[feedcatcher.git] / base.rb
1 require 'active_resource/connection'
2 require 'cgi'
3 require 'set'
5 module ActiveResource
6 # ActiveResource::Base is the main class for mapping RESTful resources as models in a Rails application.
7 #
8 # For an outline of what Active Resource is capable of, see link:files/vendor/rails/activeresource/README.html.
9 #
10 # == Automated mapping
11 #
12 # Active Resource objects represent your RESTful resources as manipulatable Ruby objects. To map resources
13 # to Ruby objects, Active Resource only needs a class name that corresponds to the resource name (e.g., the class
14 # Person maps to the resources people, very similarly to Active Record) and a +site+ value, which holds the
15 # URI of the resources.
16 #
17 # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
18 # self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
19 # end
20 #
21 # Now the Person class is mapped to RESTful resources located at <tt>http://api.people.com:3000/people/</tt>, and
22 # you can now use Active Resource's lifecycles methods to manipulate resources. In the case where you already have
23 # an existing model with the same name as the desired RESTful resource you can set the +element_name+ value.
24 #
25 # class PersonResource < ActiveResource::Base
26 # self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
27 # self.element_name = "person"
28 # end
29 #
30 #
31 # == Lifecycle methods
32 #
33 # Active Resource exposes methods for creating, finding, updating, and deleting resources
34 # from REST web services.
35 #
36 # ryan = Person.new(:first => 'Ryan', :last => 'Daigle')
37 # ryan.save # => true
38 # ryan.id # => 2
39 # Person.exists?(ryan.id) # => true
40 # ryan.exists? # => true
41 #
42 # ryan = Person.find(1)
43 # # Resource holding our newly created Person object
44 #
45 # ryan.first = 'Rizzle'
46 # ryan.save # => true
47 #
48 # ryan.destroy # => true
49 #
50 # As you can see, these are very similar to Active Record's lifecycle methods for database records.
51 # You can read more about each of these methods in their respective documentation.
52 #
53 # === Custom REST methods
54 #
55 # Since simple CRUD/lifecycle methods can't accomplish every task, Active Resource also supports
56 # defining your own custom REST methods. To invoke them, Active Resource provides the <tt>get</tt>,
57 # <tt>post</tt>, <tt>put</tt> and <tt>\delete</tt> methods where you can specify a custom REST method
58 # name to invoke.
59 #
60 # # POST to the custom 'register' REST method, i.e. POST /people/new/register.xml.
61 # Person.new(:name => 'Ryan').post(:register)
62 # # => { :id => 1, :name => 'Ryan', :position => 'Clerk' }
63 #
64 # # PUT an update by invoking the 'promote' REST method, i.e. PUT /people/1/promote.xml?position=Manager.
65 # Person.find(1).put(:promote, :position => 'Manager')
66 # # => { :id => 1, :name => 'Ryan', :position => 'Manager' }
67 #
68 # # GET all the positions available, i.e. GET /people/positions.xml.
69 # Person.get(:positions)
70 # # => [{:name => 'Manager'}, {:name => 'Clerk'}]
71 #
72 # # DELETE to 'fire' a person, i.e. DELETE /people/1/fire.xml.
73 # Person.find(1).delete(:fire)
74 #
75 # For more information on using custom REST methods, see the
76 # ActiveResource::CustomMethods documentation.
77 #
78 # == Validations
79 #
80 # You can validate resources client side by overriding validation methods in the base class.
81 #
82 # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
83 # self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
84 # protected
85 # def validate
86 # errors.add("last", "has invalid characters") unless last =~ /[a-zA-Z]*/
87 # end
88 # end
89 #
90 # See the ActiveResource::Validations documentation for more information.
91 #
92 # == Authentication
93 #
94 # Many REST APIs will require authentication, usually in the form of basic
95 # HTTP authentication. Authentication can be specified by:
96 # * putting the credentials in the URL for the +site+ variable.
97 #
98 # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
99 # self.site = "http://ryan:password@api.people.com:3000/"
100 # end
101 #
102 # * defining +user+ and/or +password+ variables
103 #
104 # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
105 # self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
106 # self.user = "ryan"
107 # self.password = "password"
108 # end
109 #
110 # For obvious security reasons, it is probably best if such services are available
111 # over HTTPS.
112 #
113 # Note: Some values cannot be provided in the URL passed to site. e.g. email addresses
114 # as usernames. In those situations you should use the separate user and password option.
115 # == Errors & Validation
116 #
117 # Error handling and validation is handled in much the same manner as you're used to seeing in
118 # Active Record. Both the response code in the HTTP response and the body of the response are used to
119 # indicate that an error occurred.
120 #
121 # === Resource errors
122 #
123 # When a GET is requested for a resource that does not exist, the HTTP <tt>404</tt> (Resource Not Found)
124 # response code will be returned from the server which will raise an ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
125 # exception.
126 #
127 # # GET http://api.people.com:3000/people/999.xml
128 # ryan = Person.find(999) # 404, raises ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
129 #
130 # <tt>404</tt> is just one of the HTTP error response codes that Active Resource will handle with its own exception. The
131 # following HTTP response codes will also result in these exceptions:
132 #
133 # * 200..399 - Valid response, no exception (other than 301, 302)
134 # * 301, 302 - ActiveResource::Redirection
135 # * 400 - ActiveResource::BadRequest
136 # * 401 - ActiveResource::UnauthorizedAccess
137 # * 403 - ActiveResource::ForbiddenAccess
138 # * 404 - ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
139 # * 405 - ActiveResource::MethodNotAllowed
140 # * 409 - ActiveResource::ResourceConflict
141 # * 422 - ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid (rescued by save as validation errors)
142 # * 401..499 - ActiveResource::ClientError
143 # * 500..599 - ActiveResource::ServerError
144 # * Other - ActiveResource::ConnectionError
145 #
146 # These custom exceptions allow you to deal with resource errors more naturally and with more precision
147 # rather than returning a general HTTP error. For example:
148 #
149 # begin
150 # ryan = Person.find(my_id)
151 # rescue ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
152 # redirect_to :action => 'not_found'
153 # rescue ActiveResource::ResourceConflict, ActiveResource::ResourceInvalid
154 # redirect_to :action => 'new'
155 # end
156 #
157 # === Validation errors
158 #
159 # Active Resource supports validations on resources and will return errors if any these validations fail
160 # (e.g., "First name can not be blank" and so on). These types of errors are denoted in the response by
161 # a response code of <tt>422</tt> and an XML representation of the validation errors. The save operation will
162 # then fail (with a <tt>false</tt> return value) and the validation errors can be accessed on the resource in question.
163 #
164 # ryan = Person.find(1)
165 # ryan.first # => ''
166 # ryan.save # => false
167 #
168 # # When
169 # # PUT http://api.people.com:3000/people/1.xml
170 # # is requested with invalid values, the response is:
171 # #
172 # # Response (422):
173 # # <errors type="array"><error>First cannot be empty</error></errors>
174 # #
175 #
176 # ryan.errors.invalid?(:first) # => true
177 # ryan.errors.full_messages # => ['First cannot be empty']
178 #
179 # Learn more about Active Resource's validation features in the ActiveResource::Validations documentation.
180 #
181 # === Timeouts
182 #
183 # Active Resource relies on HTTP to access RESTful APIs and as such is inherently susceptible to slow or
184 # unresponsive servers. In such cases, your Active Resource method calls could \timeout. You can control the
185 # amount of time before Active Resource times out with the +timeout+ variable.
186 #
187 # class Person < ActiveResource::Base
188 # self.site = "http://api.people.com:3000/"
189 # self.timeout = 5
190 # end
191 #
192 # This sets the +timeout+ to 5 seconds. You can adjust the +timeout+ to a value suitable for the RESTful API
193 # you are accessing. It is recommended to set this to a reasonably low value to allow your Active Resource
194 # clients (especially if you are using Active Resource in a Rails application) to fail-fast (see
195 # http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fail-fast) rather than cause cascading failures that could incapacitate your
196 # server.
197 #
198 # When a \timeout occurs, an ActiveResource::TimeoutError is raised. You should rescue from
199 # ActiveResource::TimeoutError in your Active Resource method calls.
200 #
201 # Internally, Active Resource relies on Ruby's Net::HTTP library to make HTTP requests. Setting +timeout+
202 # sets the <tt>read_timeout</tt> of the internal Net::HTTP instance to the same value. The default
203 # <tt>read_timeout</tt> is 60 seconds on most Ruby implementations.
204 class Base
205 ##
206 # :singleton-method:
207 # The logger for diagnosing and tracing Active Resource calls.
208 cattr_accessor :logger
210 class << self
211 # Gets the URI of the REST resources to map for this class. The site variable is required for
212 # Active Resource's mapping to work.
213 def site
214 # Not using superclass_delegating_reader because don't want subclasses to modify superclass instance
215 #
216 # With superclass_delegating_reader
217 #
218 # Parent.site = 'http://anonymous@test.com'
219 # Subclass.site # => 'http://anonymous@test.com'
220 # Subclass.site.user = 'david'
221 # Parent.site # => 'http://david@test.com'
222 #
223 # Without superclass_delegating_reader (expected behaviour)
224 #
225 # Parent.site = 'http://anonymous@test.com'
226 # Subclass.site # => 'http://anonymous@test.com'
227 # Subclass.site.user = 'david' # => TypeError: can't modify frozen object
228 #
229 if defined?(@site)
230 @site
231 elsif superclass != Object && superclass.site
232 superclass.site.dup.freeze
233 end
234 end
236 # Sets the URI of the REST resources to map for this class to the value in the +site+ argument.
237 # The site variable is required for Active Resource's mapping to work.
238 def site=(site)
239 @connection = nil
240 if site.nil?
241 @site = nil
242 else
243 @site = create_site_uri_from(site)
244 @user = URI.decode(@site.user) if @site.user
245 @password = URI.decode(@site.password) if @site.password
246 end
247 end
249 # Gets the \user for REST HTTP authentication.
250 def user
251 # Not using superclass_delegating_reader. See +site+ for explanation
252 if defined?(@user)
253 @user
254 elsif superclass != Object && superclass.user
255 superclass.user.dup.freeze
256 end
257 end
259 # Sets the \user for REST HTTP authentication.
260 def user=(user)
261 @connection = nil
262 @user = user
263 end
265 # Gets the \password for REST HTTP authentication.
266 def password
267 # Not using superclass_delegating_reader. See +site+ for explanation
268 if defined?(@password)
269 @password
270 elsif superclass != Object && superclass.password
271 superclass.password.dup.freeze
272 end
273 end
275 # Sets the \password for REST HTTP authentication.
276 def password=(password)
277 @connection = nil
278 @password = password
279 end
281 # Sets the format that attributes are sent and received in from a mime type reference:
282 #
283 # Person.format = :json
284 # Person.find(1) # => GET /people/1.json
285 #
286 # Person.format = ActiveResource::Formats::XmlFormat
287 # Person.find(1) # => GET /people/1.xml
288 #
289 # Default format is <tt>:xml</tt>.
290 def format=(mime_type_reference_or_format)
291 format = mime_type_reference_or_format.is_a?(Symbol) ?
292 ActiveResource::Formats[mime_type_reference_or_format] : mime_type_reference_or_format
294 write_inheritable_attribute(:format, format)
295 connection.format = format if site
296 end
298 # Returns the current format, default is ActiveResource::Formats::XmlFormat.
299 def format
300 read_inheritable_attribute(:format) || ActiveResource::Formats[:xml]
301 end
303 # Sets the number of seconds after which requests to the REST API should time out.
304 def timeout=(timeout)
305 @connection = nil
306 @timeout = timeout
307 end
309 # Gets the number of seconds after which requests to the REST API should time out.
310 def timeout
311 if defined?(@timeout)
312 @timeout
313 elsif superclass != Object && superclass.timeout
314 superclass.timeout
315 end
316 end
318 # An instance of ActiveResource::Connection that is the base \connection to the remote service.
319 # The +refresh+ parameter toggles whether or not the \connection is refreshed at every request
320 # or not (defaults to <tt>false</tt>).
321 def connection(refresh = false)
322 if defined?(@connection) || superclass == Object
323 @connection = Connection.new(site, format) if refresh || @connection.nil?
324 @connection.user = user if user
325 @connection.password = password if password
326 @connection.timeout = timeout if timeout
327 @connection
328 else
329 superclass.connection
330 end
331 end
333 def headers
334 @headers ||= {}
335 end
337 # Do not include any modules in the default element name. This makes it easier to seclude ARes objects
338 # in a separate namespace without having to set element_name repeatedly.
339 attr_accessor_with_default(:element_name) { to_s.split("::").last.underscore } #:nodoc:
341 attr_accessor_with_default(:collection_name) { element_name.pluralize } #:nodoc:
342 attr_accessor_with_default(:primary_key, 'id') #:nodoc:
344 # Gets the \prefix for a resource's nested URL (e.g., <tt>prefix/collectionname/1.xml</tt>)
345 # This method is regenerated at runtime based on what the \prefix is set to.
346 def prefix(options={})
347 default = site.path
348 default << '/' unless default[-1..-1] == '/'
349 # generate the actual method based on the current site path
350 self.prefix = default
351 prefix(options)
352 end
354 # An attribute reader for the source string for the resource path \prefix. This
355 # method is regenerated at runtime based on what the \prefix is set to.
356 def prefix_source
357 prefix # generate #prefix and #prefix_source methods first
358 prefix_source
359 end
361 # Sets the \prefix for a resource's nested URL (e.g., <tt>prefix/collectionname/1.xml</tt>).
362 # Default value is <tt>site.path</tt>.
363 def prefix=(value = '/')
364 # Replace :placeholders with '#{embedded options[:lookups]}'
365 prefix_call = value.gsub(/:\w+/) { |key| "\#{options[#{key}]}" }
367 # Clear prefix parameters in case they have been cached
368 @prefix_parameters = nil
370 # Redefine the new methods.
371 code = <<-end_code
372 def prefix_source() "#{value}" end
373 def prefix(options={}) "#{prefix_call}" end
374 end_code
375 silence_warnings { instance_eval code, __FILE__, __LINE__ }
376 rescue
377 logger.error "Couldn't set prefix: #{$!}\n #{code}"
378 raise
379 end
381 alias_method :set_prefix, :prefix= #:nodoc:
383 alias_method :set_element_name, :element_name= #:nodoc:
384 alias_method :set_collection_name, :collection_name= #:nodoc:
386 # Gets the element path for the given ID in +id+. If the +query_options+ parameter is omitted, Rails
387 # will split from the \prefix options.
388 #
389 # ==== Options
390 # +prefix_options+ - A \hash to add a \prefix to the request for nested URLs (e.g., <tt>:account_id => 19</tt>
391 # would yield a URL like <tt>/accounts/19/purchases.xml</tt>).
392 # +query_options+ - A \hash to add items to the query string for the request.
393 #
394 # ==== Examples
395 # Post.element_path(1)
396 # # => /posts/1.xml
397 #
398 # Comment.element_path(1, :post_id => 5)
399 # # => /posts/5/comments/1.xml
400 #
401 # Comment.element_path(1, :post_id => 5, :active => 1)
402 # # => /posts/5/comments/1.xml?active=1
403 #
404 # Comment.element_path(1, {:post_id => 5}, {:active => 1})
405 # # => /posts/5/comments/1.xml?active=1
406 #
407 def element_path(id, prefix_options = {}, query_options = nil)
408 prefix_options, query_options = split_options(prefix_options) if query_options.nil?
409 "#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}/#{id}.#{format.extension}#{query_string(query_options)}"
410 end
412 # Gets the collection path for the REST resources. If the +query_options+ parameter is omitted, Rails
413 # will split from the +prefix_options+.
414 #
415 # ==== Options
416 # * +prefix_options+ - A hash to add a prefix to the request for nested URL's (e.g., <tt>:account_id => 19</tt>
417 # would yield a URL like <tt>/accounts/19/purchases.xml</tt>).
418 # * +query_options+ - A hash to add items to the query string for the request.
419 #
420 # ==== Examples
421 # Post.collection_path
422 # # => /posts.xml
423 #
424 # Comment.collection_path(:post_id => 5)
425 # # => /posts/5/comments.xml
426 #
427 # Comment.collection_path(:post_id => 5, :active => 1)
428 # # => /posts/5/comments.xml?active=1
429 #
430 # Comment.collection_path({:post_id => 5}, {:active => 1})
431 # # => /posts/5/comments.xml?active=1
432 #
433 def collection_path(prefix_options = {}, query_options = nil)
434 prefix_options, query_options = split_options(prefix_options) if query_options.nil?
435 "#{prefix(prefix_options)}#{collection_name}.#{format.extension}#{query_string(query_options)}"
436 end
438 alias_method :set_primary_key, :primary_key= #:nodoc:
440 # Creates a new resource instance and makes a request to the remote service
441 # that it be saved, making it equivalent to the following simultaneous calls:
442 #
443 # ryan = Person.new(:first => 'ryan')
444 # ryan.save
445 #
446 # Returns the newly created resource. If a failure has occurred an
447 # exception will be raised (see <tt>save</tt>). If the resource is invalid and
448 # has not been saved then <tt>valid?</tt> will return <tt>false</tt>,
449 # while <tt>new?</tt> will still return <tt>true</tt>.
450 #
451 # ==== Examples
452 # Person.create(:name => 'Jeremy', :email => 'myname@nospam.com', :enabled => true)
453 # my_person = Person.find(:first)
454 # my_person.email # => myname@nospam.com
455 #
456 # dhh = Person.create(:name => 'David', :email => 'dhh@nospam.com', :enabled => true)
457 # dhh.valid? # => true
458 # dhh.new? # => false
459 #
460 # # We'll assume that there's a validation that requires the name attribute
461 # that_guy = Person.create(:name => '', :email => 'thatguy@nospam.com', :enabled => true)
462 # that_guy.valid? # => false
463 # that_guy.new? # => true
464 def create(attributes = {})
465 self.new(attributes).tap { |resource| resource.save }
466 end
468 # Core method for finding resources. Used similarly to Active Record's +find+ method.
469 #
470 # ==== Arguments
471 # The first argument is considered to be the scope of the query. That is, how many
472 # resources are returned from the request. It can be one of the following.
473 #
474 # * <tt>:one</tt> - Returns a single resource.
475 # * <tt>:first</tt> - Returns the first resource found.
476 # * <tt>:last</tt> - Returns the last resource found.
477 # * <tt>:all</tt> - Returns every resource that matches the request.
478 #
479 # ==== Options
480 #
481 # * <tt>:from</tt> - Sets the path or custom method that resources will be fetched from.
482 # * <tt>:params</tt> - Sets query and \prefix (nested URL) parameters.
483 #
484 # ==== Examples
485 # Person.find(1)
486 # # => GET /people/1.xml
487 #
488 # Person.find(:all)
489 # # => GET /people.xml
490 #
491 # Person.find(:all, :params => { :title => "CEO" })
492 # # => GET /people.xml?title=CEO
493 #
494 # Person.find(:first, :from => :managers)
495 # # => GET /people/managers.xml
496 #
497 # Person.find(:last, :from => :managers)
498 # # => GET /people/managers.xml
499 #
500 # Person.find(:all, :from => "/companies/1/people.xml")
501 # # => GET /companies/1/people.xml
502 #
503 # Person.find(:one, :from => :leader)
504 # # => GET /people/leader.xml
505 #
506 # Person.find(:all, :from => :developers, :params => { :language => 'ruby' })
507 # # => GET /people/developers.xml?language=ruby
508 #
509 # Person.find(:one, :from => "/companies/1/manager.xml")
510 # # => GET /companies/1/manager.xml
511 #
512 # StreetAddress.find(1, :params => { :person_id => 1 })
513 # # => GET /people/1/street_addresses/1.xml
514 def find(*arguments)
515 scope = arguments.slice!(0)
516 options = arguments.slice!(0) || {}
518 case scope
519 when :all then find_every(options)
520 when :first then find_every(options).first
521 when :last then find_every(options).last
522 when :one then find_one(options)
523 else find_single(scope, options)
524 end
525 end
527 # Deletes the resources with the ID in the +id+ parameter.
528 #
529 # ==== Options
530 # All options specify \prefix and query parameters.
531 #
532 # ==== Examples
533 # Event.delete(2) # sends DELETE /events/2
534 #
535 # Event.create(:name => 'Free Concert', :location => 'Community Center')
536 # my_event = Event.find(:first) # let's assume this is event with ID 7
537 # Event.delete(my_event.id) # sends DELETE /events/7
538 #
539 # # Let's assume a request to events/5/cancel.xml
540 # Event.delete(params[:id]) # sends DELETE /events/5
541 def delete(id, options = {})
542 connection.delete(element_path(id, options))
543 end
545 # Asserts the existence of a resource, returning <tt>true</tt> if the resource is found.
546 #
547 # ==== Examples
548 # Note.create(:title => 'Hello, world.', :body => 'Nothing more for now...')
549 # Note.exists?(1) # => true
550 #
551 # Note.exists(1349) # => false
552 def exists?(id, options = {})
553 if id
554 prefix_options, query_options = split_options(options[:params])
555 path = element_path(id, prefix_options, query_options)
556 response = connection.head(path, headers)
557 response.code.to_i == 200
558 end
559 # id && !find_single(id, options).nil?
560 rescue ActiveResource::ResourceNotFound
561 false
562 end
564 private
565 # Find every resource
566 def find_every(options)
567 case from = options[:from]
568 when Symbol
569 instantiate_collection(get(from, options[:params]))
570 when String
571 path = "#{from}#{query_string(options[:params])}"
572 instantiate_collection(connection.get(path, headers) || [])
573 else
574 prefix_options, query_options = split_options(options[:params])
575 path = collection_path(prefix_options, query_options)
576 instantiate_collection( (connection.get(path, headers) || []), prefix_options )
577 end
578 end
580 # Find a single resource from a one-off URL
581 def find_one(options)
582 case from = options[:from]
583 when Symbol
584 instantiate_record(get(from, options[:params]))
585 when String
586 path = "#{from}#{query_string(options[:params])}"
587 instantiate_record(connection.get(path, headers))
588 end
589 end
591 # Find a single resource from the default URL
592 def find_single(scope, options)
593 prefix_options, query_options = split_options(options[:params])
594 path = element_path(scope, prefix_options, query_options)
595 instantiate_record(connection.get(path, headers), prefix_options)
596 end
598 def instantiate_collection(collection, prefix_options = {})
599 collection.collect! { |record| instantiate_record(record, prefix_options) }
600 end
602 def instantiate_record(record, prefix_options = {})
603 new(record).tap do |resource|
604 resource.prefix_options = prefix_options
605 end
606 end
609 # Accepts a URI and creates the site URI from that.
610 def create_site_uri_from(site)
611 site.is_a?(URI) ? site.dup : URI.parse(site)
612 end
614 # contains a set of the current prefix parameters.
615 def prefix_parameters
616 @prefix_parameters ||= prefix_source.scan(/:\w+/).map { |key| key[1..-1].to_sym }.to_set
617 end
619 # Builds the query string for the request.
620 def query_string(options)
621 "?#{options.to_query}" unless options.nil? || options.empty?
622 end
624 # split an option hash into two hashes, one containing the prefix options,
625 # and the other containing the leftovers.
626 def split_options(options = {})
627 prefix_options, query_options = {}, {}
629 (options || {}).each do |key, value|
630 next if key.blank?
631 (prefix_parameters.include?(key.to_sym) ? prefix_options : query_options)[key.to_sym] = value
632 end
634 [ prefix_options, query_options ]
635 end
636 end
638 attr_accessor :attributes #:nodoc:
639 attr_accessor :prefix_options #:nodoc:
641 # Constructor method for \new resources; the optional +attributes+ parameter takes a \hash
642 # of attributes for the \new resource.
643 #
644 # ==== Examples
645 # my_course = Course.new
646 # my_course.name = "Western Civilization"
647 # my_course.lecturer = "Don Trotter"
648 # my_course.save
649 #
650 # my_other_course = Course.new(:name => "Philosophy: Reason and Being", :lecturer => "Ralph Cling")
651 # my_other_course.save
652 def initialize(attributes = {})
653 @attributes = {}
654 @prefix_options = {}
655 load(attributes)
656 end
658 # Returns a \clone of the resource that hasn't been assigned an +id+ yet and
659 # is treated as a \new resource.
660 #
661 # ryan = Person.find(1)
662 # not_ryan = ryan.clone
663 # not_ryan.new? # => true
664 #
665 # Any active resource member attributes will NOT be cloned, though all other
666 # attributes are. This is to prevent the conflict between any +prefix_options+
667 # that refer to the original parent resource and the newly cloned parent
668 # resource that does not exist.
669 #
670 # ryan = Person.find(1)
671 # ryan.address = StreetAddress.find(1, :person_id => ryan.id)
672 # ryan.hash = {:not => "an ARes instance"}
673 #
674 # not_ryan = ryan.clone
675 # not_ryan.new? # => true
676 # not_ryan.address # => NoMethodError
677 # not_ryan.hash # => {:not => "an ARes instance"}
678 def clone
679 # Clone all attributes except the pk and any nested ARes
680 cloned = attributes.reject {|k,v| k == self.class.primary_key || v.is_a?(ActiveResource::Base)}.inject({}) do |attrs, (k, v)|
681 attrs[k] = v.clone
682 attrs
683 end
684 # Form the new resource - bypass initialize of resource with 'new' as that will call 'load' which
685 # attempts to convert hashes into member objects and arrays into collections of objects. We want
686 # the raw objects to be cloned so we bypass load by directly setting the attributes hash.
687 resource = self.class.new({})
688 resource.prefix_options = self.prefix_options
689 resource.send :instance_variable_set, '@attributes', cloned
690 resource
691 end
694 # A method to determine if the resource a \new object (i.e., it has not been POSTed to the remote service yet).
695 #
696 # ==== Examples
697 # not_new = Computer.create(:brand => 'Apple', :make => 'MacBook', :vendor => 'MacMall')
698 # not_new.new? # => false
699 #
700 # is_new = Computer.new(:brand => 'IBM', :make => 'Thinkpad', :vendor => 'IBM')
701 # is_new.new? # => true
702 #
703 # is_new.save
704 # is_new.new? # => false
705 #
706 def new?
707 id.nil?
708 end
709 alias :new_record? :new?
711 # Gets the <tt>\id</tt> attribute of the resource.
712 def id
713 attributes[self.class.primary_key]
714 end
716 # Sets the <tt>\id</tt> attribute of the resource.
717 def id=(id)
718 attributes[self.class.primary_key] = id
719 end
721 # Allows Active Resource objects to be used as parameters in Action Pack URL generation.
722 def to_param
723 id && id.to_s
724 end
726 # Test for equality. Resource are equal if and only if +other+ is the same object or
727 # is an instance of the same class, is not <tt>new?</tt>, and has the same +id+.
728 #
729 # ==== Examples
730 # ryan = Person.create(:name => 'Ryan')
731 # jamie = Person.create(:name => 'Jamie')
732 #
733 # ryan == jamie
734 # # => false (Different name attribute and id)
735 #
736 # ryan_again = Person.new(:name => 'Ryan')
737 # ryan == ryan_again
738 # # => false (ryan_again is new?)
739 #
740 # ryans_clone = Person.create(:name => 'Ryan')
741 # ryan == ryans_clone
742 # # => false (Different id attributes)
743 #
744 # ryans_twin = Person.find(ryan.id)
745 # ryan == ryans_twin
746 # # => true
747 #
748 def ==(other)
749 other.equal?(self) || (other.instance_of?(self.class) && other.id == id && other.prefix_options == prefix_options)
750 end
752 # Tests for equality (delegates to ==).
753 def eql?(other)
754 self == other
755 end
757 # Delegates to id in order to allow two resources of the same type and \id to work with something like:
758 # [Person.find(1), Person.find(2)] & [Person.find(1), Person.find(4)] # => [Person.find(1)]
759 def hash
760 id.hash
761 end
763 # Duplicate the current resource without saving it.
764 #
765 # ==== Examples
766 # my_invoice = Invoice.create(:customer => 'That Company')
767 # next_invoice = my_invoice.dup
768 # next_invoice.new? # => true
769 #
770 # next_invoice.save
771 # next_invoice == my_invoice # => false (different id attributes)
772 #
773 # my_invoice.customer # => That Company
774 # next_invoice.customer # => That Company
775 def dup
776 self.class.new.tap do |resource|
777 resource.attributes = @attributes
778 resource.prefix_options = @prefix_options
779 end
780 end
782 # A method to \save (+POST+) or \update (+PUT+) a resource. It delegates to +create+ if a \new object,
783 # +update+ if it is existing. If the response to the \save includes a body, it will be assumed that this body
784 # is XML for the final object as it looked after the \save (which would include attributes like +created_at+
785 # that weren't part of the original submit).
786 #
787 # ==== Examples
788 # my_company = Company.new(:name => 'RoleModel Software', :owner => 'Ken Auer', :size => 2)
789 # my_company.new? # => true
790 # my_company.save # sends POST /companies/ (create)
791 #
792 # my_company.new? # => false
793 # my_company.size = 10
794 # my_company.save # sends PUT /companies/1 (update)
795 def save
796 new? ? create : update
797 end
799 # Deletes the resource from the remote service.
800 #
801 # ==== Examples
802 # my_id = 3
803 # my_person = Person.find(my_id)
804 # my_person.destroy
805 # Person.find(my_id) # 404 (Resource Not Found)
806 #
807 # new_person = Person.create(:name => 'James')
808 # new_id = new_person.id # => 7
809 # new_person.destroy
810 # Person.find(new_id) # 404 (Resource Not Found)
811 def destroy
812 connection.delete(element_path, self.class.headers)
813 end
815 # Evaluates to <tt>true</tt> if this resource is not <tt>new?</tt> and is
816 # found on the remote service. Using this method, you can check for
817 # resources that may have been deleted between the object's instantiation
818 # and actions on it.
819 #
820 # ==== Examples
821 # Person.create(:name => 'Theodore Roosevelt')
822 # that_guy = Person.find(:first)
823 # that_guy.exists? # => true
824 #
825 # that_lady = Person.new(:name => 'Paul Bean')
826 # that_lady.exists? # => false
827 #
828 # guys_id = that_guy.id
829 # Person.delete(guys_id)
830 # that_guy.exists? # => false
831 def exists?
832 !new? && self.class.exists?(to_param, :params => prefix_options)
833 end
835 # A method to convert the the resource to an XML string.
836 #
837 # ==== Options
838 # The +options+ parameter is handed off to the +to_xml+ method on each
839 # attribute, so it has the same options as the +to_xml+ methods in
840 # Active Support.
841 #
842 # * <tt>:indent</tt> - Set the indent level for the XML output (default is +2+).
843 # * <tt>:dasherize</tt> - Boolean option to determine whether or not element names should
844 # replace underscores with dashes (default is <tt>false</tt>).
845 # * <tt>:skip_instruct</tt> - Toggle skipping the +instruct!+ call on the XML builder
846 # that generates the XML declaration (default is <tt>false</tt>).
847 #
848 # ==== Examples
849 # my_group = SubsidiaryGroup.find(:first)
850 # my_group.to_xml
851 # # => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
852 # # <subsidiary_group> [...] </subsidiary_group>
853 #
854 # my_group.to_xml(:dasherize => true)
855 # # => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
856 # # <subsidiary-group> [...] </subsidiary-group>
857 #
858 # my_group.to_xml(:skip_instruct => true)
859 # # => <subsidiary_group> [...] </subsidiary_group>
860 def to_xml(options={})
861 attributes.to_xml({:root => self.class.element_name}.merge(options))
862 end
864 # Returns a JSON string representing the model. Some configuration is
865 # available through +options+.
866 #
867 # ==== Options
868 # The +options+ are passed to the +to_json+ method on each
869 # attribute, so the same options as the +to_json+ methods in
870 # Active Support.
871 #
872 # * <tt>:only</tt> - Only include the specified attribute or list of
873 # attributes in the serialized output. Attribute names must be specified
874 # as strings.
875 # * <tt>:except</tt> - Do not include the specified attribute or list of
876 # attributes in the serialized output. Attribute names must be specified
877 # as strings.
878 #
879 # ==== Examples
880 # person = Person.new(:first_name => "Jim", :last_name => "Smith")
881 # person.to_json
882 # # => {"first_name": "Jim", "last_name": "Smith"}
883 #
884 # person.to_json(:only => ["first_name"])
885 # # => {"first_name": "Jim"}
886 #
887 # person.to_json(:except => ["first_name"])
888 # # => {"last_name": "Smith"}
889 def to_json(options={})
890 attributes.to_json(options)
891 end
893 # Returns the serialized string representation of the resource in the configured
894 # serialization format specified in ActiveResource::Base.format. The options
895 # applicable depend on the configured encoding format.
896 def encode(options={})
897 case self.class.format
898 when ActiveResource::Formats[:xml]
899 self.class.format.encode(attributes, {:root => self.class.element_name}.merge(options))
900 else
901 self.class.format.encode(attributes, options)
902 end
903 end
905 # A method to \reload the attributes of this object from the remote web service.
906 #
907 # ==== Examples
908 # my_branch = Branch.find(:first)
909 # my_branch.name # => "Wislon Raod"
910 #
911 # # Another client fixes the typo...
912 #
913 # my_branch.name # => "Wislon Raod"
914 # my_branch.reload
915 # my_branch.name # => "Wilson Road"
916 def reload
917 self.load(self.class.find(to_param, :params => @prefix_options).attributes)
918 end
920 # A method to manually load attributes from a \hash. Recursively loads collections of
921 # resources. This method is called in +initialize+ and +create+ when a \hash of attributes
922 # is provided.
923 #
924 # ==== Examples
925 # my_attrs = {:name => 'J&J Textiles', :industry => 'Cloth and textiles'}
926 # my_attrs = {:name => 'Marty', :colors => ["red", "green", "blue"]}
927 #
928 # the_supplier = Supplier.find(:first)
929 # the_supplier.name # => 'J&M Textiles'
930 # the_supplier.load(my_attrs)
931 # the_supplier.name('J&J Textiles')
932 #
933 # # These two calls are the same as Supplier.new(my_attrs)
934 # my_supplier = Supplier.new
935 # my_supplier.load(my_attrs)
936 #
937 # # These three calls are the same as Supplier.create(my_attrs)
938 # your_supplier = Supplier.new
939 # your_supplier.load(my_attrs)
940 # your_supplier.save
941 def load(attributes)
942 raise ArgumentError, "expected an attributes Hash, got #{attributes.inspect}" unless attributes.is_a?(Hash)
943 @prefix_options, attributes = split_options(attributes)
944 attributes.each do |key, value|
945 @attributes[key.to_s] =
946 case value
947 when Array
948 resource = find_or_create_resource_for_collection(key)
949 value.map { |attrs| attrs.is_a?(String) ? attrs.dup : resource.new(attrs) }
950 when Hash
951 resource = find_or_create_resource_for(key)
952 resource.new(value)
953 else
954 value.dup rescue value
955 end
956 end
957 self
958 end
960 # For checking <tt>respond_to?</tt> without searching the attributes (which is faster).
961 alias_method :respond_to_without_attributes?, :respond_to?
963 # A method to determine if an object responds to a message (e.g., a method call). In Active Resource, a Person object with a
964 # +name+ attribute can answer <tt>true</tt> to <tt>my_person.respond_to?(:name)</tt>, <tt>my_person.respond_to?(:name=)</tt>, and
965 # <tt>my_person.respond_to?(:name?)</tt>.
966 def respond_to?(method, include_priv = false)
967 method_name = method.to_s
968 if attributes.nil?
969 return super
970 elsif attributes.has_key?(method_name)
971 return true
972 elsif ['?','='].include?(method_name.last) && attributes.has_key?(method_name.first(-1))
973 return true
974 end
975 # super must be called at the end of the method, because the inherited respond_to?
976 # would return true for generated readers, even if the attribute wasn't present
977 super
978 end
981 protected
982 def connection(refresh = false)
983 self.class.connection(refresh)
984 end
986 # Update the resource on the remote service.
987 def update
988 connection.put(element_path(prefix_options), encode, self.class.headers).tap do |response|
989 load_attributes_from_response(response)
990 end
991 end
993 # Create (i.e., \save to the remote service) the \new resource.
994 def create
995 connection.post(collection_path, encode, self.class.headers).tap do |response|
996 self.id = id_from_response(response)
997 load_attributes_from_response(response)
998 end
999 end
1001 def load_attributes_from_response(response)
1002 if response['Content-Length'] != "0" && response.body.strip.size > 0
1003 load(self.class.format.decode(response.body))
1004 end
1005 end
1007 # Takes a response from a typical create post and pulls the ID out
1008 def id_from_response(response)
1009 response['Location'][/\/([^\/]*?)(\.\w+)?$/, 1] if response['Location']
1010 end
1012 def element_path(options = nil)
1013 self.class.element_path(to_param, options || prefix_options)
1014 end
1016 def collection_path(options = nil)
1017 self.class.collection_path(options || prefix_options)
1018 end
1020 private
1021 # Tries to find a resource for a given collection name; if it fails, then the resource is created
1022 def find_or_create_resource_for_collection(name)
1023 find_or_create_resource_for(name.to_s.singularize)
1024 end
1026 # Tries to find a resource in a non empty list of nested modules
1027 # Raises a NameError if it was not found in any of the given nested modules
1028 def find_resource_in_modules(resource_name, module_names)
1029 receiver = Object
1030 namespaces = module_names[0, module_names.size-1].map do |module_name|
1031 receiver = receiver.const_get(module_name)
1032 end
1033 if namespace = namespaces.reverse.detect { |ns| ns.const_defined?(resource_name) }
1034 return namespace.const_get(resource_name)
1035 else
1036 raise NameError
1037 end
1038 end
1040 # Tries to find a resource for a given name; if it fails, then the resource is created
1041 def find_or_create_resource_for(name)
1042 resource_name = name.to_s.camelize
1043 ancestors = self.class.name.split("::")
1044 if ancestors.size > 1
1045 find_resource_in_modules(resource_name, ancestors)
1046 else
1047 self.class.const_get(resource_name)
1048 end
1049 rescue NameError
1050 if self.class.const_defined?(resource_name)
1051 resource = self.class.const_get(resource_name)
1052 else
1053 resource = self.class.const_set(resource_name, Class.new(ActiveResource::Base))
1054 end
1055 resource.prefix = self.class.prefix
1056 resource.site = self.class.site
1057 resource
1058 end
1060 def split_options(options = {})
1061 self.class.__send__(:split_options, options)
1062 end
1064 def method_missing(method_symbol, *arguments) #:nodoc:
1065 method_name = method_symbol.to_s
1067 case method_name.last
1068 when "="
1069 attributes[method_name.first(-1)] = arguments.first
1070 when "?"
1071 attributes[method_name.first(-1)]
1072 else
1073 attributes.has_key?(method_name) ? attributes[method_name] : super
1074 end
1075 end
1076 end
1077 end