Deleted unused ./test directory
[feedcatcher.git] / core_ext / string / multibyte.rb
1 # encoding: utf-8
3 module ActiveSupport #:nodoc:
4 module CoreExtensions #:nodoc:
5 module String #:nodoc:
6 # Implements multibyte methods for easier access to multibyte characters in a String instance.
7 module Multibyte
8 unless '1.9'.respond_to?(:force_encoding)
9 # == Multibyte proxy
10 #
11 # +mb_chars+ is a multibyte safe proxy for string methods.
12 #
13 # In Ruby 1.8 and older it creates and returns an instance of the ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars class which
14 # encapsulates the original string. A Unicode safe version of all the String methods are defined on this proxy
15 # class. If the proxy class doesn't respond to a certain method, it's forwarded to the encapsuled string.
16 #
17 # name = 'Claus Müller'
18 # name.reverse #=> "rell??M sualC"
19 # name.length #=> 13
20 #
21 # name.mb_chars.reverse.to_s #=> "rellüM sualC"
22 # name.mb_chars.length #=> 12
23 #
24 # In Ruby 1.9 and newer +mb_chars+ returns +self+ because String is (mostly) encoding aware. This means that
25 # it becomes easy to run one version of your code on multiple Ruby versions.
26 #
27 # == Method chaining
28 #
29 # All the methods on the Chars proxy which normally return a string will return a Chars object. This allows
30 # method chaining on the result of any of these methods.
31 #
32 # name.mb_chars.reverse.length #=> 12
33 #
34 # == Interoperability and configuration
35 #
36 # The Chars object tries to be as interchangeable with String objects as possible: sorting and comparing between
37 # String and Char work like expected. The bang! methods change the internal string representation in the Chars
38 # object. Interoperability problems can be resolved easily with a +to_s+ call.
39 #
40 # For more information about the methods defined on the Chars proxy see ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars. For
41 # information about how to change the default Multibyte behaviour see ActiveSupport::Multibyte.
42 def mb_chars
43 if ActiveSupport::Multibyte.proxy_class.wants?(self)
45 else
46 self
47 end
48 end
50 # Returns true if the string has UTF-8 semantics (a String used for purely byte resources is unlikely to have
51 # them), returns false otherwise.
52 def is_utf8?
53 ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars.consumes?(self)
54 end
56 unless '1.8.7 and later'.respond_to?(:chars)
57 def chars
58 ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn('String#chars has been deprecated in favor of String#mb_chars.', caller)
59 mb_chars
60 end
61 end
62 else
63 def mb_chars #:nodoc
64 self
65 end
67 def is_utf8? #:nodoc
68 case encoding
69 when Encoding::UTF_8
70 valid_encoding?
71 when Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, Encoding::US_ASCII
72 dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8).valid_encoding?
73 else
74 false
75 end
76 end
77 end
78 end
79 end
80 end
81 end