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9 Also attempts to break messages that use an …" />
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21 <article id="content">
22 <header>
23 <h1 class="title">Module <code>szyfrow.affine</code></h1>
24 </header>
25 <section id="section-intro">
26 <p>Enciphering and deciphering using the <a href="">affine cipher</a>.
27 Also attempts to break messages that use an affine cipher.</p>
28 <p>The affine cipher operates one letter at a time. It converts each letter to a
29 number, then enciphers that number using a multiplier and a number. The result
30 is taken mod 26 and converted back into a letter.</p>
31 <p>For a multiplier <em>m</em> and adder <em>a</em>, a letter converted to number <em>x</em> is
32 enciphered as <em>E(x)</em> = (<em>m</em> <em>x</em> + <em>a</em>) mod 26. Deciphering uses the modular
33 inverse of <em>m</em>, <em>m</em>⁻¹, so that <em>D(x)</em> = <em>m</em>⁻¹ (<em>x</em> - <em>a</em>) mod 26.</p>
34 <p>If <code>one_based</code> is <code>True</code>, the conversion between letters and numbers maps
35 'a' → 1, 'b' → 2, … 'z'→ 26 and the <code>mod</code> function is adjusted to keep
36 numbers in this range during enciphering and deciphering. If <code>one_based</code> is
37 <code>False</code>, the conversion maps 'a' → 0, 'b' → 1, … 'z'→ 25 and <code>mod</code> behaves
38 normally.</p>
39 <details class="source">
40 <summary>
41 <span>Expand source code</span>
42 </summary>
43 <pre><code class="python">&#34;&#34;&#34;Enciphering and deciphering using the [affine cipher](
44 Also attempts to break messages that use an affine cipher.
46 The affine cipher operates one letter at a time. It converts each letter to a
47 number, then enciphers that number using a multiplier and a number. The result
48 is taken mod 26 and converted back into a letter.
50 For a multiplier _m_ and adder _a_, a letter converted to number _x_ is
51 enciphered as _E(x)_ = (_m_ _x_ + _a_) mod 26. Deciphering uses the modular
52 inverse of _m_, _m_⁻¹, so that _D(x)_ = _m_⁻¹ (_x_ - _a_) mod 26.
54 If `one_based` is `True`, the conversion between letters and numbers maps
55 &#39;a&#39;1, &#39;b&#39;2, … &#39;z&#39;26 and the `mod` function is adjusted to keep
56 numbers in this range during enciphering and deciphering. If `one_based` is
57 `False`, the conversion maps &#39;a&#39;0, &#39;b&#39;1, … &#39;z&#39;25 and `mod` behaves
58 normally.
59 &#34;&#34;&#34;
61 from import *
62 from import *
64 modular_division_table = {
65 (multiplier, (multiplier * plaintext) % 26): plaintext
66 for plaintext in range(26)
67 for multiplier in range(26)
68 }
71 def affine_encipher_letter(accented_letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
72 &#34;&#34;&#34;Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder.
74 Accented version of latin letters (such as é and ö) are converted to their
75 non-accented versions before encryption.
77 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
78 for l in string.ascii_letters)
79 &#39;hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE&#39;
80 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
81 for l in string.ascii_letters)
82 &#39;filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC&#39;
83 &#34;&#34;&#34;
84 letter = unaccent(accented_letter)
85 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
86 letter_number = pos(letter)
87 if one_based: letter_number += 1
88 cipher_number = (letter_number * multiplier + adder) % 26
89 if one_based: cipher_number -= 1
90 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
91 return unpos(cipher_number).upper()
92 else:
93 return unpos(cipher_number)
94 else:
95 return letter
97 def affine_decipher_letter(letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
98 &#34;&#34;&#34;Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder
100 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
101 for l in &#39;hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE&#39;)
102 &#39;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&#39;
103 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
104 for l in &#39;filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC&#39;)
105 &#39;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&#39;
106 &#34;&#34;&#34;
107 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
108 cipher_number = pos(letter)
109 if one_based: cipher_number += 1
110 plaintext_number = (
111 modular_division_table[multiplier, (cipher_number - adder) % 26]
112 )
113 if one_based: plaintext_number -= 1
114 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
115 return unpos(plaintext_number).upper()
116 else:
117 return unpos(plaintext_number)
118 else:
119 return letter
121 def affine_encipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
122 &#34;&#34;&#34;Encipher a message
124 &gt;&gt;&gt; affine_encipher(&#39;hours passed during which jerico tried every &#39; \
125 &#39;trick he could think of&#39;, 15, 22, True)
126 &#39;lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh&#39;
127 &#34;&#34;&#34;
128 enciphered = [affine_encipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
129 for l in message]
130 return cat(enciphered)
132 def affine_decipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
133 &#34;&#34;&#34;Decipher a message
135 &gt;&gt;&gt; affine_decipher(&#39;lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg &#39; \
136 &#39;jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh&#39;, 15, 22, True)
137 &#39;hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of&#39;
138 &#34;&#34;&#34;
139 enciphered = [affine_decipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
140 for l in message]
141 return cat(enciphered)
145 def affine_break(message, fitness=Pletters):
146 &#34;&#34;&#34;Breaks an affine cipher using frequency analysis.
148 It tries all possible combinations of multiplier, adder, and one_based,
149 scores the fitness of the text decipherd with each combination, and returns
150 the key that produces the most fit deciphered text.
152 &gt;&gt;&gt; affine_break(&#39;lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls &#39; \
153 &#39;omytd jlaxe mh jm bfmibj umis hfsul axubafkjamx. ls kffkxwsd jls &#39; \
154 &#39;ofgbjmwfkiu olfmxmtmwaokttg jlsx ls kffkxwsd jlsi zg tsxwjl. jlsx &#39; \
155 &#39;ls umfjsd jlsi zg hfsqysxog. ls dmmdtsd mx jls bats mh bkbsf. ls &#39; \
156 &#39;bfmctsd kfmyxd jls lyj, mztanamyu xmc jm clm cku tmmeaxw kj lai &#39; \
157 &#39;kxd clm ckuxj.&#39;) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
158 ((15, 22, True), -340.601181913...)
159 &#34;&#34;&#34;
160 sanitised_message = sanitise(message)
161 best_multiplier = 0
162 best_adder = 0
163 best_one_based = True
164 best_fit = float(&#34;-inf&#34;)
165 for one_based in [True, False]:
166 for multiplier in [x for x in range(1, 26, 2) if x != 13]:
167 for adder in range(26):
168 plaintext = affine_decipher(sanitised_message,
169 multiplier, adder, one_based)
170 fit = fitness(plaintext)
171 if fit &gt; best_fit:
172 best_fit = fit
173 best_multiplier = multiplier
174 best_adder = adder
175 best_one_based = one_based
177 return (best_multiplier, best_adder, best_one_based), best_fit</code></pre>
178 </details>
179 </section>
180 <section>
181 </section>
182 <section>
183 </section>
184 <section>
185 <h2 class="section-title" id="header-functions">Functions</h2>
186 <dl>
187 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.affine_break"><code class="name flex">
188 <span>def <span class="ident">affine_break</span></span>(<span>message, fitness=&lt;function Pletters&gt;)</span>
189 </code></dt>
190 <dd>
191 <div class="desc"><p>Breaks an affine cipher using frequency analysis.</p>
192 <p>It tries all possible combinations of multiplier, adder, and one_based,
193 scores the fitness of the text decipherd with each combination, and returns
194 the key that produces the most fit deciphered text.</p>
195 <pre><code class="language-python-repl">&gt;&gt;&gt; affine_break('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls ' 'omytd jlaxe mh jm bfmibj umis hfsul axubafkjamx. ls kffkxwsd jls ' 'ofgbjmwfkiu olfmxmtmwaokttg jlsx ls kffkxwsd jlsi zg tsxwjl. jlsx ' 'ls umfjsd jlsi zg hfsqysxog. ls dmmdtsd mx jls bats mh bkbsf. ls ' 'bfmctsd kfmyxd jls lyj, mztanamyu xmc jm clm cku tmmeaxw kj lai ' 'kxd clm ckuxj.') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
196 ((15, 22, True), -340.601181913...)
197 </code></pre></div>
198 <details class="source">
199 <summary>
200 <span>Expand source code</span>
201 </summary>
202 <pre><code class="python">def affine_break(message, fitness=Pletters):
203 &#34;&#34;&#34;Breaks an affine cipher using frequency analysis.
205 It tries all possible combinations of multiplier, adder, and one_based,
206 scores the fitness of the text decipherd with each combination, and returns
207 the key that produces the most fit deciphered text.
209 &gt;&gt;&gt; affine_break(&#39;lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls &#39; \
210 &#39;omytd jlaxe mh jm bfmibj umis hfsul axubafkjamx. ls kffkxwsd jls &#39; \
211 &#39;ofgbjmwfkiu olfmxmtmwaokttg jlsx ls kffkxwsd jlsi zg tsxwjl. jlsx &#39; \
212 &#39;ls umfjsd jlsi zg hfsqysxog. ls dmmdtsd mx jls bats mh bkbsf. ls &#39; \
213 &#39;bfmctsd kfmyxd jls lyj, mztanamyu xmc jm clm cku tmmeaxw kj lai &#39; \
214 &#39;kxd clm ckuxj.&#39;) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
215 ((15, 22, True), -340.601181913...)
216 &#34;&#34;&#34;
217 sanitised_message = sanitise(message)
218 best_multiplier = 0
219 best_adder = 0
220 best_one_based = True
221 best_fit = float(&#34;-inf&#34;)
222 for one_based in [True, False]:
223 for multiplier in [x for x in range(1, 26, 2) if x != 13]:
224 for adder in range(26):
225 plaintext = affine_decipher(sanitised_message,
226 multiplier, adder, one_based)
227 fit = fitness(plaintext)
228 if fit &gt; best_fit:
229 best_fit = fit
230 best_multiplier = multiplier
231 best_adder = adder
232 best_one_based = one_based
234 return (best_multiplier, best_adder, best_one_based), best_fit</code></pre>
235 </details>
236 </dd>
237 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.affine_decipher"><code class="name flex">
238 <span>def <span class="ident">affine_decipher</span></span>(<span>message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True)</span>
239 </code></dt>
240 <dd>
241 <div class="desc"><p>Decipher a message</p>
242 <pre><code class="language-python-repl">&gt;&gt;&gt; affine_decipher('lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg ' 'jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh', 15, 22, True)
243 'hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of'
244 </code></pre></div>
245 <details class="source">
246 <summary>
247 <span>Expand source code</span>
248 </summary>
249 <pre><code class="python">def affine_decipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
250 &#34;&#34;&#34;Decipher a message
252 &gt;&gt;&gt; affine_decipher(&#39;lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg &#39; \
253 &#39;jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh&#39;, 15, 22, True)
254 &#39;hours passed during which jerico tried every trick he could think of&#39;
255 &#34;&#34;&#34;
256 enciphered = [affine_decipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
257 for l in message]
258 return cat(enciphered)</code></pre>
259 </details>
260 </dd>
261 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.affine_decipher_letter"><code class="name flex">
262 <span>def <span class="ident">affine_decipher_letter</span></span>(<span>letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True)</span>
263 </code></dt>
264 <dd>
265 <div class="desc"><p>Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder</p>
266 <pre><code class="language-python-repl">&gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) for l in 'hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE')
267 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
268 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) for l in 'filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC')
269 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
270 </code></pre></div>
271 <details class="source">
272 <summary>
273 <span>Expand source code</span>
274 </summary>
275 <pre><code class="python">def affine_decipher_letter(letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
276 &#34;&#34;&#34;Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder
278 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
279 for l in &#39;hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE&#39;)
280 &#39;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&#39;
281 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_decipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
282 for l in &#39;filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC&#39;)
283 &#39;abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ&#39;
284 &#34;&#34;&#34;
285 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
286 cipher_number = pos(letter)
287 if one_based: cipher_number += 1
288 plaintext_number = (
289 modular_division_table[multiplier, (cipher_number - adder) % 26]
290 )
291 if one_based: plaintext_number -= 1
292 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
293 return unpos(plaintext_number).upper()
294 else:
295 return unpos(plaintext_number)
296 else:
297 return letter</code></pre>
298 </details>
299 </dd>
300 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.affine_encipher"><code class="name flex">
301 <span>def <span class="ident">affine_encipher</span></span>(<span>message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True)</span>
302 </code></dt>
303 <dd>
304 <div class="desc"><p>Encipher a message</p>
305 <pre><code class="language-python-repl">&gt;&gt;&gt; affine_encipher('hours passed during which jerico tried every ' 'trick he could think of', 15, 22, True)
306 'lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh'
307 </code></pre></div>
308 <details class="source">
309 <summary>
310 <span>Expand source code</span>
311 </summary>
312 <pre><code class="python">def affine_encipher(message, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
313 &#34;&#34;&#34;Encipher a message
315 &gt;&gt;&gt; affine_encipher(&#39;hours passed during which jerico tried every &#39; \
316 &#39;trick he could think of&#39;, 15, 22, True)
317 &#39;lmyfu bkuusd dyfaxw claol psfaom jfasd snsfg jfaoe ls omytd jlaxe mh&#39;
318 &#34;&#34;&#34;
319 enciphered = [affine_encipher_letter(l, multiplier, adder, one_based)
320 for l in message]
321 return cat(enciphered)</code></pre>
322 </details>
323 </dd>
324 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.affine_encipher_letter"><code class="name flex">
325 <span>def <span class="ident">affine_encipher_letter</span></span>(<span>accented_letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True)</span>
326 </code></dt>
327 <dd>
328 <div class="desc"><p>Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder.</p>
329 <p>Accented version of latin letters (such as é and ö) are converted to their
330 non-accented versions before encryption.</p>
331 <pre><code class="language-python-repl">&gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) for l in string.ascii_letters)
332 'hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE'
333 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) for l in string.ascii_letters)
334 'filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC'
335 </code></pre></div>
336 <details class="source">
337 <summary>
338 <span>Expand source code</span>
339 </summary>
340 <pre><code class="python">def affine_encipher_letter(accented_letter, multiplier=1, adder=0, one_based=True):
341 &#34;&#34;&#34;Encipher a letter, given a multiplier and adder.
343 Accented version of latin letters (such as é and ö) are converted to their
344 non-accented versions before encryption.
346 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, True) \
347 for l in string.ascii_letters)
348 &#39;hknqtwzcfiloruxadgjmpsvybeHKNQTWZCFILORUXADGJMPSVYBE&#39;
349 &gt;&gt;&gt; cat(affine_encipher_letter(l, 3, 5, False) \
350 for l in string.ascii_letters)
351 &#39;filoruxadgjmpsvybehknqtwzcFILORUXADGJMPSVYBEHKNQTWZC&#39;
352 &#34;&#34;&#34;
353 letter = unaccent(accented_letter)
354 if letter in string.ascii_letters:
355 letter_number = pos(letter)
356 if one_based: letter_number += 1
357 cipher_number = (letter_number * multiplier + adder) % 26
358 if one_based: cipher_number -= 1
359 if letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
360 return unpos(cipher_number).upper()
361 else:
362 return unpos(cipher_number)
363 else:
364 return letter</code></pre>
365 </details>
366 </dd>
367 <dt id=""><code class="name flex">
368 <span>def <span class="ident">cat</span></span>(<span>iterable, /)</span>
369 </code></dt>
370 <dd>
371 <div class="desc"><p>Concatenate any number of strings.</p>
372 <p>The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string.
373 The result is returned as a new string.</p>
374 <p>Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -&gt; ''</p></div>
375 </dd>
376 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.lcat"><code class="name flex">
377 <span>def <span class="ident">lcat</span></span>(<span>iterable, /)</span>
378 </code></dt>
379 <dd>
380 <div class="desc"><p>Concatenate any number of strings.</p>
381 <p>The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string.
382 The result is returned as a new string.</p>
383 <p>Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -&gt; ''</p></div>
384 </dd>
385 <dt id="szyfrow.affine.wcat"><code class="name flex">
386 <span>def <span class="ident">wcat</span></span>(<span>iterable, /)</span>
387 </code></dt>
388 <dd>
389 <div class="desc"><p>Concatenate any number of strings.</p>
390 <p>The string whose method is called is inserted in between each given string.
391 The result is returned as a new string.</p>
392 <p>Example: '.'.join(['ab', 'pq', 'rs']) -&gt; ''</p></div>
393 </dd>
394 </dl>
395 </section>
396 <section>
397 </section>
398 </article>
399 <nav id="sidebar">
400 <h1>Index</h1>
401 <div class="toc">
402 <ul></ul>
403 </div>
404 <ul id="index">
405 <li><h3>Super-module</h3>
406 <ul>
407 <li><code><a title="szyfrow" href="index.html">szyfrow</a></code></li>
408 </ul>
409 </li>
410 <li><h3><a href="#header-functions">Functions</a></h3>
411 <ul class="">
412 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.affine_break" href="#szyfrow.affine.affine_break">affine_break</a></code></li>
413 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.affine_decipher" href="#szyfrow.affine.affine_decipher">affine_decipher</a></code></li>
414 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.affine_decipher_letter" href="#szyfrow.affine.affine_decipher_letter">affine_decipher_letter</a></code></li>
415 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.affine_encipher" href="#szyfrow.affine.affine_encipher">affine_encipher</a></code></li>
416 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.affine_encipher_letter" href="#szyfrow.affine.affine_encipher_letter">affine_encipher_letter</a></code></li>
417 <li><code><a title="" href="">cat</a></code></li>
418 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.lcat" href="#szyfrow.affine.lcat">lcat</a></code></li>
419 <li><code><a title="szyfrow.affine.wcat" href="#szyfrow.affine.wcat">wcat</a></code></li>
420 </ul>
421 </li>
422 </ul>
423 </nav>
424 </main>
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426 <p>Generated by <a href=""><cite>pdoc</cite> 0.9.2</a>.</p>
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