[szyfrow.git] / enigma.py
1 """A simulator for Enigma machines.
3 See `szyfrow.bombe.Bombe` for an implementation of the Bombe to break Enigma
4 messages.
6 Specification from [Codes and Ciphers](http://www.codesandciphers.org.uk/enigma/rotorspec.htm) page.
8 Example Enigma machines from [Louise Dale](http://enigma.louisedade.co.uk/enigma.html) (full simulation) and [EnigmaCo](http://enigmaco.de/enigma/enigma.html) (good animation of the wheels, but no ring settings).
10 There's also the nice Enigma simulator for Android by [Franklin Heath](https://franklinheath.co.uk/2012/02/04/our-first-app-published-enigma-simulator/), available on the [Google Play store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=uk.co.franklinheath.enigmasim&hl=en_GB).
11 """
13 import string
14 import collections
15 import multiprocessing
16 import itertools
18 from szyfrow.support.utilities import *
20 # # Some convenience functions
22 # cat = ''.join
24 # def clean(text): return cat(l.lower() for l in text if l in string.ascii_letters)
26 # def pos(letter):
27 # if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
28 # return ord(letter) - ord('a')
29 # elif letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
30 # return ord(letter) - ord('A')
31 # else:
32 # return ''
34 # def unpos(number): return chr(number % 26 + ord('a'))
37 wheel_i_spec = 'ekmflgdqvzntowyhxuspaibrcj'
38 wheel_ii_spec = 'ajdksiruxblhwtmcqgznpyfvoe'
39 wheel_iii_spec = 'bdfhjlcprtxvznyeiwgakmusqo'
40 wheel_iv_spec = 'esovpzjayquirhxlnftgkdcmwb'
41 wheel_v_spec = 'vzbrgityupsdnhlxawmjqofeck'
42 wheel_vi_spec = 'jpgvoumfyqbenhzrdkasxlictw'
43 wheel_vii_spec = 'nzjhgrcxmyswboufaivlpekqdt'
44 wheel_viii_spec = 'fkqhtlxocbjspdzramewniuygv'
45 beta_wheel_spec = 'leyjvcnixwpbqmdrtakzgfuhos'
46 gamma_wheel_spec = 'fsokanuerhmbtiycwlqpzxvgjd'
48 wheel_i_notches = ['q']
49 wheel_ii_notches = ['e']
50 wheel_iii_notches = ['v']
51 wheel_iv_notches = ['j']
52 wheel_v_notches = ['z']
53 wheel_vi_notches = ['z', 'm']
54 wheel_vii_notches = ['z', 'm']
55 wheel_viii_notches = ['z', 'm']
57 reflector_b_spec = 'ay br cu dh eq fs gl ip jx kn mo tz vw'
58 reflector_c_spec = 'af bv cp dj ei go hy kr lz mx nw tq su'
62 class LetterTransformer(object):
63 """A generic substitution cipher, that has different transforms in the
64 forward and backward directions. It requires that the transforms for all
65 letters by provided.
67 A `transform` is a list of letter pairs, like `[('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]`.
68 That would say that, in the forward direction `a` goes to `b` and
69 `c` goes to `d`. In the backward direction, `b` goes to `a` and `d` goes
70 to `c`.
71 """
72 def __init__(self, specification, raw_transform=False):
73 """Validate and create a new transformer. The transform is parsed by
74 `LetterTransformer.parse_specification` unless `raw_transform` is `True`
75 """
76 if raw_transform:
77 transform = specification
78 else:
79 transform = self.parse_specification(specification)
80 self.validate_transform(transform)
81 self.make_transform_map(transform)
83 def parse_specification(self, specification):
84 """Turn a `specification` string into a transform, by zipping it
85 with ASCII lowercase letters to generate the pairs. This assumes that
86 the `specification` defines the destination of the forward transform.
87 """
88 return list(zip(string.ascii_lowercase, sanitise(specification)))
89 # return specification
91 def validate_transform(self, transform):
92 """Checks that a transform is valid (every letter is mapped to
93 exactly one other letter, in both directions).
94 """
95 if len(transform) != 26:
96 raise ValueError("Transform specification has {} pairs, requires 26".
97 format(len(transform)))
98 for p in transform:
99 if len(p) != 2:
100 raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform "
101 "have two elements")
102 if len(set([p[0] for p in transform])) != 26:
103 raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 origin letters")
104 if len(set([p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
105 raise ValueError("Transform specification must list 26 destination letters")
107 def make_empty_transform(self):
108 """An empty transform is one that maps every letter to 'a'.
109 """
110 self.forward_map = [0] * 26
111 self.backward_map = [0] * 26
113 def make_transform_map(self, transform):
114 """Create `forward_map` and `backward_map` from `transform`. The maps
115 work on letter positions, not letter values. This makes the arithmetic
116 for wheels much easier.
117 """
118 self.make_empty_transform()
119 for p in transform:
120 self.forward_map[pos(p[0])] = pos(p[1])
121 self.backward_map[pos(p[1])] = pos(p[0])
122 return self.forward_map, self.backward_map
124 def forward(self, letter):
125 """Apply a map in the forward direction.
126 """
127 if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
128 return unpos(self.forward_map[pos(letter)])
129 else:
130 return ''
132 def backward(self, letter):
133 """Apply a map in the backward direction.
134 """
135 if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
136 return unpos(self.backward_map[pos(letter)])
137 else:
138 return ''
141 class Plugboard(LetterTransformer):
142 """A plugboard, a type of letter transformer where forward and backward
143 transforms are the same. If a letter isn't explicitly transformed, it is
144 kept as it is.
145 """
147 def parse_specification(self, specification):
148 """Convert a specification into a transform. The specification is
149 given as a list of letter pairs.
150 """
151 return [tuple(sanitise(p)) for p in specification.split()]
153 def validate_transform(self, transform):
154 """A set of pairs, of from-to. Does not require all 26 letters
155 are in the transform.
156 """
157 for p in transform:
158 if len(p) != 2:
159 raise ValueError("Not all mappings in transform"
160 "have two elements")
162 def make_empty_transform(self):
163 """An empty transform maps every letter to itself.
164 """
165 self.forward_map = list(range(26))
166 self.backward_map = list(range(26))
168 def make_transform_map(self, transform):
169 """Makes the maps for a plugboard. Ensures that if the pair ('a', 'b')
170 is in the specification, the pair ('b', 'a') is also present.
171 """
172 expanded_transform = transform + [tuple(reversed(p)) for p in transform]
173 return super(Plugboard, self).make_transform_map(expanded_transform)
178 class Reflector(Plugboard):
179 """A reflector is a plugboard that requires 13 transforms.
180 The 'plugboard' superclass ensures that all 13 transforms are also applied
181 in reverse, making 26 transforms in all.
182 """
183 def validate_transform(self, transform):
184 if len(transform) != 13:
185 raise ValueError("Reflector specification has {} pairs, requires 13".
186 format(len(transform)))
187 if len(set([p[0] for p in transform] +
188 [p[1] for p in transform])) != 26:
189 raise ValueError("Reflector specification does not contain 26 letters")
190 try:
191 super(Reflector, self).validate_transform(transform)
192 except ValueError as v:
193 raise ValueError("Not all mappings in reflector have two elements")
198 class SimpleWheel(LetterTransformer):
199 """A wheel is a transform that rotates.
201 Looking from the right, letters go in sequence a-b-c clockwise around the
202 wheel.
204 The position of the wheel is the number of spaces anticlockwise the wheel
205 has turned.
207 Letter inputs and outputs are given relative to the frame holding the wheel,
208 so if the wheel is advanced three places, an input of 'p' will enter the
209 wheel on the position under the wheel's 's' label.
210 """
211 def __init__(self, transform, position='a', raw_transform=False):
212 super(SimpleWheel, self).__init__(transform, raw_transform)
213 self.set_position(position)
215 def __getattribute__(self,name):
216 if name=='position_l':
217 return unpos(self.position)
218 else:
219 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
221 def set_position(self, position):
222 """Sets a wheel's position. If the `position` is a string, convert it
223 to a number and set the position.
224 """
225 if isinstance(position, str):
226 self.position = pos(position)
227 else:
228 self.position = position
230 def forward(self, letter):
231 """Give the transformed letter in the forward direction, accounting
232 for the position of the wheel.
233 """
234 if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
235 return unpos((self.forward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
236 else:
237 return ''
239 def backward(self, letter):
240 """Give the transformed letter in the backward direction, accounting
241 for the position of the wheel.
242 """
243 if letter in string.ascii_lowercase:
244 return unpos((self.backward_map[(pos(letter) + self.position) % 26] - self.position))
245 else:
246 return ''
248 def advance(self):
249 """Advance a wheel one position."""
250 self.position = (self.position + 1) % 26
254 class Wheel(SimpleWheel):
255 """A wheel with a movable ring.
257 The ring holds the letters and the notches that turn other wheels. The core
258 holds the wiring that does the transformation.
260 The ring position is how many steps the core is turned relative to the ring.
261 This is one-based, so a ring setting of 1 means the core and ring are
262 aligned.
264 The position of the wheel is the position of the core (the transforms)
265 relative to the neutral position.
267 The position_l is the position of the ring, or what would be observed
268 by the user of the Enigma machine.
270 The notch_positions are the number of advances of this wheel before it will
271 advance the next wheel.
272 """
273 def __init__(self, transform, ring_notch_letters, ring_setting=1,
274 position='a', raw_transform=False):
275 self.ring_notch_letters = ring_notch_letters
276 self.ring_setting = ring_setting
277 super(Wheel, self).__init__(transform, position=position,
278 raw_transform=raw_transform)
279 self.set_position(position)
281 def __getattribute__(self,name):
282 if name=='position_l':
283 return unpos(self.position + self.ring_setting - 1)
284 else:
285 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
287 def set_position(self, position):
288 if isinstance(position, str):
289 self.position = (pos(position) - self.ring_setting + 1) % 26
290 else:
291 self.position = (position - self.ring_setting) % 26
292 # # self.notch_positions = [(pos(p) - pos(position)) % 26 for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
293 # self.notch_positions = [(pos(p) - (self.position + self.ring_setting - 1)) % 26 for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
294 self.notch_positions = [(self.position + self.ring_setting - 1 - pos(p)) % 26 for p in self.ring_notch_letters]
296 def advance(self):
297 """Advance a wheel's core, then advance the ring position to match.
298 """
299 super(Wheel, self).advance()
300 self.notch_positions = [(p + 1) % 26 for p in self.notch_positions]
301 return self.position
304 class Enigma(object):
305 """An Enigma machine.
308 """
309 def __init__(self, reflector_spec,
310 left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches,
311 middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches,
312 right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches,
313 left_ring_setting, middle_ring_setting, right_ring_setting,
314 plugboard_setting):
315 self.reflector = Reflector(reflector_spec)
316 self.left_wheel = Wheel(left_wheel_spec, left_wheel_notches,
317 ring_setting=left_ring_setting)
318 self.middle_wheel = Wheel(middle_wheel_spec, middle_wheel_notches,
319 ring_setting=middle_ring_setting)
320 self.right_wheel = Wheel(right_wheel_spec, right_wheel_notches,
321 ring_setting=right_ring_setting)
322 self.plugboard = Plugboard(plugboard_setting)
324 def __getattribute__(self,name):
325 if name=='wheel_positions':
326 return (self.left_wheel.position,
327 self.middle_wheel.position,
328 self.right_wheel.position
329 )
330 elif name=='wheel_positions_l':
331 return (self.left_wheel.position_l,
332 self.middle_wheel.position_l,
333 self.right_wheel.position_l
334 )
335 elif name=='notch_positions':
336 return (self.left_wheel.notch_positions,
337 self.middle_wheel.notch_positions,
338 self.right_wheel.notch_positions
339 )
340 else:
341 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
343 def set_wheels(self, left_wheel_position, middle_wheel_position,
344 right_wheel_position):
345 """Set the Enigma's wheels to the specified positions.
346 """
347 self.left_wheel.set_position(left_wheel_position)
348 self.middle_wheel.set_position(middle_wheel_position)
349 self.right_wheel.set_position(right_wheel_position)
351 def lookup(self, letter):
352 """Lookup the enciphering of a letter, without advancing any wheels
353 """
354 a = self.plugboard.forward(letter)
355 b = self.right_wheel.forward(a)
356 c = self.middle_wheel.forward(b)
357 d = self.left_wheel.forward(c)
358 e = self.reflector.forward(d)
359 f = self.left_wheel.backward(e)
360 g = self.middle_wheel.backward(f)
361 h = self.right_wheel.backward(g)
362 i = self.plugboard.backward(h)
363 return i
365 def advance(self):
366 """Advance the Enigma's wheels one step. The right wheel always
367 advances. The middle and right wheels may advance if the notches
368 line up correctly.
369 """
370 advance_middle = False
371 advance_left = False
372 if 0 in self.right_wheel.notch_positions:
373 advance_middle = True
374 if 0 in self.middle_wheel.notch_positions:
375 advance_left = True
376 advance_middle = True
377 self.right_wheel.advance()
378 if advance_middle: self.middle_wheel.advance()
379 if advance_left: self.left_wheel.advance()
381 def encipher_letter(self, letter):
382 """Encipher a letter. Advance the Enigma machine, then lookup the
383 encryption of a letter.
384 """
385 self.advance()
386 return self.lookup(letter)
388 def encipher(self, message):
389 """Encipher a message."""
390 enciphered = ''
391 for letter in sanitise(message):
392 enciphered += self.encipher_letter(letter)
393 return enciphered
395 decipher = encipher
398 # for i in range(26):
399 # enigma.advance()
400 # print('enigma.advance()')
401 # print("assert(enigma.wheel_positions == {})".format(enigma.wheel_positions))
402 # print("assert(cat(enigma.wheel_positions_l) == '{}')".format(cat(enigma.wheel_positions_l)))
403 # print("assert(enigma.notch_positions == {})".format(enigma.notch_positions))
404 # print("assert(cat(enigma.lookup(l) for l in string.ascii_lowercase) == '{}')".format(cat(enigma.lookup(l) for l in string.ascii_lowercase)))
405 # print()
408 if __name__ == "__main__":
409 import doctest
410 # doctest.testmod(extraglobs={'lt': LetterTransformer(1, 'a')})
411 doctest.testmod()