Faster day 14, with mutable unboxed arrays
[advent-of-code-23.git] / advent24 / Main.hs
1 -- Writeup at
4 import AoC
6 import Data.Text (Text)
7 import qualified Data.Text.IO as TIO
8 import Data.Attoparsec.Text hiding (take)
9 -- import Control.Applicative
10 import Control.Lens
11 import Linear
12 import Data.Maybe
13 import Data.Ratio
14 -- import Data.List.Split (chunksOf)
16 type Position2 = V2 Rational
17 type Position3 = V3 Rational
19 type Segment = (Position2, Position2)
21 data Hailstone = Hailstone { _pos :: V3 Rational, _vel :: V3 Rational }
22 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
23 makeLenses ''Hailstone
25 main :: IO ()
26 main =
27 do dataFileName <- getDataFileName
28 text <- TIO.readFile dataFileName
29 let stones = successfulParse text
30 print $ part1 stones
31 print $ part2 stones
33 part1, part2 :: [Hailstone] -> Int
34 part1 stones = length $ filter (uncurry intersects) (pairs bps)
35 where boundary = (V2 2e14 2e14 , V2 4e14 4e14) -- ((V2 7 7), (V2 27 27))
36 bps = catMaybes $ fmap (boundaryPoints boundary) stones
38 part2 stones = fromIntegral $ numerator solution `div` denominator solution
39 where rock = Hailstone (pure 0) (pure 0) -- Hailstone (V3 0 0 0) (V3 0 0 0)
40 (ay, by) = buildMatrix stones _y
41 (az, bz) = buildMatrix stones _z
42 solY = luSolveFinite ay by
43 solZ = luSolveFinite az bz
44 rock' = rock & pos . _x .~ (solY ^. _x)
45 & pos . _y .~ (solY ^. _y)
46 & pos . _z .~ (solZ ^. _y)
47 & vel . _x .~ (solY ^. _z)
48 & vel . _y .~ (solY ^. _w)
49 & vel . _z .~ (solZ ^. _w)
50 solution = (rock' ^. pos . _x) + (rock' ^. pos . _y) + (rock' ^. pos . _z)
52 intersects :: Segment -> Segment -> Bool
53 intersects ((V2 x1 y1), (V2 x2 y2)) ((V2 x3 y3), (V2 x4 y4)) = ad && pd
54 where a = (x1 - x3) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y3) * (x3 - x4)
55 p = (x1 - x3) * (y1 - y2) - (y1 - y3) * (x1 - x2)
56 d = (x1 - x2) * (y3 - y4) - (y1 - y2) * (x3 - x4)
57 ad = if d < 0 then 0 >= a && a >= d
58 else 0 <= a && a <= d
59 pd = if d < 0 then 0 >= p && p >= d
60 else 0 <= p && p <= d
62 boundaryPoints :: (Position2, Position2) -> Hailstone -> Maybe Segment
63 boundaryPoints b@((V2 minX minY), (V2 maxX maxY)) h
64 | null ts = Nothing
65 | tMax < 0 = Nothing
66 | otherwise = Just (V2 xMin yMin, V2 xMax yMax)
67 where V2 x y = h ^. pos . _xy
68 V2 vx vy = h ^. vel . _xy
69 tMinX = (minX - x) / vx
70 tMaxX = (maxX - x) / vx
71 tMinY = (minY - y) / vy
72 tMaxY = (maxY - y) / vy
73 ts = filter withinT $ filter (>= 0) [tMinX, tMinY, tMaxX, tMaxY, 0]
74 tMin = minimum ts
75 tMax = maximum ts
76 xMin = x + tMin * vx
77 xMax = x + tMax * vx
78 yMin = y + tMin * vy
79 yMax = y + tMax * vy
80 withinT t = within b (V2 (x + t * vx) (y + t * vy))
82 within :: (Position2, Position2) -> Position2 -> Bool
83 within ((V2 minX minY), (V2 maxX maxY)) (V2 x y) =
84 x >= minX && x <= maxX && y >= minY && y <= maxY
86 pairs :: Ord a => [a] -> [(a,a)]
87 pairs xs = [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- xs, x < y]
89 chunks2 :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
90 chunks2 [] = []
91 chunks2 [_] = []
92 chunks2 (x:y:xs) = (x,y) : chunks2 xs
94 buildMatrix :: [Hailstone] -> Lens' Position3 Rational -> (M44 Rational, V4 Rational)
95 buildMatrix hs l = (V4 a1 a2 a3 a4, V4 b1 b2 b3 b4)
96 where ps = take 4 $ chunks2 hs
97 [(a1, b1), (a2, b2), (a3, b3), (a4, b4)] = [coeffs p l | p <- ps]
99 coeffs :: (Hailstone, Hailstone) -> Lens' Position3 Rational -> (V4 Rational, Rational)
100 coeffs (h1, h2) l =
101 (V4 (h2 ^. vel . l - h1 ^. vel . l)
102 (h1 ^. vel . _x - h2 ^. vel . _x)
103 (h2 ^. pos . l - h1 ^. pos . l)
104 (h2 ^. pos . _x - h1 ^. pos . _x)
105 , h1 ^. pos . l * h1 ^. vel . _x -
106 h2 ^. pos . l * h2 ^. vel . _x +
107 h2 ^. pos . _x * h2 ^. vel . l -
108 h1 ^. pos . _x * h1 ^. vel . l
109 )
111 -- Parse the input file
113 stonesP :: Parser [Hailstone]
114 stoneP :: Parser Hailstone
115 vertexP :: Parser (V3 Rational)
117 stonesP = stoneP `sepBy` endOfLine
118 stoneP = Hailstone <$> vertexP <* symbolP "@" <*> vertexP
119 vertexP = vecify <$> signed decimal <* symbolP ","
120 <*> signed decimal <* symbolP ","
121 <*> signed decimal
122 where vecify x y z = V3 (x % 1) (y % 1) (z % 1)
124 symbolP :: Text -> Parser Text
125 symbolP s = skipSpace *> string s <* skipSpace
127 successfulParse :: Text -> [Hailstone]
128 successfulParse input =
129 case parseOnly stonesP input of
130 Left _err -> [] -- TIO.putStr $ T.pack $ parseErrorPretty err
131 Right matches -> matches