Deleted unused ./test directory
[feedcatcher.git] / core_ext / module / introspection.rb
1 module ActiveSupport
2 module CoreExtensions
3 module Module
4 # Returns the name of the module containing this one.
5 #
6 # p M::N.parent_name # => "M"
7 def parent_name
8 unless defined? @parent_name
9 @parent_name = name =~ /::[^:]+\Z/ ? $`.freeze : nil
10 end
11 @parent_name
12 end
14 # Returns the module which contains this one according to its name.
15 #
16 # module M
17 # module N
18 # end
19 # end
20 # X = M::N
21 #
22 # p M::N.parent # => M
23 # p X.parent # => M
24 #
25 # The parent of top-level and anonymous modules is Object.
26 #
27 # p M.parent # => Object
28 # p # => Object
29 #
30 def parent
31 parent_name ? parent_name.constantize : Object
32 end
34 # Returns all the parents of this module according to its name, ordered from
35 # nested outwards. The receiver is not contained within the result.
36 #
37 # module M
38 # module N
39 # end
40 # end
41 # X = M::N
42 #
43 # p M.parents # => [Object]
44 # p M::N.parents # => [M, Object]
45 # p X.parents # => [M, Object]
46 #
47 def parents
48 parents = []
49 if parent_name
50 parts = parent_name.split('::')
51 until parts.empty?
52 parents << (parts * '::').constantize
53 parts.pop
54 end
55 end
56 parents << Object unless parents.include? Object
57 parents
58 end
60 if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9'
61 # Returns the constants that have been defined locally by this object and
62 # not in an ancestor. This method is exact if running under Ruby 1.9. In
63 # previous versions it may miss some constants if their definition in some
64 # ancestor is identical to their definition in the receiver.
65 def local_constants
66 inherited = {}
68 ancestors.each do |anc|
69 next if anc == self
70 anc.constants.each { |const| inherited[const] = anc.const_get(const) }
71 end
73 do |const|
74 !inherited.key?(const) || inherited[const].object_id != const_get(const).object_id
75 end
76 end
77 else
78 def local_constants #:nodoc:
79 constants(false)
80 end
81 end
83 # Returns the names of the constants defined locally rather than the
84 # constants themselves. See <tt>local_constants</tt>.
85 def local_constant_names
86 { |c| c.to_s }
87 end
88 end
89 end
90 end