Works with letters, added trimmed Lovecraft
[name-generation.git] / element-lists / names-2.0.1 / ele / glorantha / praxian.txt
1 Totals of God
2 Sungssing
3 Lunar of Laughs
4 Erithascalf
5 Sight Cloud
6 Limpingmilk
7 Bronzes of the Mood
8 Eleven Running Dakas
9 Slaying Earth
10 No Ears
11 Hundred Singing Beasts
12 Hundred Meeting Sings
13 Eight Jumping Cows
14 Bows of the Beetle
15 Smilingstream
16 Bush of the Smiles
17 Smiling Storm
18 Milksshield
19 Sweet Sight
20 Yoghurt of the Boulders
21 Striding Head
22 Running Sing
23 Frownsudder
24 Tonguescow
25 Fals of Quick
26 Tipi of Storms
27 Eleven Frowning Hyenas
28 Seven Bulls
29 Lone Laugh
30 Sun of Plains
31 Three Giving Chaos
32 One Water Waha
33 Quickstaste
34 Many Taking Skies
35 Slayingudder
36 Nine Bitter Calfs
37 Eight Aunt Cows
38 Smiling Spirit
39 Skullsfeet
40 Leaping Wood
41 Skulkingarrow
42 Hundred Grims
43 Plain of the Urox
44 Singerstouch
45 Eight Leaper Udders
46 Lone Walking Hoof
47 One Son
48 Hundred Lights
49 Four Skulking Coups
50 Smilingboulder
51 Smiling Shield
52 Tastes of Wood
53 Nine Aunts
54 Smiling Gulley
55 Sungswood
56 Taking Spear
57 Bonessound
58 Striding Mount
59 Leaping Sky
60 Twelve God Kvasses
61 Bitter Coup
62 One Slaying Fog
63 Tipissun
64 Runningudder
65 Limpingslow
66 Limpinglight
67 Six Wahas
68 Three Singing Shields
69 Skulking Slow
70 Takingeritha
71 Goldentongue
72 Falsfeel
73 Eleven Smiling Heads
74 Singerslaugh
75 Takingyoghurt
76 Smells of the Sings
77 Two Sour Shields
78 One Jumping Hyena
79 Four Udders
80 Twelve Beasts
81 Feets of Plain
82 Few Singer Calfs
83 Eight Striding Bulls
84 Stridingleaper
85 Gulley of Milks
86 Happysdaughter
87 Runningudder
88 Sweetmetal
89 Five Talking Feets
90 Running Urox
91 Limpingfeet
92 Three Wooden Broos
93 Crying Metal
94 Eyes of the Hyena
95 Talkingbush
96 Two Giving Spears
97 Jumpingplains
98 Smilingleaper
99 Stream of Skulls
100 No Serpents
101 Bouldersbush
102 Crying Desert
103 Slow of Dakas
104 Seven Bitter Smiles
105 Striding Eritha
106 Eleven Bitter Plains
107 Singerstaste
108 Happies of the God
109 Darksfeel
110 Six Quicks
111 Talkingstream
112 Beasts of Ear
113 Taking Dark
114 Talkingboulder
115 Singingaunt
116 Smiling Skull
117 Three Sour Plains
118 Twelve Skulking Plains
119 Moonsky
120 No Killing Woods
121 Smellsgod
122 Giving Hand
123 Giving Urox
124 Goldenboulder
125 Singing Hand
126 Twelve Taking Golds
127 Four Winds
128 Smilingdaka
129 Plain of the Gulleys
130 Coup of Totals
131 Few Bushes
132 Shields of the Chaos
133 Uncle of Uncles
134 Giving Storm
135 Wahasskull
136 Meetingheavy
137 Meeting Sound
138 Leapers of the Waters
139 Udders of Cow
140 Two Bronzes
141 Meeting Waha
142 Slayingyelm
143 No Arrows
144 Beetle of the Broos
145 Hoof of Clouds
146 Killing Valley
147 Bonehand
148 Ten Mounts
149 Eleven Grim Tongues
150 Four Mounts
151 Cliffs of the Kvass
152 Smilingchaos
153 Moons of Bronze
154 Meeting Plain
155 Leapers of the Killer
156 Walking Sand
157 Broth of the Ears
158 Runner of Silvers
159 Seven Smiling Legs
160 No Oath Wahas
161 Givinghead
162 Aunt Cliff
163 Chaos of Plain
164 Six Frowning Suns
165 Lunars of the Dakas
166 Touchsdaka
167 Few Jumping Beasts
168 Laughingcliff
169 Leapingshield
170 Wet of the Singers
171 Sons of the Heavies
172 Son of Tastes
173 Crying Gulley
174 Many Skies
175 Serpents of the Wahas
176 Cryingmilk
177 Crying Utter
178 Two Running Heavies
179 Chaos of the Mounts
180 Spearsboulder
181 Meetingshield
182 Eleven Grims
183 Giving Wet
184 Mountsfrown
185 Bitterear
186 One Skulking Broth
187 No Aunts
188 Nine Fogs
189 Eleven Silvers
190 Smilingwaha
191 Singing Wet
192 Sour Plains
193 God of the Totals
194 Sungswet
195 Heavysbond
196 Four Singing Lunars
197 Goldencloud
198 Two Running Rocks
199 Deserts of the Mounts
200 Cows of the Earth
201 Mount of the Plains
202 Quicks of the Utters
203 Five Talking Killers
204 Five Taking Uncles
205 Many Singing Deserts
206 Beastsskull
207 Stalkingsand
208 Many Smells
209 Sweetfeet
210 Happy Ear
211 Bones of Uncle
212 Singsun
213 Tastes of the Happies
214 Four Crying Tongues
215 Beastssun
216 Sonsbronze
217 Fathersleaper
218 Uttersgrim
219 Taking Urox
220 Twelve Taking Wahas
221 Few Yoghurts
222 Lone Striding Urox
223 Grim of Aunts
224 Bondsmood
225 Frowning Hoof
226 Singing Boulder
227 Sweetsound
228 Two Heavies
229 Laughingfeather
230 Walkingarrow
231 Feelhoof
232 Woodenplain
233 Three Taking Ears
234 Nine Silvers
235 Skull of the Boulders
236 Bitter Earth
237 Giving Hoof
238 Five Running Cows
239 Woodyelm
240 Golden Feather
241 Nine Moons
242 Hundred Fals
243 Quicks of the Happies
244 Runners of the Mothers
245 Hundred Bonds
246 Meeting Tongue
247 Three Sweet Valleys
248 Killingleg
249 No Skulking Udders
250 Killing Mist
251 Quick of the Heavies
252 Slayinggulley
253 Hundred Sour Storms
254 Four Meeting Eyes
255 Bronzes of Smell
256 Goldenyelm
257 Slayingvalley
258 Feels of Bronze
259 Killers of Daka
260 Six Feels
261 Wooden Milk
262 Striding Beetle
263 Moon Sky
264 Totalssing
265 Laughingbush
266 Broos of Hyena
267 Lunars of Uncle
268 Deserts of the Kvass
269 Sounds of Touch
270 Arrowsleg
271 Plainsfog
272 Three Crying Killers
273 Frowning Sun
274 Six Grims
275 Many Broos
276 Giving Sound
277 Striding Calf
278 Streams of the Calf
279 One Sour Silver
280 Smiling Cliff
281 Faltipi
282 Few Bronzes
283 Singingbird
284 Jumping Hand
285 Eight Utters
286 Seven Wooden Hyenas
287 Meetingtongue
288 Lone Giving Yoghurt
289 Woods of Sound
290 Eleven Bones
291 Stalking Leg
292 Leaping Mist
293 Two Sweet Plains
294 Heavies of the Slow
295 Herds of the Kvasses
296 Singingear
297 Touchkvass
298 Grim of Runners
299 Five Jumping Hands
300 Givingsinger
301 Dakasbronze
302 Beasts of Urox
303 Serpentshand
304 Four Leaping Hyenas
305 Nine Touch Mists
306 Nine Wooden Tipis
307 Few Killer Kvasses
308 Hyena of Frowns
309 Bronzesrunner
310 Lancesmist
311 Broo of Boulders
312 Many Talking Hills
313 Walkingplains
314 Wetssight
315 Bitter Aunt
316 Bitterudder
317 Touch of the Happies
318 Twelve Meeting Sungs
319 Falmilk
320 Soundssilver
321 Nine Cows
322 Leaping Yoghurt
323 Hands of the Smile
324 Fathers of the Moon
325 Singing Hill
326 Skulkingvalley
327 Ten Laughing Daughters
328 Few Fathers
329 Walkingboulder
330 Herds of the Suns
331 Few Happy Fogs
332 Moonsmood
333 Many Sings
334 Twelve Bonds
335 Aunts of Bond
336 Few Moon Plains
337 Twelve Clouds
338 No Smiling Tongues
339 Laughing Taste
340 Four Wet Gulleys
341 Daughters of Dark
342 Hand of the Suns
343 Hundred Bitter Deserts
344 Ten Talking Calfs
345 Grim Herd
346 Four Sungs
347 Ten Slaying Urox
348 Walking Calf
349 Slaying Oath
350 Five Limping Golds
351 Ten Herds
352 Ten Killing Birds
353 Killing Cloud
354 Serpentsvalley
355 Father Smile
356 Sweet Wet
357 Feets of the Fog
358 Running Head
359 Jumpingyoghurt
360 Feels of Bronze
361 Cryingbronze
362 Bondbeast
363 Wahas of Kvass
364 One Moon
365 Running Hyena
366 Lunarsdaka
367 Seven Frowning Tipis
368 Spirits of the Fathers
369 Feet of the Wahas
370 Killingcow
371 Takingsilver
372 Killing Cow
373 Leapingbond
374 Hundred Sour Deserts
375 Bitter Eye
376 Six Frowning Spears
377 Suns of the Beetle
378 Singing Tongue
379 Killersgrim
380 Stormsmount
381 Head of the Legs
382 No Stalking Tipis
383 Few Mothers
384 Fathers of Father
385 Grimbush
386 Metal Feet
387 Singing Plain
388 Streams of the Feet
389 Few Meeting Plains
390 Striding Bull
391 One Uncle
392 Earshyena
393 Headssky
394 Sights of the Grim
395 Nine Spirit Gulleys
396 Walkingarrow
397 Limping Broo
398 Giving Hand
399 Bronze Urox
400 Smilingcliff
401 Nine Golden Feathers
402 Stormshill
403 Smiling Daka
404 Running Beetle
405 Mothers of the Smell
406 Running Hill
407 Killingaunt
408 Smiling Valley
409 Moon of the Lights
410 Two Uncle Birds
411 Sweetgold
412 One Giving Mother
413 One Slaying Hill
414 Quick of Smells
415 Plains of the Yoghurt
416 Bitter Valley
417 Cryinghill
418 Walkingcloud
419 Many Skulking Erithas
420 Bone Bird
421 Few Lights
422 Slayinghead
423 Quickchaos
424 Slow Leg
425 Hundred Laughing Cliffs
426 Two Talking Smells
427 Smiles of Eye
428 Eleven Crying Woods
429 Shieldsvalley
430 Twelve Meeting Woods
431 Seven Heavies
432 Giving Yoghurt
433 Hundred Smiling Birds
434 Few Slaying Cows
435 Limping Mount
436 Four Tongues
437 Six Coup Mists
438 Calfs of Hyena
439 Valleys of Head
440 Twelve Slaying Kvasses
441 Two Spirits
442 God of the Touches
443 One Running Sand
444 Bronze Milk
445 Many Limping Earthes
446 Ten Limping Ears
447 Sight of the Laughs
448 Wahas of the Plain
449 Sour Bone
450 Taste of the Oathes
451 Goldenmount
452 Singerssmell
453 Few Kvasses
454 Slayingcoup
455 Falsgod
456 Streams of the Cows
457 Givingbeetle
458 Five Happies
459 Sour Sand
460 Killing Arrow
461 Stridingvalley
462 Sweet Cow
463 Talkingsand
464 Many Singing Kvasses
465 Killingbeetle
466 Nine Bitter Broos
467 Meetingmetal
468 Three Erithas
469 Smiling Chaos
470 Earthes of Waha
471 Metals of the Sungs
472 Lone Sour God
473 Four Cows
474 Ten Smiling Milks
475 Skulkingkvass
476 Bronzes of the Lunar
477 Tastes of the Sights
478 Lone Ear
479 Sonsaunt
480 Walking Herd
481 Twelve Leapers
482 Woods of the Son
483 Sourhill
484 Total of the Spirits
485 Eleven Cliffs
486 Frowningoath
487 Wooden Gulley
488 Lanceshill
489 Few Leaping Storms
490 Slayinghoof
491 Sweetrock
492 Seven Father Shields
493 Soundsgod
494 Many Oath Winds
495 Striding Kvass
496 Legsbroo
497 Calf of Skulls
498 Skulkinggulley
499 Singer Stream
500 Ten Spirit Eyes