direction = North | South | West | East
21 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded)
23 newtype Elf = Elf Position
24 deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
26 type Population = A.Array Position (Maybe Elf)
28 type MPopulation s = STArray s Position (Maybe Elf)
29 type MClashCounts s = STArray s Position Int
31 data Grove = Grove { currentGrove :: Population, proposalDirections :: [Direction], elapsedRounds :: Int}
32 deriving (Eq)
34 instance Show Grove where
35 show grove = (showElves $ currentGrove grove) ++ ", " ++ (show $ take 4 $ proposalDirections grove) ++ ", e = " ++ (show $ elapsedRounds grove)
36 where showElves g = "Grove " ++ (show $ A.bounds g) ++ " " ++ (show $ filter (isJust . snd) $ A.assocs g)
38 type GroveState = State Grove
40 main :: IO ()
41 main =
42 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
43 text <- readFile dataFileName
44 let grove = Grove (mkGrove text) (cycle [North .. East]) 0
45 -- print grove
46 -- print $ runState simulateOnce grove
47 -- print $ execState (simulateN 4) grove
48 print $ part1 grove
49 print $ part2 grove
51 part1, part2 :: Grove -> Int
52 part1 grove = countEmpty grove' bounds
53 where grove' = currentGrove $ execState (simulateN 10) grove
54 bounds = findBounds grove'
56 part2 grove = elapsedRounds grove'
57 where grove' = execState simulateToCompletion grove
60 simulateToCompletion, simulateOnce, growGrove, updateDirections, updateCount :: GroveState ()
62 simulateToCompletion =
63 do oldGrove <- gets currentGrove
64 simulateOnce
65 newGrove <- gets currentGrove
66 if oldGrove == newGrove
67 then return ()
68 else simulateToCompletion
70 simulateN :: Int -> GroveState ()
71 simulateN 0 = return ()
72 simulateN n =
73 do simulateOnce
74 simulateN (n - 1)
76 simulateOnce =
77 do updateGrove
78 growGrove
79 updateDirections
80 updateCount
82 updateGrove :: GroveState ()
83 updateGrove =
84 do grove <- gets currentGrove
85 proposalsInf <- gets proposalDirections
86 let proposals = take 4 proposalsInf
87 let newGrove =
88 runSTArray $
89 do mPopulation <- M.thaw grove
90 mCounts <- M.mapArray (const 0) mPopulation
91 proposeMoves mPopulation mCounts proposals
92 removeClashes mPopulation mCounts
93 moveElves mPopulation
94 return mPopulation
95 modify' (\g -> g { currentGrove = newGrove})
97 growGrove =
98 do grove <- gets currentGrove
99 let (b0, b1) = findBounds grove
100 let bounds' = (b0 ^+^ (V2 -1 -1), b1 ^+^ (V2 1 1))
101 let grove' = A.accumArray (flip const) Nothing bounds' $ filter ((inRange bounds') . fst ) $ A.assocs grove
102 modify' (\g -> g { currentGrove = grove'})
104 updateDirections = modify' (\g -> g { proposalDirections = tail (proposalDirections g)})
105 updateCount = modify' (\g -> g { elapsedRounds = (elapsedRounds g) + 1})
107 -- position changing utilities
109 anyNeighbour :: [Position]
110 anyNeighbour = [ V2 dx dy
111 | dx <- [-1, 0, 1]
112 , dy <- [-1, 0, 1]
113 , not ((dx == 0) && (dy == 0))
114 ]
116 directionNeighbour :: Direction -> [Position]
117 directionNeighbour North = filter (\(V2 _x y) -> y == 1) anyNeighbour
118 directionNeighbour South = filter (\(V2 _x y) -> y == -1) anyNeighbour
119 directionNeighbour West = filter (\(V2 x _y) -> x == -1) anyNeighbour
120 directionNeighbour East = filter (\(V2 x _y) -> x == 1) anyNeighbour
122 stepDelta :: Direction -> Position
123 stepDelta North = V2 0 1
124 stepDelta South = V2 0 -1
125 stepDelta West = V2 -1 0
126 stepDelta East = V2 1 0
128 noElves :: MPopulation s -> [Position] -> ST s Bool
129 noElves elves tests =
130 do others <- mapM (M.readArray elves) tests
131 return $ all isNothing others
133 isolated :: MPopulation s -> Position -> ST s Bool
134 isolated elves here = noElves elves $ fmap (here ^+^) anyNeighbour
136 -- get elves to make proposals
138 proposeMoves :: MPopulation s -> MClashCounts s -> [Direction] -> ST s ()
139 proposeMoves mPopulation mCounts proposals =
140 do assocs <- M.getAssocs mPopulation
141 mapM_ (makeProposal mPopulation mCounts proposals) assocs
143 makeProposal :: MPopulation s -> MClashCounts s -> [Direction] -> (Position, Maybe Elf) -> ST s ()
144 makeProposal elves clashes directions (here, elf)
145 | isNothing elf = return ()
146 | otherwise = do isIsolated <- isolated elves here
147 unless isIsolated
148 do proposals <- mapM (proposedStep elves here) directions
149 let step = fromMaybe (V2 0 0) $ getFirst $ mconcat $ fmap First proposals
150 let there = here ^+^ step
151 thereCount <- M.readArray clashes there
152 M.writeArray clashes there (thereCount + 1)
153 M.writeArray elves here (Just (Elf there))
155 proposedStep :: MPopulation s -> Position -> Direction -> ST s (Maybe Position)
156 proposedStep elves here direction =
157 do isFree <- noElves elves interfering
158 if isFree
159 then return $ Just $ stepDelta direction
160 else return Nothing
161 where interfering = fmap (here ^+^) $ directionNeighbour direction
163 -- find clashing elves and prevent them moving
165 removeClashes :: MPopulation s -> MClashCounts s -> ST s ()
166 removeClashes elves counts =
167 do cts <- M.getAssocs counts
168 let clashes = fmap fst $ filter ((> 1) . snd) cts
169 stopClashingElves clashes elves
171 stopClashingElves :: [Position] -> MPopulation s -> ST s ()
172 stopClashingElves clashes elves = mapM_ stopClash targets
173 where targets = concatMap findNbrs clashes
174 findNbrs c = fmap (^+^ c) $ fmap stepDelta [North .. East]
175 stopClash here =
176 do target <- M.readArray elves here
177 when (isJust target) $ M.writeArray elves here (Just (Elf here))
179 -- the elves move
181 moveElves :: MPopulation s -> ST s ()
182 moveElves elves =
183 do assocs <- M.getAssocs elves
184 mapM_ (moveElf elves) assocs
186 moveElf :: MPopulation s -> (Position, Maybe Elf) -> ST s ()
187 moveElf _elves (_here, Nothing) = return ()
188 moveElf elves (here, Just (Elf there)) =
189 do M.writeArray elves here Nothing
190 M.writeArray elves there (Just (Elf there))
192 -- reset the array bounds
194 findBounds :: Population -> (Position, Position)
195 findBounds grove = boundsR
196 where bounds0 = A.bounds grove
197 boundsT = shrink grove topStrip topShrink bounds0
198 boundsB = shrink grove bottomStrip bottomShrink boundsT
199 boundsL = shrink grove leftStrip leftShrink boundsB
200 boundsR = shrink grove rightStrip rightShrink boundsL
202 shrink :: Population
203 -> ((Position, Position) -> (Position, Position))
204 -> (Position, Position)
205 -> (Position, Position)
206 -> (Position, Position)
207 shrink grove findStrip stripDirection currentBounds
208 | emptyStrip grove (findStrip currentBounds) =
209 shrink grove findStrip stripDirection (shiftBounds currentBounds stripDirection)
210 | otherwise = currentBounds
211 where shiftBounds (b0, b1) (d0, d1) = (b0 ^+^ d0, b1 ^+^ d1)
213 emptyStrip :: Population -> (Position, Position) -> Bool
214 emptyStrip grove strip = all isNothing $ fmap (grove !) $ range strip
216 topStrip, bottomStrip, leftStrip, rightStrip :: (Position, Position) -> (Position, Position)
217 topStrip (V2 minX _minY, V2 maxX maxY) = (V2 minX maxY, V2 maxX maxY)
218 bottomStrip (V2 minX minY, V2 maxX _maxY) = (V2 minX minY, V2 maxX minY)
219 leftStrip (V2 minX minY, V2 _maxX maxY) = (V2 minX minY, V2 minX maxY)
220 rightStrip (V2 _minX minY, V2 maxX maxY) = (V2 maxX minY, V2 maxX maxY)
222 topShrink, bottomShrink, leftShrink, rightShrink :: (Position, Position)
223 topShrink = (V2 0 0, V2 0 -1)
224 bottomShrink = (V2 0 1, V2 0 0)
225 leftShrink = (V2 1 0, V2 0 0)
226 rightShrink = (V2 0 0, V2 -1 0)
228 countEmpty :: Population -> (Position, Position) -> Int
229 countEmpty grove bounds = length $ filter isNothing $ fmap (grove !) cells
230 where cells = range bounds
232 -- Parse the input file
234 mkGrove :: String -> Population
235 mkGrove text = A.accumArray
236 (\_ e -> e)
237 Nothing
238 (V2 -1 -1, V2 maxX maxY)
239 [ mkElf x y -- Elf (V2 x y) (V2 x y)
240 | x <- [0..(maxX - 1)], y <- [0..(maxY - 1)]
241 -- , isElf x y
242 ]
243 where rows = reverse $ lines text
244 maxY = length rows
245 maxX = (length $ head rows)
246 mkElf x y
247 | ((rows !! y) !! x) == '#' = ((V2 x y), Just ( Elf (V2 x y) ))
248 | otherwise = ((V2 x y), Nothing)