Finished UK death data analysis
[covid19.git] / euromomo / Estimation_v42.R
1 ##################################
2 ### Version 4.2 - October 2018 ###
3 ##################################
4 ### Any questions or problems please contact: Jens Nielsen, Phone: +45 32683965 E-mail:
6 # Install required packages
7 #install.packages("ISOweeks")
9 ptrend <- 0.05
10 p26 <- 0.05
11 p52 <- 0.10
13 ### START: deaths data ###
14 if (A_MOMO == 1) {
15 deaths <- try(read.table(paste0(indir,"/A-MOMO data.txt"), sep=",", dec=".", header=T)[,c("group","YoDi","WoDi","nb","nbc")])
16 if (inherits(deaths,"try-error")) {
17 stop(paste0("Error: ",indir,"/A-MOMO data.txt"))
18 }
19 deaths$deaths <- pmax(deaths$nb, deaths$nbc)
20 deaths$agegrp <- match(deaths$group, c("0to4","5to14","15to64","65P","Total")) - 1 # Convert group to integer (0-5)
21 deaths <- deaths[!$agegrp), c("agegrp", "YoDi", "WoDi", "deaths")]
22 names(deaths)[2:3] <- c("year","week")
23 }
24 if (A_MOMO != 1) {
25 deaths <- try(read.table(paste0(indir,"/deaths.txt"), sep=";", dec=".", header=T)[,c("agegrp","year","week","deaths")])
26 if (inherits(deaths,"try-error")) {
27 stop(paste0("Error: ",indir,"/deaths.txt"))
28 }
29 }
30 deaths <- subset(deaths, (start_year*100+start_week <= year*100+week) & (year*100+week <= end_year*100+end_week))
31 deaths[] <- 0
32 deaths <- deaths[order(deaths$agegrp,deaths$year,deaths$week),]
33 ### END: deaths data ###
35 ### Start: Temperature data ###
37 #' Temperature data from WeatherData
38 #' PARM ET data containing then variables: date, pop3, NUTS3, temp
39 #' PARM start_year first year to be included. Must be >= 2000
40 #' PARM start_week first week in start_year to be included
41 #' PARM end_year last year to be included
42 #' PARM end_week last week in end_year to be included
43 TemperatureData <- function(ET, start_year, start_week, end_year, end_week) {
44 ET$date <- as.Date(as.character(ET$date,"%Y%m%d"))
45 ET$NUTS3 <- as.character(ET$NUTS3)
46 ET[$pop3), "pop3"] <- 1
47 ET <- ET[order(ET$NUTS3, ET$date),] # Ordering speeds summarizing a bit
48 ET <- aggregate(cbind(temp, pop3) ~ NUTS3 + date, data=ET, function(x) mean(x, na.rm = TRUE))
49 ET$pop3.sum <- with(ET, tapply(pop3, date, sum))[as.character(ET$date)]
50 ET$temp <- ET$temp * ET$pop3 / ET$pop3.sum
51 ET <- aggregate(temp ~ date, data = ET, function(x) sum(x, na.rm = TRUE))
52 ET <- merge(ET, data.frame(date = seq.Date(as.Date(paste0(start_year,"/01/01")), as.Date(paste0(end_year+1,"/01/01")), by = "day")), by = "date", all = TRUE)
53 ET$ISOweek <- ISOweek::ISOweek(ET$date)
54 ET <- subset(ET, (paste0(start_year,"-W",formatC(start_week, width=2, flag="0")) <= ISOweek) &
55 (ISOweek <= paste0(end_year,"-W",formatC(end_week, width=2, flag="0"))))
56 ET <- aggregate(temp ~ ISOweek, data = ET, function(x) c(mean(x, na.rm = TRUE), range(x, na.rm = TRUE)))
57 ET <- cbind($ISOweek),$temp))
58 colnames(ET) <- c("ISOweek","temp","tmin","tmax")
59 ET$wk <- order(ET$ISOweek)
60 ET$sin52 <- sin((2*pi/(365.25/7))*ET$wk)
61 ET$cos52 <- cos((2*pi/(365.25/7))*ET$wk)
62 ET$ptemp <- predict(glm(temp ~ sin52 + cos52, data=ET[!($temp) | is.infinite(ET$temp)),]), ET)
63 ET$ptmin <- predict(glm(tmin ~ sin52 + cos52, data=ET[!($tmin) | is.infinite(ET$tmin)),]), ET)
64 ET$ptmax <- predict(glm(tmax ~ sin52 + cos52, data=ET[!($tmax) | is.infinite(ET$tmax)),]), ET)
65 ET[,c("wk","cos52","sin52")] <- NULL
66 ET$t = ifelse($temp) | is.infinite(ET$temp), ET$ptemp, ET$temp)
67 ET$ET <- with(ET, (t-ptmax)*(t>ptmax)+(t-ptmin)*(t<ptmin))
68 ET$year <- as.numeric(substr(ET$ISOweek,1,4))
69 ET$week <- as.numeric(substr(ET$ISOweek,7,8))
70 ET[, c("ISOweek", "t")] <- NULL
71 return(ET <- ET[order(ET$year,ET$week),])
72 }
74 # Read weather data
75 if (WeatherData == 1) {
76 ET <- try(read.table(paste0("",country.code,".txt"), header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ".")[, c("date","pop3","NUTS3","temp")])
77 if (inherits(ET,"try-error")) {
78 stop(paste0("Cannot download wdata_",country.code,".txt from"))
79 }
80 }
81 if (WeatherData != 1) {
82 ET <- try(read.table(paste0(indir,"/wdata_",country.code,".txt"), header = TRUE, sep = ";", dec = ".")[, c("date","pop3","NUTS3","temp")])
83 if (inherits(ET,"try-error")) {
84 stop(paste0("Error: ",indir,"/wdata_",country.code,".txt"))
85 }
86 }
88 ET <- TemperatureData(ET,start_year,start_week,end_year,end_week)
90 write.table(ET, file=paste0(indir,"/temperature.txt"), row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep =";", dec=".")
92 rm(TemperatureData)
93 ### END: Temperature data ###
95 ### START: Population data ###
96 if (population) {
97 pop_data <- try(read.table(paste0(indir,"/population.txt"), sep=";", dec=".", header=TRUE)[,c("agegrp","year","week","N")])
98 if (inherits(pop_data,"try-error")) {
99 stop(paste0("Error: ",indir,"/population.txt"))
100 }
101 }
102 ### END: Population data ###
104 ### START: Merge data ###
105 results4 <- try(read.table(paste0(indir,"/IA.txt"), sep=";", dec=".", header=TRUE))
106 if (inherits(results4,"try-error")) {
107 stop(paste0("Error: ",indir,"/IA.txt"))
108 }
109 results4 <- merge(deaths, results4[,c("agegrp","year","week","IA")], by=c("agegrp","year","week"), all=FALSE)
110 results4 <- merge(results4,ET[,c("year","week","ET")], by=c("year","week"), all=FALSE)
111 if (population) {
112 results4 <- merge(results4, pop_data, by=c("agegrp","year","week"), all=FALSE)
113 rm(pop_data)
114 } else {
115 results4$N <- 1
116 }
117 rm(deaths, ET)
118 ### END: Merge data ###
120 ### START: Prepare data ###
122 # Function to get lag, forward and backward
123 vecshift <- function(x, shift=0) {
124 if (shift==0) return(x)
125 if (shift>0) return(c(x[-(1:shift)], rep(NA,shift)))
126 if (shift<0) return(c(rep(NA, -shift), x[1:(length(x)+shift)]))
127 }
129 results4 <- subset(results4, (year*100+week >= start_year*100+start_week) & (year*100+week <= end_year*100+end_week))
130 results4 <- results4[with(results4, order(agegrp, year, week)),]
132 results4$season <- with(results4, year - (week<27))
133 results4$summer <- with(results4, week>=21 & results4$week<=39)
134 results4$winter <- !results4$summer
136 # lags IA
137 for (a in 0:4) {
138 for (s in sort(unique(results4[results4$agegrp==a, "season"]))) {
139 for (d in 0:IAlags) {
140 results4[results4$agegrp==a, paste("d", d, "_IA", s, sep="")] <- vecshift(results4[results4$agegrp==a, "IA"], -d) * as.numeric(results4[results4$agegrp==a, "season"]==s)
141 }
142 }
143 }
144 # warm/cold summer/winter and lags
145 for (s in c("summer","winter")) {
146 results4[,paste0("cold_", s)] <- with(results4, -((ET<0) & get(s)) * ET)
147 results4[,paste0("warm_", s)] <- with(results4, ((ET>0) & get(s)) * ET)
148 for (t in c("cold","warm")) {
149 for (d in 0:ETlags) {
150 results4[,paste0("d", d, "_", t, "_", s)] <- NA
151 for (a in 0:4) {
152 results4[results4$agegrp==a,paste0("d", d, "_", t, "_", s)] <- vecshift(results4[results4$agegrp==a,paste0( t, "_", s)], -d)
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 results4[,paste0("cold_", s)] <- NULL
157 results4[,paste0("warm_", s)] <- NULL
158 }
159 rm(a, s, t, d, vecshift)
160 results4$summer <- NULL
161 results4$winter <- NULL
163 # Create wk
164 results4 <- results4[with(results4, order(agegrp, year, week)),]
165 results4$wk <- unlist(lapply(table(results4$agegrp), seq))
167 results4$sin52 <- sin((2*pi/(365.25/7)) * results4$wk)
168 results4$cos52 <- cos((2*pi/(365.25/7)) * results4$wk)
169 results4$sin26 <- sin((4*pi/(365.25/7)) * results4$wk)
170 results4$cos26 <- cos((4*pi/(365.25/7)) * results4$wk)
172 results4[] <- 0
173 ### END: Prepare data ###
175 ### START: Estimation ###
176 results4$EB <- NA
177 results4$VlogB <- NA
178 results4$EIA <- NA
179 results4$VlogIA <- NA
180 results4$EET <- NA
181 results4$VlogET <- NA
182 results4$Vdeaths <- NA
184 for (a in 0:4) {
185 print(paste("### Age group ",a,"###"))
186 wk = "wk"
187 f <- paste(c("deaths ~ ",wk," sin52 + cos52 + sin26 + cos26",
188 grep("^d[0-9]", names(results4), value=TRUE)), collapse=" + ")
189 m <- try(glm(f, quasipoisson, offset = log(N), data=results4[results4$agegrp==a,]))
190 if (!inherits(m,"try-error") & m$converge & (median(results4[results4$agegrp==a, "deaths"]) > 0)) {
191 fa <- paste(c("deaths ~ sin52 + cos52 + sin26 + cos26",
192 grep("^d[0-9]", names(results4), value=TRUE)), collapse=" + ")
193 ma <- glm(fa, quasipoisson, offset = log(N), data=results4[results4$agegrp==a,])
194 if (anova(m, ma, dispersion = max(1,sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)), test="LRT")$`Pr(>Chi)`[2]>ptrend) {
195 wk = ""
196 m <- ma
197 }
198 fa <- paste(c("deaths ~ ",wk, grep("^d[0-9]", names(results4), value=TRUE)), collapse=" + ")
199 ma <- glm(fa, quasipoisson, offset = log(N), data=results4[results4$agegrp==a,])
200 if (anova(m, ma, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)), test="LRT")$`Pr(>Chi)`[2]>max(p26,p52)) {
201 m <- ma
202 } else {
203 fa <- paste(c("deaths ~ ",wk," + cos52 + sin52", grep("^d[0-9]", names(results4), value=TRUE)), collapse=" + ")
204 ma <- glm(fa, quasipoisson, offset = log(N), data=results4[results4$agegrp==a,])
205 if (anova(m, ma, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)), test="LRT")$`Pr(>Chi)`[2]>p26) {
206 m <- ma
207 } else {
208 fa <- paste(c("deaths ~ ",wk, grep("^d[0-9]", names(results4), value=TRUE)), collapse=" + ")
209 ma <- glm(fa, quasipoisson, offset = log(N), data=results4[results4$agegrp==a,])
210 if (anova(m, ma, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)), test="LRT")$`Pr(>Chi)`[2]>p52) {
211 m <- ma
212 }
213 }
214 }
215 } else {
216 if (inherits(m,"try-error")) print("### Could not fit model ###")
217 if (!m$converge) print("### Model did not converge ###")
218 if (median(results4[results4$agegrp==a, "deaths"]) == 0) print("### Zero inflated ###")
219 print("### Simple model with only trend used ###")
220 f <- paste(c("deaths ~ wk"))
221 m <- glm(f, quasipoisson, offset = log(N), data=results4[results4$agegrp==a,])
222 }
223 print(summary(m, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m))))
224 # Baseline
225 results4.B <- results4[results4$agegrp==a,]
226 for (d in 0:IAlags) {
227 for (s in min(results4.B$season):max(results4.B$season)) {
228 results4.B[,paste("d", d, "_IA", s, sep="")] <- 0
229 }
230 for (s in c("summer","winter")) {
231 results4.B[,paste("d", d, "_warm_", s, sep="")] <- 0
232 results4.B[,paste("d", d, "_cold_", s, sep="")] <- 0
233 }
234 }
235 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$EB <- exp(predict.glm(m, newdata=results4.B,$fit)
236 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$VlogB <- predict.glm(m, newdata=results4.B, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)),$^2
237 # IA
238 results4.IA <- results4[results4$agegrp==a,]
239 for (s in c("summer","winter")) {
240 for (d in 0:ETlags) {
241 results4.IA[,paste("d", d, "_warm_", s, sep="")] <- 0
242 results4.IA[,paste("d", d, "_cold_", s, sep="")] <- 0
243 }
244 }
245 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$EIA <- exp(predict.glm(m, newdata=results4.IA,$fit)
246 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$VlogIA <- predict.glm(m, newdata=results4.IA, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)),$^2
247 # ET
248 results4.ET <- results4[results4$agegrp==a,]
249 for (d in 0:IAlags) {
250 for (s in sort(unique(results4.ET$season))) {
251 results4.ET[,paste("d", d, "_IA", s, sep="")] <- 0
252 }
253 }
254 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$EET <- exp(predict.glm(m, newdata=results4.ET,$fit)
255 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$VlogET <- predict.glm(m, newdata=results4.ET, dispersion = max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)),$^2
257 results4[results4$agegrp==a,]$Vdeaths <- with(results4[results4$agegrp==a,], EB * max(1, sum(residuals(m, type = "deviance")^2)/df.residual(m)))
258 }
260 # Delete external objects
261 rm(a, f, fa, s, d, m, ma, results4.B, results4.ET, results4.IA, ptrend, p26, p52, wk)
262 ### END: Estimation ###
264 ### START: Post estimation ###
265 # Keep relevant variables #
266 results4 <- results4[, c("agegrp", "year", "week", "deaths", "N", "IA", "ET", "Vdeaths", "EB", "VlogB", "EIA", "VlogIA", "EET", "VlogET")]
268 # Baseline, EIA and EET estimation variances - not on log scale
269 results4$VB <- with(results4, (exp(VlogB)-1)*exp(2*log(EB) + VlogB))
270 results4$VIA <- with(results4, (exp(VlogIA)-1)*exp(2*log(EIA) + VlogIA))
271 results4$VET <- with(results4, (exp(VlogET)-1)*exp(2*log(EET) + VlogET))
273 # Effects of IA and ET
274 results4$EdIA <- with(results4, EIA - EB)
275 results4[$EdIA),"EdIA"] <- 0
276 results4$EdET <- with(results4, EET - EB)
277 results4[$EdET),"EdET"] <- 0
278 # Excess relative to baseline
279 results4$excess <- with(results4, deaths - EB)
280 # Unexplained excess
281 results4$uexcess <- with(results4, deaths - (EB + EdIA + EdET))
282 # Exclude negative IA effects
283 if (IArest) results4$uexcess <- with(results4, deaths - (EB + pmax(0,EdIA) + EdET))
285 # Baseline 2/3 residual confidence intervals
286 results4$RVB <- with(results4, ((2/3)*(EB^(2/3-1))^2)*Vdeaths + ((2/3)*(EB^(2/3-1))^2)*VB)
287 results4[with(results4, | is.infinite(RVB)), "RVB"] <- 0
288 results4$EB_95L <- with(results4, pmax(0,sign((sign(EB)*abs(EB)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(RVB))*abs((sign(EB)*abs(EB)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(RVB))^(3/2)))
289 results4$EB_95U <- with(results4, sign((sign(EB)*abs(EB)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(RVB))*abs((sign(EB)*abs(EB)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(RVB))^(3/2))
291 # EdIA 2/3 residual confidence intervals
292 results4$RVdIA <- with(results4, ((2/3)*(EB^(2/3-1))^2)*VB + ((2/3)*(EIA^(2/3-1))^2)*VIA)
293 results4[with(results4, | is.infinite(RVdIA)), "RVdIA"] <- 0
294 results4$EdIA_95L <- with(results4, sign((sign(EdIA)*abs(EdIA)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(RVdIA))*abs((sign(EdIA)*abs(EdIA)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(RVdIA))^(3/2))
295 results4$EdIA_95U <- with(results4, pmax(EdIA_95L,sign((sign(EdIA)*abs(EdIA)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(RVdIA))*abs((sign(EdIA)*abs(EdIA)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(RVdIA))^(3/2)))
297 # EdET 2/3 residual confidence intervals
298 results4$RVdET <- with(results4, ((2/3)*(EB^(2/3-1))^2)*VB + ((2/3)*(EET^(2/3-1))^2)*VET)
299 results4[with(results4, | is.infinite(RVdET)), "RVdET"] <- 0
300 results4$EdET_95L <- with(results4, sign((sign(EdET)*abs(EdET)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(RVdET))*abs((sign(EdET)*abs(EdET)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(RVdET))^(3/2))
301 results4$EdET_95U <- with(results4, pmax(EdET_95L,sign((sign(EdET)*abs(EdET)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(RVdET))*abs((sign(EdET)*abs(EdET)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(RVdET))^(3/2)))
303 results4$summer <- with(results4, ifelse(week>=21 & week<=39, year, NA))
304 results4$winter <- with(results4, ifelse(week<=20 | week>=40, year - (week<=20), NA))
306 # Order
307 results4 <- results4[with(results4, order(agegrp, year, week)),]
309 cummulate <- function(x, pos=FALSE) {
310 # x = variable, EdIA
311 y <- x[,1]
312 if (pos) y <- x[,1] * (x[,2] > 0)
313 return(cumsum(y))
314 }
315 cCI <- function(x) {
316 # x = cEB, cVB, cE*, cV*
317 colnames(x) <- c("cEB", "cVB", "cE", "cV")
318 x$cEd <- x$cE - x$cEB
319 x$cRVd <- ((2/3)*(x$cEB^(2/3-1))^2)*x$cVB + ((2/3)*(x$cE^(2/3-1))^2)*x$cV
320 x[with(x, | is.infinite(cRVd)), "cRVd"] <- 0
321 x$cCI_95L <- with(x, sign((sign(cEd)*abs(cEd)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(cRVd))*abs((sign(cEd)*abs(cEd)^(2/3))-1.96*sqrt(cRVd))^(3/2))
322 x$cCI_95U <- with(x, sign((sign(cEd)*abs(cEd)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(cRVd))*abs((sign(cEd)*abs(cEd)^(2/3))+1.96*sqrt(cRVd))^(3/2))
323 return(x[, c("cEd", "cCI_95L", "cCI_95U")])
324 }
326 # EdIA and EdET residual variances
327 for (s in c("summer", "winter", "year")) {
328 nn <- ![,s]) # logical vector indicating season
329 for (a in 0:4) {
330 ag <- (results4$agegrp==a)
331 for (v in c("excess","uexcess")) {
332 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("c", v, "_", s)] <- NA
333 for (sy in sort(unique(results4[,s]))) {
334 results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, paste0("c", v, "_", s)] <-
335 cummulate(results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, c(v, "EdIA")], FALSE)
336 }
337 }
338 for (v in c("B","IA")) {
339 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cE", v, "_", s)] <- NA
340 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cV", v, "_", s)] <- NA
341 for (sy in sort(unique(results4[,s]))) {
342 results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, paste0("cE", v, "_", s)] <-
343 cummulate(results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, c(paste0("E",v),"EdIA")], IArest)
344 results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, paste0("cV", v, "_", s)] <-
345 cummulate(results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, c(paste0("V",v),"EdIA")], IArest)
346 }
347 }
348 results4[nn & ag, paste0("cEd", v, "_", s)] <- NA
349 results4[nn & ag, paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95L")] <- NA
350 results4[nn & ag, paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95U")] <- NA
351 results4[nn & ag, c(paste0("cEd", v, "_", s), paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95L"), paste0("cEd", v,"_", s, "_95U"))] <-
352 cCI(results4[nn & ag, c(paste0("cEB_", s), paste0("cVB_", s), paste0("cE",v,"_", s), paste0("cV",v,"_",s))])
353 for (v in c("B","ET")) {
354 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cE", v, "_", s)] <- NA
355 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cV", v, "_", s)] <- NA
356 for (sy in sort(unique(results4[,s]))) {
357 results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, paste0("cE", v, "_", s)] <-
358 cummulate(results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, c(paste0("E",v),"EdIA")], FALSE)
359 results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, paste0("cV", v, "_", s)] <-
360 cummulate(results4[(results4[,s]==sy) & nn & ag, c(paste0("V",v),"EdIA")], FALSE)
361 }
362 }
363 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cEd", v, "_", s)] <- NA
364 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95L")] <- NA
365 results4[nn & ag ,paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95U")] <- NA
366 results4[nn & ag ,c(paste0("cEd", v, "_", s), paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95L"), paste0("cEd", v, "_", s, "_95U"))] <-
367 cCI(results4[nn & ag , c(paste0("cEB_", s), paste0("cVB_", s), paste0("cE",v,"_", s), paste0("cV",v,"_",s))])
368 }
369 }
371 results4$country <- country
372 results4$IArestricted <- as.integer(IArest)
373 results4 <- results4[, c("country", "IArestricted", "agegrp", "year", "week", "deaths", "Vdeaths", "N", "IA", "ET",
374 "EB", "EB_95L", "EB_95U", "VB",
375 "EIA", "VIA", "EET", "VET",
376 "EdIA", "EdIA_95L", "EdIA_95U",
377 "EdET", "EdET_95L", "EdET_95U",
378 "cexcess_year", "cuexcess_year",
379 "cEdIA_year", "cEdIA_year_95L", "cEdIA_year_95U",
380 "cEdET_year", "cEdET_year_95L", "cEdET_year_95U",
381 "summer", "cexcess_summer", "cuexcess_summer",
382 "cEdIA_summer", "cEdIA_summer_95L", "cEdIA_summer_95U",
383 "cEdET_summer", "cEdET_summer_95L", "cEdET_summer_95U",
384 "winter", "cexcess_winter", "cuexcess_winter",
385 "cEdIA_winter", "cEdIA_winter_95L", "cEdIA_winter_95U",
386 "cEdET_winter", "cEdET_winter_95L", "cEdET_winter_95U")]
388 if (IArest) {
389 write.table(results4, file=paste0(outdir,"/",country,"_output_v4_IArestricted.txt"),
390 row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep =";", dec=".", na="")
391 } else {
392 write.table(results4, file=paste0(outdir,"/",country,"_output_v4.txt"),
393 row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, sep =";", dec=".", na="")
394 }
396 rm(a, s, sy, v, nn, ag, cummulate, cCI, results4)
397 ### END: Post estimation ###